Dmitry Medvedev fell asleep at the Olympics. Six controversial moments of the opening of the Olympics in Sochi

Medvedev sleeping at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games - is this a fact or another photo of a toad from the liberals?

Medvedev is sleeping at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games - is this a fact or another photo toad from the liberals?

So, Prime Minister Russia Dmitry Medvedev came to the stadium in a dark blue sheepskin coat with a white fur collar, that is, just like all our athletes who walked along the field of the Fisht stadium for the opening of the Olympics in Sochi 2014.

Medvedev sleeps at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games - photo

Then, after the Russians came out to the hit of the Tatu group “They Won’t Catch Up with Us,” the traditional parade of athletes ended. Dmitry Anatolyevich was so tired that they say that he fell asleep right in the stands, sitting next to Tatyana Tarasova. Tatyana said that if Medvedev slept, he slept very quietly without snoring, so she cannot know for sure.

The 160-minute show was the most high-tech in the history of Olympic Games ceremonies. In total, more than 3,000 young talents took part in the massive staged scenes of the ceremony. Dmitry Medvedev appreciated this high-tech show; everyone knows how much our Prime Minister loves all new technologies.

We present to you an enlarged photo and video in which Dmitry Medvedev is sleeping during the opening ceremony of the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi.

Medvedev sleeps at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games - video

All the bloggers in the world are already discussing this shot from Sochi 2014, where it is clearly visible that Dmitry Medvedev has fallen asleep a little and is sleeping peacefully, but rest assured, in any case, he knows what and where is happening.

However, there are also opponents Dmitry Medvedev's sleep theories, some bloggers are sure that Medvedev is not actually sleeping, but simply leaned over and slightly closed his eyes from the pleasure of the opening ceremony of the Sochi 2014 Olympics, which was captured in the frame.

There is information that Medvedev doesn't actually sleep, but just a little drunk, this is especially noticeable in this photo. After all, organizing such an Olympics and not drinking is impossible.

And Yandex knows that Medvedev fell asleep at the opening ceremony

Yes, as it turned out, our favorite search engine Yandex already knows that Dmitry Anatolyevich made a blunder and fell asleep, all people’s search queries are about this, Medvedev even surpassed Alina Kabaeva in popularity. I fell asleep very successfully, you can’t say anything... And I chose the main crowded place, everyone would have such a nervous system as our prime minister!

Yesterday the long-awaited and grand opening of the Olympic Games took place in Sochi. But those present at the event were struck not so much by the pirouettes performed by the athletes and the festive concert, but by a very unexpected turn of events - the Russian Prime Minister fell asleep right at the opening ceremony after a two-hour viewing.

The country's top leadership was located in the main box of the Fisht stadium, which was built in Sochi specifically for the 2014 Olympics. Together with the heads of other states and honored figures of the Russian Federation, Medvedev was sitting a little to the right of Vladimir Putin, wearing his signature outfit. When the main part of the theatrical and sports production was over, the floor was given to the head of the Organizing Committee, Dmitry Chernyshev, and the head of the International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach.

It was during the speech of the officials that the camera accidentally captured the sleeping Dmitry Medvedev, who was sitting to the left of the coach figure skating Tatiana Tarasova. Since the broadcast was on live, the program did not have time to edit. The video quickly spread across social networks and blogs, and today the whole country is discussing how Dmitry Medvedev fell asleep at such an important event for which Russia had been preparing for several years.

The Olympic flame was lit in Sochi

The country's President Vladimir Putin also spoke at the opening of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. He announced the start sports competition, show your talent and skill for which you came best athletes from all over the world.

The opening ceremony began at 20.14

The fact that the Prime Minister was overcome by sleep during the opening of the Olympic Games once again proves that the top leadership of the country consists of ordinary people like you and me. Dmitry Medvedev fell asleep at one of the most important events in Russian history, and even its huge scale could not help the official overcome his sleep.

The way Medvedev fell asleep was shown throughout the country

We have obtained a video from the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, which clearly shows that Medvedev is sleeping during the official speech of the officials. We invite you to watch it right now.


The opening ceremony of the Olympics in Sochi, which attracted 3 billion viewers to their screens (according to the organizing committee), also became the main reason for commentary on the RuNet. During the broadcast, funny shortcomings were discussed - footage of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev sleeping and the Olympic ring not opening from a high-tech snowflake. As a result, the ceremony presented key points history of Russia as the dream of the girl Lyuba, was assessed positively: it came out high-tech, colorful, “kind” and “without popular print.” The head of Channel One and scriptwriter Konstantin Ernst, commenting on the shortcomings, referred to Zen Buddhism: these were the notches that made it possible to understand how perfectly polished the ball as a whole was.

The ceremony took place at olympic stadium"Fisht" took more than 2.5 hours. The honor of lighting the Olympic flame went to two great athletes: Irina Rodnina and Vladislav Tretyak. The NEWSru report contains about 40 photos depicting best moments large-scale action.

Commentators also noted that little attention was paid to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev among officials. It turned out that during the ceremony the prime minister took a nap.

In the "Soviet" part historical excursion After the parade of cars, attention was drawn to the translation of the word “Hipsters” for foreign audiences and Nikolai Valuev in the role of traffic controller Uncle Styopa.

The most commented among the standard bearers who were given the honor of carrying the Olympic banner was e-sportsman Alan Enileev. TV presenters noted: “He was still able to escape from cyberspace.”

The final ceremony of lighting the Olympic flame, as observers considered, required the participation of four State Duma deputies. In addition to Tretyak and Rodnina, these were wrestler Alexander Karelin and gymnast Alina Kabaeva.

