Tantric yoga exercises. Tantra yoga what is it and what is it for? Features of Indian Tantric Yoga

Tantra yoga is oldest school self-improvement. The essence of Tantra is that it is able to suppress the energy of desire and direct it to other goals, for example, for health improvement or spiritual and mental development. Tantra is often presented as the unity of opposite principles, such as man and woman, spiritual and material, rational and irrational.

According to adherents of Tantra Yoga, one cannot separate Yoga from Tantra, because these ancient teachings have common origins and yogic practices without Tantra or tantric practices without Yoga will not be complete.

Tantra yoga is suitable for those people who want to learn to understand their body, release its full potential and get rid of sexual complexes, learn relaxation techniques and expand their own consciousness, overcome the addiction of deep-rooting their hidden desires.

Today, many yoga centers offer Tantra yoga classes. But all their programs are different, so before you start, check out the course syllabus first.

Style Features

The main idea of ​​tantra is that man is already perfect, right here and right now, like God. In other words, a person should immediately realize that he is part of God, and act and think as if he had already become enlightened. In Tantra yoga, the end result - the achievement of the divine - is taken as the starting point; in Tantra it is believed that if a person does not immediately perceive himself as part of the divine, he will not be able to be truly devoted to the Higher Power.

Many representatives Western civilization Tantra yoga is mistaken for a technique that enhances sensuality. Tantra really has large number techniques based on sexual energy, but most of the techniques are not related to eroticism or sexual intercourse. Tantra yoga covers a much larger part of the human essence than just sex. This teaching says that the human body is a temple, teaches to perceive one's true Self, while other yoga techniques, which are based only on the physical aspect, increase the human ego, although they are designed to reduce it.

Love is the main tool in Tantra yoga. It is love that works with the most powerful energy in the human body and with its strongest feelings and emotions, with the primary force of life.

Tantra is based on Buddhist and Hindu methods of self-improvement through the transformation and use of sexual energy. The Tantra Yoga school is based on the most ancient canonical texts; they contain techniques for working with the mind and body that are beyond the boundaries of modern morality. At the same time, it is worth knowing that among them there are no universal techniques that would suit absolutely everyone; you will have to find what you need on your own.

Varieties of Tantric practices

There are three main directions in Tanta: Red Tantra, White Tantra and Black Tantra.

Red Tantra– a practice that reflects sexual reality. There are a lot of exercises and meditation in this direction, during which sexual contact is provided. Red Tantra is the acceptance of life here and in this moment.

Black Tantra forms skills that allow you to control consciousness and manipulate other people. This Tatntra gives you the opportunity to train your mental strength and quickly achieve any goal.

White Tantra recognized by all masters as the most valuable and most effective of the three practices. It is directed towards the future elevation of the human soul. White Tantra classes allow a person to become a master in his own life, to purify his physical and mental essence with the help of special poses and the performance of mantras. White Tantra classes take place in pairs and include kriya, pranayama and meditation.

The first public classes using the White Tantra method took place in 1971 in Los Angeles, conducted by Yogi Bhajan. Until that moment, this teaching was secret and was transmitted to the student from the teacher. In the 1980s, Bhajan created videos of Tantra classes, thus making White Tantra accessible to a wide range of people around the world.

Purpose of Tantra Yoga

Tantra Yoga style is the most effective way find yourself and realize your inner hidden abilities, feel spiritually pure and spiritualized and become worthy of the Divine presence.

This is a special practice that unites the feminine and masculine principles in you, allows you to overcome all blocks and complexes, as well as the barrier of perception of reality.

Tantric practices will allow you to understand your true self, gain inner freedom and understand relationships with people close to you. Tantra yoga promotes rejuvenation and healing of all organs human body and harmonizes your state of mind.

Hello friends! Despite the deep sacredness, closedness and even some mysticism of the topic I have chosen, I am very glad that I have the opportunity to show you my vision of such an ancient teaching, so distorted by modern minds, as tantric yoga.

In my previous article on the topic, I tried to outline the very essence of the doctrine and its basic concepts. Here we will touch more on the question of which techniques can be called tantric and which cannot.

Let's define the boundaries of the topic

Let me immediately outline a fundamental thing: tantra yoga is not tantric massage, sex or anything like that. If it is beneficial or convenient for someone to think this way, then you can type the phrase “tantric sex” on the Internet and you will find a description of sexual techniques.

