What kind of fish grows in a year? List of river fish

What is life cycle

What people call age in fish is more often called the life cycle. And if people whose age has greatly exceeded the average age are usually called long-livers, then fish that have “healed” in this world are beautifully called “fish with a long life cycle” or even “long-cycle”.

The development cycle is a set of developmental phases, after which the organism reaches maturity and becomes capable of giving rise to the next generation, thereby closing its life cycle, which ends with wear and tear and death of the organism. U different groups In living organisms, the life cycle is determined either by the number of generations (generations) developing during the year, or by the number of years during which this life cycle is carried out (as in fish, for example). It also depends on the duration of the period of rest and diapause. (Diapause is a period of rest in the development of animals, characterized by a temporary stop in the formation processes and a decrease in the overall level of metabolism.)

The life cycle can be simple - with the direct development of individuals (like fish) or complex - with metamorphosis or a change of generations.

The class “fish” is one of the most variable and diverse in the number of characteristics of all classes of animals. And the age of fish of different species is very diverse: from real long-lived, more precisely, long-cycle fish to extremely short-lived, short-cycle species.
The fluctuations here are very significant; from 3.5 weeks for the dwarf inhabitant of Australian coral reefs - the Australian goby, and up to 100 years or more for sturgeon, sharks and some other fish.

There is a theory that the age of a fish can be judged by its size. Although there are exceptions, in most cases this is what happens: larger fish live much longer than small species. And this is logical, even if we assume that fish are rare animals in which body growth occurs throughout the entire life cycle. Indeed, in most warm-blooded animals, growth stops shortly after puberty.
It is interesting that the closest relatives of fish - amphibians - do not have such a dependence: frogs and toads are approximately the same size, but the frog lives 10 years, and the toad - more than 40.

The age of a fish is determined not only by its size, but also by its growth characteristics. From a biological point of view, growth is an increase in the length and body weight of an organism. Among the fish there are fast growing ones - for example, tuna and slow growing ones - for example, sea ​​bass.
In fast-growing species, all life proceeds at an accelerated pace and ends earlier than in species that mature more slowly, grow more slowly and slowly live to old age.

The growth rate of fish depends on external factors, and it often happens that fast-growing fish, deprived of a good food supply, do not grow so quickly and can be “protracted” in their youth. Ichthyologists call “protracted” fish that in the early stages did not receive enough normal food and did not reach the usual size for their age. Such fish, as a rule, die earlier and outwardly differ greatly from their relatives in their angularity, small size, and poor reaction to stimuli.

The main factors that determine normal development (growth and subsequently maximum age) are the food supply, pressure from predators, food competition, temperature and chemical properties of water, population density in the reservoir, etc.

Under natural conditions, it is difficult for an ordinary average fish to live to a prosperous old age and reach the maximum possible biological age allowed by nature. Especially now, when many dangers and hardships await any fish. These are intensive fishing, poor ecology of water bodies, blocking of rivers, rafting of timber, introduction of alien invasive species, poor food supply (as a consequence of poor ecology), etc.

Scientists conducted experiments that proved that in favorable artificial conditions, fish live much longer. Thus, the life record for an aquarium goldfish is approximately 40 years. Few carp fish Our reservoirs can boast of such longevity, despite the fact that the common crucian carp (the closest relative of the goldfish) is much larger and, accordingly, based on the above theory, should live longer. True, at the same time, the Japanese koya carp lives up to 50 years thanks to good artificial conditions and a large size to boot.

Like other groups of animals, with age in fish there are changes in the molecular structure of cells, in the ratio of proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, in the quantity and quality of enzymes and in the ability to form antibodies. All this, of course, affects the metabolism and other parameters of the fish’s body. With age, fish's fertility and other reproductive indicators decline significantly. In old fish, the gonads (sex glands) generally degenerate. It is also important that with age, fish accumulate (accumulate) mercury and other toxic substances.

So large (that is, adult) fish are not always good for human consumption.

