Registration for the tank football tournament. Football tournaments this summer

The special “Tank Football” mode, loved by players since 2014, returns to World of Tanks! There will be a tournament in June where anyone can compete for the main prize of $2600!

About the mode

The mode starts on June 10 and at this time all players will be awarded a special T-62A Sport tank.

Three stadiums will be available for the mode: Himmelsdorf Arena, Stade Eiffel and Old Tankford. Let us remember that in 2014 Tank Football took place in a specially converted Himmelsdorf, which was called Himmelsball.

A special Turbocharger consumable will be available for the T-62A Sport tank, which will allow short time accelerate.

About the tournament

In addition to random tank-football battles, a special tournament will start in World of Tanks, timed to coincide with the European football championship.

Team registration will take place from May 30 to June 15. The first group stage, from 23 to 24 - the second. The first playoff will take place on July 2, and the second on July 3. The super final will take place in live July 9, where the 4 best teams of the RU region will compete against the 4 best EU teams.

Participant of the Tank Football 2016 championship Winner of the first qualifying stage of the Tank Football 2016 championship Participant in the super final of the Tank Football 2016 championship Winner of the Tank Football 2016 championship
Take part in the Tank Football 2016 championship. Take part in the second qualifying stage championship "Tank football 2016". Take part in the super final of the Tank Football 2016 championship. Take first place in the super final of the Tank Football 2016 championship.

Prize money per team:

  • First place - $2600
  • Second place - $1200
  • Third and fourth places - $600 per team.

From June 10, 7:00 (Moscow time) World of Tanks and football in one package! The next month promises to be hot: the roar of engines, the clanging of armor and the unbridled desire to win - all this at the three largest tank football stadiums of virtuality. New stadiums, new opportunities and good old tank football.

After the release of a special “football” update on June 10, a new res_mods folder appeared in the game folder. Therefore, if you were using mods before the June 10 update, you will need to update them to the new version.

Match rules

The duration of the match is 7 minutes or up to 3 goals scored by one team. In the event of a tie, after 7 minutes, overtime is assigned (up to 4 minutes), the winner of which is determined by the first goal scored or having a game advantage (ball control on the opponent's side). Game advantage is measured by containment points, which are awarded to the team that controls the ball in the opponent's half of the field: the first team to score 100 containment points wins.

Sports equipment

Players will be awarded a special T-62A “Sport” tank along with a slot. The crew consists of one tanker. It is also possible to transfer any Soviet crew commander from a medium tank without retraining him. The tank's ammunition load is limited to 70 shells! Be vigilant and pay close attention to your ammo consumption. As before, the T-62A "Sport" cannot be destroyed, nor can its modules or crew be damaged - only the track can be shot down. Can be installed on a tank additional equipment, equipment, as well as unique emblems. Especially for the game event “Tank Football”, special sports types of camouflage and flags of European football countries were added to the game client, which can be installed on the T-62A “Sport”.

During the game event, the game client will have the opportunity to purchase 4 commemorative emblems that can be installed on any tank in the game. At the end of the event, emblems will be removed from sale.

Added new consumable "Turbocharger". Activating it gives the tank significant acceleration for a limited time.

A unique projectile-resistant ball was developed especially for tank football. Created using secret technologies from the advanced military industry, the ball is able to withstand gigantic loads: gun shots, collisions with armored vehicles and much more. Who knows where the limit of its strength is...

For easier navigation during the match, a ball pointer has been added - the field will display a projection of its position. In addition, the ball is displayed on the mini-map.

Team composition

The teams have three T-62A Sport tanks. These can be either randomly selected players or platoons of two to three players.

Sports infrastructure

Tank football battles will take place in three new stadiums created specifically for this sport. These are the most modern arenas, taking into account the characteristics of the sports discipline: Himmelstadium, Abandoned Stadium and Stade Eifel. We took into account the experience of previous competitions and made the necessary improvements to the design of the playing field - now tanks will be able to actively fight along the edges of the map, using their shape for various tactical actions.

Football mode will be available to players who have installed the SD or HD version of the game client. Football mode will not be available in the mini-client.

Combat missions

Tank football is a challenge for real fighters. Score goals, give assists and win! Focus on the fight and results will bring players additional income in game credits and experience based on the results of the battle, as well as unique rewards for participating in the game event.

The author of an assist/pass is considered to be the player who touched the ball directly in front of the teammate who scored the goal. If a player takes the ball from the opponent and scores a goal on his own, the assist is not counted towards anyone.

Football tournament - 2016

During tank football, players will be able to test their own strength and take part in the Tank Football 2016 championship. T The tournament consists of two stages: a qualifying stage, in which the 4 best tank football squads in the region will be determined, and a super final, which we will show live July 9. At each stage of the tournament you can win a prize, and the winner will take 2600 $ ! Good luck!

