Alexander Kokorin (football player). Biography and interesting facts from life

Scandal with Russian football players, which is referred to on the Internet as “Mamaevo Kokorische”, attracted attention not only to the participants in this story, but also to their significant other. the site talks about Alexander Kokorin’s wife, 27-year-old Daria Valitova, and also recalls the women with whom the athlete met before her.

Alexander Kokorin's love victories began in the same period when his football career. In 2008, Kokorin signed his first professional contract with Dynamo Moscow. At the same time, he registered on the pages of glossy magazines, becoming the hero of scandalous chronicles, as well as a regular at social gatherings. It was there that he met a girl with whom he had his first serious relationship.

Kokorin's chosen one was Timati's cousin. Victoria Smirnova was 7 years older than Alexander and before him met with Stas Piekha.

The new couple immediately attracted the attention of the public - young, beautiful, in love with each other - they lit up at the best parties in the capital and attended all significant events.

It seemed that things were heading towards a wedding, but unexpectedly their romance ended - Smirnova flew to London to study, and Kokorin remained in Moscow. He was never bored alone. In general, he was always surrounded by representatives of the fair sex. As a rule - blondes. One of them, Kristina Dolgopalova, officially became the football player’s girlfriend.

Their relationship developed according to a familiar scenario - romantic trips to the Emirates and the Maldives, declarations of love. Dolgopalova even accompanied Kokorin to Poland for Euro 2012. Immediately after, the 21-year-old football player abandoned his beloved. However, Christina did not grieve for long. She married another football player - Australian Luke Wilkshire, who, like Kokorin, played for Dynamo Moscow.

In 2013, our lover of blondes drew attention to Daria Valitova. She became the first girl whose affection the football player, who was not accustomed to refusals, sought for several months. Detractors say that Valitova interested Kokorin not only for her pretty appearance, but also for having a businessman dad.

Dasha is used to living on wide leg, so Kokorin had to try to satisfy all the desires of his beloved. Fortunately, his salary at Zenit of 3.5 million euros allowed him to do this.

Kokorin was in no hurry to go to the registry office, and Valitova was in no hurry to propose marriage. But they say that the wedding still took place. Dasha's father insisted on this, having learned that his daughter was pregnant. There was no lavish ceremony - only the closest ones were invited.

The couple’s first child was born in the summer of 2017, but about that.

Kokorin turned out to be a surprisingly secretive person in everything related to his personal life. On the athlete’s Instagram you can’t find (!) a single photo of his heir, and there are no more than five or six photos of his beloved woman in a year. “Hb lu,” - these are the words Alexander congratulates Dasha on her birthday.

Valitova never commented on the scandalous antics of her husband in the press (she was even with him at that scandalous party in Monaco). But in a situation that all of Russia has been discussing for the last few days, she did not remain silent.

The girl does not justify her husband’s actions, but now she only thinks about Alexander being released as soon as possible and being with her and their child.

Alexander and Pavel became the main anti-heroes of the week after the rowdy and beating story, attracting more and more attention to themselves. And their spouses, blushing for their unfortunate husbands, remain in the shadows. the site talks about Alan Mamaeva and Daria Valitova, and also recalls the stories of their acquaintances with athletes.

Alana Mamaeva: scandal after scandal

“I will never work. I'm clueless. I will never be able to control anything. I'm lazy. I don't have a higher education, and I'm proud of it. I have never hidden this, never,” Alana introduces herself with these words.

Both Alana (whose maiden name was Khubetsova) and Pavel had already visited the registry office and the maternity hospital before meeting each other: the football player lived with Yulia Evtukh, who gave him a daughter, Evgenia; the girl also raised her son Alex from her first relationship. The future spouses met when the latter was still married. “A friend calls me: “Come to the cafe, let’s eat.” I'm with friends." I arrived and looked: some young boys were sitting there. It was a famous couple - Kokorin and Mamaev. I didn’t take it seriously at first. I immediately told him that I didn’t want to date and that I wasn’t divorced yet. We’ve been living together ever since,” the brunette recalls about meeting the football player. In 2013, the couple got married, soon became parents and moved to Krasnodar - as they often write, after joining the family, Alana “dedicated herself entirely to the hearth and home.” The phrase does not fit too well with Mamaeva’s image: she is fond of tattoos, publishes bold photos on the Internet and may well take a walk with her husband to a strip bar. And this is not all of her “track record”.