How to determine the age of caught fish

If you examine the scales under a binocular microscope or magnifying glass, you will notice concentric formations (ridges) that go in circles around the center of the scale. Dense clusters of these circles form annual rings.

The number of annual rings corresponds to the number of years lived by the fish.
In fish with a well-defined scaly cover, age is easier to determine by scales (grayling, nelma, whitefish, lenok and others).

And if the scales are complex, it is better to do this along the gill cover (perch fish), otoliths (ear bones) and dorsal vertebrae (ruff, burbot, etc.) or along the cuts of the pectoral fins (sturgeon).

There are special techniques, with the help of which gill covers, otoliths, cuts of the rays of pectoral fins and vertebrae are processed: dried, degreased, clarified, polished or boiled. At the same time, the clusters of rings that make up the annual ring stand out clearly.

Fish business card

By looking at the scales (bones) and annual rings, you can find out not only the actual age of the fish, but also how it grew throughout its life.

Some annual rings are wider, others are narrower, while the alternation of narrow and wide annual rings does not have any pattern - they can be located in any order.
Each wide ring indicates that when it was formed, the fish was in the most favorable conditions (spring, summer), and vice versa - narrow rings appear in autumn and winter.

Available special formulas, substituting into which data on the width of the annual ring for a certain year, the growth of the fish at the time of catch, the final age and others, you can obtain information about what size the fish was throughout its life.

When analyzing scales or bones for a more accurate and correct calculation of age and height indicators, it is necessary to take into account the geographical area, ecology of the reservoir, seasonal conditions and other parameters.

Long-lived fish

A more interesting group for people are long-lived fish. One typical example is the beluga, which can be up to 100 years old.
Its sturgeon relative, the Kaluga, lives 55-60 years; Siberian sturgeon -65 years; paddlefish - 20-25 years, and record holders among them - up to 50 years.

The Atlantic sturgeon has the longest life cycle, living up to 150 years.

Catfish, taimen, pike, eel (88 years), carp, etc. also live long.

In America, an 82-year-old sturgeon was caught from Lake Winnebago.

They live 60-70 years lungfish, both in aquariums and in nature. The age of a whale shark reaches 70 years.

The record fish listed in the Guinness Book of Records is a Japanese female mirror carp that lived to be 228 years old.

Kamchatka northern sea bass is the real long-liver, which has been repeatedly recorded by scientists. This rather large fish, reaching a length of 1.2 m, lives up to 45-50 years, and its life record is 140 years.

A separate topic is the age of Far Eastern salmon. For example, pink salmon spawn at the age of one and a half years, after which they immediately die. That is, reaching sexual maturity by one and a half years, this fish (like its other relatives) becomes as mature as possible. These fish are evolutionarily predisposed to early maturation and early aging of the organism.

The rest of the fish in our reservoirs live an “average” number of years.
Thus, the life expectancy of perch, roach, ide, bream, char and other fish is 10-15 years. This refers to the natural age without catching.

Crucian carp, whitefish, whitefish, muksun, nelma, and pike live up to 25-30 years.

The average age of gudgeon, minnow, verkhovka, tugun, catfish, guppies, mole-linesia, gourami and others is 5-6 years

From an article by E. Nikolaeva (Fishing with us 9/2011)

When buying crucian carp in a store or at the market, any housewife chooses a larger fish. It is not surprising that fish farmers who specialize in breeding fish in reservoirs are asking a very pressing question: how quickly does crucian carp grow?

The growth of crucian carp depends on many factors, and ignoring any of them can have a negative impact

What a fish farmer needs to know

Crucian carp may not get along with all of its “neighbors” in a pond. Therefore, before you start breeding fish in your summer cottage, you need to arm yourself with special knowledge and ensure optimal conditions these peculiar pets. Moreover, you need to know at what time of the year it is better to release the fry into the reservoir and how much growth the fish will give in a year.

