Circular rotations of the pelvis. Dangerous sport: physical exercise that is harmful to health

One of the most effective ways The way we don’t allow our sexuality to live is to keep the pelvis clamped. By doing this, we create an energy block in the entire genital area and lower back so that we do not pay attention to the sensations that arise there. But by “squeezing” any part of the body, we affect life as a whole! Tightness and tension always spread further.

If my pelvis is tense, I cannot walk freely because my hips cannot rotate, so my arms no longer move naturally and easily, my shoulders become tense. Low back pain is often associated with chronic tightness of the pelvic area. The same reason leads to problems with the hips and knees.

As you can see, it's not just about sexuality anymore. If you have never thought about orgasm, have never experienced it and don’t really want it, do this exercise for the benefit of your whole body.

Lie on your back with your knees bent. Feet are completely on the floor.

Repeat each movement at least ten times, slowly, gently and lovingly. Be fully present in your movements.

Imagine a dial on your body, as we did with breathing exercises: 12 o'clock - heart, 6 - knees, 3 and 9 o'clock - left and right hips, respectively. The center of the dial is your tailbone touching the floor.

Slowly move your pelvis in a circle from 12 to 6 o'clock and back. This is negligible in amplitude,

smooth movement. Your buttocks should not leave the floor.

Now move from 3 to 9 and back. Do not move your knees from side to side - the movement is performed only by the pelvis.

Now make a full circle clockwise: 12 - 3 - 6 - 9 - 12. Try to keep the circle as even as possible. If you move slowly enough, you will notice where the circle is “crooked.”

Go in the opposite direction. Remember - we move softly, with feeling!

By practicing every day, you can add new numbers to your “clock”, while becoming more aware of where your pelvis is on the dial. The pelvic muscles are some of the strongest in the body, and their release will affect all other body movements. You can perform pelvic rotation while sitting or standing. In the latter case, it will be similar to belly dancing or Hawaiian dancing.

After a while daily activities you will probably notice that your bodily sensations have become fuller, richer. You may become more aware of your genital area and perhaps, for the first time in your life, feel a flow of energy flowing from your sexual center. For many of my clients, this feeling was scary at first. They were afraid that their liberated sexuality would force them to do something not quite decent - for example, go to a bar and pick up a stranger.

Connecting with the flow of our own sexuality does not make us out of control. Opening up to your feelings does not necessarily mean expressing them anywhere! This is not at all necessary. We ourselves can always learn to bring ourselves to orgasm by experimenting and trying a little.

Be gentle with yourself. Find your body's pleasure centers. Men have limited their erogenous zones to a small area, but for women, their entire body can become an erogenous zone. There are specific sex textbooks for women, but if you give yourself the freedom to explore, you'll probably do just fine without them. Fantasize, nothing and no one limits you! You can imagine and do whatever brings you pleasure.

In search of pleasure, women often turn to vibrators, but for me they are too mechanical. They bring multiple superficial sensations rather than a full, deep orgasm. Yet many women say they don't achieve orgasm without a man because they like the feeling of their body being penetrated. I was one of them too, until I learned the next exercise.

Lie on your back with your knees bent, as in the previous exercises. Try to tense all the muscles at the pelvic level. Squeeze everything at once, as if you urgently need to go to the toilet, but you just can’t find it. Tighten and relax at least twenty times.

The next step is to learn how to isolate the vaginal muscles from the buttock muscles, that is, strain them separately. At first, this probably won’t work, but still, try! The easiest way to learn this is to hold your urine.

Now that you can control the vaginal muscles on their own, imagine the entrance to the vagina as the first floor of a seven-story building and gradually tighten each “floor”, rising to the top. This will involve the deep lying abdominal muscles. Tighten and relax level by level, as if riding up and down in an elevator. At the same time, try to keep your buttock muscles as relaxed as possible.

This exercise resembles the feeling of penetration, and in addition, it benefits the body. It will bring you closer to orgasm if you pleasure yourself. It will make you a more skillful, captivating lover. It will help avoid organ prolapse in the future and will provide indispensable help for problems with urinary incontinence.

