UGMK basketball club game schedule. Partners

Founded in 1938. The current champion of Russia. The owner of the club is the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company.

In the 2012/13 season, the UMMC team, for the first time in its history, scored a hat-trick of winning the Euroleague, Russian Cup and Russian Championship (for the fifth time in a row and the seventh time in its history). In addition, for the fifth time in a row, the “Foxes” won the final series of the Russian Championship against “Sparta&K” near Moscow.

Two UMMC basketball players turned out to be the most productive players in the final match of the women's basketball tournament of the 2016 Summer Olympics as part of their teams.


  • Three-time Euroleague champion 2003, ,
  • Winner of the European Super Cup:
  • Nine-time Russian champion: , , , , , , , ,
  • Seven-time winner of the Russian Cup: , , , , , ,
  • Winner of the Basketball Super League regular season (4): 2002, 2003, 2004, 2009
  • Winner of the regular season of the Basketball Premier League 2011, 2012
  • Silver medalist of the Russian Championship (6): 1997, 1999, , , ,
  • Silver medalist of the Russian Cup (3): 2004, ,
  • Silver medalist of the regular championship of the Basketball Super League (6): 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2005, 2010
  • Silver medalist of the European Super Cup:
  • Euroleague silver medalist:
  • Euroleague bronze medalist (6): , , , , ,
  • Bronze medalist of the FIBA ​​World League: ,
  • Bronze medalist of the Russian Championship (6): 1994, 1996, , , ,
  • Bronze medalist of the regular championship of the Basketball Super League (3): 1998, 2006, 2008
  • Bronze medalist of the USSR Championship (2): 1973, 1974

Team composition in the 2015-2016 season

Players Coaches
Pos. Citizen Name Date of birth (age) Height Weight Rank
3.5 ! 4 Arteshina, Olga Dmitrievna!Arteshina Olga November 27(36 years old) 190 cm 077! 77 kg 2.0 ! ZMS
1.0 ! RZ 9 Barich, Nika! Barich Nika September 2(26 years old) 169 cm 062! 62 kg
1.5 ! 5 Belyakova, Evgenia Alexandrovna!Belyakova Evgenia June 27(32 years old) 184 cm 071! 71 kg 2.5 ! MSMK
5.0 ! 15 Vieru, Natalya Stanislavovna!Vieru Natalia July 25(29 years old) 200 cm 082! 82 kg 2.5 ! MSMK
3.5 ! ?? Vorobyova, Maria Alexandrovna!Vorobyova Maria April 28(25 years old) 183 cm 075! 75 kg 1.5 ! KMS
5.0 ! 42 Griner, Brittney! Griner Brittney October 18(28 years old) 206 cm 093! 93 kg
5.0 ! 7 Gruda, Sandrine! Gruda Sandrine June 25(31 years old) 193 cm 083! 83 kg
1.5 ! 1 Komarova, Elizaveta Andreevna!Komarova Elizaveta February 1(24 years old) 171 cm 063! 63 kg 1.5 ! KMS
5.0 ! 2 Little, Sancho! Little Sancho September 20(35 years old) 193 cm 079! 79 kg
1.5 ! 14 Nolan, Deanna! Nolan Deanna August 25(39 years old) 183 cm 070! 70 kg
3.5 ! 31 Petrakova, Anna Viktorovna!Petrakova Anna December 4(34 years old) 188 cm 079! 79 kg 2.5 ! MSMK
1.5 ! 32 Taurasi, Diana! Taurasi Diana June 11(36 years old) 182 cm 072! 72 kg
1.5 ! 20 Toliver, Christy! Toliver Christie January 27(32 years old) 170 cm 059! 59 kg
3.5 ! 21 Torrance, Alba! Torrance Alba August 30(29 years old) 192 cm 077! 77 kg
1.0 ! RZ 8 Tochilova, Anastasia Anatolyevna!Tochilova Anastasia May 13(25 years old) 170 cm 058! 58 kg 1.5 ! KMS
3.5 ! 25 Cherepanova, Maria Sergeevna!

Excerpt characterizing UMMC (basketball club)

