Horse and snake compatibility. Horse and Snake: compatibility of women and men in love and marriage

Horse and Snake in Chinese astrology are not the most favorable combination, especially in terms of love relationship. These signs are attracted to each other from the very beginning on a purely physical and sexual level. But they can separate just as quickly as they got together.

What difficulties could stand in the way of their relationship?

The Horse man needs constant movement, mental and physical activity. The Snake woman, on the contrary, prefers to enjoy quiet evenings in her comfortable home.

Opposite character traits and lifestyles can become a source of constant disputes and conflicts. Both are independent and are not ready to sacrifice their interests and goals in life for the sake of their loved one.

The Horse man is very changeable and does only what he likes. This behavior can repel the Snake and make it insecure in relationships. This woman is very jealous and suspicious, so an attempt to run away from a man’s house will be met with hostility. You will have to learn to compromise in order to strengthen your relationship.

For example, while the Horse man conquers the world, the Snake will be able to enjoy spending time at home, in peace and quiet. Once a woman gets tired of this man's antics, she should remind herself that she is unlikely to be able to find a more attractive lover than him.

Despite completely different characters. The Snake and Horse can be attracted by an inexorable sexual force.

The mystery and depth of a woman's personality will surely attract the attention of the Horse, who in turn will charm her with her enthusiasm and energetic lifestyle.

A man born in the year of the Horse has an endless amount of energy and wants to live here and now. He throws himself with his whole being into what interests him at the moment. At first acquaintance he may seem generous and romantic, but over time the traits of an egoist will begin to appear.

If he devotes to something, he devotes himself with all his mind, body and soul. However, in a Snake-Horse relationship, both may feel some uncertainty. What will affect the speed of development of their union.

The Snake woman is independent and self-confident. At the first contact, one feels her calmness and serenity. This woman rarely opens up and often wears a mask. Even after many years of dating, it can surprise you. In personal relationships, honesty and loyalty are especially important to her. You will have to spend a lot of time to gain her trust. As soon as she decides to be in a relationship, she can become jealous and possessive.

The Horse man's incredible openness and honesty can be very useful qualities. The Snake woman will respect his honest words, even if they do not taste sweet. A man should always remember that his beloved is calculating and suspicious, and any false step can ruin progress.

The snake will not be against the open behavior of her man. But at the same time, he prefers to live a hidden life. Fortunately, this will not harm your union. Especially with some understanding of a man.

In this couple, her sexuality drives him crazy. However, he cannot understand her mood and aggression, which begins as soon as everything does not go the way she wants.

What mistake can destroy a relationship in an instant?

Infidelity can be a fatal mistake. The snake is jealous and possessive and will not tolerate her man flirting with someone else. She might not care how far he went from his home in search of adventure, as long as the Horse was faithful. If cheating happens, the Snake you love can change in an instant.

Compatibility in a pair of Horses and Snakes is not the best. It is difficult for them to reach a compromise in resolving even the simplest issues. They are more suitable for friendship and fleeting love relationships than for creating a strong marriage.

It is difficult for a Horse and Snake couple to reach a compromise

  • According to the horoscope, the Horse and the Snake are two completely different zodiac sign. Stability in everything is important for the Snake; it makes plans for life and tries to tie the Horse to itself. But her partner destroys all the Snake’s hopes for an even and stable relationship.
  • The horse strives to live one day at a time, it does not make long-term plans, it does not need stability. She has a rather flighty character; she will not tolerate being limited in her freedom. To build a happy and strong relationship, a couple of Horse and Snake should make a lot of effort. Each of them must carefully work on themselves, change their views on certain things. People according to horoscope born of Horse, selfless and pragmatic people. They are always lucky with money in life.
  • Not every snake will keep a Horse close to it, which does not want to make joint plans with it. A happy marriage for such a couple directly depends on the Snake and its chastity. She just needs to feel needed and useful. If this does not happen, she will not reveal all her talents in vain.

Pair of Snake men and Horse women

The compatibility of a man and a woman in such a marriage is ambiguous. In love, it is difficult for them to achieve mutual understanding. The horse in this pair behaves spontaneously and is full of love for life. She strives to match her man. A man expects thriftiness from his beloved. He needs a beloved who will devote herself entirely to the comfort of the house and creating a family hearth.

