Marin Cilic is a worthy representative of the Croatian school of tennis. Marin Cilic is the best Croatian tennis player after Goran Ivanisevic Cilic m tennis

One of the most famous tennis players that the Croatian land gave to the world was born on September twenty-eighth, 1988, however, at that time it was still the territory of Yugoslavia, and the future champion was born in the town of Medjugorje. Now the tennis player is sensitive to his homeland and visits it very often, but lives in the small kingdom of Monaco, in the city of Monte Carlo.

The tennis player has very impressive data, his height is at the moment is one hundred and ninety-eight centimeters, and the weight stopped at eighty-nine kilograms. Such anthropometric indicators allow him to act very powerfully on the court, which he began to demonstrate from the very start of his career, which happened in 2005. It was then that the right-handed athlete announced himself to the entire tennis world. On his left side, he uses a two-handed grip, which very often gives him winning points.

Trains a tennis player famous specialist Ivan Tsinkus, who suits his style very well, under his leadership he managed to open up well. Over the course of his entire career, Marin managed to win more than twenty-six million dollars. In singles, he was able to reach a maximum of third position, which he achieved in January last year, and now the athlete is in eleventh place in the rankings. He also competes in doubles, but his success there is not so impressive, because the maximum he managed to achieve was only forty-ninth position.

In tournaments Grand Slam He does not perform very consistently, but at the same time he reached the final twice:

  • – 2017.
  • – 2018.
  • And once again he managed to emerge victorious, it happened on

Marin Cilic Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses

Estimated Net Worth16.3 million dollars
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Yearly Salary4.5 million
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Product EndorsementsVixet, Fila, Head
ColleaguesRoger Federer & Tomáš Berdych


    Currently no houses listed.


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Marin Cilic: Single, Dating, Family & Friends

Marin Cilic with cool, beautiful, Single
Who is Marin Cilic dating in 2019?
Relationship statusSingle
PartnerCurrently in no confirmed relationship
Ex-girlfriends or ex-wivesKristina Milkovic
Has any kids?No
Shall the Croatian tennis player Marin Cilic find love in 2019?

Names of father, mother, children, brothers & sisters.

Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Tattoos & Style

Weight89 kiloClothing stylesporty
Favorite colorsgreen white
Feet sizeN/A
Does Marin Cilic have a tattoo?No

Official websites/fansites:

Does Marin Cilic have official Social Media profiles?

Serb B is rightfully considered number one among them. sports history Croatia also has its own legends - 2001 Wimbledon winner Goran Ivanisevic, the evergreen thirty-seven-year-old Ivo Karlovic, record speed the flight of the ball reached 251 km/h, Ivan Ljubicic. In 2005, a new star emerged - Marin Cilic, the current leader of Croatian tennis.

Biography pages

Medjugorje, Marin's homeland, is a territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina located next to the Croatian border. The village is known throughout the Christian world, for here in the 20th century the appearance of the Mother of God took place, and up to a million pilgrims flock here every year. It was not damaged at all during the civil war of the 90s, which confirms its uniqueness. In 1988, Marin was born into an ordinary family, where besides him there are three more brothers. Until the age of 13, he played tennis in his native town. The first person to believe in him was his father, Zdenko Cilic. Marin, for whom tennis had become the meaning of life, went under his patronage to Zagreb to

Not yet finished sports career Goran saw talent in the tall, purposeful guy and later entrusted him to his former coach Bob Brett. Since then, life has inextricably linked two outstanding athletes, who, since 2013, have switched to full-fledged cooperation between coach and student. The talented Marin became the former first racket among juniors in 2005, winning the youth Roland Garros. And three years later he won the first ATP title, declaring himself loudly.

Doping scandal

In addition to the injuries that the newcomer suffered, Marin Cilic became the hero of a doping scandal in 2013. By this time, he had just come under the coaching wing of Ivanisevic and received a disqualification for 9 months. According to his version, he purchased glucose tablets from a pharmacy, which contained the prohibited nicetamide, a stimulant. nervous system. To many athletes, including those who have an extremely negative attitude towards the use of prohibited drugs, the decision of the tennis authorities seemed too lenient. But even after an appeal was filed, it was revised in favor of reducing the period of disqualification to four months.

Cilic used this time to train in Ivanisevic's homeland, strengthening his physical abilities and learning new elements of the game. Goran leads the team in aces in a single season (1,477), which has ensured that Marin has strengthened his main weapon, the serve. He was preparing to start the 2014 season in uniform.