By the way, about the last one! Nowadays, “diapers for women” are increasingly used. Never use them, don't get used to them! Incontinence is NOT a natural part of the aging process. Incontinence is caused by a lack of movement and stimulation of the pelvic muscles, both of which can be treated. We can change muscle tone ourselves, from the inside, rather than relying on external means. The exercise described is wonderful and affordable way take care of your health both now and in the future.

My friend learned these exercises in just one lesson; then she called and said that she performed it while sitting behind the wheel, and experienced spontaneous orgasms all the way home. Isn't it time to get behind the wheel?

partner, don't feel guilty for experimenting like this alone. This is not a betrayal - you are learning something new, and this skill will undoubtedly benefit both of you.

About what physical culture body is the key to proper functioning internal organs, everyone has heard early childhood. But it’s unlikely that any of the men even then thought about the fact that playing sports could affect the functioning of a rather intimate part male body- pelvic organs. And the very concept of “small pelvis” was once associated with completely different images. But with age, a lot changes. Including associations. And it turns out that the knowledge that was previously not needed at all can significantly improve the quality of a man’s life.

The benefits of exercises for the pelvic organs

Training any muscle always has positive impact on the body as a whole. The same applies to training the pelvic muscles.

Positive effects

Performing specially selected exercises allows you to achieve the following effects:

Strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor

The anatomical area associated with the small pelvis, such as the pelvic floor, deserves special attention. At its core, it is a complex of muscles that bear the weight of all the abdominal organs and, in particular, the pelvic organs. It is they who do not allow these organs to fall down and be pinched by the bones that form the pelvis - this is a kind of hammock that can sag somewhat under the weight of the organ complex, but must have sufficient elasticity so as not to stretch and sag completely.

Particularly important is the fact that the muscles pelvic floor presented not smooth, but cross-striped muscle tissue, which means that it is quite possible to train it. It is known that the pelvic floor muscles work actively during lifting weights, during bowel movements, urination and sex. The weakness of one of the muscles located in the pelvic floor is associated with such an unpleasant condition in men as the release of a few drops of urine after urination.

Observations show that the muscles on the pelvic floor are quite amenable to conscious control, that is, they can be tensed and relaxed at will.

Usually, strengthening the muscles on the pelvic floor is done on the recommendation of a urologist, but for all men such gymnastics will not be superfluous, since it will help to avoid many troubles that often appear with age.

In addition, performing exercises for the purpose of prevention is much easier, without pain, which often arise if the same exercises are performed when some pathological process is already taking place in the pelvic organs.

Workout anytime

To train the pelvic muscles in men, you can use exercises that do not require special time to perform: they are designed for different occasions. Here are three basic exercises:

Training the pelvic muscles while walking: during a leisurely walk, you need to periodically lift the pelvic floor muscles, that is, strain them to about half their maximum level. strong level voltage. Having tightened your muscles, take a few steps, relax, and repeat the exercise after a few more steps.

During urination: after urination, squeeze the pelvic floor muscles as much as possible to prevent involuntary leakage of drops of urine. This exercise is especially useful for strengthening the pelvic muscles for men who have problems with urinary retention. In such cases, you can use a complicated version of this exercise: strain the pelvic floor muscles during urination, trying to interrupt it, then continue the process, interrupting it several times.

A truly masculine way to strengthen the pelvic muscles: during sex, tense the pelvic muscles in such a way as to keep the penis in an excited state. Perform the movements slowly and rhythmically. At the second stage, strain the pelvic floor muscles so as to delay the moment of ejaculation. Such exercises can not only strengthen muscles, but also significantly increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

It is advisable to perform simple tension and relaxation of the pelvic muscles as often as possible during the day, both in an upright and in any other position.

Special training system

To perform a specially designed complex, it is necessary to allocate a certain time during the day. For training you will need a mat (it is convenient to use a yoga mat) and stable chair with a high, flat back - classic, like those that used to stand in school classrooms.

