Minsk Sea fishing now. Big, beautiful, rich

How to catch bream for a person who has never done it before? What if you don’t even know the place? Fishing in the Minsk Sea can bring not only bream, but also other trophy fish. Often you come across roach, crucian carp, bream, pike, pike perch, perch, tench and even catfish. The journey to the bream lasted a week. What you had to do to catch him can be found out below or by watching the video.

Fishing on the Zaslavsky Reservoir in April 2018 - how to catch bream

Fishing in Minsk and the Minsk region until June 1 is allowed using one rod and one hook during daylight hours. The fishing point is the area of ​​the fifth beach. Upon arrival, she was measured, clipped on, and began to feed. We fed him intensively for 5 days, every morning. No fish were caught these days. Food based on millet porridge using flavored store-bought mixtures.

When purposefully arriving at Zaslavskoe village for fishing, the crazy wild cold wind and waves did not allow us to wait calmly and even see the bite. From time to time, measured roaches were caught on worms, bloodworms, maggots, and sandwiches.

If you want to catch bream, then:

1. Choose your location carefully. During the spawning period, fish come to the shore in the early morning, at night and in the evening to feed. The fishing range can be no more than 30 meters. Depth 2-3 meters.

2. Be sure to mark yourself. For fishing, I chose a rocky bottom with shells, surrounded by grass. The fish need to go somewhere to feed.

3. Use a clip so as not to lose the fishing spot. Mark a guideline for casting. Remember the number of turns of the reel at which you cast the feeder, so that in case of a break you can find the right place.

4. Feed. If you don’t know whether bream is being caught at the chosen point or not, then a rich table will lead the fish away from its usual path. If you do this regularly, bream, carp, roach and any fish can be trained to the place.

5. Optimal time for bream fishing - early morning and late evening. It is prohibited to fish at night. Let her spawn, so that later you can delight her even more with her quantity, size and bites.

6. According to my observations, bites from large fish occur during calm periods. For example, it seems that only the waves beat on the shore and then you can only hear your breathing. Or maybe it just rained. Bites during bad weather are not uncommon.

7. The wind should be in your face. I know that few people like this prospect. However, it is then that the food base washes up on your shore, the turbidity from the waves rises, which attract schools of bream and other fish, becoming an additional incentive for biting.

8. Keep quiet. It seems to you that the fish does not understand or hear anything. I get the impression that she even senses when someone is on the shore.

9. Thin gear will bring a bite faster, but there is a high probability of slips and breaks. Be careful when using small-diameter leashes and fishing for bream, carp, crucian carp, do not grab the fish with pressure and do not lift it out of the water. Pump the bream ashore; it is quite possible to get it, even if there is no landing net.

10. Watch for bites. Two extra seconds and you missed the trophy. It is much more interesting to spot the fish, rather than wait for it to be spotted. Bream generally often spit out the bait when they sense something wrong.

11. Bream, like a pump, collects food at the bottom. If you imagine the behavior of a fish, you will most likely catch it soon :))).

12. Favorite food for bream is millet porridge. Do not skimp on the food bloodworms and carriages, which will help to stir up even the most lethargic lake inhabitant.

13. In spring, the best bait will be bloodworms, worms, and maggots. In summer, pasta, pearl barley, lollipop sticks, and polystyrene foam are used for fishing.

14. Peruse the forums for the selected body of water. Often people write what they bite on, when they bite, how and where. And it's not a shame. There are no textbooks on fishing and we all learn from our own mistakes, gaining invaluable experience.

15. If a roach bites instead of bream, it does not mean that it is not there. Where there are small fish, there will be big ones. Be patient and learn to wait.

The first and long-awaited trophy of crucian carp weighing almost 1.5 kg. I've never seen such a big one. I pecked at a bloodworm with maggots at sunset. The fishing distance was 25-30 meters. The length of the feeder leash is about 50 cm, the diameter of the line is 0.14. The hook is small. Periodically, the leashes were simply cut off, apparently by shells at the bottom of the Minsk Sea.

I did wait for the bream on the second evening. The handsome man's weight was 1.76 kg. At sunset I pecked at a bloodworm with maggots. Compared to crucian carp, I practically did not fight. There were still bites, but alas - a break on the cliff or a good roach. Watch the video with my tips and tricks. If you have any questions, be sure to write comments and share your impressions. And of course subscribe, like and follow the updates. NHNCH everyone!

The Minsk Sea is one of the largest reservoirs in Belarus; it is also called the Zaslavsky Reservoir. In the northwestern part of this sea there is a canal for rowing and other professional and amateur water sports.

- one of them best places in Belarus for a comfortable tourist holiday, sports, and fishing. This reservoir is extremely loved, both by residents of this country and by vacationers from Russia, Ukraine and other neighboring countries.

Minsk Sea on the map of Belarus (interactive)

Detailed map

History of the Zaslavsky Reservoir

This reservoir was created in the middle of the last century to combat floods and floods, properly regulating the flow of water from the Svisloch River. Before the advent of the artificial sea, there were floodplains of the rivers Ratomka, Chernyavka, etc.

From the Zaslavsky Reservoir to the distance is about 17 km to the southeast. It is located on a hill. You can get to this reservoir by car or electric train; you should get off at the “Minsk Sea” stop.

The reservoir received its modern name from the name of the town standing on its shore. There is also a small village called Ratomka nearby, where fishermen gather to engage in their favorite form of recreation - fishing.

The banks of the Zaslavsky reservoir are overgrown with reeds and reeds. It has several islands overgrown with bushes, on which local seagulls live, and in the spring they fly from the south wild ducks giving birth to their numerous offspring far from people.

The entire reservoir is about 10 km long and has a maximum width of just under 5 km. Its average depth is just under 4 meters, with a maximum depth of about 8 meters. The height of the reservoir above sea level is more than 200 meters.

Reports on fishing in the Minsk Sea (Zaslavsky Reservoir) in summer. What and when is caught in the Minsk Sea in the summer - day after day during the summer season. This material (diary) is useful for those who want to get acquainted with the Minsk Sea (Zaslavsky Reservoir), fishing spots, baits and baits in the summer.