And all this is not counting the memorable awards:

Participant of the tank football tournament - 2016

The main thing is not victory, but participation? Nonsense. We will now tell you something about how to win and gain glory. The updated football mode is the perfect time for tank battles on football fields.

In general, we organized several tournaments here: both for single players and for teams. And guess what? Here you can win really cool prizes.

The "Steel Ball" tournament will be held weekly: a new stage - every Thursday at 9:00 (Moscow time). At this time it will be available large number tasks with very valuable rewards. To have a chance to get them, you must play at least 15 battles. The rating in the mode is divided into three blocks (for defenders, midfielders and forwards).

Why should you be interested in this? Look what we have prepared for you: medals, emblems and styles for vehicles - everything to have something to brag about in the weekly ratings. In addition, for each stage you will receive a special medal, and with it a style.

Well, and a lot of other useful things: personal reserves, bonds, equipment, experience, loans... Oh yes, we almost forgot.

It seems much more! But no. If you get to the top ranking of the “Steel Ball” tournament, you will be able to become a team captain and get the opportunity to form your own team to participate in the “Silver Ball” tournament, and this is the next stage.

Silver ball

Achievements in the "Steel Ball" will give you the opportunity to participate in the next stage - the "Silver Ball" tournament.

We will send detailed information and a password for the team by email and through a notification in the client.

Just for reaching the playoffs you are guaranteed to earn a T-shirt with Buffon’s autograph, a special medal, as well as gold, premium account days, personal reserves and much more. But it’s much more pleasant to get to the top - here it is, glory.

The main thing is not victory, but participation? Nonsense. We will now tell you something about how to win and gain glory. - here it is, the ideal time for tank battles on football fields.

In general, we organized several tournaments here: both for single players and for teams. And guess what? Here you can win really cool prizes.

Steel ball

The "Steel Ball" tournament will be held weekly: a new stage - every Thursday at 9:00 (Moscow time). At this time, a large number of tasks with very valuable rewards will become available. To have a chance to get them, you must play at least 15 battles. The rating in the mode is divided into three blocks (for defenders, midfielders and forwards).

Why should you be interested in this? Look what we have prepared for you: medals, emblems and styles for vehicles - everything to have something to brag about in the weekly ratings. In addition, for each stage you will receive a special medal, and with it a style.

Well, and a lot of other useful things: personal reserves, bonds, equipment, experience, loans... Oh yes, we almost forgot.

It seems much more! But no. If you get to the top ranking of the “Steel Ball” tournament, you will be able to become a team captain and get the opportunity to form your own team to participate in the “Silver Ball” tournament, and this is the next stage.

Silver ball

Achievements in the "Steel Ball" will give you the opportunity to participate in the next stage - the "Silver Ball" tournament.

We will send detailed information and a password for the team by email and through a notification in the client.

By participating in the tournament you get a chance to win a T-shirt signed by Buffon, a special medal, as well as premium account days, personal reserves and much more. And, of course, the best part - honorary title champion.

Golden Ball

The best Silver Ball players will be able to get straight into final part Golden Ball tournament. And there will be something to fight for. We don’t want to reveal all our cards at once - we’ll just say that registration for the Golden Ball will be open even to those who were not lucky enough to get to the Silver Ball.


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The main thing is not victory, but participation? Nonsense. We will now tell you something about how to win and gain glory. The updated football mode is the perfect time for tank battles on football fields.

In general, we organized several tournaments here: both for single players and for teams. And guess what? Here you can win really cool prizes.

Steel ball

The "Steel Ball" tournament will be held weekly: a new stage - every Thursday at 9:00 (Moscow time). At this time, a large number of tasks with very valuable rewards will become available. To have a chance to get them, you must play at least 15 battles. The rating in the mode is divided into three blocks (for defenders, midfielders and forwards).

Why should you be interested in this? Look what we have prepared for you: medals, emblems and styles for vehicles - everything to have something to brag about in the weekly ratings. In addition, for each stage you will receive a special medal, and with it a style.

Well, and a lot of other useful things: personal reserves, bonds, equipment, experience, loans... Oh yes, we almost forgot.

It seems much more! But no. If you get to the top ranking of the “Steel Ball” tournament, you will be able to become a team captain and get the opportunity to form your own team to participate in the “Silver Ball” tournament, and this is the next stage.

Silver ball

Achievements in the "Steel Ball" will give you the opportunity to participate in the next stage - the "Silver Ball" tournament.

We will send detailed information and a password for the team by email and through a notification in the client.

Just for reaching the playoffs you are guaranteed to earn a T-shirt with Buffon’s autograph, a special medal, as well as gold, premium account days, personal reserves and much more. But it’s much more pleasant to get to the top - here it is, glory.