The results of the Christmas race pursue biathlon. Shipulin finally lost even to Bjoerndalen

Olympics 2008 Select the Biathlon tournament. KM-2009. Men's Biathlon. KM-2009. Women's Biathlon. World Cup 2009 Athletics. World Cup 2009 Select the Biathlon tournament. KM-2010. Men's Biathlon. KM-2010. Women's Olympics 2010 Select Biathlon tournament. KM-2011. Men's Biathlon. KM-2011. Women's Biathlon. World Cup 2011 Biathlon. Race of Champions 2011 Select tournament Athletics. World Cup 2011 RoC 2011. Race of Champions 2011 Select the Biathlon tournament. KM-2012. Men's Biathlon. KM-2012. Women's Biathlon. World Cup 2012 Biathlon. Christmas race 2011 Biathlon. Race of Champions 2012 Olympics 2012 Select the Biathlon tournament. KM-2013. Men's Biathlon. KM-2013. Women's Biathlon. World Cup 2013 Biathlon. Christmas race 2012 Biathlon. Race of Champions 2013 Snowboard. KM-2013. Men Snowboard. KM-2013. Women Figure skating. Grand Prix Alpine skiing. KM-2013. Men Alpine skiing. KM-2013. Women Ski racing. KM-2013. Men's cross-country skiing. KM-2013. Women Freestyle. KM-2013. Men Freestyle. KM-2013. Women Skating. KM-2013. Men's Ski Jumping. KM-2013. Women's Nordic Combined. KM-2013 Select the Athletics tournament. World Cup 2013 Universiade 2013 Ski types sports World Cup 2013 Alpine skiing. World Cup 2013 Freestyle. World Cup 2013 Snowboard. 2013 World Cup Select tournament 2014 Olympics Indoor Athletics. World Cup 2014 Fencing. World Cup 2014 Athletics. EURO 2014 Aquatic species sports European Championship 2014 Youth Olympic Games 2014 Biathlon. Christmas Race 2014 Select Biathlon tournament. KM-2014. Men's Biathlon. KM-2014. Women's Biathlon. Race of Champions 2014 Select the Biathlon tournament. KM-2015. Men's Biathlon. KM-2015. Women's Biathlon. World Cup 2015 Biathlon. Race of Champions 2015 Select tournament Figure skating. European Championship 2015 Speed ​​skating. World Cup 2015 Skiing. World Cup 2015 Athletics. European Championship 2015 Short track. World Cup 2015 European Games 2015 Water sports. 2015 Rugby World Cup. KM-2015 Athletics. World Cup 2015 Biathlon. Christmas Race 2015 Select the 2015/16 World Cup tournament. Men's World Cup 2015/16. Women's Biathlon. World Cup 2016 Biathlon. EURO 2016 Select tournament Figure skating. European Championship 2016 Figure skating. World Cup 2016 Speed ​​skating. World Cup 2016 Alpine skiing. Junior World Championships 2016 Indoor athletics. World Cup 2016 Olympics 2016 Select tournament Race of Champions 2016 World Cup 2016/17. Men's World Cup 2016/17. Women's Biathlon. World Cup 2017 Biathlon. Christmas race 2016 Biathlon. EURO 2017 Select tournament Figure skating. European Championship 2017 Skiing. World Cup 2017 Athletics. World Cup 2017 Figure skating. World Cup 2017 Speed ​​skating. World Cup 2017 Water sports. World Cup 2017 Select the tournament World Cup 2017/18. Men's Figure Skating. Grand Prix 2017/18 World Cup 2017/18. Women's Ski Racing. KM-2017. Men's cross-country skiing. KM-2017. Women's Biathlon. Christmas race 2017 Biathlon. EURO 2018 Select Indoor Athletics tournament. World Cup 2018 Olympics 2018 Figure skating. European Championship 2018 Figure skating. World Championship 2018 Short track. EURO 2018 Athletics. EURO 2018 Select the Biathlon tournament. World Cup 2018/19 Figure skating. Grand Prix 2018/19 Ski racing. KM-2018. Men's Biathlon. World Cup 2019 Biathlon. EURO 2019 Ski racing. KM-2018. Women's Biathlon. Christmas Race 2018 Select tournament Figure skating. European Championship 2019 Figure skating. World Cup 2019 Skiing. World Cup 2019 Universiade 2019 Water sports. World Cup 2019 Figure skating. Team World Cup European Games 2019