I was at M.M. on Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday - fishing time from 16 to 21.00. Equipment max 7m, float 2gr, leash 0.1 trabuco, hook number 16 maver. The bait was the defrosted residue from the competition, a little sour. I caught it by wading. The first bite 40 minutes after the start is a cliff, the second immediately after it is a 700g bream. Then only bream bit. Result - 5 bream (1200 - 2050gr), seven broken leads (all on the hook or immediately after it), several good roaches (100-200gr). There were also several blows to the lips and one most offensive loss of a super bonus bream on the last cast before leaving. After 15-20 minutes of struggle in conditions of strong wind and very strong waves, we finally managed to put it on the water about 10 meters away from us. I started to pull it up very slowly. Everything was going well, and when there was no more than a meter left to the landing net, and the rod in one hand was already far behind the head at the right angle, a sudden gust of heavy wind came. The hand with the fishing rod was twisted. It turned out to be weak. The bream immediately assumed a vertical position, spun around its axis, and the rig flew out of the water with a whistle. I thought the leash broke, but it turned out that the hook just jumped out of the mouth. It’s a shame, because, offhand, the bream clearly exceeded three rubles. Could break a personal record. Thursday - in the same place. Fishing conditions are just as difficult, sometimes even worse than the day before. The water became noticeably colder and there were fears that the bream would become completely passive. Bait “bream” with the addition of Sensas and some of its own components. Fishing time from 14.00 to 18.00. The equipment is the same, only the leash has a 0.117 stake. The bites started almost immediately. Initially, two bream 500-600g and three very marketable rafts. Then the bream again crowded out the rest of the fish. However, there were noticeably fewer bites than on Wednesday and from 15.00 to 16.30 there was a break in the bite. Result - 4 bream (1300-2000gr), 9 swimmers (100-250gr), 2 bream and 2 bass. I caught the rest of the roaches and smallmouths during a break in the bream bite. This time I was pleased with the implementation - 100 percent. I caught all the fish on both days using bloodworms. I only caught it with it, because... I added it to the bait. I took home 4 bream from each day and a raft for the cat - I released the rest of the fish. On Thursday, almost simultaneously with me, two guys arrived with feeders. During the same time, they caught 4 bream, but their bream were larger than mine - three (2000-2500g) and one real bonus of about 3500g (I weighed it with my steelyard).

The boating season finally opened and went to the MM in the evening from the yacht club. By the time I reached the “point” it was already about 17.30. The perch basically started biting right away, and the perch was good. The result is somewhat immodest (I don’t want to announce the exact weight), but this is not from greed, but from the great buzz from the successful opening of the boating season. I will only say that all perch from 250g (smaller ones were simply released) to 1150g - this largest perch is my personal record for this species fish!
The next day from 6.00 am at the same place. At first I was completely OP. Somehow, before 11 o'clock, I caught three perches of 150g-250g. It starts to get hot - and then there is calm. The people around (several boats) began to quietly leave either home or to other places. And then the breeze blew a little - immediately good perches 300-400g. Then again calm and heat until about 14.00 and, as a result, only a couple of perches. And after lunch it blew a little - and things started to get better - almost every trip produced a perch, and often a doublet! And then somewhere around 15.00 some kind of animal lands! Spinning in an arc, the line sings, and the animal pulls away from the boat. I let go of the clutch slightly - I think I’ll let it get tired. I started to slowly bring it down, but didn’t even bring it to the surface - I felt a break, but someone was sitting on the line. When I pulled it out, there was a 350-400g perch sitting on the upper twister, and the lower one was torn off. The bite suddenly died down, from which I concluded that I was dragging a rather large pike and it scared away a school of perch. However, having moved 10-15 meters, I again “found” the flock and “lightened” it a little. Having raised the cage once again, I realized that I had again exceeded the norm and decided to retreat, especially since the sun had still done its work detrimental to the skin. Upon arrival at the shore, I released all the smaller perches, although I did not take smaller ones than 100 grams, and in the end it turned out to be 5750g at home, although it seemed like exactly about 5kg. Size 250-650g. There were no bonuses like last time (750-1150g). This is the opening of the season.

On June 10 I went “for a couple of hours” to the feeder in the Ratom Bay. from 12.15 to 16.15 a dozen bream were caught. At the same time, there were 5 slips and one break of the “fresh” 0.16 Shimano leash (I couldn’t tear it off the bottom)... The feeder was RS “Bream”, the hook was bloodworms and maggot bloodworms. It was best to take from 14 to 15.. I would have stayed later, but housework called me... Yesterday, 11 06, in the same place at the same hour - 2 small undergrowth.. The date did not take place!
The battle continues again! June 12 Ratomsky Bay, RS, bloodworm, feeder. 2 x 1.2, 1 - 2.5, breams back and forth... The 0.18 lead is torn this time. The animal appeared on the surface at the casting point, turned sideways and the leash was gone. Apparently, we will fish at 0.2, I no longer see the point in adrenaline without a fight.

Today from 12 to 20. Ratomsky Bay, bream bait, bloodworm bait. Leash 0.1, everything was caught on one feeder. The largest is 2.45, the second is 1.3 kg, the third is 1 kg and the bream is 500, the rest does not count. Wow, I had enough adrenaline today! I wonder how I got this colossus on a 0.1 leash. He practically did not resist, but the kilogram ones behaved like real fighters. This 2.45 is my first bream!

The itch to catch a MM bream drove me fishing not at the best time for this - on the night from Saturday to Sunday. I went with a friend. The weather is super, not so much for fishing, but for active recreation, which the masses of Minsk residents did not fail to take advantage of. All shores were occupied by vacationers, barbecuing, swimming, sunbathing, playing cards and volleyball. And that is why it was possible to start fishing directly only at 10 o’clock in the evening. At the beginning we went to Gonoles, where all the places were already occupied by fishermen, then we went to Ratomsky Bay. Immediately, behind the almost demolished boat station, they staked out a place on the beach. All the more or less suitable places were also occupied by more efficient fishermen, so we had to wait until the vacationers left. And while we waited, we did not sit idly by. We prepared the gear and baited the bait (millet + breadcrumbs + Trapper bream). The short night passed quietly, with one bite, however, to no avail; even the bats ignored the exposed fishing rods. It's dawn. I decided to have a snack. Bread with sausage and cucumber brightened up the waiting time. As I knew that at this time it would start pecking, I even straightened the chair, preparing to throw the half-eaten ration on it if something happened. It came in handy. A slight shudder at the top of the feeder - the food flies onto the chair, I fly towards the rod. Another bite, the bells didn’t even jingle, there was a hook! My friend didn’t even understand anything, he asked - landing net? I say - but of course! Here it is - my bream, it’s done! I haven't caught it for almost three years. The bream turned out to be very small - 1.5 kg. I'm embarrassed to admit, but this is my trophy. About 2 hours later he was joined by a scoundrel exactly 10 times smaller. Then that's it. Everyone has. A small (2-3 ms) easterly breeze blew and the freshly clear water suddenly turned out to be covered with a nasty green stuff. I thought that the vacationers would drive us away, but already at nine o’clock we decided to reel in the fishing rods ourselves. Our example turned out to be contagious, and soon on the shore that was once completely lined with fishing rods, only three of them remained standing in splendid isolation. The result of fishing - it could have been worse, many had a bummer today. Someone in the neighborhood also had a bream with mine, and several scoundrels. Yeah, I almost forgot, my bream is for a worm, and my bream is for bloodworms.

