Football heads english premier league. Football head games

If you consider yourself to be one of the multi-million army of football fans, confidently handle the ball and don’t miss a single more or less significant championship on TV, then football head games were invented especially for you! This is where you can take a break from the usual rules and have plenty of fun, scoring decisive goals with the only available part of your body.

If you had to do something with just your head, do you think you could do it? Meanwhile, professional football players effortlessly score goals into the opponent's goal without using their arms or legs. In games football heads you will find yourself on the usual playing field, but you will have to work exclusively with your head, in the literal sense of the word. Get ready for a hot and desperate fight in which you need to demonstrate all your daring and skill, and only in case of an unconditional victory you will receive a gold championship cup.

As the game progresses, you will have access to special bonuses that will allow you to increase your running speed, jump height, or goal size. The main thing is to hit them soccer ball, and calmly enjoy the advantage over a less fortunate opponent.

Description of flash game

Football heads: 2016-17 Champions League

Football Heads: 2016-17 Champions League

Before you is a very dynamic and interesting game.
At the very beginning, you are asked to choose a game mode, be it a championship or a game with a friend. Both modes are very fun to play.
Next, select a team. I must say that there are quite a lot of teams here, and there are both world-famous favorites and little-known ones, but not inferior in the desire to win. So the chances of winning are approximately equal.
If desired, you can choose appearance player. Precisely the player, because you will have to play alone, which means that both defense and attack fall on your shoulders.
Field selection – this function allows you to supplement the playing field with various obstacles hanging over the players’ heads and creating certain interference.
It is also possible to turn off the antics of angry fans, although, in my opinion, they are even more interesting, but the vagaries of bad weather can significantly affect the score not in your favor.

Taking the rap for the whole team alone is not an easy task, so do not rush to attack, moving to half of the enemy, because the ball flies quickly, and it is not always possible to return to defend.
In addition, you need to remember to keep an eye on the time and the speed and direction of the wind.
Accurate strikes to you!

Description of flash game

Football Heads: FA Premier League 2013-14

Premier League 2013-14: Football Heads

Football heads this is an arcade adversarial sports game, which is mechanically more related to volleyball than football. Its name is quite literal, because the player's hero is a football head - a character consisting of a head and a leg. And a football player doesn’t need more.
In the English Premier League we have to choose one of the teams from the United Kingdom and lead it to victory in the country's main cup. The main advantage of this game unfolds to the cheerful music - the gameplay. Using simple controls consisting of arrows and space to kick, players will have to defeat the enemy. The action takes place in a side view, only two heads compete against each other. At the beginning of the round, a ball falls from above, the task of each team is to score it into the opponent’s goal.
The situation on the field goes from a fierce attempt to get the ball and make a successful shot to funny moments when the player rolls it over himself with a blow to the crown. Adding variety to the process are various combinations of obstacles above the field, which change the direction of the ball's flight if it flies too high.
The game is perfect for playing with someone, but can also offer a single-player mode, capable of boasting strong opponents who become smarter and more aggressive the higher the player climbs the tournament ladder.