The meaning of the art of catwalk for a girl. Fashion show - the art of beautiful gait

Lyudmila Kotova
Open lesson on Fashion and Dance Theater Fashion Show Topic: “Staging the fashion show technique in the fall collection show”

Subject: « Staging the fashion show technique for the fall collection»

Profile: fashion show

Age: 9-14 years

Year of study: 1st

Target: staging the fashion show technique for showing the autumn clothing collection,training the main rack model



Develop aesthetic and volitional qualities;

Foster a common culture of behavior in team, feeling collectivism;


Familiarize yourself with the basics fashion show - aesthetics of movement: teach girls correct posture, teach beautiful, easy gait, as well as the ability to move correctly on stage and podium;


Develop memory, attention, horizons;

Used technologies: communicative, personality-oriented.

Form of work: group, pair, individual.

Methods: verbal, visual, comparative, method of practical activity, problematic.

Equipment and supplies: tape recorder, CDs.

Progress of the lesson

Stage I: "Organizational and preparatory"

Creating conditions for a positive emotional and intellectual mood groups:

Greeting children.

The children return the greeting.

Motivation for the lesson.

Children line up in one line.

Children stand in a checkerboard pattern.

Warm-up training.

Children do exercises that the teacher shows them(exercises to warm up the muscles of the neck, back, legs, ankle and foot)

Physical education minute: breathing exercises.

Diagnostics of the level of attention of children, their activity, readiness to perceive educational and cognitive material.

"And now we will repeat the elements fashion show: stand "classical", turn "comma", "dot"(fixation). Girls repeat elements fashion show with a teacher. The teacher explains everything in detail technology and how to do the exercise correctly

Stage II: "Constructing"

Basic: ensuring the perception of new material, intensifying activities based on the introduction of practical tasks.

“Today you have to learn the scheme display of a collection of clothing models, but for this you will first learn how to perform such an element fashion show like"comb"“- the girls line up at the end of the hall in two lines and take turns taking five steps forward and towards each other, passing one line through the other.

Systematizing stage: generalization and updating of knowledge, formation of a holistic perception of the topic through goal-setting of the lesson - children themselves come to the conclusion.

"When performing "comb" you should remember the stance "classical", "point" and turning "comma"- girls repeat the pattern several times.

“Now you will have a creative exercise: do you know what it is autumn style"- the children answer and talk about the style.

“Can you imagine that you are participating in show of the autumn collection from a famous designer? - the girls answer and take turns demonstrating the image.

“Now you have to come up with a scheme yourself show of the autumn collection", you can use the diagram "comb" to compile showing. To draw up a diagram You are given 5 minutes of showing" - girls come up with a scheme and choose music on their own.

After 5 minutes, the girls demonstrate the scheme display of a collection of autumn clothing models.

"Today you showed How can you be creative in your studies? fashion show, rate your autumn collection show are you ready to perform? Who was better able to convey the image?

Bottom line: Children conduct a self-analysis of their readiness to perform.

Summary of the lesson.

The girls learned to draw their own diagrams show of the autumn collection clothes using the diagram as an example "comb", learned the basic stance of the model and showed a certain degree of readiness for demonstration collections of clothing models.

Publications on the topic:

The long-awaited and most beloved New Year's holiday by children and adults is approaching! But what kind New Year without a Christmas tree? New Year without.

In our preschool groups of the MBOU Makaovskaya Secondary School, as part of the Lady Autumn holiday, a competition “Defile of Autumn Hats” was held. I liked the idea of ​​the competition.

In the noisy age of computers and progress, every girl dreams of becoming a princess. And wear not jeans, not sneakers, but romantic new clothes!

Equipment: screen, projector, music. center, CDs with recorded music, costumes made by parents. Multimedia Tatar dances Purpose: -Summarize.

Fashion theater fashion show at the Children's Educational Institution of Children's Education Center "Thumbelina" (August 2015) Scriptwriter: Lychangina L.V., teacher V methodological development used.

On April 12, the whole country celebrated Cosmonautics Day. On this day we said thank you to those involved in space exploration. All week with the guys.

“I don’t know who invented heels,
but all the women in the world owe him a lot.”
Copyright © Marilyn Monroe

If you believe magazines, movies and fashion blogs, every woman is born with the ability to walk in heels. She gracefully steps out of the open car door, walks along the paving stones as if on brand new parquet, and flies up the steep stairs, as if in the arms of invisible angels of beauty. The tight skirt doesn't hinder her hips from moving at all, and the hem will never get caught on a sharp stiletto heel.

Alas, in life everything is not so simple. The art of elegant gait, like any other, has to be learned.

How to learn to walk in heels? You can, of course, stick a strip of paper tape on the floor in front of the mirror and, with a book on your head, walk back and forth along it, trying to walk in one line and keep your back straight. But we want to offer a better way - enroll in our Fashion Show School, where excellent mentors will share with you the tricks of professional models.