Among the main factors contributing to the successful development of fisheries are the following:

  • Any fresh water body is suitable for breeding crucian carp, regardless of the region of our country.
  • Good adaptive properties of crucian carp.
  • Low requirements for the quality of the external environment (a tributary of a lake, river, or even an ordinary swamp is suitable for breeding crucian carp).
  • Quick adaptation to changes in water temperature.
  • Availability of natural food in reservoirs.
  • Resistance of this fish species to aquatic diseases.
  • Possibility of organizing a profitable business.

Crucian carp can be crossed with carp, thereby obtaining larger individuals

It is known that crucian carp has high immunity. In particular, diseases such as rubella and branchiomycosis, which many fish suffer from for many years, are easily tolerated by crucian carp. The problem with fish farming is the small proportion of males compared to females.

This is a genetic feature of the family, and to breed crucian carp, fish farmers use another, no less significant property of the fish. By combining carp and carp in one reservoir, and knowing well how many fish need to be released, it is possible to achieve reproduction based on crossing female crucian carp with males of other fish. It is important that male fish and tall female crucian carp fish match in size. Such offspring grow quickly and gain weight more actively.

To determine the efficiency calculation, you must first study the varieties of this fish, which is divided into 2 main types:

  • gold;
  • silver.

The growth of crucian carp depends on its variety

Perhaps the most important issues when breeding fish are the following:

  • how much does commercial fish weigh?
  • how quickly it reproduces;
  • how quickly crucian carp reproduce and grow.

Silver crucian carp reproduce much faster than gold carp. So, at the age of 1 year, this fish weighs from 6 to 8 grams, at two years the weight reaches 50 grams, and by the age of three it weighs about 100 grams. If under normal conditions the weight of commercial crucian carp is usually 500 grams, then in special favorable conditions such a pet grows more actively and can gain weight up to 5 kg.

Where do crucian carp live?

If there are too many goldfish in a reservoir and no other species of fish at all, then over time they can degenerate into a smaller breed, with a large head and a small overall weight.

The silver crucian species is more preferable for breeding due to its survival rate, regardless of habitat

Silver crucian carp is more adapted to survive in different bodies of water; its weight usually does not deviate from 1 kg. By the age of three, these individuals weigh about 250 grams, which is 2.5 times the weight of goldfish of the same age.

Experienced fishermen and fish breeders know well how many offspring fish farmers get when breeding fish. So, from crucian carp you can successfully get different types fish as a result of crossing. Wild crucian carp have become good donors for many species aquarium fish, characterized by amazing shapes, colors and different sizes. Therefore, crucian carp every year become the subject of many scientific conferences, theoretical studies and practical experiments.

The Far Eastern rivers, lakes and reservoirs of Siberia contain tons of commercial fish, the most popular of which is crucian carp. Along with more valuable fish species, it has become an object of commercial activity and a sought-after raw material for catering establishments. Except Siberian district, crucian carp have adapted well to the climate of the European part of the country. Fish are successfully bred in specialized reservoirs, river tributaries, lake backwaters, etc.

Crucian carp can live in a wide variety of water bodies and areas

Newly created reservoirs in any region of the country make it possible to breed new species of crucian carp every year by crossing individuals of different breeds. For lovers of sport fishing, private fishing and fish breeding in conditions close to natural, it is useful to familiarize yourself with special literature that has accumulated special knowledge about the breeds and life of fish. According to the generally accepted classification, among others, includes freshwater fish- crucian carp. The geography of their distribution is quite extensive - Europe, North America, Africa and other countries.

Within the group, crucian carp belong to the genus carp. Golden (also known as common) crucian carp has a dark color on the back, while the belly is lighter. The main feature of the common crucian carp is its relatively short intestine. These fish use sweet clover as food: various larvae, small invertebrates, and algae. The gills of crucian carp allow it to feed on plankton, filtering the water well.

