Only the most beautiful gymnasts! a lot of photos. New details of the story of the detention of world fitness champion Yana Vladimirova

Leila Rashidova defeats her rivals in the dodyang and fights her shyness. A 23-year-old St. Petersburg woman told the correspondent of “Sport Day by Day” who replaced her parents and why she is afraid to go on stage.

Played war games with the boys

- The question immediately arises: why taekwondo?
- At the age of 12, I was walking with a classmate, he told me that he would go to the taekwondo section. I wanted to go with him. Before that, I did gymnastics, but the coach told me that the sport was not for me at all, I would not win anything and would not achieve any heights.

- It's a shame.
“Although I tried to give it my all, not paying attention to the reproaches. As a result, my mother, friend and I came to our first taekwondo training.

- So your parents didn’t mind?
- I lived with my mother, we didn’t have a father. My mother always supported me and respected all my interests. I was a little tomboy, I didn’t communicate much with girls, I thought that they had a boring time with their Barbies. I didn't like dresses. But she played war games with the boys and climbed trees.

- Not a bad activity for a girl.
“When I told my mom that I wanted to go to training, she was surprised. We had never heard anything about taekwondo before. Turns out it's Korean martial art, where there are no painful and suffocating techniques, but only striking techniques of the arms and legs. Mom laughed: “You’ll walk around with bruises.” But it didn't scare me.

- What happened next?
- I set myself a goal: to become the best in taekwondo. After everything the gymnastics coach said, I decided that everything was in my hands. It was hard. I am very shy, I didn’t ask questions and did everything without question. Everyone said: “Maybe you should go to sports school?!” But my Roman Olegovich Alekhine was not there. He replaced my father! Two years after I started training, I lost my mother. I addressed all questions and advice only to the coach. Then he supported me more than anyone: he paid for training camps, competitions and certifications.

I have no right to lose

How did you survive your first competition?
- I went out to dodyang (mats for practicing taekwondo. - “Sport Day by Day”), but at that moment there was such a mess in my head, there’s no other way to say it! But during training we “rehearsed” wrestling. And anyway, the first time I did such nonsense...

- Which one?
- I lost in two disciplines and received a strong blow from a girl with a blue belt. On the second day of the competition everything turned out better. I defeated the one with the blue belt! I run happy to the coach and shout, like, first place, and he tells me: “Yesterday you couldn’t do that?” Honestly, this answer surprised me and at the same time motivated me to train even harder. I have always been very nervous when there was a lot of attention on me.

- Did your coach help you overcome this fear?
- At the age of 16, he let me train a group of children. God, it was terrible! I remember that very often I stuttered, blushed and was ready to fall into the ground if only they wouldn’t see me!

- Do you still train with Roman Alekhine?
- Yes, I had many offers to move to other gyms and clubs, but I am sure that no one will train me better than him. Roman Olegovich molded me into the athlete I am now! For me at competitions the most important task: Don’t let the coach down, there’s simply no right to lose.

- Have you ever had moments when you gave up and didn’t want to train anymore?
- Certainly! You are preparing for an important competition, but the training makes you feel sick and you want to quit everything! After defeats, they gave up. I thought that taekwondo was not for me!

- What supports you at such a time?
- I like to watch films that motivate: “Million Dollar Baby”, “Legend No. 17”, “Shadow Boxing”, “Champions”, “Southpaw”... Do all great athletes have what it takes to win? Should you give up just because of one defeat? Think about this and find the strength to start training again.

- You haven’t played for some time due to injury.
- A year ago I injured my knees. I spent more than six months recovering, missed all the important competitions, and only this year began to get into shape. Of course, I’m still far from ideal, but I’m trying my best to get back into the old rhythm.

- There is a stereotype: wrestling and other “heavy” sports are not for women.
- It seems to me that you need to know moderation in everything. I have a positive attitude towards wrestling, but not towards weightlifting.