The initial position is to lie flat on your back, with your arms parallel to your body. Breathe. With a sharp exhalation, lift your legs off the floor and pull your knees towards your chest, fix your pelvis in the highest position, pointing your tailbone as high as possible. As you inhale, lower your legs and accept starting position. Perform depending on the level of training from 4-6 times to 10-15.

The initial position is the same as in the first exercise. Breathe. As you exhale, lift one leg off the mat, you can slightly bend your knee, raise it to an angle of 45° with the floor, and rotate your leg at the hip joint, first in one direction, then in the other. Lower your leg and repeat the exercise for the other leg. Repeat at least 6 times for each leg.

The initial position is lying on your back, shoulder blades pressed to the floor, arms lying parallel to the torso, legs bent at the knee joints, lower leg and thigh forming a right angle. Breathe. As you exhale, lift your buttocks as high as possible for three counts, squeeze them and pull in the muscles around the anus. Hold the pose for a few seconds, and return to the starting position for one count while inhaling. Perform at least 6 times.

The initial position is to stand vertically directly behind the chair, with your hands resting on the back of the chair. Breathe. As you exhale, simultaneously rise on your toes as high as possible and squat down, holding onto the back of the chair to maintain balance. As you inhale, rise to the starting position. Perform at least 3-6 repetitions depending on your level of training.

Initial position - lying on your back, arms parallel to the torso, shoulder blades pressed to the floor. Breathe. As you exhale, sharply lift your shoulder blades off the floor and fix your torso ( chest and shoulders) at an angle of about 30-45° relative to the floor. Hold in this position for 1-2 seconds and lower to the starting position. When lifting, the head and neck should form an even line with the back; the head should not go forward under any circumstances. Repeat 6 times.

Initial position - standing on all fours, the lower leg and thigh form a right angle, the arms rest on the floor with the hands. Breathe. As you exhale, tilt your body back, while your buttocks fall onto your heels, your arms extend vertically upward, and your back forms a right angle with respect to the floor. It’s good to stretch up, while inhaling, lower to the starting position. Perform at least 6 times.

The initial position is the same as in the exercise described above. Breathe. As you exhale, stretch back and lift one leg so that it forms a straight line with your back. Hold this position for a few seconds, and while inhaling, lower your leg. As you exhale, lift the other leg. One set includes 6 repetitions for each leg.

A more complicated version of the exercise described above: from the same starting position, while exhaling, lift not only the leg, but also the opposite arm, while stretching it forward. Ensure that the arm, back and leg form an even, straight line parallel to the floor. As you inhale, return to the starting position, and as you exhale, lift the other leg and arm. Repeat at least 6 times for each pair of limbs.

The initial position is standing on all fours. Breathe. As you exhale, one leg is pulled back, then, without going down, it is immediately stretched to the side so that the thigh and torso make a right angle. In this case, the leg is parallel to the floor. Then she bends and, while inhaling, lowers herself down, the exercise is repeated for the other leg. Perform at least 4 times for each leg.

The initial position is standing behind a chair, hands placed on its back. Breathe. As you exhale, lift the toes of your feet off the floor, pull them up to your shins as much as possible, the weight of the body moves to the heels, and the stomach is drawn in. As you inhale, transfer the weight of your body onto your toes, rise onto your tiptoes, and pull in your buttocks. Perform at least 6-8 such rolls from heels to toes.

The initial position is lying on your back, legs bent at the knee joints so that the shins and thighs form an acute (about 45°) angle with each other. Feet and shoulder blades are pressed to the mat. Breathe. As you exhale, without lifting your shoulder blades from the floor, turn your legs tightly pressed to each other in one direction, touch the floor, turn your legs in the other direction, touch the floor, return to the starting position. Breathe. Perform from 4 to 6 such twists, depending on your level of training. Make sure that when turning, it is the pelvis that works, and not the chest.

