How to pump up the outer thigh. The best exercises for the outer thigh

People always mentioned my pecs when discussing my physique. Since my chest was the best developed part of my body, you can say that I am an expert on the question of “how to build chest muscles.” Therefore, I would like to discuss with you a couple of methods for improving weak areas of the chest muscles. Many people believe that insufficiently voluminous pectoral muscles are their only drawback. It is very important to pay attention to other aspects. Let's look at some chest muscle imperfections.

How to pump up the outer part of the pectoral muscles

If your external muscles the breasts are not well formed, they will lack that decisive fullness for which I was so famous. My favorite way to hit the outer part was with dumbbell flyes that specifically targeted that area. First, raise the dumbbells as low as possible without risking injury and stretch as much as possible. Secondly, when returning to the top position, try not to bring the dumbbells together, leave about 30 cm between them (the contact of the dumbbells in the top position eliminates the work of the outer part). Also, to pump up your chest muscles, do dips. This exercise works the outer part perfectly. Go down as deep as possible and don't go all the way up.

When doing barbell bench presses, use as wide a grip as possible to load the outside. Again, touch the barbell to your chest and try not to straighten your arms completely at the top to maintain tension.

We pump the inner part of the pectoral muscles

Block crossovers are especially good on the inside because you keep tension in the muscles when your arms touch each other. In the lower position, it is very important to squeeze the chest muscles. This will create a distinct line down the middle.

You can also use dumbbell flyes and barbell bench presses to target the inner area. For flyes, make the dumbbells touch each other at the top position and tighten your pectoral muscles for 2-3 seconds. When pressing, just use narrow grip(shoulder-width apart or slightly less) and spread your elbows to the sides.

Strengthening the upper part of the pectoral muscles

You probably know that incline presses and flyes are great for building your upper chest. It would seem like ordinary exercises, but they can be made special. I did this by changing the angle of the bench with each set. I started at 15°, then moved up to 25°, then 35° and finally 50°. I very often performed two, sometimes three sets of each bench position. So no part of my upper area escaped the strain.

I also highly recommend incorporating heavy days into your routine to develop maximum upper chest size. For example, once a week I did super-heavy bench presses and flyes, no more than 5-6 reps per set. In addition, to pump up the chest muscles, I used extra load in my program - drop sets, forced repetitions, rest/pauses.

In this article you will find out the answer to the question: “How to pump up the outer part of the pectoral muscles?” Training, exercises and methods will be described to which the outer part of the pectoral muscles responds best.

Exercises for the outer pectorals

  1. Exercise for home conditions - push-ups on steps, bricks, chairs, books. The point is that when performing the exercise, you go down as low as possible, thereby stretching the pectoral muscles, and they are pumped up thanks to this. Carrying out this type push-ups, be careful, you can easily pull your pectoral muscles or they can become inflamed due to frequent training in this style, also watch your shoulders, they will also be at risk from this load.
  2. Exercises for the gym:
  1. Exercises for the pectoral muscles at the stadium:
    • Wide grip dips. In order to pump up the outer pectoral knees must be bent and located near the torso.
    • Pull-ups with hands shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. The elbows should go forward. The exercise is not popular for pumping up the outer part of the pecs.

Workout in the gym for the outer pectoral muscles

3 sets of 12-15 reps

The exercise stretches and works the entire pectoral muscle very well.

Tips for better pumping up your outer pecs

  1. Before each workout, stretch your large muscles very well. pectoral muscle with an emphasis on the outside.
  2. Perform the exercise in partial amplitude specifically with an isolated load on the external part.
  3. Number of repetitions for better pumping should be in the range of 15-20 times.

P.S. Do not train the outer part of the pectorals more than once a week; the desire to pump up the muscles can lead to injury. There is a high probability that the working muscles and deltoids may become inflamed.

It happens that you can see an excellent result on the scale, but in the mirror you see too massive hips and “ears”. In general, you will have to do fitness, in particular, include exercises for outer surface hips.

