Biography of Phil Heath: how the great bodybuilder changed and how he became one. Phil Heath: arm workout Phil Heath bench press maximum weight

Phil Heath is a bodybuilder who is known to every sports fan. This athlete is known all over the world for creating himself from scratch, and has been maintaining his form for 12 years. Many modern bodybuilders successfully use the nutrition and training systems developed by Heath. Today we are talking about all the ups and downs of the iconic athlete’s life.

Anthropometric data

Phil has impressive credentials:

  • height - 1m 75cm;
  • weight - (off-season) - 125 kg, (competitions) - 111 kg;
  • arm volume in the biceps area - 56 cm;
  • circumference at the widest part of the thigh - 81 cm;
  • waist length - 74 cm;
  • calves - 51 centimeters;
  • neck circumference - 47 cm.

Biography of the brilliant Phil Heath

The history of bodybuilding remembers many iconic names: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ronnie Coleman, and others. Each of these names has its own story of ups and downs. The life path of the muscular, huge Phil Heath was not easy. The fact that the athlete won the honorary title “Mr. Olympia” 6 times proves his determination.

Phillip Jerrod Heath was born in Seattle on December 18, 1979. From an early age, the child was fond of sports, especially basketball. In 1998, the guy joined the university basketball team, where he played as a thrower. To play on a professional court, the guy trained hard even when everyone went home.

In 2002, after graduating from university, I realized that my short stature would be an obstacle in basketball, so I decided to train in a gym with exercise equipment. Everything was interesting and new for the newcomer, new friends enlightened him on issues of training and nutrition. To everyone’s surprise, the guy won the Northern Colorado Championship in 2003, although this was his debut competition. Here the athlete met his future good friend, who later became his mentor. In 2004, another important title “Mr. Colorado”, in 2005 - victory in the Junior Nationals and the US Championship. Due to a series of victories in various competitions, viewers nicknamed Heath “The gift.”

Major achievements in life

Phil Heath won many worthy awards in his youth.

  • 2005 - absolute champion among juniors and amateurs;
  • 2006 - best in New York Pro and Colorado Pro;
  • 2008 - second at Arnold Classic, 1st at ArnoldMen Pro;
  • 2009 - 5th in Olympia;
  • 2010 - second place in Olympia and 2nd in Arnold Classic;
  • 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 - six victories in a row at the prestigious Mr. Olympia competition!

Phil Heath's Nutritional Features

Phil Heath's diet is scheduled for 7 meals a day, and the athlete never falls behind the schedule.

  • First. In the morning, in order to prevent catabolism, the athlete takes some supplements: glutamine, multivitamins, unsaturated fats, vitamin C, omega-3. A standard breakfast can consist of 250g of oatmeal, 10 egg whites and plenty of fluids.
  • Second. The weightlifter is not obsessed with counting fatty acids in the diet, but tries to eat a minimum amount of fatty foods. A man eats 300 g of lean chicken fillet, 300 g of boiled wild or brown rice, glutamine and drinks a lot of water.
  • Third (before training). Meat steak (300 g), which contains creatine, which is useful for energy production, + 300 g of baked potatoes + 150 g of boiled broccoli + BCAA + glutamine + water. Immediately before the start of training, the athlete drinks an energy shake.

  • Fourth. At the end of the training, Phil drinks a hearty carbohydrate-protein shake. It contains about 80 g of carbohydrates and 60 g of protein.
  • Fifth. Turkey meat cutlets (300 g), the same amount of boiled rice, 150 g of broccoli, glutamine and a large amount of water. Drinking always accompanies Heath, a bottle of water is always in his bag, because it is water that speeds up metabolism and ensures the normal condition of the muscles and their fullness.
  • Sixth. 250 g of baked fish, the same amount of any fresh vegetables, glutamine, water. As for desserts, the athlete practically does not consume them. Sweets can include berries or fruits, but not cakes and cookies.
  • Seventh. Contrary to expectations, this is a quarter kilogram of steak, the same weight of vegetables, glutamine and drink. Only carbohydrates are missing here.

The total is 450 g of protein, 500 g of carbohydrates and about 60 g of fat.

