Quotes about running, aphorisms and proverbs about running. Motivational quotes about running from famous athletes Phrases about running

Collection title: Quotes about running sports with meaning. If you don't have a goal, you don't do anything, and you don't do anything great if the goal is insignificant. Denis Diderot

Business is a combination of war and sport. Andre Maurois

To look like a goddess, you need twenty minutes in the morning. To look natural, you need to take care of yourself throughout your life.

I don't play with my mind, but with my heart. I don't think, I act. Thierry Henry.

In the first half, there were academicians on the field with canes in CSKA uniforms. And in the second half I saw professional football players. Valery Gazzaev.

I don’t get myself excited before competitions. I just don’t think about anything, I try to pull myself together, bring all my qualities - strength, endurance, all this - to the point of perfection. highest level, gather your consciousness into a ball. Fedor Emelianenko

You will definitely win if you are confident in yourself and confident in victory. But the most important thing is that your opponent does not do this.

Training accident: sparring quietly turned into mating!

Health is what my friends drink to until they fall off their feet. Phyllis Dallaire

Your beliefs are more dangerous enemies to the truth than lies. Friedrich Nietzsche

When you rise, your friends will know who you are. When you fall, you find out who your friends are. Mike Tyson

Truly, serious pursuit of any goal is half the success in achieving it. Wilhelm Humboldt

Be kind whenever possible. And this is always possible. Dalai Lama

Change what you can change if necessary, but learn to live with what you cannot change. Robert Jordan

Love! This is the most sublime and victorious of all passions. But its all-conquering power lies in boundless generosity, in almost supersensible selflessness. G. Heine

Inspiration comes from daily work. Charles Badler

Love is the only power that can turn any enemy into a friend. Martin Luther King

The cycle of nature has the power to revive everything again, but not love. Alexander Pope

We must strive to ensure that healthy body there was a healthy spirit. Decimus Junius Juvenal

Anyone who wants to be strong and brave becomes one. A real man cannot avoid sports. And if he loves a woman, he must be healthy, strong, generous! Arnold Schwarzenegger.

A man is only as young as a woman feels. Groucho Marx

Ignorance is a demonic force, and we fear it will cause many more tragedies. Karl Marx

The game is forgotten, but the result remains. Valery Lobanovsky.

When you love people and want to make a deep, positive impact on the world, you will have enough meaning to live. Sasha Azevedo

I always say only what I am sure of! Muhammad Ali

I signed up for taekwondo, and my husband already signed up for boxing, now we don’t fight, we sit and both get points.

The only thing necessary for the victory of evil forces over a good person is his inaction. Edmund Burke

To reach the goal, you have to walk. Honore de Balzac

The best cure for all ailments is salt water. Sweat, tears and the sea. Karen Blixen

It is better to be healthy but rich than poor but sick.

Sports go well with alcohol only in bowling.

It is not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog. Magic Johnson

There is sun in every person. Just let it shine!

To justify ourselves in our own eyes, we often convince ourselves that we are unable to achieve our goal; in fact, we are not powerless, but weak-willed. Francois de La Rochefoucauld - Quotes about running sports with meaning.

Strength is health. Health without strength is impossible. Aishek Noram

If you don't know what to do with the ball in the penalty area, just score a goal. And after the match we will figure out what else could have been done. Bob Paisley.

What can better inspire you to go for a morning or evening run than parting words from people for whom running is not just empty words. When the mood is at zero and it is very difficult to find the necessary motivation, they are the ones who come to the rescue. We decided to collect the most motivational phrases about running that will definitely give you a boost.

Oprah Winfrey

Running is the greatest metaphor for life because you get out of it as much as you put into it.

Dean Karnazes

Some people seek the help of a psychotherapist, others go to a bar and find solace in a glass of beer, but my therapy is running.

Edward Norton

When you run the first 20 kilometers and your breathing begins to falter, you need some kind of motivation other than personal motivation to stay on track and finish. Running in a team, when you feel involved in the common good, is that very motivation.

Tiger Woods

If you get tired from walking, run.