But, believe me, most of them are the invention not of true tantrics, but of modern psychologists, sexologists and other “logists”, and therefore have nothing in common with that classical Tantra.

In the arsenal of tantric yoga there are indeed techniques that work with the sexual energy of the adept, but contrary to what sources are replete with, relying on the ignorance and gullibility of citizens, none of these techniques involve direct sexual intercourse with a partner.

On the contrary, sexual energy is saved, accumulated, transformed and used for sublime purposes. A description of these techniques does not fit into the scope of this topic, but I must explain to you why sexual intercourse that ends with ejaculation is not a tantric method.

Why not?

Both men and women lose a large amount of energy after ejaculation. Men get more tired and this justifies their strong desire to sleep after sex. In this case, the energy leaves through the bottom, which directly contradicts the theory of Tantra, which describes the result of successful practice as the release of a clot of energy through the upper chakra.

Remember the Buddhist monks who, after a series of ritual actions, have a self-formed hole on the top of their head where they insert a straw? By this they prove to their guru that they have reached such a level of mastery that they have become able to control their energy and direct it from the bottom up.

And here I draw your attention to the fact that such monks strictly observe celibacy, and it is thanks to him that such a result becomes possible. Using various techniques, they gain control over the primitive desires of the body, accumulate huge amounts of potential energy, begin to feel this energy and gain the ability to move it up the nadi channels.

You don't need to be a genius to understand this; it is enough to understand that Tantric yoga does not deny the existence of sexual energy, but it teaches how to transform and redirect this energy into the channel of spiritual progress.

Available techniques

Tantra is one of the most ancient teachings and therefore most of the techniques are either irretrievably lost, or reliably hidden from the unprepared public, or are orally transmitted from teacher to student. Of course, not everything is so bad and the surviving manuscripts have conveyed something to this day. Let's briefly look at a few illustrative techniques:

Rotation of the prayer wheel.

If you have read mine on this topic, you should remember that I view tantra as the swirling of energy, mainly in a clockwise direction to enhance spiritual progress, and the methods can be very different.

Even when we offer lit incense to the deity by moving the stick clockwise, we are already practicing tantra. Buddhists do not just spin a drum; inside it there is a mantra written many thousands of times.

Having an original divine nature of origin and a strong impact on the surrounding world, the rotating mantra cleanses the tantrik and the entire space around from the forces of material nature that interfere with progress on the spiritual path.

Reading a mantra on a rosary.

Going through the beads one by one vicious circle, we “wind up” pious karma for ourselves, getting rid of old and negative ones. The more thoughtful circles we make, the higher we rise above the material world, the closer we become to the desired enlightenment.

Working with chakras.

Let's start with the fact that in order for energy to flow freely from the lower chakras to the upper ones, the chakras need to be clean, there are no blocks, clamps, or psychological reasons their clogging. This could be resentment, shame, fear, etc.

You can influence the chakras with exercises, meditation, natural stones, fire, but I will highlight here the extraction of sounds from a Tibetan bowl directly opposite the chakra being worked on. As you can see, here you also need to make movements in a circle, although you also tap on the bowl.

The vibrations of the Tibetan bowl cleanse and “crystallize” the surrounding space, and especially what is in the immediate vicinity. To practice, you need to work with an assistant. You can stand, sit or lie down, and your assistant holds a bowl with his left hand opposite one of your 7 chakras at a distance of 5-10-15 cm, and with his right hand extracts sounds from it using a pestle.

Walk around the holy place.

Some of you will be surprised, but parikrama is also a kind of tantra. If the sadhaka's intentions are pure and his faith is strong, then such circles around strong points our planet will bring untold benefits in a spiritual sense. Please note that such a ritual also takes place in a clockwise direction, and not against it.

Of course, Tantra is much broader than what I told you today. These examples are only intended to give you a fair idea of ​​it. Additionally, I can recommend reading about swara yoga (this is the tantric science of breathing rhythms) and the book “Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriyas” from Swami Satyananda Saraswati.

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Tantra - what is it?

Tantra is a term that is familiar to every person to one degree or another. Only the lazy have not heard of the appropriate massage technique. But, unfortunately, there are many misconceptions associated with this practice. The main one is that tantric exercises inevitably associated with sex. In fact, this is not entirely true. Initially, tantra appeared as a symbol of the fusion and complementation of two ancient gods. Their union made them stronger and better.