Effective exercises for losing weight on the outside of your thighs

We were upset again when we tried it on skinny jeans? It happens that on the scale you can see an excellent result, but in the mirror you see too massive hips, “ears,” sagging, and fat. Diet alone will not help your body. You need to tone your muscles and speed up your metabolism. In general, you will have to do fitness, in particular, include exercises for the outer thigh in your program.

Naturally, you think that the side surface will become slimmer due to some special movements. Doing exercises on the outer thigh and only them is a typically “folk” idea. You won’t even find this very outer surface in any fitness reference book. The thigh muscles are traditionally divided into anterior, medial and back surface. We are interested, oddly enough, in the “front” ones: they work in conjunction with a small tensioner fascia lata when you do exercises for outside hips.

Fat deposits on the side of the leg, also called “ears,” cover part of the quadriceps and sartorius muscles. And most often - and part gluteal muscles at the place of their attachment to hip joint, and part of the hip flexor muscle. What to wave? Usually, looking for ear exercises is a rather thankless task. What you find is unlikely to seriously improve general view. For effective weight loss in the hips needs to be reduced total percentage fat in the body and tighten all the leg muscles.

Best exercises to remove the ears on the hips - a mix of strength, jumping and aerobic movements. There are only 7 exercises, and your leg workout will fit in 20-30 minutes with warm-up and cool-down, but visible result can be noticed within 4-6 weeks.

Seven of the best exercises for the “ears” on the hips

When to practice: it doesn’t matter - in the morning or in the evening, the main thing is at least an hour after eating. You can incorporate these movements into your power plan by completing them at the beginning of your workout. Don't do a set of outer thigh exercises on a cardio day, because most of them put so much stress on your legs that you won't be able to run or even walk as hard as you can.

Equipment: a timer (you probably have it on your phone), a jump rope, 2 dumbbells of 5-10 kg each (if you need it lighter, it’s better to do it without weight at all), a rubber mat under your feet for jumping, sneakers.

How to do: We perform the exercises one after another. We set the timer so that the first bell sounds after 40 seconds, the second after 20. We do the first exercise for 40 seconds, and then “according to the text.” At the end of the circle, rest for 60 seconds, repeat 4-5 times. Warm up by jumping rope for 5 minutes. In the finale we perform the “corner”, “boat”, “cat” from bodyflex, possibly with breathing.

Exercise 1. Classic squat

Time: 40 seconds

For what: tightens all leg muscles, burns a lot of extra calories, warms the tensor fascia lata, protects against injuries

We stand with our feet hip-width apart, toes naturally pointed apart. Dumbbells in hands along the body. We squat until our thighs are parallel to the floor, as if we were sitting on a low chair. We stand up while exhaling.

Exercise 2. Plyometric squat

Time: 20 seconds

For what: burns fat

We throw the dumbbells, do the same, only at the point “Thighs are parallel to the floor” we sharply jump up, and then softly land on the front of the foot. We do not straighten our knees completely, and do not strive to assume a “skier pose” (artificially parallel feet).

Exercise 3. Abduction squat

Time: 40 seconds

For what: strengthens all leg muscles, plus trains the tensor fascia lata in isolation

We perform a squat, dumbbells in our hands, at the lowest point we transfer the weight to left leg and, getting up, move the right thigh clearly to the right and up. Imagine lifting your leg up a wall, without swinging back and forth. Repeat, alternating legs.

Exercise 4. Kick-side

Time: 20 seconds

For what: burns fat

Do you watch action movies? Yes, this is it - take turns fast strikes foot to the side. Strike with your heel, not your toe. First, slightly shift the body to the left, transfer the weight to the left foot, pull in the abs, tear off right leg, we move it to the right, bring the heel to the buttock, bending the knee, from there – push-kick the heel to the side. We repeat.

Exercise 5. Lateral leads

Time: 40 seconds

For what: you wanted exercises for the outer thighs?

We lie down on the floor on our right side, left hand We place the dumbbell along the body, slowly move it away and bring the thigh up.