“Sire,” answered Balashev. - l "Empereur mon maitre ne desire point la guerre, et comme Votre Majeste le voit," said Balashev, using Votre Majeste in all cases, [The Russian Emperor does not want her, as your Majesty deign to see... your Majesty.] with inevitable the affectation of increasing the frequency of the title, addressing a person for whom this title is still news.
Murat's face shone with stupid contentment as he listened to Monsieur de Balachoff. But royaute oblige: [royal rank has its responsibilities:] he felt the need to talk with Alexander's envoy about state affairs, as a king and an ally. He got off his horse and, taking Balashev by the arm and moving a few steps away from the respectfully waiting retinue, began walking with him back and forth, trying to speak significantly. He mentioned that Emperor Napoleon was offended by the demands for the withdrawal of troops from Prussia, especially now that this demand had become known to everyone and when the dignity of France was insulted. Balashev said that there was nothing offensive in this demand, because... Murat interrupted him:
- So you think it was not Emperor Alexander who was the instigator? - he said unexpectedly with a good-naturedly stupid smile.
Balashev said why he really believed that Napoleon was the start of the war.
“Eh, mon cher general,” Murat interrupted him again, “je desire de tout mon c?ur que les Empereurs s"arrangent entre eux, et que la guerre commencee malgre moi se termine le plutot possible, [Ah, dear general, I wish with all my heart that the emperors put an end to the matter between themselves and that the war, begun against my will, ends as soon as possible.] - he said in the tone of a conversation of servants who want to remain good friends, despite the quarrel between the masters. And he moved on. asking about the Grand Duke, about his health and about the memories of the fun and amusing time spent with him in Naples. Then, as if suddenly remembering his royal dignity, Murat solemnly straightened up, stood in the same position in which he stood at the coronation, and. , waving right hand, said: – Je ne vous retiens plus, general; je souhaite le succes de vorte mission, [I will not detain you any longer, General; I wish success to your embassy] - and, fluttering with a red embroidered robe and feathers and glittering with jewelry, he went to the retinue, respectfully waiting for him.
Balashev went further, according to Murat, expecting to be introduced to Napoleon himself very soon. But instead of a quick meeting with Napoleon, the sentries of Davout's infantry corps again detained him at the next village, as in the advanced chain, and the adjutant of the corps commander was summoned and escorted him to the village to see Marshal Davout.

Davout was Arakcheev of the Emperor Napoleon - Arakcheev is not a coward, but just as serviceable, cruel and unable to express his devotion except by cruelty.
The mechanism of the state organism needs these people, just as wolves are needed in the body of nature, and they always exist, always appear and stick around, no matter how incongruous their presence and proximity to the head of government seems. Only this necessity can explain how the cruel, uneducated, uncourtly Arakcheev, who personally tore out the mustaches of the grenadiers and could not withstand danger due to his weak nerves, could maintain such strength despite the knightly noble and gentle character of Alexander.
Balashev found Marshal Davout in the barn of a peasant's hut, sitting on a barrel and busy with writing (he was checking accounts). The adjutant stood next to him. It was possible to find better premises, but Marshal Davout was one of those people who deliberately put themselves in the gloomiest conditions of life in order to have the right to be gloomy. For the same reason, they are always hastily and persistently busy. “Where is there to think about the happy side of human life, when, you see, I’m sitting on a barrel in a dirty barn and working,” said the expression on his face. The main pleasure and need of these people is to, having encountered the revival of life, throw gloomy, stubborn activity into the eyes of this revival. Davout gave himself this pleasure when Balashev was brought in to him. He went even deeper into his work when the Russian general entered, and, looking through his glasses at Balashev’s animated face, impressed by the wonderful morning and the conversation with Murat, he did not get up, did not even move, but frowned even more and grinned viciously.
Noticing the unpleasant impression this technique produced on Balashev’s face, Davout raised his head and coldly asked what he needed.
Assuming that such a reception could be given to him only because Davout does not know that he is the adjutant general of Emperor Alexander and even his representative before Napoleon, Balashev hastened to announce his rank and appointment. Contrary to his expectations, Davout, after listening to Balashev, became even more severe and rude.
- Where is your package? - he said. – Donnez le moi, ije l"enverrai a l"Empereur. [Give it to me, I will send it to the emperor.]
Balashev said that he had orders to personally hand over the package to the emperor himself.
“The orders of your emperor are carried out in your army, but here,” said Davout, “you must do what you are told.”
And as if in order to make the Russian general feel even more his dependence on brute force, Davout sent the adjutant for the duty officer.
Balashev took out the package containing the sovereign’s letter and placed it on the table (a table consisting of a door with torn hinges sticking out, placed on two barrels). Davout took the envelope and read the inscription.
“You have absolutely the right to show or not show me respect,” said Balashev. “But let me point out that I have the honor to bear the title of His Majesty’s Adjutant General...”
Davout looked at him silently, and some excitement and embarrassment expressed on Balashev’s face apparently gave him pleasure.
“You will be given your due,” he said and, putting the envelope in his pocket, he left the barn.
A minute later, the Marshal's adjutant, Mr. de Castres, entered and led Balashev into the room prepared for him.
Balashev dined that day with the marshal in the same barn, on the same board on barrels.
The next day, Davout left early in the morning and, inviting Balashev to his place, impressively told him that he asked him to stay here, move along with his luggage if they had orders to do so, and not talk to anyone except Mister de Castro.
After four days of solitude, boredom, a sense of subordination and insignificance, especially palpable after the environment of power in which he had so recently found himself, after several marches along with the marshal’s luggage, with the French troops occupying the entire area, Balashev was brought to Vilna, now occupied by the French , to the same outpost where he left four days ago.
The next day, the imperial chamberlain, monsieur de Turenne, came to Balashev and conveyed to him the desire of Emperor Napoleon to honor him with an audience.
Four days ago, at the house to which Balashev was taken, there were sentries of the Preobrazhensky Regiment, but now there were two French grenadiers in blue uniforms open on their chests and in shaggy hats, a convoy of hussars and lancers and a brilliant retinue of adjutants, pages and generals waiting to leave Napoleon around a riding horse standing at the porch and his Mameluke Rustav. Napoleon received Balashev in the same house in Vilva from which Alexander sent him.

