These celebrities tried very hard, but could not get rid of excess weight. Simple and effective diet Jasmine Jasmine has gained weight

In April 2016, singer Jasmine gave birth to her third child. Mother of many children can’t get in shape, the pounds won’t go away. The first time Jasmine encountered such a problem was several years ago; after the birth of her daughter, she gained 25 kilograms and for a long time could not return to her former shape.

Jennifer Love Hewitt, 38 years old

Jennifer Love Hewitt has two children - a daughter, who was born in 2013, and a son, born in 2015. After the birth of her first child, the actress lost weight very slowly, and before she had time to lose weight, she became pregnant with her second child. After the birth of her second child, it is difficult to recognize the actress.

Alec Baldwin, 59 years old

For some reason, in all the latest paparazzi photos, Alec Baldwin is eating. It feels like he's eating all the time! Or is it a reporter's plot to photograph the actor eating? The actor's face itself speaks in favor of the first assumption - it was once fit, but today it is simply round.

Mariah Carey, 46 years old

Mariah Carey has never been skinny. In 2011, she gave birth to twin babies and gained 30 kilograms. But the singer immediately pulled herself together and within six months began to flaunt in tight outfits. A little later, Mariah stopped following the diet.

Christina Aguilera, 36 years old

Christina Aguilera gave birth to her daughter in 2014, and she hasn't lost any weight in 3 years. After her first pregnancy, the singer lost weight quite quickly, without any effort. special effort, but after the second birth Christina cannot say goodbye to overweight.

Vika Krutaya, 31 years old

Before the wedding, Vika Krutaya, who has always had an appetizing figure, got herself into perfect shape. After marriage, the daughter of a famous composer gave birth to a daughter, Demi, and faced a problem excess weight. She immediately began to get into shape.

Irina Dubtsova, 35 years old

Irina Dubtsova gave birth to her only son Artem 11 years ago, but the singer never returned to her previous weight

John Travolta, 63 years old

In fact, we are accustomed to such a large version of John Travolta: the actor was never skinny, but he was always considered stout. And all thanks to an amazing smile and self-confidence. And yet it’s interesting to compare the current Travolta with how he once was and how almost no one remembers him anymore!

Liv Tyler, 39 years old

In 2016, Liv Tyler became pregnant for the third time. The actress gained weight, but not so critical. She is so busy with children that she is in no hurry to part with the extra pounds.

Oksana Fedorova, 39 years old

Back in the 2000s, Oksana Fedorova could boast of an ideal figure, but both pregnancies (in 2012 and 2013) greatly affected her figure. After the first birth, Miss Universe 2002 gained more than 20 kg, and after the second - 30 kg!

Britney Spears, 35 years old

Britney Spears is the mother of two sons Sean and Jaden; the pop diva gave birth to her children in 2005 and 2006. After the birth of children, the singer’s figure changed a lot. But a few years later she surprised fans by losing weight.

Brendan Fraser, 48

Just 10 years ago, his metallic muscles were the envy of millions of men. The ladies' room was dying of delight, looking at the half-naked Brendan Fraser, and the men were secretly jealous of this guy with a wide smile. But years have passed since The Mummy, and now Brendan is completely different from his former self.

Anne Hathaway, 34 years old

In March 2016, Anne Hathaway gave birth to her first child. The actress gained weight, but did not make a tragedy out of it.

Katherine Heigl, 38 years old

In December 2016, Katherine Heigl gave birth to her first child; before that, Katherine raised two adopted children. Before pregnancy, the actress could boast of a figure like a Barbie doll, but after giving birth she still gained a little weight.

Aishwarya Rai, 43 years old

Aishwarya Rai gave birth to her only daughter in 2011. She has changed, being plump doesn’t suit her, and she doesn’t have a double chin. However, after some time, the Indian diva decided to pull herself together.

Yulia Proskuryakova, 34 years old

In 2015, Yulia Proskuryakova became a mother for the first time. But even after 2 years she has not returned to her shape, since the new parameters suit her quite well.

Kerry Washington, 40 years old

Kerry Washington was famous thin waist and narrow hips, but the actress gained noticeable weight during her second pregnancy. During lactation I gained a few more extra pounds.

After the birth of a child, the life of every mother changes dramatically, and it doesn’t matter whether you are a star or an ordinary housewife. Mothers spend a lot of time on their babies and don’t think about their own children at all. extra pounds, they think that they will leave on their own, dissolve. As a result, women acquire a “heavy burden”, which is no longer easy to say goodbye to. Many stars began to wear clothes several sizes larger.

At the New Wave 2018 festival, singer Jasmine surprised fans not with new songs, but with her plump figure, the flaws of which she tried to hide under clothes, but her every attempt to appear in public in tight-fitting outfits only aggravated the situation and showed new, previously unnoticed folds.

For the evening dedicated to the work of Irina Allegrova, Jasmine chose a black dress, which was intended to be slimming. But here, the tight cut and silk fabric, which emphasized the impressive fold on the singer’s stomach, were clearly superfluous.

So, apparently, having learned that black is a slimming color, the singer appeared at an event in honor of Irina Allegrova in a long dress of this shade.

Posing in the company of her colleagues - singers Slava and Zara, the mother of many children apparently relaxed and stopped sucking in her stomach, which hastened to appear, spoiling the overall impression of Jasmine's outfit

But, most likely, the 40-year-old celebrity did not finish reading the article about things that hide excess weight, rushing to a creative evening, otherwise how to explain the tight cut and silk fabric that mercilessly emphasized her belly?

