V Moscow Chemistry Tournament. About the tournament Justification of social significance

Chemistry tournament for 8th grade

(scenario extracurricular activity in chemistry)

Target: identifying inclinations and abilities, expanding the knowledge and horizons of students, developing interest in the subject, independence and creative activity.

Equipment: rack with test tubes, universal indicator paper, solutions of salt, acid and alkali, hourglass or stopwatch, Periodic table of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev.

The tournament is held in the form of a competition between two teams, depending on the number of students in the class. Each team chooses a captain.

Before the start of the tournament, team captains come to the table and select one of three test tubes with a transparent solution and, using an indicator, determine the medium of the selected solution. If the indicator paper turns red, then the team will be called “Acids”; if it turns blue, it will be called “Bases”.

If you need to determine which team will start the competition first, the draw is carried out in a similar way, only the spectator chooses the test tube.

I round "Warm-up"

Teams must give as many correct answers as possible. The first team to raise its hand has the right to answer. 1 point is given for the correct answer.

    The name of which chemical element is made up of the names of two animals? (Arsenic).

    From the name of which chemical element can one get the name of a river by dropping the first two letters? (Radon - Don).

    Get the chemical element of the fifth group from the name of the strait between Europe and Asia. (Bosphorus - phosphorus).

    Eliminate one letter from the name of a semi-aquatic mammal of the rodent family and get the name of a chemical element of the third group. (Beaver - boron).

    By discarding three letters in a row in the name of a large mammal of the carnivorous order, you get the name of a chemical element of the first group. (Bear is copper).

    Get the name of a chemical element by removing two letters from the name of a ship that sank after colliding with an iceberg. (Titanic - Titan).

    In the name of which halogen do you need to change the order of the letters to get the name of a geometric figure? (Bromine is a rhombus).

    The name of which metal contains the name of wood? (Nickel).

    What gas claims that it is not itself at all? (Neon).

    Which element is always happy? (Radon).

    What noble metal is made from marsh algae? (Platinum).

    From what metal must one third be cut off to obtain the known bone of an animal and human skeleton? (Silver).

    I am a tiny and colorless gas, non-poisonous and harmless, combining with oxygen, I give you water to drink. (Hydrogen).

    By name he is a disabled person, but he is strong in action and in appearance. (Chromium.)

    I am the source of energy. And I can tell you for sure: if you rearrange the letters and put me in the corner, I will stand there steadfastly, Silently collecting trash. (Uranus is an urn.)

    What chemical element of the third group of the periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev is called a pine forest? (Bohr).

    The name of which chemical element brings to mind a fun show? (zirconium)

    I go for a small coin, I like to ring bells, they erect a monument to me for this and they call me - ... (copper).

    Glorified by all writings, Metal tested by fire, Beckoned people to it for centuries, The Alchemist lived in dreams about it. But as an idol, he is overthrown by us, And his shine does not attract everyone, After all, you and I know well, Not everything that glitters is valuable!

    Composed of crimson rubies,

In the sapphire blue of lights,

In gray ordinary clay,

In the form of sandstones. (3 points)

For ease of alloys it is given,

Created the power of the aircraft.

Ductile and plastic, excellent forging

This metal is silver. (2 points)

It will light up like a bright star,

White and light metal

In the thirteenth cell of the table

He took a place of honor. (1 point)


2nd round "The third one is extra"

On a piece of paper we write a few lines of chemical formulas of substances. Each line contains three formulas. For example:

Va (OH) 2





H 2 O

Na2S O 4


BaC l 2

Ca(OH) 2

A l(OH)3

Al(NO 3 ) 3

R 2 O 5

SO 2



Assignment for students: in each line, cross out the formula of a substance that does not belong to the same class as the other two. The team works on the principle of a relay race. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.

III round. "Who's faster?"

One participant per team is invited. Using the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements D.I. Mendeleev, one names the element, and the other must name the serial number of the named element as quickly as possible. Then the players change places.

