Photos by Fedor Alexander Emelianenko. Emelianenko couldn't win

1976 September 28, Rubezhnoye, Lugansk region (then Ukrainian SSR) - Fedor Emelianenko was born. His father, Vladimir Alexandrovich, worked as a welder at that time. Mom, Olga Fedorovna, is a vocational school teacher. Sister Marina is 2 years older (born in 1974), Alexander is 5 years younger (born in 1981), Ivan is 12 years younger (born in 1988). Alexander and Ivan are active fighters. They train and fight in tournaments mixed martial arts MMA. Two years after the birth of Fedor Emelianenko, the family moves to Belgorod region, city of Stary Oskol. Even when Fedor became known throughout the world, he continued to live and train in Stary Oskol. Initially it the family lived in difficult conditions, in a room in a communal apartment. This room was intended to dry clothes. Emelianenko shared the bathroom and kitchen with his neighbors.

Youth. The first steps of the Last Emperor.

Emelianenko took his first step to the mixed martial arts Olympus 10 years. At this age he began to practice sambo and judo. And even then he stood out from his peers, more than once staying at the gym overnight. Interesting fact that it was at that time that he began to bring his brother Alexander to training. Then the parents had to leave Sasha under the supervision of his brother. It was impossible for Fedor to be at home with his brother and at training at the same time. Therefore, the older brother took Sasha with him. As a result, Alexander became a mixed martial arts professional. For some time he was one of the ten strongest heavyweight fighters in the world.

Studying at school, obtaining higher education.

After school, Fedor Emelianenko studied at Vocational school No. 22 and successfully graduated in 1994 with honors diploma. During his studies, he did not stop training and continued his way up the ladder of sports achievements.

After 9 years, Fedor Emelianenko decided to continue his education and entered Belgorod State University. Graduated from the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports in 2009. And in 2011 studied at same university in graduate school.

Military service, training, tragedy.

In 1995, together with peers goes into the army for two years. He first serves in the fire department and then in the tank forces. In the army, training consisted largely of cross-country runs, working with weights and barbells. It was a difficult period for the family, as parents decided to divorce. Despite this, Fedor Emelianenko continued to support relationship with father, who died in August 2012.

Birth of the first daughter Masha.

Two years after returning from the army, in 1999, Fedor Emelianenko marries Oksana. They had known each other since school. Oksana met Fedor at a pioneer camp, where she was a counselor. We passed there sports camps, in which the future participated The Last Emperor. Immediately after they met and got married daughter Masha is born.

Divorce. The path to God, churching.

But the marriage was not destined to be happy even after 7 years life together in 2006, Fedor Emelianenko divorced his wife. It was during this period that the light of God illuminated his soul and churching began. This was particularly influenced by a trip to the village of Diveevo and visit to the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery. While still in the army, Fedor Emelianenko thought about faith and God. But it was the trip to Diveevo that became the key moment.

Love. Birth of the second daughter Vasilisa and the third daughter Elizaveta.

A year after the divorce, on December 29, 2007, a daughter is born into a happy family. Baby Vasilisa became the fruit of love between Fedor Emelianenko and his longtime girlfriend Marina. Two years later, in the fall of 2009, the Emelyanko family officially sealed their union. Another 2 years later, in July 2011, he appears in a happy family baby Elizabeth. This man’s love for his family was given from God. Family has always been and remains first. Family is the most important thing in Emelianenko’s life, and neither a sports career nor anything else can become higher and more priority than this.

Member of the Belgorod Regional Duma from the United Russia party.

October 20, 2010 Fedor Emelianenko becomes a deputy Belgorod Regional Duma of the fifth convocation from the United Russia party. According to him, this will allow him to monitor the observance of human rights and make the lives of citizens better.

Millions of fans reacted ambiguously to the news about the start of the political career of the mixed martial arts legend. Many were against it, believing that such a step would be the beginning of the end sports career athlete. But at the same time, a sociological survey was conducted before the elections. He revealed that more than 50% of Belgorod residents are ready to vote for potential deputy Emelianenko. For comparison, we can cite the data that the strongest candidate for this post did not get even 20%.

The deputy’s program is mainly aimed at developing youth movements, as well as promoting the sporting interests of society.

Fedor Emelianenko is the president of the Russian MMA Union of Mixed Martial Arts.

