Liquid flavors for fishing. Flavors for catching crucian carp in summer

The use of aromatic substances (attractants) to attract fish to the fishing site and bait/bait – effective method increasing the effectiveness of an exciting activity - fishing.

Many advanced amateurs and professionals consider them vital, allowing them to create a unique composition to attract the attention of fish to the prepared baits.

I will tell you about a common product in this series - essential oil for fishing, because fishing various types Fish is a hobby that requires certain knowledge and effort. In particular, those practicing fishermen who want to have unique and inimitable bait and bait at their disposal prefer highly concentrated odorous esters.

Popular and effective oils for fishing

Flavoring oils for fishing are used both vegetable (burdock, linseed, hemp, rapeseed, corn, peanut, sunflower) and essential (peppermint, dill, anise, clove, geranium, black pepper, camphor, lavender). Having certain knowledge of their use, you can become a real record holder and gain fame as an experienced fisherman.

Fatty oils not only impregnate fertilizer mixtures and formulations, preventing drying, but also help give the fertilizer the desired consistency.

It is also necessary to strictly adhere to the recommended dosages so as not to overdo it in aromatizing baits and complementary foods. Vegetable oils are added to the bait in the proportion of 30-50 ml per kilogram of dry mixture, while etherols are enough to add 1-2 drops for the same weight or according to the recipe.

Despite the fact that the mechanism of the effect of flavorings on various types of fish has not yet been sufficiently studied, experienced athletes and amateur anglers actively use them in the preparation of complementary foods and baits. Moreover, each individual fisherman gives preference to his own methods and proven recipes.

For example, according to reviews from experienced fishermen, the more fragrant your bait for crucian carp is, the better. Therefore, laurel-cherry drops and peppermint oil for fishing increases the bite and catch.

Anise oil for fishing

If you want to improve the bite and get complete satisfaction from the process, then use anise oil for fishing. The use of this product is advisable both in ready-made (store-bought) baits and in self-made baits: porridge, dough, boilies, hook baits.

  • Consumption rate is 1-3 drops per 1 kg of mixture.

Legends about the properties of anise ether have been circulating since the 18th century. It is used for attachment to the fishing site and as a biting activator for carp fish: roach, bream, carp, crucian carp, ide, roach, sabrefish, tench. Fishing for an angler using anise essential oil will be much more successful than that of competitors sitting nearby.

Recipe for bread topping with anise for catching large carp:

  • prepare a stiff dough from wheat, oatmeal or rye flour (water + flour), flavoring it with a small amount of bee chalk and sunflower (peanut, hemp, corn, flaxseed) oil;
  • roll the dough into balls (size about 0.8-1 cm in diameter);
  • boil them for 5-6 minutes in boiling water;
  • Place the finished tips in a plastic bag, into which add 1 drop of pure anise ether.

To increase the bite in ponds with stagnant water, it is advisable to use an oil extract from hemp seeds. It works no worse, and sometimes better, than attractants with a more intense and pungent aroma, since its smell is more familiar and natural to the inhabitants of lakes and dams. Hemp oil for fishing enhances the effect of bait significantly, this is especially noticeable in flowing water (rivers).

Insoluble in water, but at the same time releasing the finest pheromones, it is considered an excellent option for attracting fish. That is why hemp oil for fishing is added to dough or semolina, as well as other pastes for baits.

  • The product is especially effective for catching crucian carp, roach and bream using a pea mastyrka.

From the experience of anglers, it can be argued that linseed oil It is advisable to use it for fishing when you plan to go out for the following types of fish: bream, bream, silver bream, roach and grass carp. It is added to dough, porridge, and mastyrka. The oil envelops the particles of the product (cereals, flour), and when it gets into the water, it forms turbidity that spreads in the place of fishing.

  • Add flavoring oils to the nozzles of plant origin immediately before use so that the specific aroma of the seeds does not evaporate.