The horse is full of life

A woman born in the year of the Horse needs new experiences; she loves her friends and loved ones. She has a constant desire to shine in a team. She is quite successful in her career and has many influential acquaintances. Not every Snake man is able to accept such a woman. If love is stronger than ambition, he will accept his beloved as she is. Otherwise, they need to break off the relationship.

Pair of Horse men and Snake women

From the point of view of the horoscope, the compatibility of such a couple is the most promising. It is much easier for the Snake woman to say goodbye to her ambitions and accept a man with all his shortcomings. In marriage, they will be much more interesting, they will better reveal their positive character traits. Marriage for them will be bright and varied, because according to the horoscope they are cheerful and dynamic people.

The snake will be pleased with the man he loves

The only precaution for such a couple in marriage is that their spiritual development is at the same level. If this does not happen, it will be difficult for them to reach mutual understanding and there can be no talk of compatibility here.

The compatibility of the couple will be as high as the Snake woman is satisfied with her beloved man. According to her horoscope, she is patient, but all patience sometimes comes to an end. If she stops admiring her lover, she will go in search of his shortcomings. Sometimes she finds a huge mountain of such shortcomings. If she is prudent, she will protect the marriage from disintegration. And if the Horse gets angry, it simply will not pay attention to it.

Compatibility between Snake and Horse is not the most favorable according to the eastern horoscope. Relationships between people born under these signs promise to be difficult. Therefore, you will have to try to maintain love and achieve true harmony.

Despite not the most favorable compatibility, the relationship between the Snake and the Horse can develop successfully. But only on condition that a man and a woman join forces, are able to find an approach to each other and reveal it in their partner best qualities. Then they will not only turn the relationship into a happy and harmonious union, but will also develop successfully together.

The snake is a wise man. She is able to take a balanced approach to solving any problem situation, so she will become the person who resolves conflicts in a couple. And the Horse is an energetic sign, so it will become responsible for joint development, and will also be able to provide the family with a strong material rear.

IN real life these partners often break up, and at the initiative of the Snake. Therefore, the fate of the relationship will depend on her willingness to work on it and her desire to maintain love at all costs.

Horse Man and Snake Woman

In this union, the man will rightly expect the girl to fulfill traditional feminine duties. He will want her to become the keeper of the home, take care of the housework and create comfort. And he wants these tasks to become a priority for the chosen one.

But this is where his main mistake lies, because a woman does not want to live up to his idea of ​​an ideal life partner. She loves and values ​​freedom too much, is extremely independent, and will never want to limit her world only to her family and the walls of a common home.

But at the very beginning, the relationship develops extremely smoothly. The snake delights a man with its spontaneity and wisdom. But a little later problems may arise. What is characteristic of this union:

  1. The girl loves to be the center of attention and receive attention from the opposite sex; she has a lot of friends. This doesn’t really please her chosen one, who will certainly try to limit her communication with friends. And the more ambitious he is, the more difficult their relationship will develop.
  2. She is always open to new opportunities and takes advantage of them. Even with a strong love for her chosen one and the presence of common children, she will never miss an exciting event and go to meet friends.
  3. She has a lot of influential acquaintances who are not averse to patronizing her. This provokes the partner and creates a lot of reasons for jealousy.

To maintain love and harmony, a man will have to learn to accept his chosen one with all her shortcomings, respect her desires and needs, or break off the relationship. Because she won't want to change for anything. Above all, she values ​​only her own interests, not wanting to sacrifice them to relationships, even under conditions of strong love.

Snake Man and Horse Woman

There will also be many problems in the relationship between these people. However, astrologers promise them a much better chance of happy love.

What is characteristic of this union:

  1. A woman is able to give up her interests and share her man's desire for success. But she must be driven by fairly strong feelings.
  2. Both personality partners are energetic, strong and active. A boring and routine life is definitely not about them. The Snake becomes a wise “solver” of conflicts; it successfully resolves conflicts and avoids rough edges in relationships. But it is desirable that the level of spiritual development of the partners be at the same level, then it will be easier for them to find a common language.
  3. A woman attracts her chosen one with her multifaceted character. Every day he reveals more and more attractive features in her; she will never be a completely open book to him. Therefore, the relationship will last until the Horse itself decides to leave.

