Making pedicabs with your own hands according to the Chinese model. Cargo bikes

The first cargo bikes appeared more than a hundred years ago. They were widely used to deliver mail, milk, bread and other goods. Such bikes gained particular popularity during World War II, when the fighting European countries experienced an acute shortage of fuel. However, with the end of the war and the advent of relatively inexpensive mass-produced automobile models, the bicycle lost its position, and for a long time, mainly motorized vehicles were used to transport passengers and goods. At the end of the 1980s, there was a surge of interest in an environmentally friendly and inexpensive means of transportation, and the streets of many cities in Europe and America were again flooded with two-wheeled horses. They can be found especially often in the Netherlands and Denmark, which compete with each other for the title of the most cycling country in the world. The cargo bike here is not exotic or a tribute to the fashion for environmental protection, but a full-fledged and ubiquitous participant traffic.

Types of cargo bikes

The design of such bicycles can be very diverse and largely depends on the conditions in which they are used. The most simple view is an ordinary city bike, on which strong baskets made of metal rods or special luggage boxes are installed at the front and rear, allowing for the transport of fairly voluminous loads. This type is most popular in Amsterdam and Copenhagen, and making such a cargo bike with your own hands is quite simple.

Schwinn bicycle

Another common type of cargo bike is the bicycle truck ( English name– Long John). It usually has a longer wheelbase and a smaller front wheel, allowing for a cargo platform to be placed between it and the steering wheel. The cyclist controls the vehicle using a conventional steering wheel, which is connected to the front wheel by a special structure. The carrying capacity of such bikes, often used by porters at train stations, can exceed 100 kilograms.

Long John Cargo Bike

Another option is the so-called long tail. Such cargo bikes have an extended wheelbase at the rear, which allows the installation of a special platform, trunk or additional seats for transporting one or more adult passengers.

The production of long bikes is established by the company Xtracycle, which offers not only ready-made vehicles of this type, but also special kits that allow you to create a cargo bike with your own hands from what you already have.

Long tail cargo bike

All of the above bicycles have only two wheels, which makes them quite inconvenient to use. After all, it is quite difficult for a rider to maintain balance on such a bike, especially if the bike is fully loaded. Therefore, they are most often used as cargo vehicles. Such devices can have either a direct or reverse deltoid configuration, and the luggage compartment is usually located between the wheels of the front or rear axle. Tricycles are stable on the road and do not fall even when stopped completely. In addition, they can easily increase the size of the trunk, thereby increasing the load capacity. Many bicycle manufacturers offer ready-made cargo trikes, some of which are even equipped with an electric motor, which expands the scope of this type of transport. There is also the opportunity to purchase a whole assembly, which is a bridge with a differential and sprockets, which allows you to convert an ordinary bicycle into a three-wheeled one.

DIY cargo bike

Anyone who knows how to work with tools and is alien to technical creativity can easily make a homemade cargo bike. Drawings of such a vehicle are easy to find on the Internet, and you can use an inexpensive Chinese bike as a basis. You will also need round or square metal pipes (preferably steel), a grinder and a welding machine.

Two wheel truck

The easiest way to increase the carrying capacity of a bicycle is to install large luggage baskets on the front and rear, but this improvement is not optimal since the carried weight remains small. A fairly easy-to-manufacture alternative would be to create a Long John-type cargo bike, the design of which has proven itself well over more than a century of operation.

Cargo bike blank

In order to make such a bicycle, you will need a donor whose lower tube of the front triangle is cut off, as well as the steering tube. Instead, a long vertical steering wheel and a frame with a luggage platform are welded. The front wheel is welded to the trunk, which is connected to the steering wheel with special rods.

New Long John bike frame

Another option that does not require special effort, – increasing the wheelbase of a bicycle to create a long bike. In this case, you will have to cut off the stays of the rear triangle of the frame and weld elongated ones instead, which will allow you to install the trunk significantly larger size. You can also install a ready-made branded kit, securing it in the dropouts, then you don’t need to cut anything.

Homemade long bike

Cargo trikes

Two-wheeled cargo bikes are quite easy to make in a home workshop, but the same cannot be said for operating such a device, especially in heavy city traffic. In Asia and Northern Europe, tricycles are more often used for these purposes.

In order to make your own three-wheeled delta-shaped cargo bike, you will have to get rid of the rear triangle of the frame, and instead weld a frame with wheels and a trunk or passenger seats. You will get the well-known pedicab.

Homemade cargo delta trike

The torque in such a tricycle is transmitted to one or two wheels at once. In the second case, you will need an axle with a differential, which makes the structure heavier, but makes it more controllable and stable. You can also use a factory-made kit that attaches to the seatstays and seat tube, which again avoids cutting and subsequent welding of the metal.