Bikini photos in which Alana demonstrates an enviable body are a legacy of her modeling past. Since her youth, the girl dreamed of a career on the catwalk and achieved some success, gracing the pages of magazines. Khubetsova also managed to appear on TV: she became one of the brides in the “Let's Get Married!” program. and defeated her competitors in the fight for the heart of wrestler Alexander Lipovoy. True, Alana’s goal was not relationships, but popularity - at that time she had already become both a wife and a mother.

Another scandalous episode in the life of Mamaev’s beloved is associated with illegal drugs. A video is circulating on the Internet where she, in a deranged state, pesters an acquaintance, offering her phone in exchange for a dose. “This is just a joke,” the model later justified herself. And all the prohibited drugs in her life were:

“I never had problems with drugs. Drug problems are when you really have problems. I smoked and tried everything, but I didn’t try anything heavy,” the footballer’s wife said in an interview with Tochka Nad I.

Mamaeva is interested in horse riding, tattoos (as already mentioned above) and... plastic surgery. Now she keeps in shape thanks to sports and special diet, but almost everything that the public sees - from the nose to the buttocks - is the merit of plastic surgeons. Rhinoplasty, lip augmentation, then lip reduction, leg lift, implants in the breasts and buttocks - Alana explains all interventions with her incurable perfectionism. And he affectionately calls himself “Frankenstein.”

Mamaev himself found himself in a delicate situation due to the fault of his wife. A little over a year ago, Alana’s phone was hacked by hackers, who stole intimate photographs of the person herself and footage taken with her husband in the shower. Moreover, the scammers promised to leak correspondence and photographs onto the Internet proving that the football player’s companion had previously worked as an escort. For silence, the cybercriminals demanded 20 thousand dollars and a percentage of the athlete’s income - judging by the fact that the footage never appeared anywhere, the “victim” and the “attackers” were able to come to an agreement.

more on the topic

And now - a new scandalous page in the life of the spouses. Even before the incident with the brawl and fight of the inseparable Kokorin and Mamaev, Alana hinted at an imminent divorce, enrolling herself “in the ranks of single mothers.” However, the couple were able to reconcile, but not for long. Rumors about a breakup are raging again, which the brunette had to comment: “I didn’t file for divorce! Please, you don’t need to write on my behalf,” she addressed the audience. And she added in a conversation with reporters: “They were drunk. How else to explain this trick? What should I think? Ashamed. Sorry! I'm ashamed of him."

Daria Valitova: daughter of wealthy parents

Last summer, all the media trumpeted that Kokorin had finally come to his senses and became a father and husband. And if the first fact really happened (on June 4, 2017, Daria gave the footballer a son), then the wedding did not take place. It was rumored that the athlete and his companion staged a modest, secret celebration. The day before, there was a scandal with the cheeky behavior of the Kokorin-Mamaev couple in one of the clubs in Monaco - so it was decided to abandon excesses. However, as Daria’s father, businessman Ruslan Valitov, said, there is no stamp in his daughter’s passport. “He is not my son-in-law!” - the man exclaimed after the fight and rowdy Alexander.

Kokorin met a pretty blonde after a series of love successes - so he was not ready for refusal. However, Daria did not buy the athlete’s compliments, uttered at the first meeting at the party, and did not leave her phone number. Alexander had to sweat, looking for his passion in social networks and getting a date. But further surprises awaited him.

“At first our relationship didn’t work out,” said Daria. - Sasha was kind of stubborn, stubborn, probably considered himself a star. We quarreled, I often threw terrible hysterics at him, and he silently left. But he didn’t disappear, he called again. We met again and quarreled again.”

At that time, Kokorin was indeed considered a star (at least of the Dynamo team), but Valitova was not an ordinary girl. She was born in Tomsk, into a family of wealthy parents - according to, her father owns a large construction company. Since childhood, I have been drawn to creativity: I danced at Alla Dukhova’s school, and at six I won the international competition, wrote poetry. She tried herself as a singer, taking the pseudonym Amelie and entrusting her career to Vlad Topalov, and along the way she began a short affair with him. Next - admission to a theater university and a tryout in journalism. And then the girl met Kokorin.