On the closing day of the music festival, the star dressed up in a red evening dress with sequins. The win-win color and high slit on the skirt were supposed to draw all attention from the flaws of the figure to themselves.

But, again, a mistake - the oriental beauty’s waist suddenly disappeared, and from the cut, not a slender, but a voluminous leg was peeking out, which, on top of everything else, looked strange.

At the closing of the music festival, Sara Lvovna Manakhimova (the singer’s real name – krauzer’s note) wore a spectacular red dress with a high slit. But the waist disappeared somewhere, and the leg peeking out from under the skirt was somewhat strange

But on Instagram for a mother of many children, everything is completely different than in reality.

In her microblog, the Honored Artist of Russia pleases her subscribers with her extraordinary slimness in dresses that fit her ideal figure, although these pictures were taken at the same events. However, magic!

This is another photo of Jasmine in company with Denis Klyaver at the closing of the festival. Here she also looks not only attractive, but also, surprisingly, very slim. As it has already become clear, this frame was also taken on the singer’s Instagram

April 25 39 year old Jasmine became a mother for the third time. The singer gave birth to her husband, businessman Ilan Shor, a son, whom the happy parents named after her husband’s father. In addition to the newborn, the couple are raising a three-year-old daughter, Margarita, and the singer also has a son from her first marriage with Vyacheslav Semenduev, 18-year-old Mikhail.

Soon after giving birth, Jasmine showed off her slender and toned figure. Fans were delighted with how quickly the singer was able to regain her pre-pregnancy shape and once again join the ranks of fit star mothers. However, recently the celebrity appeared at one of the events during Fashion Week in Moscow, where those present were able to see how noticeably she had gained weight.

Due to such changes in her figure, the celebrity was criticized. In addition, she was mercilessly condemned online for her tasteless outfit. Famous blogger Lena Miro spoke very harshly to Jasmine. She compared her to the singer Irina Otieva and to “the wife of a regional party committee worker who crawled sleepily into the kitchen.” “Jasmine’s legs resemble the legs of a Soviet woman in an era of shortages. A Soviet woman had, on average, one pair of shoes for all occasions and one pair of darned tights. Also for all occasions. Black pumps, brown nylon - it’s universal, it’s a classic, it goes with everything,” the blogger wrote.

Celebrities try to look presentable, but not everyone succeeds. Artists from Russia and Hollywood often suffer from excess weight. However, this does not interfere with the popularity of fat stars, but rather attracts even more attention. Ten overweight stars - in the material.

Lolita Milyavskaya

According to official information, the Russian singer weighs 73 kg and is 173 cm tall, but fans suspect that this figure is outdated. The star looked great, but over time she gained a lot of extra pounds.

In 2016, a photo of her from the “Heat” festival in Baku appeared on the Internet, where she posed next to and. Now the artist’s weight is unknown, but fans note that the star continues to gain weight, but does not strive to lose weight.

Eva Polna

Evgeniy Osin

The Soviet and Russian musician also began to gain weight. The man has changed noticeably since the 90s. Despite the fact that the singer is a vegetarian, this did not stop him from gaining extra pounds. In addition, due to alcohol, the famous singer became unrecognizable. Photos of the artist before and after will shock fans.


Olga Budina

In 2015, the actress appeared at the premiere of the musical Singing in the Rain. The paparazzi noticed that Budina had gained significant weight. Gossip column observers later noted that even a long black dress and coat did not hide the artist’s figure flaws. Normal weight star - 51 kg, but during this period her weight reached 84 kg.

She told her followers on Instagram that she was sick, the site writes. The celebrity complains that due to the huge number of planned activities, she cannot afford to relax.

Jasmine told how she behaves during illness

Russian singer Sarah Shor, better known as Jasmine, regularly updates her microblog with beautiful photographs, interesting stories and personal thoughts. In a new publication, the 40-year-old artist complained that she was seriously ill.

“The crazy work week made itself felt - the immune system was offended that I didn’t take care of it, and waved its hand at me, giving way to pharyngitis with antibiotics” (the author’s spelling and paragraphs have been preserved. - editor’s note), wrote Jasmine.

According to the celebrity, she has no time to relax; she has several performances planned that she cannot cancel. The performer says that during her illness she behaves like a “capricious Princess.” She really wants to call her husband every five minutes and complain about her health.

But Jasmine realized that she couldn’t afford to relax, so she pulled herself together and did everything she had planned earlier. And even illness did not stop her from finishing what she started.

Fans praised the artist for such dedication, but asked her to take care of herself. Followers believe that health is not a toy, so you should take it very seriously. Of course, they wish her a speedy recovery.

“Jasmine, get well! Be healthy”, “Get well!!! You’re a big smart girl!”, “My joy, take care of yourself”, “Well, sometimes whining is even useful Let them regret it”, “Take care of your health!!!”, “ I wish you a speedy recovery, everything will definitely be fine!” (the authors' spelling and punctuation have been preserved - editor's note), - the singer's subscribers write their wishes.

In addition, some fans ask Jasmine not to lose weight anymore, they think that she looks great now.

Recently, a celebrity shared her perfect figure. Jasmine, jokingly, told subscribers about how she managed to get rid of extra pounds.