Yoga: morning complex for beginners. Exercises and recommendations

Morning yoga exercises for beginners

Yoga morning exercises for beginners are a great way to finally wake up and recharge your batteries for the whole day. Long-term observations of physicians indicate that daily morning gymnastics greatly improves the general well-being of a person, improves blood circulation, the functioning of joints and internal organs. Even if during the whole day a person is no longer engaged in any sports training, only morning exercises can give a rather gentle, but at the same time very effective load on all parts of the body.

Of course, we are not talking about the fact that, with difficulty getting out of bed and making a couple of clumsy movements with the limbs, we can confidently assume that the exercises have been done. Let's not deceive ourselves - morning exercises should contain a certain set of exercises for all parts of the body, and these exercises are known. Perhaps, to everyone - from early childhood. Even in kindergarten, and then at school, we were all shown numerous exercises and taught to perform them correctly. And even if in your school years you avoided such activities, then over the years you will have to remember all the skills you have acquired, because all these are simple, but effective exercises are just a necessary minimum in order to feel healthier and more confident in our everyday life. Especially if it is a morning yoga exercise for beginners.
Morning exercises - why you need to do

Morning exercises are especially important for those who have a sedentary job or a sedentary lifestyle. In this case, without daily at least minimal physical exertion, the body simply “stagnates”, many processes in the body are disrupted, which, ultimately, is fraught with quite serious diseases. And now there are a lot of people who are forced to a very sedentary lifestyle - after all, our time is the time of computers, which are increasingly replacing humans in various aspects of life. But in movement, they cannot replace us, so you will have to work on your body and help the body with movement yourself. So, if you are interested in yoga for beginners, video lessons are a must-see.

However, it must be admitted that not all people are ready to spend such expensive morning hours on certain physical activities, which, moreover, some seem so boring and monotonous. Someone prefers to ride a bike in the morning, and young people who love extreme sports will prefer buy bmx bike.

However, the traditional gymnastics routine can be successfully replaced with a less conservative way to energize for the day. In this case, yoga morning exercises for beginners will help. To do this, you can use yoga exercises that are very gentle, but very effective. Just three exercises will not take much time, but will help you feel completely awake and ready for a variety of challenges!

Morning yoga exercises for beginners: a set of exercises

Yoga morning exercises

First yoga exercise. You need to take the emphasis while lying down in such a way as if you are preparing for a push-up exercise. Then you need to take five slow deep breaths. After that, you need to raise your right leg up as high as possible. After that, you need to carefully turn the torso so that the left forearm and elbow touch the floor. At this time, both palms do not come off the floor. It is necessary to linger in this position, and then just as slowly return to the starting position. Do the same for the other side.
Yoga for beginners

The second yoga exercise. It is necessary to kneel down, and then sit down, dropping onto the sit bones. Hands should rest on the floor. Next, you need to kneel down again and stretch your right leg so that it is between your hands. Leaning on the outstretched right, the left leg should be slowly extended back so that it is parallel to the floor. Lifting your hands off the floor and stretching them forward, you need to try to maintain balance. It is necessary to hold out for the maximum possible time, and then return to the starting position. Repeat for the other side as well.

The third yoga exercise. Very similar to the previous one, only after the left leg is extended, you need to raise your left arm up so that the torso is turned to the side - the arm and torso should form a straight line and reach up. Then also repeat for the other side.

Each of the above exercises is enough to repeat three times. After that, all day long you will feel vivacity and energy all day long. So, yoga morning exercises for beginners give not only good health, but also a cheerful mood.

Yoga classes, despite their slowness and the absence of actually sharp movements, nevertheless, carry a significant internal dynamics, which is transmitted to the entire human body, to all organs responsible for the vital activity of the human body. Special exercises that successfully replace morning exercises are no exception. True, before starting classes, you should watch yoga for beginners videos. Starting with these exercises, even a beginner, over time, will be able to move on to a more complex yoga practice, which will have a huge positive impact on the state of the whole organism.

The video yoga course allows beginners to join this practice. It is useful to have a small overview of such training materials at hand, from which you can choose the most suitable ones. It is also good to have yoga exercises on hand in pictures that can be printed in a book or other teaching aid. In any case, you should first study the poses and the nuances regarding their implementation.