The winner is the participant who, in a minute, has found more serial numbers of the elements named by the opponent. Victory – 2 points.

IV round. "Relay"

Each team sits in a row, one after the other, receives a sheet of paper, on which they will take turns writing down the formulas of salts and their names. The last to sit down is the captain. He can correct his teammates' mistakes.

Assignment to students: “Create a formula for salt (1st student), give the name of this salt (2nd student),” etc. A sheet of paper with a record is passed along the row. Formulas cannot be repeated.

The captain writes last and is allowed to correct the team's entries. For each correct line, the team receives one point, and the team receives another point for the speed of completing the task.

Questions for viewers

1. The names of which chemical elements include the names of animals? (Arsenic, mendelevium, tungsten, zirconium).

2. What chemical elements are named after scientists?

(Samarium- V. M. Samarsky; gadolinium- Yu. Gadolin; curium- Pierre and Marie Curie; einsteinium- A. Einstein; fermium-E. Fermi; mendelevium-D. I. Mendeleev; lawrencium - E. Lawrence; curly - I. V. Kurchatov; nilsborium - Niels Bohr.)

3. Name the elements that are named after countries or continents.

(Scandium- Scandinavian Peninsula; copper- island of Cyprus; gallium- Gaul is the Latin name for France; ruthenium- Russia; hafnium- old name of Copenhagen; thulium - ancient name Scandinavia; lutetium- the ancient name of Paris; polonium- Poland; France- France; americium- America; californium- California state in the USA (the names of these chemical elements are associated with the geography of their discovery); Germanium, Europium, Thulium)

4. It is believed that in past eras the Earth's atmosphere consisted mainly of carbon dioxide. And now 21% of the air is oxygen.

Where do you think he came from?

(Due to photosynthesis, the O content 2 in the atmosphere gradually decreased)

V round "Tic Tac Toe"

The rules of the game are the same as in the regular game “Tic Tac Toe”. Winning way:

a) formulas of oxides b) icons of non-metal elements


so 2

so 3

from 2

O 2


ZnSO 4

The first team to complete the task correctly receives 2 points.

VI round. "Chemical Duel"

(Captains Competition)

Team captains and a “second” participate in the “Chemical Duel”. One of the “duelists” must make a statement about the properties, scope of application of the object brought up for discussion (this can also be the formula of a substance, process, reaction, etc.). His opponent must clarify the above position or provide another fact on the topic under discussion. So each of the “duelists” in turn complements the previous one. The “second” marks on the board what, in his opinion, are true and false statements. If one of the “duelists” makes a mistake, the next one must correct it before making his statement. If he does not do this, then the “second” intervenes; if he does not know the correct answer, then the floor is given to any student. The winner is the student who gets more correct answers, and if they are equal, the one who made the last statement. Victory earns 3 points.

Exercise: Make a statement about the properties and applications of metals.

VII round. "Who can remember more words"

The game is focused on reaction speed (a limited time of 5–7 minutes is given).

Choose a short word, for example "BROMINE". We write each letter of this word in a separate column of the table. For each letter of the word “BROMINE” we remember and write chemical terms. The game can be complicated by strictly limiting the words to the topic.

The team whose players write the most and most correct chemical terms wins. The number of points scored is determined by how many words the winning team is ahead of the other.