Just a few lessons - and you will delight others and yourself with a graceful, confident gait!

Each of us has our own relationship with high heels. Someone is endlessly in love with ballet flats, sneakers, sneakers, and only something extraordinary can force him to wear stilettos: for example, a photo shoot in the agreed-upon look given by friends. Someone would like to wear shoes, but is afraid that they will not be able to walk beautifully in heels, and accumulate boxes of purchased pumps and sandals in the closet. Some people wear heels from time to time: on special occasions and with special dresses. Someone wears them all the time: for their own pleasure - to feel more elegant and attractive, to catch even more admiring glances; or at the request of management - to comply with the corporate dress code. And go-go, strip-plastic, high-heels and jazz-funk dancers have to literally become familiar with heels, because they need to perform complex elements - swings, rotations, waves, and not just walk in heels. Moreover, this needs to be done easily and gracefully, which is unlikely to happen if the shoes do not become an “extension of the legs.”

Either way, we all want to look natural and effortless... without breaking an ankle. Yes, yes, this is another reason to come to the Fashion Show School: here you will not only be able to add charm to your image, but also learn how to protect your tender legs from possible injuries.

Beauty and health are inseparable: for example, an insufficient lift of the foot does not allow straightening the knee, resulting in a “heron” gait with half-bent legs, which not only spoils the impression of even the most thoughtful image, but also leads to back pain, knee injuries and foot deformities . A weak ankle opens the door to more serious problems: it only takes one sprained ankle to tear the ligaments in the foot, which sometimes, unfortunately, cannot be repaired.

Dear girls, think about a beautiful gait as early as possible! You may not wear heels every day, but every woman should have this knowledge and skill in her arsenal.

Come to the RenarDance Fashion Show School!

Our professional teachers will find an approach to each of their students. They will explain how to choose the right shoes so that walking in heels is not only pleasant, but also safe. They will teach you how to place your feet correctly, which is important for a beautiful gait. They will select a set of exercises to develop posture. They will help improve coordination of movements and teach you how to maintain balance, even if you have never tried to stand on heels.

By enrolling in the Fashion Show School, you will take one more step towards your ideal image.





600 rub.
200 rub.

1,200 rub.
300 rub.

1,800 rub.
400 rub.


600 rub.


hour a week
4-5 hours per month
2,000 rub.
1,900 rub.
438 rub./hour

hours a week
8-10 hours per month
4,000 rub.
3,200 rub.
369 rub./hour


Fashion show:

a) basic rules for an ideal fashion show;

b) styles.

Photo posing:

a) basic rules;

b) examples;

c) images;

d) mistakes.


a) the rules of a true lady;

b) table etiquette;

c) communication by telephone;

d) communication between a man and a woman;

e) communication in everyday life;

f) gift etiquette.


a) the concept of elegance;

b) the rules of an elegant lady.

5. The right combination of colors in clothes:

a) basic concepts;

b) color palette.

Tips from makeup artists.


a) Coco Chanel;

b) Yves Saint Laurent.

Warm-up: exercises for statics, coordination and balance.

1. As you inhale, reach for the ceiling, raising your arms to the top. As you exhale, lower your arms.

2.Rotate right hand clockwise, left - counterclockwise. After 10-15 movements, change the direction of rotation of the arms.

3. As you inhale, pull your elbows back and bring your shoulder blades together. As you exhale, point your elbows forward.

4. Stretching your arms forward, slightly bent, place your palm against your palm and press against each other. 5. Clasp your hands at stomach level, palms “looking” up. Try to break the lock by moving your elbows to the sides. Attention - on your shoulders.

6. Heels and toes together, hands on the belt, eyes closed. We stand in this position for 20-30 seconds.

7. Feet on the same line (right in front of the left or vice versa), hands on the belt, stand in this position for 20-30 seconds. The same, but with your eyes closed, stand for 15-20 seconds.

8.Legs together, hands on your belt, rise on your toes, stand for 15-20 seconds. The same, but with your eyes closed, stand for 10-15 seconds.

9.Stand on one leg:

Pull the toe forward;


To the side;


We repeat the same with the other leg.

10.Standing on your toes (feet together), perform 5-8 torso tilts forward to a horizontal position, one tilt per second. The same, but with eyes closed.

11. Feet on the same line (right in front of the left or vice versa), hands on the belt, perform 8-10 body bends to the left and right, one bend per second. The same, but with eyes closed.

12.Standing on your toes (feet together), tilt your head as far back as possible and hold this position for 15-20 seconds. The same, but with your eyes closed, stand for 10-15 seconds.

