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Netherlands - general information about the country

Country name: Netherlands (Kingdom of the Netherlands, Holland).

Geographical location: The state of the Netherlands is located on the continent of Eurasia, in northwestern Europe. From the west and north it is washed by the North Sea (the length of the coastline is 451 km), borders on Germany (577 km) and Belgium (450 km).

Territory area: 41.5 thousand km².

Capital: Amsterdam (743.4 thousand inhabitants).

Political structure: The Kingdom of the Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy with a democratic parliamentary system. The head of state is Queen Beatrix, the prime minister is Mark Rutte. The Dutch party-political system is characterized by a high degree of stability and consensus. There are 16 large parties; 7 of them have been represented in parliament at least once in the last 20 years.

Main parties of the Netherlands:

  • Christian Democratic Appeal
  • Labor Party
  • Socialist Party
  • People's Party for Freedom and Democracy
  • Freedom Party
  • Green Left
  • Christian Union
  • Democrats 66
  • Animal Welfare Party
  • Reformist Party
  • Pride of the Netherlands

Administrative division: In terms of the form of state-territorial structure, the Netherlands is a decentralized unitary state. Power is distributed across three administrative levels: state, provinces and municipalities. The state does the work at the national level. Provinces and municipalities are decentralized units of government.

The Netherlands is divided into 12 provinces: Drenthe, Flevoland, Friesland, Gelderland, Groningen, Limburg, North Brabant, North Holland, Over IJssel, Utrecht, Zeeland, South Holland. The functions of the provincial authorities include environmental protection, spatial planning, energy supply, social security, sports and culture.

Leadership in each province is carried out by the provincial states, the college of deputies of the provincial states and the royal commissioner. electoral system.

There are 478 municipalities in the Netherlands. Their number is decreasing as the state seeks to increase the efficiency of administrative management through the reorganization of municipalities, most often a simple merger.

In the Caribbean Sea, north of Venezuela, the Netherlands Antilles are located, which includes the islands of Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, St. Eustatius and parts of the island of Saint Martin. the total territory is 800 km², the population is 194 thousand people. The official language is Dutch. The administrative center is Willemstad.

General characteristics of the country

Physiographic characteristics

Climate: The climate is temperate, maritime, characterized by cool summers and fairly warm winters. The average temperature in July is 16-17°C in January - about 2°C on the coast and a little colder inland. In winter, when anticyclones invade from Eastern Europe, temperatures drop below 0°C, snow falls, and canals and lakes become covered with ice. Average annual precipitation is 80 centimeters, but in the interior provinces it is slightly less.

Vegetation: Forests cover 7.6% of the country's territory. On the slopes of the valleys there are beech, hornbeam, oak, mixed with ash, white poplar, and elm. In the humid climate and flat, low-lying terrain in the Netherlands, favorable conditions existed for the formation of swamps. Characterized by an abundance of berry bushes and flowering plants. Oak and birch forests grow on sandy hills, alternating with heather heaths and swamps. On the heathland there are thickets of shrubs (gorse, broom, juniper).

Fauna: In the process of human development of the territory of the Netherlands, many species of wild animals were forced out of their habitats. However, the country is home to many birds, especially waterfowl. Many rare species animals are protected in national parks and reserves. Mainly those species of wild animals that live in damp meadows, reservoirs and canals have been preserved. There are about 180 bird species in the Netherlands. In the north of the country, on the shallows of the Wadden Sea, separating the West Frisian Islands from the mainland, white-fronted geese, short-billed bean gooses, barnacle geese, a lot of gulls and waders winter. It is also home to the southernmost population of eiders. An abundance of lapwings and godwits is characteristic of the marches. On the coast itself, large curlews, herbals, and turukhtans are common. The national bird of the Netherlands is the spoonbill. The Rhine, Meuse and Scheldt delta is known as a wintering and resting place for migratory birds. Thickets of reeds along the channels attract greylag geese, as well as teal, pintails, curlews, and snipe for wintering. Breeding species include Reed Harrier, Short-eared Owl, Rail, Crake, Whiskered Tit and Bittern. Also in the delta region, muskrats have widely settled along the overgrown shores of small bays. The northern coast of the Netherlands is home to seals, the fishing of which is limited, and in some areas completely prohibited. In large forests there are wood mice, squirrels, rabbits, roe deer, as well as representatives of the mustelid family. Heather heaths are characterized by grouse and large crowns, and coastal dunes are characterized by wild crumbs. The North Sea is rich in fish - cod, herring.

Soil: In the north and east, derk-pale podzolic soils developed on sandy deposits are common. These soils are characterized by a humus horizon up to 20 cm thick with a humus content of more than 5%.

Natural resources: The main resources of the Netherlands are natural gas, oil, salt, sand, gravel, and agricultural land.

Rotterdam has the largest port in Europe, with the rivers Meuse and Rhine providing excellent access to the hinterland, reaching upstream to Basel, Switzerland, and into France. The port's main activities are petrochemical industries and general cargo handling and transhipment. The harbor functions as an important transit point for bulk materials and between the European continent and overseas. From Rotterdam, goods are transported by ship, river barge, train or road.

The highly mechanized agricultural sector employs 4% of the workforce but provides large surpluses for the food processing industry and for export. The Dutch rank third worldwide in the value of agricultural exports, behind the United States and France, with exports earning $55 billion annually. A significant portion of Dutch agricultural exports are obtained from new cut plants, flowers, and bulbs, with the Netherlands exporting two-thirds of the world's total. The Netherlands also exports a quarter of the world's tomatoes, and one third of the world's exports of chilli peppers and cucumbers.