Phil Heath training

The proposed training program was used by the weightlifter until 2007.

Monday (abs and chest)

The most famous exercises are for working the chest muscles, while the abs were left for “finishing”.

  1. Bench press on an incline bench - 3-4 sets of 12 reps.
  2. Press dumbbells or barbells from a horizontal position (the same amount).
  3. Working in the butterfly simulator. Bringing his arms together, at the peak point of amplitude, Phil loaded the muscles as much as possible, feeling the strongest tension. Negative phase - 5 seconds.
  4. Working in a crossover.
  5. Scheme for working on the abs from Phil Heath: a giant set consisting of crunches, leg raises from a lying position on a bench, scissors, hanging leg raises. Any exercise is repeated 20-30 times, and the number of such sets is 3-4.

Tuesday (hamstrings, quadriceps, calves)

The order of the training can be anything. You can start each week with a different activity. Do 4-5 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

  1. Squats in a Smith machine or with a barbell on your shoulders with free weight.
  2. Weight press with legs in the simulator.
  3. Hack squats in a position facing the machine.
  4. Seated leg extension - quadriceps.
  5. Bend the legs in a lying position - hamstrings.
  6. Bending one leg at a time in the simulator - biceps femur.
  7. Deadlift (deadlift) with emphasis on straight legs.
  8. Perform 3 sets of calf raises to failure in a calf machine.

Wednesday (back training)

Phil Heath's back workouts are especially intense.

  1. Pull-ups (wide grip) 7 reps/12 reps.
  2. Bent-over barbell row 3/10.
  3. The same thing with 4/20 dumbbells (10 each with a straight and reverse grip).
  4. Thrust to the waist of the lower block in a sitting position 3/10.
  5. Different types of pullovers. In addition to the chest, the pullover also rocks the lats.

Thursday (delts and abs)

Strong shoulders are the adornment of any weightlifter.

  1. Press dumbbells in a sitting position 5 reps x 10 reps.
  2. Lateral raises of dumbbells are 3-4 reps, and are performed until complete failure as a finishing move with constantly increasing weight.
  3. Peck-deck simulator: raise your arms in the opposite direction 4 times for 12 repetitions.
  4. Raising the barbell in front of you four times for 10 repetitions.

Friday (hand day)

The hands of a weightlifter are a calling card at any competition. Phil Heath thoroughly works every muscle.

  1. Standing dumbbell lifts to work the biceps, 5 sets of 11-12 reps.
  2. In the Smith machine, lifting weights is 4 to 10.
  3. From an inclined bench, lifting dumbbells (and then a barbell) for biceps 3 to 10.
  4. From the top block we extend our arms (10r + 10r + 10r, reducing the weight by 5 kg each time).
  5. Arm extension with a dumbbell behind the head 3 to 12.
  6. We do push-ups on parallel bars 3 to 12.
  7. Three sets of 10 repetitions of the hammer exercise.

Bodybuilding is a solitary sport, but Phil Heath's personal life is turbulent. Most recently, the man divorced his wife Jenny.

My wife had cancer, but was able to recover. The athlete did not grieve for long after the divorce, and found himself a new passion with curvy figures. With his new lover, Phil Heath openly parades at all sporting events.

In 2017, Phil Heath continues to intensively train with heavy weights and prepare for new achievements. The motivation that videos of the champion provide is enormous, and his hands are still considered the standard for athletes.

Video: Phil Heath Shoulder Training

Phil Heath anthropometry:
Height – 175 cm,
Competition weight – 116 kg
Weight in the off-season – 127 kg
Biceps – 56 cm
Chest – 140 cm
Waist – 74 cm
Thigh – 81 cm
Caviar – 50 cm
First place at the Mr. Championship Olympia – 6 times.

Biography of Phil Heath

Phil Heath, nicknamed "Gifted", was born on December 18, 1979 in Seattle, USA. Since childhood, he was fond of basketball and dreamed of a career in this sport. Phil was first accepted into the school basketball team in the 10th grade, and although his height at that time was 168 cm, this did not stop him from showing himself well.