13.Standing on your toes, perform 8-10 springing movements of your head left and right, one movement per second

14. Standing on your toes, perform 10-12 quick tilts of your head back and forth.

15. Maintain balance by standing on one leg for a minute, arms spread to the sides. The head turns left and right. The gaze is not fixed and does not help maintain balance. As the skill develops, close your eyes.

16. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms hanging down freely. Inhale: lift right leg, thigh and foot are parallel to the floor. Exhale: the body leans forward, the arms are extended forward, the leg is extended in knee joint and stretches back. Inhale: return to the previous position. Exhale: return to starting position. Then the exercise is repeated on the opposite side.

17. Stand on one leg, bending the other and clasping your ankle with your fingers, and then try for 6 seconds to push your leg down with force, despite the resistance of the hand holding it tightly

18. Squats on one leg, this exercise is somewhat reminiscent of the familiar “pistol”. Bend one leg slightly at the knee and do regular squats on the other. If it is difficult to maintain your balance, you can hold on to the horizontal bar or wall with one hand.

Fashion show. Basic rules for an ideal fashion show. Styles.

1. It is advisable to train in tight-fitting clothes, black leggings and an ordinary T-shirt would be ideal, as well as shoes with medium heels (about 7 cm).

2. Look straight, walk confidently.

3.First, you should mentally draw a straight line and strictly follow it. The most important thing in any fashion show, regardless of its style, is an even posture: the back should be straight, the shoulders should be down, and the top of the head should stretch slightly upward. You can check whether your posture is straight by standing against a wall, with your heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and head touching it. Having fixed yourself in this position, you need to practice walking on straight line,

4.Foot position. Many people do not attach much importance to this, but it is the direction of the foot that is very important nuance while walking perfectly. Each step should be started from the toe, and they should be slightly turned in opposite directions, while the heels should follow that same imaginary line, one after the other.

5. The length of the step is also a very important feature; it should not be too wide; ideally, the step equal to length feet.

6. At the end of the catwalk, you must stop for exactly three seconds to give photographers the opportunity to photograph the fashionable look. Stopping at the end of the catwalk can vary. The position of your hands depends only on your imagination or the wishes of the designer.

7.There are three styles of gait on the catwalk: classic, romantic and sporty.

Classic (or so-called style a la Nina Ricci) appropriate when showing evening dresses, it is distinguished by the confidence and special character of the model. The back should be completely straight, the chin slightly raised, and the hands placed on the waist.

Sports style inherent freedom and dynamism. This fashion show is characterized by long steps and sweeping movements. With such a fast gait, you can especially effectively demonstrate sports-cut clothing.

For romantic style characterized by lightness, casual flirtatiousness and enthusiasm. In such a playful manner of gait it is ideal to demonstrate light outfits made of weightless fabrics.

Classic style

Maximum modest clothing and shoes, strict lines, soft colors. The classic style carries the same requirements for clothing models and women's accessories. It is through the simplicity of the cut and the severity of the lines that the special chic and sophistication of this style is achieved.

Characteristic features of classic style clothing models:

* simplicity and at the same time virtuosity of cut, emphasizing the advantages female figure, without any frills, sophisticated details, pompous decorations;

* necessarily expensive, carefully selected fabrics are very high quality;

* dim, sophisticated, unobtrusive shades of colors;

* lack of ruffles, bows, flounces, etc.;

* simple, discreet dresses and suits;

* elegant shoes without decorations;

* minimalism of women's accessories.

The main motto of the classic style is maximum chic and minimum details. A woman who adheres to a classic style is usually dressed in an elegantly simple, modest dress, without pomp, in a muted shade.

Sports style

The sporty style is designed to emphasize a fit figure. These clothes are divided into casual and leisure wear.

Finishing is actively used here: knitwear, leather, fur, as well as various combinations of fabrics. Finishing stitches, braid, locks, buttons, snaps, and buckles are widely used. The use of inexpensive materials is typical.

The sporty style in its simplest form is represented by a jacket with pockets, shoulder straps, and zippers, worn with trousers that also have patch pockets, patches, and zippers. Sneakers or boots complete this outfit for active recreation, trips out of town.

Sports style today is a variety of micro-styles. The most popular of them: safari - most often summer clothes made of linen, cotton, mixed fabrics in white-sand or brown tones; paramilitary - with solutions taken from uniforms; uniform - urban clothing, based on work clothes (overalls).

The usual options for sports style include jeans. We wear them, like any other clothes, depending on the situation. Sports style is especially popular in the city in summer.

Lesson notes

according to "Defile"

Type of lesson: defile type of lesson: communication of new knowledge.

Subject: "Introduction to the subject."

Target: Introduce students to the basics of fashion shows.

Tasks :


give an idea of ​​the concept of fashion show

To form a sustainable interest in search and creative activities

To develop the ability to move beautifully on stage and on the podium.


development of motivation for knowledge and creativity

Developing graceful movement

Development of movement memory.


nurturing the aesthetics of movement culture

education of aesthetic taste

Nurturing a sense of femininity in pupils.

