Detailed instructions for assembling a BMX bike. How to assemble a children's bike from a box

Despite the considerable price of road bikes, when assembled out of the box you will still have to do some adjustments.

1. Tools

2. First steps

3. Steering wheel

4. Saddle

5. Brakes

6. Switching

6.1. "Pistols"

6.2. Switches

1. Tools

For assembly and configuration we will need some tools. I would like to say that each manufacturer may have different sizes screw heads are hexagonal, or there may even be “stars”, as in our case

1. Hexagons 3, 4, 5, 6 mm.

2. Torx T25 (“asterisk”).

3. Phillips screwdriver.

4. Side cutters or strong scissors.

5. A pump that allows you to pump up high pressure (up to 11 atm, 160 psi).

6. Torque wrench (desirable, especially if the frame, handlebars, stem, and seatpost are carbon).

2. First steps

Our bike is in a box in this form

Removing the packaging

As a rule, bicycles are wrapped a large number packaging to preserve the paintwork, and also “hide” protruding parts so that they are not damaged during transportation.

1) Cut off the nylon clamps with side cutters and remove the packaging.

2) If there is packaging wrapped with tape, it is better to remove it by hand.

Inflating the wheels

Typically, most road bikes have cameras with a Presta nipple. To inflate, take the pump, unscrew the valve, install the pump head and bring the pressure in the wheel to that recommended by the manufacturer. You can find the recommended pressure on the side of the tire.

In our case, you can inflate up to 10 atm, but most tires have a maximum permissible pressure of about 8 atm

3. Steering wheel

There may be 2 options

1) The stem is mounted on the fork stem, the handlebars are separate.

2) The steering wheel is fixed to the stem; instead of the stem, there are spacer rings on the fork stem.

We have the first option

We recommend loosening the stem, removing the cap and checking the tightness of the reusable anchor, which is installed in forks with a carbon stem. If you have a torque wrench, then good (the tightening force value is written on the armature), but if you don’t have it, then the main thing is not to tighten it “by foot”

After setting the anchor, place the stem on the desired height and press the lid on top. Only after this can the screws located on the side of the stem be secured.

As a rule, the length of the fork stem on new bicycles comes with a margin, but do not rush to shorten the stem right away. First you need to ride and understand in what position of the stem you are most comfortable riding. Based on this, you can already cut the rod.

Attach the handlebars to the stem so that they are parallel to the surface on which the bike is standing (when the “pistols” are not raised up or down). Tighten with screws evenly, one at a time.

There may also be a surprise with the winding. Some manufacturers save on assembly by not wrapping the steering wheel, since the process takes a lot of time. We are lucky - there is a winding

But if you have it separately in a box, then do the following:

1. Start wrapping the steering wheel from its ends, making a slight overlap on the holes in the steering wheel.

2. Wind at a slight angle.

3. When the winding ends, secure it with the included adhesive tape. It’s better to wrap it with electrical tape, because tapes do not always securely fix the edges of the winding.

4. Insert the plugs included in the kit into the holes in the steering wheel. We needed the overlap of the winding so that the plugs would hold tightly in the holes of the steering wheel.

5. Make a winding next to the “gun” mount, as in the photo. This way the plastic parts will not protrude from under the lining

4. Saddle

Place the saddle on the seatpost so that when you install the post into the frame, it is parallel to the surface on which the bike is standing.

Adjust the saddle so that it sits in the middle of the seatpost mount. In the future, you will be able to build on your feelings and install the saddle in a way that is comfortable for you.

Both of the above steps are done using screws on the seatpost

The height at which you need to install the seatpost will also become clear after the first rides. In the future, if you are very concerned about the weight of the bike, the pin can be shortened, but keep in mind that at least 10 cm of length must remain in the frame

5. Brakes

Before setting up the brakes, set front wheel. The brakes, in this case, must be released, for which a separate lever is responsible. After installing the wheel, the lever must be turned to the down position

Also check that rear wheel was installed correctly. If it is not level, place the bike on the floor, loosen the quick release, push down on the saddle, tighten the quick release

The eccentric lever must be closed! It is prohibited to tighten the eccentric all the way and drive in the open position!