Not everyone knows that carp and carp can be caught using potatoes. And to enhance the attractive properties of the bait, potato pieces are dipped in linseed oil before casting. In order to give the attachment strength, the bread crumb is oiled using flaxseed oil and mixed with pieces of cotton wool.

The well-crushed mass is divided into balls and strung on a hook. Such a bait is not carried away by the current, does not get knocked down when casting, and is not so easy to remove from a fish hook.


The optimality of oils and their choice in a particular bait and attachment depends on many factors: time of year, cleanliness of the reservoir, strength of the current, activity of the inhabitants, frequency of adding bait, type of fish, presence of food, etc.

Each fisherman determines the composition of additives independently, by trial and error. It can be helpful to ask around like-minded people and consult with anglers who consistently bring home big catches.

Odorous attractants or substances that attract fish from concentrated etherols can significantly reduce the cost of complementary feeding and save the consumption of products used for preparing baits and lures.

  • In addition, they are environmentally friendly, completely decompose in the environment and do not pollute water bodies, which is important for adherents of the purity of nature.

No tail, no scales!

Crucian carp make up the bulk of the underwater inhabitants of most reservoirs. But not all anglers like fishing for it. Some consider crucian carp to be a trash fish. But many fishermen deliberately hunt for it. Individual individuals often reach impressive sizes. Unlike other types of fish, the picky and active crucian carp delights with its bites in a variety of situations. When hunting for crucian carp, the angler has every chance of staying with the catch. If you use flavorings for fishing, the fish will mistake your bait for a real delicacy.

Flavors for crucian carp

Using aromatic components in groundbait and groundbait, the angler stimulates the fish’s appetite. The use of flavorings is justified specifically when fishing for crucian carp. He has a powerfully developed sense of smell. Crucian carp can smell the fragrance even in stagnant water. long distance. Aromatic substances are added to the bait. They are also used for processing various types of bait. A properly selected aroma will not leave even weakly active crucian carp indifferent.

Flavors for crucian carp

What are fishing flavors?

Flavorings have various forms of release. Depending on the fishing method, the angler is given the opportunity to choose the most suitable option. All flavors are concentrates with different compositions. In order not to get a repellent effect, they are added a few drops at a time.

Substances are selected in such a way that the smells complement each other. Store-bought bait already has a sufficient amount of aromatic substances. There is no need to use flavorings here. Their use is relevant when using homemade bait.


All flavors used in fishing are called attractants. They are conventionally divided into types:

  • liquids. This includes aromatic substances presented in liquid form, both synthetic and natural;
  • Boosters are used with dry mixtures. They give a specific aroma to the bait, while simultaneously moisturizing it. Using boosters, anglers prepare a mixture of suitable consistency;
  • dips. Immediately before throwing the equipment, the nozzle is immersed in the liquid composition;
  • essential oils and fats - natural flavors. Products of animal and plant origin are added to the bait mass and used in the manufacture of baits;
  • sprays. Flavors are available in small cans. Inside are artificial or natural aromatic substances. Having put the bait on the hook, the angler sprays an attractant on it before casting.

Fishing dips

How to choose the best flavor

Today there is large number various attractants designed to attract crucian carp. It is unlikely that you will be able to choose the most effective one. The preferences of crucian carp are influenced by many factors:

  • weather changes;
  • fishing conditions;
  • air and water temperature;
  • fishing season.

Sometimes crucian carp are attracted to even the most incredible aromas:

  • "Corvalol";
  • "Star" ointment;
  • toothpaste;
  • kerosene.

"Corvalol" also attracts crucian carp

Knowing what smell crucian carp likes, beginners use only this. But the gastronomic preferences of fish often change during the day. When going to a pond, take several different attractants with you. Trial and error will allow you to find the scent that attracts fish on your fishing day.