Population of silver crucian carp

It should be noted that algae and small invertebrate organisms are digested more quickly by the fish’s intestines, therefore individuals that feed primarily on plankton differ from their relatives in body length. Large crucian carp are distributed mainly in Siberia and the European part of the country. If we are talking about the Far East, then its numbers here are small. It lives in a few swamps, small lakes and slow-flowing rivers.

Goldfish are able to survive in a wide variety of conditions

The silver crucian carp is more adapted to the conditions of the harsh Siberian climate, which successfully reproduces in both small and fairly large reservoirs, no matter how many degrees it is “overboard”.

Silver crucian carp are more hardy, not whimsical and spawn well every year in any fresh and even brackish water. How much silver carp grows in a year depends on the conditions of detention, weather, the breed of males and their productivity. A decrease in the amount of oxygen in the water, changes in temperature and acidity of the water are not a particular obstacle to their reproduction.

Even if the water temperature drops to zero degrees, crucian carp will be able to survive. In conditions of polluted ponds and wetlands, it is able to survive and reproduce, unlike other types of fish. Increasing in weight up to 200 - 300 grams per year, crucian carp is particularly resilient when there is a lack of air in the water.

The ability of crucian carp to quickly change weight and create various bizarre shapes distinguishes these fish from other freshwater fish. Their bodies are so plastic that aquarium enthusiasts have grown amazing specimens: telescopes, comets, veiltails and other fish species. Japanese and Chinese fish farmers bred a unique breed of goldfish, the ancestors of which were golden carp.

Crucian carp is able to reproduce even in a polluted reservoir and at low temperatures

Fish farmers should know that at the age of 3-4 years, crucian carp are ready to reproduce. If you provide special care - plenty of feeding and optimal water temperature, then the fish begin to mature at the age of two. At the same time, if the water temperature drops to a level below average, then sexual maturation of individuals may be delayed for a year.

How many times do females spawn?

For goldfish to spawn, the water temperature should not fall below 14 degrees, but the optimal temperature is still considered 18 degrees Celsius. Females spawn in 3 stages, with a ten-day break. Typically, spawning begins in May and can last until August.

It is noteworthy that golden carp spawn faster than silver carp, but they are less fertile. Thus, a female silver crucian carp lays about 400 thousand eggs, while a golden crucian carp lays “only” 300 thousand. How many eggs will survive depends on how actively the crucian carp is growing.

The eggs laid in reservoirs are fertilized by males and, attached to algae, mature within a week. Schools of goldfish reproduce well in ponds every year, with the number of females significantly exceeding males. In this case, females can interbreed with individuals of other fish species, carp, for example.

The golden type of crucian carp lays fewer eggs than the silver type

In the Far East, a relative advantage of females is noted, but closer to the Urals this balance is disturbed even more. For reasons that are still unclear, males die faster than females, so scientists use biological schemes for crossing different breeds of fish, thanks to which they obtain large, completely new varieties.

In conditions unfavorable for carp, hybrids reproduce well, spawn and raise offspring. Scientists have noticed an amazing feature: heredity on the maternal side is significantly superior to the paternal line. Due to this feature, female crucian carp survive cooling temperatures, pollution of water bodies and other “life difficulties” much better.

At the same time, good physical characteristics, rapid growth and the ability to adapt to unfavorable conditions are transmitted precisely through the paternal line. In this regard, fish farmers for breeding try to use healthy and strong male carp, carp and other individuals that do not differ significantly in size from female crucian carp. During the year of living together, the fish manage to spawn three times.

Crossing individuals of carp with crucian carp is considered effective.

Ponds and reservoirs in which carp do not take root are successfully used by fish farmers to raise crucian carp. If other fish do not tolerate stagnant water and salty soils, then silver crucian carp is bred in ponds as the main fish.

In conditions Far North where other fish species (carp, carp) cannot survive due to low temperatures, silver crucian carp are bred in large quantities. When crossing fish, it is very important to take into account the types of food consumed, because... with heterogeneous food, conflicts within the flock are minimized.