In our case, the brakes are regular road pliers, which are attached with a bolt to a special hole in the fork

As we can see, the brake is “stuck” on one side

A rough adjustment is to rotate the brake slightly on the bolt axis so that the pads are approximately the same distance from the braking surface of the rim.

The next step is to use a 3mm hex to adjust the position of the brake levers so that the pads are equidistant from the braking surface of the rim

If the pads are a little stuck, use a 4mm hex to set them parallel to the braking surface of the rim.

Adjust the brake force using the cable tensioner

6. Switching

6.1. "Pistols"

First you need to understand how “pistols” work.

The “pistol” responsible for the rear derailleur increases the gear using a small lever

Using the brake lever turned to the side, the gear is downshifted (if you press further, you can change 2-3 gears with one “long” press)

The “pistol” responsible for the front derailleur has some features. To begin with, let's say that a small lever throws the chain onto a small sprocket

Accordingly, a large lever in the form of a brake lever throws the chain onto the large sprocket

However, in each case there are small “pistol” moves that provide protection from large distortions of the chain for the derailleur and thanks to which the chain will not rub against the frame

1. Let's say the front derailleur is in the extreme left position, the chain is on small sprockets both front and rear. In this case, you need to press the brake lever of the left “pistol” to the side until the first small click, which will fix the switch in a position in which the chain does not rub against the frame.

2. By pressing the handle again, but not pushing it all the way, the chain will move to the large sprocket, but will still rub against the derailleur frame. In this position, you can use a large sprocket at the front and a large sprocket at the rear, since this position of the front derailleur allows the chain to operate at such a misalignment.

3. By bringing the handle to the end, you will eliminate the friction of the chain on the frame when there is a large star in front and a small one in the back.

4. B reverse order everything works exactly the same, only to reset the chain from a large sprocket to a small one and to eliminate distortions you need to work with a small lever.

6.2. Switches

The rear derailleur is set up correctly in most cases and only requires minor adjustments.

1. Install the chain on the largest sprocket at the front and the smallest at the rear. Check that the star and rollers are in line.

2. Install the chain on the small sprocket at the front and the largest sprocket at the rear and check that the sprocket and rollers are in line.

3. If this is not the case, and even more so if the chain falls into the spokes or onto the frame, use a Phillips screwdriver to adjust the position of the switch with the limiting screws.

4. After this, check that the shifting is clear, and if this is not the case, use a hollow bolt to adjust the cable tension.

Do the same with the front derailleur. The switching limits are also adjusted with screws “L” and “H”

The only thing, in our case, the role that was previously played by the cable tensioner is played by this screw

Pedals road bikes are not included, so first select the pedals you need, then read our article " " and take action.

As a result of the assembly, the result was this beauty

The video perfectly complements our article, since the road bike is assembled here almost from scratch

First of all, it should be noted that assembling a bicycle from a box is a delicate matter that will require a lot of skill, time and effort, unless, of course, you are a professional. So, if possible, entrust this matter to someone who understands such subtleties. This ensures that all the correct nuts are tightened clockwise and that the brake lever is secured exactly where needed.

But if you still decide to assemble the bike yourself, we will be happy to help you do it right.

Why does the bike need to be disassembled?

So, let's talk about everything in order. Why even disassemble the bike and put it in a box? There are at least two reasons. Firstly, this allows you to significantly save on its transportation. Well, secondly, in this way you can protect your bike from various damages that simply cannot be avoided during transportation.

What's included?

The box usually contains a bike that is not completely disassembled. Wheels, pedals, fenders, saddle, steering wheel, mirrors, horns, and reflectors are located separately from the frame. The connecting rod and brake lever will also have to be installed additionally.


We talked a little about what the kit is, now it would be nice to talk about unpacking: we won’t assemble the bike directly in the box. It is better to unpack it in strict sequence:

  1. The first step is to carefully remove everything from the box, placing all unassembled elements separately, including the frame, wheels and brake lever;
  2. Next, you need to remove the cardboard from all the elements, and the packaging from the frame (if there is one, of course);
  3. All films and packaging are needed solely for transportation, so you need to get rid of them so that they do not get confused. The protective plastic packaging must be removed from the axles;
  4. Well, in conclusion, it is important not to forget to write down the warranty card, which is also included in the kit, serial number frames


Before you start assembling, you need to take care of the equipment - you won’t be assembling the bike with your bare hands. Moving the bolts clockwise will be much faster if you have the right wrench. So what tools do we need?