Sample results of such a game:





















VIII round. "Race for the Leader"

The losing team starts. The presenter asks questions that require a quick answer within 1 minute. The task of the teams is to give as many correct answers to the questions as possible. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

    Water in a solid state. (Ice)

    Chemically indivisible particle. (Atom)

    The name of a negatively charged ion. (Anion)

    Salts of sulfuric acid. (Sulfates)

    A chemical reaction in which one complex substance is formed from simple substances. (Compound)

    Pronunciation of the element "iron". (Ferrum)

    A substance that supports combustion and respiration. (Oxygen)

    A unit of quantity of a substance. (Mole)

    An elementary particle that has no charge. (Neutron)

    Hydrogen oxide. (Water)

    Varieties of atoms with the same nuclear charge. (Isotopes)

    Substances in solutions of which litmus changes color to red. (Acids)

    Metal with bactericidal properties. (Silver)

    A specially equipped room for conducting experiments and chemical analysis of substances. (Laboratory)

    The process of decomposition of electrolytes into ions in solution. (Electrolytic dissociation)

    The science that studies substances, their properties and transformations. (Chemistry)

    Salts of carbonic acid. (Carbonates)

    Recording chemical reactions using chemical symbols and formulas. (Chemical equations)

    A complex substance containing an OH group. (Base)

    Positive ions. (Cations)

    A chemical reaction in which several simpler substances are formed from a complex substance. (Decompositions)

    The sum of all oxidation states in compounds. (Zero)

    A reaction in which heat is absorbed. (Endothermic)

    Solutions or melts that conduct electric current. (Electrolytes)

    The only liquid metal. (Mercury)

    What is the charge of the nucleus of an atom? (Order number of the element)

    Complex substances consisting of two elements, one of which is oxygen. (Oxides)

    A reaction that releases heat. (Exothermic)

    Salts of nitric acid. (Nitrates)

    A rapidly occurring chemical transformation accompanied by the release of heat and light. (Combustion)

    Pronunciation of the element "silver". (Argentum)

    A positively or negatively charged particle. (Ion)

    The most common substance on earth. (Water)

    Main component of air. (Nitrogen)

    An elementary particle with a positive charge. (Proton)

    Salts of hydrochloric acid. (Chlorides)

    Water purified from salts. (Distilled)

    What chemical element is seaweed rich in? (Iodine)

    What substance is extinguished with water, although it does not burn. (Quicklime)

    The existence of a chemical element in the form of two or more simple substances. (Allotropy)

    The ability of atoms in a compound to attract electrons. (Electronegativity)

The team that scores the most points during the game wins. The audience chooses the best player.


"Chemistry - the science of miracles and transformations"


  1. Introduce students to reading educational, popular science literature
  2. Develop cognitive interest in the subject, mental activity, erudition, logical thinking, ability to solve non-standard problems and situations, apply your knowledge in practice
  3. Develop the ability to work collectively, evaluate your capabilities and the knowledge of your comrades

Motto: “Chemistry does not require someone who has understood the whole science from just reading books, but who has diligently practiced it with his own art.”

(M.V. Lomonosov)

Chemical tale

The fairy tale encrypts a certain element and its chemical compounds. The students' task is to: identify this element; give a diagram of the structure of its atom; indicate the valencies and oxidation states of compounds; write transformation schemes and equations for the corresponding reactions.

Fairy tale.

The alchemist is sitting by the candle, his daughter comes up to him and asks: “Dad, what are you doing?” - “I want to receive the jewel, daughter.” “From this candle?” “No, from a candlestick,” answers the father. He waited until black scale appeared on the candlestick, scraped it off and threw it into the acid - the solution turned blue; I threw in a pinch of soda and a greenish precipitate fell out; I added caustic alkali and the sediment inside turned completely blue. He dried this mixture, and the paint came out to be of wondrous beauty. Why not a jewel?

Conducting the experiment: “Interaction of alkali with phenolphthalein”

(Hint.(C.C. 2 O CuSO 4 CuCO 3 Cu(OH) 2 )

Riddle task

Have you asked yourself: why do stars burn? The stars and our Sun consist of a mixture of two gases, the transformation of one of them into the other occurs with the release of light and heat. What are these gases? The elements included in their composition are neighbors in the PSHE; the first of the gases is twice as light as the second, the molecule of the first gas is diatomic, the second is monatomic, and besides, the second gas is inert. Name these gases.(Hydrogen and helium)

Hint: interaction between litmus and acid

Chemistry quiz

Teams take turns being asked questions to answer. There is no time to think.