The Dutch economy is aimed at foreign markets. The share of exports in the Dutch economy is 51% and is the largest among European countries. Most exporters operate in wholesale trade, industry and transport. The main specialization of Dutch exporters is raw materials and high-intensity products (chemicals, food industry, agriculture and petroleum products).

History of the country's development: The Netherlands has been inhabited since the last ice age(when the country had tundra with sparse vegetation), and the oldest traces of human activity are about one hundred thousand years old. The first inhabitants were hunters and gatherers. At the end of the Ice Age, the area was inhabited by various Paleolithic groups. Around 8000 BC, the country was inhabited by a Mesolithic tribe, followed by the Iron Age with a relatively high standard of living over the next few millennia.

At the time of the arrival of the Romans, the Netherlands was inhabited by Germanic tribes such as the Tubantians, Caninefates and Frisians, who settled there around 600 BC. Celtic tribes such as the Eburones and Menapians inhabited the south of the country. At the beginning of Roman colonization, the German tribes of the Batavians and Toxandrans also arrived in the country. During the Roman Empire, the southern part of what is now the Netherlands was occupied by the Romans and became part of the province of Belgica and later the province of Germania Inferior.

During the Middle Ages, the Low Countries (roughly consisting of what is now Belgium and the Netherlands) included the various counties, duchies and dioceses that formed part of the Holy Roman Empire. They were united into one state under Habsburg rule in the 16th century. After the spread of Calvinism, the Counter-Reformation followed, causing a split in the country. Attempts by the Spanish king Philip II to centralize the state led to a rebellion against Spanish rule led by William I of Orange. On July 26, 1581, the country's independence was proclaimed, officially recognized by other states only after the Eighty Years' War (1568-1648). During the War of Independence, the Dutch Golden Age began, a period of economic and cultural prosperity that spanned the entire 17th century. William I of Orange is considered the founder of the independent Netherlands.

After the end of the French occupation in early XIX centuries, the Netherlands became a monarchy under the rule of the House of Orange. In 1830, Belgium finally separated from the Netherlands and became an independent kingdom; Luxembourg gained independence in 1890. Under pressure from liberal politicians, the country was transformed into a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarch in 1848. This political system has survived to this day, with a short break during the fascist occupation.

The Netherlands remained neutral during the First World War, but was occupied by Germany for five years during the Second World War. During the German invasion, Rotterdam was bombed, during which the city center was almost completely destroyed. During the occupation, about fifty thousand Dutch Jews became victims of the Holocaust.

After the war it began fast recovery countries, facilitated by the Marshall Plan organized by the United States of America. Thanks to this, the Netherlands quickly managed to become a modern industrial country. The former colonies of Indonesia and Suriname acquired state independence. As a result of mass immigration from Indonesia, Turkey, Morocco, Suriname and the Antilles, the Netherlands has become a multicultural country with a large Muslim population.

The sixties and seventies saw great social and cultural changes. Catholics and Protestants began to interact more with each other, and differences between classes also became less noticeable due to rising standards of living and development of education. Women's economic rights have greatly expanded, and they are increasingly occupying high positions in businesses and government. The government began to care not only about economic growth, but also about protecting the environment. The population received broad social rights; pensions, unemployment and disability benefits are among the highest in the world.

On March 25, 1957, the Netherlands became one of the founders of the European Union and subsequently did a lot for European integration. However, in the referendum on the European Constitution in June 2005, more than half of the Dutch voted against its adoption. Thus, the Netherlands became the second country to reject the draft unified EU constitution (after France).

Cultural Features

Floriculture: Tulips have a special place in Holland. From the end of March to the end of May, the most fantastic flower exhibition takes place in Koenenhof Park. Plantations of bulbous flowers stretch along the entire Dutch coast from Katwijk to Den Helder. In April and May, this entire area is covered with a multi-colored carpet of more than 17,500 hectares.

Cheeses: The Netherlands is the world's largest exporter of cheese, and is primarily famous for its Gouda and Edam cheeses. Both varieties are made from cow's milk. The only difference is in the recipe. For Edam cheese, the milk must be skimmed by half. For Goudsky, whole milk is used. You will recognize Edam cheese by its round shape, while Gouda cheese has a flatter shape and looks like a wheel. The cheese market in Alkmaar is one of the most famous. It takes place every Friday morning from April to October.

Klompen: Klompen were originally the traditional footwear of commoners in the Netherlands. Only the rich could afford boots. To this day, more than 3.7 million pairs of klompen are produced in the country per year. They are no longer worn in cities, but people working on the land still use them. Klompen are warmer and drier than rubber boots. Previously, klompen were part of the traditional folk costume.

Mills: Entire collections of windmills can be seen in Dutch villages and cities. The windmill was invented in the mid-16th century, which could pump water for more high level. This event was a breakthrough in man's struggle with the elements.

Population: 15.8 million people.

National composition: Dutch - 94%, Moroccans, Turks and others.

Confessional composition: Catholics (34%), Protestants (25%), Muslims (3%) and others. 40% of the population do not consider themselves followers of any religion.

Average life expectancy: 79.25 years
Men: 76.66 years
Women: 81.98 years

The male to female ratio, which has remained virtually unchanged since 1980, is 49.5:51.5. 82% of the population lives in cities, the majority live in the industrial, trade and transport agglomeration of Randstad, which includes Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Delft and Utrecht.