Morning and evening yoga classes

Complex "Gentle Sunrise" will invigorate and set you in the right mood in the morning

A beautiful and toned body is a reality for those who love to do yoga. In addition to everything, a person receives a charge of vivacity, optimism, trains and calms the nervous system. This practice is basically Can be used at different times of the day. So, bends and inverted asanas are stimulating and great for morning exercises, while sitting and lying postures are for an evening complex.

Those who master yoga for beginners at home can try to practice using the videos of trainer Tatiana Buyda. She offers a whole cycle of training. The girl herself is very flexible and fit, and her exercises are accessible and make her develop her body. These materials can be found by going to YouTube videos for yoga beginners.

So, in the context of the fact that yoga classes can be divided for different times of the day, Tatyana Buyda offers a number of videos for the morning complex. The exercises are quite simple, but their high-quality performance will make a variety of muscle groups work. One of the morning yoga videos for beginners, called "Gentle Sunrise", today we offer you to perform.

Complex "Gentle Sunrise" from Tatyana Buyda:

As a result, the whole body will be prepared for the start of the working day, since this complex includes exercises for the neck, back, as well as other parts of the body. An active warm-up will increase blood flow and will have a tonic effect.
After a tiring day, you can also relax using the video for beginner yoga exercises. For example, this “Sweet Dream” complex helps to relax the body, relieve tension that has accumulated during the day.

Complex "Sweet dream":

Developing the habit of doing yoga and the obstacles along the way

Whether you are practicing at home, using yoga video lessons for beginners or in a group, one way or another, there are some doubts barriers to exercise. For example: laziness, feeling unwell, being busy, etc. What is the problem, why after some time a person who has started practicing yoga may not want to continue his classes, although he actually likes them and brings satisfaction.

Some answers are given by Anastasia Yan - one of the talented instructors teaching those who are interested in yoga. She formulated for us some useful tips that are important for every newcomer to this practice to know.

Tips from Anastasia Yan on what ruins yoga classes and what improves them:

In addition, be aware that habit(and yoga should become a habit over time) is developed within 3 months. The first results on its consolidation can be obtained on the 28th day, however, yoga will become a natural part of life after 12 weeks from the start of classes. That is why it is necessary to make maximum efforts at the very beginning, then they will pay off handsomely.

If there is any doubt that this practice is suitable, first start practicing it, go to several instructors, choose the one with whom you are comfortable spending time, and also read reviews of yoga for weight loss. They can complete the picture, give an idea of ​​the results and even inspire a little.

Using a warm-up

Many who have tried yoga fall in love with this practice. It can even inspire the creation of new things. This is how the Lenovo Yoga laptop was designed. Photos of this gadget demonstrate that it got its name for a reason. However, it will not be about an innovative computer, but about how to start classes.

At the beginning of your lesson, it is very useful, especially for men, to spend warm-up. Such exercises will prepare the musculo-ligamentous apparatus for more intense loads.. To do this, use rotational and flexion exercises for the knees and feet. Squats are a good workout. It is also useful to perform a butterfly, to bend, bend, rotate the neck. A variant of such a lesson in video format (yoga warm-up for beginners) is offered by the Yoga + Life service.

An active warm-up that prepares the body and massages all internal organs:

By the way, beginners should know that when performing asanas, one should mentally tune in to the fact that each time the exercise is performed better, and the body becomes more and more relaxed. This approach allows you to remove mental blockades and increase your sense of self-confidence and success. This method of auto-training is the road to a positive result.

Develop abdominal muscles with yoga exercises

Beautiful press - a reality with yoga exercises

You can get a beautiful press by doing yoga exercises for the abdomen. By the way, such exercises also affect the muscles of the back.

Since this article is a small overview of lessons that are a yoga video course for beginners, a training video with instructor Svetlana Kozlova will be offered.