  1. Can the glow of white phosphorus be considered a physical phenomenon?

(This is a physico-chemical phenomenon, because first the molecules of the substance evaporate, and then they interact with oxygen, causing the glow)

  1. Why were the matches called Swedish in the story of the same name by A.P. Chekhov?(Matches were first made in Sweden)
  2. What role does baking soda play when consumed for heartburn?

(Baking soda neutralizes hydrochloric acid)

  1. Why fashionistas in 70-80 XX century quickly abandoned phosphorus beads?

(Wearing such beads is harmful to health, since phosphorus is a toxic substance)

  1. Why do you risk your life by staying in your car or working on it while the engine is running in a closed garage?

(When an internal combustion engine operates, oxygen from the air is required, and CO contained in the exhaust gases 2 and CO accumulate in an unventilated area and can lead to poisoning and suffocation)

  1. The entry into the human body of a simple organic compound X, which can be easily confused with ethanol, often causes poisoning, resulting in blindness or even death of the victim. Name this substance. (Methanol)
  2. Why can’t you extinguish burning metals or alloys with water?

(Since the interaction of water with burning metals produces hydrogen, the flame becomes more intense and therefore water should not be used to extinguish burning metals)

  1. Is the rate of combustion of a candle the same at the foot of Elbrus, at its top and in the stratosphere?

(A candle burns best at the foot of Elbrus. At the top the flame will be smaller (there the air is thin and the mass fraction of oxygen is low), and in the stratosphere due to lack of oxygen it will not burn at all)

  1. Is it possible to express the composition of air, cast iron and brass using chemical formula?

(Air, cast iron and brass are mixtures, not chemical compounds, and therefore their composition cannot be expressed as a chemical formula)

  1. What gas is integral part natural gas, firedamp, which causes explosions in mines?(Methane)
  2. What two gases do you know that are non-poisonous, but any animals die in them?

(Non-toxic gases include nitrogen and carbon dioxide)

  1. Can water burn?

(Maybe. Water burns well in an atmosphere of free fluorine)

  1. What silver salt is used in medicine?

(Silver nitrate (“hell stone” “lapis” One of the oldest medicines)

  1. Which air is lighter—humid or dry?

(Humid air is lighter, because the molar mass of water is 18 g/mol, and air is 29 g/mol

Encrypted offer

Which saying is encrypted here: Au, Na, NH 3, Ni, I 2, Eu, S, In, Li, Ar.

(Knowledge is power . Explanation of the names of substances indicated by chemical symbols and formulas: gold, sodium, ammonia, nickel, iodine, europium, sulfur, indium, lithium, argon)

“My life is in danger without safety rules”

For the correct answer the team receives 1 point

  1. What should you do if you get concentrated vinegar in your eye?

(Rinse eyes with cold water)

  1. What acid is always found in the stomach of a healthy person; if there is a deficiency, is it used as medicine?(Hydrochloric acid)
  2. What will you do? If acid from a car battery gets on your skin?(Wipe the affected area with a dry cloth, rinse with running water and neutralize with a 1-3% soda solution)
  3. What gas is used to relieve pain shock during operations??(Laughing gas)
  4. What will you do if you put it in your mouth or in gastrointestinal tract got acid?(When in a chemical laboratory, neutralize the acid with a suspension of magnesium oxide; in other conditions, you can use a solution of baking soda)
  5. What gas smells fresh in small concentrations, but is poisonous in large concentrations?(Ozone)
  6. What to do in case of a burn from alkalis? (Rinse and neutralize with 1-2% acetic acid solution)
  7. How dangerous are nitrates for the human body?(Nitrates are converted to nitrites, which convert Fe2+ to Fe3+ in hemoglobin, which interferes with oxygen transfer)
  8. In what ways can poisons enter the human body?(Through the respiratory system, skin)

"Chemical Passions"

The king calls Sagittarius to him,

Daring young man

And gives him instructions

State significance.