Therefore, it is really more correct to carry out such practices with a partner of the opposite sex. Like yin and yang, they will enrich each other with polar energy, sharing the best that is in both of them. But for performing the exercise, sexual intercourse is not the final goal. Of course, if we are talking about two lovers, then the merging of not only the soul, but also the body may well take place.

To master tantra, it is not necessary to attend special seminars; you can achieve what you want at home.

Tantric practices

Ways to perform exercises can be as follows:

  1. Individual lessons to achieve harmony of the soul.
  2. Pair exercises.
  3. Group techniques.


  1. Positive perception of your body, its knowledge.
  2. Unlocking internal energy reserves.
  3. Liberation from everything negative.
  4. Turning to your immaterial “I”, achieving harmony with the soul.

Exercises at home

Basic rules:

  1. No extra clothes.

If you feel it is most convenient for you, remove everything unnecessary. Nothing should hinder your movements or create a boundary between you and the outside world.

  1. Nice atmosphere.

The room for the session should be warm. You can turn on soft, pleasant music and light scented candles.

  1. If tantric exercises are performed with a partner, then both of you should feel at ease in each other's presence. Try to get rid of shame and embarrassment.


  1. Correct breathing.

Sit or lie down in comfortable position. Breathe deeply and evenly through your mouth, not chest, but abdominal.

  1. Visualization.

Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a pleasant, beautiful place. See yourself without clothes, serene and calm. If you perform the technique with a partner, let him be present in the imaginary place. Stay a little in the world of illusions, and then return to reality.

  1. Sit naked in front of a mirror. Take a good look at yourself. But perceive yourself in a global sense: not as a specific person, but as a reflection of your gender. Consider all parts of the body, giving admiration to those that deserve it and allowing reasonable criticism where appropriate.
  2. Sing.

Choose the most pleasant word for yourself. Perhaps it will be the name of a loved one. Pronounce it with feeling, stretching out the syllables, changing intonation. Enjoy your voice, let it resonate full force or completely quiet. Just the way you want at this very moment.

  1. If your partner is nearby, sit opposite each other and touch each other with light stroking movements, giving all your tenderness. Affection and love.
  2. Unity.

Lie with your partner on your side, pressed against each other. The bodies should be directed in one direction. Try to replicate each other's pose as much as possible. Lie there for a while, slowly inhaling and exhaling, feeling like one.

Regular exercise will help positive impact both on physical and mental health, and also harmonizes relationships with your partner if you practice together.

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One day, a midwife friend of mine advised me to read Ylv Elneby’s book “ Without your touch I will die" The book is excellent, and its meaning is reflected in the title: we need loving touch as much or more than we need food, water and air.

Of course, the child needs the loving touch of his mother - to be hugged, stroked on the head, kissed. And when the child grows up, this the need for loving touches does not disappear anywhere - it acquires an erotic connotation. Our entire body, from head to toe, is in dire need of loving erotic touches. Without them it becomes weaker and sicker, without them it languishes like a tree that is watered with a cup of water a week. We have no strength, we are in a bad mood, we don’t want to live, and everything is bad - these are symptoms sensual hunger. We try to “kill” him with food, alcohol, promiscuous sex, drugs, work until the morning, depending on how it turns out - but, in fact, no one succeeds. After all, the problem is never solved - our body continues to scream heart-rendingly: “Feed me!”

How about feeding? How much time should you devote to this? And what should you do?

My Indian tantra teacher gave the following figures: 45 minutes a day or five and a half hours a week - this is the necessary the minimum below which falling is dangerous for physical and mental health. At the same time, it is recommended to fill a third of this time with yoga, a third with independent caresses of your body, and a third with sexual caresses from your partner.

I’ll say a few words about each direction of “feeding” your body.

First. About yoga. The biggest misconception: yoga is a way to lose weight, get stretching, flexibility, a strong butt and something else. In fact, yoga is a sexual practice (explained in Western words, without the Sanskrit "ananda"). Knowing the pattern of a pose (“asana”), first we learn to find a position in it so that we can simply be comfortable and relaxed in it. According to Patanjali, “asana is a body position that comfortable and pleasant" As you master the pose, performing it becomes more and more convenient, easier and more enjoyable - and gradually we begin to experience pleasure from being in the position, and then sexual pleasure. To put it very, very simply, Yoga becomes “masturbation from within”. As my tantra teacher said, moving from asana to asana, we begin to experience intense sexual pleasure without a real sexual partner.