Forrest Gump

I ran because I had to run. I didn't think about where this would lead me.

Liam Neeson

For some reason, people in Los Angeles believe that running two hours a day gives them complete absolution. After that, with a clear conscience, they are ready to strangle everyone around them.

Usain Bolt

Oh, I am a man of God and before I go out on the path, I pray to God. I ask that he give me a chance to demonstrate the best I can do. As for ritual gestures, this is simply a way to prepare for the race. I thank God even after the finish, because by his will I am here.

Biz Stone

For me, running is meditation. I’m running and thinking about some question in my head that doesn’t give me peace. It’s like the saying that the morning is wiser than the evening, only for me the “wiser” comes after a run. After some time, the solution comes on its own.

David Oliver

All for the sake of victory. I showed 12 seconds and lost everything. I ran 13.2 and won the final. The main thing is not time, but crossing the finish line first.

Haruki Murakami

When I run, I try not to think about anything in particular. In fact, I usually run around with an empty head. However, from time to time something comes into my empty head. Maybe an idea that will help me in my work.

Posted by Regino Rey (@reginorey) May 17, 2017 at 3:47 PDT

There are moments in the life of every runner when there is neither the strength nor the desire to go out for another run. Just the thought of getting up, lacing up my sneakers and running out of the house causes a furious attack of internal resistance - I don’t want to! And how difficult it is sometimes to find the right words to cheer up, overcome doubts and indecision.

So the decision came - to publish a series of articles specifically for such cases. A kind of collection of “kicks” especially for those who lack the willpower to overcome their own laziness and apathy.

Perhaps those who do it professionally will say the best about running. Those who know first-hand what it’s like to find the strength to do new workouts every day.

So, motivational quotes about running from famous athletes.

1. Answer yourself.

“Running is a big question mark. Every day he asks you: “Who will you be today - a weakling or a strong-willed person?” - Peter Maher two-time champion Olympic Games, Canadian marathon runner.

2. Be yourself.

“The more I run, the more I want to keep running. It allows me to achieve my main goal - to be who I really am." - George Sheehan, MD, long-time columnist for the world-famous Runners World publication.

3. Know your character.

“A lot of people race to see who can run the fastest. I'm participating to see who has the strongest character." - Steve Prefontaine, famous stayer.

4. Change things for the better.

“A bad result is a very strong motivator for me,” says professional marathon runner Clint Verran. “I have to prove to myself that I am capable of the best.”

5. Be consistent.

“The most important thing in running is not speed or distance. The main thing is consistency: run every day” - Haruki Murakami, Japanese writer and amateur runner, author of the book “What I Talk About When I Talk About Running.”

6. Don't think - just do it!

“Training is like brushing your teeth. I don't think about it, I just do it and that's it." - Patti Sue Plumer Olympic champion running (USA).

7. Train harder.

“The reason for my failure is obvious: I didn’t train enough. And besides, I didn't train much. And one more thing - I didn’t train much. This is if so, in a nutshell” - Haruki Murakami.

8. It's never too late to start.

“If you want to be a better runner, you can be one. Just start now. What could be more interesting than trying it!” - Priscilla Welch. Being a former heavy smoker and a person who was not particularly fond of sports, she became interested in running after 30 years. At the age of 35, she ran the London Marathon for the first time, and in 1987 she won the New York Marathon. At that time she was already 42 years old.

9. Focus on the process.

“I tune in to my breathing, control my running technique and pace, and try not to think about what lies ahead. This is especially useful when there are still 99 miles of the course ahead” - Scott Jurek, American ultramarathoner, multiple winner of survival races, seven-time champion of the Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run.

10. Keep looking forward.

“People always ask me, ‘Why do you keep running? I always say, “I believe that I have not reached my full potential.” - Maurice Greene, gold medal winner Olympic Games 2000 at a distance of 100 meters.

11. Prepare for your victory.

“The will to win means nothing if there is no desire to prepare” - Tanzanian marathon runner Juma Ikangaa.