In addition, a beautiful complex aimed at development of the abdominal muscles - shock shaktivardhak. Only six exercises will get rid of fat folds in this area, as well as eliminate colic and a variety of digestive problems. This complex can be used even in the presence of intestinal adhesions formed as a result of operations. For women, shaktivardhak will improve the complexion.
So, the exercises:

1) is performed from tadasana. The gaze must be directed and concentrated on a point in front. Sharp breaths are taken and exhaled through the nose. On inhalation, you need to draw in your stomach as much as possible, and on exhalation, stick it out. The pace of the exercise is fast, while breathing should coincide with the movements of the stomach. You don't need to raise your shoulders. It is important to focus on the abdominal cavity. The exercise is performed for 10 days 5 times, while inhalation and exhalation are counted as 1 time. Then you can add 1 repetition and gradually bring their total number up to 25 times;

2) exercise 2: from tadasana lean forward. The slope should not be very large, about 450. Hands are placed at the waist, turning the thumbs forward, and the rest gathered together back. During a sharp exhalation, you need to draw in your stomach as much as possible, and when you inhale, stick it out. Keep your back straight, straighten your shoulders, and point your elbows back. Look ahead while running;

3) exercise 3: stand straight with your legs apart at a shoulder-width distance. Next, tilt the upper body so that the hands of straight arms can be placed slightly above the knees. In this case, the thumbs turn inward, and the rest - outward. The back must remain straight! The gaze is directed to one point in front. Breathe sharply and quickly, combining inhalations and exhalations with the movement of the abdomen (inhale - push out, and exhale - retract);

4) exercise 4 is performed in the same way as exercise 1. The difference: after exhaling, hold your breath and make the maximum number of retractions and protrusions with your stomach. Then take a slow breath. You need to perform this exercise only 1 time!;

5) exercise 5 is similar to exercise 2. Difference: an exhalation is made, and the breath is held, then the stomach works and everything ends with a calm breath. The number of retractions and protrusions is regulated independently. The exercise is performed only 1 time!;

6) exercise 6 is done similarly to exercise 3. Difference: after exhalation, the breath is held, and the movements of the stomach are carried out, after which a calm breath is taken. Run 1 time.

The described small set of exercises, as well as video lessons, can be used both by beginners in yoga and by those who practice it regularly.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of such activities, since it becomes possible to solve not only a specific problem, but also to improve the entire body. Those who want to have a slim body without fat folds can perfectly use the yoga videos for weight loss for beginners offered here.

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Good morning everyone! Many of you in moments of lack of energy are concerned about the question - how to come to an active energetic life? An important step in this direction is the habit of starting the day with exercises, for example, the practice of saluting the sun “Surya Namaskar”. In yoga, this is a whole complex of asanas aimed at rejuvenating the body.

And where, if not in our youth, were we so cheerful and did everything in time? If you have not yet mastered this complex, then in this article you will find simple exercises in order to cheer up in the morning. Yoga in the morning for beginners has a whole range of advantages:

  • allows you to start in meditation right in bed;
  • effectively stretches the spine;
  • strengthens and tones the ligamentous apparatus and muscles of the whole body;
  • massage of the internal organs ensures the launch and synchronization of their work throughout the day;
  • through conscious breathing practice, we harmonize the internal state and ensure an optimistic mood and the production of endorphins.

Performing a few simple exercises every morning, you will soon feel a gradual healing effect on the body. As for me, then wake up and breathe, then work out - and the morning turns into a magical ritual.

Train yourself to drink water in the morning on an empty stomach. Not boiled and at room temperature. About where to get clean or how to purify the one that flows through our pipes, how to properly structure water, we will discuss in detail in future articles, follow the publications.

You can acidify the water to activate the bowels. To do this, drop a little lemon juice or natural apple cider vinegar into the water.

Ginger added there will invigorate better than any coffee. Experiment, listen to your body and together you will find what is right for you.

We start the warm-up right in bed

It is noticed that in the morning hours the body is measured - relaxed. A fresh look gradually clears consciousness and you have time to properly occupy it with future affairs. Choose the pace for each asana that is comfortable for you. Hold each pose for 3 breaths. Pauses between poses are up to you.

We work to strengthen the spinal canal - sushumna. You woke up, stretched, now remove the pillow from under your head, lie on your back. Hands lie palms down, legs stretch as far as possible, socks on.