Exercise 6. Running with high knees

Time: 20 sec

For what: burn fat

We get up and go for a short jog, try to do everything gently, don’t knock your feet

Exercise 7. Jumping rope

Time: 40 sec

For what: maximize calorie expenditure

We jump as comfortably as we can, the main thing is not to fully extend our knees, don’t forget to breathe, and don’t jump on a flat foot.

After completing all seven exercises, take a minute's break and start again from the first. In total you should get 4-5 approaches.


Surprised? You've probably read on other sites about easier exercises for the outer thigh. Why make it so complicated? The most radical fitness pros only recognize squats with weights of at least 50% of your body weight as exercises for the outer thigh. The problem is that 80% of fitness trainers with training in anatomy and physiology will force the client to do complex movements that burn a lot of calories and work the legs as a whole. And advisors from the Internet will recommend side leg abductions as the best exercise for the outer thigh.

The truth is that body fat and flabbiness is a consequence of the lack of tone not only of the quadriceps (this is rare), but also of the muscles of the buttocks, hip extensor and other muscles. So exercises from the ears only work when the entire “bottom” is involved. Well, the notorious hip abductions are a panacea for fat that works if a person is on a super-strict low-calorie diet. In other cases, they burn too few calories. By the way, even really hard workouts do not give you the right to increase your caloric intake significantly. While training with our plan, eat as usual. For those who don’t know, this is an average of 1600-2000 kcal, depending on height, age and weight. published

As is known, one of the most problem areas The female body most prone to fat deposits is the outer thighs. But imagine perfect figure, which every girl dreams of, is impossible without elastic, pumped buttocks.

You can give your hips the desired shape using special exercises, which help to easily get rid of the hated “ears” on the sides.

The thigh is located between the knee and the hip joint, it forms part lower limb human body.

The outer part consists of muscles whose function is to ensure the functioning of the leg backwards and to the side. You can see them as an attractive roundness on the side of the hips.

Getting Started Searching and Executing physical exercise, you need to figure out the basics of successful training.

The effectiveness of training is as follows:

  • regularity;
  • direction;
  • attention to detail;
  • gradual increase in load.

The first thing you need to remember is regularity - it is precisely this the most important factor effectiveness.

Ideally, you should exercise every day, but if this is not possible, you can set aside 3 days a week for this. In this case, you need to understand that the result will be more long-awaited in time.

During training, do not forget to pay special attention to the work of those muscles that need to be tightened.

Here you just need to listen to your own feelings: if you feel that the load is directed more towards the desired areas, then you are going in the right direction.

When performing exercises on the outer part of the thigh, it will be as much as possible. lateral muscles legs

Important to remember! It's the little things that often make the difference. Make sure that the squat is low enough, your feet do not leave the floor, the angle of lift is maintained correctly, and the leg rises as high as possible during the swing. Thus, you can influence the speed of achieving the final result.

Over time, try to increase the load step by step. The main assistant here will again be personal feelings: if you feel that you need less effort to complete the exercise than before, raise the bar. For example, 10 swings over time should inevitably develop into 15, and later into 20.

Exercises for the outer thigh at home

Exercises for the outer thigh can be done at home and even at work., if there is the necessary space and time, so they are a real salvation for women who do not have the opportunity to visit the gym. You will need dumbbells, a mat and a positive attitude.

Exercise 1. Leg swings

To perform the first exercise you need to stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms extended in front of you. The feet should be parallel to each other.

When swinging your legs, you must ensure that they do not bend at the knees.

Bend your right leg at the knee and swing it sideways and upward, trying to reach your elbow. The next swing is done in the same way, only with a straight leg. You should start with 10 approaches for each limb.

Exercise 2. Leg Raises

The next type of outer thigh exercise will require a similar starting position as the previous one. The right foot should be placed on the toe, turned to the right, and raised back as high as possible.

To perform the exercise, you can use a support to ensure maximum abduction of the leg back.

Taking my leg to the limit high point, put it back. To begin with, 15 approaches for each limb will be enough, then their number should be increased.