The initial position is standing next to a chair, one leg placed on its seat so that the lower leg and thigh form an obtuse angle. Hands rested on hips. Breathe. As you exhale, bend forward, pulling your thigh towards your shin as much as possible, and while inhaling, return to the starting position. Change legs. Perform 3 to 5 times for each leg.

The initial position is lying on your back, arms parallel to the torso, legs straight, shoulder blades and buttocks pressed to the floor. Breathe. As you exhale, bring your knees to your chest, press them as much as possible, clasping them with both hands. Hold the pose for a few seconds. While inhaling, take the starting position. Repeat 6 to 10 times.

Initial position - lying on your back, shoulder blades pressed to the mat, arms parallel to the torso, legs bent at the knee joints so that the shin and thigh form an acute angle, feet pressed to the floor. Breathe. As you exhale, without lifting your feet from the floor, raise your torso, sit down and clasp your knees with your hands. Fix the position, while inhaling, lower to the starting position. Perform 6 to 8 repetitions.

This complex allows you not only to make the muscles of the pelvic floor stronger and improve the functioning of the pelvic organs, but also to tighten your abs, buttocks, thighs and legs.

Do you think it’s nice to have a disease like varicose veins or hemorrhoids? Especially those who are already familiar with these diseases know that it would be better to prevent them.

The cause of a huge number of diseases is the cessation of blood microcirculation in one or another part of the body. How to help yourself and prevent blood stagnation and remove blocks in the body?

How to restore blood circulation in the pelvis? A simple but effective exercise "Circles and Eights"

The essence of the exercise is that we rotate the pelvis in different planes. No matter how simple this exercise may seem, many will notice that in some planes the exercise works well, but not in others. Therefore, do not give up trying to achieve correct execution. Exercise perfectly releases sexual energy. You can perform circles and figure eights in any position: standing, sitting, lying on your stomach or lying on your back. It is better to start getting used to the complex in a standing position.


Spin 8 circles parallel to the floor clockwise and 8 circles counterclockwise.


We twist 8 eights stretched out in loops to the sides (like an infinity sign) in one direction and 8 eights in the other direction.

You yourself can come up with additional planes for torsion of eights, for example diagonally.

The exercise gives amazing results:

  • Blocks and clamps disappear,
  • blood circulation is restored,
  • self-regulation starts, recovery begins.

And the point here is not only in dynamics, but also in the action of vortex energy flows that we launch in the body.

Rotate your head to the side with a roll. We touch the chest in front, the back of the head touches the shoulder blades. When rolling, the ear necessarily hits the shoulder. Deeper! Four times one way, four times the other. Four in one, four in the other. The same can be continued in motion and while walking. That is, we go towards each other and continue to rotate our heads.

Exercise 2: In a forward lunge position, swing your arms

In the forward lunge position, swing your arms up and down. Get started! Up - down, up - down. And so four times. Swap legs. Bend back a little more. The knee almost touches, but stretches at the hip joint. Up - down, up - down.

Exercise 3: Rotation of the arms at the shoulder joint

Rotation of the arms at the shoulder joint. Four times one way, four times the other way. One, two, three, four. One two, three, four. We switch legs and rotate again. Four times in one direction, four times in the other direction. One, two, three, four. One two, three, four. Repeat 4-8 times.

Exercise 4: Wide body swings to the right and left

The legs are spread wide apart, the body swings wide to the right and left. We try to touch the knee joint with our elbow. Try not to lean forward or backward. With every fifth swing, you can try to lean forward to engage other muscle groups. Repeat 4-8 times.

Exercise 5: From the main stance - pelvic movements

From the main stance - movements of the pelvis. The main movement is in hip joints, in the lower parts of the spine, including sacral region and lower lumbar spine. This flexibility exercise is important in the warm-up set of exercises in preparation for the main aerobic phase of work.

Exercise 6: Circular movements of the pelvis

From the main rack are carried out circular movements pelvis. This exercise is similar to the previous one, the only thing is that there is a rotational movement with maximum deviations forward and backward. Four times clockwise, and four times counterclockwise. One, two, three, four. This is repeated five to six times.