  1. Screwdriver. It’s trivial, but without it you can’t go anywhere. It is very desirable that it is neither too big nor too small. All the bolts that need to be tightened clockwise on the bike are not large;
  2. Pliers. Pliers – reliable assistant in the matter of assembling anything;
  3. Specialized pedal key. Here, of course, you can get by with a 15 mm open-end wrench;
  4. Hex keys: 4.5, 6 and 8 mm;
  5. 6" and 10" wrenches.

Threaded connections require attention

In general, this will be quite enough - now you can start assembling. Just first we remind you that you need to carefully check all fasteners and threaded connections, because assembling a bicycle is a delicate job that does not tolerate the use of rough physical strength when rotating clockwise. It is better to clean the thread ten times than to damage anything.

Now, actually, about the assembly in order.

Wheels and brakes

It is best to start assembly with the wheels; it is advisable to adhere to the following sequence:

  1. If the front wheel has any markings, it is important to determine its direction. If they are not on it, then it does not matter in which direction to fasten it. When inserting the front wheel into the fork, you need to make sure that it fits neatly into the grooves;
  2. When mounting the eccentric into the hub axle on the front wheel, you need to make sure that the springs are on both sides of the hub and the eccentric tab is on the left side;
  3. Finally, the eccentric tab should be secured parallel to the wheel axis; it must be secured so that the wheel is securely fixed, but the main thing here is not to overdo it.

Once the wheels are done, you can move on to the brakes. And we'll start with the brake cable. Before inserting the cables into the shirts, it is very advisable to lubricate them. If there are wheels rim brakes, they need to be fastened. You also need to pay attention to the brake lever: it is important that the levers are located symmetrically.

Shifters and steering column

Particular attention should be paid not only to the brake lever, but also to the handles for shifting gears. Their cables also need to be lubricated before being “dressed” in the shirts intended for them. They should not be screwed all the way down; this will help, for example, in the event of a fall: the shifter will not break, but will only turn slightly.

The steering column has one peculiarity: as a rule, it is already installed on the bicycle. But this feature of hers will not prevent us from paying a little attention to her. First of all, the surface of the steering column should be lubricated with grease. It is also important to carefully press in the steering cups.

The handlebars must be secured symmetrically so that the brake levers are lowered down at a certain angle from the horizontal, namely about 40 degrees. It is also important to hang the cables correctly so that they do not get tangled, and of course, it is important not to forget to secure the steering wheel well. This will help avoid falls and injuries in the future.


There is absolutely nothing complicated in installing pedals; it is only important to take into account some subtleties. For example, you need to take into account the fact that the pedal must be twisted against the direction of your bike. Just with this in mind, each pedal (both right and left) has a thread in different sides. Therefore, it is important that each of them is in its place. The right pedal must be twisted clockwise, and the left pedal - vice versa. Otherwise nothing will work. For these purposes, which is quite obvious, a hex wrench is used. When twisting the pedals, you can already forget about tenderness and caution - the more you twist them, the better.

That's basically it. To some, this matter may seem very simple and straightforward - for professionals, for example, it takes no more than ten minutes to assemble one bicycle. Well, if the assembly process scares you and you don’t want to waste time on it, that’s okay, you can always entrust this dreary task to specialists.

Every beginner needs instructions for assembling a bicycle, be it an adult or children's bike.

Good day everyone!

With an eye on the future, we bought a tricycle for our kinder this winter. And winter, as you know, is not the season for such equipment, so the store gave it away at a good discount. Regular price 6-7 thousand. We bought it for 3500. For several months, the disassembled bike lay in a box and waited in the wings. And so at the beginning of spring I took it out to collect it. By this time the child had just grown up and the bicycle should have arrived at the right time.