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The family union in the compatibility of a Horse man and a Snake woman is quite complex with difficult to predict consequences. The spouses have a big difference in their views on life and family relationships.

The Snake woman is constantly offended by the recklessness of actions, decisions and selfishness in the actions of the Horse man. And his active nature and freedom-loving character do not allow him to live differently. In addition, it is difficult to combine with the violent temperament of a Horse man the refined taste and desire for beauty of a Snake woman. Also, the activity and, in full swing, energy of the Horse man does not quite combine with slowness, caution and.

Therefore, given these circumstances, frequent conflicts are possible in the family. It will take a lot of joint effort to make family relationships more or less harmonious and stable. It is necessary to place emphasis on positive aspects each other and then the partners will discover more and more new and pleasant qualities in each other, achieving greater compatibility.

Horse man and Snake woman – compatibility

The compatibility of a Horse man and a Snake woman is far from ideal and ambiguous. On the one hand, it is extremely difficult for them to understand each other and come to a mutually beneficial solution. On the other hand, opposites attract, and besides, everyone has exactly those qualities that their partner lacks. The Snake woman seeks stability in life, loves to plan everything, analyze and control every step of her chosen one. And the Horse man is her complete opposite. He values ​​his freedom, desires creative fulfillment, never makes promises and does everything his own way. They cannot justify each other's hopes for a cloudless life together. Their compatibility will be achieved only through compromise and acceptance of each other as they are. If both try, a wonderful union can result in which both will have good personal growth.

A man with a lively, impetuous character. He is ambitious, courageous, stubborn at times, energetic and purposeful. He has a lot of energy and physical strength, he is a resilient, active and enterprising leader. , he does everything with his own hands and knows how to do a lot, and if he doesn’t know something, he learns it. He never shifts work to others and does not sit idle. He is very smart, intellectually developed and will find a common language with almost any person. He engages in self-education a lot, so it is not difficult for him to carry on a conversation on any topic. This man is the dream of all women. Any housework is not a problem for him. You don’t even need to ask him for anything, since he himself sees what needs to be done. He always has a lot of fans, but he is very careful when choosing his wife. He does not want to see a leader in his beloved. He needs a woman who understands and supports him as a reliable friend and assistant in his work. He also values ​​constancy, thriftiness and stability in women. He will always be the head of the family and the leader in the relationship, and if a woman accepts such conditions, then he will pamper her and fulfill all her whims.

Woman, . She fascinates with her gaze, dexterity, and grace. She has deep feminine wisdom, so men crave her attention, and at the same time fear and respect her for her high spiritual, human and intellectual qualities. The Snake Woman lives separately. She never lets her into her family and prefers to do household chores. She is an excellent housewife, wife and mother. A bright, noisy life is not interesting to her and she concentrates mainly on her own life and the concerns of her family. The Snake woman is a materialist and is tuned only to material benefits. She usually chooses her life partner herself, but at the same time suppresses her partner with her insolence and authority. Relationships develop most successfully with a balanced and calm partner, which cannot be said about a Horse man.

The Snake woman is very sexy and charming. The Horse man, with his irrepressible passion, will simply go crazy from just the memory of her. In addition, this woman always has a lot of fans, so the Horse man will always have to keep himself on his toes, shower his beloved with gifts and attentions, so as not to miss his happiness. The Horse man, open and courageous, will also really like the Snake woman, who is very suspicious of everyone. The romance of this couple will be stormy, bright, passionate and memorable for a lifetime. True, its outcome is unpredictable and ambiguous. This couple can fall in love and get married, or break up just as quickly.

Disagreements in this union will arise constantly, on almost any basis, from everyday trifles to large joint purchases. It will not be easy for them to live together and it will take a lot of patience and work to bring this relationship to perfection.