Education level: The Dutch education system, unlike the British or American ones, is not based on two degrees of diplomas. Each student receives a doctoral degree, which is awarded after 4 years of full-time study in some disciplines and after 5 years in engineering, science and agriculture. Higher education is considered incomplete if the academic program is interrupted before the student has completed all course requirements. The peculiarity of the Dutch education system is the interconnection and continuity of all its links, which allows you to move from one level to another and, following different educational routes, obtain a diploma of the desired degree. This circumstance is especially important for foreign students: in the case when the learning process in the first years is slow and difficult, you can move from level to level and go through the program again.

Main occupation: trade, industry, agriculture and services.

Economic characteristics

GDP: The GDP of the Netherlands in 2008 was 862.9 billion US dollars. GDP per capita amounted to -51,657 billion US dollars

Currency: Euro (Before 2002 - Dutch guilder).

Volume of annual budget and external debt: income -356 billion dollars, expenditure 399.3 billion dollars for 2010.3,733 trillion. dollars external debt as of December 31, 2009.

Characteristics of the main industries, agriculture. and world economic relations: Dutch industry can be divided into large industries focused on exports and smaller industries focused on producing products for the domestic market. Export industries are: metallurgical, mechanical engineering, electrical, chemical and food industries. In terms of production volume, all industries stand out: petrochemicals - 27% of turnover, food industry - 27%, mechanical engineering - 12.4%. The Netherlands cooperates and exports to Belgium, France, Italy, Sweden and the UK.

Characteristics of the country's regions
QuestionsSouth HollandNorth Holland
Availability of natural resources brown and hard coal natural gas
Sectors of the world economy developed in this region fishing, agriculture, fuel and energy industry sheep farming, fishing
The development of which industries is potentially possible due to favorable economic and geographical conditions? production of electricity, production of machines, instruments, equipment, production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals production of fabrics, wool and wool products, meat products, dairy products, leather, electricity production
Assessment of tourism resources favorable conditions in almost all areas for the development of tourism a large number of potential and progressive resources that will allow us to further successfully develop the tourism market
What types of tourism are developed recreational, beach, excursion, water excursion, recreational, sports ( cycling tourism), water tourism(diving, surfing)
Tourism market assessment promising market due to cultural, natural and entertainment resources a promising market, since there are many options for its development in different directions and areas
What types of tourism are potentially possible to develop in this region, due to the favorable resource and infrastructure base? water, beach, ecotourism, gastronomic, cultural, business tourism business tourism, ecotourism, shopping tourism, gastronomic, educational, cultural

I have highlighted these two regions because they are one of the most populous and largest regions of the Netherlands, with a large number natural and industrial resources. Due to the mild climate and location along the seashore, both tourism and agriculture are successfully developing in these two regions.

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    Map of the Netherlands showing provinces and their capitals. See also Provinces of the Netherlands. Population data based on 2004 estimates. Contents... Wikipedia

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    Adoption of the Dutch Constitution. Engraving from 1814. The Constitution of the Netherlands (Basic Law of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Netherlands. De Grondwet voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden) is the fundamental law of European law ... Wikipedia

    Dutch literature fiction in the Dutch language, created and is being created not only in the Netherlands, but also in Belgium, the French part of Flanders, Suriname, South Africa(before the development of Afrikaans as a special language), on ... ... Wikipedia

The provinces and cities of the Netherlands are presented to your attention.


A state consisting of the Western European part and the islands of Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba in the Caribbean Sea. In Western Europe, the territory is washed by the North Sea and borders Germany and Belgium. The Netherlands is divided into 12 provinces, the provinces are divided into communities, and some communities are divided into municipal districts. The population is 16,803,893 people. The most populous country in Europe. The total area of ​​the territory is 41,526 km².



The capital and largest city of the Netherlands. Many attractions: the Rijksmuseum, the Vincent Van Gogh Museum, the City Museum, the Hermitage on the Amstel, the red light district - attract about 4.2 million tourists to the city every year. Located in the north-west of the Netherlands in the province of North Holland at the mouth of the Amstel River on the shores of the IJsselmeer Bay. Population 801,847 people.

Provinces and cities


Province in the east of the Netherlands. The capital is Arnhem, the largest city is Nijmegen. Population 2,015,791 people. Area 5136.51 km². It was formed on the site of the medieval Duchy of Geldern, the southern part of which became part of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