You must follow the instructions and warnings for assembling and using this tricycle or you will expose your child to the risk of serious injury or death.
. This product is designed and recommended for use by children from one and a half to four years of age.
. This tricycle should not be used near swimming pools, or near steps or stairs, inclined paths or slopes, on wet, slippery or bumpy roads or near parked or moving vehicles, highways, alleys or crowded places. Use common sense when using this bike.
. This tricycle does not have a brake device. This bike must be assembled by an adult before use. This product is designed and intended for outdoor use only.
. Keep small parts, components and plastic bags out of the reach of children. Make sure this bike is assembled correctly by an adult before allowing a child to ride it.
. Instruct your child not to ride a bike together.
. The second child may overload the bike. Make sure your child does not carry anything on the bike that could obstruct her/his vision. A child should never put hands, feet or other parts of the body or clothing in moving parts when using a bicycle.
. Never leave your child unattended! Child supervision is required at all times. The child should always wear shoes when riding a bicycle, and should not be allowed to ride in dust or after dark.
. When riding a bicycle, the child must wear a safety helmet according to English standard EN-1078.
. This bike is not designed to be ridden standing up.


We want to take a moment and thank you for purchasing this safest tricycle. Our commitment to quality is your assurance that the bike has been designed to be a safe, durable, comfortable and fun product for your child.

Pre-Assembly Instructions

Important! Please read the following before assembling this bike:


Assembly must be performed by an adult.
. Please read all instructions and warnings carefully before assembling and using this product.
. Make sure the box is empty. After that, start assembling.
. If parts are missing or you are given incorrect parts, please contact Customer Relations for assistance.
. Check bicycle parts boxes and bags for missing parts.
. Please review the drawings and parts before starting assembly.
. Lay out any unassembled parts. Group together the parts you will need for all stages of the assembly.
. Do not throw away the packaging materials and box until the product has been assembled.
. Save your reference manuals. They contain important information for use and care.

Parts List

K steering washer
columns 1

U axis cover 2

B connection bolt 1

L lock nut 1

V axle connection washer 2

C shock absorber bushing 2

M self-tapping screw 1

D conn. nut 1

N Right pedal/crank assembly 1

X washer gasket axle 2

O front wheel 1

P Right pedal/crank assembly 1

Z curved seat washer 2

G number plate, mudguard 1

Q lever washer 2

H steering column bolt 1

R lever bolt 2

I steering column cover 1

S lever nut 2

J steering post/fork 1

Tools required for assembly:

. Hammer
. Phillips screwdriver
. Two 6'' adjustable wrenches
. Two Allen keys 5mm

1. To begin, organize all the pieces on the floor. Check the parts list to see if all components are in place.

2. Attaching the shock absorber to the frame:

Insert the Allen bolt (B) partially through the hole in the frame bracket. Insert one shock absorber bushing (C) between the shock absorber and the frame bracket. Insert and align the second shock absorber bushing by pushing the Allen bolt all the way through the frame holes. Thread the Allen nut (D) onto the Allen bolt and tighten securely with (2) 5mm. Allen key (from the kit) (Fig. 1).

3. Attaching the fork to the frame:

Insert the handlebar/fork (J) into the frame (A). Align the hole in the fork with the hole in the frame (Figure 2). Press until they connect.

Number Plate/Mudguard
Insert the license plate/mud guard (G) into the fork (J). From bottom to top, through the hole in the fork and the hole in the number plate/mud guard, insert a self-tapping screw and tighten it using a screwdriver (M).
. Steering column assembly

Align the holes of the license plate/mud guard (G), fork (J) and frame (A). Install the steering column bolt (H) into the steering column head (J).

Insert this entire steering column assembly through the holes in the number plate/mudguard, forks and frame. Place the steering column washer (K) onto the threaded end of the steering column bolt. Thread the lock nut (L) onto the steering column bolt. Using 6mm. Alena key (included) and adjustable spanner, tighten the lock nut (L) onto the steering column bolt (H).

4. Assembling the pedals:

Insert the Right Pedal/Lever Assembly (N) into the rectangular hole in the front wheel (O). Insert the left pedal/lever assembly into the rectangular hole on the opposite side of the front wheel (O) with one pedal at the top and the other opposite at the bottom.

5. Front wheel assembly:

Insert the Right Pedal/Lever/Wheel Assembly into the holes in the fork (J). Lightly insert the linkage assembly into the fork until the holes in the linkage assembly line up with the holes on each side of the fork. Insert one washer (Q) into the arm bolt (R), through the hole in the fork.