Sunday, MM, sailed from Youth at approximately 4-00 am. I was going to fish for bream, but somehow I brought a spin with bait into the boat (I missed it, it’s all about Lyosha and Lyosha). I stood at a depth of about 5m, fed myself with a mixture of bream baits (Sensas, Traper and something else) + 100 grams of bait bloodworms, a maggot bait + bloodworms, and then we quietly went:)... Roach (very good) mixed with a very tasty one with a brush. Then it quieted down for about half an hour (but I know why it quieted down). And here is a confirmation of my assumptions, while I was looking at the roadman next to me (on oars, everything is fair) getting a pike kill, I turn around and see how my float with an antenna of 30 cm is cheerfully waving at me at full height, I grab the “stick”, and ... here He is, a couple of minutes of fussing with a tangled landing net and Lyosha in my hands. We exchange a few words with a friend who catches pike, and then move on... Around 11-12 o'clock the fishing stopped completely, and the breeze began to blow. Mommy calls, “Where are you?” While fishing. Did you catch any fish? There is a little. Do you have any stuffed pike? No, I say, I’m looking for bream. It’s a pity, oh well, bye.... I reeled in the fishing rods at about 1:30 p.m., well, I think I’ll try to wash away the chook, collected the spin, first cast, cast the wobbler 15-20 meters in, eat it, take it out - toothy (after weighing 1100g) . Well, I think the fishing was a 100% success. I was no longer looking for happiness, and a slight excess of the norm was already looming. I took my breath away and had a great rest. MM makes me happy this year good fishing.
P.S.: I just found a place where I could swim back, vacationers, like on the central beach of Yalta and similar resorts.
With an antenna of 30 cm, I lied a little, measured - 22 cm, float Jaxon Champion Waggler 3Ld.+2g. Tackle - 5m Colmic lapdog, inertia-free reel, 0.16 main fishing line + 0.12 Gamakatsu leash, Owner hook, God bless the memory, 50922 No. 12 or 14. And you can wind the tackle on a reel, what I mean is that the second stick - max 7m, with almost the same equipment except for the float. My opinion is that a long antenna painted with stripes of bright comatose yellow-lemon-orange colors is simply necessary for bream, the visibility of the rise is super, and it is incomparably stable on the wave (maybe I’m wrong). As for exceeding the norm, I confess: oops:, but it was not possible to fully weigh the catch, since the scales at home are up to 3 kg. I justify myself only by the fact that this is revenge for the winter, since I didn’t go to the MM, people were catching Lyoshikov, and I was catching Opa more and more, sometimes I didn’t even see a bite. And in June there were several more productive fishing trips for bream, almost every trip we came across something in the region of two kopecks, but the best one was 2600, the same gear. According to the story of friends, this summer they caught both 3300 and about 4 kg, although on the feeder a week and a half ago. Here are my favorite floats.

It's still night, but I can't sleep. I really want to grab the bronze monster. Quick packing and at 4-10 my friend and I go to the MM for “white fish”. We pass Drozdy - the bleak darkness is melting, oh beauty. A little more and we are already on the way to the “flooded garden”. In the twilight, two silhouettes emerge, bending under the weight of their burden. Wow, these are marriages, carrying their prey in the dark (one net, the other half a bag of fish). The path is narrow. It flashed through my thoughts - maybe give it a little to the left and drown it. And two pieces of meat would lie on the road. Optimism for the upcoming fishing saves the mood. Sooner or later, the “charlik” bought with the fish he caught will do its dirty deed. Five more minutes and we are there. Packing the boat does not last long. The bottom is covered with ammunition, the sonar is in hand and the destroyer leaves the harbor. And at sea a whole squadron is already looking for underwater targets. We swim quietly. The first acquaintance with the echo shows unreal depths of 10m and a cloud of fish - what the hell. It turns out that the “stick” should be horizontal relative to the bottom. This is the real depth, but somehow the fish have become smaller and have decreased in size. We stand on the hole at 4m. A little feeding and waiting for the first bite. Not even 5 minutes have passed before the float disappears, there is a hook. The fish resists, but goes up. And here is a 100g perch. in hands. It’s very strange, we’re waiting for a roach, and then there’s a perch. A little more time passed and the float disappeared again. And again the perch. Dima finally pulled out a couple of “deep swimmers”. About an hour passed and still no bite. We change our position, moving towards BNTU. The first point only brings bites from matched ruffs. On the second, near the cane, a roach bites, but the size is not the same. It’s already light and the sun is starting to fade. Eh, something was wrong with the linen that day. The decision was made to change the gun and reconfigure the sight to UL. We throw all sorts of micro crap along the cane. Empty, not a poke. We remember the first point where the striped bandit pecked. We arrived and anchored. Again micro crap and nothing. The mood is not right. We put heavier and larger baits, and start jigging. One wire, two wires, more pokes. Here it is happiness - the tops are spinning. And the first perch goes into the cage, and not a simple coastal sailor at 20-50g, but definitely over a hundred. And away we go, the perch was biting regularly - size 80-250g. On UL, pulling such fish is a mega pleasure. And here’s another bite, almost under the boat, another poke, hook. But “it” doesn’t come. Something's wrong. BANAX ULTRA bends into a wheel, the friction clutch quickly weakens. I think it’s all about my back, my nerves, the buzzing of the coil, the crazy release of the fence, as if I had caught a floating torpedo. It's already been about 30 meters. The fish don't come to the surface. About 7 minutes pass. And in the distance there is a breaker and red fins. Is it really a perch, and such a huge one at that? A hefty belly, it says that it contains at least kg. The fish begins to give up. Little by little, the squeal of the reel disappears, appearing when the jerks of the fish are already weakened. The monster is already five meters from the boat and then.... Yes, obviously I overheated in the sun or the kvass fermented in the boat. Dima is ready with the landing net and we see that it is not a perch at all, but a huge bream, which I hooked on the upper fin. Most likely he pecked at the bass and missed, but this carcass didn’t. The fish near the boat has weakened, the net is approaching it. And here is the final outcome - Dima’s ass slides off the bench and pokes the fish in the side. She makes her control dash for freedom. My little hands were shaking for a long time, adrenaline, emotions were overwhelming me. Then there were a few more perches and the bite disappeared. Finally, we looked at the “air parade” - two helicopters flew right overhead, with flags on a large jig head, and not far away there was a flock that looked like migs. After bream, kvass and sunshine I couldn’t tell. Then packing up the boat, swimming and driving home by car, which also apparently overheated and began to malfunction. Thanks to the sea for excellent fishing and to the bream that made it possible to survive this, let it swim and fatten up. See you. And the UL turned out to be quite durable!

Today MM. I arrived at the place at 5:00. While I was settling in, I fed up some complementary foods, and started at 5:30. I fish with three feeders. It’s cool, the breeze is right in the face, and I’m still like a felt boot in a T-shirt and shorts. Well, oh well. It started to bite, the little scoundrel pecked after 20 minutes. I froze. At 6-20 there was a bite (pulling the bell and sharply falling to the ground) I hooked it, it seemed to be there, it fluttered, then it sharply pulled to the side, I held it, I pulled it up, there it is, is it really my first BREAM, yes That’s right, there’s a kilo of bream in the cage. My mood was lifted. I wanted to have a snack. At 6:50 there was a bite, from the bite I realized that it was not a small thing, I hooked it, I pulled like nothing, I pulled it closer, wow, when I saw this “bast shoe” my hands were shaking, if only I didn’t fall off, I thought, I’m pulling, swimming calmly towards to me, near the shore, he began to flutter, so I dragged him to the shore. I forgot about the landing net. Wow, this is my second Bream and what’s more, its length is 52 cm and weight is 1.8 kg. Handsome! Emotions are overwhelming. After that there were two bites from the scoundrel. Another good bite after half an hour, hooking and immediately breaking the leash (0.12). From 8-00 to 9-30 there was no bite, and it started to rain. I hid under a tree, waiting. Nothing. We need to get ready. I’m spinning the first spinning rod, but I was standing with my back to the other spinning rods, I hear a “blink”, I turn around, it’s tight enough that the bell has fallen off, I hook it, Yes, I fish it out quite calmly. Again the third Bream is somewhere the same as the first. Class! I got twisted and got wet like a dog, but the adrenaline rush was enough. Fishing was a success. MM is great. It was from 5-00 to 10-30 “Universal” supplementary food + millet, bloodworm attachments + stars, everything worked for bloodworms. Good luck everyone!