  • Arnhem - a community and city in the eastern Netherlands, located on the Rhine, the administrative center of the province of Gelderland. 149,272 inhabitants.
  • Nijmegen - a city in the eastern part of the Netherlands, in the province of Gelderland, on the Waal River. Population - 165.1 thousand inhabitants. Territory - 57.53 km².
  • Hengelo - a city and community in the Netherlands in the province of Overijssel, located in the easternmost part of the country on the border with Germany, near Enschede. 80,927 inhabitants.
  • Barneveld - a city in the Dutch province of Gelderland, the administrative center of the community of Barneveld. Population 30,021 people.
  • Apeldoorn - a city 90 kilometers east of Amsterdam, in the central Netherlands, the administrative center of the community of Apeldoorn. Population 137,683 people.
  • Ede - a town and community in the province of Gelderland in the Netherlands. The population of the city was about 68.5 thousand people, the community - about 109 thousand. Ede is located between Utrecht and Arnhem, in the west of the Veluwe geographical region. The municipality of Ede is one of the largest municipalities in the Netherlands.
  • Teal - the main city of the historical region of Betuwe, now part of the Dutch province of Gelderland. It is sandwiched on the north and south by the Linge and Waal rivers, and on the east it is bordered by the Amsterdam-Rhine Canal. Population 41.2 thousand inhabitants.
  • Reden - a community and town in the province of Gelderland in the eastern Netherlands. The population is 43,616 people.
  • Zutphen - a city in the Dutch province of Gelderland, at the confluence of the Berkel and the IJssel, 18,500 inhabitants.
  • Vichen - a city in the province of Gelderland (Netherlands), the administrative center of the Wichen community. Population is about 35 thousand people.
  • Dutinchem - city ​​and community in the Gelderland province of the Netherlands. Located in the east of the Netherlands in the south of the province of Gelderland, 25 km east of the administrative center of Arnhem. It is the largest city in the historical region of Achterhock.
  • Zevenar - a community and town in the province of Gelderland in the eastern Netherlands, near the German border. Population 32,432 people.
  • Other cities: : Borculo, Maurik, Wageningen, Beneden-Leuven, Twello, Geldermalsen,

Province in the northeast of the Netherlands. The capital and largest city is Groningen. Population 581,705 people. Area 2960.03 km².

  • Groningen - a city in the north of the Netherlands, the administrative center of the province and community of the same name. Population - 184,777 people. Groningen is the largest city in the north of the Netherlands. Groningen is a university city and is home to approximately 50,000 students.
  • Appingedam - city ​​and community in the Dutch province of Groningen. Population 12,046 people.
  • Bedum - city ​​and community in the Dutch province of Groningen. The city of Bedum is famous for its “church with a leaning tower”.
  • Delfzijl - a city and community in the north of the Netherlands, in the province of Groningen, in the estuary of the Ems River. The population of the city is 26,902 people. Delfzijl is the fifth largest port in the Netherlands.
  • Haren - a city and community in the north of the Netherlands, in the province of Groningen. The population of Haren is 18,886 people.
  • Winschoten - a city in the north of the Netherlands, in the province of Groningen. The population of Winschoten is 18,518 people. Located in the central part of the province of Groningen, in the north of the Netherlands. The total area is 22.24 km².
  • Stadskanaal - a city and community in the north of the Netherlands, in the province of Groningen. Population 34,177 people. Stadskanaal is located in the east of the province of Groningen. The area is famous for peat mining.
  • Ten-Boer - a city and community in the north of the Netherlands, in the province of Groningen. Population 7,238 people.

Province in the northeast of the Netherlands. The capital is Assen, the largest city is Emmen. Population 489,918 people. Territory area - 2680.37 km².

  • Assen - a city and community in the Netherlands, the administrative center of the province of Drenthe. Located 23 km south of Groningen. Population 67,267 people.
  • Emmen - a city and community in the Netherlands, the largest in the province of Drenthe. The population of the community is 108,887 inhabitants, of which 57,370 people live in the city itself.
  • Cowarden - a city and community in the southeast of the Drenthe province of the Netherlands. The total population is 35,877 people.
  • Meppel - community and city in the southwest of the province of Drenthe.
    Population - 32591 people, in the city - 27380 inhabitants. Population 32,591 people.
  • Hoogeveen - city ​​and community in the Dutch province of Drenthe. Population 54,787 people.

Province in the southwest of the Netherlands. The capital is Middelburg, the largest city is Terneuzen. Population 381,077 people. It was named after Zealand New Zealand, originally discovered by the Dutch navigator Abel Tasman. The territory area is 2933.89 km².

  • Middelburg - a city in the southwestern part of the Netherlands on the island of Walcheren, the capital of the province of Zeeland and the administrative center of the community of Middelburg. The former fortified city is located on the Walcheren Canal. Population 47,000 people.
  • Terneuzen - a city in the province of Zeeland (Netherlands), the administrative center of the Terneuzen community. Terneuzen is located on the southern shore of the Western Scheldt. The city is connected to the rest of the Netherlands by the Westershelde Tunnel. 24,819 inhabitants.
  • Gus - a city in the Netherlands on the Zuid-Beveland peninsula, the administrative center of the community of Goes in the province of Zealand. Population 26,920 people.
  • Hulst - city ​​in the Netherlands. Territorially belongs to the province of Zealand in the historical region of Zealand Flanders. The administrative center of the community of Hulst. The population of the city is 10,773 people.
  • Chapel - a city in the Netherlands on the Zuid-Beveland peninsula, the administrative center of the Kapelle community in the province of Zealand.
  • Sluis - a city and community in the province of Zeeland, located in the west of Zeeland Flanders. The population of the community is 24,298 inhabitants living on an area of ​​308.41 km² (of which 1.94 km² is water). 2040 people live in the city itself.
  • Vera - community and city in the Netherlands. It is located in the extreme southwest of the Netherlands, in the province of Zeeland, in the northeast of the Walcheren Peninsula. 21,928 inhabitants.
  • Vlissingen - community and port city in the Netherlands. Located on the island of Walcheren, at the confluence of the Scheldt River and the North Sea. Population 45,015 people.

Province in the southeast of the Netherlands. The capital and largest city is Maastricht. Population 1,121,891 people. The territory area is 2209.22 km². On the territory there is highest point countries - Walserberg (322 m).