Deltoid tricycles are great for leisurely trips in the country, but in urban conditions it will be difficult to control such a device, since it loses stability when cornering. Plus, you can't see what's going on with the cargo behind you or what the kids in the back are doing. Therefore, it is more convenient to use the European trike reverse deltoid design, also known as christiania bike, which takes its name from one of the districts of Copenhagen.

Various types European tricycles

Almost any bicycle can be converted into such a tricycle. The donor's front triangle is cut off, and a pipe with a steering tube at the end is welded to the seat tube with feathers. A cargo platform with wheels is attached to the steering column, and a U-shaped pipe on it serves to control the resulting vehicle.

General diagram of a tricycle for street trading

There are a great many options for converting a regular bike into a cargo bike, it all depends only on your imagination and ingenuity. On the popular Youtube service you can even find a video showing how a twelve-year-old boy assembles his first cargo trike. If he succeeded, then you will certainly succeed too.

Applications of cargo bikes

Cargo bikes Mainly serve the following purposes:

  • Selling various items, such as ice cream, hot dogs or hamburgers, in areas where vehicular traffic is restricted.
  • Delivery of small-sized cargo in densely populated urban areas.
  • Transportation of goods and tools across the territory of factories and plants occupying a large area.
  • Luggage transportation at train stations and airports.
  • Transportation of goods across warehouses.
  • Mail delivery.
  • Transportation of children.
  • Collection of waste for further disposal.

As you can see, the scope of application of cargo bikes is quite extensive and is not limited only to the above options. And if you install an electric motor on a bike, then the scope of its use becomes almost limitless.

Cargo bikes have a number of undeniable advantages. They do not pollute the air, which is very important in enclosed spaces such as a warehouse or factory. The bikes do not require fuel, are inexpensive to operate and do not make noise. However, such vehicles are not without certain disadvantages. The bicycle is driven by human muscular power, which imposes restrictions on the travel range, as well as on the weight of the cargo transported. The need to maintain balance, requirements for physical fitness the rider and his vulnerability in city traffic conditions force many to abandon the use of cargo bikes. However, in some situations, a cargo bike is simply irreplaceable, and many of the problems described above can be solved by using a motor.

Bicycle taxis are gaining popularity. An alternative name is pedicab. Mainly used in Asia.

It is not necessary to purchase this type of transport. You can make a pedicab based on. The appearance is further refined using various elements.

Pedicab - three-wheeled vehicle for personal or public use. In addition to the driver himself, there are from one to two seats.

By appearance resembles one in the back of which there is a stroller. The driver sets the vehicle in motion at the expense of. The main advantage is the pedicab.

More often, the stroller is equipped with a small fabric cover that allows you to hide from the sun or rain. The use of this type of vehicle is only possible in warm months.

What is required to convert a bike into a pedicab?

Before creating a pedicab, you will need to prepare the necessary.

  1. Multilayer plywood.
  2. Equipment for metal processing.
  3. A grinding machine is useful for leveling and smoothing corners.
  4. Faux leather.
  5. Metal pipe.
  6. Three, and from the same size bike.
  7. Nuts and bolts to secure the structure.
  8. Foam rubber.
  9. Welding machine.

How to make a pedicab from a bicycle

To properly convert the bike you need to buy materials high quality and follow clear instructions. In this case, it will be possible to create a reliable and comfortable vehicle.

Bicycles and scooters


Before creating a rickshaw, you need to choose the design of the future transport. There are several options.

The option where the driver is located in front of the passengers is very popular. This design is characterized by a high degree of stability, which is achieved using 2 rear wheels.

The second type - clients are located in front. More suitable for taxis. It is characterized by low stability, but is more popular with passengers.

When using the second option, it is necessary to place the driver above the passenger seats, otherwise the road in front will not be visible. Before you start creating a rickshaw, it is recommended to make sure that you have all the necessary elements and tools.


Main stages of production

First of all, you need to prepare the structure to which all other metal elements will be attached. The basis for the diagram can be a tricycle or photographs of pedicabs. The design is not complicated.

When creating a frame, you should only use . This is explained high load, compared to a bicycle.

The second stage is fastening the transmission. Some people forget about. Then it is put on and the pedal mechanism is installed. Before the first trip.

Next, a steering system is installed, which is completely similar to a bicycle. To increase safety, it is recommended to install a steering wheel, as well as create a signaling system. This way you can warn other people about an approaching vehicle.