Exercise 3. Squats

No set of exercises for the outer thigh is complete without squats. The main rule is not to stand on your toes. Try to squat as low as possible, with a straight back, keeping your arms bent in front of you.

To start, 10 squats will be enough. The main advantage of this type of exercise is that it is beneficial not only for the outer thigh, but also for the entire body as a whole.

Exercise 4. Lunges

Leader among effective exercises are lunges. Take long steps to the side first with your right and then with your left foot holding your arms parallel to your body. Use dumbbells for weights.

Remember to keep the unused limb straight. You should start with 10 lunges on each leg, 3 sets.

Lunges can be not only lateral. You can perform them forward alternately with each leg. At the same time, you need to put your legs out as far as possible. Faithful helpers here you will find dumbbells that will only increase the effectiveness of your training.

Pay attention to your posture - your back should be perfectly straight.
Take a breath with every step. Do not try to lunge sharply, it is better to give preference smooth movements. As for the number of lunges, experts also recommend doing 3 sets of 10 times.

Exercise 5. Raising the knees

For the next exercise you need to kneel. For maximum effectiveness, place the bulk of your weight in your arms and straighten your back. The knee rises up at an angle of 90º.

Do the same with the other leg. Muscles must be in constant tension. Experienced trainers advise starting with 20 raises of each knee with the condition of subsequently increasing the load.

Exercise 6. Raises

Leg raises are also quite effective when done to the side. To do this, you need to lie down on the mat, turn on your side and raise the limb lying on top as high as possible.

Then you should turn on the other side and perform a similar operation with the opposite leg. You can start with 10 swings with each leg.

Exercise 7. Keeping your legs raised

You can complete the workout and relieve muscle tension by turning over on your back and lifting your limb up perpendicular to the floor.

Exercises for the outer thighs in the gym

Some women prefer gym classes to home workouts, considering them more effective and giving faster results.

In addition to training on exercise machines, exercises on the outer thigh on a fitball are very popular.

A set of exercises on a fitball

Starting position The essence of the exercise Number of exercises
Your back to the fitball with your arms extended forward. You will feel more comfortable if the ball is placed in the corner of the room, since this way it will not slip out from under you. Bend one leg at the knee and lift it to a height of 15-20 cm above the floor. After this, without sudden movements, bend the other limb and perform squats so that the buttocks touch the ball. If you are no longer new to this type of exercise for the outer thigh, raise your knees higher or give preference to a smaller ball. Also in this situation, dumbbells that act as weights will help you out. To start - 7-10 squats
The ball is between the wall and your body, which should be in contact with it in the lumbar region From the starting position, you should lift your hips up. You can understand that the end point has been reached and you should go back down by the fact that the body is stretched into an even line. To achieve maximum results, pay attention to the abdominal and leg muscles - they should be tense. Body deflection at correct technique present in the hip joint. It is worth noting that haste here will be unnecessary and will only spoil the effect, so try to hold the final position for 3-5 seconds. It’s worth starting with 10-12 times, then you can increase this number up to 20 times
Lying on your side with support on your elbow. The ball is on the floor under the feet. Inhale and lift your hips off the surface. Lifting should be carried out until the body is completely straightened. To make the exercise easier, you can use a smaller ball.
Lying on your stomach. The fitball is located under the hips Take turns lifting your limbs up, holding the floor with your hands. As for your legs, you can keep them in a position that suits you - straight or bent at a 90º angle. 15-20 times for each limb

In the gym, in addition to the fitball, there is a high probability of finding many other units that will help you tone your outer thigh muscles. We are talking about simulators.

One of the most effective in terms of load on the external surface is a simulator designed for bringing and spreading the legs.

Exercise on the simulator 1. Reduction and separation of legs

Pay attention! Misuse of this simulator may ultimately lead to zero results. First of all, adjust it, take care of the operating weight and the width of the seat.

When doing exercises for the outer thighs, keep your back straight and your legs at right angles.
Exhale and slowly bring your legs together until the rollers touch each other, and then slowly open your legs.