Honest and Brave,
Of course, it’s interesting about the Entente and the Triple Alliance, but... After the Revolution, everything was seen a little differently. The remaining (after Russia's withdrawal) Entente countries were no longer perceived as allies, but as invaders.
“The chairman of the meeting said that Aesop is a counter-revolutionary and an agent of the Entente, and I am an agent of Aesop...” (N. Pogodin, “Kremlin Chimes”)
It was in this context that I mentioned the Entente. History is multifaceted, my dear counterpart, you should not interpret it so narrowly and formally!))
According to Suvorov. The information is very detailed, but... what do we have in the end? Suvorov’s official knighthood was not noted; he is a knight only in your PERSONAL opinion - which is hardly suitable as an argument in a dispute! So - with your logic...))

By barony.
“Knighthood came to Russia during the time of the Tsar of the Russian Kingdom, and subsequently the Emperor of the Russian Empire Peter 1, who introduced the title of baron for the highest Baltic nobility” - if this was not given as an argument in favor of the presence of knighthood, then - WHY? Purely for " general development"?) It was you who connected the arrival of knighthood in Russia with the decree of Peter 1 on the introduction of barony. And then you contradict yourself: “... show me or the readers my statement, where I claim that this title is exclusively knightly?”
Next - on the Baltic and (especially) foreign barons. At various periods of history, the Russian Empire included (in addition to the Baltic states): Finland, Poland, Central Asia... Would you argue on the basis of this that concepts such as nobility or khanate are also typical and characteristic of Russia? Hardly! But our dispute is precisely about the fact that chivalry is not a characteristic and alien phenomenon for Russia (like nobility, for example). And the presence of foreign barons in Russia is not an argument at all: whoever lived with us, but the status of visiting guests cannot be considered characteristic of Russia either.
And Paul 1’s acceptance of the title of Master of the Order of Malta - purely formal, in violation of the “criteria” (just like in our team! ;) - also does not make this phenomenon common for Russia: it is rather an exception, accepted for political (and partly romantic) reasons . In confirmation of this: only a few years passed, and Paul’s successor, Alexander 1, announced a ban on the activities of the Order of Malta in Russia.
And yes: we need to be more attentive to the Russian language! The phrase “not necessarily knightly” is not the same as “necessarily not knightly”! So - don't fantasize!))
I completely did not understand the logic of the question about who awarded Berezovsky, etc. Of course, not the late Pavel 1 - the other, currently serving Grand Master of the Order of Malta. What is the fundamental difference here - in relation to chivalry?

And again you have a logical inconsistency! The doubt about honesty is caused not by the topic of Suvorov or Pavel 1, but by the imaginary “bloodthirstiness” of Simply Kot - your accusations are based on “drowned knights”, but they were drowned - which is what I pointed out to you - by Alexander Nevsky. It was Nevsky who stoked, and the cat who was bloodthirsty? But the charges have not been dropped! Is this fair?))

Then I take my leave! All topics were discussed.
Perhaps someone will find a new argument,
But this is without me. Other things call me.
To everyone - with respect. Alexander (Just a Cat).

So, we decided to move on to an encyclopedic knowledge test! Great! This suits me just right!

Entente (French entente - agreement) - a military-political bloc consisting of the Russian Empire, Great Britain, the French Republic, which was created as a counterweight to the “Triple Alliance” (German Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Kingdom of Italy); formed mainly in 1904-1907 and completed the delimitation of the great powers on the eve of the First World War.

So my choice of the Entente (and the Russian Empire is part of it) precisely before the period of the 1st World War was not accidental, and therefore, Alexander LS (Just a Cat) can only choose the Triple Alliance. After all, he is my opponent in this matter, and cannot make a choice in favor of a neutral state.

In a literary discussion, Just a Cat (Alexander LS) argued that pages and chivalry have absolutely nothing to do with the Russian Empire. However, after my explanation, he admitted in his poem that pages still have a place in our history.

Now let's consider the question of Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, knighthood.

Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov-Rymniksky, Prince of Italy, Count of the Russian and Holy Roman Empires, Generalissimo of the Russian land and naval forces, Field Marshal of the Austrian and Sardinian troops, Kingdom of Sardinia “King’s Cousin”, Prince, Grand and Prince of the Royal Blood, Knight of the Orders: Russian - Saint Apostle Andrew the First-Called, Saint George of three degrees, Saint Vladimir of the 1st degree, Saint Alexander Nevsky; St. Anne 1st degree, St. John of Jerusalem (grand commander's cross); Austrian - Military Order of Maria Theresa, Grand Cross; Prussian - Black Eagle, Red Eagle; Sardinian - the highest Order of the Holy Annunciation and the Order of Saints Mauritius and Lazarus, grand cross; Bavarian - Saint Hubert; French - Our Lady of Carmel and Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem.

Order of St. John of Jerusalem (Maltese Cross) - order of the Russian Empire.
In 1798, when Napoleon 1 captured Malta during an expedition to Egypt, the Knights of the Order of Malta turned to the Russian Emperor Paul 1 with a request to assume the rank of Grand Master of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, to which the latter agreed.

On November 29 (December 10), 1798, Paul 1 issued the highest Manifesto on the establishment in favor of the Russian nobility of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem and the Rules for the admission of the nobility of the Russian Empire into this order.

During the reign of Paul 1, the Order of St. John of Jerusalem became, in essence, the highest distinction awarded for civil and military merit. In addition, the award of command expressed the personal favor of the Emperor.

Order of the Red Eagle (German: Roter Adlerorden) is a knightly order of the Kingdom of Prussia. Served as a reward for bravery in battle, outstanding command of troops, long and faithful service to the kingdom and other merits.

The Order of Saints Mauritius and Lazarus (Italian: Ordine dei Santi Maurizio e Lazzaro) is a knightly order of the House of Savoy and the Kingdom of Italy.

The Royal Order of Our Lady of Carmel and Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem is a knightly order of royal France.

Thus, Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov is a holder of the 4th orders of knighthood - Russian, Prussian, Sardinian, French (which was awarded by the titular king of France, Louis 18, who was in exile).

Consider the following statement from the opponent: “Baron is a noble title, but not necessarily a knightly one!” The opponent, Just a Cat, can show me or the readers my statement, where I claim that this title is exclusively knightly? If yes, then let him show it; if not, then the opponent’s remark is removed from the discussion.
If the opponent claims that in world history knights have never become barons, then in this way he completely cuts the ground, but from under his feet.

In addition, he somehow completely does not pay attention to the Baltic and and. n. O. With. t.r. A. n. n. s. f.b. A. r. O. n. With. k.i. e clans of the Russian Empire, but he provides a link to the definition, the term “Baron” is from Wikipedia. And what does this indicate if not the selective vision of my opponent?

Further, Emperor Paul 1 was the Grand Master of the Order of Malta? Was. Formally or not quite formally is the second question, but the historical fact itself takes place. So I guess we’ll close this issue as well.

Am I saying that Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov was formally knighted at the court of foreign monarchs? No, I don't approve.

And the fact that Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov is the first Russian knight is my personal opinion. However, he was awarded many awards, including 4 different orders of knighthood.

So the name Honest remains mine ( integral part my nickname), Sasha.

With this message I conclude the discussion in prose using personal knowledge and encyclopedic information.

uhhhhhhhhhhhh, can we not touch the General?

Alexander LS, exactly)

Guys, always tune in to the podium and then victories will be yours! And we are rooting for you! Good luck!

And sport - alas - has died down for now, until Oberhof.
And so as not to pound empty things in a mortar,
We have fun, putting words into stanzas,
Until the German stage comes.
Do you have something to discuss? So are we against it?
Ready to listen with attention and respect.
But for the hundredth time, past affairs are “sandy”...
Not in New Year well, sorry, please forgive me!))

Your (poetic talent) probably surpassed even Pushkin, but let’s return to biathlon. Your poems are politics. even if it’s historical, but where is the sport?

Honest and Brave,

Suvorov - a knight? This thesis is ridiculous!
Count, prince, generalissimo, well, grand...
Does he have orders? This is how they are given to ambassadors too!
But where and by whom was he knighted?