At the age of 18, Phil Heath enters the university and is accepted into the basketball team as a shooter. As Phil himself admits, he did a lot of weight training, pumped up his abs and ran in order to somehow compensate for his small height with good physical fitness.

In 2002, Claude Groul came to Heath University as a guest. After the performance, Grul invited the guys to measure their hands. Phil came on stage, and everyone noticed that his hands were not much inferior to Grul's. At the end, Claude Groul approached Phil Heath and said that he had great potential, that he was “gifted.” From that moment, Phil decided to seriously take up bodybuilding and perform; besides, he was finishing his studies, and he had no prospects in basketball.

In 2003, PhilHit competed in its first competition among juniors, “NPC Colorado State 2003,” and won it, taking 1st place. But more important for winning this tournament was Phil’s acquaintance with. Which also evaluates Heath's crazy genetics and prospects in the sport.

Phil Heath's career is developing at a very fast pace. In 2004, he moved up to the 102 kg category and won the NPC Colorado State 2004 championship for the second time. In 2005, he competed at the NPC Junior National tournament and won it, taking 1st place, and with it he received a PRO card.

In 2006, Phil Heath competed for the first time at the New York Pro 2006 championship and also won it, taking first place. Phil rushes like a tank, winning championship after championship and finally his dream is forgotten when for the first time in 2008 he competes at the Mr. Olympia 2008 championship and takes 3rd place, losing to his friend Jay Cutler, who took 1st place .

For the first time, Phil Heath won the Mr. Olympia Championship in 2011. His old dream comes true and he decides to defend his title in 2012 no matter what. To do this, he works hard on his weak points, pectoral muscles and calves. His favorite exercise was for the chest and for the lagging legs.

At the Mr. Olympia 2012 championship, for the first time, a serious confrontation flared up between the current champion Phil Heath and the contender for his title. However, Phil Heath defends his championship title, leaving Kai Green in 2nd place. takes 3rd place.

The confrontation between Phil Heath and Kai Greene did not stop in 2013 and 2014, in which Phil managed to defend his champion title.

At Olympia in 2015, the audience was not able to see these two athletes on the same stage, since Kai Greene was not allowed to participate in this show due to his not signing a contract on time. And since the closest contenders could not present Phil Heath with a worthy confrontation, he becomes the owner of the Mr. Olympia title for the 5th time.

With another victory at the Mr. Olympia championship in 2016, Phil Heath managed to repeat the legendary result - 6 victories in a row at Olympia.

Phil Heath is an American professional bodybuilder. He received multiple wins in the US Championship in 2005, 2006 in Colorado and New York, and in 2008 in the Ironman Pro. However, the most significant victory is first place in the Mr. Olympia 2010 and 2011 competition.

Phil Heath(Phil Heath) USA
Born: December 18, 1979
Height: 175 cm
Competition weight: 114 kg
Off-season weight: 125 kg

Phillip Heath was born in Seattle. Since childhood, he loved sports, and was most interested in basketball. Upon entering the university Phil took part in a basketball game, where he took the position of a thrower. He stayed in the gym after practice and shot the ball into the hoop, developing his muscles and honing his skill.
After graduating from university, Phil's career as a basketball player ended. So he began training in one of the gyms in Denver as a bodybuilder. By then he already had a well-pumped body after long and hard training. For help, Heath turned to professional trainers, who created a training and nutrition program.
The first tournament was the Northern Colorado Bodybuilding Championships in 2003. He firmly set himself the goal of winning this championship - and took first place in it. There Phil met his future mentor and friend Jay Cutler.
In 2004 he became Mr. Colorado, and the next year he wins the US Championship - Junior Nationals 2005 in the heavy weight category. In 2003-2005, the athlete did not have a single defeat.
A couple of months before the start of the Olympia, professional bodybuilder Jay Cutler began training Phil Heath. Cutler simply exhausted Heath in training, often overloading his muscles and not allowing him to rest at all.
Phil Heath, meanwhile, has made progress and took third place in his first Olympia in 2008, “giving up” the silver to his teacher. In 2009, Phil took only fifth place in this tournament, but 2012 brought the athlete already 2nd place in the same competition. But The main victory was 1st place for the title of Mr. Olympia 2011-12.