So that I become rich again,

Need barium sulfate.

I'll let you think at night -

I'll be waiting for the report in the morning!

You can't blame who?

I must execute you.

Write down your name

So as not to forget out of fear.

Assignment: from sodium carbon dioxide


Task. A certain resident of the second entrance came to visit apartment No. 8 to play chess. It is unknown which of them did not concede a pawn to whom or put a check. But only they interacted on a large scale, as a result of which a tenant weighing 0.8 g disappeared, and instead 1.12 g of its oxide was formed. Determine the name of the missing tenant who loved to visit?(Calcium)

"Who can remember more words"

For each letter of the word “Bromine”, we recall and write chemical terms for 5-7 minutes. The one who writes more and more correctly wins.chemical terms

"Synonymous terms"

The students' task is to correctly pair the corresponding substances

1. Sodium bicarbonate 1. Carbon monoxide

2. Carbon monoxide (1V) 2. Table salt

3. Sodium chloride 3. Chalk, limestone

4. Carbon monoxide(11) 4. Carbon dioxide

5. Calcium carbonate 5. Baking soda

"Adventures with Mr. Ferr"

Tired Mr. Furr came home. Before he had time to shake off the metal dust, Kisli suddenly flew in to him and offered to create a joint venture. Knowing his insidious disposition, Ferr categorically refused to make contact with him, but then the charming Aqua appeared and so easily gained Ferr's trust, dulling his vigilance and caution, that Ferr did not notice how Kisli and Aqua took control of the situation. The ferr began to become covered with a brown coating and precipitate. And so the naive Ferr would have disappeared if Faithful Gas had not come to the rescue, forcing Ferr to warm up properly and then gradually restoring him to his previous state.

Question: Try to recognize the characters in the story under whose names the substances are encrypted.

Tell us what chemical transformations are we talking about? Write the corresponding chemical reactions.

Answer : Ferrum is iron (ferrum)


Aqua water

Gas - carbon monoxide

Chain of chemical transformations:

Fe Fe 2 O 3 Fe(OH) 3 Fe 2 O 3 Fe

4Fe+3O 2 2Fe 2 O 3

Fe 2 O 3 +3H 2 O 2Fe(OH) 3

2Fe(OH) 3 Fe 2 O 3 +3H 2 O

Fe 2 O 3 +3CO 2Fe+3CO 2

The Chemistry Tournament is a team event for schoolchildren who want to try their hand at solving complex and creative chemistry problems. Participants are announced a list of tasks that need to be completed within its framework approximately a month and a half before the start. Unlike Olympiads, these tasks are open-ended and do not require a single answer; to solve them you need to do a little research, work with literary sources and show creativity. In 2015, more than 150 teams from 31 regions of Russia registered to participate in the Tournament, and teams from Kazakhstan and Ukraine also sent their applications. Among them, a correspondence stage was held, based on the results of which 25 of the strongest teams were selected, which were invited to the face-to-face part of the V Moscow Art Theater, where, in the format of a mini-conference, they took turns acting as speakers, opponents and reviewers.

At the opening of the V Moscow Chemistry Tournament, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University Valery Vasilyevich Lunin and Director of Science LUKOIL - Lubricants Andrey Vladislavovich Sterkhov made welcoming speeches. They wished the participants success and noted that hard work during the tournament would help them become students of the best chemistry department in the country. “Perhaps this tournament will become a springboard for new achievements and will determine the future choice of life path for many of you. And if your calling is the implementation of innovative ideas and scientific developments in the future, today you are in right place"- noted Andrey Vladislavovich.

The theme of the tournament tasks was “Chemistry and British Scientists” - participants were asked to follow British chemists (and not only) to come up with a way to create plastics from sugar, describe the structure of the Silmarils, develop demonstration experiments with compounds of noble gases and experimentally study the process of brewing tea.

