Minimum unemployment benefit per year. How much do they pay at the labor exchange? What is the benefit at the employment center? What payments are due when registering at the labor exchange for someone who quit voluntarily or who has never worked anywhere before?

How much do they pay at the employment center? Unfortunately, this question is asked very often in our country. And not only students who have not yet found a suitable job and want to get at least some money, but also people mature age, who resigned due to various reasons or have been laid off. Several stages of the financial crisis over the past decade have forced employers to cut costs. As a result, a lot of people have appeared on the labor exchange who need financial support from the state.

How much do quitting workers get paid at the labor exchange?

While people dismissed for any reason (except for those who lost their jobs due to violations of labor discipline) are registered, they are entitled to the following payments:

  • in the first 3 months - 75% of the average monthly salary;
  • in the next 4 months - 60% of the average monthly salary;
  • in the next 5 months - 45% of the average monthly salary.

However, the accrued benefit at the employment center cannot exceed the maximum amount of unemployment compensation, which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The maximum amount of unemployment benefits for 2014 is 4,900 rubles. The minimum unemployment rate for 2014 is 850 rubles. Amounts are indexed by the regional coefficient.

People often ask how much the employment center pays to unemployed people who have never worked anywhere before. Such citizens are entitled to only a minimum monthly benefit. The same amount is paid to those dismissed for violation of labor discipline (absenteeism, drunkenness, etc.), who worked less than 26 weeks and those who have been registered for more than a year, as well as former entrepreneurs and former members of farms.

Unemployment benefit for pregnant women

Very often the question arises about how much pregnant women are paid at the labor exchange. Everything is simple here - expectant mothers are not placed in a separate category, and the amount of their benefits, like all categories of citizens, depends on the salary at the previous job, status (never worked, was laid off, quit of their own free will, etc. .). But there is one caveat - payments stop 70 days before the birth. It's not discrimination, it's just expectant mother will receive sick leave for this period (140 days), which is paid for by social security authorities.

Social guarantees for unemployed citizens

  1. The state guarantees a citizen's period of incapacity for work.
  2. Unemployed people sent by the employment center to retraining courses, advanced training or other forms of educational process are entitled to receive a scholarship.
  3. Unemployed citizens can take part in paid public works.

How to register

After you have found out how much they pay at the employment center, and how much you are entitled to personally, you must register. How to do this? It’s very simple - come to the exchange, get a list of documents (they can be viewed below), collect all the necessary certificates, fill out a form and give it all to the employment center employee.

Citizens who have lost their jobs are advised to register two calendar weeks after their dismissal, otherwise they may lose their payments. The former employer is obliged to pay two more average monthly salaries, and if the person has not found a new job, then a third. And this third payment can be lost if you do not register within two weeks.

General list of documents for all categories of citizens

  • Russian Federation passport.
  • Insurance certificate.
  • Certificate, diploma or other educational document.
  • Statement.

For previously employed people (additional)

  • Work book or other similar document confirming the fact of work (agreements, contracts).
  • Certificate of income for the last three months.

In order to receive benefits at the labor exchange, disabled people must provide an individual rehabilitation card.

It's hard to be unemployed

As it turns out, finding out how much they pay at the labor exchange is very simple. It is much more difficult to start receiving this money. Problems with registration can arise for various reasons. Let's take, for example, a certificate of income. Accountants often make mistakes and issue a 2NDFL certificate, which is suitable for the tax office or any bank, but is not suitable for an employment center. In the case of an exchange, a special form is needed. And it still needs to be filled out correctly, and any discrepancy gives the employee the right to refuse registration.

But even after this, problems arise. If a person refuses two suitable vacancies, his payments are suspended for three months. And the concept of “suitable vacancy” for an exchange employee and for an applicant can be very different - sometimes it seems that the employment center employee really doesn’t understand why a person doesn’t want to travel to the other end of the city with transfers, work in shifts and get as much as 8,000 rubles for it! After all, he is offered a job in his specialty.

And it’s even worse for citizens who have never worked - any paid job is considered suitable for them.

Basic rules of the employment center

Payments of employment center benefits may be reduced or stopped for the following reasons:

  • if a citizen undergoes retraining, advanced training, courses with a scholarship;
  • in case of failure to appear for a test without a valid reason;
  • when moving to another area;
  • if it has been established that the benefit was obtained fraudulently;
  • if the citizen has been convicted or is under arrest;
  • when calculating a pension (labor, long service or early).

This is not a complete list, but here are the most common reasons why payments are canceled.

Real help or fiction?