Late report. I started preparing for fishing a week in advance, namely, I made a 2.5-meter landing net, which turned out great, if you didn’t swing it too much with the fish! And having chosen a day with good weather, it was decided to go fishing on Thursday, June 2. I was joined by a comrade - a beginning fisherman who decided to master a spinning rod, mine at that, but I preferred to hunt for a woodsman, and as time has shown, it was not in vain. feeding place. A little experience in fishing from a boat showed that I don’t know how to anchor properly, but fortunately there was an anchor, so the tray didn’t twist too much. the first hour does not bring any bites - strange, there should be a fish! A colleague, holding a spinning rod for the second time in his life, has already defeated two sailors. I put on the pearl barley and here it is - the float does not have time to reach the bottom - the hook is hooked, but it misses! With trembling hands, the nozzle is re-attached, and in an attempt to cast, it hangs on the fishing rod, continuing to slowly reel in. Slowly, I tie up the tackle, set the depth... cast bait and bait. The float does not have time to sink, the bites come, one after another, the measured roach is 100-150g, it forces you to test the landing net and get used to this useful device. The first mondraje passes, and the roach bite decreases, which makes you think about HIM. The impaled bloodworm does not want to drown! I pull - there is no one on the handle. A new cast - the float is also in no hurry to rise... the hook is sharper and... there is someone at the other end! The fish rises to the surface and begins to ask to return. But the beloved falcon perfectly fends off all his impulses, bringing him closer to the landing net, and now he, having swallowed a splash on the tank, sending out a wave, swims into the landing net. Phew.... a break.... a couple of kilos flashed through my head! Nope - 1.1 showed on the scales at home! Supplement feeding with a large ball. The hook turned out to be bent - I leisurely tied the leash and the new moth slowly plunged into the hazel den, there were no bites. Suspenders bring rare roaches. I exchange bloodworms for pearl barley. The bite is the same as at first - the nozzle does not have time to reach the bottom. I throw another ball... The roach subsides and on the next pull up there is a bite and again a pleasant heaviness. This time everything is faster, after taking a breath of air he calmly lies down on his side and finds himself in the boat. Well, this one is accurate for 2 (later it turned out to be 1.3) When the hook was released, he came to life and made the last jerk... but was stopped in time by an unwavering hand. It’s 9.30 am, I throw in some bait, rest... a friend swims up... he has 4 perches in his arsenal and the desire to buy a spin immediately! “How are you doing?” he says, “I’ll show you, and starting to raise the fish tank, I realize with joy that this is not so simple.” At the next change to the bloodworm I surfaced - now I’m all composure! The minimum program has been completed and the next bream has no chance left. The wind was getting stronger, which increased the vibrations of the boat; after feeding, the roach bit more and became quiet. Changing bloodworms to pearl barley did not bring any results. The fish tank was barely locked into the boat. While I swam to the shore of Lech, breaking out for lunch, I brought a boat - of course, who will dry it, I got sick from the number of fish, and got my share on the fish soup. The result was 4 bream - 1.5, 1.4, 1.3 and 1.1 and 36 roach for 3.9 kg. The cat came home and was shocked! We've never eaten anything like this before! The neighbors tasted bream baked in foil and horseradish, and wondered for a long time when the next fishing trip would be? And she's coming soon!

On Sunday from 4 to 16 I fished at sea with two feeders. Lure bream, bloodworm bait. The result of the fishing was 17 breams. There was no bite until the fog cleared. And after that the bite was very weak. Sunday, early start and at 4 am Min.More greeted us with a loud BOOM-CA-CA night disco on the Island of Love, as well as a thick creamy fog. We mixed the bait, laid out the gear - but where to throw it? There are no landmarks in sight. Boatmen began to drive up, puff up, and disappear into the shroud of impenetrable fog, staging a whole parade-presentation of various models of boats and engines, from a simple electric motor to a huge Honda. I got a little tired of the young people coming from the disco - offended by the prices for this event, the inability to buy alcohol there, etc., etc., and also interested in the ichtheofauna of the reservoir. By 6 o'clock all the available fishing spots were occupied. Well, how was the bite? - but not like that: in the fog, a small brush brutally seized a hook with a bloodworm. Only when the fog cleared did the first bream appear. During the entire session, only 5 representatives of leucorrhoea became the property of my cage, and at some periods of time, on almost every cast, annoying little finger-like ruffs were hanging on the hook. The use of pasta, pearl barley, and semolina did not bring laundry. I was pleased with the young seagull running fearlessly between the fishermen, looking for and collecting something on the shore. The proposed ruffs, as well as some food products as gifts, were ignored by her. But she was very interested in a jar of bloodworms left unattended for a short time, which she treated herself to decently.

Good afternoon. Yesterday, not sitting at home, I waved at MM to the yacht area. club. (probably :)) In general, along the route - the end of the former. ave. Masherov, to the right, across the Krynitsa bridge, further towards the dam to the left. In the period from 17 to 20.00 I had to watch rides on all kinds of watercraft, compatriots sailing under sails - some kind of parachutes, etc. riding something like air mattress behind the boat - in general - it was windy, on the water - noisy and there was not even a hint of a bite. The arsenal included: 2 feeders, + match. I fed him a mixture of millet + rolled oats + paneer. crackers + Dream Fish component (caramel). Bait attachments - maggot worm and pearl barley. Everything was ignored. Walking along the rocks along the shore with spirit did not add optimism. complete zero. Very good muddy water. Either from the abundance of vacationers on the waters, or from the strong wind. In general, I breathed oxygen, hopefully fed someone in the water, and went back with nothing. Conclusion - try bloodworms, get up in the dark, and devote early hours to reconnaissance. until the citizens on the boats and yachts woke up. And of course, the picture was crowned by ardent conservationists with striped sticks.... thank God, I didn’t have to communicate with the latter.