Attention is directed to the coccyx, feel how each vertebra is stretched, allowing free flow of energy. As you inhale, lift it up, slowly. First the stomach, then the chest, held their breath. Slow exhalation, the chest fell, the stomach was drawn in.

If you want to slowly wake up from sleep, keep your eyes closed. And in order to wake up faster, on the contrary, keep your eyes wide open.

I also add here the bending and stretching exercise - lowering the bent legs alternately to the right and left. We put our thoughts in order, we watch how the breath slides in the body. If you notice blocks, remove them.

Having mastered this complex and supplemented it with classes with a trainer, you will more easily move towards achieving your own peaks!

  • Next, stretch and unload the lower back. On the back or on the side, first taking the position of the baby, bend and press the legs tightly to the stomach. Then, grabbing your fingers, wrap your arms around your legs. Without releasing the fingers, we stretch and straighten the legs at the knees. After this exercise, completely relax, rest. All right, it's time to get up!

  • Open the curtains, ventilate the bedroom, drink water and boldly proceed to the second part. We get up in tatdasana, mountain pose, moving the thumbs and heels towards each other. And we take the heaviness of the abdomen to the feet. We stretch the back of the head up, stretch the spine. We tightly press our palms in front of the chest to each other, stand, breathe. We will feel how the energy flows through the arms and from the palms, then we relax them. We make sure that the shoulders do not rise.
  • It's time for intense stretching of the back of the legs and the entire spine. We put our feet shoulder width apart. We take a breath. Slowly bend forward as you exhale until the ribs touch the thighs. We interlace our hands in an elbow lock, straighten our knees. Hands and head hang under their own weight, at the same time unload your neck!

  • Now we lower our hands to the floor and move our feet back up the hill. We straighten our knees and elbows and try to transfer body weight from arms to legs. Breathing is even and calm, enjoy the inclusion of the whole body.

  • From the hill we move into the pose of a tree. We “root” with our feet in the ground, and our hands, together with our stomach, stretch upwards towards the sun. Hands can be either extended in parallel or connected, see how it is more convenient for you. They stretched all the joints, bent, let the solar prana into themselves and lowered their arms through the sides. And, filled with energy, step into a new day!

Undoubted benefit

As you can see, the warm-up does not take much time, and in combination with a refreshing shower and a full breakfast, it will energize you for further action. You can change the sequence of exercises, they will not affect the healing properties of the morning workout.

You will certainly get a boost of energy before work!

Devoting 30 minutes each day to exercising or carving out time in the evening is a must-have program you should start with. I took care of you and developed a 30 day yoga marathon. Its participants receive a daily 30-minute training scheme by mail, which includes a simple set of exercises and pranayama. You can get free trial lesson.

Today we will tell you how yoga will help you wake up in the morning. Below are asanas that invigorate better than coffee!

Today, the problem of heavy morning awakenings and hateful partings with your favorite bed and pillow will be left behind! We have put together a set of interesting asanas that are ideal for morning yoga. Do them every morning to improve your well-being and recharge your batteries and energy for the whole day!

Morning Yoga: Asana #1

Sit in a sitting position, pull your legs as close to your pelvis as possible.
Relax your hands. Place your right hand on your left knee and place your left behind your back.
Relax and stretch your spine as you inhale. As you exhale, twist your torso to the left.
Take 5-10 deep breaths, return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Morning Yoga: Asana #2

Get on all fours so that your hands are under your shoulders and your feet are at hip level.
As you inhale, arch your back and lower back and look up, separating your shoulders from your ears.
Exhale as if pushing the surface with your hands and knees, and round your back as much as possible, pressing your shoulders to your ears.
Do 5 repetitions (5 breaths and 5 breaths), and move on to the next asana.

Morning Yoga: Asana #3

Get on all fours, pull your right knee towards your body and place your foot at arm level. Extend your left leg to the floor (knee down).
Take a vertical position, join your hands and raise them up.
Lean back slightly. Stick to comfortable feelings.

