What does the year of the horse promise for Aquarius? Personal life of Aquarius-Horse Men

(from 01/21/1966, from 02/07/1978, from 01/27/1990, from 02/12/2002)

He is always the center of attention, as he is enterprising, cheerful and active. He is always full of ideas and ready to immediately implement them. However, he quickly forgets these ideas and moves on to others. The result is an image of a man who is busy with several things at once. In relationships, he is just as fickle, as he always strives for freedom, although he is far from frivolous.

Characteristics of an Aquarius man - Horses in LOVE

He is very gentle and passionate in love. At the same time, he is freedom-loving and therefore it is simply impossible to tame him. He may end up with a woman when they have common interests, hobbies and hobbies. He is of little interest in everyday problems, so he will rarely ask such questions, and for some women this is unacceptable. In any case, he is attractive, but you need to remember his craving for freedom.

It will take a long time to conquer it. This could be a year, two or more depending on what the girl can offer him. For all his love of freedom, he will rarely rush after an idea that has no practical basis. This is an important aspect that is important to him, so you can captivate him with something real. If this happens, then he will be able to get carried away with such an interesting girl.

Aquarius born in the year of the Horse in BED

Intimate life is something of a necessity for him. He can quickly make contact, but at the same time not express dependence on the woman, as usually happens. For him, this is a necessary experience that he takes from a woman. All aspects of intimate relationships are important to him, from caresses to the act itself. As a result of this approach, he accepts experiments and is ready to embody his partner’s fantasies.

He may be attracted to a girl, but not be interested in the intimate side of the relationship. In fact, they are not important for him, but they are quite possible. Therefore, he can be carried away by the most non-standard options for expressing love. His uninhibitedness and freedom in expressing his desires may be shocking, but this is not a sign of licentiousness, but just a desire to know something more that lies beyond pleasure.

Aquarius man horoscope - Horses in MARRIAGE

If his wife forces him to carry out his duties, tries to impose on him something that does not suit his thoughts, he will, without hesitation, break off the relationship. If you give him freedom, over time he can become an exemplary husband who will raise brave and kind children. His wife may be suitable for him, but again, this will take time until he understands that the most important thing for him is here, next to his woman.

A marriage with him can be happy, but only if the husband and wife follow certain interests together. They can make a talented couple that will implement some kind of project. Essentially, this is a union of two geniuses; he will not be able to get along with a girl of a different zodiac sign. That is why it is so important for him to find a like-minded woman. As a result, such a marriage will be non-standard and happy.

The most important thing! What kind of girl does he need?

Thus, he has a character that is non-standard in the ordinary sense. And this creates certain difficulties for his realization as an accomplished man. As a result, you just need to be simpler and more patient in his relationships with other women. If you listen to these recommendations, you will help him easily achieve a high social position, as well as become a happy person.

According to the eastern calendar, each person belongs to a certain zodiac sign. It directly affects his character and relationships. Some people are compatible for living together, others are absolutely not created for this. You can understand everything by learning the secrets of astrology.

Characteristics of an Aquarius – Horse man

Aquarius - Horse men are very insightful people who plan their lives for many years. This position makes it possible to always make the right decisions. Such representatives of the strong half of humanity very rarely make mistakes. If, nevertheless, they encounter an error, then they do not waste time in frustration, but immediately set out on the path to correcting it.

Aquarius Horse men are true fighters in all areas of life. They have many friends. They are ready to do anything for them. In life they give more than they take. Sometimes this causes their body to become exhausted. Then they become depressed. Loneliness also leads to this state. Men of this sign cannot live without communication. They need to be constantly in the company of friends. They feel good when they are appreciated and loved.

This type of man hardly achieves anything in his career. At the same time, he works hard. The reason for this inhibition lies in the incorrectly set goal. Once it is determined, career advancement will not be long in coming. And with it comes financial well-being.

Compatibility in love between Aquarius and Horse men

Aquarius-Horse men need love just as much as they need communication. They are crazy romantics. They like easy first dates. Often these relationships do not lead to anything serious. Representatives of this sign never lose heart from this. They are characterized by frivolity.

However, over the years they become wiser. They develop a value system. Thanks to this, they are only mature age get married.

In the family, the Aquarius - Horse man is the undisputed leader. He never loses heart. In any situation, it will lift your spirits and inspire you to take decisive action. He will do anything for his loved ones. In return, the man does not demand anything. You just need to love and take care of him. Then the marriage will be strong and long. According to the horoscope, women born in the year of the Dog, Horse and Ox are best suited for him. You should not start a relationship with the Rat, Dragon and Monkey. These are not the women who will be able to submit and love unconditionally.

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The Aquarius horse is very mobile, very active, especially in contacts, cheerful and enterprising. Her interests are not just diverse: some hobbies are replaced by others at the speed of sound. She is an intellectual and is often literally ahead of her time with her ideas.

Many perceive the Aquarius Horse as a person from another planet and behind his “mad” fantasies they see only a violent temperament. However, it is worth taking a closer look at the Aquarius Horse. There is little frivolity in the flow of her unrestrained and somewhat eccentric life. And the conversations of such a person often contain a much deeper meaning than it might seem.