What smells attract crucian carp

As already noted, crucian carp reacts to different odors. But there are classic fragrances that can delight you with their effectiveness under various circumstances:

  • Vanilla − great option when catching fish of medium and small sizes.
  • Garlic is used in the hope of catching large crucian carp.
  • Anise - just a few drops are enough to attract fish at any time of the year.
  • Honey is mainly used in spring and summer.
  • Dill - many fish do not like its smell, but crucian carp consider it a real delicacy.
  • Hemp - its fried seeds added to bait will make even sluggish crucian carp become active.
  • Cocoa is sometimes used as an additional component in groundbait.
  • Sunflower oil - added in small quantities to any bait and bait.
  • Strawberries - show the greatest effectiveness on hot days.

Anise attracts crucian carp at any time of the year

Aromas of crucian carp bait

The flavors in the bait are selected individually. Here you cannot do without numerous experiments. It is possible that crucian carp will like the aroma of pure bait without the use of additional odors. When conducting experiments, add flavors not to all of the bait, but only to part of it. You will soon understand how well the scent for fishing has been chosen. If there is no bite, offer the crucian carp bait with a different smell.

Experienced fishermen recommend avoiding using only one type of scent. Even if you manage to catch a couple of crucian carp, there is no guarantee that the smell will attract fish all day long. Here it is recommended to use a variety of classic aromas: vanilla, garlic, anise, etc. For many years they have proven their high efficiency.

Catching crucian carp with dill

Catching crucian carp with dill

If you decide to use dill as a flavoring for crucian carp, think about what is better:

  • young and succulent plant;
  • dry stems with inflorescences;
  • exclusively “umbrellas”;
  • seeds.

These components differ in smell. Many people do not pay attention to them, drying the stems and crushing them. Similar flavorings for crucian carp give positive results. But practice shows that it is “umbrellas” that provide maximum efficiency. A person is not able to distinguish their aroma from the odors of other parts of the plant. But the crucian carp feels a significant difference here.

Fresh dill “umbrellas” are chopped and added to a container with plant or animal attachments. Ground dried “umbrellas” are added to the bait.

How to make your own flavoring at home

There are many recipes for making your own fishing flavors. Each angler adjusts the amount of components used depending on fishing conditions and personal preferences.

Cinnamon and other spices for making flavoring for crucian carp

Recipe No. 1

Mix anise, cloves, cinnamon and garlic. Pour the crushed ingredients into a glass of vodka and let them brew for a week. The mixture is then bottled into small bottles. Flavors for catching crucian carp are added a few drops to the bait or bait.

Recipe No. 2

Cocoa and honey are added to the mixture of dill, garlic and red pepper. All components are thoroughly kneaded in a mortar. Pour the mixture with alcohol or vodka and let it brew for two weeks. The aroma additive is ready for use.

Aromatic additives for different seasons

In summer, crucian carp are lured by rich aromas. In the cold season, such smells will disappoint with the opposite effect. When choosing flavors for fish, pay special attention to the time of year:

  • Spring. Waking up from hibernation, crucian carp tries to replenish its fat reserves. He prefers the usual winter smells: worms, bloodworms. Vegetable aromas will not yet give the desired result. It is better to avoid artificial concentrates altogether in the spring.
  • Summer. After the spring spawn, the fish actively rushes to anything edible. In mid and late summer, it is attracted by pronounced pungent odors. On hot days, crucian carp prefers sweet and fruity aromas. Use bait and bait of plant origin.
  • Autumn. As the water cools, the taste preferences of crucian carp change. When preparing for winter, he prefers animal smells. It is recommended to use attractants with the smell of fish, blood, and meat. When the water becomes significantly colder, odors do not spread well. Their effectiveness is significantly reduced.
  • Winter. Many fishermen do without flavorings. Small bloodworms are used as bait. If you want to use aromatic additives, use a protein theme - the smells of bloodworms, maggots, shells, worms, meat, blood.

In spring it is better to use the smell of mother wool

Crucian carp is a very picky fish in terms of smells, and choosing the right flavor can be very difficult. Flavors do not act as the main bait: they are appetite stimulants, which increases fishing efficiency. Among all the odors, crucian carp is most susceptible to the smell of garlic, potatoes, corn, ginger, sunflower seeds, flax and oriental spices. You should not experiment with scents - an unfamiliar and too strong smell can scare away cautious fish.