12. Do it immediately.

“If I'm not in the mood to work out, I'll never drink another cup of coffee or wait an extra half hour. It's better to go for a run right away. The longer you wait, the harder it is to get started." - Shayne Culpepper, middle-distance runner and two-time Olympic champion.

13. Set daily goals.

“Small goals are achieved faster. Set new goals not only at races, but also at each training session: maintain a certain pace, achieve a certain speed, overcome the planned distance. Every run is like a competition with yourself” - ultramarathoner Scott Jurek.

14. Believe in your abilities.

“No one can say that you can’t run faster than that one, jump higher than that one... The human spirit is indomitable!” - Roger Bannister, neurologist and British athlete, European champion in 1954 at a distance of 1500 meters.

15. Get your thoughts in order.

“I absolutely need this hour and a half of daily running: I can be silent and be alone with myself - that is, observe one of the the most important rules mental hygiene" - Haruki Murakami.

When you lack determination or desire, turn to these quotes about running and perhaps they will help you overcome internal barriers and return to your route with a light heart, hope for success and faith in your own strength.

Here are inspiring quotes from the heroes of the best documentary film about the development of the running movement “Running is freedom.” Read them and you will definitely want to watch the whole movie, and then put on your sneakers and run.

To go for a run, now it’s enough to find one free hour in your schedule and put on a comfortable one. sports uniform. Although no, you still need to find willpower, because the pull of the sofa and your own laziness are the main limiting factors that usually separate a person from running. But some 40-50 years ago there were much more such factors, and the main obstacle was society itself. A runner on the street was perceived by passers-by as an alien, as a disturber of public order. Why is he doing this? Why just run? No, you need to run in stadiums and only for the sake of Olympic medals.

But everything has changed. It has changed thanks to them. - these guys gave us running. And now we can run in parks, participate in marathons and enjoy every minute of our own freedom. Now, when we go out for a run, we feel triumphant, and this triumph is their merit.

Noel Tamini

founder of "Spiridon" - the first magazine about running

I ran at night because I was embarrassed to run in public. Seeing a car coming towards me, I jumped into the ditch and waited for it to pass. Then I got out and ran on.

Martin Segalen

sociologist and runner

My doctor friend says, “Endorphins are bullshit.” But there are times when you get tired. You get tired and say to yourself: “Come on.” And suddenly you catch the rhythm, and suddenly you feel good. At this moment your body works like a machine. The mind is released. At this point, you can turn to thoughts. And get a little closer to heaven.

Katherine Switzer

social activist, first woman to officially run the Boston Marathon in 1967

When you run you see a pattern beautiful shapes and flowers: foliage in the forest, blue sky. You breathe the air and feel alive on this Earth. For me it has always been a miracle.

Roger Robinson

historian and runner

For us, going for a run was like going to Woodstock to listen to music. Do something natural. Some people express themselves through music. Some through drugs. And I expressed myself through running.

Nina Kussik

first official winner of the Boston Marathon (1972) and two-time winner of the New York Marathon (1972, 1973)

You create your own run. No one helps you, no one bothers you. You're on your own. Wherever you are, you are alone with the environment. Alone with the world.

George Hirsch

publisher of Runner's World magazine, organized the first New York City Marathon in 1976 with Fred Lebow

Fred Lebow was a god-given promoter. He said, "Running won't take off if we stay in the Bronx." I don’t know why, but he wanted running to reach the masses. “I suggest we go to Manhattan and run in Central Park,” Fred suggested. Everyone then said: “Nonsense! How can you run in Central Park? No one is running there!”<…>When it was just the Central Park Marathon, few people watched it, everyone said, “The crazy runners are taking over the park.” But when the marathon moved to the streets, everything changed.

The marathon is a spectacle and it is inspiring. The first runner approaches you - so small, but when he runs past you, you realize how fast he runs. This is a colossal manifestation of the human spirit. And you want to try it yourself. Lebow knew this.

Tom Jordan

biographer of Steve Prefontaine

As we all know, one of the reasons for the revolution in road running was Steve Prefontaine. His fight with the Amateur Athletics Union and his death made people realize what was really important. Freedom was important to him. And the opportunity to make a living doing what you love.