“Determining my destiny”? I'm just touched:
He lost his title... which he was not given!
There are no words - the most irreparable of losses!
How to continue to live? What should we do now?
Douse the “shame” with wine? Or even shoot yourself?
Or - re-read all the nonsense about knights and pages?)

With the Entente - the message is in the wrong place:
It wasn’t I who picked up McLaren’s habits,
To subject him to unreasonable attacks
Those who objected to you on your blog!

Oh my God! After all, he explained it like -
WHO drowned the knights on Lake Peipus!
Has it really not dawned on me that I have nothing to do with it?
Or did he just PRETEND that he didn’t understand the post about Nevsky?
Perhaps I understood everything a long time ago, but it sticks to the style,
To preserve the image of a significant person?
One of two things: either he’s slow-witted, or he’s... cheating.
Apparently, it’s not for nothing that people still say:
A bronzed person is lost to society!
I don’t argue about Brave, but I’m not sure about Honest...))

PS: Baron is a noble title, but not necessarily knightly! “In the Russian Empire, the title was mainly given to financiers and industrialists...” (Wikipedia) Are you also going to consider them knights?))
Paul 1 became Master of the Maltese Order of Knights CATHOLIC - while remaining Orthodox! What does this mean? About the formal nature of his title, something like the current “honorary academicians” among politicians! I’ll say more: we even have Shaolin monks among Russians - would you order us to consider SUCH monasticism on this basis as a typically Russian phenomenon?))
Various orders are awarded to many people - including ambassadors, politicians, artists, etc. However, this does not mean that a figure awarded, for example, an African Order automatically becomes an African! Why do you think it’s different with knightly award orders? Let me add - according to unconfirmed data, holders of the Maltese Cross are: Berezovsky, Lesin, Lisovsky, Yastrzhembsky... Is the “knightly” company good?))
Hmmm - and you’re also trying to teach others logic!))

Just to the cat (Alexander LS)

It’s not for you to talk about logic,
because you lost it at that moment,
when they beckoned you to dinner.

The first Russian knight, without further talk -
Generalissimo, His Serene Highness Prince Suvorov.
Russian, Prussian and Sardinian orders
They will tell you about it in full.

I still don’t understand at all:
What does Elton John have to do with it?
Are you as passionate about Elton as before?

Not generals, because they decide your fate!
Here your refusal is the reason
that you were suddenly left without title and rank,
and if you have anyone to blame, then only yourself!

And Alexander, don’t be afraid at this time,
after all, if I, like the entire Russian Empire -
Consent, Cordially Concord (“Entente”),
you chose your own path - to the Triple Alliance!

About a compelling argument (reason),
did you reason on the thirtieth?
Look at your second verse,
read line two in it!

And I notify you with this news,
that in this topic I d.e.b. A. I'm finishing it!

Elen, I am insulted in the best of feelings:
ME! - compare with Basilio the Cat?
Well, it's a divorce. I is my maiden name.
I see that they don’t like biathlon here!
Send your ruble yourself:
Norway, IBU, Andryukha Bessu...
I'm leaving - I'm not interested here.
Farewell! We won't see each other!
I can’t live according to wolf laws!
(Admit it honestly: Is Lyokha Volkov your idol?)
I've had enough. I have a different reference point.
I’ll go to Dimka in St. Petersburg, under the cover of darkness.
Among his friends, poets are more appreciated:
They will give me a warm blanket (maybe even a plush one)!
I'd like Napoleon cake (or coffee with a delicious bun)
It will be a guiding star in the Universe!))

What a cool poem, Lena! :)

For Alexander PM:
Knighthood came to Russia during the time of the Tsar of the Russian Empire, and subsequently the Emperor of the Russian Empire Peter 1, who introduced the title of baron for the highest Baltic nobility.
Emperor Paul 1 from November 1796 was the 72nd Grand Master of the Order of Malta (knightly order).
In addition, outstanding Russian commanders of the 18th and 19th centuries were awarded knightly orders by foreign sovereigns and emperors.