Information about how much they pay at the labor exchange may surprise anyone. It is impossible to live on such an amount, no matter whether the maximum or minimum benefit is assigned. So what should I do?

We must understand that the policy of our state is not to support people and encourage citizens who do not want to work in principle, and believe me, there are many of them. The main task of the employment center is to help people find work in their specialty and provide them with some financial support while this search lasts.

However, the labor exchange is not particularly successful in finding suitable vacancies. Most of the positions offered are low-paid, with an inconvenient schedule, with actual overtime, etc. The salary range is from 5 to 25 thousand rubles. There are also higher paying vacancies, but extremely rarely, and very strict requirements are imposed on candidates: education, work experience, knowledge foreign languages- everything should be on the level.

And here, again, the employment center can help. Every year, at his own expense, he trains thousands of people: he retrains, improves their qualifications, and teaches new, previously unclaimed specialties. It should be noted that the population has no complaints about this area of ​​activity of the labor exchange. Many people remained grateful for the knowledge gained and for the new opportunities, others did not find use for the acquired skills, but also, in general, did not lose anything. They now have a reason to add a new line to their resume, which can increase their chances of attracting employers' interest.

So we can conclude: the labor exchange provides real help. Yes, these are not mountains of gold, but still at least some kind of financial support while a person is busy looking for a new job.

2. Benefit provided

Additional social and material support for unemployed residents

The maximum and minimum unemployment benefits in 2014 will remain the same.

The maximum benefit amount remains RUB 4,900., and the minimum - 850 rub..

The legislation of the city of Moscow contains a number of regulations that provide citizens looking for work with additional social and material support.

According to these documents, additional social and material assistance is provided in the form of:

  • supplements to unemployment benefits;
  • reimbursement of expenses for using city services public transport;
  • material assistance during the period of temporary incapacity for work of an unemployed person who has lost the right to unemployment benefits;
  • one-time financial assistance in the event of the death of a family member of an unemployed person, as well as one of the family members of an unemployed person in the event of the death of the unemployed person himself.
  • additional payment to the assigned unemployment benefit is carried out in the amount of the minimum amount of unemployment benefit established by the Government Russian Federation for the corresponding year.
  • Compensation for expenses for using the services of urban public transport during the period of job search is paid to unemployed citizens (with the exception of persons entitled to free travel on all types of urban passenger transport) in the amount of half the cost of a single monthly ticket for urban public transport.
  • Additional material support in the form of payment of financial assistance in the event of temporary disability is provided to unemployed citizens upon the occurrence of temporary disability who have lost the right to unemployment benefits due to the expiration of the established period for its payment.

The basis for paying financial assistance to an unemployed citizen during a period of temporary disability is the provision of a “certificate of incapacity for work” of the established form, issued to the Employment Department of a state institution of the employment center of the administrative district of the city of Moscow.

3. Registration procedure

  • Receive by same place work book on the day of dismissal
  • Contacting the employer at your previous place of work to obtain a certificate of average earnings for payment of calculations and unemployment benefits
  • Selection of the applicant’s educational documents (qualifications)
  • Preparation of a copy of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • Preparation for presentation to the employment service at the place of residence of the birth certificate of the child (children) - in the presence of minor children (original + copy)
  • Contacting the employment service at your place of residence during office hours and days with the necessary documents for registration in order to search for work
  • Presentation of other (additional) documents at the request of the employment service
  • Recognition of the applicant as unemployed and an order to pay benefits (in case of impossibility of employment within 10 days from the date of registration)

4. List of documents

  • Work book
  • Certificate of average salary at previous place of work (done within 3 days)
  • Documents on education (qualifications) - diplomas, certificates, etc.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • Birth certificate of the child(ren)
  • Personal application for registration with the employment service for the purpose of finding a job
  • Other documents as required by the employment service
  • Order recognizing a citizen as unemployed and assigning unemployment benefits (done 10 calendar days after registration)

Regulatory documents:

  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated August 12, 2003. No. 62 "On approval of the Procedure for calculating average earnings to determine the amount of unemployment benefits and scholarships paid to citizens during the period of professional training, retraining and advanced training in the direction of the employment service authorities"
  • Decree of the Moscow Government dated January 27, 2009. No. 47-PP "On approval of regulations on the procedure for providing additional social and material support"
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 9, 2012 N 1031 Moscow "On the amount of minimum and maximum unemployment benefits for 2013"
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 7, 2012 N 891 "On the procedure for registering citizens in order to find a suitable job, registering unemployed citizens and requirements for selection for a suitable job"
  • Clarification on benefits and payments for job seekers
  • List of territorial employment services in Moscow
  • Federal Law No. 1032-1 of January 19, 1991 "On employment in the Russian Federation" (as amended on December 27, 2009)
  • Form of certificate of average earnings

Unemployment benefits are paid during the period of job search to citizens who have been...