Morning Yoga: Asana #4

Stand up straight. From a standing position, shift your weight onto your left leg.
With your right hand, grab your right leg by the inside of your ankle.
Gently lift your right leg back. For balance, you can also raise your left hand.
Take 5-10 deep breaths and repeat the asana on the other side.

Morning Yoga: Asana #5

Get on your knees, then place your palms on your heels and arch your spine. Pull your shoulder blades toward each other, keeping your hips in line with your knees. Take 5-10 deep breaths.

Morning Yoga: Asana #6

Squat down a little, closing your legs and knees. As you exhale, close your arms at the center of your chest and turn your torso to the right, placing your left elbow just outside your right thigh. On the next inhale, return to the starting position while sitting, and on the exhale, do the same, but with a turn to the left. Repeat this asana continuously for one minute at a moderately fast pace.

Now you know how in the morning you will be recharged with vivacity and the right attitude for the whole day! Do morning yoga daily to feel good and healthy!


There are compromise options, the implementation of which does not even require lifting - they can be performed without getting out of bed. What is yoga for awakening, what gives a person fulfillment in the morning, we propose to consider in more detail.

The benefits of classes

Not everyone is capable of morning exercises, no matter how much love and habit to it are instilled in us from childhood.

Did you know? Archaeological excavations not only in India, but also in Latin America testify to the antiquity of yoga.

Undoubtedly, it energizes, but it's like going into cold water: then it will be good, but first you need to decide. This is always lacking, determination, precious morning minutes or something else, no doubt, very respectful. In this sense, yoga in the morning is a more suitable thing, since it allows you to choose the intensity, duration and amount of practice based on individual preferences, capabilities and needs. Using the most pure morning, yoga in general and the morning complex for beginners, in particular, is beneficial in the following areas:

  • and main body;
  • systems stimulation;
  • vitality;
  • cleansing the body and filling with energy;
  • gaining mental clarity.

Ayurvedic time

It is not easy for a modern person to find a yoga instructor who is suitable for the mind, and it seems completely outrageous to find the right time to practice. Most use the time before or after work for lack of another. However, not all so simple.

Ayurveda teaches that each part of the day is good for dedication to a particular activity.

Between 2 and 6 o'clock in the morning is Vata time.

The next one, from 6 to 10 is Kapha time.

The interval between 1 and 2 o'clock refers to the time of Pitta.

The cycle closes, and Vata time begins again in the time interval from 14 to 18 hours, followed by Kapha and Pitta.

Based on the change of periods, you should plan your activities in general and the types of yoga, in particular, so that the result is as satisfactory as possible.

cotton wool

Vata time is ideal for spiritual practices - it is carried out most easily during these periods.

Trying to meditate during the Kapha period puts you at risk of falling asleep. The time of Pitta is the hottest of all, the state of mind is in the phase and the person cannot relax properly.


Movement practices that are active are ideal for performing during the Kapha period, that is, the time before work is perfect for this.


Pitta time is lunch time, which is just perfect for digesting food. The systems are already working at full capacity, it makes no sense to stimulate them further. Thus, the lunch break is not the right time for yoga.

Where to start the morning?

Ideally, for practicing yoga practices, you should wake up before sunrise, drink warm, take a morning exercise, which includes cleansing the body and.

It is not necessary to do all this, especially for beginners, although doing a full cycle of practice is more effective. Performing not only asanas, but also pranayamas will give the best effect from classes.

Important! Movements in yoga cannot be performed abruptly and impetuously, they are smooth, natural and do not cause inconvenience to the body.

The earliest morning, before 6 o'clock, when most people are still sleeping and the mental field is not occupied, and the air is not polluted and fresh, is the best time for meditation.
Advanced yogis believe that morning, or rather, early morning hours dedicated to deep meditation are the key to the success of the entire practice, and without meditation, practice is anything but yoga.


Pashchimottanasana, in a different way - Tilt to the legs while sitting, helps to stretch both the shoulders, as well as the hamstrings. It also helps improve digestion.

Sukhanasana, i.e. Crossed Pose, will help you move on to the following practices, which require a sitting position and a straight back.