The couple lived for their own pleasure - trips to expensive resorts, the best hotels - and gave touching interviews: the blonde said that her companion loved cutlets, fried potatoes, pasta and Olivier salad, and the football player assured that he dreams of at least three children. “The ideal day is when we are together all the time,” the lovers summed up. But there were also high-profile scandals: for example, Kokorin was once found in a sauna with two unknown young ladies - of course, not very dressed. Valitova chose not to react to the incident - just as they ignored the last prank of her companion. It turned out that while her husband was rowdy, she and her little son

When a football player's wife Alexandra Kokorina DariaValitova The first time she saw the scandalous video, she did not believe that her husband was captured on surveillance cameras. She still does not believe that her husband wanted to harm another person. All these months she has not given an interview to anyone, but today she breaks her silence! What did the whole family have to go through, what shocking details did she hide all these months and what remained behind the scenes of the scandalous video? Exclusive in "Live" !

Dasha was not shocked by the news that at the beginning of the fateful evening Kokorin was “hanging out” in a nightclub with “dancing girls.” She claims that such establishments are a common place of leisure for football players, and she herself has been there with her husband. Valitova does not deny that she and Alexander had difficulties: they started living together very early, and the birth of a child became a test: in the first year there was not even a nanny and both were very tired. But there were no major quarrels before the October incident: ordinary family “graters”, like everyone else’s.

Now Valitova recalls her pregnancy and childbirth with pleasure. She told how she and her husband chose an unusual name for their son Michael(“Sasha believed that the name should be international”), why she was against the presence of her husband at the birth (“I wanted him to see right away beautiful baby and beautiful me"), why for the sake of Kokorin she broke her vow not to dedicate tattoos to men (“I realized that I love him”) and what other tattoos she has on her body.

Daria confirmed that Kokorin has a very warm relationship with his younger brother and Alexander is very worried that the scandal also affected Kiryusha. She said that the players "Zenith" support the athlete and the vast majority of letters to Alexander and posts on social networks are friendly. Valitova noted that she knew about her husband’s charitable activities, but only now realized how large-scale it was: after all, Kokorin did not tell the journalists, her, or even his mother how many people he helped financially.

Valitova drew attention to physical condition husband in prison: in the gym of the pre-trial detention center he cannot maintain professional sports uniform, but the main thing is that he must continue rehabilitation after a complex operation, and it is impossible to do this behind bars. “I’m very worried about his knee. He could become disabled, while the health of both victims in the fights was only damaged slight harm", says Kokorin's wife. She apologized for her husband to all football fans and asks those who are not indifferent to his fate to help his family convey the truth to everyone and achieve fairness and justice.

What do Daria see as the advantages of Alexander’s current imprisonment for their family? What, according to Valitova, mitigates her husband’s guilt, but has not become public knowledge? How does the football player’s wife explain Kokorin’s outburst of aggression? How did Dasha’s parents perceive the situation with their son-in-law? What really happened at the party in Monaco in July 2016, whose champagne was attributed to our football players? Is it true that Pavel Mamaev"bad influence" on Kokorin, and what kind of relationship does Daria have with Alana Mamaeva? Why didn’t Alexander get a single tattoo? Answers - in "Live".

Father of a football player’s common-law wife: “He’s not my son-in-law!”

Kokorin’s father-in-law, businessman Ruslan Valitov, expressed his opinion about the huge scandal surrounding fights involving football players Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev. The man stated that there is no official relationship between him and the athlete. Kokorin's common-law wife, Daria, is now in the hospital with their one-year-old son - the baby has a temperature of over 40. Daria's father said that she will be very worried about the videos of fights in which girls appear who accompanied the Zenit and Krasnodar players "

At first, Ruslan Valitov said: “He is not my son-in-law!” The father of the football player’s girlfriend Daria Valitova (also known as a singer under the pseudonym Amelie) said that he is not related to Kokorin. The football player is the father of his grandson, but, according to Valitov, his daughter and Alexander are not officially married.

The couple lives in St. Petersburg, and Valitov himself lives in Moscow. The man has known Kokorin for six years and cannot remember anything bad about the football player. Moreover, according to Ruslan Reskhatovich, Alexander did not even drink alcohol in his presence. Last time they saw each other eight months ago. He learned about the situation with the two beatings from the news.