Types of flavors

In specialized fishing stores you can purchase flavors in liquid or powder form. Such activators should make up 5-7% of the total amount of bait. Each product has its own characteristics of use, and not all may be suitable for fishing in any season. The range of smells is very diverse - from the sweet “Tutti-frutti” to the bright smell of salted squid.

Liquid fragrances are usually added to bait, and then, due to their composition, easily seep into the water and attract crucian carp. They are used in small quantities, so one bottle lasts a long time. Flavorings in the form of powders are often mixed with bait so that the crucian carp gets used to feeding in the place where fishing is planned in the future.

Flavorings at home

For lovers of crucian carp fishing, creating flavors at home gives special pleasure. To prepare the right flavor, you need to take into account factors such as the nature of the reservoir, the season, the number of neighboring fishermen, weather conditions and much more.

One of the most common options is muckworm, which spent some time in a box of mint before being caught. Then the worm not only becomes clean, but also acquires an attractive smell for crucian carp. Crucian carp also bite well on black bread, which can be easily combined with different flavorings.

The most avid fishermen prefer not to stop at such common flavors as garlic powder, dill seeds or sunflower oil. You can find a variety of recipes on the forums; some of them may seem quite surprising.

Oddly enough, crucian carp are very attracted to the smell of the Vietnamese balm “Zvezdochka”, which is sold in all pharmacies. One option for using the balm is to lubricate your hands with it, and then knead the dough with your hands. The result is an excellent bait that will provide a good catch.

Corn grains pre-lubricated with sunflower oil can also serve as good bait. Crucian carp is also not indifferent to the smell of anise, cocoa powder, vanillin and honey. By the way, although fish prefer natural flavors to synthetic ones, you can get an excellent catch by using kerosene.

Be sure to use flavorings for bait! But in order to make the right bait, you need to take into account that it must be in the form of a thoroughly ground powder. But you should not use substances that are too light, as they, settling at the bottom, can attract small fish, which will ruin the whole fishing trip.

For bait, it is good to use ground oatmeal cookies, sunflower oil, ground fried sunflower seeds, and oatmeal porridge. The flavoring for bait is selected by trial and error, since success directly depends on the conditions fishing.

Properly prepared bait should not break into pieces when it hits the water: ideally, it should disperse into a fine powder a few minutes after settling to the bottom.

Recipe for making bait for crucian carp: advantage,.

Rules for aromatization in warm and cold water

Why is it important to consider the season and weather conditions? The fact is that the principles of aromatization in warm and cold water different. IN cold weather fish prefers mild odors, while in hot and warm weather it is better to choose flavors with pronounced odors, for example, fruity ones.

The most important thing is not to overdo it with flavorings, since an excess of smell can scare away the crucian carp. In warm water, honey is the best sweet flavoring option. There is no need to be overzealous with nutrients, since in the summer the fish can easily find their own food.

The situation is completely different in spring and late autumn when the water has already cooled down. At this time, the fish are either preparing for spawning or gaining nutrients for winter. Therefore, when preparing bait, make sure that it contains a sufficient amount of nutrients. As for aromatization, it is better to give preference to such aromas as the smell of bloodworms or worms. But if the bait already contains bloodworms, then it is better to postpone the use of flavoring for another time.

In cold water, fish react very strongly to odors, so sometimes it is better not to use additional aromas at all than to overdo it. Pay attention to protein and protein flavors. They have a faint aroma and at the same time attract fish.