Alexander LS,

No need to hide, Basil!
I know this movie
Where is Basilio the cat with the fox
Everyone extorted gold
At Pinocchio the simpleton,
But they turned out to be fools!
And you aimed there!
Change your surroundings already!
I won’t give you money for a blanket,
I'd rather spend it on lunch!
It's not me you care about!
And the trade union is not for the treasury,
Not for poets on eRB,
You will take them for yourself!
After all, money is not a question,
But don't put your nose in my pocket!
I will send you to Besseberg
Every Wednesday - a ruble)).

Elen, I didn’t understand your answer:
Do you feel sorry for the thrasher on the blanket?
What kind of poet is he without a blanket?
(Like... a Siberian cat without lunch!)
And - the trade union is a constant concern,
So that no one is left without a blanket.
But if three rubles. for you - the payment is exorbitant,
Then... so be it: you have a ruble to bribe Besseberg.)

And - yes: what kind of Basil? By God:
There was Just a Cat, there was a March Cat...
However, I am not familiar with Basil:
You don’t even need to touch other people’s names!))

Honest and Brave,

Pages are not our phenomenon, they are superficial -
Court boys from “blue blood”.
But here's the attitude towards me -
To a very experienced Cat, I won’t hide it -
Do they have? What is the “secret” here?
Where is your logic? She's simply not here!

In that glorious age I remember only the guards,
Midshipmen, and Suvorov “heroes”...
Who was the knight among them? Tell me quickly!
Not Elton John, I still hope? ;))

Generals can deprive ranks and titles,
(Marina Alekseevna, for example))
But so that - a Monument... even if on a pedestal -
What are these new chimeras?)

Will we wait for an explanation for the accusations?
Or perhaps the people who once remarked were right:
“Whoever you mess with, that’s how you’ll gain”?
Apparently, you fell for the “agents of the Entente”!))

I'm cold-blooded
my Altai counterpart,
and Russian history
I know.

What are you saying, pages?
A court page, for example, I suppose.
But if you don't want to be a page,
then I demote you in rank and rank!

And there are no knights, you say?
What about the eighteenth imperial Russian century?
You, Sasha, do not strive beyond the limits,
otherwise we will find many gaps!

Well, since I’m extreme, then I’m out of the clearing)) Congratulations to all participants, accomplices, observers and readers on the upcoming 2017! And may we all be lucky THERE, in the future!) May our athletes cope with all failures with dignity and please us, the fans, with their bright victories! Hurray!)

PS: if I don’t have time to deal with Olivier, please blame Sasha for everything LS)) A congratulatory toast from him!)

Alexander LS,
For the trade union or for textiles?
Make up your mind, Cat-Basil!

Marina Alekseevna,
Wow! So do people still read us?
I thought - in a blog forgotten by everyone
We're just having a little fun
Here I write poems in my spare time...))

Well, our efforts were not in vain!
Now you have to pay three rubles to the cash register. la:
On Tasha's blanket,
The fact that you are now a poet,
And you should join the trade union!
What will be your answer?))

Alexander LS,
The poems are infectious and alluring
Like the freshness of a waterfall in a thicket,
Like the trembling of a star in the silence of the night,
Like a golden seashore
The smile of the sun at dawn,
Like the laughter that children give.)

Honest and Brave,

Wow! Have you somehow become bronzed?
What aplomb, what a passage:
“Under the heel”, “walking to the Sun”, “personal page”...
Did my poems really hurt that much? ;)
What knights? What the hell are pages?
Well, really - what are your types?
What kind of agitprop comparisons are these?
Our tea here is Russia - not Europe!
And - yes: what kind of attack? Am I bloodthirsty?
(Unproven, like that McLaren)
So it’s not good to blame a cat or a person.
This is not the case here. Please explain!))

Handsome guys! Both! Well done!
Andryusha and Sashka!
It's a pleasure to read you and a smile for all the remaining teeth))

Alexander LS, Honest and Brave website

Elen, here’s the gimmick:
Well, I made a typo in a hurry,
How I dropped a glove from my pocket -
They took it as a challenge to a duel!
According to the Muse website, like bird flu,
Walks, filling the lines with rhyme...
Did you also get “infected” by accident?
Alas, but whoever didn’t hide was in trouble!))

) Alexey Volkov is great! I liked it in the race. A worthy result.) I actually won the shooting tournament, which is very, very good. And Alexey himself is an original athlete, a good person.

And, looking at the duel between Andryukha and Sanya,
We will soon start posting poetry)).