Place the lever nut (S) onto the lever bolt and tighten.

Repeat this step for the opposite side.

6. Connection of rear wheels to frame:

Place the axle (T) on one end and place the axle cover (U) directly on the axle. Slide the axle washer (V) onto the axle, and slide the rear wheel (W) through so that the decorative side is facing down. Slide the axle spacer washer (X) onto the axle, then insert the axle into the hole in the rear of the frame (A) as shown, threading the entire frame out through the opposite side. Place the bike on its side on a small piece of wood under the wheel and axle cap. Slide the second axle spacer washer (X), rear wheel (W), and remaining axle washer (V) onto the axle protruding from rear frame. Firmly place the remaining axle cover (U) onto the axle. Place the bike on all three wheels.

7. Seat assembly:

Guide the seat bolts (Y) through the holes in the frame (A). Secure with curved seat washers (Z), lock washers (E) and bolts (F). Pull tight.

Care instructions

Perform periodic inspection to make sure everything is tight. This applies to nuts, bolts and caps.
. Lubricate the wheel axle with a light, high quality oil.
. Use a soft cloth to clean the surfaces of this bicycle. Do not use cleaning products.


This is my second purchase of a children's tricycle. The first bike turned out to be defective, and I was forced to return it to the store under warranty. Therefore, when buying a bicycle for the second time, I already knew what I needed to pay attention to, what disadvantages a three-wheeled children's bicycle might have. If you are interested, then you can follow the link below and read my review of the bike, which turned out to be defective.

Comparing these two bicycles, I can say for sure that the quality of the Navigator Trike bicycle is many times better, and I am 100% satisfied with this bicycle.

Place of purchase. I bought this bike, like my first bike.

Bike price at the time of purchase, with a discount, amounted to 6540 rubles. Price without discount 9070 rubles.

Review of children's tricycle


The bicycle is available in various colors. With only six colors, there's plenty to choose from. That's why this bike presented in 6 models, each with its own article number: T55927, T55928, T55930, T57566, T57567. My choice was a bicycle Navigator Trike T57566, sand gray.

The bike came in original packaging. There is a warranty card and instructions for assembling the bike.

My husband spent less than an hour assembling the bike and had no problems. Every part of the bike was packed in a protective bag, also The kit included tools to assemble the bike.

Package size (H x W x D), 58 x 28 x 40 cm, weight 9 kg

Maximum permissible weight child - 25 kg

This tricycle is designed for children from 1 to 3 years old

Material: metal, plastic elements, textile materials


Control knob for parents

Convenient control handle, it is possible to adjust the height of the handle in three positions. The adjustment mechanism works properly and does not jam. Steering the bike on the road with a handle is very easy and convenient.

The bicycle control cable runs along the frame, it is not hidden inside, so it is visible. It doesn't bother the child.

Waterproof folding awning

The visor of the bike is simply excellent. It's big and waterproof. The visor will protect the child from both rain and sun. It can be adjusted in three positions.

There is a viewing window, through it you can see what the child is doing, since the visor on the bicycle interferes with the view, and the child cannot be seen, but through this window the child can be seen.

The first position of the visor. Usually we use it during walks, the child can see everything around him, nothing bothers him.

Second position of the visor. When it starts to rain while walking, I set the visor in this position.

Third position of the visor. In this position, the visor drops almost to the protective rim. I think that it is possible to use this position only when the child is sleeping, since it disturbs my child, nothing is visible because of the visor, and therefore the baby removes it.

Soft seat pad

There is a soft pad on the seat.

For comfortable and convenient walks There are two soft cushions on the back of the seat. One is located at the level of the back, the other at the level of the head. They are sewn on and there is no way to remove them.

Besides this The plastic seat itself has a soft insert. Usually I have seen that on children's tricycles the seat is completely plastic. This seat is much more comfortable for a child.

There is a mosquito net on the sides.

Children's tricycles can be purchased not only in local stores, but also on the Internet. By the way, the second method is recommended. After all, prices online are much more affordable and there is more choice.

On the website you can find a wide range of children's tricycles with a special control handle for parents. In fact, such a bicycle can replace a stroller in the summer.

Every parent wants to surprise their child. The best way to make this is as a birthday gift. Of course, at a young age, a child does not even know what a bicycle is.