Phil’s training regimen was basically no different from the training of ordinary athletes. The program consisted of dividing all muscle groups into five parts and pumping them separately. On Monday - pectoral muscles, on Tuesday Phil works on the hips, Wednesday is devoted to the back muscles, Thursday - shoulders, on Friday - working on the arm muscles. Athlete does not abuse heavy weights and uses medium weights. Another feature of Phil's training is aerobic exercise. Many amateurs note well-developed arm muscles.

Here Heath developed special training, which includes 100 push-ups, bent-over arm extensions, with a cable on a block and with a dumbbell. Each of these exercises must be repeated 10 times. Then repeat bending with a barbell 30 times - 3 sets, and also bending with dumbbells while sitting and standing, and with a barbell while sitting.
Phil Heath's general training program for different muscle groups:

Pectoral muscles

  • Flat Bench Press - 10 reps (4 sets)
  • Decline Bench Press - 10 reps (4 sets)
  • Dumbbell lateral raises while lying on a flat bench - 10 reps (4 sets)


  • Pull-ups 5-7 sets "to failure"
  • Bent-over barbell row - 5 sets
  • Pulldowns - 10 reps (5 sets)
  • Lat Pulldown - 8-10 reps (5 sets)
  • Deadlift - 8-12 reps (3 sets)
  • Hyperextension - 12 reps (5 sets)


  • Seated isolated barbell curl - 10 reps (4 sets)
  • Barbell Curl - 10 reps (4 sets)
  • Alternating dumbbell curls (hammer) - 10 reps (4 sets)
  • Incline Dumbbell Curls - 10 reps (4 sets)


  • French press - 10 reps (4 sets)
  • Arm extension on the upper block - 10 repetitions (4 sets)
  • Bar press - 3-4 sets to failure;


  • Seated barbell press - 8-10 reps (3 sets)
  • Double dumbbell lateral raises - 8-10 reps (3 sets)
  • Lifting dumbbells in front of you alternately - 8-10 repetitions (3 sets)
  • Seated Double Dumbbell Press - 12 reps (3 sets)
  • Standing Barbell Chin Press - 12 reps (3 sets)
  • Lifting dumbbells in front of you alternately - 10 reps (3 sets)


  • Leg press - 10 reps (3 sets)
  • Barbell Squats - 8-10 reps (3 sets)
  • Leg extension - 10 reps (4 sets)
  • Lunges - 3 sets
  • Lying Leg Curl - 10 reps (3 sets)
  • Hack squats - 10 reps (3 sets)
  • Seated Leg Extension - 10 reps (4 sets)


  • Deadlift - 10 reps (4 sets)
  • Standing Single Leg Curl - 10 reps (4 sets)
  • Hyperextension - 10 reps (5 sets)


  • Sitting shin extension in the machine 12-20 repetitions (3 sets)
  • Standing calf raises 14-20 reps (3 sets)
  • Bent-over calf raises (donkey exercise) 10 reps (3 sets)

Jay Cutler is an American actor and bodybuilder. He is a four-time winner of the Mr. Olympia title. Jay also received the Grand Prix in competitions in Austria, Romania, and Holland. He is currently the only bodybuilder in IFBB history to regain the Mr. Olympia title after losing in 2008.


Tom Hardy is slowly approaching success. He starred in such famous films as “Dot the i’s”, “Star Trek: Into Darkness”, “Bronson”, “Inception”, “Warrior”, “This Means War”, “The Dark Knight Rises”. This is a unique actor; from one role to another he either loses weight or gains muscle again. How does he manage to do this?

The idol of many athletes who work to gain weight is Mr. Olympia Phil Heath. This is a famous American bodybuilder, known for his victories in many competitions and twice managed to win the title of Mr. Olympia (first in 2010, and then in 2011).

Of course, many followers want to know what Phil Heath’s workouts look like, what he eats, and what kind of lifestyle he leads.

Phil Heath's height and weight

Phil Heath was born in 1979 in the American city of Seattle. Phil Heath's height allowed him to play basketball in his youth, and in 2002, when he graduated from university, he decided to try himself as a bodybuilder. Moreover, here we had to face certain difficulties, since Phil Heath’s height is only 175 cm.