  • Maastricht - a city in the southeast of the Netherlands, the administrative center of the province of Limburg and the municipality of Maastricht. Population - 121,000 people. The territory area is 59 km².
  • Beck - a city in the province of Limburg (Netherlands), the administrative center of the community of Beck.
  • Besel - community and city in the Dutch province of Limburg. The area of ​​the community is 29.21 km², of which 28.32 km² is land. Population - 13,736 people. The average population density is 486 people/km².
  • Brunsum - city ​​and community in the province of Limburg in the Netherlands. Brunsum is located in the southern part of the southernmost province of the Netherlands. Population: 29,448 inhabitants.
  • Vals - a city and community in the province of Limburg in the southeast of the Netherlands. The city is located 22 km east of Maastricht and 5 km west of the center of Aachen. The basis of the economy is tourism.
  • Venlo - city ​​and community in the Netherlands. The city of Venlo lies on the right bank of the Meuse River.
  • Venray - community and city in the Dutch province of Limburg. Located in the northern part of the province. The area is 146.36 km². Population - 39,078 people. Population density is 268 people/km².
  • Vert - community and city in the west of the Dutch province of Limburg. The area of ​​the community is 105.44 km², of which 104.66 km² is land. The population is 48,668 people. The average population density is 461.5 people/km².
  • Kerkrade - a city and community in the southeast of the Netherlands, in the province of Limburg, bordering the German Herzogenrath to the east. 48,721 inhabitants.
  • Lödahl - community and city in the Dutch province of Limburg. The area of ​​the community is 164.86 km², of which 162.93 km² is land. Population - 36,537 people. The average population density is 226 people/km².
  • Roermond - a city and community in the Dutch province of Limburg, on the Meuse River, at the confluence of the Ruhr River. 10 thousand inhabitants.
  • Sittard-Gehlen - a city and community in the south of the Netherlands, in the province of Limburg. The third most populous municipality in Limburg, after Maastricht and Venlo. One of four communities in the Netherlands that border both Belgium and Germany.
  • Heerlen - city ​​and community in the Netherlands. The city of Heerlen is located in the southeast of the Dutch province of Limburg, it is the second largest city in Limburg. The area of ​​the city is 45.5 km². Population - 92,542 people.

Province in the east of the Netherlands. The capital is Zwolle, the largest city is Enschede. Population - 1,139,350 people. The territory area is 3420.86 km².

  • Zwolle - a city and community in the Netherlands, the capital of the province of Overijssel. In the past - a Hanseatic city. It lies on the rivers Zwarte Water and IJssel. The population was 121,602 inhabitants. The area of ​​the community is 119.28 km².
  • Enschede - a city and community in the Netherlands in the province of Overijssel, located in the easternmost part of the country on the border with Germany.
  • Almelo - city ​​and community in the Netherlands in the province of Overijssel, according to railway located between Deventer and Hengelo. Population 72,744 people.
  • Borne - town and community in the province of Overijssel, the Netherlands. Population - 21.5 thousand people.
  • Deventer - a city and community in the Netherlands, on the IJssel River; former Hanseatic city. Population 98,615 people.
  • Kampen - city ​​and community in the Netherlands in the province of Overijssel. Population 50,747 people.
  • Oldenzaal - city ​​and community in the Netherlands, in the province of Overijssel. 32,156 inhabitants.
  • Ommen - community and city in the Netherlands. The community of Ommen is located in the east of the Netherlands, in the province of Overijssel, 20 kilometers east of Zwolle and 35 kilometers northeast of Deventer.
  • Staphorst - community and city in the Netherlands. The community and town of Staphorst is located in the east of the Netherlands, in the province of Overijssel.
North Brabant

Province in the south of the Netherlands. The capital is 's-Hertogenbosch, the largest city is Eindhoven. Population 2,471,011 people. The territory area is 5081.76 km².

  • 's-Hertogenbosch - city ​​and community in the Netherlands, administrative center of the province of North Brabant, port on the Zuid-Willemswart canal. The population is 137,777 people.
  • Eindhoven - city ​​and community in the south of the Netherlands. The largest city in the province of North Brabant. The city has a large number of enterprises related to high technology and computer science, such as Phillips. Population 217,228 people.
  • Bergen op Zoom - a city and community in the southwest of the Netherlands, in the province of North Brabant, on the Zom River near its intersection with the Oosterschelde Canal. The area of ​​the community is 93.13 km², of which 13.04 km² is water surface and 80.09 km² is land.
  • Hes - a city in the Netherlands, administratively belongs to the municipality of Bernheze in the province of North Brabant. Height above sea level - 10 m. Population - 28,888 people.
  • Breda - city ​​and community in the Netherlands, in the province of North Brabant with a population of 170,491 inhabitants.
  • Waalwijk - city ​​and community in the Netherlands. Population - 45,651 people. Population density - 706 people/km².
  • Veldhoven - a town and community on the Gender stream in the Dutch region of North Brabant, southwest of Eindhoven. Population 43,007 people.
  • Vught - town and community in the province of North Brabant. Vughta has a population of 25,449 people.
  • throat - a city and community in the north of the Netherlands in the province of North Brabant. It is a suburb of the city of Tilburg and shares a common telephone code and network. public transport. The community includes the villages of Rhyl in the west and Breches in the south.
  • Dongen - city ​​and community in the Netherlands. The municipality and town of Dongen are located in the southern part of the Netherlands, in the province of North Brabant. To the east of Dongen are the cities of Tilburg and Waalwijk, and to the south is the city of Rijen. The community is located in a marshy area on the Donge River, a tributary of the Meuse, and on the Wilhelmina Canal.
  • Drimmelen - city ​​and community in the Netherlands. Located in the southwest of the Netherlands, in the province of North Brabant. The city is located on the banks of the Amer River. 26,570 inhabitants.
  • Oss - city ​​and community in the Dutch province of North Brabant. Population: 76,626 people.
  • Tilburg - city ​​and community in the Netherlands, in the province of North Brabant. Population - 200.3 thousand inhabitants.
  • Helmond - town and community in the province of North Brabant, the Netherlands. Population 88,598 people. Helmond is the fifth most populous city in North Brabant, after Eindhoven, Tilburg, Breda and 's-Hertogenbosch.
  • 's-Hertogenbosch - city ​​and community in the Netherlands, administrative center of the province of North Brabant, port on the Zuid-Willemswart canal. Population: 137,777 people.
North Holland