Honest and Brave,

And you looked into her Soul,
Or did you just look at the lines?
After all, this is not an equation for you,
Where are the letters, symbols and dots!
You will admire the mood
A bizarre flight of thought...
Alas, you only have conceit,
Equipped with a set of numbers.
Reading morals to the Lady?
She's not your fifth grader!
Yes, you are confused yourself:
Either Natalie or Natasha...
Are you still proud of your logic?
Well what can I say - they are good!
Trying to measure with numbers
The poetry of her Soul!))

Am I bloodthirsty? This is just nonsense!
To say this requires a compelling reason.
Are you talking about knights? So here's my advice:
Do not confuse me with my namesake - Alexander Nevsky!))

Well, Alexander (Just a Cat) - you are bloodthirsty, that’s the result!
And your lady is good, there is pressure, but where is the Soul?

Honest and Brave, Alexander LS, simply amazing!)).

Honest and Brave,
Being a knight is not our business!
(They were drowned in our lakes)
But I'm tired of watching
All your futile efforts!
After all, arguing with a Lady is useless
(Think about this question!):
For every argument, yours is “iron”
She will answer with a paradox!)) Elen, I don’t know, Gu said about the prize money, Kruglov said that ours for 3rd place will receive 20 thousand euros.

Boris, that’s great, Katerina is missing in our team.

Elen, today I turned on the replay of the race when the conversation was already coming to an end. They asked her when we would see her at KM, she said soon.
Damn, now I regret that yesterday I watched Match Arena, Kruglov commented on the EU, besides Yurlova we also talked with Chudov, Zaitseva and probably with someone else.

Hans, that's right.)

Boris, what did Katerina say?

Did anyone watch the EU race yesterday? There they talked to Yurlova on the phone.

Elen, I still believe in Santa Claus

Natalya, you have to believe in the best, especially on New Year's Eve)).

Guys! Why are we proud of 29th place in the total? I’m not sure that he will run away, and there are problems with shooting. But she’s been recovering since the American stages, isn’t it too much time for recovery?

Alexandru LS (Simply Kotu)

Not Just Who, but Just Cat -
go to... Vegetable garden! :)

Where is the milk and cream, sausages and sausages.

Not a negative type
but you are not a knight, just a page! :)

aaayyy, Olga started doing biathlon quite late, this is the first, well, she was the second, and even now she is the leader of the team, believe me, the Germans wouldn’t invite anyone anyway, I really want to see the CM Ulyana Kaisheva, but not in the same race, she and our Merkushina ran well in KE

How nice it was to watch the race with ordinary biathletes, without the aliens Fourcade and Dahlmeier!

Christmas race. Pursuit.
1. Wierer / Hofer (Italy) - 33.23.6 (6)
2. Preuss / Shemp (Germany) - gap 1.2 (3)
3. Domracheva (Belarus) / Bjoerndalen (Norway) - 24.2 (3)
4. Hermann / Doll (Germany) -24.3 (3)
5. Hauser / Landertinger (Austria) - 1.04 (6)
6. Vitkova / Krcmarz (Czech Republic) - 1.09.5 (5)
7. Yurlova-Perkht / Shipulin (Russia) - 1.48.8 (4)
8. Jima / Prima (Ukraine) - 2.12.3 (7)
9. F.Tatizaki / M.Tatizaki (Japan) - 2.58.0 (9)
10. Bescons / Jacquelin (France) -3.11.3 (8)
Mass start
1. Wierer / Hofer (Italy) - 33.24.8
2. Bescons / Jacquelin (France) - gap 3.4
3. Domracheva (Belarus) / Bjoerndalen (Norway) - 6.1
4. Hauser / Landertinger (Austria) -8.2
5. Preuss / Shemp (Germany) - 21.0
6. Hermann / Doll (Germany) - 52.1
7. Jima / Prima (Ukraine) - 1.02.8
8. Vitkova / Krcmarz (Czech Republic) - 1.10.6
9. Yurlova-Perkht / Shipulin (Russia) - 1.14.7
10. F.Tatizaki / M.Tatizaki (Japan) - 1.16.2

The 2018 “Christmas Race” became a farewell start for three of the brightest stars of world biathlon - Daria Domracheva, her wife Ole Einar Bjoerndalen and ours Anton Shipulina. But if the international family duet’s performance in Gelsenkirchen had been known since September, and Daria and Ole Einar purposefully prepared for the race, training every day, Anton announced his intention to perform at Auf Schalke ten days ago. And the fact that this race will be his farewell became known only this week. Which put the organizers of the "Christmas Race" in a slightly awkward position. "We had too little time to prepare something special for Shipulina, - said a representative of the organizing committee. - We were preparing to see off from big sport Bjoerndalena. But we will definitely announce that this is Anton’s farewell race.”