- Why?
- In weightlifting, girls’ physique changes, their figure becomes similar to a man’s. I don't want to offend girls who play this sport, but my opinion is that it is more suitable for men.

Isinbayeva gave birth to her second child

Two-time Olympic champion and three-time world pole vault champion Elena Isinbaeva became a mother for the second time. She shared this good news on social networks and wished good luck to everyone who is expecting a child.

Two-time Olympic champion and three-time world pole vault champion Elena Isinbaeva gave birth to a son. The athlete reported this on social networks.

“Good morning friends! I hasten to share great news with you! There has been an addition to our family. I gave birth to a son and became a mother twice! Thank you so much for your many congratulations and kind words! Very nice! I wish good luck to those families who are planning to give birth soon!!!” - Isinbayeva shared a post on her Instagram page.

According to the athlete’s coach Evgeniy Trofimov, the birth took place last night and Isinbaeva feels well. The athlete told him the good news immediately after the birth of the baby.

Let us recall that Elena Isinbayeva’s second pregnancy became known at the end of July from Tina Kandelaki, who published a message on Twitter.

It is worth noting that the athlete, before going on maternity leave in the ninth month of pregnancy, led an active lifestyle. She flew around the country, attending sporting and social events.

For example, in mid-October she visited Sochi at the World Festival of Youth and Students. Then she accompanied the Ambassador of Monaco to Volgograd, where she gave him a tour of the sights of her hometown.

Returning to Moscow, Elena spent her days working in the office of her charity, holding meetings and taking part in several events.

The athlete married track and field athlete Nikita Petinov in December 2014. They are already raising their daughter Eva together, who was born on June 28, 2014. It is reported that the happy parents will announce the name of their newborn son later.

Elena Isinbaeva is a Russian pole vaulter, a member of the IOC Commission, and a major in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Isinbayeva - two-time Olympic champion among women (2004, 2008), winner bronze medal Olympic Games 2012. Three-time world champion outdoors and four-time World Women's Indoor Champion and European Women's Outdoor and Indoor Champion.

She is the owner of 28 world records in women's pole vaulting and an Honored Master of Sports of Russia. On August 21, 2016, she was elected as a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

In addition to Isinbayeva, other famous athletes were pleased with the recent addition.

On December 16 last year, former tennis player Anna Kournikova gave birth to twins from the famous Spanish singer Enrique Iglesias: son Nicholas and daughter Lucy.

Until this moment, the fact of the birth of the babies was confirmed only by Enrique’s mother, Filipino journalist and TV presenter Isabel Preysler. She graced the cover of the Spanish "HOLA!" and in an interview she spoke about Anna’s pregnancy and the happy event that happened in their family.

“Anna’s pregnancy proceeded calmly, she did not require bed rest. Enrique is just incredibly happy now!” - said the singer’s mother.

In January of this year, happy parents shared photos of their children on Instagram for the first time, adding the same caption: “My sunshine.”

The Kournikova and Iglesias spouses have lived in Miami since 2013. They built a new luxurious house in Biscayne Bay in the southeast of the peninsula, paying $9 million for a plot of land near a national park. Another $11 million was spent on the construction of the home, landscape and interior design.

If you believe the overseas media, the couple spent about $600 thousand on enhanced security measures. But the paparazzi now hardly bother Kournikova and Iglesias.

The former first racket of the world, American Serena Williams, recently gave birth. On September 1, 2017, Alexis Olympia Ohanian was born from the co-founder of the Reddit site Alexis Ohanian.

In late 2016, it was announced that Williams had accepted Ohanian's marriage proposal, but only after two years of dating, Williams and Ohanian got married on November 16, 2017.

The athlete interrupted her performances after winning last year's Australian Open, where she performed while eight weeks pregnant.

The 36-year-old tennis player's first birth was fraught with complications and she was bedridden for six weeks.

Serena had to do C-section, because the baby’s heart rate dropped significantly during childbirth.