On Saturday the 11th I went with my father to the Minsk Sea. We got out on the water at 5.00 and went to the checked place, but the echo showed that there was no year after year, it was almost empty. We saw a clue - there were twelve boats, standing quite closely together. The circle of honor around them also did not highlight schools of fish, but they decided to settle down not far away and stood on a slope at 3.5 meters. They decided to feed the fish using the tried and tested method (in previous fishing trips, the advertised RS did not justify itself at all). We cooked half a bucket of whole peas (bought at the market in Zhdanovichi) and a couple of packs of stars. In the past two years, this mixture has successfully attracted selected roaches of 150 - 300 grams (bream have never been caught). A little about the gear - two “oak” fishing rods of 5 meters each, the main line is 0.25, leashes are 0.16. Additionally, we equipped a fishing rod with a main line of 0.2 and a leash of 0.1 (we decided to experiment taking into account the advice last week, but we didn’t decide on 0.083). Her father tried to catch her. Fishing exclusively from the bottom with long floats. Until 9 am, everyone was not biting very much, people often changed places. We waited and changed nozzles. And now, the long-awaited ascent of my float. Hooking, the clutch started working a little and I thought that the roach was only about 200 grams strong, which I told my father about, and when the fish came to the surface, my hands involuntarily shook, there was a decent bream tossing and turning, looking about 1.5 kg (I never came across another ). To my surprise, he did not resist for long. Over the next hour there were no bites, so I called it off for a couple of hours. Then there was a small storm with whitecaps and we had to wait until 15.00 to reach open water. We changed the place, standing on a flat plateau with a depth of 4 meters. Complementary foods were added periodically. I got my first bite exactly an hour later - again a good bream. Then there was a lull until 16.50 and then it started. A strong school of bream approached, since the bites followed after five to seven minutes, and the float dived to the bottom and did not float up (mentally imagined what a “round dance” there was at the bottom). I missed a couple of bites, wondering when my father would bite at 0.1, but he didn’t bite. Before 18.00 I took three more bream and two landed right under the boat after a long struggle. I think they took the pack away. We had to wait about an hour for the next bite. Believe it or not, when my father started fishing with a fishing rod with a 0.16 leash, things started going well for him. Before 21.00 he took three bream, and I took a couple more. In the evening, bites were more rare, after 15-20 minutes, and only classic ones - in the form of a sharp ascent of the float. Result - 10 bream with a total weight of about 14 kg. The largest one is 1880. There were a couple of little things for the whole day, however, the ruff just got out. The norm has been overdone a bit...

Black Minsk stones..... Eh, they finally found it, got caught up in fish, just got caught up....Pripyat is resting, BS is also together with Boginsky, and everything is resting! MM-foreva, jig-foreva!
.... So, Friday - reconnaissance, however, we sailed away, far away, it began to get dark, my son and I are returning, Sanya calls... we swim up to him, quietly but with an increasing sound of a fig - pike perch for 5 kg! I took it from the top at a depth of 6 m with a small elastic band..... I’m standing on the hill, Husky Red Head - on the dump - a blow, a hook, two twitches and silence, there are two fangs on the wobbler, the distance is gone..... And then it cut off I can’t say for sure - either a pike or a shell.... We kill the pike perch.... Lesha pulls himself up in the morning - morning start - our squadron sets course for the fish!!! We anchor, cast, there is contact, the perch is off! Good scoundrel, 500 grams, 600, 700, how much? A lot...three hours of fishing is the norm, here it is for those who like to get caught - stop! The fish are biting, but you can’t go against the norm, there weren’t any per kg, the largest ones are 700g each.....a friend has two boats of 200-300g each, they were released...... We caught them with rubber - any color, Mans also caught and Yum, both black and white, when it bites, it bites, they concluded that the main thing is to stand up correctly, and you need to throw where the bottom is with a shell and is hard, + the “correct” sharpened jig wiring! This is important.....several boats came to our ugliness - they caught it with turntables and elastic bands, but everything was monotonous, not a single bite from the men, they had nerves of steel (by the way, on Sunday the same thing happened again, but with other men)... ..The wiring is quite sharp - the lift off the ground is quick and “high”, the load is -8-10 grams, the bites are on the fall near the bottom or (rarely) on the lift-off - the bite is terribly thin, just a small brake, it pauses a little, hooking( a must!) and a pleasant heaviness, the fence is simply necessary here, in mono such bites you can’t even hear it, then jerks, took well, far in the mouth... Sunday - got up early and went ahead, pecked right away, after three hours - the norm for everyone, Sanya's biggest perch is 850g... Wiring, elastic - everything is the same, passive ones also bite, Lyokha went into experiments... In two days, we walked 20 km on an electric motor - this is not a path - this is a search. The perch obeyed us, we found it, thanks to him and MM!!! Jig is power!

Today I decided to go to the Minsk Sea. And it turned out best fishing in season! In the morning there was a severe thunderstorm, but by the time I arrived ashore it had already ended. He pouted, swam out, fed at 2 meters near the grass - in two hours there were a couple of small bites. I decided to move to a depth of 4 meters and spent two hours there without any results. It's already about 9, the sun is starting to get hot. Spin was in the boat, let me think I’ll try to chase the perch. I went to my point, along the way I used a wobbler - a large one, about 10 cm. When approaching the place there was a bite - a perch of 500 grams. He turned around and walked further - the same. I anchored for about 10 hours and here for over an hour - it was something, in general - happens once in a lifetime. Almost every cast produces a bite, with the smallest being 300 gr. There were two trophy ones, one exactly kg, the other 950 grams. In short, I confess, I went too far, but it was simply impossible to stop! As a result, 20 pieces - 10 kg. Average weight considered easy: D I have never been to such an Eldorado! Thank you, MM.

In SB again on MM. I went to break through new points. Behind the BNTU island, with an average depth of 1.2 m, I found a hole at 2.2. Feeding 4 balls of meat grinder bait. In 5 min. Some movements began under the water, numerous burbals began to appear, and a bite immediately followed. Snotty swam to the boat and immediately disappeared under it. Screw the hook, I’ll put in a new one. Bite and roach at 30g. in your hands, it will be a little small. Then everything just began to seethe around my mattress. I lower the bait directly onto the bait and there’s a bite right away. The snotty ones pecked almost without interruption, but when the bonus in the form of plywood arrived at gr. 200, the bite stopped for 5 minutes. Around 10, the beer began to beg to be returned; we had to drive up to the island. I weigh anchor, look, and the cage is NOT there. From the ambush, he got loose and drowned. 10 minutes of digging at the bottom of the voodoo brought the cage back, but the fish disappeared from it. I fucked about a dozen of the dumbest ones. Okay, with such a wild bite, you can quickly catch up. I climbed out onto the island, admired the bushes and came back. The float drops to its previous position, and it’s like in the bathroom. Or the sun came out and the snotty ones left, but rather the fishing of the cage scared them away. Supplemental feeding did not bring results. Okay, let's go to another place. Feeding at a depth of 1.5 m and 10 minutes of silence. Then the float rises and begins to smoothly go under the water to the side. The hook is in and the fish is on the hook, but something is wrong. First, the line stretched out, then the 4-piece bent all the way, then the hand stretched out, at the other end: “Dude, give me the fishing rod,” and the final standard is bullshit. The loop near the connector could not withstand such violence. The float is still visible but is steadily moving away under the water. I try to hook the line with the voodoo, but it’s all in vain. Then I circled for about 10 minutes in the hope that a little beacon would pop up somewhere, but the miracle did not happen. I’ll put it in a box: hooks, weights, fishing line, but where are the floats? Well, the fishing is over at 10-30. Even though it was short, even though, like Lokhov, the fishpond drowned and an unknown fish was released - there were enough impressions. One downside is that for now you'll have to drink beer with squid.