Province in the west of the Netherlands. The capital is Haarlem (in Russian texts the variant Harlem is found), the largest city is Amsterdam. Population 2,724,300 people. Territory area 4091.76 km²

  • Haarlem - a city and community in the western Netherlands, capital of the province of North Holland and part of the Randstad conurbation. The port on the Sparn River is located about twenty kilometers west of Amsterdam near the coastal dunes. Population 147 thousand people.
  • Alkmaar - community and city in the Netherlands, in the province of North Holland. Located on the Nordholland canal. Alkmaar is an important transport hub: the Amsterdam - Helder highway and railway pass through the city.
  • Amstelveen - community and city in the Netherlands, province of North Holland, part of the Amsterdam metropolitan area. 78,980 people.
  • Beverwijk - city ​​and community in the province of North Holland. The name comes from the word "Bedevartswijk", meaning "neighborhood of the pilgrims".
  • Bergen - community and city in the Netherlands. The city and municipality of Bergen are located in the west of the province of North Holland, on the coast of the North Sea, west of Alkmaar. The community includes, in addition to the city of Bergen, the settlements of Egmond and Schorl. The population of the community is 31,964 people.
  • Bloemendaal - community and city in the Dutch province of North Holland. Located in the southwestern part of the province, west of Amsterdam. The area of ​​the community is 45.08 km², of which land is 39.68 km². Population - 22,105 people.
  • Bussum - community and city in the Netherlands. Bussum is located in the province of North Holland, north of the city of Hilversum, in the wooded area of ​​Het Goey, on the Amsterdam - Amersfoort railway line. The population is about 32 thousand people.
  • Vesp - community and city in the Dutch province of North Holland. Located in the south-eastern part of the province, immediately east of the Amsterdam-Rhine canal, 3 km from Amsterdam. Community area: 21.88 km².
  • Den Helder - community and city in the Netherlands, in the province of North Holland. The city is the northernmost point of continental North Holland. 58,370 inhabitants.
  • Dimen - city ​​and community in the Dutch province of North Holland. Located east of Amsterdam. The area of ​​the community is 14.03 km², of which 12.02 km² is land. Population -24,630 people. The average population density is 1755.5 people/km².
  • Castricum - community and city in the Dutch province of North Holland. Located northwest of Amsterdam. The area of ​​the community is 59.92 km², of which 49.5 km² is land. Population - 34,830 people. The average population density is 581.3 people/km².
  • Koggenland - community and city in the Dutch province of North Holland. Located north of Amsterdam. The area of ​​the community is 83.54 km², of which 80.63 km² is land. Population - 20,022 people. The average population density is 239.7 people/km².
  • Langedijk - city ​​and community in the Dutch province of North Holland. Located north of Amsterdam. The area of ​​the community is 26.99 km². Population: 25,957 people.
  • Medemblik - city ​​and community in the Dutch province of North Holland. Located north of Amsterdam. The area of ​​the community is 270.61 km², of which 135.35 km² is land. Population - 41,500 people.
  • Narden - city ​​and community in the Netherlands. The city of Naarden is located in the western part of the Netherlands, in the province of North Holland, on the Zuiderzee coast and consists of two parts. Population: 17,038 people.
  • Purmerend - community and city in the Dutch province of North Holland. Located north of Amsterdam. The area of ​​the community is 24.56 km², of which 23.62 km² is land. Population - 78,846 people.
  • Schagen - city ​​and community in the Netherlands. Located between Alkmaar and Den Helder in the West Friesland region in the province of North Holland. 46,087 inhabitants.
  • Hoofddorp - a town in the municipality of Haarlemmermeer in North Holland, the capital of the community. Population 73,294 people.
  • Heilo - city ​​and community in the Dutch province of North Holland. Located northwest of Amsterdam. The area of ​​the community is 18.99 km². Population 22,110 inhabitants.
  • Heemstede - city ​​and community in the Dutch province of North Holland. Located west of Amsterdam. The area of ​​the community is 9.64 km², of which 9.2 km² is land. Population - 25,555 people.
  • Herhugoward - community and city in the Dutch province of North Holland. Located north of Amsterdam. The area of ​​the community is 39.97 km², of which 39.25 km² is land. Population - 51,253 people.
  • Huizen - city ​​and community in the Dutch province of North Holland. Located east of Amsterdam. The area of ​​the community is 23.28 km², of which 15.77 km² is land. Population - 41,726 people.
  • Hilversum - community and city in the Netherlands, in the east of the province of North Holland, in the area of ​​Et Hoi. Population 84,573 people.
  • Horn - community and city in the Netherlands. Located in the province of North Holland. 68,852 inhabitants.
  • Eithorn - community and city in the Dutch province of North Holland. Located south of Amsterdam. The area of ​​the community is 19.49 km², of which 18.30 km² is land. Population - 27,970 people.
  • Enkhuizen - a community and city in Holland, located in the province of North Holland, region of West Friesland. The population is 17,724 people.