After the operation, doctors discovered several blood clots in the athlete’s lungs. Due to breathing problems and a severe cough, her stitches came apart and doctors had to perform another operation.

Williams has 23 victories in series tournaments Grand Slam in singles, which is a record of the Open Era (the period from 1968 to the present in which all players, including amateurs, became eligible to participate in any competition).

On February 12, Serena and Alexis' daughter was taken to the stadium for the first time to watch her mother play.

This happened at a tournament in North Carolina, where Alexis was cheering for his wife, sitting in the stands with Olympia in his arms. The girl was not capricious and watched with interest what was happening on the court.

But, alas, the support of Serena’s closest family members did not help. Although she played in tandem with her sister Venus. The girls lost to a couple from the Netherlands - Leslie Krekhov and Demi Schurs. After the match, Serena didn't look too sad:

“Honestly, I thought it would be much worse for me. Although I could have done better, I feel like I'm the right way- to recovery. Besides, I would just be ashamed to be sad when I have such a wonderful child!”

This performance was Serena's second appearance in competitions after giving birth. She played for the first time at the end of December at the World Tennis Championship in Abu Dhabi. Then she also lost - to 20-year-old Elena Ostapenko.

As Serena admitted, she has not yet fully recovered from childbirth with complications, and besides, she can no longer, like most of her colleagues, devote all her time and energy to sports. She is too attached to her daughter and tries to spend as much time with her as possible.

Late in the evening, Yekaterinburg police carried out a routine operation to catch the driver and passenger of a foreign car with drugs. “Here’s paper and pen, write your names,” muttered the investigator, bored with routine work. The suspects began to introduce themselves. And then the operative’s eyes widened. Sitting right in front of him was multiple world and European fitness champion Yana Vladimirova. The detention of Russian Sydney Crawford came as a shock to the entire Ural elite. Even her closest friends could not have imagined that a prestigious fitness trainer and role model for the elite would be involved in a high-profile criminal scandal.


Yana had just brilliant career, - the athletes’ relatives are perplexed. “She started her path to sports from childhood. Yana's mother is a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics. Therefore, Yanka tried herself in this field while still at school. But she didn’t succeed with plastic surgery, and then she decided to devote herself entirely to her studies.

People like Yana were previously called “athletes, Komsomol members and simply beautiful.” The future champion brilliantly graduated from school and received two higher education degrees in economics. After graduation, Yana decided to build a career by profession and soon the girl achieved success. A few years later, the beauty was promoted from bank secretary to leading manager. But Vladimirova quickly became bored with finances, and she decided to return to the sport.

Yana turned out to be very talented,” the athlete’s friends continue. – She started her career in fitness as a regular trainer. The charming instructor was quickly noticed by management. And soon our beauty was appointed director of development, and then manager of the fitness center. Yanka started participating in competitions completely by accident. Her boss once returned from performing at the championship and began to complain that none of her students showed results. Then they invited Yana to try herself. At first she refused, but after some persuasion she agreed.


Yana has become a true professional in her field. For several years, the girl conquered the world jury. Three-time Miss Universe runner-up two-time champion Europe and three-time world champion in fitness. And this is only part of the awards of the titled athlete. Ural Sydney Crawford has become a real icon of fitness style. But the girl didn’t stop there. Having achieved success in sports, Vladimirova founded her own business, opening an elite fitness center.

Yana breaks all stereotypes about women, Vladimirova’s acquaintances assure. “Being a famous athlete, she was also a caring mother and loving wife. We all wondered how she managed to combine family, sports and business.

Yana has become a role model for Ural businesswomen, as well as the wives of politicians and entrepreneurs. Therefore, no one could even imagine that the famous athlete would become addicted to drugs.

World fitness champion Yana Vladimirova was driving in a car with a 35-year-old relative of the director of one of the Ural factories, Ruslan Aminev, when police officers detained her, a source in the security forces told KP-Ekaterinburg. – During a search, drugs were found on the athlete and businessman.