Unemployment benefits are paid monthly if you re-register within the deadlines established by the Moscow Employment Center and comply with the conditions of re-registration.

2. What is the amount of unemployment benefits?

The maximum and minimum benefit amounts are established annually by the Government of the Russian Federation. The amount of the benefit in specific cases depends on which group of unemployed you belong to.

You belong to the first group if:

  • over the past year you have worked (served) for at least 26 weeks;
  • resigned at their own request or due to the liquidation of the organization or reduction in staff;
  • you were discharged during the 12 months preceding the start of unemployment, from military service due to conscription due to the expiration of its term, and before discharge due to conscription you worked (served) for at least 26 weeks.

In this case, unemployment benefits are paid monthly. However, it cannot be paid for more than 6 months within one year.

The amount of unemployment benefits will be

  • the first three months - 75% of your average monthly earnings at your last job (calculated for the last three months, in case of dismissal from military service - three months before conscription), but no more and no less than the maximum and minimum unemployment benefits;
  • the next three months - 60% of your average monthly earnings at your last job (calculated for the last three months, in case of dismissal from military service - three months before conscription), but no more and no less than the maximum and minimum unemployment benefits.
  • ">part from your average monthly earnings at your last job (service).

    You belong to the second group if:

    • you are looking for a job for the first time;
    • over the past year you worked less than 26 calendar weeks(8 hours each);
    • you have not worked for more than a year;
    • you were fired for violating labor discipline;
    • you have ceased self-employment;
    • at your last job, you provided services under a civil law contract or an author’s contract;
    • in the previous year you were a member of a production cooperative (artel);
    • you came from members of a peasant (farm) economy;
    • you did not provide a certificate of average earnings for the last three months at your last place of work (service).

    You will be paid the minimum unemployment benefit for 3 months. The total period of payment of unemployment benefits for this category of citizens cannot exceed 3 months in total during one year.

    You belong to the third group if:

    • you are a citizen of pre-retirement age (within 5 years before the age entitling you to an old-age insurance pension, including early) and have been Does not apply to those who want to get a job after a break of more than one year, those dismissed for violation of labor discipline or other actions, as well as those sent for training, but expelled.">dismissed for any reason during the 12 months preceding the start of unemployment;
    • you are a citizen of pre-retirement age and have worked (served) for less than 26 weeks over the past year. In these cases, you will receive the minimum unemployment benefit monthly, but not more than 12 months within a year and a half;
    • you are a citizen of pre-retirement age and have worked (served) for at least 26 weeks over the past year. In this case, you will receive unemployment benefits monthly, but not more than 12 months within a year and a half. The amount of unemployment benefits will be
    • the first three months - 75% of your average monthly earnings (calculated for the last three months at the last place of work (service), but no more and no less than the maximum and minimum amount of unemployment benefits;
    • the next four months - 60% of your average monthly earnings (calculated for the last three months at the last place of work (service), but no more and no less than the maximum and minimum amount of unemployment benefits;
    • the next five months - 45% of your average monthly earnings (calculated for the last three months at your last place of work (service), but no more and no less than the maximum and minimum amount of unemployment benefits.
    ">part of your average monthly earnings at your last job.

    In each case, for categories of this group, the payment period can be increased by two weeks for each year of work in the case of insurance coverage (at least 25 and 20 years for men and women, respectively) and the required length of service for the relevant types of work. The period of payment of unemployment benefits in the case of insurance coverage cannot exceed 2 years in total for 3 years.

    3. In what cases can benefits be reduced, suspended or terminated?

    Payment of unemployment benefits is not made during the periods:

    These periods do not count towards the total unemployment benefit period and extend it.

    Payment of unemployment benefits may be suspended for up to 1 month if you:

    • during the period of unemployment, refuse two jobs offered to you by the employment center;
    • 1 month after registering as unemployed, refuse to participate in paid public works;
    • 1 month after registering as unemployed, you will refuse to study;
    • you will be expelled from your place of study for guilty actions;
    • violate the terms and conditions of re-registration at the employment center without a good reason;
    • come to re-registration under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

    The unemployment benefit will be reduced by 25% for up to one month if:

    • you refused without good reason to come to the employment center to receive a job referral;
    • the employment center gave you a job referral, but within three days you did not come to the employer for employment negotiations.