The province in the center of the Netherlands is the smallest in area, but one of the most populated in the country. The territory area is 1449.12 km². Population 1,245,294 people.

  • Utrecht - a city and community in the center of the Netherlands, the capital of the province of the same name. The city's population is 306,731 inhabitants, making it the fourth largest city in the country, after Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague, with which it is part of the Randstad conurbation.
  • Amersfoort - city ​​and community in the Netherlands, in the province of Utrecht. Population - 145 thousand inhabitants.
  • Veenendaal - city ​​and community in the Netherlands, in the province of Utrecht. Total area 19.81 km², population 62,264 people.
  • Woerden - city ​​and community in the Netherlands, in the province of Utrecht. It stands on the Oude Rhein river. Population - 47,964 inhabitants.
  • Zeist - city ​​and community in the Netherlands. The city of Zeist is located in the western part of the Netherlands, in the province of Utrecht, 7 kilometers east of the city of Utrecht, on the edge of a forest. Population - 60,274 people.
  • Sust - city ​​and community in the Netherlands. It is located in the central part of the Netherlands, in the province of Utrecht, 20 kilometers northeast of the city of Utrecht and 7 kilometers west of Amersfoort, on the border of the forest and the Em River bed.

A province in the center of the Netherlands, the youngest in the kingdom. It is located in the central part of the country, on the drained territory of Lake IJsselmeer. The capital is Lelystad, the largest city is Almere. Population 398,441 people. The territory area is 2412.30 km².

  • Lelystad - a city and community in the central part of the Netherlands, the capital of the province of Flevoland. The city of Lelystad was founded in 1967 on reclaimed land. It got its name in honor of Cornelis Lely, the developer of the Afsluitdijk dam, the construction of which made it possible to drain it. Lelystad is located approximately five meters below sea level.
  • Almere - a town and community in the province of Flevoland in the central Netherlands. It borders the communities of Lelystad and Zeewolde. Almere is one of the youngest cities in the Netherlands. Its first house was completed in 1976; Almere became a separate community only in 1984. It is the largest community in the province of Flevoland with a population of 183,270 people.
  • Dronten - a town and community in the province of Flevoland in the central Netherlands. The population of the community is 38,684 people, the area of ​​the community is 423.86 km². The population of the city is 25,657 people.
  • Zeewolde - town and community in the province of Flevoland. Population - 20567 people.
  • Emmelord - administrative center of the municipality of Noordoostpolder in the province of Flevoland, the Netherlands. 25 thousand inhabitants.
  • Urk - town and community in the province of Flevoland. Population - 17,946 people.

Province in the north of the Netherlands. The capital and largest city is Leeuwarden. Population 646,862 people, 8th place among the provinces. Friesland, including its waters, is the largest Dutch province - 5748.74 km²; In terms of land area, it is the third largest province with 3,341.70 km².

  • Leeuwarden - a city in the Netherlands, the capital of the province of Friesland, the center of the community of the same name. 94,414 inhabitants.
  • Drachten - a city in the Netherlands, in Friesland, in the municipality of Smallingerland. Recently it is known for its traffic control experiment.
  • Snack - a city in the Netherlands, in the province of Friesland, the administrative center of the community of Zuidwest Friesland. Until 2011 it was the administrative center of the Sneek community. Population - 33,257 inhabitants. Territory - 34.03 km².
  • Heerenveen - a city in the Netherlands, in the province of Friesland, the center of the community of the same name. Population 29,204 people.
  • Harlingen - city ​​and community in the Netherlands. The city and port of Harlingen is located in the north of the Netherlands, in the province of Friesland.
  • Dokkum - a city in the Netherlands in the municipality of Dongeradel in the province of Friesland. It is located in the north of the state in a fertile area near the North Sea, 171 km from Amsterdam. The northernmost of the eleven Frisian cities.
  • Franeker - city ​​in the Netherlands. The city of Franeker is located in the north of the Netherlands, in the province of Friesland. It is the administrative center of the Friesland commune of Franekeradel. The city's population is about 13,500 people.
  • Other cities: : Jaure, Volvega, Lemmer
South Holland

A province in the western Netherlands, between the North Sea and the delta of the Meuse and Rhine rivers. The territory area is 3418.50 km². South Holland is the most populous (3,563,935 inhabitants) and developed province, the majority of the population lives in the agglomeration (its center is Rotterdam).

