Cross in boxing. Basic boxing combination Right cross in boxing

Cross(translated from English - cross) - this is one of the types of direct blow with the right hand, it is a strong, often knockout blow in boxing. It is usually used after preliminary preparation, when the enemy is exposed. They also hit him towards the opponent’s blow.

How to do it

The cross-country technique follows the following scheme: push of the right leg - transfer of body weight to left leg– turning the body and shoulder girdle from right to left and striking with the muscles of the arm. The right shoulder at the end of the blow should be raised to protect the head from a counter or side blow from the enemy. The left fist is pressed tightly to the lower part of the face, and the left elbow is pressed against the body, to protect the boxer from counter punches from the right.

Cross in boxing is compared to heavy artillery, which they try to hit for sure, putting it into the hitting right hand all the strength.

However, you need to remember the rule: with which hand you hit, you can miss. Therefore, we do not forget about defense and, when throwing a cross, we remove our heads from the line of attack. We also remember that when struck, the liver opens. Therefore, after throwing a cross, we throw off the elbow. As is known, a missed blow to the liver leads to respiratory failure at best, and at worst -

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This is approximately the same blow as a side swing - the only difference is that the hand delivering the blow is bent at the elbow and the fingers of the fist are pointed down and inward. Ular is applied with the first phalanges of the fingers. His goal is side face (mainly the jaw) or the side of the abdomen (costal arch). Here, as in other strikes, the main importance is the rotation of the body. During the entire movement, the arm almost does not change its position relative to the body and is kept approximately at shoulder level (Fig. 3).

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As with any punch in boxing, the movement begins with the legs, gaining force in the rotation, which spills out into the direct impact when the arm is fully extended.

A fighter can be either left-handed or right-handed, which is why the strike is often called “direct from the far hand.” But since there are more right-handed people in the world, we will discuss strikes and stances in the article from the point of view of the left-handed position.

Cross technique

From a left-sided fighting position, we begin the movement by pushing with the far (right) leg, then transfer the weight to the left leg. We rise onto the left toe, simultaneously starting to rotate the body counterclockwise.

The main force that sets the rotation originates from the push of the right foot.

The arm is fully extended at the elbow, and the fist flies forward towards the target.

We protect the chin with our right shoulder, raising it slightly, and with the fist of our left hand we protect the lower part of the face. We press the elbow of the left hand to the body to protect the right from counterattacks.

More weight at the moment of impact is on the right leg. When returning to starting position, the hand moves along the same trajectory as during the impact.

Cross-country tasks

Since the cross, unlike another blow called, is more swipe, then his goals are offensive in nature.

Here are the main tasks of the cross:

  • Cross like a finisher
  • Cross in combination with other strikes (for example, the well-known “two”)
  • Cross as a counterpunch

In boxing, the cross is compared to heavy artillery, with which you can hit for sure, putting all your strength into the striking far hand. But we must not forget golden rule With which hand you strike, you can receive a blow in return from the same hand.

To avoid such a situation, we always remember about defense and, when striking a cross, we remove our head from the line of attack. Also, during the strike, the liver area opens, so after punching with a straight far hand, we cover the liver with our left elbow. The consequences of a missed blow to the liver can be completely different, from shortness of breath to knockout.

When attacked, we always remember our own protection and safety.

By the way, after a cross, few people expect a left-handed strike. In this situation, you can often take advantage of the moment by quickly closing the distance, stepping forward and knocking out your opponent with your left.

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