Major victories

The Croatian athlete has 14 victories in ATP tournaments (singles), but the real triumph happened after returning to big sport from disqualification in 2014. Being able to do literally everything on the court, when meeting with famous players, Marin Cilic lost confidence and lost in decisive matches. Nine times he had the opportunity to play in the finals of serious tournaments, where he always lacked a little luck. In the 2014 US Open, he started from the 14th line of the ranking, not being considered in the forecasts as a rival to the ageless Federer, the dominant Djokovic on the court and the ambitious Murray.

This was a special BS tournament - Cilic and Nishikori, who were not considered favorites, unexpectedly made it to the finals, leaving the top players behind. In the decisive match, Marin left no chance for the Japanese athlete. So far, the US Open is the only tournament that Marin has conquered, but he has already overcome the barrier of uncertainty in front of the leaders. He has victories over Nadal, Wawrinka, and Federer. In 2015, the Balkan earned another title in Russia at the Kremlin Cup, demonstrating a real master class for Russian athletes.

Tennis player rating: Cilic's position

Marina is currently plagued by a knee injury, but he ranks eleventh (2680 points), slightly behind Raonic (2740). Best position in standings occurred in August 2015, when he confidently entered the TOP 10, taking 8th place. The most successful year was 2014, when from ninth position Marin Cilic, as the winner of the TBS, became a participant in the final tournament in London. Before him, only one Croatian tennis player had received such an honor - Ivan Ljubicic, who graduated professional career a few years ago. Marin is a worthy representative of the Croatian school of tennis on the international stage.

Croatian Marin Cilic became one of the heroes of the 2014 tennis season when no one expected such feats from him. At the US Open Grand Slam tournament, he not only reached the final, but also won it. Even one victory in tournaments of this rank already inscribes the name of the victor in the history of world tennis, for which we congratulate Cilic.

Say that tournament bracket It turned out extremely well for him; it would be unfair. In the semi-finals, the Croatian, whom most experts predicted to win the tournament, fell victim to. Moreover, the Swiss lost without any options - in three sets. And in the quarterfinals, the same fate befell the Czech Berdych, who was also considered the favorite.

Now those who have been following Cilic for a long time remind us that this giant (almost two meters) is still early years promised to become a superstar. He was first in the world junior rankings and won Roland Garros in his age category in 2005. He is only 25 years old, but he managed to shine in the semi-finals Open Championship Australia, and this season reached the quarterfinals of Wimbledon.

Cilic's critics, in turn, focus on the fact that his height prevents the Croatian from moving quickly around the court. His trump card is a powerful serve, but that’s all. However, it is worth remembering that all these shortcomings were typical for Marin a year and a half ago, but since another famous former tennis player Goran Ivanisevic became his coach, Cilic’s game has changed significantly.

Ivanisevic also won only one title in Grand Slam tournaments in his career, at Wimbledon and at the end of his career, his height was about the same as his ward, and the shortcomings in his game were the same. But, as a coach, he was able to significantly correct precisely these shortcomings in Cilic, and as a result, Marin began to show tennis at a qualitatively different level.

In the life of Marin Cilic before this triumph, not everything was smooth. Like a bolt from the blue in September 2013, it was announced that the Croatian had been disqualified for nine months for using the doping agent Niketamid. Horvat did not agree with this verdict, giving convincing arguments that he bought the medicine prescribed to him at a pharmacy. As a result, the disqualification was reduced to four months. But the forced downtime affected Marin’s rating. But, fortunately, not on his game after returning to tennis.

So it’s only a plus for Cilic because he didn’t break down, but, on the contrary, spent this downtime to add color to his game together with Goran Ivanisevic. It was after the break that he reached the quarter finals at Wibledon 2014, and then the title at the US Open. If Cilic had not missed these four months, there would have been no doubt that he would end up in final tournament of the year with the participation of 8 best tennis players peace, but there are problems. For now, Cilic is left out of these competitions, since he is not included in the coveted eight. He needs to play in tournaments and win again.

For Russian tennis fans, this is only a plus. The Croatian is nominated for the Kremlin Cup and will become its decoration. In recent years, tennis players from the top 10 have not indulged Moscow with their presence. So there will be a chance to see one of the best tennis players in the world in action, and for him - a real option to get into final tournament year in London, which will be held in November.