It was a shock for me. In my opinion, Alexander is a completely non-drinking person. And here these videos, in them, of course, the fact is obvious, they are fools,” said Ruslan Valitov.

Ruslan Reskhatovich said that he would immediately contact the athlete’s parents who live in Valuyki Belgorod region. He saw them once a year, in the last two years - in St. Petersburg and Moscow. The two families are connected only by the birth of an heir and the relationship of the children - there is no constant close contact between them. As for his daughter, Ruslan Valitov asked not to disturb Daria. According to him, a girl with a one-year-old baby has been in the hospital since Friday. The child has a temperature of about 40 and he is worried that the nursing mother will worry about this video, since, in addition to the fight, there are girls in the footage.

Let us recall that on Monday, October 8, a company that included Kokorin and Mamaev attacked the driver of the Channel One presenter near the Beijing Hotel in Moscow - he was injured and his car was damaged. Then the players started a fight at Coffeemania: Ministry of Industry and Trade official Denis Pak and NAMI head Sergei Gaisin were injured. Sources also reported that during St. Petersburg’s trip to Moscow, Kokorin and Mamaev started a brawl on the train (Russian Railways, however, does not confirm this).

Player Alexander Kokorin is the most famous football player Russian national team. It is popular not only among football fans. Thanks to his bright appearance and energetic and very cheerful disposition, the forward has a huge number of fans. But, despite this, the young man has already got a wife. Alexander Kokorin's wife is the daughter of a businessman.

Alexander Kokorin's wife photo

The famous football player met his current wife Daria in 2013. Alexander fell in love with the girl at first sight, and decided that this was the woman he needed. However, Kokorin ran into an awkward circumstance - he was not attracted to the girl, which was completely unnatural for a young man. Therefore, the football player had to use quite a lot of strength to win her, who won his heart. A photo of Alexander Kokorin’s wife is presented below.

Daria Valitova has always been the center of male attention. I fell in love with a pretty blonde back in my school years large number young men. Her biography is known to many, and her personal life is quite eventful. After she moved to Moscow, Daria had a relationship with the famous singer Vlad Topalov, and then, after some time, she dated a rapper named Timati.

Thanks to his assertive character, Alexander won the girl’s heart. A few weeks later the couple began living together. Some journalists claim that Alexander was also attracted by the fact that the girl’s father was very rich.

How it all began

The happy couple's relationship began incredibly beautifully and romantically. Alexander Kokorin and Daria Valitova spent a lot of time together. We constantly went to resorts - the Maldives, the United Arab Emirates and many others. They advertised their lives using social networks. All the time they posted happy photos of them together. They appeared only on the pages of Daria Valitova, since Alexander is not registered in any social system.

But then Alexander Kokorin was consumed by work. No matter how hard he tried, he spent all his time training. Like all girls, Daria wanted more attention from her lover and to be close to him. Sometimes this resulted in hysterics. Alexander understood his common-law wife and endured it, because he loved her very much. Sometimes the separation was so long that it took six months, or even more. However, meeting after separation is always a holiday.

The girl also loved Alexander and over time stopped spoiling the relationship with hysterics. Life has become calmer. As proof of her love, Daria got a tattoo in the form of the number under which her lover played - “K9”. At first, Alexander did not believe his wife and tried to wash it off for a long time, thinking that it was just a drawing.


The young couple lived together for quite a long time. There was never any discussion about marriage. It was enough for them that they were together, even though they were going through long separations. After a long time, the couple decided to officially legitimize their relationship. However, the wedding took place in a narrow circle of people. Relatives and closest friends were invited. The world learned about such a significant event only from a couple of photographs posted on the Internet.

And now, Alexander Kokorin and his wife are expecting their first child. A few months after the wedding, the young family had a baby. This event occurred in the summer of 2017. After the wedding, the Kokorin family stopped advertising their personal life. And the striker himself turned out to be, to the surprise of all his fans, very secretive. Fans learned that Daria and Alexander had a son thanks to a congratulatory message left by a family friend on social networks. The young parents have not yet shown their son’s face.

Not long ago, news appeared that the wife of football player Kokorin was expecting a second child. Children come first for this family now.