In 2012, Fedor Emelianenko headed the Union of Mixed Martial Arts MMA of Russia. On May 16, the first All-Russian founding conference was convened in Moscow. It was attended by representatives of 52 regions of Russia. They decided to create mixed martial arts MMA in Russia. Fedor Emelianenko was unanimously elected as the first president of the Russian MMA Union.

The new president accepted congratulations and assured reporters that after the fight with Pedro Hizzo on June 21, he would end his sports career. According to him, this will allow him to be as useful as possible as president of mixed martial arts and deputy of the State Duma.

President of the MMA Union expressed the opinion that on this day the first stage was completed. Next lies a difficult path and overcoming new steps. All these steps are necessary for the recognition of mixed martial arts as an official sport in Russia.

The peculiarity of Emelianenko’s training is that everything ingenious is simple.

Fedor Emelianenko conducted training two to three times a day. The amount of training depended on the stage of preparation for battle. During training he ran a lot, ran about 15 kilometers a day. Basically it was simple exercises in the form pull-ups, dips, abdominal exercises. According to the athlete, he pays almost no attention to working with iron. There was a period in his life from 13 to 24 years old when he “swinged” and could do the exercise "bench press" with a weight of 180 kg. After this period, the main iron shells in the athlete’s arsenal were sledgehammers and weights.

Legendary and last Stand The Last Emperor (video).

Fedor Emelianenko has been recognized by world-famous media for seven years best fighter MMA heavyweight. For almost ten years, Fedor Emelianenko remained undefeated, which is an unprecedented fact in the history of MMA.

On June 21, 2012, the last fight took place, in which Fedor faced Brazilian heavyweight Pedro Rizzo. Rizzo is known for his fights during the early UFC tournaments. The Last Emperor won this last fight by knockout in the second minute of the first round. At the end of the fight, Fedor Emelianenko stated that he had made the final decision to end his career in mixed martial arts.

A T-shirt was released especially for our legendary champion by the promotion company M-1 Global and the M-1 MixFight brand. Later short time it became the best-selling T-shirt with the image of Fedor. From our store this T-shirt was delivered to many countries of the world (Iran, USA, Germany, France, CIS countries and neighboring countries and many others).

If you want to purchase a T-shirt, click on the picture or click on the word. Our store is the official distributor of the M-1 MixFight brand, so you can buy all M-1 league products at the lowest prices.

Great humble man.

According to many people who communicate closely with Emelianenko, his main distinguishing feature is modesty. He is very different from the bulk of mixed martial arts fighters. As a rule, these are bullies who insult their opponents and can fight at a press conference. The last emperor shows his emotions very restrained and always speaks of his opponent with respect and politeness. This behavior does not depend on time or place. Thanks to his politeness and diplomatic attitude during interviews with viewers and journalists, The Last Emperor won worldwide love. He never boasted about his awards and achievements. It is with bitterness that we have to admit that for many years it was much more popular in the USA, Japan, and Korea than in Russia. This is due to the poor coverage of his sports career by the Russian media. In Japan and Korea, the popularity of our fellow countryman is off the charts. There, fans consider it a great happiness to stand next to Fedor Emelianenko or touch the legend of mixed martial arts. Not to mention getting an autograph or taking a photo. Fedor Emelianenko's modesty is evident in all aspects of his life. He is always dressed in discreet and modest clothes. For him, money is an opportunity to help his loved ones and people around him.

The MMA Khmuskul store presents a series of models from M-1 Global at minimal retail prices.

Delivery in Moscow is free, in Russia the delivery cost is fixed - 200 rubles.

Alexander Emelianenko - Russian mixed martial arts fighter, multiple champion Russia and the world combat sambo, former champion world according to ProFC.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Vladimirovich Emelianenko was born on September 2, 1981 in the city of Stary Oskol Belgorod region, in the family of a teacher and a gas-electric welder. Alexander’s family at one time moved to Russia from Ukraine. Alexander also has a sister, Marina, and brothers, Ivan and Fedor ( four-time champion world mixed martial arts, now president of the MMARF Union).

Emelianenko began practicing martial arts at the age of 7 - his older brother Fedor took him with him to sambo so as not to miss training. At first, Sasha simply watched, but soon he himself joined the athletes. After 9th grade, Alexander continued his studies at a local vocational school with a degree in gas-electric welder, while at the same time continuing to practice martial arts.