I was there at dawn on Saturday. I must say that this was the first time I was going to catch whitefish from a boat on the MM. I pumped up the boat, I’m standing on the shore, the wave towards the shore is not childish, where to swim - hez. Well, he floated somewhere, not far. Depth 4 meters. On the advice of good people, I have three anchors. I anchored for a long time :), twisting and turning, but I just can’t get settled. Somehow it worked out, the boat still wobbles a little. How to even spread out a 6-meter swing in a boat is terrible. :) I fed... (then on the shore I cleaned out the remains of bait and crawling maggots from the boat). It was upsetting that the bloodworm stank, he threw it away, and along with it, somehow the faith in the bream went away. I cast a fishing rod with maggots on the hook. You can’t put the fishing rod down, it’s rolling around the boat. In general, I didn’t like everything, and I was almost nervous, but then it somehow began to calm down (later it became completely calm), the boat somehow settled down, the fishing rod settled down, and, most importantly, the bites began. During the fishing process I completely switched to pearl barley. For maggots there are only a couple of small perches, about four bleaks on the fall and several small roaches. But the pearl barley is somehow less common, but the roach is very good. A couple of times my hand involuntarily reached for the landing net, but this morning I didn’t need it. After each additional feeding, the fish became more active, several times it happened - cast - bite - eat. Sometimes the fish went somewhere. In general, life got better, it was good. I only missed 3-4 bites, one was especially memorable - maybe it was HIM. Then it became so quiet that you could hear the maggots rustling with sawdust. The bite has also subsided. Around 12 o'clock I decided to get ready. Getting three anchors is hellish work :).
I caught about 30 good roaches and a few small things.
And also, I almost forgot. I’m sitting in a boat, on the right a fish jumps out of the water and, apparently, is running away from someone, jumps and jumps along the surface in my direction, jumps - and hits the side of the boat. Another 10 cm and she would have jumped into the boat. Overall I liked it. I think MM will be an anti-crisis reservoir for me...

There were four of us on three boats on Saturday. The target is BREAM. A strong storm did not allow me to stay in my place and, as a result, almost complete OP. As usual, I took out a ruff. The small change was released. Until 18.00 I had one break on the hook (the 0.12 leash failed at the place where the lower pellet was attached), although the clutch was set so “gently” that it always works even on a ruff. Conclusion - don’t be lazy and put on a new leash every time before fishing. One of the comrades has two cliffs. Another was lucky to catch a bream at 1220. Something interesting. We talked with GIMS inspectors. They drove up, introduced themselves, and asked to see documents for the boat and motor. We made sure that everything was in order, the boat and motor were registered, and the technical inspection had passed. The vest (one for two) was lying in the boat, but they did not bother about this, since their vests were hanging on the backs of the chairs. But still, they clearly wanted, as they say, to get to the stake. Further in the form of dialogue. Inspector: Show fire extinguishing equipment. Me: What should they look like? Inspector: Like this (showed a car fire extinguisher). Me: Why is he in the boat? Inspector: If gasoline spills and catches fire (and I have a built-in tank), what will you do? Me: Jump overboard. Inspector: Okay, show me the first aid kit. Me: No first aid kit. Inspector: Your fishing is over now, weigh anchor and head to the shore. If you fail to comply with the requirement, an administrative violation report will be drawn up against you. My friend: Wait. Inspector: There is no need to wait, go to the shore. It was lucky that my friend knew who to call and they fell behind us, but if he hadn’t been there, we would have had to go to the shore. By the way, everyone should take note, they gave us advice to always take a fire extinguisher with a first aid kit from the car to the boat and there will be no problems. I decided to study in detail the current legislation on this issue. Having caught nothing, I decided to try my best in the evening and in the morning. I took my comrades, took warm clothes from home and at 20.00 I was already at my point, fed. Only two bites before dark. I missed one while I was making a ball out of bait, and I realized the second, but what a disappointment it was when, instead of the expected “bast”, I caught a 30-gram transparent bream. It was clearly not my day. There was no point in spending the night on the shore, since there was a lot of Hollywood all around. I lay down in the boat, fortunately there was complete calm. At night I woke up several times, either because of chills (I should have taken more warm clothes), or because of some drunken idiots who sang songs in the boat, and then rushed around on the glider in complete darkness without a headlight. The morning was fascinating. I have never seen such a calm and beautiful sea, I just sat and admired it. Silence, you can hear the flapping of the wings of seagulls. In the distance, huge baby cormorants asked their parents to eat. Fish splashed here and there. A strip of fog rose along the shore, from which fishermen began to appear. I abandoned it, but again it didn’t bite. I turned on the echo, which showed that the complementary food (peas with pasta and pearl barley) attracted an amazing amount of fish, it just didn’t take it. The first bite is only at 6.50, the bream is about 500 grams per bloodworm. Then there was silence for more than an hour. I hung a pearl barley in hopes of a roach, but almost immediately took about a kilogram of bream. Then, for the first time this season, I decided to try fishing with two rods at once. One has bloodworms, the other has pearl barley. As a result large number unrealized bites, but different baits made it possible to navigate the preferences of the bream and, as they say, the suit took off. Until 10.30 the ratio of bites in favor of pearl barley is 5 to 1 or even more. Then the picture changed completely; the bream refused to take pearl barley and only ate bloodworms.

I fished from a boat on MM night Sunday and until 11 on Monday.
When choosing a place, greed let us down. Having found the first point, we decided to find an even more catchy second one, but suddenly the battery at the echo sounder died - it was a pity to cut the standard wires to connect it to the boat (its battery also failed at a critical moment) and we had to occasionally connect to the boat battery through pieces of foil from cigarettes , that in the dark it was not entirely comfortable. As a result, after traveling for 2 hours, we stretched out with a friend at a promising place (I saved the coordinates just in case). We fished with short lapdogs at 7.2 m. The place was open, the wave was not frightening, but unpleasant, and there was hope for calm at least by morning - the most promising time. The first bites for both me and my friend took about 3 hours for 10 minutes. Only 3 undergrowth of 400-700 g turned out to be sold - not quite what we were counting on. The flock has left, we are waiting for the morning. The wave is getting stronger. At about 5 am, with matches in my eyes from the lullaby rocking, I suggest my friend fish for about 7 o’clock and hitch off to some bay or just somewhere calmer. This was my next mistake - my comrade zealously supported it and we weighed anchor almost at the same moment. We decided to break away on roach and bream, but the Akum died at the engine, the rain hit, the wind picked up stronger and we only had enough strength to make a dash to the island of “Love” ". As usual, as soon as we anchored and fed at 4.5 m, the sea calmed down for more than an hour - not fate. In the new place, selected roach 200-300 g and plywood were regularly caught, occasionally taimen 4-5 cm spoiled the nerves. It’s a pity that the bait ran out quickly, and without it, bites were very rare, which predetermined the end of fishing...
As a result, everyone was taken away according to the norm.
To say that the fishing was unsuccessful is not entirely correct, but we were counting on BREAM... P.S. Check your equipment carefully before leaving.