Phil Heath's training allowed him to achieve some success in the world of bodybuilding, and also become the owner of many awards. And today his weight in the off-season is about 125 kg, and in the competition season - about 111 kg.

Phil Heath training program

To achieve his excellent results, the athlete uses classic basic exercises, and trains his abs according to a unique program that he developed independently. Phil works out five days a week, leaving only Saturday and Sunday for rest. Its program looks like this:

On Monday, Phil Heath's workouts are aimed at pumping up the chest and abdominal muscles. He performs the following exercises:

  • Bench press on a horizontal bench. Phil Heath recommends gaining weight with this exercise.;
  • Incline bench press (positive incline);
  • Crossover exercises for the chest muscles;
  • Pumping your arms in the butterfly simulator;
  • Super set for the abs (this includes crunches, scissors exercises, leg raises in various positions).

On Tuesday Phil trains his legs and quads. He performs the following exercises:

  • Leg press;
  • Leg extensions in the simulator;
  • Squats with weights;
  • Hack squats;
  • Deadlift;
  • Leg curls in the simulator;
  • Alternately bending the legs in the simulator from a standing position;
  • Calf raises.

On Wednesday, Phil Heath focuses exclusively on his back muscles. He performs the following exercises:

  • Bent-over rows with dumbbells;
  • Bent-over row with barbell;
  • Pull-ups;
  • Different types of half-beliefs;
  • Lower block thrust.

Thursday mr olympia phil heath works to pump up the deltoid and abdominal muscles. He performs the following exercises:

  • Seated press;
  • Dumbbell raises;
  • Lifting the bar straight in front of you;
  • Exercises for arms in the pek-dek simulator;
  • Super set for abs.

On Friday, Phil is completely focused on working his arms. He performs the following exercises:

  • Lifting barbells and dumbbells for biceps in different positions;
  • "Hammer";
  • Arm extension with lat pulldown;
  • Lifting a dumbbell from behind the head by extending the arms;
  • Dumbbell lifts by bending your arms;
  • Dips.

You can see exactly what this looks like if you watch a bodybuilder’s training on video. But it is much easier to verify the effectiveness of the program in question - just look at the photograph of Phil Heath, because with average height, he has an impressive weight.

Of course, to achieve such results, the athlete not only trains regularly, but also eats right, takes nutritional supplements, and adheres to a regimen. Therefore, if you want to follow his example, try to approach the organization of the training process in a comprehensive manner.

Phil Heath workouts on video

Phil Heath (full name Phillip Jerrod Heath) is a professional American bodybuilder, six-time and last winner of the Mr. Olympia tournament at the beginning of 2017 (won the competition in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016) . Along with Lee Haney, Ronnie Coleman, Dorian Yates and, of course, Arnold Schwarzenegger, he is one of the five most titled bodybuilding athletes in its history. At the same time, the athlete’s career in bodybuilding is still far from over.

Phil Heath: complete biography

Phil Heath (Phillip Jerrod Heath) was born on December 18, 1979 in Seattle (Washington, USA). This is the largest populated area in the state and north-west of the country, one of its key ports. According to experts, the number of city residents varies from 612 to 668 thousand people, the area is ≈ 369 square kilometers.

He has been interested in sports since childhood: like most boys of his age, he was initially interested in gaming disciplines - baseball, American football and basketball. In 1998, the future bodybuilding star entered the University of Denver, where he was immediately enrolled in the men's basketball team (he played as a shooter due to his relatively short stature). Phil proved himself to be a skilled team player and fit in perfectly with the team, quickly becoming an indispensable part of it.

In those years, Heath's dream was to play in the adult basketball league (NBA), where salaries amount to millions of dollars, and the level of fame is comparable to that of movie stars. This forced the guy to constantly exercise, improving not only his own skills, but also his body. He was always last in the training room, throwing balls and lifting weights.

After graduating from university, Phil Heath said goodbye to the hope of becoming a professional basketball player. Although his university team occupied high positions (even once won a student tournament), none of its members attracted the attention of the selectors.