Despite Balashev's habit of court solemnity, the luxury and pomp of Emperor Napoleon's court amazed him.
Count Turen led him into a large reception room, where many generals, chamberlains and Polish magnates were waiting, many of whom Balashev had seen at the court of the Russian emperor. Duroc said that Emperor Napoleon would receive the Russian general before his walk.
After several minutes of waiting, the chamberlain on duty went out into the large reception room and, bowing politely to Balashev, invited him to follow him.
Balashev entered a small reception room, from which there was one door to an office, the very office from which the Russian emperor sent him. Balashev stood there for about two minutes, waiting. Hasty steps were heard outside the door. Both halves of the door quickly opened, the chamberlain who opened it stopped respectfully, waiting, everything became quiet, and other, firm, decisive steps sounded from the office: it was Napoleon. He had just finished his riding toilet. He was wearing a blue uniform, open over a white vest that hung down to his round belly, and white leggings that hugged his fat thighs. short legs, and in boots. His short hair had obviously just been combed, but one strand of hair hung down over the middle of his wide forehead. His white, plump neck protruded sharply from behind the black collar of his uniform; he smelled of cologne. On his youthful, plump face with a prominent chin there was an expression of gracious and majestic imperial greeting.
He walked out, shaking quickly with every step and throwing his head back a little. His entire plump, short figure with broad, thick shoulders and an involuntarily protruding belly and chest had that representative, dignified appearance that forty-year-old people living in the hallway have. In addition, it was clear that he was in the best spirits that day.
He nodded his head, responding to Balashev’s low and respectful bow, and, approaching him, immediately began to speak like a man who treasures every minute of his time and does not deign to prepare his speeches, but is confident in what he will always say. ok and what needs to be said.
- Hello, general! - he said. – I received the letter from Emperor Alexander that you delivered, and I am very glad to see you. “He looked into Balashev’s face with his big eyes and immediately began to look ahead past him.
It was obvious that he was not at all interested in Balashev’s personality. It was clear that only what was happening in his soul was of interest to him. Everything that was outside of him did not matter to him, because everything in the world, as it seemed to him, depended only on his will.
“I do not want and did not want war,” he said, “but I was forced into it.” Even now (he said this word with emphasis) I am ready to accept all the explanations that you can give me. - And he clearly and briefly began to state the reasons for his displeasure against the Russian government.
Judging by the moderately calm and friendly tone with which the French emperor spoke, Balashev was firmly convinced that he wanted peace and intended to enter into negotiations.
- Sire! L "Empereur, mon maitre, [Your Majesty! The Emperor, my lord,] - Balashev began a long-prepared speech when Napoleon, having finished his speech, looked questioningly at the Russian ambassador; but the look of the emperor's eyes fixed on him confused him. “You are confused “Get over yourself,” Napoleon seemed to say, looking at Balashev’s uniform and sword with a barely noticeable smile. Balashev recovered and began to say that Emperor Alexander did not consider Kurakin’s demand for passports a sufficient reason for the war, that Kurakin acted this way on his own. without the consent of the sovereign, that Emperor Alexander does not want war and that there are no relations with England.

It was decided to create a women's basketball team at Ural Heavy Engineering Plant. The team was named “Zenith”. IN 1958 Zenit teamed up with Avangard, another team under the plant’s sports society, and the result was the Trud team. Most of its history, from to 2000, the club was called " Uralmash » .

WITH 1964 the team competed in major league USSR basketball championship. In and 1974 the team achieved highest success- 3rd place in the championship.

The team's most successful basketball player during this period was Olga Korosteleva, who became a two-time Olympic champion.

Russian period

IN 2000 the club has linked its fate with Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company and began performing under the name “Uralmash-UMMC”, and a year later, having lost contact with Ural Heavy Engineering Plant, acquired its current name.

After the renaming, UMMC managed to win the title of Champion of Russia twice in a row (, ,), and in 2003 conquer Europe too.