Bobby Gibb

first woman to run the Boston Marathon in 1966

When I asked for an application form to participate in the marathon, Will Clowney, coordinator and one of the organizers, responded to me. He wrote: Women are physically unable to run 42 km, and the rules of the Amateur Athletes' Union prohibit them from running in competitions over distances exceeding 2.5 km. Nevertheless, I persuaded my mother to take me to the start. She thought I was crazy. I remember then I told her: “This is not for me, this is for the sake of all women. This is a tiny chink in the armor - an opportunity to change something.”

Running means living. This is exactly what many followers of running and a healthy lifestyle think. Obvious benefits running lies in its beneficial effect on the most important systems of the body. Regular jogging helps you recover from many ailments and always stay in a positive and cheerful mood.

Is it always so easy to get up for a run?

Those who have been running for a long time know that the most difficult thing is to get up (if a run is planned), put on your clothes, go outside and take the first ten steps. There are a lot of excuses that the inner consciousness can come up with, for example, these:

  • “It’s so cool outside, but under the blanket it’s so warm and cozy”;
  • “My legs and body are so sore after yesterday’s workout”;
  • “If I miss it once, nothing will change”;
  • “I’m so lazy today, I’ll sleep, and tomorrow I’ll definitely make up for everything”;
  • “I have a hard day ahead, I can sleep half an hour longer”;
  • “I’m so sleepy.”

However, once you overcome yourself and walk out the door, everything will change. The magical power of running, boost endorphin levels in the blood, accelerated blood circulation will help you completely forget your morning doubts. In order to get rid of them, everyone must have their own strong beliefs. The following proverbs, quotes and statements of famous people that have a deep meaning will help you find them.

Proverbs about running

Russian proverbs are the embodiment of folk experience and wisdom that have accumulated over many centuries. Proverbs carry deep educational effect and help make decisions in difficult situations.

Running and healthy image life appears in many of them:

  1. Learn to walk before you run.

Sports should be dosed, the load should be moderate. You shouldn't do an hour-long race if last time you ran during your school years. Get your body used to jogging gradually, and then running will only benefit you.

  1. If you don't run while you're healthy, you'll have to run when you're sick.
  2. Move more - you will live longer.
  3. The disease will not catch up with the quick and clever.

It is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it, which is why it is worth thinking about it before alarm bells sound that any problems have appeared in the body. Running will be great prophylactic from many dangerous diseases of our time.

Quotes and aphorisms about running

Many athletes, film actors and politicians promoted healthy lifestyle, and in particular, running. Such interesting and motivating quotes as:

  1. “Sport creates a culture of optimism, a culture of cheerfulness.” A. Lunacharsky
  2. “Some people seek the help of a psychotherapist, others go to a bar and find solace in a glass of beer, but my therapy is running.” Dean Karnazes
  3. “Running with obstacles strengthens the will to win.” A. Minchenkov
  4. “Running is the greatest metaphor for life because you get out of it as much as you put into it.” Oprah Winfrey
  5. “When you train for years, you have nothing to regret, even if you fail to become a champion. You're still a better person." Evander Holyfield
  6. “When you run, you can be anyone, nothing depends on your personality.” David Levitan.
  7. “The ultimate goal of a blissful life is physical health and mental serenity.” Epicurus

Running in literature

For those who need inspiration and very often suffer from lack of motivation, it will be useful to read such works as:

  • “What do I talk about when I talk about running?” Japanese describes his history of passion for running. Deep Thoughts and sayings fill the book, Murakami talks about his training, participation in marathons, injuries, and subsequent disappointment in running. He tried to find himself in others sports disciplines, but eventually became a runner again. What motivated him, what considerations - you will find all this on the pages of this exciting book, and it will certainly help you form your own, understandable goal for.
  • "Born to Run" The famous American journalist and running fan Christopher McDougle visited the Rarámuri tribe, famous for their ability to “ easy running" In simple and lively language, the author tells what most runners wear, how to reveal hidden reserves and abilities for quality and...