I decided to test the theory about total OP with a predator on MM. I took the first flight to Prof. BNTU. As soon as I unloaded from the bus and reached the “pipe”, I saw a whole armada on the water, and where their flow came from. Well, okay, I pump up the mattress, take out the only oar, uncover my back and attack the toothy-faced ones. Until 9 am I spray the water area with my entire arsenal of baits to no avail. Among the entire set there was one conditionally successful wobbler Salmo Hornet 4cm. The heaviness at the end of the spin lasted for a moment, and then a piece of fence came towards me. The toothy creature also chewed off 10 cm of braiding. After the toad strangled me a little, I moved on. Another 1 hour of rinsing - just like in the bath. A man arrived on a boat with an electric motor. Then a breeze picked up and this lucky comrade, within 15-20 minutes, removed three pike from the water, and the rest in the current area were caught. The toothy one never bit me again. There were a couple of successful bites of striped fools. The most interesting thing is that everyone fell for the double 12g. vibrator. I hadn’t caught it before, but here in almost 5 minutes three fools grabbed onto it, one of them was more or less humpbacked gr. 200, the other 2 were 80 each. And that’s all. The predator did not show any particular activity, only in one place near the cane a small perch chased a fry. The water is still cloudy with greenery on top. In general, you need to wait for enlightenment and cooling.

Good day everyone. I wasn’t in the Ratom Bay, but there were quite a few people there too. I fished on Saturday from dawn until noon. Somehow, lately I’ve been mainly fishing with MM, it seems like almost everything is as usual, but this time I’ll try to report in more detail.
When I pumped up the boat, it was just dawn, but by the time I got there I could already see the float. Anchored on three anchors. The depth is almost five meters. I spent quite a long time measuring the float on the fishing rods, back and forth the float by a couple of cm, but finally I was satisfied. I must say that this time I decided to fish with two fishing rods. One is a heavy glass telescope that has remained with me since time immemorial. The reel was attached to it by a Shimana Alivia, the main line was 0.18, the leash was 0.14 through a swivel, the Kolmik float was 3g, the hook was not big, but not small either. This is how the tackle turned out: I cast it by folding the bow, and then reeled it in to the feeding point. The second fly rod is 6 meters. Main 0.14, leash 0.12, cute cherry float 2.5g. If the first fishing rod is under own weight lay perfectly in the boat, then the second one rolled left and right on the boat, and you basically had to hold it in your hand.
I stuck the bait into balls on the shore, it turned out to be a full bucket of balls. Six pieces at one point, the same number at another, the rest for later.
Nobody pecked at the pearl barley. So soon there were bloodworms with maggots on both fishing rods. In the first forty minutes of fishing there were only three small bream and one roach. At the end of the hour there was a sharp bite on the utopia on the telescope. When such sharp bites occur, the float often returns to the surface just as sharply. But not this time. Someone got in my way. Judging by the behavior - not a bream, it leads back and forth, I lift it up. A reddish fin flashes, who is it? I put it in the landing net and, already holding it in my hands, I understand that this is a roach that will definitely need to be weighed. Then two twin breams in a row, 300g per flywheel, also through the landing net and into the cage. While I was unhooking the second one, I saw that the float on the telescope had stuck out, so I hooked it. This bream is larger, six hundred to seven hundred grams, caught on the edge of the lip, and came unhooked already in the landing net. Then a few more smaller ones. Then there was some lull, I finished feeding myself and had a snack myself. While I was eating, no one bit or disturbed me. It’s already ten in the morning, and after a snack, just a little change. I threw in the last balls of bait. At about half past eleven on the fly the float rose slightly and almost immediately went down. The resistance is not strong, but the weight feels decent. I raised it to the surface, and the bream somehow very obediently lay down on its side and went into the landing net. Well, according to estimates, it’s already close to normal, I think it’s about 4 kg (I’m almost right).
I decided to fish until twelve. It’s a bit boring, there’s almost no bite. Well, finally - a bite on the telescope on the rise. The resistance is strong, it doesn’t want to go up. He brought it out anyway, but right next to the landing net. This bream is the largest and thickest. I sat, smoked, and went ashore. I went to weigh the roach at Zoomir on Pritytsky, they used the scales on which bloodworms are weighed. The roach weighed half a kilo without 10 grams. Home weighing of the entire catch: 5.8 kg. Breamers 1.3 and 1.65 kg. I'm most pleased with the roach. I would like to catch one like this.

On Saturday from 9 to 15 on a boat near Semkovo. 6 perches for two and a friend. A pike cut off the rubber near the grass. It seems that those around them also weren’t actively biting, but... Two men swam, anchored not far from the shore and began to take out perches one after another. Often a doublet. It feels like all the MM perch have gathered near their boat.

They say that only politicians lie more often than fishermen. After fishing on the Minsk Sea, you most likely won’t have to lie. The Zaslavskoye Reservoir is located just 10 kilometers northwest of Minsk. This is the second largest artificial reservoir in Belarus. Its area is 25.6 sq. km, length 9 km, and, at the same time, the length of the whimsically curving coastline is over 38 kilometers! The maximum width is 4 km and the greatest depth is 8 m.

There are such species fish: bream, pike perch, perch, bream, roach, pike, tench. Less common are ruffe, bleak, crucian carp and gudgeon.

in spring

The spring season usually begins in mid-April, when ice fishing is no longer allowed *fproryb*. At a depth of 2-3 meters after feeding, a rather large bleak, hungry over the winter, reacts violently to maggots. From the dam behind the yacht club you can catch several dozen fish in about three hours. Roaches are also indiscriminate during this period. She willingly grabs bloodworms, pasta, and pearl barley. The places between Laporovichi and Zagorye are considered catchy. In the Ratom Bay, in the reeds, you can also catch some good rudd on maggots. Those who are especially lucky (more precisely, patient) can count on a hefty bream or.

In summer

From the shore, white bream weighing up to 500 grams bites well on bloodworms and maggots, if you feed it with breadcrumbs and rolled oats in a promising place. In an area known as the "flooded garden", look for tench and rudd. It is best to take roach from the dam near the Semsky Bridge. Or from concrete slabs near the boat station. And further from the shore, from a boat you can catch crucian carp weighing up to one and a half kilograms on a dump. You just need to take into account that on summer weekends there are a lot of vacationers here, and it’s not easy to find a place where no one will disturb you.

in autumn

In September-October the perch bites especially well. As bait it prefers fry and “rubber” of different shades of red with sparkles. Many people recommend wiring. Popular perch spots are the Semkovsky Bridge and opposite the yacht club, where you can lift a predator weighing half a kilo or more. However, the choice is great - white bream and bream, rudd, bleak, crucian carp. In the Gulf of Ratom comes across large pike, with the onset of darkness you can lure pike perch on a jig.

in winter

As a rule, you can go out on the ice with a drill in the first half of December. The main character of ice fishing is the roach *fish2*. Its favorite habitat is about two hundred meters from the shore, opposite the dam, where the depth is 5.5 meters. Bait - bloodworms, pasta, burdock; Traditional bait - seeds with breadcrumbs and a little millet. There are some very decent specimens. An adult pike perch can react to a spinnerbait; fatty ruffs are caught on a beaded jig. Pike.Pinsk ; photo: SergeyFisher, yurik57, Vladimir_B, Sanchis

There are quite a lot of reports on fishing on the Minsk Sea reservoir on the Internet. If you believe everything published, the place here is absolutely fishy, ​​and the local inhabitants of the reservoir are tasty, pleasant, do not smell like mud, grow huge, and are always so hungry that in a couple of hours you can catch enough for several months of lunches and dinners. However, as some wise people say, only fishermen can imagine better than politicians. And the big question is which of them does this more often. However, today fishing in the Minsk Sea really looks like a promising pastime.