To raise fish for commercial purposes, you can use pond farms that were previously used for carp farming. If carp are removed from the water due to illness, then crucian carp is used to “treat” the reservoir. It is less susceptible to disease, resistant to temperature changes and is not whimsical.

Silver crucian carp is able to resist many diseases, while other fish die in such conditions

If we talk about how much benefit there is in the ratio of the edible and inedible parts of the fish, then crucian carp uses up to 60% of the product. It tastes good and is healthy. Its composition contains 18% protein, with a fat content of 7%.

In order for the usefulness of fish to be used effectively, it is crossed and more resistant varieties are obtained, larger in weight and resistant to disease. In large fish farms, specialists ensure that crucian carp reproduce quickly and bring the expected results. The natural plasticity of crucian carp is successfully used by fish breeders to breed valuable species.

If the cultivation of crucian carp is carried out purposefully, then the minimum hatching period is 3 years. With good feeding and optimal water temperature, this fish is capable of gaining record weight, from 1 to 5 kg. After this, the fish farm can become self-sufficient.

The rules for catching crucian carp can be found below:

Fish grow throughout their lives. However, this process is uneven. If young individuals grow quickly, then with age the relative increase in body weight decreases noticeably. In summer, during the period of active feeding, intensive growth is observed, while in winter this process slows down, and in some species, for example, carp, it stops altogether due to the fact that at low temperatures it stops feeding.

The growth of fish is affected by the quality of water, as well as the availability of food. Growth also slows down after puberty, so young fish are of greatest interest for commercial cultivation. Typically, fish are grown in pond farms for 1-2 years. During this time, it reaches marketable weight (table).

Standard and maximum weight of fish grown in ponds by the end of the season, g


Regulatory Maximum Regulatory Maximum

25-30 g

500 g

350-500 g

1500 g

When choosing a growing object, you need to keep in mind that the growth rate of fish is far from the only indicator. It is also necessary to take into account the quality of water, food supply and the climatic zone in which the farm is located. In relation to the water temperature, all fish bred in fish farms are divided into heat-loving and cold-loving. The first group includes most cultivated fish. There are two known methods of growing fish in fish farming: extensive and intensive. With the extensive method, the fish are not fed. It grows only by eating natural food. This is essentially pasture-based fish farming. It allows you to obtain fish products at minimal cost. This direction is promising in the southern regions and in large reservoirs, where it is possible to effectively grow carp together with herbivorous fish. The intensive method of cultivation includes feeding the fish and creating a rich food supply through fertilization and reclamation of reservoirs. In modern fish farming, there are various technologies for intensive fish farming. Familiarization with them will allow you to choose the most appropriate one for your specific conditions.

The most widely used is traditional technology, which includes a two- or three-year fish farming cycle. According to this technology, carp and herbivorous fish are usually grown. In this case, ponds of various categories are used: spawning, fry, nursery, wintering, feeding. Each category of ponds is designed to perform a specific technological cycle. An option is possible in which there are no nursery ponds and planting material is purchased from another farm. Fish are grown at different levels of intensification. At high level intensification (repeated feeding, joint cultivation of several species of fish at a high density of planting), it is possible to obtain fish products at the rate of 5-6 t/ha. The effectiveness of this method of cultivation requires compliance with a number of requirements: constant flow, technical aeration of water, regular liming of ponds.

In recent years, a simpler scheme for growing commercial fish has been proposed - according to the so-called continuous technology. It involves growing juvenile carp to a weight of 1-2 g and then raising them without transplants in one pond for two years. In this case, only two categories of ponds are required - fry and feeding ponds, where fish are raised and wintered.

One of the acceptable methods for owners of small ponds is the method of raising commercial fingerlings. This technological scheme provides for early production of larvae, growing them in warm water to a weight of 1 g and their subsequent rearing in a pond with sparse planting. With a good food supply and a favorable hydrochemical regime, it is possible to obtain commercial fingerlings weighing 0.4-0.5 kg in one season.