Character of the Aquarius Horse

Of course, Aquarius, born in the year of the Horse, is more passionate and wants competition in everything. Moreover, he usually receives help in such matters from friends, and waits for a medal on the winning podium for himself... The horse is delirious about the opportunity to be above everyone else. She is busy with herself and the Aquarius Horse is no exception. It’s just that these people are more focused on friendly communication and friends play an important role in their lives.

The Aquarius Horse has not just an active, but also a practical mind. They may look like great originals, but when it comes to material interests, they are quite adequate to reality. They know how to earn money, authority and even weight in society.

People with this combination of signs are very talented, but they often get too carried away by new ideas and forget about the opportunities to implement them in life. Something remains a fantasy, something gets stuck at the level of plans, and then new interests arise, and so on in a circle.

In love, the Aquarius Horse shows both tenderness and passion. These are freedom-loving people and will never be seriously interested in everyday matters. You won't be able to tame them. Relationships with them can only be built on equal terms and with the prospect of common affairs, interests, even if we are talking about love.

They are independent and internally closed - it is impossible to know them thoroughly. These people are progressive in their views and are innovators not only in their profession, but also in life.

Horse Aquarius Man

The Aquarius man is always sensitive, caring and attentive, and this is what attracts women to him. Aquarius cannot complain about the lack of attention on their part - his charm is incredible. He always has many friends who are attracted by his sociability and friendliness. He is honest and always ready to help, but he absolutely does not know how to maintain long-term relationships - neither with friends nor with women. The kaleidoscope of his hobbies plays a bad joke on him - often Aquarius is actually very lonely.

The Aquarius man is an eternal explorer. Any aspect of life makes sense to him only if he is interested in it. The same can be said about his relationships with women. To interest an Aquarius, a woman must be a mystery to him. A beauty with whom Aquarius is not interested is unlikely to have a chance of success. As for marriage, things are even more complicated. Aquarius is very afraid of losing freedom, so it’s not easy to catch him in your net. But, in the end, this elusive flighty finds a family nest - and, oddly enough, calms down. Now everything is fine, the shackles of marriage turned out to be not so terrible - even rather pleasant. As a result, Aquarius makes good fathers of the family.

The Aquarius man, born in the year of the Horse, adapts perfectly to any circumstances. He has a flexible mind and quick thinking. The subtle soul of Aquarius combines well with the ingenuity and energy of the Horse, which allows a man of this sign to successfully solve many problems. However, this union also has another side - the independence of the Horse, multiplied by Aquarius’ eternal fear of losing freedom, makes it even more elusive. But, having decided to start a family, Aquarius, born in the year of the Horse, will become a devoted husband - after all, his concepts of honor are always with him.

Horse Aquarius Woman

The Aquarius woman is light and warmth. She is welcoming and friendly, easy-going and always ready to help. This woman has honest and open soul, deceit and calculation are not characteristic of her, so she is often inclined to idealize her surroundings. The Aquarius woman lives in search of bright impressions and interesting interlocutors, and the dull monotony of everyday life depresses her. She is smart, has a wonderful sense of humor, and feels free in any society. The Aquarius woman is gifted with amazing intuition, often a mystical gift of foresight, and is extremely rarely mistaken in her premonitions. In love, she looks for an ideal relationship, and the chosen one often seems to her like a fairy-tale prince. It is clear that such novels are unpredictable, they can end in a long, happy marriage - or nothing.

An Aquarius woman born in the year of the Horse is a very interesting combination. The dreaminess of Aquarius and the prudence of the Horse create a more realistic nature than other Aquarians. Honesty and hard work of the Horse are the main qualities of the sign here, too, but they are harmoniously combined with the rich imagination and well-developed imagination of Aquarius. The desire to idealize the chosen one, as well as the love of independence, may prevent such a woman from starting a family, but loyalty to her life partner, characteristic of a Horse, is always inherent in them.

These women will always amaze those around them with their unconventional thinking and unusual approach to solving various problems. They have all the qualities to achieve prosperity, but they cannot always sit still to finish all the things they have started. The fickleness of nature can become a hindrance in some matters, but if they can choose the right thing for their life, they will achieve dizzying results.

The character of these women often seems frivolous and light. However, this is not so; in fact, what gives them ease is a creative approach to all matters. They are extremely attractive, but at the same time they are completely in control of their feelings and mind. Analytical abilities are clearly developed in them, which they use in communication. In general, communication is vital for them, so they try to surround themselves with friends.

Characteristics of an Aquarius-Horse woman in Love

The love relationships of these women are always ambiguous. On the one hand, they strive to create a family. On the other hand, they need complete freedom. Therefore, novels can end up in nothing if at that moment they are busy with some other things. If they are committed to relationships, then they may turn out to be promising. They often try to get married in early age, but this is not always the right decision during this period.