Yana Vladimirova and Ruslan Aminev were found to have synthetics on them. True, they did not open a criminal case against the businessman, limiting themselves to administrative punishment due to the small size of the potion. But the athlete has already become a defendant in a criminal case. She had about a gram of synthetic on her. And this carries 10 years in prison.


The identity of the detainee was unexpected even for the security forces. Therefore, law enforcement officers are not yet sure that the seized drugs belonged to the athlete.

According to one version, the drugs belonged to the entrepreneur, explains the KP source. – Yana Vladimirova could simply be a victim of circumstances, finding herself in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The court did not take the athlete into custody, limiting herself only to a written undertaking not to leave the place. The case of a relative of the Ural top manager Ruslan Aminev was taken up by a well-known lawyer in Yekaterinburg, Boris Iskandaryan, who himself soon found himself at the center of the scandal.

After Aminev’s arrest, the lawyer demanded 2.5 million rubles from his client in order to transfer this amount to the right people and “hush up” the case for a bribe,” the security officials explain. “However, we have been following Iskandaryan for a long time. Therefore he was detained.

Now the security forces are finding out whether the drugs really belonged to the world fitness champion herself. But Vladimirova’s colleagues admit that now sports career Russian Sidney Crawford can be given up.

“I called Yana after the scandal,” shares the silver Olympic medalist By athletics Olesya Krasnomovets. “She’s crying now and doesn’t know what to do.” I don't believe she had drugs. It's all a lie. Yana told me that at the moment when the arrest allegedly took place, she and her children were in a beauty salon. I hope that all this nonsense will end soon.

According to another version, the “nonsense” could have been planted on Yana by her competitors in fitness competitions.

What do you want? Passions run hotter at fitness championships than at beauty contests. For the sake of victory, the rivals will do even more than that! - suggests one of the participants in fitness competitions.

With Harvey Weinstein it worked like a detonator: girls from all over the world began to talk about sexual harassment by powerful men. Charmed star Alyssa Milano volunteered to help victims of harassment by using the hashtag “me too” (#me too, similar to our # last year) and inviting women who have suffered from sexual violence to talk about their life experiences. The hashtag quickly gained popularity, and not only ordinary women, but also stars shared their sad stories (the story of America Ferrera, who survived sexual abuse at the age of nine, shocked us).

Among the hundreds of thousands of responses was one from a member of the US women's national team. artistic gymnastics— McKayla Maroney, who won gold medal 2012 Olympic Games in the team championship. The 21-year-old athlete said on Twitter that she and 125 other women were victims of sexual abuse by former American team doctor Larry Nassar.

The girl reported that she first encountered harassment from a doctor at the age of 13. And this was not an isolated case: the harassment continued for seven years until she retired.

Dr. Nassar told me that I was receiving "necessary medical treatment" that he has been practicing on patients for over 30 years. It seems that anywhere and anytime he found a chance to “treat” me. This happened in London before my team and I won the gold medal, and before I took the silver.

- wrote the three-time world champion and silver medalist Olympic Games 2012.

The worst incident, according to Maroney, occurred during the 2011 World Championships in Tokyo. Then the athlete was 15 years old.

I flew all day and all night with the team to Tokyo. He gave me sleeping pills for the flight, and when I woke up, I found myself alone with him in his hotel room, and he was “treating” me again. I thought I was going to die that night

- the athlete recalls, calling Larry Nassar a monster.

Now the unfortunate doctor is in prison in Michigan, convicted of possession of child pornography. The court made this decision in July of this year. He now faces another trial on sexual assault charges.

“During the arrest, [the drug] was dumped. Now they turn the arrows on each other"

New details of the story of the detention of world fitness champion Yana Vladimirova

Yana Vladimirova

Ruslan Aminev, who was detained in Yekaterinburg in October along with three-time world fitness champion Yana Vladimirova, turned out to be a member of a family of entrepreneurs. Let us remind you that Vladimirova and Aminev are involved in a criminal case for drug possession. After their arrest they were released, both are now at large.