But it can become an excellent toy and occupy his attention for a long time, unlike a stroller, where the child is doomed to simply lie and look at the sky. The advantages of tricycles are given below:

  • the child becomes more familiar with the world around him;
  • during the journey, the child’s attention will be occupied;
  • a bicycle will allow a child to develop physically.

Undoubtedly, tricycle has a handle to push it and at the same time steer it. However, do not forget that the child himself can pedal to move the bicycle.

If you buy a gift online, you will have to assemble the bike yourself, since it will arrive in a box, completely disassembled. Strictly speaking, assembly requires only pliers and a set of screwdrivers.

Assembling a bicycle - basic principles

Each tricycle comes with assembly instructions. But we dare to assure you that assembly for an adult is intuitive. It is recommended to start assembling the bike from the rear wheels.

Plastic seats for the wheels are installed. After this, the wheels themselves are immediately mounted. Next we move on to installing the steering wheel. It is installed extremely simply - into the frame socket at the front.

The steering wheel is secured with a clamp. It is tightened with an ordinary pin - a bolt with a nut. You can immediately install a bell or a sound panel on the steering wheel (a box with buttons that, when pressed, plays a melody).

All that remains is to install the handle for the parent and connect it to the steering wheel using a special rail. Some children's bicycle frames have a removable saddle. In this case, installation will take no more than a minute - you will need to tighten four bolts.

We install the front wheel and the bike is ready for use.

Children's tricycles can be purchased not only in local stores, but also on the Internet. By the way, the second method is recommended. After all, prices online are much more affordable and there is more choice.

On the website you can find a wide range of children's tricycles with a special control handle for parents. In fact, such a bicycle can replace a stroller in the summer.

Every parent wants to surprise their child. The best way to make this is as a birthday gift. Of course, at a young age, a child does not even know what a bicycle is.

But it can become an excellent toy and occupy his attention for a long time, unlike a stroller, where the child is doomed to simply lie and look at the sky. The advantages of tricycles are given below:

  • the child becomes more familiar with the world around him;
  • during the journey, the child’s attention will be occupied;
  • a bicycle will allow a child to develop physically.

Of course, a tricycle has a handle to push it and at the same time steer it. However, do not forget that the child himself can pedal to move the bicycle.

If you buy a gift online, you will have to assemble the bike yourself, since it will arrive in a box, completely disassembled. Strictly speaking, assembly requires only pliers and a set of screwdrivers.

Assembling a bicycle - basic principles

Included with each tricycle Assembly instructions are included. But we dare to assure you that assembly for an adult is intuitive. It is recommended to start assembling the bike from the rear wheels.

Plastic seats for the wheels are installed. After this, the wheels themselves are immediately mounted. Next we move on to installing the steering wheel. It is installed extremely simply - into the frame socket at the front.

The steering wheel is secured with a clamp. It is tightened with an ordinary pin - a bolt with a nut. You can immediately install a bell or a sound panel on the steering wheel (a box with buttons that, when pressed, plays a melody).

All that remains is to install the handle for the parent and connect it to the steering wheel using a special rail. Some children's bicycle frames have a removable saddle. In this case, installation will take no more than a minute - you will need to tighten four bolts.

We install the front wheel and the bike is ready for use.

Below is a detailed video instruction for assembling a tricycle:

Despite the abundance of bicycles in stores and the emergence of a popular custom bike assembly service, self-assembly is still in demand among amateurs. Why is she so attractive?

Creation of a fundamentally new exclusive bicycle– a creative process that consists of selecting spare parts and checking their compliance with the desired parameters. And the assembly will allow you to accurately understand all the components of the bicycle and gain good experience in technical aspects.

Assembling a bicycle is a delicate and painstaking task. The difficulty lies not only in the correct installation of all constituent elements, but also in the selection of all spare parts.

The main requirement for them is quality, reliability and relevance. It’s unlikely that when assembling it yourself, it would occur to you to install bad brakes or some unnecessary body kit; then it’s better to go blindfolded to the store. How to plan the work, what is needed for this and how to actually assemble the bike will be discussed further.

Drawing up requirements for a bicycle and a plan for its assembly

Before assembling the bike yourself, you will have to decide what should happen in the end. Common bike options:

  • city ​​signalspeed;
  • road or sports bike;
  • mountain bike;
  • hybrids.