  • Hague - a city and community in the west of the Netherlands, on the shores of the North Sea, the seat of the Dutch government and parliament, the capital of South Holland and the seat of the royal court. Major international legal bodies are located in The Hague: International Court UN, International Criminal Court, International arbitration court and others. The Hague is the third largest city in the Netherlands after Amsterdam and Rotterdam. Its population is 501,725 ​​inhabitants and its area is 98.20 km². The Hague is part of the Randstad agglomeration.
  • Rotterdam - city ​​and community in the Netherlands. Located in the province of South Holland at the confluence of the Nieuwe Maas River and the North Sea. With a population of 617,347 inhabitants, it is the second most populous city in the Netherlands after Amsterdam. Rotterdam is part of the large urban agglomeration of Randstad.
  • Dordrecht - city ​​and community in the Netherlands, in the province of South Holland. Population - 119.6 thousand inhabitants.
  • Leiden - a city and community in the Dutch province of South Holland on the Old Rhine River. The population of the city of Leiden was 118,321 inhabitants, together with the suburbs (community) - about 390,000 inhabitants.
  • Delft - a city and community in the Netherlands, in the province of South Holland, halfway between Rotterdam and The Hague. Located on the Skhi River. The population is 96,168 people.
  • Gouda - a city and community in the Dutch province of South Holland, located at the confluence of the IJssel and Gauwe rivers. Population 71,195 people.
  • Alblasserdam - city ​​and community in the province of South Holland. 19,465 people.
  • Alphen aan den Rijn - city ​​and community in the province of South Holland (Netherlands). In addition to the city of Alphen aan den Rijn itself, the community also includes the small communes of Arlanderwerden and Zwammerdam.
  • Oud-Beyerland - city ​​and community in the province of South Holland (Netherlands). In addition to the city of Oud Beyerland, the municipality of Oud Beyerland also includes the communes of Würbacken and Zinkweg. Population 23,564 people.
  • Barendrecht - city ​​and community in the province of South Holland (Netherlands). Population: 46,525 people.
  • Boskop - city ​​and community in the province of South Holland (Netherlands). Population: 15,091 people.
  • Brillet - a small city in the western Netherlands near Rotterdam (South Holland), which became famous during the Dutch Revolution, when on April 1, 1572 it became the first city liberated by the Gueuze. Population 15 thousand people.
  • Waddinksven - city ​​and community in the province of South Holland (Netherlands). Population 25,415 people.
  • Vlaardingen - city ​​and community in the Netherlands. Vlaardingen is located in the southwest of the Netherlands, in the province of South Holland. The city lies on the northern side of the Nieuwe-Waterweg canal connecting the North Sea and Rotterdam.
  • Vorschoten - city ​​and community in the province of South Holland (Netherlands). Population 23,479 people.
  • Gorinchem - city ​​and community in the Netherlands. The city of Gorinchem is located in the western part of the Netherlands, in the extreme southeast of the province of South Holland, at the crossroads of the Rotterdam - Arnhem and Nijmegen - Breda highways. The population is 32,621 people.
  • Zwijndrecht - city ​​and community in the province of South Holland (Netherlands). Population 44,445 people.
  • Zoetermeer - city ​​and community in the Netherlands, in the province of South Holland. Population - 123,576 inhabitants.
  • Capelle aan den IJssel - city ​​and community in the province of South Holland (Netherlands). Population 65,406 people.
  • Krimpen aan den IJssel - city ​​and community in the province of South Holland. Until the 20th century, it was a rural community on the Hollandse IJssel river; at the beginning of the 20th century, a brick factory and a shipyard were built here.
  • Leiderdorp - city ​​and community in the province of South Holland. Population 26,420 people.
  • Leerdam - city ​​and community in the Netherlands. The municipality of Leerdam is located in the eastern part of the province of South Holland on the Linge River, between the cities of Gorinchem and Geldermalsen, on the Dordrecht - Thiel railway line. The community consists of the town of Leerdam itself and the village of Schonrevord. Its area is 35.18 km². The population is about 20,800 people.
  • Lisse - city ​​and community in the province of South Holland.
  • Massluis - city ​​and community in the province of South Holland. Population 31,625 people.
  • Noordwijk - city ​​and community in the province of South Holland. The city of Noordwijk was formed from two settlements merged together: Noordwijk aan Zee and Noordwijk-Binnen.
  • Noordwijkerhout - city ​​and community in the province of South Holland. Population 15,541 people.
  • Nieuwkop - city ​​and community in the province of South Holland. Population: 26,988 people.
  • Papendrecht - city ​​and community in the province of South Holland in the Netherlands. Papendrecht, located in South Holland in the west of the country, is at the intersection of the Beneden-Merwede and Noord rivers, north of Dordrecht and Zwijndrecht. The total area of ​​the community is 10.77 km², of which 1.30 km² is water.
  • Rijswijk - city ​​and community in the province of South Holland. Population 46,649 people.
  • Ridderkerk - city ​​and community in the province of South Holland. Population 44,886 people.
  • Sliedrecht - city ​​and community in the province of South Holland. Sliedrecht is an industrial city, located on the north bank of the Beneden Merwede, east of Dordrecht and west of Hardinxveld-Giessendam.
  • Spijkenisse - city ​​and community in the province of South Holland. Part of the Rotterdam urban agglomeration. Located on the left bank of the main mouth of the Rhine.
  • Schiedam - city ​​and community in the Netherlands. The city is located a little west of Rotterdam, on the Schee River.
  • Hellevoetsluis - city ​​and community in the province of South Holland. The name translated means “Gateway at the foot of Helle”, where Helle is the name of a local river, now defunct.
  • Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht - town and community in South Holland, located on the island of IJsselmonde. The city has a population of about 26,000 people.
  • Hilleg - city ​​and community in the province of South Holland (Netherlands). The name comes from the Heilighem Abbey that existed here. 20,888 inhabitants.