Morning Yoga Complex

Surya Namaskara is, to put it simply, yoga performed in the morning, quite affordable for beginners, which consists of 12 asanas and is done in 10-15 minutes, which are not so difficult to separate if desired. The name of the complex is translated as "Salutation to the Sun" - very poetic and inspiring. The number of repetitions of exercises should be a multiple of three.

Asanas, following one after another in Surya Namaskar, each have their own meaning. The order of their implementation allows you to be filled with solar energy for the next day.

When performing a cycle, one should strictly adhere to the respiratory regimen, which promotes relaxation, enrichment with oxygen, and the body with energy. Pranamasana. A straight back, legs next to each other, stretches to the sky, stretching the spine behind it, palms in front of the chest are interconnected. Inhale, the chest fills and expands, the stomach is pulled in with the help of the muscles - holding the breath - a smooth exhalation, at which the transition to the next asana takes place.

Hasta Uttanasana

Padahastasana. Inhale, lean forward, the stomach touches the hips, knees, palms are clasped from the back of the leg, the back is stretched as much as possible, but not overstressed - exhale and move on to the next asana.

Ashwa Sanchalasana. Inhale, step back with your right foot, leaning on its toe, the pelvis descends to a state in which it is still comfortable, the back straightens, while the head stretches up - exhale.
Ahdo Mukha Shavanasana. Inhale, the left leg goes back and stands near the right, the buttocks rise, the head drops to the level between the elbows - exhale.

Ashtanga Namaskara. Inhale, the legs bend at the knees and fall to the floor, the chest and chin also touch the floor, and the buttocks rise up - exhale.

Important! At first, without proper preparation, it is difficult to bend so as to touch your knees with your face, so it is allowed for beginners to bend their knees a little. At the same time, one should still strive for correct implementation in the future.

Bhujangasana. Inhale, hands push the chest forward and up, the buttocks go down, the back forms an arc, the torso rests on the hands - exhale.

Adho Mukha Svanasana. Inhale, legs straighten, buttocks rise up, emphasis on the palms and feet - exhale.
Ashwa Sanchalasana. Inhale, step back with your left foot, leaning on its toe, the pelvis descends to a state in which it is still comfortable, the back straightens, while the head stretches up - exhale.

Padahastasana. Inhale, lean forward, the stomach touches the hips, the face of the knees, the palms are clasped from the back of the leg, the back is stretched as much as possible, but not overstressed - exhale and move to the next asana.

Hasta Uttanasana. Inhale, hands rise and wind up behind the head, remaining parallel to each other at the highest point, the back bends - exhale, return to the starting position.

Pranamasana. The back is straight, the legs are close, the head reaches for the sky, stretching the spine behind it, the palms in front of the chest are interconnected. Inhale, the chest fills and expands, the stomach is drawn in with the help of the abdominal muscles - holding the breath - a smooth exhalation, at which the transition to the next asana takes place.

Yoga or just exercise?

Ordinary morning exercises require remarkable willpower, and besides, its implementation is boring, while yoga, taking very little time and not particularly straining, will give you a charge of vivacity and strength for a new day. Yoga has many advantages over exercise, here are some of them:

  • not only tightens the body, but also strengthens the spirit thanks to the philosophical background and the actions verified for centuries;
  • morning yoga is much more effective for weight loss than evening yoga;
  • the need for slowness and measured yoga exercises allows you to focus on yourself and get enough energy for a good mood for the whole day;
  • the most physiological mode of wakefulness and sleep is regulated and becomes a habit, which makes sleep strong and healthy, and awakening joyful;
  • puts thoughts in order, relaxes and allows the psyche, as it were, to “reboot” and look at pressing matters from a different angle;
  • yoga classes improve metabolic processes in the body, speed up metabolism;
  • improves self-discipline, which begins to obey all aspects of human life.
If you decide to change something in your life and start with yoga, you are on the right track. And it doesn’t matter at all if it doesn’t work out all at once. The main thing here is to come to the realization of the need to take care of your body and spirit, organize yourself and bring maximum benefit to yourself and the world around you. Under these conditions, everything will turn out, if not immediately, then as you study, because there is no limit to perfection, but it is necessary to strive for it.