Based on the main types, we draw a conclusion about where the bicycle is going to be used, what speed and performance characteristics it should have, and how convenient it will be to ride. The last parameter is especially important; it is what encourages the cyclist to assemble the bike with his own hands.

Where can I get spare parts? They can either be purchased independently or ordered. In the first case, you will have to wander around specialized departments for quite a long time in search of every detail. The second option is simpler: pre-select a model, add your wishes to it and place an order. Assembling a bike from a box is, of course, much easier, although it will cost more.

Basic and mandatory structural elements for a new bicycle:

  1. The frame is the skeleton of the bike. It determines the purpose of the bicycle, its weight, dimensions and behavior on the road.
  2. The fork is the attachment point for the front wheel and steering wheel to the frame. Forks can be either rigid or shock-absorbing, it all depends on the type of bicycle. mountain bike equipped with a fork with a shock absorber, road and singlespeed have a rigid version. The fork ensures the bike's handling.
  3. Steering wheel. The shape determines ease of handling, seating position and maneuverability. A huge assortment of steering wheels pleases us with many options: from absolutely straight to “wing”, with and without stem, adjustable and non-adjustable.
  4. Wheels. Their diameter affects the speed, roll-up amount, and controllability. Tires, as an element of the wheels, determine the dynamic performance, as well as the cross-country ability of the bicycle. Big wheels They will maintain speed better. They are sensitive to steering wheel rotation, but are more susceptible to deformation. The thicker the tires, the better they behave in off-road conditions and worse on smooth roads.
  5. and a connecting rod and pedal pair. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the carriage unit. It serves as an element for transmitting torque from the pedals to the drive sprocket and then to the rear wheel. High-quality assembly of the carriage and connecting rods is the key to a long ride in a wide variety of conditions.
  6. Cassette. This node is available at speed bike. It consists of a set of rear and front sprockets. A switch and are connected to it.
  7. Saddle. It is fixed on, which is installed in the middle tube of the frame.
  8. Brakes. An easy and common option is v-brake. Disc brakes are more difficult to install, however, if the disks themselves are already installed on the wheels, then the installation process is much simpler. Finally, the brake is in rear hub, requires no work at all other than connecting the wheel to the frame.

Working components of a bicycle (using the example of a hybrid)

The bike will need to be assembled approximately in this order. The work will require tools: both regular keys and special devices.

Tools for work

The carriage mechanism and cassette will require special tools, so let's talk about them first. To install the carriage, you will need a key called a puller. The unit is installed in the frame glass and then tightened with a wrench, then the connecting rods are mounted on the axle. For a square connection you will need a connecting rod puller.

Attaching the carriage and connecting rods to it is quite a troublesome task in terms of effort, since it must be tightened to the maximum. In the process of putting on the connecting rods, we make sure that one of them does not fall off, otherwise problems later with periodic falling out cannot be avoided.

The cassette assembly is installed on the rear wheel hub using a special cassette puller with a whip. Here you will also need maximum effort; the whip helps the stars not to turn when twisting.

Carriage (1) and cassette (2) pullers

Chain lock for link release and chain length adjustment. The squeeze allows you to disconnect the fastened chain at any place. Chains, for the most part, do not have a special lock. If there is one, you can, in principle, do without squeezing. However, the chain may be too long, and to remove excess links you cannot do without this device.

Circuit breaking device

Wrenches for attaching the saddle and wheels to the frame. The sizes are selected in accordance with the sizes of the nuts. It is advisable to use spanners. The adjustable adjustable version does not allow you to tighten the nut to the required force; in addition, it can eat up corners. It is best used for pre-twisting.

A torque wrench will be an excellent assistant during assembly. If a disassembled bicycle arrives complete, assembly instructions will be included with it. It will most likely contain the values ​​of the optimal tightening torques.

In practice, these figures make it possible to achieve the strongest possible twisting, and during operation, metal fatigue will be minimized. Also, compliance with the prescribed torque values ​​will ensure the geometric integrity of all connections.

Set of screwdrivers and hex keys. These tools will be needed when installing handlebars, saddles, brakes and attachments such as footpegs. Another useful tool would be wire cutters. They are used for even cutting of cables. They will also need end switches and braiding.