Sports career

At the age of 16, Emelianenko was already able to receive the title of Master of Sports in judo, and two years later he won the European Championship in Combat Sambo. Subsequently, the fighter repeated his sporting success three more times.

In 2003, Alexander joined the Russian Top Team and began performing in Pride fights, where his brother Fedor also worked. Soon, due to a quarrel with management, the athlete moved to the Red Devil Fighting Team.

In 2003-2006, as part of the Pride championships Fighting Championship s Alexander defeated the Brazilians Ashuerio Silva and Angelo Araujo, the British James Thompson, and the Pole Pavel Nastulu. At the same time, the athlete also suffered several disappointing defeats - in battles against the Croatian athlete Mirko Filipovic (Cro Cop), the Brazilian Fabricio Werdum and the American Josh Barnett.

In 2007, the fighter took part in the BodogFight: Clash of the Nations tournament, where he knocked out the American athlete Eric Pele. After this, Alexander led unbeaten streak until the end of 2010, until he lost to Peter Graham. During this period of his career, Emelianenko became the ProFC heavyweight champion, but subsequently renounced the title.

Emelianenko's bench press record is 170 kg.

Alexander Emelianenko - Bench press 170 kg

In 2008-2011, Alexander took part in a number of fights under the auspices of M-1 Global, where he proved himself to be a strong contender. However, there were some unsuccessful performances: in a fight with Dagestani Magomed Malikov, the athlete lost by knockout in the first round.

At the end of 2012, the M-1 company terminated its cooperation with Emelianenko due to constant violations of the contract on his part. There were suggestions in the media that the athlete was fired after a scandal on board the plane, when he was able alcohol intoxication pestered passengers, smoked and demanded alcohol.

Soon after this, Alexander announced his retirement from sports and lived for several months in a monastery in Greece. However, soon Emelianenko, who, according to him, was blessed by Elder Eli, decided to return to the ring and became a participant in the “Legend” fighting show in Moscow. The performance was extremely successful for Alexander - it took just over a minute to defeat his powerful opponent, American Bob “The Beast” Sapp.

In 2014, Emelianenko took part in a fight organized by the promotion company ColiseumFC, in which he lost to Dmitry Sosnovsky, nicknamed “Evil Machine”.

Problems with the law

In the spring of 2014, a criminal case was opened against Alexander. At the trial, the fighter admitted to raping his housekeeper. A year later, Emelianenko was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison and paid a fine. Alexander served his sentence in a general regime colony near Voronezh.

In the fall of 2016, the fighter was released on parole - part of the term was replaced by correctional labor with a deduction of 10% of earnings.

“We talk and show”: “Emelianenko is free”

In February 2017, Alexander signed a contract with the Akhmat club, based in Grozny, and has already had several successful fights.

Personal life of Alexander Emelianenko

The athlete divorced his first wife, St. Petersburg resident Olga Gorokhova, in the fall of 2011. The marriage was dissolved without disputes about the division of property, since even before the wedding a prenuptial agreement was concluded between them. Their common daughter Polina (born in 2007) remained to live with her mother after the divorce. Alexander Emelianenko with his brother Fedor

Alexander has not communicated with his brother Fedor for the last 10 years. After leaving prison, Emelyanov Jr. criticized his brother and his entourage in an interview, to which Fedor made an open statement in which he spoke about all of Alexander’s bad habits.

Alexander Emelianenko now

In April 2018, it became known that Emelianenko had terminated his contract with Akhmat and was free to make offers. Alexander was going to hold his next fight in May 2018 - obviously, under the auspices of the Russian organization, since the athlete is still not allowed to travel outside the country.

In addition, Emelianenko will become a physical training coach for Grozny football club"Akhmat." It is reported that Alexander included sparring in the training plan of FC players.

Released October 23 frank interview infamous Russian fighter Alexandra Emelianenko. Brother of the legendary Fedor Emelianenko told " Soviet sports» about relationships with a close relative, attitude towards his environment and current activities. Alexander, who was recently released from prison, called the people surrounding Fedor Emelianenko sycophants and told how many years he had not communicated with his brother.

Now Fedor has surrounded himself with “friends” who run after him, and no one will ever tell him the truth for fear of losing profitable connections. There are only sycophants around him.

Alexander began with memories of defeat Mirko Filipovic and Fedor’s attitude towards this fight.