High-intensity method of fish farming - growing fish in cages and pools. Cages are installed in cooling ponds of energy facilities or natural reservoirs (lakes, reservoirs). Growing fish in cages installed in cooling ponds is especially promising. In summer, heat-loving fish, such as carp, are raised in cages, and trout in winter. The use of this or that technology is also related to what types of fish you are going to grow.

Growing carp. The simplest and affordable way growing this fish involves stocking the reservoir with yearlings in the spring and catching them in the fall. By this time, the carp reaches marketable weight. If it is not possible to purchase yearlings, then you can stock the reservoir with fry using the method of raising marketable fingerlings. If it is difficult to purchase planting material and you decide to breed carp yourself, you should keep in mind that this will require separate categories of ponds for breeding, growing and wintering fish. For those who want to specialize in the production of planting material, we provide basic information on the reproduction and rearing of juvenile carp. Timely stocking of the pond with your own planting material will allow you to avoid the costs of purchasing, transporting, and wintering. In this way, fish farming will be more manageable and therefore more efficient.

Female carp are very fertile, so you only need a few males and females. During natural spawning, the ratio of males to females is 2:1, with artificial insemination caviar - 1:1. Manufacturers' shelf life is 5-7 years. Breeders should be kept freely: in a pond with an area of ​​100 m2 there should be no more than one nest (1 female and 2 males). Pre-spawning maintenance of spawners is important. In the spring, at a temperature of 8-10 °C, they need to be fed. Feed mixtures must contain at least 30 % feed of animal origin.

For breeding, it is necessary to use high-quality males and females, without injuries, with clearly defined sexual characteristics. It is difficult to determine the sex of carp, and impossible for immature individuals. Only with the onset of the spawning season can males be distinguished from females. In females, the genital opening is larger, somewhat swollen, reddish, the abdominal cavity is enlarged, soft to the touch. In males, the genital opening is a narrow, pale-colored slit; hard warts appear on the head and gill covers - a kind of mating plumage. When pressing on the abdomen, milk may be released.

Spawning results depend both on the quality of the spawners and on the preparation of the pond. Carp lay their eggs on a substrate, so there should be soft aquatic vegetation on the pond bed. If there is no vegetation, then for this purpose you can use turf, branches of coniferous trees, or prepare an artificial spawning ground (Fig. 35). Spawning takes place at a water temperature of 17-18 "C. The female lays eggs on vegetation or on an artificial spawning ground, and the males fertilize her. The duration of development of fertilized eggs, depending on the water temperature, is 3-5 days. The amount of heat required for the complete development of eggs is 60-80 degrees days. The most favorable temperature for embryonic development of carp is 18-26 °C.

Rice. 35. Artificial spawning ground

The hatched embryos are inactive for the first one or two days and live off the nutrients of the yolk sac, but then they begin to move and actively feed. They first consume rotifers, small forms of crustaceans and algae, then move on to larger crustaceans and chironomid larvae.

One of the main conditions for obtaining large mass and good fatness in the fall of the yearlings is to provide them with a sufficient amount of natural food. This is especially important in the first half of the growing season, when juveniles need food high in protein, vitamins and minerals.

From one nest of producers, 70-100 thousand larvae are obtained. The natural food resources of a small pond will clearly not be enough to adequately feed the larvae. Therefore, already on the 5-7th day the pond must be fished. During further cultivation of carp, the density of larvae should not exceed 10 specimens/m2.

If carp fry are taken from another body of water, then before putting the fish into your own pond, it is necessary to gradually equalize the temperature of the water in the container where the fish is located with the temperature of the water in the reservoir. Otherwise, the fish may die from temperature shock. To effectively develop the natural food supply, ponds are limed and fertilized. The dose of slaked lime added to the pond depends on the pH of the water (table).