Material and technical equipment of the lesson: tape recorder, flash drive,CD-disc, hats, umbrellas, magnetic board.

Lesson plan


    Blitz survey “Fashionable clothes”

    Game "Solve the equation"

    Conversation “What is fashion”




Image - perfection

    Teacher's story about the art of catwalk

    Communicating the topic of the lesson and setting the goal of the lesson

    Teacher's story about the basic techniques of performance technique

Podium step

Track diagram

Classical Stoic

Simple turn

Turn to the side

    Demonstration of basic techniques with a hat.

Demonstration of basic techniques for working with an umbrella.

    Algorithm for executing a circuit diagram

    Practical work of students in front of a mirror.

    Completing a creative task.

    Pupils' work on stage

    Lesson summary

Work on mistakes

Assessing the work of each student in class.

Progress of the lesson

Introductory part of the lesson

    Organizational moment

    1. greetings

- « Hello girls! My name is………, I am glad to welcome you to today’s lesson


- « in order for our acquaintance to be mutual, I suggest you choose one of the proposed emblems on which you write your name »

(pupils issue emblems in the form of hats of different colors)

- And so the classes are present (list of pupils by name).

    1. Problem-game motivation "Merry Poppins"

    It's winter outside. New season, i.e. renewal in nature, which means a new rhythm of life, a new wardrobe that corresponds to new fashion trends.

What is fashion?

Let's solve the equations with you

Fashion = + +

    Choose the expression that most accurately characterizes her. The teacher distributes the cards.

A tree sheds its old leaves, and a person sheds his tired clothes, so fashion is an escape from monotony. Therefore, fashion is a need, a principle followed by nature.

Fashion = + + +

    Fashion is a bright butterfly that lives one day at a time. It appeared, it turned its head and it’s gone. A rhythmic trace remains, and the rhythm is constantly changing and renewed. Forever responds to today. Hence

Fashion = +

    All people want to please each other, be nicely dressed and look good.

And what do we focus on when choosing clothes?

Clothes you like

Clothes that suit your style.

Therefore, mode = + + +

    Fashion is different styles of clothing, but the most popular at all times is femininity! But every woman has her own image of femininity.

Let's return to our equation

Fashion = Need + updates + style = image

    Image is transformation. Transformation in everything. body “language”, gestures, facial expressions carry information about us.

Our gait and posture are a reflection of our inner dignity and self-confidence, i.e. brings us closer to perfection.

So we have solved the equation.

Fashion = need + renewal + style + image + perfection

    What do you think is perfection?



Grace is the ability to present oneself

The ability to correctly and beautifully demonstrate this or that accessory.

Beautiful movements, plasticity, and grace are honed in catwalk classes at our Children's Fashion Theater “Slavyanka”. And believe me, changes will come to you immediately.

And today, a well-known character who I hope you like will help you get acquainted with the basics of the fashion show - this is ...... (the music “Lady Perfection” sounds, of course you recognized it - this is Merry Poppins.

Tell me, please, how the word defile is translated (there is a small edit about the concept of defile, about history)

    Main part

    1. play dance

(a set of exercises is performed to the accompaniment of cheerful rhythmic music).

    1. State the purpose and topic of the lesson.

Merry Poppins had 2 bright attributes - a hat and an umbrella. In other words, they are called accessories.

Accessories are additions to clothing.

And so today we will learn how to perform some elements of the fashion show - the simplest ones.

To begin with, I will tell you and show you how to correctly perform the step technique. It is very different from the regular step technique.

    New material is being explained

Introduction to step technique

Introduction to “step-walk2” (path diagram0

Classic stand

Simple turn

Turn to the side

    Demonstration of basic techniques for working with a hat

    Demonstration of basic techniques for working with an umbrella.

    “step-gait” - a scheme with the implementation of the studied elements of work in front of a mirror.

Now, using the elements you have learned, try working with the hat yourself, looking in the mirror. And whoever works with an umbrella, practices techniques with an umbrella.

    The creative task is to come up with an individual path-scheme.

Let's break into pairs, one in a pair works with a hat, the other with an umbrella .

    Checking the correct technique of performing the studied elements of the fashion show, helping students who have difficulty.

And now the fact that you have learned your paths in front of the mirrors is good. Let's try to demonstrate the tracks from the stage. Come on, be bold.

    1. Work on mistakes

    Behavior of the lesson results.

    Assessing the work of each student in class

    1. Lesson summary

- Thanks everyone, well done. Now please stand in a checkerboard pattern. I will teach you how we say goodbye during fashion shows. And so we repeat after me!

Our lesson has come to an end. It was a pleasure to work with you today. Thank you for your attention. Goodbye!

Let's applaud each other!