The Snake woman will have to accept the flighty and fickle nature of the Horse man. He lives only in the present moment, never plans anything or thinks about the future. He values ​​his freedom and will resist all attempts by the Snake woman to tie him to her. And if the Horse man somehow accepts the demands of the Snake woman, then it is very difficult for her to adapt to her unpredictable spouse and give up her plans and hopes. Therefore, we can safely say that this union will depend entirely on the Snake woman, on her wisdom, desire and ability to reconcile herself and adapt to the incomprehensible goals of the Horse man. But his dynamism gives these relationships excitement and lightness. And his creative impulses will help the Snake woman feel useful and needed. And if she learns to interact with him correctly, then the Horse man will be able to achieve a lot and provide her with a comfortable existence. And the Horse man, in turn, will appreciate the stability and reliability of the Snake woman, and her ability to give the right advice at the right time.

Horse man and Snake woman - compatibility in love

Sexual compatibility between a Horse man and a Snake woman is quite good. At first, the Horse man, with his excessive activity and desire to experiment, may seem like a kind of wild barbarian to the cold Snake woman. But gradually, with his heat, he will be able to melt the ice of his wife. She will appreciate his relaxedness and emancipation. She will feel loved and desired, which will allow her to receive the highest pleasure. True, their intimacy will always be just a physical act, without spiritual unity.

Advice from “Moon Today” for the Horse Man and Snake Woman couple

Family relationships between a Horse man and a Snake woman are not easy, but if there is love in their relationship, not profit, and for the sake of this relationship they are ready to make sacrifices, an alliance between them is possible and they can come to the point that they will only complement each other . But they will have to change a lot in their habits and character, to accept their loved one with his problems and shortcomings. Also, both need to develop, receive education and self-education and be at the same level of development.

Also, to achieve family happiness, the Horse man needs to moderate his ardor and become a more reliable partner, and the Snake woman needs to loosen the “collar” on her loved one’s neck and give him more freedom.

It is worth noting that much in this union depends on the Snake woman. It is her wisdom that can increase overall compatibility and make a marriage happy.

Compatibility between Snake and Horse is low due to their lack of common interests. This is absolutely different people with a minimum number of similar qualities. It will be difficult for them to build a happy relationship, but it is possible. Hard and long work of partners will help.

They will make excellent colleagues or friends. In love, the Snake and the Horse prefer an open relationship without obligations.

Characteristics of the Horse

People born under the sign of the Horse are full of thirst for adventure and travel. They are avid adventurers. Their life is almost never calm. Representatives of the sign cannot sit still and are constantly on the move.

Thanks to their oratorical skills, they can come to an agreement with any person. Horses are excellent politicians. They speak accurately, openly and honestly. They despise lies, lies, hypocrisy.

According to the eastern horoscope, they are endowed with the following qualities:

  • friendliness;
  • energy;
  • cheerfulness;
  • straightforwardness;
  • independence;
  • perseverance;
  • self-confidence.

Mass events and crowds of people are their great passion. Horses love to be in the center of events. Sports are an important part of their lives. They achieve great success in this area.

Representatives of this sign find it difficult to choose a profession. Due to changeable mood, routine quickly becomes boring, and work does not bring pleasure. The main thing is the society of people. Representatives of this sign value recognition from colleagues and public praise.

The influence of the elements

The signs of the Zodiac and eastern horoscope are not the only factor on which a person’s character depends. The year of birth and the elements have an influence.

According to the eastern horoscope, Horses are:

  • Metal (1990) - ignore norms and rules, completely devote themselves to their idea, avoid marriage because of the love of freedom.
  • Mermen (2002) - flexible, easily adapt to changing situations, have a developed imagination, and always have creative ideas.
  • Earthlings (1978) - materialists, pay special attention to money, common sense helps to achieve heights in life.
  • Fiery (1966) - proactive, cheerful, passionate. Problems for them are an incentive for growth and development. They can quickly get tired of their own plans.
  • Wooden ones (1954 and 2014) know how to direct energy in the right direction. The ability to collaborate helps you connect with people. They are active and friendly.

All representatives of this sign love money. They are partial to adventure and cannot live in one place for long.