To summarize, we can derive a number of simple rules for the correct flavoring of bait and bait for crucian carp:

  1. Make sure that the scent you are going to use is suitable for catching crucian carp.
  2. Between synthetic and natural flavors, it is better to give preference to natural ones: fish react better to them.
  3. Completely different materials can become flavoring agents; the main thing is not to be afraid to experiment. But the most popular are the aromas of honey, garlic, bloodworm, dill seeds and sunflower. Interesting fact: Of all the synthetic flavorings, crucian carp gives the greatest preference to kerosene.
  4. The right flavor can only be found through trial and error. Be sure to consider weather conditions, the nature of the lake and other fishing factors.
  5. Pay attention to the fishing season: in cold and warm water, fish react differently to odors. In spring and autumn it is better to stick to weak protein scents, and in summer you can safely choose strong sweet and fruity scents.

Every fisherman has fished for crucian carp at least a couple of times in his life. Therefore, he knows that the key to successful fishing is properly prepared bait: groundbait, bait and bait. And in order for the bait to be more interesting for crucian carp, it must emit an attractive smell. Let's look at what baits he bites on most often and what flavors he likes most.

Knowing the taste preferences of crucian carp, you will ensure yourself a good catch

What smells do crucian carp like?

Flavorings are a kind of seasonings that improve the taste of the “dish” served to crucian carp. According to their condition, they can be in the form of:

  • oils;
  • syrup;
  • spray;
  • dry powder.

In addition, the wide variety of tastes and smells for fishing can be divided into 4 types:

  • Caramel-cream. From the caramel-cream category, crucian carp prefers the aroma of chocolate, cookies, and milk.
  • Nut. From this category, the best smells for fishing are considered to be hazelnuts, peanuts, and walnuts.
  • Fruity. From the fruit category, the aromas of pineapple, melon, raspberry, strawberry, and plum are suitable for catching crucian carp.
  • Spicy. Anise, vanilla, cinnamon, garlic, pepper, dill are suitable from the category of spices.

Flavorings can be in the form of a spray

In addition to the above smells, the aromas of peas, hemp, sunflower cake, corn and honey work effectively.

Flavorings can be purchased at special fishing stores or prepared independently using familiar products. The most popular flavors used at home:

  • anise;
  • vanilla;
  • carnation;
  • hemp;
  • cocoa;
  • cinnamon;
  • cake;
  • essential oils;
  • nuts;
  • fruit juice;
  • fennel;
  • halva;
  • garlic.

You can make flavors from available products

Some fishermen, in addition to the above-mentioned flavorings, use special amino acids. They effectively influence the crucian carp, encouraging it to take it. These amino acids contain the following ingredients:

  • calf liver;
  • insects;
  • animal blood;
  • maggots;
  • leeches;
  • worms

Which of these aromas is the best for crucian carp? After all, he loves many smells, but some of them are the most preferable.


Traditional scent to attract crucian carp. It is most often added to semolina and bread, 1-3 drops each, which is quite enough to attract fish. Anise should make up 2-5% of the total weight of the bait. In winter, it is better to use anise powder in an amount of 2-3%. And in the summer - anise drops or oil, which should be added as much as possible, about 5%.

You can make the bait more attractive to crucian carp by adding anise to it.


This pleasant smell is very attractive to crucian carp. Powdered vanillin, vanilla sugar, and vanilla pods are suitable for catching it. In addition, sprays and drops with a vanilla scent are widely used. You can add vanillin to any bait - bloodworms, maggots, worms, semolina, bread. 30 g of vanilla sugar is usually enough to make 1 kg of groundbait or vegetable bait appetizing. Drops are applied directly to the nozzle, directly at the fishing site.


An excellent additive for sluggish fish bites. It is advisable to add roasted and steamed hemp seeds to the bait. And for attachments you can use a hood. For many fishermen, this aroma is the main one for bait. It can be used throughout the year for fishing along with other flavors.


Crucian carp sometimes crave sweets, and he prefers the smell of honey. It is advisable to use only natural honey, adding it to semolina and pasta. Most often, honey is used for fishing in the warm season. But it can be very effective in cold water, especially together with other aromas.