However, the future titled bodybuilder Phil Heath, in his own words, learned a lot during this time. In particular, thanks to basketball, he became stronger, more resilient and more disciplined. The athlete is especially grateful for the latter, since, in his opinion, it is impossible to achieve success in sports without self-control and the ability to listen to the coach.

Phil Heath's career in bodybuilding, one might say, began at the age of 23, when he trained in one of the gyms in Denver. The guy focused on training with iron, and in order to succeed, he turned to specialists for help. They selected the optimal training program for him and advised the beginner on sports nutrition. The updated diet, as the athlete admits, became the most difficult test for him. If he was already accustomed to constant training, then forcing himself to eat exclusively according to the menu and schedule (6-7 times a day) was problematic.

Having adjusted, bodybuilder Phil Heath began training for his first official competition, which was the 2003 Northern Colorado Championships. In order to track progress, the athlete purchased a camera and filmed his own muscles every day, which allowed him, if necessary, to make adjustments to the training plan, pumping up lagging muscles.

At the tournament Phillip Jerrod Heath not only won his first title, but also met bodybuilding star Jay Cutler (who would later become his constant mentor and close friend). “Kats” was struck by the newcomer’s physical potential and motivation, which set him apart from his competitors.

As time passed, Phil Heath's victories accumulated: over the next three years, he did not lose a single tournament in which he took part - in 2003 and 2004 he won the NPC Colorado State, in 2005 - the NPC Junior Nationals and NPC USA Championships. As a result, he received the coveted status of a professional, and faster than anyone in history. The entire sports world started talking about the achievements of the novice bodybuilder, and bodybuilding fans gave him the nickname “The Gift” (Russian - “gift” or “talent”), which does not need interpretation.

Phil Heath isn't slowing down these days. Over the previous 6 years, he also did not suffer a single defeat (the last time he took more than 1st place was in 2010 - he was 2nd at the “Arnold Classic” and 2nd at “Mr. Olympia”), which made him the most titled bodybuilder of our time and one of the most successful bodybuilding athletes since the sport's inception.

Phil Heath: significant achievements

Phil Heath, at his peak, has impressive anthropometric data that puts him on par, if not above, most legendary bodybuilders:

  • 175 centimeters tall;
  • 114.3 kilograms of weight;
  • 47 centimeters neck circumference;
  • 58.4 centimeters biceps girth;
  • 140 centimeters chest circumference;
  • 73.6 centimeters waist circumference;
  • 101.2 centimeters hip circumference;
  • 50.8 centimeters calf circumference.

Impressive dimensions and well-honed muscles are the factors thanks to which Phil Heath won his numerous titles:

  • 1st place at Northern Colorado State 2003 (newcomers);
  • 1st place at NPC Colorado State 2003 (light heavyweight and absolute);
  • 1st place at NPC Colorado State 2004 (heavyweight and absolute);
  • 1st place at NPC Junior Nationals 2005 (heavyweight and absolute);
  • 1st place at NPC USA Championships 2005 (heavyweight and absolute);
  • 1st place at Colorado Pro Championships 2006;
  • 1st place at New York Pro Championship 2006;
  • 1st place at IFBB Iron Man 2008;
  • 1st place on Mr. Olympia 2011;
  • 1st place at Sheru Classic 2011;
  • 1st place on Mr. Olympia 2012;
  • 1st place at Sheru Classic 2012;
  • 1st place on Mr. Olympia 2013;
  • 1st place at Arnold Classic Europe 2013;
  • 1st place on Mr. Olympia 2014;
  • 1st place on Mr. Olympia 2015;
  • 1st place on Mr. Olympia 2016.

However, Phil Heath is not only a famous bodybuilder, but also a successful businessman. He is the owner of the fitness equipment company Gifted Athletics, which was so named because of the athlete's nickname, The Gift. In addition, in 2014, Heath introduced his own sports nutrition brand, “Gifted Nutrition” (the brand name also comes from the nickname “The Gift”).

Where things don't go well for Phil is in his personal life. On June 23, 2007, he married brunette Jenny Lexon, but a few years later the couple separated (divorced in 2015 due to personal differences; a typical “excuse” of American families who do not want to reveal the true reason for the divorce in court).