Characteristics of the Snake

Insightful and wise representatives of the sign are hardy and patient with themselves and others. There are no barriers for them. Difficult goals are perceived as a challenge and are successfully achieved by any means. They don't do small things.

They have a sixth sense. Thanks to this, upcoming events are accurately predicted. Always act carefully and prudently. First they think, then they act.

According to the eastern horoscope, Snakes are endowed with the following traits:

  • developed intuition;
  • sharp mind;
  • sensitivity;
  • susceptibility;
  • leadership;
  • jealousy.

Those born under this sign are sociable and bright personalities. They easily find a common language with any interlocutor. They are demanding of their friends, so true friendship is difficult for them.

Snakes are excellent organizers. They know how to act in critical situations, they always have everything under control. They criticize others, but they do not admit their own mistakes.

The influence of the elements

Snakes are influenced by many factors: zodiac sign, birthday, environment. But the character depends on the year of birth. According to the eastern horoscope by year, representatives of this sign are:

  • Fiery (1977) - love travel and adventures to distant lands. They communicate harshly with unpleasant people. They have a great sense of humor and artistry.
  • Vodyany (1953 and 2013) - explorers and scientists. They have a phenomenal memory and lead a decent lifestyle.
  • Metal (2001) - suspicious, cold-blooded, serious. Responsible employees and wise leaders. The social circle is small due to secrecy.
  • Earthlings (1989) - home people. They value their home and family. They are friendly to people and love animals.
  • Wooden (1965) - sociable, interesting, inquisitive. They know how to choose the right path in life, have large number friends.

The common feature of the different types is precaution. They do not tolerate defeat, so they check everything carefully.

Snake Man and Horse Woman

True love will not arise between partners. Different views on life will not allow you to reach a compromise.

Compatibility in love

The Snake man and the Horse woman are an unsuccessful couple, their marriage is unstable. At the beginning of the relationship there will be passion, love and sexual attraction, but after a while the partners will be disappointed in each other.

He is looking for stability, wants a long and serious relationship. She is freedom-loving and does not tolerate restrictions. The man is used to carefully considering every action. A woman makes decisions impulsively and quickly.

A family union can become happy, but it requires a lot of effort. Truly lovers will overcome any troubles for the sake of joint well-being.

Correct goal setting and prioritization will increase the compatibility of partners. Both need to sacrifice something for the sake of marriage and love. The man will have to accept his wife’s love of freedom, and the girl will have to devote time to her family and give up her career.

Relationship problems

The compatibility of Horse and Snake in marriage is low, so conflicts are a common occurrence in their family life. The main reasons for quarrels:

  • Wife's selfishness. If she is not admired, she quickly loses interest in a man. Sexy and passionate, she makes many guys fall in love with her. But if the husband appreciates the woman, she will reciprocate his feelings and devote herself entirely to the family.
  • Static man. He lives according to a clear plan. He is wary of changes. He should learn to more easily perceive unexpected situations and make spontaneous decisions. Family life unpredictable, and you need to be prepared for it.

A woman is ready to sacrifice her plans for the sake of her beloved. He is not ready to adapt to his wife. The prospect of a relationship and the compatibility of a couple depends on the man.

A girl brings excitement, lightness, and dynamics to a guy’s life. She inspires him to work harder. The compatibility of a Horse woman and a Snake man will increase when both begin to accept each other.

Horse Man and Snake Woman

An unpredictable union. Success depends on the personal qualities of the Horse man and the Snake woman. A girl strives for external beauty, a guy strives for self-development. Family and marriage have a chance of success, but only if both partners work hard at it.

Compatibility in love

The couple's compatibility is average; long-term work on the relationship is needed. Spouses need to notice the positive sides of each other.

Opposites attract, and this marriage is no exception. The Horse man and the Snake woman complement each other. He brings lightness and simplicity to a girl’s life. She makes him calmer, more serious and cheerful.

Together the partners wish for creative fulfillment. Both support personal growth. The Snake Woman and the Horse Man are intellectuals, they constantly need food for the mind, they love to attend interesting lectures, instructive webinars, and learn new things.