You can improve the bite of crucian carp by adding honey to the bait


The garlic aroma attracts crucian carp in most bodies of water, and large fish most often react to it. Therefore, when attracting crucian carp with the aroma of garlic, the fisherman automatically excludes small fish. You can add garlic to almost every bait, flavor semolina, dough and bread crumbs with it. Bait animals should also be dipped in squeezed garlic or treated with garlic spray. Very often this flavor is an additional component to vanilla, honey, caramel and fruit aromas.

Aromas of crucian carp bait

For successful fishing You not only need to find a good fishing spot and prepare your gear. It is also important to attract crucian carp to this place and “persuade” it to take the bait. Therefore, for fishing, they take bait with various aromas of natural or artificial origin. Such bait, once in the water, forms a fragrant food spot, which attracts crucian carp.

A good catch largely depends on how well the bait for fishing is chosen, and what aromas were used for this. Typically, fishermen recommend using experience-tested natural flavors: sunflower cake, ground roasted sunflower or pumpkin seeds, aromatic vegetable oil, dill. These ingredients are added to the bait at the end of cooking. For the basic composition of bait, cereal grains, millet, pearl barley and corn are suitable.

Bait with properly selected aromas will help attract crucian carp to the fishing spot.

The main thing in the process of preparing bait is not to overdo it with flavorings. Their excess can have a negative effect.

It is best to add fruit flavors or essential oils (anise, cocoa, mint) to sweet baits. In addition, sweet formulations can be combined with ordinary products: vanilla or oatmeal cookies, honey, nuts, halva, fruit juice or tea. It is better to increase the effectiveness of spicy baits with dill, garlic flavors, hemp oil and sunflower cake.

In early spring and autumn, flavors with odors of animal origin will be very effective. Food products used for this include fish oil, boiled crabs or shrimp, fish meal and canned food.

In the summer, crucian carp becomes more finicky than in the spring. Therefore, you need to change the bait several times throughout the day. It is advisable to flavor the bait and baits with different flavors. The most popular summer scents are anise, vanilla, honey, and garlic.

In the spring, crucian carp are attracted to bait containing fish oil and other animal flavors

There are no problems with garlic; you can simply squeeze the juice of 2-3 garlic cloves into porridge or dough. This bait can stir up lazy crucian carp and provide the fisherman with a good catch.

If the bite is still bad, you can try the next method. Take a few expanded clay stones, rub them with garlic and throw them to the fishing spot. The aroma of garlic attracts crucian carp, so the chances that the fish will take the bait increase. After an hour, you can add a little more garlic expanded clay into the water. Expanded clay perfectly absorbs odors, which last for a very long time. Therefore, expanded clay pellets can be impregnated with fragrant vegetable oil or any other flavorings.

The purpose of this method is to attract crucian carp to the fishing site without using a lot of bait. Because the more food he eats, the worse his bite will be.

Often, adding garlic to bait and bait helps to attract crucian carp.

Catching crucian carp with dill

It is recommended to add dill to baits as an effective flavoring agent. It works best in hot weather, when the pond is very warm. Dill seeds have a brownish-greenish color and a pleasant smell. Before use, grind them into powder and add 2-3 teaspoons to the bait. Crushed dill seeds can be added to a jar of maggots or worms, as well as to all plant attachments. For 100 g of vegetable bait, 1/4 teaspoon of ground seeds is enough.

You can also preserve the smell of dill and prepare an alcohol-based fishing flavor. To prepare, you need to take dried dill, pour it into a dark glass container and fill it with alcohol. The flavor must be infused for 3 weeks. It is recommended to use an alcohol solution using a spray bottle, so the alcohol quickly evaporates, but the aroma remains.

Another effective recipe for an alcohol flavor that dissolves quickly and attracts fish well. This flavoring is stored for a long time, and only a few drops are needed for bait. To prepare the flavoring, you need to take equal parts of anise, cinnamon, cloves, dill, and garlic. The ingredients must be mixed, poured with 1 glass of alcohol, then left to infuse for 3 weeks.