Phil Heath: hard training

Phil Heath is not a conservative in training, so he regularly adapts and modernizes his own loads. Thus, his training program for the 2006 season differs significantly from that for preparing for the 2010 Olympia. We will consider the latter as the most relevant of those described in detail by the athlete himself.

So, this training program by Phil Heath involves a weekly split, in which every muscle in the body is worked at least once. On Monday, the athlete’s training takes place with an emphasis on the back (central part and bottom) in the first half of the day, calves, abs and biceps in the afternoon: among other things, it includes exercises such as rows on the upper block with a wide reverse grip, barbell rows in a reverse bent grip, barbell T-rows, rows with a cable handle on the lower block and hyperextension with weights.

On Tuesday, Phil Heath's training focuses on the chest (upper) in the first half of the day, triceps, abs and calves - in the afternoon: includes exercises such as French overhead dumbbell press, standing calf raises, socks in a sitting machine, push-ups on uneven bars or in a machine.

Phil Heath's Wednesday workout focuses on quads in the morning, biceps and hamstrings in the afternoon, including exercises such as barbell squats, leg presses, hack squats, seated leg curls and machine leg curls. in a supine position.

On Thursday, Phil Heath’s training program is chest (lower) in the first half of the day, deltoids, abs and calves in the afternoon: includes exercises such as standing barbell press from the chest, seated dumbbell raises, standing calf raises in a machine, calf raises in a sitting machine and bent over calf raises in a machine.

On Friday, Phil Heath’s training is back (upper and central) in the first half of the day, biceps and thighs in the afternoon: includes exercises like reverse-grip bent-over barbell rows, rows with a cable handle on the lower block, pull-ups on the crossbar, leg curls on a sitting machine and lying leg curls on a lying machine.

Phil Heath's workout on Saturday is delts in the first half of the day, calves, abs and traps in the afternoon: includes exercises such as standing dumbbell chest presses, standing dumbbell lateral raises, standing dumbbell lateral raises, shrugs dumbbells, sitting calf raises and standing calf raises.

Sunday is rest.

The average number of sets per exercise is 3-4, less often 5-7, and the number of repetitions in them varies from 10 to failure, depending on the load. The athlete conducted a cardio session up to 2 times a day: 30-40 minutes in the first half of the day and 30-40 minutes in the afternoon. Aerobics was carried out for a total of up to 6 days (6 x 2 times a day).

Phil Heath: anabolic steroids

At the beginning of 2017, Phillip Jerrod Heath remains a professional bodybuilder and has no plans to end his bodybuilding career. Therefore, he cannot afford to be frank about AAS courses. However, nothing prevents him from speaking out about their benefits in sports.

In his interviews, Phil Heath has repeatedly emphasized that steroids are not the greatest problem of modern bodybuilding and sports in general, as they are usually presented: “Society is greatly mistaken in believing that athletes on the farm achieve success only thanks to this very farm. If this were true, anyone could become Mr. Olympia.” He always says to skeptics: “Try it yourself. Do what you want, but you won’t even get an ABM card.”

In bodybuilding, according to Heath, the main thing is genetics, but no less important are perseverance and self-control, which allow you to train until unbearable pain: “Without talent and dedication, no amount of AAS will make you a champion.” It’s hard to disagree with these words of Phil.

That is, Phil Heath does not directly admit that he takes steroids, but does so indirectly. And he's not shy. Another question is, what specific pharmaceutical does the athlete use? The debate on this issue is heated. Some argue that his pharmacological diet consists mainly of time-tested steroid drugs, such as Deca Durabolin, Winstrol and Sustanon in maximum dosages: ≈ up to 200 mg per day of the first, 200 mg per day of the second and 2000 mg per week of the latter. Others say that he prefers more modern means, such as HGH (somatotropin) and GW-1516 (cardarine).

In the coming years, we are unlikely to know which of them is right. Maybe no one, or maybe all at once. Not a single performing athlete, much less a star like Phil Heath, will reveal his secrets while steroid courses are banned. WADA's intimidation policy has driven many professionals to the point where they are afraid to even think, let alone talk, about chemistry.