Second. About independently caressing your body. Yes, we are talking about masturbation, but not only. These are the most different touching yourself, the entire surface of your body. Yes, there is a technique - I’ll tell you later, stay tuned.

Third. About sexual caresses from a real partner. This third is what this article is devoted to. So…

Tantra says that our body needs 6 types of touch: touch with fingers, lips, whole body, gaze, word and thought. And there are specific techniques (I will tell them using the example of a woman):

  1. Touch your man's face as if under your fingers there is clay from which you can sculpt the most beautiful face in the world. Sculpt it, somewhere gently and carefully touching only with your fingertips, somewhere lightly pressing with your palm, and somewhere by placing your fingers and making movements as if giving something a shape. Practice making a variety of movements - as if you were sculpting, shaping, giving something shape. The purpose of this technique is to saturate the partner’s entire body with touches of hands. At first you limit yourself only to the face (first you need to get used to this caress yourself and accustom your partner). After the face, on next stage mastering the exercise, connect your neck and shoulders. Then you add your hands. And then you work out the whole body. Thus, this technique and all subsequent ones are learned in 4 stages.
  2. Take your partner's hand and kiss each finger, both sides of the palm. Kiss in different ways: long, short, barely touching your lips, dry, wet, touching with your tongue. You can diversify the technique as follows: try placing pieces of your favorite fruit on your partner’s body and collecting them with your lips. Of course, when picking up a piece of fruit, you can and should diversify even this simple task: somewhere you can touch your lips and tongue, somewhere you can lightly bite the skin with your teeth (lightly!), somewhere you can roll a grape on your partner’s skin with your tongue, somewhere... Then you can crush a small piece of soft fruit (for example, a banana) with your tongue, and then eat the fruit pulp directly from the surface of your partner’s skin. If you sometimes travel to hot countries during mango season, do not miss the opportunity to use this wonderful fruit at least once in your love game. Peel the mango, take the pulp in your hand and, squeezing streams of juice onto your partner's body, lick them off immediately. It’s good to complement the fruit game with kisses - pieces of fruit collected with your lips can be passed to each other in a kiss, or you can simply enjoy each other’s sweet lips. The purpose of this technique is to saturate the partner’s entire body with touches of the lips.
  3. Whole body touch. During sexual intercourse, change position 3-4 times, trying to touch your partner as much as possible a large number a wide variety of zones. Hugs and “intertwining arms and legs” help to implement this technique. A woman can also realize “touch with the whole body” through this kind of caress: a man lies, and a woman bends over him and moves so that with her nipples she describes circles and figure eights on his body. In this case, you need to alternate touches: somewhere they are completely superficial, and somewhere the entire surface of the woman’s breast is pressed against the man’s body. Having mastered the technique at this stage, you can move on to the next one: connect your stomach to your movement, you will end up stroking the man’s body with your body (chest and stomach).
  4. Turn on soft lighting. Get naked. Position yourself with your partner so that you have the opportunity to look at his body, and he has the opportunity to see your gaze. Find something beautiful in your partner’s body and stop your gaze on that spot for at least a minute. At this moment your eyes will express very pleasant and very what the body needs your partner's admiration. Some women have this problem: they do not have the skill to express admiration and inspiration with their gaze. Then you need to practice in advance. More often, look at something beautiful with someone (flowers, beautiful sunsets, works of art) - and try to convey your emotions in your gaze. Some women will do this exercise well while shopping, conveying emotions from a new handbag)). A little practice and everything will work out. It’s not for nothing that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. While practicing with your man, pay special attention to the penis - your man will simply be overwhelmed with happiness when he sees admiration, joy, inspiration and excitement in your gaze directed at his manhood.
  5. This technique is a continuation of the previous one. Having learned to notice the beauty in your man’s body and express your feelings with your gaze, learn to express the same in words. Yes, it won't be easy. It is important not to slip into vulgar (common, rude) or childish language (“pussies and butts”). To catch the right mood, read “ Song of Solomon" Although the text is religious, it is written precisely erotic language, which you have to master. I recommend practicing with your partner beforehand. Write a few phrases and discuss whether he likes it or not, ask him to suggest how it could sound so that he would like it.
  6. To implement this technique, it is important to have some religious consciousness. If you accept that the universe has divine origin, imagine it male hypostasis. Let this image embody all the features your ideal masculinity. Practice takes next workout: in everyday life, when communicating with your man, imagine that there is this image behind him, as if you see him through your man. This can be compared to how we look at a natural landscape through a window (through glass). The landscape is that same image, the male hypostasis of the divine principle of the universe, and the glass is your man. During sex, imagine how this image merged with your man, became him.