Crucian carp are attracted to the smell of dill seeds

You can prepare dill for fishing by drying. Dried dill can be used to prepare an alcohol flavor, or added in ground form to bait. It is recommended to store it in glass containers tightly closed with a lid. When using dried and ground dill yourself, it is best to be guided by your own sense of smell. There are no exact instructions here, and the fisherman decides for himself which proportions to maintain.

When using flavorings, it is advisable to follow the following recommendations:

If there is no bite, you should not sit for hours and watch a motionless float. You need to try different bait options, use different flavors, and perhaps change the fishing location. After all, only by acting actively can you catch a lot of fish and gain precious experience.

What flavorings can be used when fishing for crucian carp - you will learn from the video:

The use of flavorings for fishing is gaining more and more popularity every year due to its excellent performance qualities. This article will discuss in detail what types of flavors there are, what their advantages are, how to choose the right flavors for fishing and much more.

Types of flavorings used

According to their purpose, flavorings are:

  • for adding to bait;
  • to add to the nozzle.

According to their purpose they are:

  • for use on all types of fish (standard scents of fruits and sweets are used);
  • to attract a specific type of fish: pike, crucian carp, etc.

According to their consistency, flavorings are:

  • in the form of oil;
  • in the form of a spray;
  • in the form of syrup;
  • in the form of a dry powder;
  • in the form of a liquid.

Also, flavors can be complex (consist of several scents) and simple (have only one scent).
In addition, flavors can be effective (those that actually work and attract fish to the desired place) and ineffective (non-working), that is, those that do not have any effect on the fish’s receptors and do not force it to swim closer.

In addition, flavoring agents for fishing can be divided according to the general types of their odors:

  • Berry.
  • Fruity.
  • Dairy and fermented milk.
  • Sweet smells.
  • Flower smells.
  • Smells of spices.
  • Smells of meat.
  • Aromas of sea creatures (shrimp, crabs, etc.).

Generally, the most common flavorings that can be used at home are:

  • Cake.
  • Oils.
  • Garlic.
  • Dill.
  • Anise.
  • Hemp grains.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Carnation.
  • Berry juice.
  • Vanillin.
  • Nuts.
  • Cocoa.
  • Halva.
  • Fennel.

Some fishermen, in addition to the above-mentioned flavorings, use special amino acids, which act on the fish with their chemical components and force them to swim closer.

These amino acids include the following components:

  • dried or fresh animal blood;
  • pieces of veal liver;
  • leeches;
  • insects;
  • worms;
  • maggots;
  • bark beetles.

Flavorings for fishing have the following advantages of their use:

  1. They effectively attract fish with their scent.
  2. Homemade flavorings give the fisherman the opportunity to experiment and create his own unique flavor.
  3. Homemade baits are several times cheaper than store-bought flavors.
  4. When prepared correctly, they can be used for more than one catch.
  5. Can be stored for several weeks.

The only disadvantage of using it is that if the flavoring is prepared incorrectly, the opposite effect can occur, and the fish will not swim closer, but on the contrary, they will be afraid and swim as far away from the dangerous smell as possible.

Selection of flavors

You should choose flavors based on the following features:

  • for catching a specific type of fish;
  • depending on the season and fishing conditions.

For catching different fish

The following flavors are best suited for catching bream:

  • vanilla extract;
  • anise;
  • cinnamon;
  • garlic;
  • strawberry juice;
  • pear juice or dry powder with pear flavor;
  • fruit powders.

The best scents to use when fishing for carp are:

  • vanilla;
  • garlic;
  • pear powder;
  • caramel essences;
  • hemp aroma;
  • shrimp aroma;
  • crab;
  • shells or other marine life;
  • red pepper;
  • mint.

The following flavorings are suitable for catching crucian carp:

  • strawberry or raspberry essences;
  • the smell of seeds or ordinary dust;
  • sunflower oil;
  • nuts (walnuts);
  • flaxseed oil (in small quantities);
  • carnation;
  • dill;
  • kerosene;
  • cocoa;
  • cattail;
  • calamus root.