Sequential assembly of bicycle components

At the first stage we have a bare frame and all spare parts aside. We start by attaching it to its frame. Installation is greatly simplified if the ball bearings have been placed on the fork stem in advance.

Installing the bearing cone and cup yourself is quite problematic; you will need special equipment - a lever press. Pressing in with a hammer is allowed, but this must be done with extreme caution so as not to damage the fork rod itself and the walls of the frame head tube.

A ready-made version with a bearing assembly is preferable; here you only need to correctly insert the fork rod into the frame. It is easier to install if the frame lies, that is, the rod enters the pipe horizontally. The right end of the head pipe corresponds to the top. Holding the pipe with one hand, insert the body of the part into it with the other.

The lower and upper cones of the fork must fit exactly onto the bearing balls. After this, a special washer and a mustache are put on the rod, which should fit into the hole in the fork rod. Using an open-end or socket wrench, tighten the locking nut to maximum torque. The fork is ready.

The steering part is installed on top of the fork. You can position the steering wheel correctly when the frame is in a vertical position. The only inconvenience of inserting the part into the fork is the instability of the frame, so it is better to ask someone to hold the structure in advance. First, the steering wheel is tightened halfway, then it is centered strictly in the straight direction and then it is twisted completely. You will probably need to hold the steering wheel.

Steering wheel and fork on a bicycle frame

Saddle. First, the seat itself is attached to the seatpost. The shock absorber, if planned, is attached simultaneously with the seat, and not after it. The pin is lowered into the pipe and tightened with a nut (or a ready-made eccentric). Like the handlebars, the saddle needs to be centered straight ahead.

The next stage is mounting the carriage into the glass. Turn the frame upside down and install the carriage assembly. The finished body is inserted and fixed in the glass using a key. If the carriage is assembled from scratch with your own hands, then we carry out the following manipulations:

  • lubrication of the internal cavity of the housing;
  • insertion of axial part;
  • lubrication and installation of bearings;
  • securing the carriage with a puller.

After the carriage we take a short break and install the tires on the wheel rims. First on inner surface a flipper is put on - a protective rubber fabric against punctures of the chamber by the bases of the spokes. The flipper hole should line up with the nipple hole. The deflated tube is carefully inserted into the rim, the nipple is threaded through the hole, and the tire is placed on top.

When installing a tire, you must pay attention to the direction of the tread pattern. It must match the direction the bike is moving. Special tire mounts or plastic spatulas can help in installing tires. Don't forget to inflate the chambers to the required pressure!

A cassette is placed on the rear wheel hub. Its upper stars are in a free state, so when inserting a knot, do not turn it over so as not to lose any star. The cassette is mounted on the side of the drive chainring(s) and tightened with force using a puller.

When working, you must hold the wheel and also use a whip to fix the cassette stars. After installing it, a chain is thrown onto the large sprocket, the rear wheel is inserted into the dropouts, and the other end of the chain is pulled to the front sprockets. Using a squeezer, the chain is fastened and the wheel is twisted on the dropouts. By analogy, we place the front wheel on the fork.

Working with the carriage and cassette in pictures

The cassette is connected to the speed switch. If the bicycle also has a front derailleur, then, accordingly, it is connected to the front sprocket system. Shifters, which are mounted on the steering wheel, are connected to them through cables. The cables are carefully secured to the frame pipes using clamps.

Assemble and install V-brake brakes:

  • place the front and rear brake claws on the steering wheel;
  • attach the pads to the clamping mechanism;
  • release the brakes and secure them to the fork and the rear of the frame, respectively;
  • connect the claws and clamping mechanisms using cables;
  • adjust the length of the cables and the position of the pads.

Details about adjusting V-brake brakes:

The newly assembled bike is ready for test rides. Testing is a mandatory procedure after assembly, which will show where and what needs to be corrected. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of assembly of the fork and handlebars, carriage and brakes. We also check how accurately the gears shift and whether the chain is not slipping.

Assembling a bicycle is a pleasant, useful and, as it turned out, not such a long task. Made by our own hands bike will allow you to feel comfortable on trips, is fully repairable, unpretentious and has the required driving parameters.