“Sister Amineva is married to the director of Uralkhimmash OJSC, who himself has extensive connections. Parents are also influential...

OJSC Uralkhimmash is one of the assets controlled by the Gazprombank group. Since September 2015, the company has been headed by Oleg Chernov. Previously, he worked at the plant for several years, holding the positions of general director for sales, deputy general director for production, and technical director. Then, before being appointed to the post of general director of Uralkhimmash, Chernov worked in the Oil Refining directorate of OMZ.

There is no publicly available information about the family ties of the current head of the plant, so it is impossible to say that he is related to Aminev.

Who is Ruslan Aminev

It is known about Aminev himself that he is 35 years old and is a member of the social circle of Yekaterinburg. In the accessible electronic version of the Stolnik magazine, a certain businessman Ruslan Aminev is mentioned twice. Every time his name flashes along with Olga Amineva-Kondabaeva. In 2013, the couple was mentioned in the article “All in the Family” in the November 2013 issue of Stolnik, dedicated to families who “proved in practice that close relationships and common business are not mutually exclusive.”


“Olga Amineva-Kondabaeva and Ruslan Aminev have been married for 6 years, in business for 5 years. Olga was at the forefront of the launch of Krasnolesye-Sport seven years ago, when Ruslan was busy with other projects. Two years later, before her maternity leave, Olya was looking for a replacement and, fortunately, did not find a single suitable one among her resume. Fortunately, because she handed over all matters to Ruslan, who is still involved in strategic planning of advertising for the auto center,” the publication says.

Krasnolesye-Sport was founded in 2006 as a dealership center for the Canadian company Bombardier at the Krasnolesye auto center, which specialized in the sale and service of Volvo, Land Rover, and Jaguar cars. In 2014, the company came under the control of the Autoplus group of Pavel Shestopalov.

Interlocutors of the site in the social circle of Yekaterinburg advise paying attention to lawyer Lyudmila Sosnovskikh (Tolochko), who appears in the continuation of the story with the detention of Vladimirova and Aminev. We are talking about the detention and subsequent arrest of another lawyer, Boris Iskandaryan.

Sosnovskikh (Tolochko) was a defender of Aminev and attracted Iskandaryan to this. This is not the first time that Sosnovskikh defends people well-known in the social circle - for example, she was the defender of Evgeniy Dorinsky, a businessman and the husband of the former editor-in-chief of Stolnik Vera Dorinskaya.

Iskandaryan’s defenders previously said that an agreement on cooperation in the Vladimirova-Aminev case was concluded between Sosnovskikh (Tolochko) and Iskandaryan. According to them, Sosnovskikh asked the client’s relatives for 5.5 million rubles for her services. Of these, she promised 4 million to Iskandaryan. By the time Iskandaryan was detained (this happened a week and a half ago), Sosnovskikh gave him 2.4 million rubles out of the agreed amount.

Family business

Bayazit Aminev, apparently his father, was also registered at the previous residence address of Ruslan Aminev. According to SPARK, this person is now the co-founder and director of Cherkasovka LLC, an enterprise specializing in the construction of water supply, sewerage and gasification systems.

His partner in this business (with a 49% share) is Sergei Sidorik. Among other things, he previously acted as one of the co-founders of Magistral LLC, a company specializing in road construction. Now the co-founders of this structure include Nikolay Nikitin, Irina Krylova, Maxim and Alexander Akulov. It is noteworthy that the sole owner of Krasnolesye-Sport LLC is a certain Dmitry Akulov. It has not yet been possible to find out whether he is related to the co-founders of Magistral LLC.