Exercise on the simulator 2. Standing leg abduction and extension

Many fitness centers have machines that allow you to perform similar exercise in a standing position.

Before performing the exercise on the simulator, you should set the optimal load so as not to damage the ligaments and muscles.

It is worth noting that the advantage of this unit compared to the previous one is that it not only has the necessary effect on the desired area, but also accelerates blood flow and saturates the muscles with oxygen.

To fix the legs, the simulator in question has special footrests. You need to grab the handrail with your hand. Next you should move your leg to the side.

Exercise on the simulator 3. Stepper

Important to remember! In addition to specialized ones, gyms have many universal exercise machines that allow you to keep your outer thighs in an attractive shape. One of them is Stepper.

It perfectly tightens the legs, buttocks and thighs. However it should be treated with caution and not overdo it, otherwise you are guaranteed to have a sprained knee ligament. This category of simulators also includes treadmill and an exercise bike.

Before you start doing the exercises, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experienced trainers, thanks to whom your exercises will be able to give you the most effective and fastest results.

To increase the effectiveness of your training, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • combine regular exercise with a balanced diet– this way your hips will acquire the desired look in a short time;
  • don't neglect stretching, because it will help relieve tension from the muscles being trained and get rid of painful sensations in the future. You can also avoid nagging pain by taking a bath with sea salt;
  • yours best friends there should be various types of massages and wraps. Creams with a cooling or, conversely, warming effect will come to the rescue, cling film and a brush with coarse bristles. Massage should be done from bottom to top, repeating the flow of lymph. Massage cups are no less effective in maintaining skin and muscle tone. To use them, you will need a cream or oil to lubricate the surface to be treated;
  • the effectiveness of exercises on the outer thighs directly depends on the internal mood. The main obstacle on the way to beautiful body Often it becomes simple laziness, so the issue of self-discipline is more important than ever here. Try to create a clear training schedule, deviation from which should be perceived as personal weakness. Naturally, the decisive factor here is motivation, the correct designation of which can set you in the right mood and solve all problems with self-discipline. Thus, formulate a clear goal for yourself that you need to achieve at all costs, and classes will bring only joy and satisfaction.

Give your buttocks the perfect look appearance difficult, but quite possible, even if you have never practiced, but have a strong enough desire.

Regular workouts designed to work out the outer surface, combined with a balanced diet and skin care, will help you achieve the desired results in the near future and avoid becoming the owner of the hated “ears”.

Videos with recommendations for performing exercises on the outer thigh

In this video clip experienced trainer gives recommendations that will help you learn how to correctly perform exercises on the outer thigh in gym:

A set of exercises that will help you get rid of bulges on your thighs at home is given in this video:

Are you upset again when trying on skinny jeans? It happens that on the scale you can see an excellent result, but in the mirror you see too massive hips, “ears,” sagging, and fat.

Diet alone will not help your body. You need to tone your muscles and speed up your metabolism. In general, you will have to do fitness, in particular, include exercises for the outer thigh in your program.

Naturally, you think that the side surface will become slimmer due to some special movements. Doing exercises on the outer thigh and only them is a typically “folk” idea. You won’t even find this very outer surface in any fitness reference book. The thigh muscles are traditionally divided into muscles of the anterior, medial and posterior surfaces. We are interested, oddly enough, in the “front” ones: they work in conjunction with a small tensor of the fascia lata when you perform exercises for the outer side of the thigh.

Fat deposits on the side of the leg, also called “ears,” cover part of the quadriceps and sartorius muscles. And most often - part of the gluteal muscles at the place of their attachment to the hip joint, and part of the hip flexor muscle. What to wave? Usually, looking for ear exercises is a rather thankless task. What you find won't really improve the overall look. To effectively lose weight in your thighs, you need to reduce the overall percentage of body fat and tighten all the leg muscles.

The best exercises to remove thigh loops are a mix of strength, jumping and aerobic movements. There are only 7 exercises, and your leg workout will fit in 20-30 minutes with a warm-up and cool-down, but visible results can be seen after 4-6 weeks.