All the above practices are mirrored, i.e. partners give them to each other equally. Thus, your man will see first through you, and then in you, the divine feminine principle. And in a sexual act it will no longer be Vasya and Masha who will unite, but Shiva and Shakti. Needless to say, the quality of sex and the resulting pleasure will reach a whole new level. The sex you had before, against the backdrop of the opportunities, heights and depths of pleasure that have opened up to you, will seem insipid and tasteless.

How can you implement these miracle practices into your sex life? “So we lived, we lived, we were content with three-minute frictions twice a week - and then let’s practice Shiva and Shakti?” Of course, it won't work that way. Arnold Schwarzenegger will not emerge from the puny little guy right away. But with due persistence it will come out over time. Based on the principle of constant training and increasing loads. Start with what you can currently afford. Women often come to see me because they are so tense that, out of everything described above, they can only afford one or two minutes of touching their partner’s face. Great start! They start with these two minutes - they get used to them, the circle of what is permitted begins to expand, and they can already afford to look at their partner’s body at least a few times instead of always closing their eyes. Great continuation! Having gotten used to opening their eyes at least sometimes, they will be able to allow themselves to find some cute “piece of body” of their partner. Great dynamics! If you don’t stop, but continue, without jerking or pressing, slowly and gently, doing exactly as much as you can now, then in six months any most uptight and notorious Cinderella will turn into the most beautiful Princess.

What matters is that These practices shift the emphasis from result to process. The process is so high that partners get involved in it and forget about orgasm. Those. sometimes there is an orgasm, and sometimes it doesn’t even come to it - but no one cares about this anymore, because... body and soul received their share of pleasure. And this solves a lot of problems. Yes, many of my clients say that their own fixation on orgasm or their man’s fixation on both his orgasm and the woman’s orgasm turns sex into some kind of soulless race, some kind of mechanical action of squeezing out a reflex discharge from oneself and / or from each other. Women say, “He’s just masturbating with my body.” It's offensive, it's disappointing, it robs sex of its soul, it kills intimacy. Tantric techniques are an excellent remedy for this problem. Couples who were on the verge of divorce are very successful in rebuilding love relationship and bring back their former love.

The last question that remains on this topic. How can you persuade your man to engage in these practices? You can’t tell him out of the blue: “Let’s practice tantra for a couple of hours!” You can shy away from such a proposal. Of course, you don't need to do that. Just in the evening, before bed, ask him for a few minutes. For example: " I haven't touched your face in so long. Can I remember what it's like? I really want to touch you" It’s a rare man who will say: “No, don’t.” We practiced the first exercise for a few minutes - and at this stage it’s enough. After some time, just for a few minutes, practice kissing the body, or looking, or saying something pleasant. And things will work out. Gradually, the man himself will get involved and will ask for these highlights, becoming more and more involved in tantric practices. The main thing is to start. And then you both won’t be able to stop - and you won’t want to))

Yoga practices have been known around the world for quite a long time, but a special surge of interest in these ancient teachings has been observed in recent decades. This is largely due to the spread modern yoga as a special direction in fitness - simplified and adapted to the needs of a person from Western society. However, there is also a deeper interest in the esoteric Indian teachings. One of the most mysterious and often misinterpreted ancient teachings is tantra yoga.

Determining direction

Like many other religious and philosophical movements, tantric yoga is a conglomerate of numerous ancient traditions, a system of knowledge and concepts that originated about 2 thousand years ago in the territory of what is now Tibet, as well as the surrounding countries - Bhutan, Nepal and India.

This one is used by different religious groups - Buddhists, Hindus and some others. It got its name from the name of the sacred texts - tantras. In the European tradition, this trend is often called Tantrism and is not always perceived in its historical and philosophical context. In an adapted, simplified and updated form, Tantrism became very popular throughout the world only in the last century, especially in the wake of the American “sexual revolution”.

Features of the movement in Hinduism

For Hindus, tantra yoga represents special esoteric secret rites and rituals that are not associated with the main religious direction. They rely on ancient sacred texts - tantras.