    Payment of unemployment benefits will stop and you will be removed from the register as unemployed if:

    • you will find paid work;
    • you will undergo vocational training, retraining or improve your qualifications at the direction of the employment center;
    • move to another area;
    • you will not appear at the employment center for more than a month;
    • attempt to obtain or receive unemployment benefits fraudulently;
    • you will be sentenced by a court to imprisonment;
    • you will be assigned a pension.

    4. What other benefits do the unemployed receive?

    • The additional payment is issued along with unemployment benefits at the Moscow Employment Center and is accrued from the first day of recognition as unemployed (with the exception of those who are fired due to the liquidation of the organization or staff reduction - they are accrued additional payment after the period during which they are paid the last place of work retains the average salary including severance pay). The payment is made simultaneously with the payment of unemployment benefits no more than twice a month.">additional payment to unemployment benefits (in the amount of 850 rubles);
    • Compensation is issued at the Moscow Employment Center and is assigned from the first day of recognition as unemployed. The payment is made simultaneously with the payment of unemployment benefits no more than twice a month.

      Payment of compensation may be suspended for up to three months in the following cases:

      • refusal of one or more suitable job options;
      • violation of the terms and conditions of re-registration.
      expenses for using the services of city public transport (in the amount of half the cost of a single monthly travel ticket - 1,385 rubles);
    • The basis for payment of financial assistance is the provision of a certificate of incapacity for work of the established form, issued to the employment department of the Moscow Employment Center.

      Financial assistance during the period of temporary incapacity for work of an unemployed person is accrued for the actual number of calendar days of incapacity for work, based on the amount of 850 rubles per day.

      ">material assistance
      during the period of temporary incapacity for work of an unemployed person who has lost the right to unemployment benefits;
    • One-time financial assistance in the form of cash payments is provided to an unemployed citizen in the event of the death of a member of his family or to one of the family members of the unemployed in the event of the death of the unemployed person.

      To pay one-time financial assistance to an unemployed citizen, the following documents are required:

      • written statement;
      • a copy of the death certificate of a family member.

      The amount of one-time financial assistance is 4900 rubles. To receive assistance, you should contact the Moscow Employment Center.

      ">one-time financial assistance
      in the event of the death of a family member of the unemployed, as well as one of the family members of the unemployed in the event of the death of the unemployed;
    • financial support during Additional material support is provided to the unemployed during the entire period of their participation in paid public work or temporary employment. Payments are made monthly if the employer provides documents to the employment center containing information about who took part in the work and how long they worked.

      To receive this type of assistance, you should contact the Moscow Employment Center.

      The amount of additional financial support is calculated in proportion to the time worked, including periods of temporary disability. Provided that the full monthly balance of working time is worked out, it should not exceed 80% of the subsistence minimum for the working population established in Moscow.

      Unemployed citizens who have difficulty finding work, who take part in temporary employment and who have dependents, are additionally paid financial support for each dependent from the city budget in an amount not exceeding 80% of the subsistence level for the working population established in Moscow.

      ">public works or temporary employment

    Additional payment to unemployment benefits, as well as compensation for expenses for public transport, is not made during:

    • maternity leave;
    • departure of an unemployed person from his place of permanent residence in connection with studying in evening and correspondence vocational education institutions;
    • calling up the unemployed for military training, involving in activities related to preparation for military service, with the performance of government duties.

    Features of calculation and payment processing

    In order for a citizen to be recognized as unemployed in our state, the following is required:

    • be an able-bodied citizen who does not have a job or income;
    • be registered with the employment service for the purpose of searching for any permanent work, while looking for work, and also be ready to start work at any time.

    Unemployment benefits in 2014 are determined as a percentage of the average earnings paid in the last three months at the citizen’s last job. But it should be noted that prerequisite is that during the twelve months before receiving unemployed status, a citizen must be employed for at least twenty-six weeks in paid work and, at the same time, on full-time employment terms.

    When is unemployment benefit paid?

    Unemployment benefits in 2014, as before, are paid monthly, but cannot be paid for more than twelve months in a period of eighteen months. In this case, it does not mean twelve months in a row, but in total. If a citizen does not have time to get a job during these eighteen months, then he can apply for repeated payment of this type of benefit, and the period of its payment should not exceed twenty-four months within thirty-six.

    Payment of unemployment benefits may stop if a citizen:

    • ceased to be considered unemployed, that is, got a job;
    • died;
    • began to receive a pension;
    • sentenced to execution or imprisonment;
    • moved to another area;
    • I did not appear at the employment service for more than a month.

    It should also be noted that a citizen has the right to refuse to pay him unemployment benefits. All that is needed for this is to submit an appropriate application to the employment service in which he is registered.