Perhaps the most spectacular event was the final, in which the three strongest teams demonstrated the best solutions they had come up with. The report of the winner of the Tournament - the national team from the city of Kirov - was quite interesting. Kirov residents talked about solving a problem dedicated to Sherlock Holmes; their goal was to develop a method for detecting traces of gunpowder, used at the end of the 19th century, and blood in the sand. The participants demonstrated not only good theoretical training, but also carried out good experimental work, exactly repeating the experience of the great detective with a drop of blood. The team from the House of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Moscow Youth distinguished itself by demonstrating real invisible ink during its report.

Based on the results of chemical battles that lasted for three days, the winners of the tournament were determined by the top three, which included:

  • team of Lyceum No. 130 of Novosibirsk,
  • national team of the Kirov region and
  • Moscow team from the Scientific and Research Center of Moscow State University.

At the closing ceremony, the final stage took place, as a result of which the team from the Kirov region became the winner of the Tournament. Diplomas of the 2nd degree were awarded to the teams of Lyceum No. 130 of Novosibirsk, the Scientific Research Center of Moscow State University and Moscow School No. 192. The diploma of the 3rd degree was awarded to the teams of the boarding lyceum at K(P)FU (Kazan), the Scientific Scientific Center of NSU (Novosibirsk), DNTTM (Moscow), the Lyceum No. 2 (Tula), Lyceum No. 1568 (Moscow) and Gymnasium No. 1 named after. Yu.A. Gagarin (Klintsy, Bryansk region).

In the individual competition, the winner was Zoya Lashchinskaya, a student at Lyceum No. 130 in Novosibirsk.

At the closing ceremony, the Organizing Committee of the Tournament announced plans for the development of the event. In terms of geography, the V Moscow Chemical Tournament was equal to the first Interregional Tournament. In 2015, at least 5 regional tournaments will be held, which will become qualifying stages for the central event - the II Interregional Chemical Tournament, which will be held on February 4-6, 2016.

The Dynasty Foundation has already expressed its readiness to provide support for the event; the project was among the 29 winners of the Competition of educational projects for schoolchildren in the “Standard Projects” category.

The event was organized by the Faculty of Fundamental Physical and Chemical Engineering, the Faculty of Materials Sciences, the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University and the National Center for Continuing Natural Science Education.

The scientific and practical chemical tournament “Chemical Challenge” was held within the framework of the XX Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry under the auspices of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).

More than 600 schoolchildren of grades 9 and 10 and students of secondary vocational education from Russia and Kazakhstan took part in the Chemical Challenge tournament.

About the tournament

Chemical tournament Chemical Challenge - personal and team competitions to solve problems in the field of chemistry and chemical technology, which obviously do not have an exact solution (cases). During the tournament, participants were able to meet peers who are interested in chemistry from different parts of the country, and also defend their decisions before a competent jury from among the participants of the Mendeleev Congress. Among them are prominent Russian and foreign scientists, Nobel Prize laureates, representatives of leading Russian and foreign enterprises in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.

The tournament was held in three stages from April to September 2016 in Yekaterinburg on the basis of the Ural Federal University.

First stage (correspondence)

From April 4 to May 5, 2016 (23:59 Ekaterinburg time) - to Participating teams of 4-5 people solved 2 chemical cases (problems) from the proposed set. Solving problems was not about finding the only correct answer, but about participants proposing their own original technological solutions and testing their viability.

Second stage (internal qualifying)

May 21, 2016 - based on the results of the first stage of the team that showed best results and those who passed the qualifications, visited the Ural Federal University to conduct the full-time selection stage. During the day, participants visited institutes that train chemists, carried out the tasks assigned to them, and showed their erudition and resourcefulness.

Third stage (full-time)

From September 29 to 30, 2016 - 24 teams, selected based on the results of the first two stages, defended their case solutions in a face-to-face session in a discussion with other teams in front of a competent jury. The 3 strongest teams reached the finals and fought for the Mendeleev Cup at the end XX Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry at EXPO.