This movement in Hinduism has its own characteristic features that distinguish it and characterize it in a special way. In schools of this direction, representatives of lower castes predominate, as well as people from numerous heterogeneous tribes of non-Aryan origin. Most of the basic rituals, rites and services have nothing in common with Brahmanical traditions and the norms and orders accepted there. The tantric yoga practiced here is associated with the cult of the goddess Shakti, who personifies the sexual energy principle. Most rituals have deep esoteric roots and are distinguished by the widest use of techniques and yogic practices.

In this direction it is impossible to detect asceticism; on the contrary, self-knowledge here is based on the release of energies hidden within a person, especially those associated with the sexual principle. To achieve this, secret mystical rituals are practiced that are directly related to sex as a way of releasing hidden energy. Orgasm is equated to the esoteric liberation of the spirit from the corporeal shell and the frailty of existence.

In this direction, much attention is paid to the body as a repository of the spirit, therefore, since ancient times, sages have been looking for a way to prolong the life of the body. To do this, they used not only a variety of vital elixirs, which is very typical for the Western medieval religious tradition, but also developed special rites and rituals, often associated with sexual activity.

The supporters of the movement themselves regard their faith as the most ancient universal religion, which arose in time immemorial from the cult of universal worship of the Mother. There is a division of Tantrics into “left” and “right”. With a certain degree of simplification, we can characterize the “right” supporters of the doctrine as traditionalists, and the “left” ones as experimenters. In the latter direction, the most strange and mysterious rites and ritual actions from the point of view of modern Western man exist and are practiced.

Specifics of the direction in Buddhism

Tantric yoga in the Buddhist tradition it is especially widespread in Tibet, where part of the beliefs and knowledge came from India. Here all the local deities sit on a lotus flower, which is considered to be a symbol of the feminine principle, a symbol of ideal perfection. This symbol also came from India, combined with the local female symbol - a special bell. The designation of the masculine principle is a special rod.

The practice of Tantrism in Tibet consists of the following points:

  • Identifying oneself with the divine principle by contemplating the image of God.
  • The use of mudras - a series of specific fixed gestures - also comes from India.
  • Reading special spells or prayers - mantras.

This direction in the Buddhist tradition of Tibet has four classes:

1. Kriya – action. Here, improvement is achieved through special rituals.

2. Charya – execution. It is characterized by the use of both ritual actions and meditation.

3. Yoga – based on meditation.

4. Anuttara yoga is the highest yoga aimed at realizing the unity of the principles of the opposite direction.

The connection between this type of yoga and sex

For most uninitiated people, tantra yoga is associated with a special type of sex. This is a very simplified, even primitive understanding of the practice of this direction. There is practically nothing carnal about sexual contact here. For tantricists, sexual intercourse is the highest manifestation of the divine principle, when at the moment of orgasm what believing Europeans would call the “spark of God” is born. During these seconds, partners not only merge together, but also feel themselves to be part of the general system of the universe, that is, they come into direct contact with the universal Mind.

Tantric yoga, for all the ambiguity of its rituals for us, has nothing in common with the unbridled sexual orgies attributed to it. It must be remembered that this movement is focused on achieving higher enlightenment, and not on satisfying base needs.

Understanding Tantrism in Modern Western Society

Due to its peculiarities, tantra yoga has always attracted people who, as they say, were “out of the loop.” Based on knowledge of medieval religious cults that practiced sex among community members as one of the types of religious rites, they approached this type of yoga as a set of poses and unique exercises to prolong sex and obtain maximum pleasure. Despite the fact that tantric yoga does not reject the pleasure of sexual intercourse, it is still focused more on spiritual orgasm than on physical orgasm. In some modern schools of yoga, tantrism is taught too simplistically, relying only on the bodily, physical side of the process.

Many people are attracted to this direction by its mystery and mystery. Since this religious and mystical teaching has always been the lot of closed groups, it was extremely difficult, almost impossible, for outsiders to penetrate into them. Modern teaching in Western countries is more open and accepts everyone. If we ignore the very primitive interpretation of this type of yoga, then in the West you can find schools where it is taught, albeit in a simplified form and carefully adapted to the European tradition, but still without distorting its basic meaning and practices and rituals.

Such schools include those opened by the British singer Sting and his wife Trudie Styler. This married couple itself can serve as an illustration of the benefits of Tantrism. Beautiful appearance for their age, intense personal life, psychological balance, healthy beautiful body, four children and an active life position - this is a clear example of what an ancient and mysterious practice can give to a modern Westerner with a reasonable approach to it and the correct interpretation of ancient rites and mystical rituals.