Exercise 7: Warm up the knee joints

From the main position, circular rotation of the knee joints. Different hand positions are possible. On your knees or on your lower back. In this case, four movements of the knee joints forward, four movements back. We change the position of the waist - knees, and continue. Four times in one direction, four times in the opposite direction.

Exercise 8: Bend back with arms extended

From the main stance, bend backwards, with your arms stretched back as far as possible. One, two, three, on the count of four - touch the floor. One, two, three, four - we touch the floor. The exercise is aimed at kneading the spine. Can be repeated 8-12 times, depending on need.

Exercise 9: Warm-up the joints of the upper limbs

The exercise is aimed at warming up the joints of the upper limbs. Movements in the wrist joint, four times forward, four times back. Four times forward, four times back. Let's move on to the movement elbow joints. The shoulder joints do not move. Four moves forward, four moves back. And the movements are already in shoulder joints. Four forward, four back.

Exercise 10: Rotational movements in the spine

Rotational movements in the spine. One, two, three, four. With increasing depth. Three movements in each direction, four – return to the starting position. The exercise is aimed at torsional stretching of the muscles around the spinal column. In this case, all muscles are involved, up to the 7th cervical vertebra.

Exercise 11: Lateral Bends

Exercise: While bending to the sides, we try to touch the floor with our hands. Turn sideways, right or left. One, two, forward - three, back to the starting position - four. In the opposite direction: one, two, forward - three, to the starting position - four. Repeat 8-12 times. The exercise is aimed at warming up the spinal column, muscles of the upper and lower limbs.

Exercise 12: Bend over with ankle grip

Spring bends, with an ankle grip. Grab your leg under the ankle - one, bend forward twice - two, three, return to the starting position - four. One, two, three, back to the starting position - four. One, two, three, back to the starting position - four. This continues 6-8 times to warm up the muscles...

Exercise 13: Bend over, with ankle grip 2

Springy bends, with hands grabbing the leg by the ankle. One - grab, two, three - tilts, four - return to the starting position. Grab the other leg: one, two, three, return to the starting position. A warm-up flexibility exercise aimed at the muscles of the upper and lower extremities, as well as the lower back.

Exercise 14: Swing arms and legs while standing on one leg

Free swings of arms and legs forward and backward in antiphase, standing on one leg. Hands forward, one, two, three, four. We change legs and continue to move the leg forward - backward, without bending the elbows, forward - backward, three, four. Each exercise is performed 8-10 times.

Exercise 15: Swing arms and legs, with a bend in the lower back

Swing freely with arms and legs, with a bend in the lower back, arm and leg four times in one direction, four times in the other. The adductor abductor muscles of the thigh work, and this exercise is aimed at warming them up. 4-6 swings are made in each direction.

Exercise 16: Swing your arms and touch your leg with your hand

The next exercise involves swinging your arms and touching your leg with your hand, with one leg on the knee and the other on the floor. We do 8-12 swings and switch legs. We continue our warm-up. Various muscles and joints work...

Exercise 17: Swing your arms to the sides while kneeling

Swing your arms to the sides while kneeling. At the same time they work like muscles shoulder girdle, and the lower back. This exercise also belongs to the group of flexibility training exercises and is included in the complex warm-up exercises. The swings are repeated 8-12 times, after which we return to the starting position.

Exercise 18: Leg Swing Forward

Swing your leg forward. We try to pull the toe forward as much as possible, and at the same time we make cotton under the knee. Leg up, clap, two - down, the other leg up - three, return to the starting position - four. We repeat these claps, while trying not to bend at the waist. Flexibility exercise.

Exercise 19: Back Arching with Knee Extension

Exercise from a kneeling position. The back arches upward, along with the extension of the legs in knee joint. The joints work: knees, ankles, femurs, as well as the spine, and the muscles of the upper extremities are stretched. The exercise is repeated 8-12 times and is aimed at flexibility.

Exercise 20: Arching the torso forward and upward

Exercise – starting position: sitting, supporting your arms behind you. Arching the body forward and upward. The exercise is aimed at developing flexibility. Each upward movement is repeated 8-12 times. If necessary, you can rest in a sitting position, leaning your arms behind you.