To catch pike, it is better to use the following flavors:

  • the smell of blood;
  • the smell of crabs or shrimp.

From fishing conditions

Very important criterion The choice of flavors is the season in which a particular flavor will be used.

In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. In warm seasons (spring and summer), brighter scents should be used, and in winter, unobtrusive scents should be used.
  2. In autumn and winter period fish prefer meat odors over plant odors, and vice versa, in summer and spring it is better to use the odors of fruits and spices.
  3. In late autumn it is advisable to use spicy scents.
  4. For summer fishing, it is best to use oil- and glycerin-based flavors.
  5. For winter fishing, you need to use flavors that are made only on an alcohol basis.
  6. For winter fishing, the best smells are canned food, bloodworms and shrimp.
  7. For summer fishing, it is better to use vanilla or honey scents.

How to make your own flavorings

Recipe No. 1

  • anise;
  • cinnamon;
  • garlic;
  • carnation;
  • vodka or alcohol.
  1. Place all ingredients in a glass bowl and mix them.
  2. Pour everything with one glass of vodka.
  3. Cover with a lid and leave for two weeks.
  4. After this, pour everything into small jars and add a few drops to complementary foods and baits.

Recipe No. 2

To prepare it you will need:

  • alcohol;
  • cocoa;
  • red pepper;
  • garlic;
  • dill;
  • caramel or honey;
  • the smell of shrimp.
  1. Mix all the ingredients and pound them thoroughly in a mortar.
  2. Place the resulting mass in a saucepan and pour alcohol over everything.
  3. Leave to infuse for two weeks, after which you can apply.

Such flavors are basic, so most fish species react to them.

Rules for using flavors

The correct use of flavorings includes the following rules:

  1. You should not add too much flavoring to complementary foods or baits, since too concentrated a smell will not attract fish, but will scare them away.
  2. When using stepped wiring The bait needs to be sprayed with flavoring every two casts. If it is updated less frequently, the required odor persistence will be less noticeable to the fish.
  3. Some store-bought fragrances should only be used once, as their aromatic properties are lost the next day. This is worth considering when purchasing them.
  4. Baits such as worms or maggots should be scented every hour.
  5. Flavors should be stored in tightly sealed containers, which should be placed in the refrigerator (not the freezer) after fishing.
  6. If the flavoring agent is alcohol-based, the nozzle itself does not need to be treated with it. Only the hook should be lubricated with it.
  7. Liquid flavors have a greater concentration of scent than dry ones, so they need to be used in smaller quantities.
  8. When adding flavoring to a bait mixture, you need to find out in what quantities it should be mixed and to what mixture they should be added.
  9. When catching predatory fish species, you need to use flavorings in the form of sprays or oils, since they are the most persistent.
  • It is better to use natural flavors rather than artificial ones, since fish react better to natural ones.
  • For catching crucian carp, the best smell, oddly enough, is the aroma of kerosene.
  • When going fishing, you should take several flavoring preparations at the same time and mix them on the spot. This way, you can use several scents at once and replace them with each other in case of a bad fish bite.
  • If you want to catch a specific type of fish, then you should use exactly the smell to which that fish responds best.
  • When making flavors at home, don't be afraid to try something new, as it can yield good results.
    When choosing a flavoring agent, you need to take into account not only the season, but also the temperature and level of water in which they will be used.
  • It is not very wise to rely only on the work of the flavoring agent, and at the same time not making efforts to prepare complementary food and bait. It is necessary that all components, including gear and equipment, work at the highest level.
  • You can add both sweet and salty scents to homemade flavorings. This will not only not harm the final result, but will also add more bright notes to it, which will accordingly improve the likelihood of a bite.

You need to know that in one body of water one or another scent may work perfectly, but in another body of water it may go completely unnoticed. This should be taken into account when fishing in a new place.