Seven of the best exercises for the “ears” on the hips

When to practice: It doesn’t matter - in the morning or in the evening, the main thing is at least an hour after eating. You can incorporate these movements into your strength plan by performing them at the beginning of your workout. Don't do a set of outer thigh exercises on a cardio day, because most of them put so much stress on your legs that you won't be able to run or even walk as hard as you can.

Equipment: timer (you probably have it on your phone), jump rope, 2 dumbbells 5-10 kg each (if you need lighter weights, it’s better to do it without any weight), rubber mat under your feet for jumping, sneakers.

How to do: We perform the exercises one after another. We set the timer so that the first bell sounds after 40 seconds, the second after 20. We do the first exercise for 40 seconds, and then “according to the text.” At the end of the circle, rest for 60 seconds, repeat 4-5 times. Warm up by jumping rope for 5 minutes. In the finale we perform the “corner”, “boat”, “cat” from bodyflex, possibly with breathing.

Exercise 1. Classic squat

Time: 40 seconds

Why: tightens all leg muscles, burns a lot of extra calories, warms the tensor fasciae lata, protects against injury

We stand with our feet hip-width apart, toes naturally pointed apart. Dumbbells in hands along the body. We squat until our thighs are parallel to the floor, as if we were sitting on a low chair. We stand up while exhaling.

Exercise 2. Plyometric squat

Time: 20 seconds

Why: burns fat

We throw the dumbbells, do the same, only at the point “Thighs are parallel to the floor” we sharply jump up, and then softly land on the front of the foot. We do not straighten our knees completely, and do not strive to assume a “skier pose” (artificially parallel feet).

Exercise 3. Abduction squat

Time: 40 seconds

Why: strengthens all leg muscles, plus trains the tensor fasciae lata in isolation

We perform a squat, dumbbells in our hands, at the lowest point we transfer the weight to the left leg and, standing up, move the right thigh clearly to the right and up. Imagine lifting your leg up a wall, without swinging back and forth. Repeat, alternating legs.

Exercise 4. Kick-side

Time: 20 seconds

Why: burns fat

Do you watch action movies? Yes, that's it - alternate quick kicks to the side. Strike with your heel, not your toe. First, we slightly shift the body to the left, transfer the weight to the left foot, retract the abs, lift off the right leg, move it to the right, bring the heel to the buttock, bending the knee, and from there push-kick the heel to the side. We repeat.

Exercise 5. Lateral leads

Time: 40 seconds

Why: you wanted exercises for the outer thighs?

We lie down on the floor on our right side, place our left hand with a dumbbell along the body, slowly move and bring the thigh up.

Exercise 6. Running with high knees

Time: 20 sec

Why: burn fat

We get up and go for a short jog, try to do everything gently, don’t knock your feet

Exercise 7. Jumping rope

Time: 40 sec

Why: Maximize calorie expenditure

We jump as comfortably as we can, the main thing is not to fully extend our knees, don’t forget to breathe, and don’t jump on a flat foot.

After completing all seven exercises, take a minute's break and start again from the first. In total you should get 4-5 approaches.


Surprised? You've probably read on other sites about easier exercises for the outer thigh. Why make it so complicated? The most radical fitness pros only recognize squats with weights of at least 50% of your body weight as exercises for the outer thigh.

The problem is that 80% of fitness trainers with training in anatomy and physiology will force the client to do complex movements that burn a lot of calories and work the legs as a whole. And advisors from the Internet will recommend side leg abductions as the best exercise for the outer thigh.

The truth is that fat deposits and flabbiness are the result of a lack of tone not only in the quadriceps (this is rare), but also in the muscles of the buttocks, hip extensor and other muscles. So exercises from the ears only work when the entire “bottom” is involved.

Well, the notorious hip abductions are a panacea for fat that works if a person is on a super-strict low-calorie diet. In other cases, they burn too few calories.

By the way, even really hard workouts do not give you the right to increase your caloric intake significantly. While training with our plan, eat as usual. For those who don’t know, this is an average of 1600-2000 kcal, depending on height, age and weight.