What are we talking about?

As can be seen from the reports, fishing in the Minsk Sea does not force you to invent anything or lie - photographs show that the catch is rich, and the fish are really large. In addition, not so long ago a huge amount of fish was released into the reservoir. And all this for the sake of the fishermen! How can you not try your hand at fighting cunning underwater inhabitants? By the way, in social network In contact, fishing in the Minsk Sea is a separate topic of discussion; there is even a large community dedicated to it.

Others, after looking at the pictures, will wonder: where is this magnificent sea of ​​fish that we didn’t learn about in geography lessons at school? It’s simple: “Minsk Sea” is just a name that has taken root among the people, and the official name is “Zaslavskoye”. When they talk about fishing on the Minsk Sea, they mean a large reservoir, ten kilometers away from Minsk. You can get to it by leaving the city to the northwest. Some joke that it is precisely this confusion with names that ensures excellent fishing in the Minsk Sea - just not everyone can find it.

Big, beautiful, rich

So, fishing in the Minsk Sea involves catching fish in an artificially created reservoir. In its country, it ranks second in size, and the area is so large that the nickname was not invented by chance. Fish have a place to live and frolic here, which is why fishing in the Minsk Sea is so rich in results. Of course, the depth reaches eight meters, and the width of the reservoir stretches as much as four kilometers.

At the moment, both summer fishing in the Minsk Sea and the cold season in these parts are considered successful. This versatility is due to the abundance of fish varieties living in the reservoir. Connoisseurs of bream and pike-perch will surely be able to catch their favorite fish; roach and pike are found here, and bream and tench are abundant. And where would we be without perches! These fish are a dime a dozen here.

wonderful day!

Fishing in the Minsk Sea in winter and early spring promises rich catches, but only careful and skillful fishermen will be successful. The official spring season begins in April, but those who like to get out of the house for the sake of fish cold weather They can safely go for their catch in any month of the year. In November, December, in a word, from late autumn until April, while there is strong ice on the reservoir, you can drill holes and get a decent catch.

Fans of winter fishing note that sometimes on the Minsk Sea on cold days they fail to catch nothing at all. You can’t argue: this happens in any body of water. However, with a little luck, you can be sure of a decent catch of pike perch and bream. Perch bite in large numbers all year round, although many do not value them too much. And this, by the way, is also a fish, especially since in the Minsk Sea it grows to a decent size - there is something to roam around with.

Spring is coming, make way for spring!

The spring season starts in mid-April. During this period, the ice on Belarusian water bodies is dangerous; you can’t just catch fish. If you choose a good place, you can get a large amount of bleak. The fish is large and hungry over the winter, so it responds to feeding almost instantly if you manage to find a suitable area for fishing. Just a few hours - and already a dozen or two fish are at the disposal of the lucky fisherman.

Experts say that it is a very good place for spring fishing- a dam near the yacht club. Here, in addition to bleak, you can get a decent amount of roach, which in the spring tries to eat everything. Surprisingly easy and abundant fish are caught using pasta and pearl barley. You can get a considerable profit on bloodworms.

Where else to go?

Experienced fishermen, when sharing information about the Minsk Sea, are sure to advise trying your hand at the territory from Laporovichi to Zagorye. A wide variety of fish bite here; representatives of the underwater kingdom live in abundance. If you want to catch rudd, you should try starting from Rotomsky Bay. Locals have long been fond of this type of fish. And for the most patient, this area has a special reward: large bream and pike perch.

Heat, beauty

During the warm summer season, the Minsk Sea attracts a huge number of fishermen from all over the country. However, as those who spend here constantly note free time people, silence and tranquility usually reign here - there is a lot of space, the reservoir is huge, so the fishermen, although they feel “their brother” nearby, have no desire to be in someone else’s company, they easily avoid it. But you won’t be able to avoid the fish, especially if you have bloodworms and maggots with you: the bream will peck at them. The weight of the fish reaches half a kilogram. The largest ones will go to patient and prudent fishermen who take crackers and oatmeal with them as complementary food.

You can catch tench in the so-called flooded garden. This area is only suitable for patient fishermen, but the rewards are big. By the way, rudd are found in abundance here.

The carpenter is waiting

Near the Semsky Bridge in the warm season you can short time acquire several kilograms of roach. It is most convenient to catch it from the dam, and the bite here is the best. However, when purposefully looking for roach, you should pay attention to the boat station: not far from it there are concrete slabs from which this fish can be caught very well.

With a boat, you can swim further. At a distance from the coastal strip, crucian carp is found in abundance. It is better to catch it on a dump. On average, fish caught here weigh one and a half kilograms. You need to understand that it is during the warm season that there will be the most competitors on the Minsk Sea. However, not only them: the place is also popular among vacationers, so on weekends you will still have to look for a quiet backwater. As mentioned above, the reservoir is four kilometers wide, so there is every chance of finding a suitable location.

Important Features

Anyone can get to the Minsk Sea: entry is free, travel is open, and no one needs to pay money. However, there are certain rules, failure to comply with which will result in penalties. In particular, fishing underwater and on the track is prohibited. The reservoir is not used as a commercial fishing ground. But gas-powered boats do not raise any questions; you can safely come with your own watercraft in order to be able to move away from the shore to the desired distance, having absolute autonomy.

The Minsk Sea belongs to the category of lakes. Here, in addition to those mentioned above, catfish live, and there were a lot of pike this year; next year, as they promise, there will be even more. This is due to the initiative to introduce several tons of this fish into the reservoir.

Geographical features

The area covers 31.1 km. The Svisloch River flows through the lake. The length of the reservoir reaches tens of kilometers, the length of the coastline is 55 km. In total, there are a dozen islands on the territory of the reservoir.

We stock as much as we can

Last year, quite a large number of carp and crucian carp were released into the Minsk Sea. Most of all they brought pike: in several batches, only one of them weighed three tons. The event was organized at the initiative of the state community of fishermen and hunters. Thousands and thousands of fish settled in the reservoir to the delight of people and the benefit of nature. The event did not happen by chance; there was even a scientific basis for it. After some time, in the spring, carp, tench, and catfish were additionally delivered to the reservoir.

However, the scientific justification is scientific, but the initiative was born at the numerous requests of connoisseurs fishing. To determine the most suitable reservoirs, surveys were even conducted to find out where people prefer to fish, and potential areas were also assessed by area - stocking small reservoirs with fish is futile.