Exercise 21: Arching the pelvis up and forward

Starting position sitting on the floor. We bend the pelvis up and forward, sit on our knees - three, in the starting position - four. From the starting position - one, lifting the body up, on the ruts - three, starting position - four. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four.

Exercise 22: Leg kicks to the side

From a position where your feet are shoulder-width apart, move your legs to the side. This exercise is one of the rare ones, aimed at training the abductor groups of the thigh muscles, which allows you to maintain beautiful shape buttocks This exercise must be repeated 8-12 times in each direction.

Exercise 23: Leg abduction with hand grip

Exercise to train the abductor muscles of the hip and buttocks. Taking the leg to the side and slightly forward, grabbing it with the same hand from the same side. Its purpose is to maintain the correct shape of the legs and buttocks, as well as to warm up the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. In each direction 8-12 times.

Exercise 24: Sitting on the floor, kick up

The exercise is aimed at training flexibility, as well as muscles abdominals. Sitting on the floor, arms supported behind you, legs straight, forward. With effort, the legs are jerked up, with an attempt to grab them under the knees. And one, two, three, four - return to the starting position.

Exercising is an excellent way to keep your body in shape and combat overweight, improving mood and general well-being. Some train strictly under supervision experienced trainer, and some people believe that they know better than others what their body needs. Very often such training ends in injury or entails more serious consequences. Feelgood talks about which exercises are harmful to our body.

What not to do during warm-up

One of the most dangerous exercises for health, without which almost no warm-up can be done, is head rotation. Incorrect tempo or amplitude of head rotation can harm the cervical spine. As a result, blood circulation is impaired not only in cervical spine, but also the entire head, the blood flow of the ENT organs worsens. To protect yourself from unpleasant consequences, experts recommend replacing head rotations with bending back and forth or swinging your arms. The last exercise provides maximum tension on the muscles, which is especially important before starting an intense workout.

The most dangerous body turns

Another exercise that is harmful to our body is turning the body to the sides. Improper execution of the exercise can disrupt the functioning of the spinal column, which is located in the thoracic and lumbar regions. As a result of such physical activity, blood supply is reduced, and nerve impulses to organs and tissues are significantly weakened. If you do this exercise at a more moderate pace, the result will be completely different. The main rule: the pelvis should remain motionless, and the rotation of the body should be accompanied by a slight stretching of the muscles.

The next exercise, called “Mill,” has been known to us since school. It combines intense bending to the floor and twisting of the torso. One wrong movement and damage to the lumbosacral region is guaranteed.

Torso rotation with clockwise bends is another invisible enemy of the lumbosacral region. And although the purpose of this exercise is to stretch the lumbar, side and abdominal muscles, the harm from performing such exercises can significantly exceed the health benefits.

How not to pump up your abs

The rating of unsafe exercises for our body continues - bending to the floor. If excessively intense, this kind of bending can harm the spine. What do we get as a result? Poor circulation of the lower extremities and pelvic organs. Health experts recommend performing this exercise in a gentle manner, and the angle of inclination should not exceed 15-20 degrees.

Another exercise that is harmful to the body is swinging your legs back while standing. Such exercises put a very strong load on the lumbar region, as well as on gluteal muscles and thigh muscles. Try replacing them with more effective exercises: bending forward while sitting. The basic rule for such bends is that the back should be as straight as possible.

No less dangerous for our health is pumping up the press with lifting the torso. When performing this exercise, the spinous processes of our back experience enormous load, bearing the weight of the entire body. To avoid unpleasant health consequences, you can replace this exercise with raising your legs while lying down. In this case, the pelvis does not move, and the load does not transfer to the spinous processes.

Most mistakes with unpleasant consequences occur when a person is tired. Don’t try to prove something to someone, take care of yourself and if you feel like your strength is running out, reduce the intensity of the load or take a short break. We wish you useful training and, of course, health!

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