Norms for adding slaked lime to a reservoir, kg/m2


Soil bottom

Less than 4 4.0-4.5 4.51-5.0 5.01-5.5 5.51-6.0 6.01-6.5

clayey and loamy

0,42 0,32 0,27 0,17 0,12 0,07

sandy loam

0,22 0,17 0,15 0,12 0,07 0,05


0,18 0,15 0,12 0,07 0,05 0,02

The addition of lime has a preventive effect, preventing many fish diseases, and also helps to improve the hydrochemical regime of the reservoir. Lime neutralizes soil acidity, transforms accumulated organic matter into a harmless state, and helps enrich water with nutrients. Thus, lime has both a preventive, reclamation and, to a certain extent, fertilizing effect.

An increase in natural food reserves is facilitated by the addition of mineral and organic fertilizers to the pond. Organic fertilizers (manure) are applied in small doses at the water's edge. Adding a large amount of manure can cause a deterioration in the hydrochemical regime, so it is advisable to simultaneously add mineral fertilizers to the reservoir.

Mineral fertilizers (nitrogen and phosphorus), stimulating the development of phytoplankton, help increase the oxygen content in water. Ammonium nitrate and superphosphate are pre-dissolved in separate containers, after which they are added to water at the rate of 5 kg of each type of fertilizer per 1000 m 2. Fertilize once every 10 days. Frequency of application fertilizer is determined by the level of algae development in the pond. If algae develop intensively, fertilizers should not be applied. You can determine the need for fertilizer in a reservoir using a white disk, which determines the transparency of the water. The disc is lowered into the water to the depth to which it is visible. If the visibility line is at a depth of no more than 25-30 cm, then there is no need to apply fertilizer; if at a depth of 50 cm or more, then the pond should be fertilized.

Rice. 37. Feeder “Reflex”: 1 - feed container; 2 - rack; 3 - bridge; 4 - pendulum

In addition to natural food, juveniles need additional feeding. During the initial period of growing (in the first month), you need to feed the fish 1-2 times a day. As the water temperature rises, the number of feedings should be increased. For the convenience of distributing feed, you can use Reflex feeders (Fig. 37), which allow you to reduce its consumption.

During the entire growing period, it is necessary to monitor the growth of fish. To do this, control catches are done 1-2 times a month. At each control catch, the caught fish (15-25 specimens) are weighed and measured, and then released into the pond.

Juvenile growth chart carp

Control catch date

Number of days after hatching

Weight of fish, g

July 1
July 15

In order to leave the fish grown over the summer for the winter, it is necessary to carry out work in preparation reservoir and the fish themselves. Only those reservoirs that have deep places are suitable for wintering. For the central regions of the country, where the ice thickness reaches 80-100 cm, the depth of the pond should be at least 2 m. For the southern regions, where water bodies do not freeze or freeze for a short period, the depth of the pond should be such that the non-freezing layer of water is at least 1 m.

Before wintering, it is advisable to pass the fish through salt baths. To do this, you need to prepare a saline solution at the rate of 1 kg of table salt per 20 liters of water. The fish should be caught from the pond and placed in a salt bath for 5 minutes, and then in a container with running water for 2-3 hours. The stocking density of carp fingerlings for wintering is 50-80 individuals/m2. For a successful wintering outcome for carp underyearlings, it is necessary to maintain a stable oxygen content in the water at the rate of 5-8 mg/l. If the amount of oxygen is 4 mg/l or less, then the water must be aerated, that is, enriched with oxygen. The simplest way is to create an ice hole. If it is possible to supply fresh water to the pond, you should do so. You can also use a compressor to supply air to the pond. IN winter period Carp fingerlings are not fed. They start feeding the fish in the spring at a water temperature of 8-10 °C.