Final works

The last stage in creating a pedicab with your own hands is the production and installation of seats for passengers. Made from multilayer plywood. Next, it is upholstered in leather, and foam rubber is pre-attached. This will increase comfort for passengers.

Afterwards, a canopy is put on the rickshaw to protect passengers or.

The production of this type of transport does not require professional skills and is quite cheap. Most create a rickshaw for traveling with their family or to earn money.

For many this type transport in Russia will be new, which means we should expect great demand, especially in summer.

Bicycle taxi is the most popular public transport who received greatest distribution in Asia. Do you want to get this transport for your own use in our country? A pedicab is constructed with your own hands from a bicycle, and the design is modified with various elements.

Bicycle taxi is a very common public transport in Asia.

What does a rickshaw look like?

A pedicab is a vehicle for public or personal use that can carry 1–2 people, excluding the driver. Most of all, it resembles one, in one of which there is a stroller (seat), and passengers are transported on it. The driver controls the rickshaw by pedaling, that is, this type of transport is 100% environmentally friendly. In most cases, there is a small fabric canopy over the passenger seat, which helps to hide from the scorching sun. The use of this transport is possible only in the warm season.

What is needed to reconstruct a bicycle?

Before making a pedicab, it is important to prepare all the tools and elements that will be needed in the process:

  • plywood made of several layers;
  • metal tools;
  • bicycle transmission;
  • machine for grinding (leveling) corners;
  • artificial leather;
  • three bicycle wheels;
  • metal pipe;
  • nuts, bolts and other fastening elements;
  • welding machine;
  • foam rubber

Sequential instructions for creating a rickshaw

Important! To do it correctly, you need to pay attention to details and strictly follow the instructions. Use only high-quality materials, so you will get more durable and reliable transport.


Before making a pedicab, decide on the design. There are two options for such transport. The most common is the one where the driver is in front of the passengers. Thanks to this design, the passenger seat is more stable, as it is located on. There is a second, opposite option, in which case the passengers are in the front. If you want to create a taxi and carry clients in your rickshaw, you should think about the second option, since clients like it more; for greater safety, it is recommended to go with the first option.

Important! Remember that if you choose the second option, the driver's seat should be located slightly higher than the passengers' cabin so that the driver can clearly see the road ahead.

Before starting to make a pedicab, carefully check whether you have all the parts and tools, since the absence of anything may make it impossible to create a pedicab with your own hands. It is best to have several parts in stock (bolts, nuts, foam rubber, etc.).

Drawing and diagram

To make a pedicab with your own hands, it is important to prepare a drawing or diagram, at least generalized, in order to avoid significant mistakes during the creation of the transport.

Important! When creating a drawing, it would be useful to make a brief plan that will allow you to understand the order of your actions and make the production of bicycle transport clear and consistent.

Main stage of work

The basis for a pedicab is a bicycle frame, to which additional metal elements must be welded. To understand what should happen, pay attention to the photos of the finished pedicabs. The design is very simple and understandable. Remember that you need to use only durable metal, because the transport will carry 2-3 times more weight than a standard bicycle.

Then you need to attach the transmission (don’t forget about the gear-type sprocket on the drive wheel), the bicycle chain (just put it on), and the pedal mechanism. Bicycle chain Lubricate before attaching to the pedicab. The next step The steering control is being installed, it fully corresponds to the bicycle one.

Important! To protect yourself and your passengers, you can install and add an alarm system that will notify you of approaching vehicles.

Final details

The last stage of work on a bicycle taxi is the creation of a seat. It needs to be made of plywood, covered with leather, placing foam rubber under it for convenience. After this, you need to check all the fasteners, tighten the bolts and make sure the structure is reliable. Next, a canopy is put on the rickshaw, which will protect passengers from the sun and bad weather.

From the article you learned how to make a pedicab with your own hands. It's quite simple, and the cost of the parts is low. Build a bicycle taxi at home and ride around the city with your family, enjoying the scenery and fresh air. If desired, a rickshaw can become a wonderful business and allow you to make money.

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Three years ago I bought a bike trailer that I used to take my son out for a walk. In principle, the trailer suited me with the exception of:

  • The trailer is quite low. And although there is a small flag on it, which makes it more visible, drivers in traffic may not see it.
  • Since the child is one meter away from me, I can’t see what he’s doing. You have to constantly turn your head, which is not very good while driving.

During a trip to Europe I saw on the streets large number cargo bikes that were used for . At first I thought about buying a cargo bike. But the price turned out to be too high and I decided to assemble it myself tricycle. Since this was my first one on my own assembled bike, then during the assembly of the trike many situations arose that had to be solved by trial and error. But in the end I managed to make a cargo trike with my own hands. After searching on the Internet for something I could focus on, I stopped tricycle Christiania. So, let's try to make a cargo tricycle ourselves!