Anton is not ready for serious starts

From the very beginning it became clear why Shipulin this fall and winter I diligently avoided the need to go out on the ski slopes and really compete. He missed the national selection, did not take advantage of the opportunity to automatically qualify for the World Cup stages for his outstanding results in recent years, and finally refused to compete at the Izhevsk Rifle. The long-time leader of the Russian national team was not ready to fight at the most serious level. And the ambitious athlete, understandably, did not want to fight for places around 50th at the World Cup or lose to little-known compatriots in Izhevsk.

In such a situation, the "Christmas Race" became the ideal option for saying goodbye to great sport, since Olympic champion Sochi made this decision for itself in the relay race. The opponents are the elite of world biathlon, and there is no shame in giving in to them. Although Ekaterina Yurlova-Perkht, which together with Shipulin won the “Christmas Race” in 2012, and said so after the finish: “I think that we did not lose this race.”

In fact, the Russian duo lost a lot to their rivals already in the first race - the mass start. Although your first stage Yurlova-Perkht finished among the leaders, losing only 1.6 seconds to one of the German duets. After this, both representatives Russian team the shooting was imperfect, and Shipulin The move was also not very convincing. Having once passed the baton, Anton shook his head - heavily.

In the middle of the race, the Russians even dropped to last place, but finished the first part of the “Christmas Race” in ninth place, losing to the winners - the Italians Dorothea Wierer And Lukas Hofer 1 minute, 14 seconds.

At the start of the pursuit race, however, the gap was halved - to 45 seconds. But it hardly mattered much. It was clear that fighting for prizes Yurlova-Perkht And Shipulin they won't fight today. At some point, there was hope of getting into the top six, but that quickly disappeared. And it wasn't that important. Everyone understood: the long-time leader of the Russian team was simply saying goodbye to world biathlon. And let it all end with seventh place at the “Christmas Race”.

"He said, 'That's it.'

I'm ready to cry from what I just said Shipulin. He said: "That's it!" That's it, do you understand? - said Yurlova-Perkht on television immediately after the finish. “I’m incredibly happy to share this race with him and say thank you to all the fans and congratulate you on the upcoming New Year.”

Myself Shipulin I was, as always, critical of myself.

"I think that I did not conduct the race with dignity. Katya and I were not ready. The competitors were in in better shape. Of course, there were dreams and a great desire to perform better here... Did Katya shed a woman’s tear? Well done. You won't expect this from me!

I understood that these last meters - the farewell ones in my career - were very difficult. It’s good that I didn’t have to fight anyone at the finish line, because I didn’t have the strength anymore.”

I want to say thank you to all the fans who have been with me throughout my career. Thanks to all those who supported me and who thought about me. And to those who did not support even more thanks!

Bronze for Bjoerndalen

The intensity in the fight for medals in this race, even if it was just a show, was serious. Throughout the entire pursuit race, the Italians looked the best, and they started in first place. Hofer he messed up terribly at the last shooting range, making three mistakes, but he corrected himself - thanks to the excellent speed that he demonstrated throughout December at the World Cup stages, he finally led his team to victory.

Not in the last roles, but the most active participants in the medal draw were Ole-Einar Bjoerndalen and his beautiful wife Daria Domracheva. In some segments, after the mistakes of their opponents at the shooting range, even the Norwegian-Belarusian duo even took the lead, but the reality is that in the last two, men’s, laps, Bjoerndalen Still lost to his opponents. He raced to the finish line fourth, behind the German Dominic Doll, but he generously stopped, letting the legend go ahead - and Ole Einar and Domracheva ended up on the podium. Although it is still unknown whether the Norwegian will thank the German biathlete for this. ​