If you pump up an inflatable pool with water. How to fill an inflatable pool with air? Inflating a mattress with a large garbage bag

Installation of an inflatable pool The process is quite fast, which will allow you to enjoy the cool water within an hour. Inflatable pools come in different installation methods. For some, it is enough to inflate only the side ring and the walls will rise when filled with water. And some people have to inflate several rings around the perimeter. For greater convenience, use an automatic pump. The only requirement when working with an inflatable pool is accuracy.An inflatable pool does not require complicated installation. How to install an inflatable pool at your dacha with your own hands? Find out here.

The cost of inflatable pools varies from 300 rubles. – children’s option, up to 35,000 – swimming, up to 52,360 – spa pool.

For an inflatable pool, special attention must be paid to preparing the surface on which it will stand.

  • If it is soil, then all stones, snags, and dry grass are removed.
  • It is advisable to sprinkle the soil with sand, level it and compact it. The site should not be loose.
  • The surface must not be tilted.
  • Place the blanket that comes with the kit.
  • If you decide to put the pool on a podium, then it is made either of concrete or wood.

Instructions for installing an inflatable pool

Don't know how to install correctly inflatable pool at the dacha? Our tips will help you:

  1. Read the instructions carefully and become familiar with all the parts included in the kit.
  2. Carefully spread the material on the surface and carefully straighten all the walls. It is forbidden to drag it. Can be damaged.
  3. Unfold the bead ring so that it is on top of all folds and begin pumping air using a manual or automatic pump.


  • Do not use an air compressor when filling the ring with air.
  • The ring should not be overinflated, otherwise it will burst from the expanded hot air.
  • You cannot board while swimming.
  1. If your pool does not come with a filter, then you must firmly close all holes in the pool.
  2. If you have a filter, read the instructions before assembling it. Connect the water outlet and water supply hoses. Install the device itself in a dry, well-ventilated place. The filter must not be covered.
  3. Fill the pool a few centimeters. Straighten out the folds of the bottom. Make sure the water level is not slanted. Fill the pool completely.

Installation of an inflatable hydromassage pool

It is possible to install an inflatable pool in the country house . This pool can be used in summer and especially in winter period. It is quickly inflated using a pump and can be installed both outdoors and indoors. To prevent malfunctions and electric shock, it is better to entrust the assembly of the spa system to a specialist. But if this is not possible, then you must follow the instructions.

  1. The surface must be smooth and free of debris. A rug is laid over it.
  2. Lay out the material carefully.
  3. Inflate the pool, but so that there is still room for expanded warm air.
  4. Connect the control unit to the pool. The unit must be grounded.
  5. Install the filter to the internal outlet grille.
  6. Before filling, place plugs on any exposed, unnecessary holes.
  7. Add a little water, make sure there is no slope and fill completely. The water should be warm. This will help save energy when heating.
  8. Turn on the heater on the unit. The water is heated every hour by 1.5 degrees.


  • The pool cannot be installed on the second floor if the first floor is residential. The room should be well ventilated.
  • The pool should not be exposed to long-term ultraviolet radiation.
  • Cannot be preserved.
  • The air temperature outdoors and indoors should not fall below -4 degrees, and in the water +4. If temperature changes are below these values, the pool cannot be used. A special material is laid on the floor to prevent heat loss from the pool. The floor covering in the room must be moisture resistant.
  • Do not heat the pool water above 40 degrees.
  • The pond should only operate when the lid of the pool bowl is open. Otherwise, warm vapors will damage the pool's spa system.

Inflatable pool care

An inflatable pool cannot be preserved, so after the swimming season it must be dismantled.

  • The first step is to drain the water into the garden or drainage hole.
  • Thoroughly rinse the bottom and walls, especially the folds.
  • Disconnect the filter system. Heating system. Dry all elements and put them in a dry room.
  • The pool bowl also needs to be dried.
  • Blow it off using a pump or by hand. Do not press too hard on the walls, as this can damage the material.
  • until next season. It is not advisable to store in an unheated room.

Pros of an inflatable pool

  • Inexpensive price. Although some models of spa pools, even inflatable ones, are expensive. This is usually due to the durable material used to make the bowl and filtration systems, spas and hot tubs.
  • Quick assembly and dismantling.
  • Can be installed anywhere. Both at home and on the street.
  • Easy to care for.
  • Can be transported to any place you wish. In your own car.

Disadvantages of an inflatable pool.

  • Cannot be preserved.
  • Afraid of very low and high temperatures.

Required tools:

Air pump

Tips and warnings

How to fill an inflatable pool with air?

It can be a hit of entertainment within any family, in addition, it is a means of significant savings on public swimming pools. Being a relatively cheap solution, an inflatable pool can also offer cool water on a hot day, without the fuss and fixed costs and also, without wasting space in your backyard. Among other things, you can choose the size of the inflatable pool according to the needs of your family. So, for example, you can install a small pool for children preschool age, medium pool for teenagers and large swimming pool, which will allow several adults to swim at once. But before you can enjoy your new inflatable pool, you'll need to install it, and every inflatable pool installation begins with inflation.