We managed to contact Ruslan Aminev. He stated that he had been abroad for a long time and was not detained by police in October, and knew about Yana Vladimirova only by hearsay. “There’s something to do with fitness,” Aminev noted. After asking him not to "waste his time and money" anymore, he ended the call. It was not possible to understand whether this is the same Aminev who was identified according to police reports as being detained together with Vladimirova.

Meanwhile, a source close to the investigation confirmed that shortly after his arrest, Aminev left the Sverdlovsk region. The fact is that the investigative authorities have not yet decided what the statuses of Vladimirova and Aminev should be. “Let’s just say that during the arrest there was a dumping [of drugs]. Traces were found on a young man, so there are more questions for him. However, both the woman and the young man now claim that the drug is not theirs and are pointing fingers at each other,” our interlocutor clarified.

The drug in question is the so-called synthetic cocaine - mephedrone. As previously reported, police detained the couple when they were returning from a nightclub. By this time, Vladimirova, who was a member of many famous families in the Ural capital, had been under secret surveillance for several months. When the couple was searched on the spot, about a gram of the narcotic substance was seized. From the explanations of the head of the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region, Valery Gorelykh, it became known that on this fact, the investigative unit of police department No. 6 opened a criminal case under Article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Illegal possession of narcotic drugs).

As of today, no decision has been made on who exactly will be charged under this article. The second detainee faces Article 6.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (Consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor’s prescription).

Lawyer Iskandaryan, who, as mentioned above, was recruited by Sosnovskikh (Tolochko) to defend the detainees, was detained by officers of the FSB Directorate for the Sverdlovsk Region a little less than two weeks ago. On October 30, at the request of the First Department for Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Sverdlovsk Region, the Lenin Court of Yekaterinburg took Iskandaryan under arrest until the end of December this year. By that time, he had already been charged under Part 4 of Article 291.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Mediation in bribery committed on an especially large scale).

According to the investigation, the money was intended for the termination of the criminal prosecution of the detainees to a certain high-ranking person in OP No. 6. His name has not been established.

Fitness lady

It is known about Yana Vladimirova that she comes from Pervouralsk. Her mother still lives in this city. Vladimirova graduated from two universities: USUE and UrAGS (now the Ural Institute of Management - a branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. She began her career in 1995 as a secretary to the manager at Guta Bank. Then her professional growth was associated with fitness. The woman worked as an instructor at the Extreme fitness center, as a development manager at the Dance Hall fitness club, and since 2006 as a manager at the Realfit fitness center.

At the same time, Vladimirova competed a lot different levels. She is a multiple Russian champion in fitness, a two-time absolute European champion, a three-time world and universe champion in fitness. The woman leads an active social life and often posts photos on Instagram (however, after the scandal she closed the account from outsiders).

The case of Yana Vladimirova was linked to the arrest of lawyer Iskandaryan and a relative of the official

It is also known that her first husband was Sverdlovsk businessman, ex-deputy of the Pervouralsk City Duma Vladimir Vladimirov. Together with Andrei Anisimov and Vitaly Sivolap, he built the Ascension funeral home in Yekaterinburg. In 2016, Vladimirov was among the defendants in the MUGISO criminal case, in which the head of the ministry, Alexey Pyankov, as well as his two deputies, Artem Bogachev and Konstantin Nikanorov, were then detained (the investigation into this case is still ongoing. Vladimir and Yana Vladimirov divorced back in 2008 They have a son from this marriage. ex-spouses, as those around Vladimirov claim, they do not support it.

Later, Vladimirova was married to Yaroslav Volobuev. In 2015, by the decision of the Leninsky District Court of Yekaterinburg, he was found guilty under Part 3 of Article 30 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in relation to Parts 3 and 4 of Article 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Attempted illegal sale of narcotic drugs in a significant volume.” It was about selling cocaine over the Internet: as stated in the materials on the district court’s website, the operative agreed with him to buy the drug via WhatsApp and made a test purchase. Volobuev was detained.

Two years later, his ex-wife also got into trouble with drugs.