In all subsequent seasons, the “Foxes” did not fall below third place in the national championships (in addition, in 2005 the club won the National Cup), however, to interrupt the hegemony first VBM-SSAU, and then near Moscow "Spartak", headed by the ex-president of UMMC Shabtai Kalmanovich, failed on the national stage.

Rank the best club The “foxes” managed to return the country only to 2009, having beaten their main competitors from the Moscow region in a dramatic final match Vidnogo. The victory for UMMC with a score of 70:68 a few seconds before the end of the meeting was brought by a solo pass by Agnieszka Bibrzycki.

IN 2010 The Foxes, beating the basketball players from Vidnoye in the final, scored their third ever victory in the National Cup, but on March 21 they were defeated in final match regular championship, which did not allow the Ekaterinburg team to retain first place in standings. The victory of Vidnovka ended and semi-final match Euroleague, in which the regulations again brought together two Russian teams. However, in the final of the Russian championship, where exactly the club "Spartacus" again became a rival of the “Foxes”, the Ekaterinburg team managed to defend the championship title, beating their rivals in a series of up to three wins with a score of 3:0.

IN 2011, without losing a single match, UMMC became the winner of both the regular season and the playoff series, securing its fifth championship title. In the same year the team won the Russian Cup. Head coach"foxes" Gundars of the Wind At the end of the season he decided to resign from his post. He was replaced Lithuanian specialist Algirdas Paulauskas.

IN 2012, UMMC became the winner of the playoff series and the Russian Cup, beating Spartu&K And Hope from Orenburg respectively. At the end of the season, the team parted ways with head coach Algirdas Paulauskas and his assistant Rimantas Grigas.

UMMC team
(“Uralmash - UMMC” 2000-2001, “Uralmash” 1960-2000, “Trud” 1958-1960, “Zenith” 1938-1958)

Champion of Russia 2002, 2003, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
Euroleague champion 2003, 2013, 2016, 2018
Winner of the European Super Cup 2013, 2016
Winner of the Russian Cup 2005, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016
Winner of the UMMC Cup 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
Champion of the "Basketball Super League" 2002, 2003, 2004, 2009
Silver medalist Russian Championship 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2006
Euroleague 2015 finalist
Silver medalist of the Russian Cup 2004, 2006, 2008
Silver medalist of the UMMC Cup 2009, 2017
Silver medalist of the Basketball Super League championship 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2006, 2010
Bronze medalist of the Russian Championship 1973, 1974, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2005, 2007, 2008
Euroleague bronze medalist 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2017
Bronze medalist of the FIBA ​​World League 2007
Bronze medalist of the Basketball Super League championship in 1998, 2005, 2008.
Bronze medalist of the 1st World Cup 2003
Eleven-time champion of the RSFSR
Winner of the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the RSFSR 1971
Silver medalist of the USSR Cup 1985
Bronze medalist of the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the RSFSR 1982
Bronze medalist at the USSR Championship 1973, 1974
Awarded a special prize Russian Federation basketball as the most stable team in independent Russia (since 1992 it has never fallen below 4th place in the Russian championships)


The Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company was founded in 1999. The largest producer of copper, zinc, coal and precious metals in the country. The basis of the company is a closed technological chain for copper: from the extraction of raw materials to production finished products based on it (copper rod, rolled products, cable and wire products, heat exchangers). The holding's key assets are concentrated in the mining industry, non-ferrous metallurgy, ferrous metallurgy, coal mining and mechanical engineering. UMMC includes more than 40 enterprises in Russia and abroad. The headquarters is located in the city of Verkhnyaya Pyshma (Sverdlovsk region). Every year the company invests up to 60 billion rubles in its development.

Intershow company

Funny Foxes

The dance group from Yekaterinburg has extensive experience in performing. For several years now, the group has been delighting fans with its performances not only at home matches of the UMMC team. "Funny Foxes" repeatedly performed at the Final Four of the Russian Cup, the FIBA ​​World League, the UMMC Cup, at the Final Four of the Euroleague 2011, which was held in Yekaterinburg, at the Final Eight of the Euroleague 2012 in Istanbul, and also held in Ekaterinburg Euroleague 2013, 2014, 2016. "FUNNY FOXES" are not only stunning girls with bright appearance, but also magnificent costumes, various dance numbers that will take your breath away... Don't believe me? Come to the games of the UMMC basketball club and see for yourself! We dance for you!
Get to know Funny Foxes better


City entertainment box office

Palace of Team Sports

Sports Palace UMMC

Channel 10

TV company ATN

The ATN television company has been an active participant in the mass media market for almost 9 years, always remaining independent and not politically biased. The professionalism of the journalists of the ATN TV channel is proven by the high marks received at competitions: over the past two years - 16 awards. Cooperation with Sportservice LLC began in 2007.