    The amount of unemployment benefits in 2014

    During the first twelve months of payment, the amount of benefit for the unemployed is:

    • 75% of the total amount of average monthly earnings (received at the last place of work) of a citizen during the first three months of payments;
    • 60% - the next four months;
    • 45% - the remaining five months.

    During the second twelve months of payment of this type of benefit, its amount is the minimum wage to which a certain coefficient may be added, separately established by each district.

    Please note that the maximum for unemployment benefits in 2014 is 4,900 rubles, and the minimum is 850 rubles.

    Payment of benefits for the unemployed is suspended in the following cases:

    • maternity leave;
    • leaving the place of permanent residence by an unemployed citizen for the purpose of studying in the evening or by correspondence at professional institutions. education;
    • if a citizen is called up for military training.

    Unemployed citizens who lost the right to receive unemployment benefits in 2014 due to the end of the allowable payment period can still be provided with certain financial assistance, which is also provided by employment services.

    In times of crisis, it is reorganized and large number small and medium-sized enterprises, and large enterprises as well, are forced to reduce staff in order to optimize wages.

    Against this background, massive layoffs are being made across the country. About those who have lost their jobs are interested - how much the exchange will pay, whether there will be an increase in the size of payments.

    The main Russian law No. 1032-1 on the unemployed was adopted back in 1991, but it is still relevant today. By law, unemployed people in need of state support are entitled to cash benefits. At the same time, the law defines who the unemployed are: these are people of working age who are not officially employed, but want to find work. Registration at the labor exchange is a prerequisite.

    Labor exchange specialists independently decide whether to recognize a person as unemployed, as a result of which they undertake to find him a suitable workplace.

    Until a job is found, the unemployed person is paid some monetary compensation. Before granting benefits, applicants are offered vacancies available in the databases of employment centers. So, according to the law, the following are not entitled to benefits:

    • teenagers;
    • pensioners;
    • applicants who refused 2 options for offered vacancies (including temporary work);
    • those who refused vocational training 2 times (applicants who joined the stock exchange for the first time and have not yet worked);
    • those who did not come to the exchange specialist at the appointed time (in common parlance this is called “did not show up”);
    • applicants who presented false documents;
    • employed (under an agency, civil or employment contract);
    • registered with a tax individual entrepreneur (including peasant farms and their participants);
    • military, civil servants and those elected by competition;
    • students (full-time students only);
    • founders of companies (with the exception of non-profit organizations).

    What determines the size of the benefit?

    Cash benefits are financial support for citizens who find themselves in a difficult situation and are left without work. The amount of the benefit depends primarily on when the person quit - no later than a year ago, last year, or he has not yet worked. By the way, The reason for dismissal affects the amount of payments.

    If a citizen was fired no later than a year ago, and he worked 26 weeks (full-time or recalculated), the amount of the benefit is determined as a percentage of (for the last 3 months of work):

    • 75% of salary for the first three months;
    • 60% - from the 3rd to the 8th month;
    • 45% - from the 8th to the 12th month;
    • minimum - second year.
    • minimum - 1500 rubles;
    • maximum - 8000.

    The dynamics of size changes over the past 12 years can be seen in the table:

    Period Minimum (RUB) Maximum (RUB) Maximum (annual average, in dollars)
    2007 720 2880 112,6
    2008 781 3124 125,7
    2009 850 4900 154,5
    2010 850 4900 161,3
    2011 850 4900 164,7
    2012 850 4900 157,6
    2013 850 4900 153,9
    2014 850 4900 150
    2015 850 4900 75,9
    2016 850 4900 61,3
    2017 850 4900 82,5
    2018 850 4900 85

    Planned increase

    As can be seen from the table, from 2009 to 2018 the benefit did not increase - still the same 4900. In 2019, an increase occurred.

    In 2014, the Ministry of Labor developed a program under the terms of which the maximum size of the PPB until 2020 will be brought to the subsistence level.

    Benefits by region

    The Moscow government pays its unemployed extra by setting an increased coefficient, plus they compensate for transportation costs. These same allowances will be relevant in 2019.

    Therefore, in the capital the benefits are as follows:

    • minimum - 1500 rubles + social benefits established by the Moscow government;
    • maximum - 8,000 rubles + social benefits established by the Moscow government.

    In other regions, surcharges depend on the policies of the regional government. Official coefficients (from 2 to 1.15) are established for the unemployed in some regions, for example, the Far East, Karelia, Komi, Sakhi, etc. Some districts independently set their own additional coefficients.