“Some people say that the hardest fight was with Cro Cop. I shouldn't have fought him at all. It was the beginning of a career, there was no experience, nothing at all. The Pride organizers wanted to bring Mirko under Fedya. They started to intimidate him, saying that if he didn’t fight with him, they would take the belt. Well, actually, I suggested to Fedya: “Let me fight him, you can prepare during this time.”

I understood perfectly well that I was going to die, I had nothing to catch against Cro Cop, I was not ready to fight him either technically or physically. I knew I would get a kick in the head, and that’s what happened. But it was necessary to gain time and help Feda. So I did.

What I am telling you now has not been published anywhere before. Fedya did not thank me for the fact that I really helped him out then. It doesn’t matter that your brother “got it off” from a professional.

Regarding the famous video in which brother Fedor worries about him in the fight with Mirko Cro Cop, Alexander said: “It was a long time ago. Many journalists look at a person on TV and judge him based on what they see on the box. At the same time, absolutely not knowing what kind of person he is. You see, it’s good to sit like this in front of a television camera, “rub” about life and pretend to be correct. This is the easiest thing."

Alexander remembered the old words Sergei Kharitonov about Fedor, simultaneously touching his brother’s entourage.

“The last straw was that before the fight between Fedi and Den Henderson, Kharitonov spoke in the spirit that Den was not an opponent for Fedi. According to him, Fedor could enter the ring drunk and still easily win. These words hurt me. Seryozha should be grateful to my brother for giving him a way to big sport, and he spoke so ugly. I stood up for Fedya, and he behaved strangely at that moment. Knowing all the details of the conflict, he distanced himself from the situation and stated that the showdown between Kharitonov and me did not concern him. I felt bad. I always tried to stand up for Fedor in everything, I got into conflicts because of him. But apparently he was no longer interested. Now he has surrounded himself with “friends” who run after him, and no one will ever tell him the truth for fear of losing profitable connections. There are only sycophants around him,” noted.

“And about Fedya, I’ll say this: he has his own life, I have mine. We have not communicated with him for ten years. He himself doesn’t want to talk to me, but I don’t impose myself,” Alexander ended the conversation about his relationship with his older brother.

Even from Alexander Emelianenko, who is often harsh in his statements, it was strange to hear this. The topic of relationships between the main heavyweight brothers in the history of mixed martial arts has always seemed taboo - both from the overly hot-tempered Alexander and from the modest and closed Fedor Emelianenko.

“My reputation as an athlete does not need to be protected. But in the interview, Alexander hurts the honor of people close to me. I will answer you first and last time. Firstly, for you and your entourage I am not Fedya, but Fedor. You hid from everyone that you went to prison for the first time at 18 years old. It’s disgusting to talk badly about the people who supported you and sincerely cared about you.

There was no anger towards Alexander. I have said before that this man is dangerous to society. He is still dangerous, and he will never change.

Nobody forced you to fight Cro Cop. At that time I was competing in the Grand Prix, and the question of fighting Mirko to defend my belt was not even raised. Then Mirko lost to Rendelman, and you jumped at the opportunity, despite the fact that we were categorically against it because of your attitude to training and your inexperience. And they tried to dissuade you from it in every possible way. But not enough attention was paid to preparation. The sports regime was regularly violated, and, instead of losing weight and using fast hands, you dialed extra pounds. Nobody threw you under the hammer. During preparation, I repeatedly looked for you in bars and found you drinking alcohol. The team asked you to hold the weight, but instead you got a beer belly, and everyone saw the result.

I usually don't comment on other people's statements. But he could no longer remain silent. This is my first and last answer to you. I consider it beneath my dignity to constantly react to your lies. You called my loved ones sycophants. The sycophant is you, Judas. I’m sorry that the people who were close to you and supported you in difficult times are suffering. I myself personally apologized to more than a dozen people for you. You can say whatever you want to me, I will endure it, but don’t you dare insult my loved ones.

Besides, you don’t know my surroundings. And everyone you know helped you and played an important role in your life. And you're not worth their little finger. That's why you're not in my circle. You say in one of your interviews that you can help me. But I don’t understand how you, who have recently been released and constantly violate the regime, can help. There is only one thing - not to disgrace the name of my parents and mine.”

The aforementioned Sergei Kharitonov, a famous Russian heavyweight, spoke about him like this even before Alexander’s interview.