The opening ceremony was crowned with a large-scale fireworks display of 3,500 volleys.

Based on the results of the ceremony, Runet assessed it as a whole as successful, unifying, and modern.


Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev fell asleep during the opening ceremony of the Games. This episode caused a storm of discussions and jokes on the Internet, but in fact nothing criminal happened. None of us are robots. Everyone has probably found themselves in a similar situation at some point. Parents fall asleep at children's matinees, students - during lectures, someone dozes at the workplace. In most cases, this is not a loss of interest in what is happening or disrespect for others, but simple human fatigue and overexertion.


These shots have already spread all over the world and now try to prove that these are places for athletes and after a while the stands were filled. It is also clear that they had to walk around the stadium before taking their seats, and it was difficult to seat them in the opposite or central stands. But in this case, the organizers’ idea backfired on Russia. The exit of the athletes against the backdrop of empty seats looked ugly.


Perhaps the most unpleasant episode happened before the parade of the participating teams. According to the organizers, five snowflakes were supposed to turn into luminous rings, but one of them did not open, and the Olympic emblem turned out to be defective. For TV viewers, this puncture was not so obvious; it lasted only a few seconds, but an unpleasant aftertaste still remained. However, if you remember the opening ceremonies of the Olympics in Beijing and Vancouver, then the organizers there also could not do without technical problems. In Canada, for example, columns were supposed to grow from under the floor of the arena and form a fire, but one of the pillars remained under the arena.


The head of the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee risks taking away a share of the glory from Vitaly Mutko, which delighted the world during the presentation of the Russian bid to host the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Mutko's From Heart became a worldwide hit. Chernyshenko also spoke from a piece of paper, and his speech was interspersed with phrases in English and French. By all accounts, Chernyshenko barely surpassed Vitaly Leontievich, but was very close.


Among the compositions played at the opening ceremony of the Olympics, a fragment of a track by a popular Russian rock singer was used Zemfira"Want". It would seem that the singer should have been in seventh heaven, but at that moment she was overwhelmed with mixed feelings. The thing is that, according to Zemfira, Channel One illegally used her song. “Channel One ignored all possible agreements and used my track without consent. This is a direct violation of copyright. This is chaos,” says a message published on the singer’s official website.


This was one of the most popular questions during the opening ceremony. As soon as the cameras showed the president's box, people began to be at a loss. And next to Vladimir Putin bobsledder sat Irina Skvortsova. A real athlete and just very strong man. Irina left professional sports in 2009, after injuries, including multiple fractures, suffered on a bobsleigh track in Germany. As a result of the judge's error, the crew of Skvortsova and Nadezhda Filina The bob of the men's two-piece crashed at full speed. Irina underwent more than 50 complex operations.

IN social networks Over the past 2 weeks, a video has been actively discussed in which the country's Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev allegedly fell asleep during the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Few people know that at that very moment, to his left in the VIP box was a student of the Ulyanovsk Pedagogical University, biathlete Ivan Galushkin.

A journalist from the First Ulyanovsk portal managed to contact Ivan and find out about his impressions of the ceremony, meeting the country's top officials and his response to main question- Did Dmitry Medvedev sleep?

1 UL.EN: Tell me, how did you get to the opening of the games, and even into the VIP box?

Ivan Galushkin: I was invited to the opening in Sochi for my silver medal in biathlon at the Youth Olympic Games, which took place in 2012 in Innsbruck, Austria. I flew to Sochi in the company of already famous, legendary people domestic sports, and with young talents who showed themselves at the Youth Olympiad. At first, we didn’t even know where we would sit, and we certainly couldn’t imagine that it would be a VIP box, and we would be sitting next to the president and prime minister.

website: Did you manage to communicate with Dmitry Medvedev?

Ivan Galushkin: Yes, he is a very positive and interesting person. During the ceremony, I had some questions regarding the historical facts that were depicted on stage, and he calmly explained everything to me. I especially remember the moment when, at the very beginning of the ceremony, one of olympic rings did not fully open. My friend, Alexander Selyaninov, and I were very surprised and alarmed, because this was just the beginning... but Dmitry Anatolyevich quickly calmed us down, saying: “It’s okay, guys. And this happens.” And he assured that an even more interesting and exciting part of the event awaits us ahead.

website: Have you seen that famous video where Dmitry Medvedev allegedly fell asleep during the ceremony? And is this true?

Ivan Galushkin: In fact, I haven't had time to watch the video yet, since I'm currently on sports camps in Bashkiria and here there is not very good communication. But I can say that at some point it seemed to me that my neighbor took a nap. The ceremony was actually very long and tiring. It is quite possible that before the opening, many of the organizers on our side did not sleep for several nights; they were probably preparing for the opening of the games and had already watched this ceremony during rehearsals.

website: How do you manage to combine university studies with professional sports?

Ivan Galushkin: I’m a 3rd year student at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at the Pedagogical University, and it’s hard considering that I’m constantly on the road. I have an amazing dean, course supervisor and teachers with whom I keep constant contact and am very glad that they are understanding about my absences. I take and complete assignments with me on trips, I communicate a lot with my classmates, who help me in every possible way: they send lectures and practical exercises, help me understand complex topics and exercises, and even just provide moral support, which plays a huge role in my motivation.

website: What are your plans?

Ivan Galushkin: Now I’m preparing for the Russian Biathlon Championships, which will be held in Krasnoyarsk in March. And in the future I really want to go to winter olympic games already as a participant!

Photos from the personal archive of Ivan Galushkin,