Step 1: Find an unwanted bike.

I took as a basis old bike and cut it in half along the black line. A bicycle must have one! Bicycles with an aluminum frame will not work. You can check the frame using a magnet.

Step 2: Assembling the trike frame.

Let's start assembling a homemade trike by creating the front frame. I decided to make it larger - measuring 100 cm by 100 cm. As it turned out later, the size chosen was not entirely optimal. The photo shows a trike frame welded from steel pipes and the back of an old bicycle.

Step 3: Trike wheels.

Now we have to install the front wheels directly on the frame. If you look at the Christiania tricycle, you will notice that the wheel axle is not located in the middle, but a little closer to the front of the frame. In addition, I wanted the steering wheel to be height adjustable. Therefore, only two steel pipes were welded to the rear of the frame, where the steering wheel is installed.

On Christiania tricycles, the wheel axle is moved slightly forward, but it remains behind the head tube. First I installed the axle in front of the head tube. After a few months, I had to position the axle like the original trike, which made the bike much easier to control.

It is better to use 20-inch wheels at the front. Thus, we lower the center of gravity and improve the control of the trike on and off. But this raises a problem - a regular head pipe is not suitable, since there is simply not enough space between the ground and the cradle. Therefore, you will have to abandon its use. Instead of a head tube, you can use tapered roller bearings, which are used in cars.

Placing the wheels at a slight angle improves bike control.

Step 4: Test the front frame.

The front frame for a homemade trike looks pretty good.

Step 5: Welding the components of the homemade cargo bike.

We weld the head tube to the front of the frame.

Step 6: The back of the homemade tricycle.

Next we will start assembling the rear of the cargo bike. The head tube from an old bicycle, welded to a steel pipe, will in turn be welded to the rear of the bicycle. In the photo above you can see that the angle at which the steel pipe connects to the head pipe is different from the angle on original bike. This was my second mistake that I made.

At this stage, the homemade cargo trike looks good. But as soon as I tried to ride it, I found that it could hardly turn in any direction. After thinking a little about the reasons for this, I realized that the problem most likely arises from the angle of the head pipe.

After riding this tricycle for a while, I realized that I had chosen the worst angle of all possible options. On the Christiania bike the angle is 9.5°, which is the opposite of the standard caster angle on a bicycle.

In addition, by law, pedal-powered vehicles with a width of more than 80 cm require permits. Based on these considerations, I had to slightly reduce the size of the tricycle.

Consequently, the front frame had to be cut, reduced in size and another head tube taken from another old bike.

It turned out just great!

Step 7: Strengthen the back of the trike.

But rear end doesn't look strong enough. Therefore, it is necessary to make another steel pipe with fastening.

Step 8: Trike handlebars.

The steering wheel consists of three pipes connected at an angle of 90 degrees. curved rather than straight. This will save space and allow you to sit more upright.

Step 9: Brakes.

To install the brakes, which I took from another old bicycle, I had to bolt a plate with holes to the frame.

Step 10: Completing the frame.

There are two other improvements you can make:

Step 11: Brake Adapter.

But there was still one more issue that needed to be resolved - controlling the two front brakes using one handle. While talking with a friend, he found an interesting solution - an adapter that redistributes the force from one handle simultaneously to two brakes.

Brake adapter front wheel You don’t have to make it yourself, but simply buy a “double brake lever.” It is quite cheap and allows you to control two brakes at the same time.

Step 12: Installing the cradle.

And the last thing that should be added is a cradle for transporting the child and things.

Choose the carrycot size according to your needs. The chosen size of the cradle suits me quite well, since I need to transport two children and luggage. Sometimes there can be four children in the cradle with their things. If you don't need that much space, you can make it smaller. Because even with a slight headwind, a large cradle will create noticeable aerodynamic drag. You can first make a mockup out of cardboard. And only after you are completely satisfied with it, move on to the tree.

You will also need to install others.

Step 13: Adjustable Steering Damper.

The last thing that needs improvement on this awesome DIY cargo trike is the addition of an adjustable steering damper. Since it is quite expensive, I made it myself from a spring and a screw tie. I am completely satisfied with his work.

Step 14: Some blueprints for a homemade trike.

M 1 =(D 1 +D 2)/2.3;

The dimensions in the drawings correspond actual sizes my cargo bike.

We hope that you will be able to make a three-wheeled cargo bike with your own hands. Perhaps you will be able to make your own improvements to the design of the bicycle. Good luck!