Instructions for inflating the pool

Required tools:

Air pump

Compact and lightweight inflatable pool

Step 1. Preparing the area for installing an inflatable pool

Needless to say, before the actual process of inflating your pool, you need to prepare the area in which it will be installed. You must select and prepare a flat piece of land for installation. You must be sure to install it on a flat piece of ground free of any sharp objects with a nearby electrical power source if your pool is equipped with a filter or any type of electrical equipment. It is also recommended to use a tarpaulin covering under the inflatable pool. This solution will help protect the pool bottom from most physical damage.

Step 2. Connection air pump and instructions

Read the manufacturer's instructions, pay special attention to connecting the air pump, which you proceed to as soon as you put the instructions aside. If your inflatable pool does not come with an air pump, you can choose from several other pump options to inflate your pool. The most effective models of electric air compressors for inflatable pools include bellows, fast operation, and battery-powered options with low energy consumption.

Step 3: Inflate your pool to working condition

Inflate your pool until it's full, functional state. Check the manufacturer's specifications for specific requirements in the inflatable pool inflation procedure. Be careful not to overfill the pool with air. Over-pumping your pool can cause the seams to either unravel or, worse, burst. After filling your inflatable pool with air, install a plug in the filter hole to prevent air leakage.

Step 4: Fill the pool with water

The final touch is to add water and you can enjoy your new pool.

Tips and warnings

Contact your inflatable pool manufacturer for best option air pump for application to said pool. Some brands of inflatable pools may require or recommend the use of specific pumps to inflate their inflatable pools.

Typically, the most convenient way to inflate inflatable pools is to use an electric pump, however, you must be sure to use a low level of pressure when operating your pump, otherwise you risk not keeping up with the air in the pool, which will lead to holes in the pool liner . Additionally, you should never use an air compressor unattended as you risk the inflatable pool exploding.

How and with what to properly inflate an inflatable product.

Inflatable products can be inflated in three ways: mechanically, electrically, or independently (just inflate). The third method is acceptable only for small-sized products: armbands and vests, small circles, headrests and pillows.
But if there is a need to pump up something large - a bed, a mattress, a swimming pool, then you cannot do without a pump. In this case, pumps can be used either mechanical or electric. They all have their merits. Both mechanical and electric pumps come with several nozzles so that you can pump up any product - an inflatable ring or a large bed. You just need to select the right nozzle for the pump.
Mechanical pumps come in hand and foot pumps. The main advantage when using pumps of this type is the ability to inflate products in any conditions - at home, outdoors in the forest or while fishing, where there is no electrical outlet.
You ask - which ones are better? The answer is not for everybody. What does the soul lie to? In terms of quality and service life, they are approximately the same. They will last more than one year. The only thing is that piston pumps (hand pumps) can be slightly lubricated once a year. The legs in colloquial language have their own name - “Toad”. They come in 3 and 5 liter sizes. Manual ones also have their own size and displacement. You need to buy a pump based on what you will be pumping with it. If it's a mattress or children's pool small in size, then it is accordingly necessary to take the same pump - not very large. Why pay more?
But if you are going to pump up a large bed or boat, then buy a pump that has a large chamber volume - from 5 liters or more. If it is possible to connect to a 220 V or 12 V network, it is better to purchase an electric pump.
Using an electric pump, you can significantly save time and effort in the process of inflating the product. Just plug it in, press the button, wait a couple of minutes and that’s it – you can use it. Pumps operating from a 220 V network are more powerful than 12 volt ones. But, despite this, when using a pump from a car cigarette lighter, you can also make it easier for yourself to inflate an air mattress or boat.
Another option is to use a battery-powered electric pump. The pump itself is relatively inexpensive - about 15 USD. But when using this pump, you will constantly have to buy batteries, since the pumping process requires a lot of energy. And the last, most convenient option is a battery-powered pump. This pump can be used both from a power outlet and outdoors where there is no access to the network. But this is the most expensive option. The cost of such a pump is approximately 40 USD.
The main rule when inflating any inflatable products is the following - use only standard pumps. Do not inflate with any bicycle or compressor. You can simply damage the product - puncture it or rupture it from over-inflating using high-pressure pumps.
Standard pumps will not allow this. All the nozzles in the pumps are plastic, which cannot damage the PVC (product material), and electric pumps have their own power limit when pumping. Even if you do not turn off the pump during inflation, when the product is already inflated, nothing bad will happen. The pump will simply continue to idle. It will not have enough power to pump air into an already inflated product. Well, there’s nothing to say about the use of hair dryers for pumping. You will simply damage the product with hot air. So use standard pumps and everything will be OK.
And one more pleasant moment. With any electric and some mechanical pumps you can not only inflate the product, but also deflate it. After all, simply unscrewing the cap, all the air will still not come out of it, no matter how much you jump on it. Using a pump, you can create a kind of vacuum packaging. In this case, your product will take up less space during storage. The main thing is that when you pump out the air, immediately close the valve with the plug, because while you are twisting and assembling the product, air will fill it again.