Geography of participants:

  • Alapaevsk
  • Astana
  • With. Baranchinsky
  • Berezniki
  • Birsk
  • Bogdanovich
  • Verkhnyaya Pyshma
  • Verkhnyaya Salda
  • Vorkuta
  • Davlekanovo
  • Sharlyk village, Blagovrsky district
  • Yekaterinburg
  • Zhitikara
  • Kamensk-Uralsky
  • Karaganda
  • Kachkanar
  • Mound
  • Neftekamsk
  • Nizhnevartovsk
  • Nizhny Tagil
  • Novoorsk
  • Novotroitsk
  • Orenburg
  • Pavlodar
  • Pervouralsk
  • Permian
  • Polevskoy
  • p. Yaksha
  • Cementny village
  • Revda
  • With. Voznesenka
  • With. Moscow, Bashkortostan
  • With. Taraskovo
  • Solikamsk
  • Sterlitamak
  • Surgut
  • Khanty-Mansiysk
  • Tchaikovsky
  • Chelyabinsk

All the guys who fought to reach the finals showed excellent results. In the final ranking, the gap in points between the teams reached several hundredths. The finalists were the following teams:

1st place - “Livermorium” (gymnasium No. 116 from Yekaterinburg)

2nd place - Be_CReAtIV (gymnasium No. 9 from Ekaterinburg)

3rd place - “CH-113” (school No. 113 from Omsk)

The Interregional Chemical Tournament (ICT) is a team and individual competition among students in grades 8-11 to solve chemical cases - problems in the field of chemical science and technology that obviously do not have an exact solution. The process of finding a solution develops the ability to put forward a scientific hypothesis and defend it during a discussion, and also requires the participant to have a broad outlook and a non-trivial approach to solving the problem.
Previously, over the course of 4 years, we successfully implemented the Chemical Tournament in the Sverdlovsk region. The event was in high demand among schoolchildren and teachers, and the project’s audience increased from 178 to 1033 people. The tradition of the Tournament Movement was created in chemistry and at the moment- this is the largest movement among all regions of the Russian Federation. High level The organization has created such a level of authority and trust for the Tournament and its team that in 2019 we are holding the All-Russian Moscow Art Theater.
The Moscow Art Theater will be held in three stages.
Stage 1. Sverdlovsk Chemical Tournament (SHT) (09.2018-11.2018). Stage of the Moscow Art Theater, for students of the Sverdlovsk region, continuing the tradition of the previous 4 years. Teams of 5-6 people will be invited to participate. To solve problems, participants will be assigned mentors from among students of natural sciences and webinars will be held on the theory and practice of the tournament. 40 best teams will be invited to the head-to-head stage, where, in a debate with rival teams, they will be able to defend their decisions before a competent jury of professional chemists.
Advanced training courses will be organized for teachers to train local teams and conduct local tournaments. In 2017, preliminary work was carried out on the distribution teaching materials and a response was received. The training will last from 09.2018 to 03.2019 and will be focused on dialogue between participants and organizers, exchange of experience and practice.
Stage 2. Absentee selection of teams to participate in the finals of the Moscow Art Theater (09.2018-12.2018). With the support of partners and using our experience, we will recruit teams in other regions of the Russian Federation, thus initiating the development of the tournament movement in them. Teams submit solutions to problems in text and presentation format, qualify, and regional winners are invited to the final stage. Participants will also have access to webinars and mentor assistance.
Stage 3. Final stage(02.2019). The winning teams gather in Yekaterinburg to compete for the title of the best in Russia. SHT participants will be invited as spectators where they will communicate with the strongest teams in Russia and exchange experiences. As part of the finals, an educational program will take place: participants will be introduced to industrial and research enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region and potential employers.
In this way, we will be able to comprehensively move towards increasing the interest of schoolchildren in specialties related to the natural sciences, changing the position in the learning process to an active one with the support of teachers and forming a vision of the professional trajectory of development within the Sverdlovsk region.