Horoscope of an Aquarius-Horse woman in Family and Marriage

These women belong to the family type. From their youth they plan their family, not always successfully, since they do not have enough experience for this. If they choose a good partner, they can be happy, as they gravitate toward creating trusting and good relationships in the family. Family hearth and the comfort of home are not empty sounds for this sign. The birth of children is a real miracle for them and they are usually first-class parents.

Horse Aquarius Woman - Career and Finance

They can realize their talents in music, literature, and design. It is important for them to find their field and then they will be able to climb the career ladder. They have a very difficult attitude towards finances. They like the benefits that wealth gives, but they will never go through the heads of other people to achieve benefits. It is important for them to feel calm and protected, and then everything else. That is why they will not live in poverty, but will be able to achieve maximum prosperity under well-established circumstances.

These women should take more care of themselves, and not just of their friends and loved ones. Excessive emotionality can harm them, so it is worth practicing self-control. When choosing a partner, you should be guided by reason, since for their nature only this approach will be the only correct one. They will be able to become harmonious individuals without internal problems if they take these few recommendations into account.

Indeed, a horoscope can tell you a lot. The Aquarius horse, like many other combinations, has its own specific character traits that are inherent in both men and women. However, there are also differences between the sexes. In addition, some of the personality traits appear in people in childhood, but disappear with age.

Aquarius woman born in the year of the Horse

Women of this combination of signs are always friendly and always welcoming. A woman can easily take on any business and help others in their endeavors. Already at the first meeting, such a woman is able to open her whole soul. Such qualities as deceit and rough calculation are simply not familiar to Aquarius women born in the year of the horse.

Women of this combination love to sincerely have fun and enjoy even the smallest successes. She is looking for partners as bright as herself, interesting and intelligent interlocutors. Doesn't like everything monotonous and boring. She herself is very smart and has an excellent sense of humor - she expects the same from her friends, partners, and beloved men.

The Aquarius Horse woman always feels very comfortable in any company and easily becomes her soul. In addition, such women have simply amazing intuition. Sometimes it seems that they are all clairvoyant. If a horse woman under the sign of Aquarius expresses her assumptions, then you need to listen to them - in this matter she is extremely rarely mistaken.

In matters of love, the Aquarius woman is busy searching for her ideal. Even if her chosen one will not be one in reality, for her he will be a fairy-tale prince. For her, he will remain the best forever. This attitude towards the opposite sex makes such women very faithful. However, if a woman sees that the prince, in her opinion, does not at all correspond to the image, then she easily breaks up with him. For this reason, in love, women of this combination of signs have only two extremes: the romance ends either in marriage or in nothing at all.

Aquarius is very dreamy by nature. But it is the horse that introduces into his character that feature that favorably separates Aquarius horses from all other Aquarians - prudence. Such women still dream, but thanks to prudence, they do it in a more down-to-earth way. Such dreams are more like real plans than dreams. Combined with honesty and hard work, many of these plans come to fruition.

Men - Horses under the sign of Aquarius

Men with this combination are always very caring and warm with others. Many women like this, so the Aquarius horse certainly does not suffer from a lack of attention. Such men have a lot of friends, who are attracted to Aquarius himself by his sociability, friendliness and dedication for the sake of a common cause. An Aquarius horse man will always come to the rescue, even to his own detriment.

Along with such qualities, a man of this combination simply does not know how to maintain a long-term relationship with anyone. If the people around him want to continue communicating with him, then the Aquarius horse quickly gets bored with many of these people, and he easily moves away from them. Because of this, very often Aquarius men remain lonely.

At its core, the Aquarius horse is a researcher who continues to do something if it interests him. Therefore, as long as there is at least some ambiguity in any matter, the Aquarius horse will deal with it. The same can be said about personal relationships with the opposite sex: if there is a mystery in a woman, she will be interesting to a horse man under the sign of Aquarius.

However, at the end of the journey, Aquarians, as a rule, become family people, and cope with these new responsibilities very well.

General points

All people of this combination are very active and mobile. The Aquarius horse is distinguished by its enterprise and cheerfulness. The characteristic suggests that such people have a diverse inner world. They may be interested in several completely different things. Such an interest in life makes them simply unique innovators. Sometimes their ideas are ahead of their time. Sometimes this is even the impression. That these people are not from our planet at all.

Aquarius, born in the year of the horse, is always cheerful, but this does not mean that he is frivolous. Sometimes a few words from this person contain more meaning than an entire scientific book. Aquarius is a natural explorer. Aquarius, who was born in the year of the horse, is not just an explorer, but an enthusiastic explorer - he is able to put his whole soul into his work. However, this person also has an egoism that is unique to him: he is not averse to his friends helping him in all matters and even doing everything for him, but he prefers to receive all the laurels alone.

Even in childhood, people of this combination of signs are distinguished by a large circle of friends. Such children are always cheerful, always very energetic. However, their selfishness can be noticed immediately. An Aquarius horse child is always ready to play with other people's things, but he is unlikely to give his things to anyone. But if one of the strangers tries to offend him or his friends, then such a child, without hesitation, rushes into battle.


Aries, Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius are optimal for Aquarius. Horses are best suited to bulls, tigers, rabbits, snakes, and other horses.