“In 2006, after a serious injury, I immediately went to fight Alexander Emelianenko. There was practically no preparation then. I was told that either I would leave, or they could break off relations with me. I needed to fight then. There was no anger towards Alexander. I have said before that this man is dangerous to society. He is still dangerous, and he will never change. Now he served time, before that he also served time and was released. He was probably born this way; nothing can change him. It may hide for a while, but sooner or later it will make itself known again.

Didn't watch Alexander's last fight live. I looked at the recording, and not on my own initiative, but the guys suggested it. And it didn’t matter to me at all. Once upon a time this man could really become famous, he had great potential. Alexander is more talented than Fedor, but the two brothers are opposites. Alexander was superior to Fedor in terms of physical characteristics, height, and all indicators, but you see how it happens,” Kharitonov said. Sergei later, as it seemed to many, was mentioned by Alexander Emelianenko, with whom they had been “friends” for a long time, in a banter video - in an anecdote about the hare Khariton.

(24-7), a famous Russian heavyweight, brother of the legendary Fedor Emelianenko, on November 26 last year was released from prison, where he spent almost three years for allegations of sexual assault. After this, he decided to resume training and return to active performances.

After some time, it was announced that Alexander Emelianenko had been signed by the Russian organization WFCA (WORLD FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIP AKHMAT). Records from Alexander’s training began to appear on the Internet, where the athlete demonstrates the best shape of his life.

And a month ago, on September 27, the younger brother of Fedor Emelianenko made his debut in new organization. The first fight was successful: the Russian heavyweight knocked out the Brazilian in the first round Geronimo dos Santos"Mondragon" (39-20).

October 25th was officially announced next fight Alexandra Emelianenko. It will be held on December 16 at WFCA 44. A week ago, Emelianenko’s message appeared on the Akhmat club’s Instagram, dedicated to the fact that he is now their official representative.

Fight in Moscow with someone who has gained enormous weight Tony Johnson ended in the hospital. True, he did not stay there long. The doctors treated his broken face, bandaged him and sent him home. Should he step into the Octagon again this year?


After returning to MMA due to a forced break in his career, Alexander Emelianenko fought five fights and won by knockout in all of them. This year he entered the octagon three times, and on two occasions he experienced problems. Particularly significant was the fight with Victor Pesta, who was close to victory, but could not bring to its logical conclusion what he had accomplished in the first round.

Not a single top fighter fights in such a schedule. But this did not stop Emelianenko Jr. Before the fight with Johnson, in an interview with State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Grozny, he admitted that he was simply afraid to stop, because he felt like a locomotive that had gained momentum. And after stopping you will have to start all over again. Against the very heavy Johnson, Alexander only had enough strength for the first round.

Having failed to knock out his opponent, he had no chance to do anything worthwhile on the ground. The judges recorded a draw, but Emelianenko was closer to defeat. Only one arbitrator considered this.


After the fight, Alexander Emelianenko shared a photo with his subscribers on Instagram with the note: “This is my job! This is how I earn my bread!".

Indeed, Emelianenko Jr., unlike his brother, still earns his living exclusively through fights. He does not run his own business and is not included in high offices, he does not have own club. So all that remains is to fight.

But it wouldn’t hurt to slow down. It would be nice for Alexander to look at his fights from the outside and pay as much attention as possible to what he is losing in. Namely, the fight. If he looks confident in the stand, then on the ground everything is sad. In the fight with the first serious opponent, Emelianenko could have received more serious injuries than just a broken face.

But this is from a purely sporting point of view. There is also a commercial one.

Alexander has a contract with the Akhmat club. Promotion WFCA (World Fighting Championship Akhmat ) is ready to organize fights for him constantly. Emelianenko Jr. is required to hold two more fights in the Ural promotion RCC Boxing Promotions.

There is no particular need to choose opponents. Emelianenko cannot fight abroad for at least another year - while he is not allowed to travel abroad. He doesn’t want to fight with his compatriots, although his fight with Sergei Kharitonov, for example, could collect a big box office. Therefore, most likely, nothing will change for Alexander.

If the promotions that have him under contract select a more or less worthy opponent, Emelianenko will enter the Octagon again. Although he shouldn’t be in too much of a hurry in a year, take more care of his health and eliminate his weak points. And there, perhaps, there will be a chance to hold fights in other countries and sign a contract with UFC or Bellator . In terms of entertainment value of the fights, Alexander Emelianenko will definitely not disappoint anyone.