  1. Involving schoolchildren in natural sciences and technology through solving practical problems.
  2. Integration of the tournament into the educational environment of the Sverdlovsk region as a training format that promotes the development of 21st century skills.
  3. Development of communication between schoolchildren, students and professionals on the site intellectual competitions for career guidance for schoolchildren in the Sverdlovsk region.


  1. Establishing direct contact with last year’s organizers of the Interregional Chemical Tournament (Moscow) to exchange methodological information and resolve other organizational issues.
  2. Development of a set of tasks for tournament participants.
  3. Information support for the project
  4. Recruitment of teams of schoolchildren from the Sverdlovsk region.
  5. Recruitment of teams of schoolchildren from other regions of the Russian Federation.
  6. Creation of a mentoring institute for intellectual projects and from participants in natural science tournaments of past years, students and young scientists.
  7. Organizing a support system for participants by providing video lectures on the successful preparation and defense of solutions to problems.
  8. Organization and conduct of advanced training courses for chemistry teachers.
  9. Conducting the Sverdlovsk Chemistry Tournament for schoolchildren in the Sverdlovsk region: correspondence stage.
  10. Creation of a community of jury members from among university teachers, young scientists and representatives of innovative and scientific-production enterprises in the field of chemistry and chemical technology.
  11. Creation of an administrative system for organizing the face-to-face stage (section leaders, counting commission, volunteers)
  12. Conducting the Sverdlovsk Chemistry Tournament for Schoolchildren in the Sverdlovsk Region: full-time stage.
  13. Organizing and conducting a training seminar for initiative groups from various cities of the Sverdlovsk region.
  14. Conducting a practical round of the Sverdlovsk chemical tournament for schoolchildren.
  15. Conducting correspondence stages in the regions of the Russian Federation with the exception of the Sverdlovsk region
  16. Conducting the finals of the Interregional Chemistry Tournament for Schoolchildren
  17. Implementation educational program as part of the Moscow Art Theater finals for participants.

Justification of social significance

The implementation of the plans of the Russian government for the reorganization of the industrial and scientific sector, the transition from a resource-based economy to a high-tech one, requires the adoption of comprehensive measures both in the field of science and in the field of education. This includes the need for many competent, diversely trained specialists in the field of technical and natural sciences. Today, there is an increase in government orders to Russian universities in priority areas of training, but schoolchildren do not have sufficient motivation and noticeable interest in studying in the areas of natural and technical sciences, given their high potential (according to the results of international tests, our students occupy top positions). This is also true for the Sverdlovsk region, which feels a shortage of such personnel when large quantities industrial enterprises. If you look closely, high results in international tests are mainly justified by the “knowledge” component, rather than “application” and “reasoning”. This is largely due to the “paper” nature of the school curriculum, its isolation from real life and the insufficiency of the school chemistry course for a full understanding of the subject, which is noted by many experts in the field of education. It is important that students independently try to solve problems that represent real problems science and technology, in this case it will be more obvious to them what they, as professionals, can do in the future. Therefore, we propose to organize a competition to solve problems that do not have an exact answer, but are problems that require analysis, derivation of a hypothesis and proof of a solution. This is a serious difference between the Tournament and existing additional formats. education of children, such as Olympiads, scientific and practical conferences, etc. The second difference is that in the 21st century, when information becomes available, it is more important how you handle it than how much you have. Accordingly, there is a need to create and develop a format that, in addition to knowledge on the subject, will require from participants in the process new skills in working with information and skills that go beyond the subject. The tournament has already proven itself in other areas of science as a format that meets these requirements. It is in the discussion between teams in front of a competent jury that the skills necessary for modern specialists are formed: critical thinking, the ability to convincingly prove one’s own point of view, work in a team, and many others.
Links in clause 7.1. applications