When starting the second year of growing carp, it is necessary to know the condition of the yearlings after wintering. If their weight is at least 25 g and their fatness is high, then wintering was successful and this is the key to successful cultivation of table fish. The density of planting of yearling carp in a reservoir for growing marketable fish should be determined by the planned output of fish products per unit of pond area, as well as the natural food resources of the pond and the availability of compound feed. An example of calculating the density of carp yearlings, provided that the planned productivity of the pond is 1500 kg/ha, the area is 0.05 ha, the weight of two-year-olds by autumn is 0.5 kg, the average weight of spring yearlings is 0.03 kg, the fish yield of the planted amount is 90%:

X= (1500 0.05 100) : (0.5 - 0.03)90 = 180 copies.

In summer, the fish are fed twice a day. As a rule, in September, when the fish reaches marketable weight, they begin to fish the pond. Considering that fish grow unevenly, and also that individual individuals can reach marketable weight as early as July - August, it is advisable to catch them earlier. This extends the period of use of fresh fish for food. Thanks to the sparse planting, the remaining fish in the pond will be kept in better conditions and will reach marketable mass faster. Carp can be left for cultivation in the third year. In the third year, carp gives greater weight gain than in the second year of life. Typically the gain is about 1 kg. Three-year-old fish has more edible parts and its meat is richer in nutrients.

By placing suitable types of fish in an artificial pond, you will always have access to fish delicacies and meat. How to raise fish in a home pond correctly - read this article.

When planning to breed fish in a pond on a personal plot, you need to choose the right type of fish, focusing on financial capabilities, the characteristics of the reservoir and the characteristics of the water. In addition, it is important to take into account the water temperature and climatic conditions of the region. Today we will present the characteristics of the most common types of fish and tell you about the features of their cultivation.

What kind of fish is best to breed in a small pond?

When choosing a type of fish, they first of all focus on the climatic zone in which the household farm is located. For example, species adapted for breeding in southern regions are not suitable for northern latitudes and vice versa. In addition, the quality of water and the intensity of water supply must be taken into account.

Below are the main characteristics of common species intended for breeding. With these tips, you can determine which fish are best to breed in a small home pond.

Fish breeds

When choosing which fish is best to breed in a pond, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the most common breeds of aquatic pets, the peculiarities of their cultivation and the main characteristics.

To help you choose which breed is best to breed in a large and small pond, we provide detailed descriptions most popular breeds.

It has many useful economic qualities and is bred in many farms. This is one of the most unpretentious freshwater species: it easily tolerates changes in feed and water chemical composition.

Carp is heat-loving, so the optimal temperature for growth and reproduction is the range of 18-30 degrees. The timing of puberty also depends on the temperature. In temperate and cold climates, sexual maturity occurs in 4-5 years, and in southern latitudes - in the second or third. It is noteworthy that males become mature earlier than females. However, if the carp is provided with a consistently high temperature, sexual maturity can occur at one year of age (Figure 1).

Note: The fertility of females is very high, but it depends on the conditions of detention. As a rule, spawning takes place near the shore, and optimal temperature water is 17-20 degrees.

The larvae hatch and begin to actively feed within 3-6 days after spawning. To feed the larvae, you need to use small plankton (daphnia, rotifers, cyclops), and with age they gradually switch to bloodworms or mollusks, but they also willingly eat food of plant origin.

Carp grows quite quickly, and at the age of three its weight exceeds 1 kg, but in good conditions carps can reach a weight of 2 kg.

Figure 1. Carp: adults and juveniles

There are several types of carp, which differ in the type of scales: scaly, specular scattered, mirror linear and leathery (naked). The first two types are suitable for breeding in temperate climates, but regardless of the type, carp will grow well in shallow, warm water with a weak current.

  • Golden carp

A small fish without antennae, with copper-red sides (Figure 2). It is best to grow it in stagnant ponds with a muddy bottom. Golden crucian carp is unpretentious to growing conditions, and normally tolerates increased acidity of water or reduced oxygen content. Sexual maturity occurs at two to four years, and spawning occurs in several stages with an interval of two weeks.

Figure 2. Gold and silver crucian carp

Golden crucian carp feeds on small plankton and aquatic vegetation, and the weight of an adult individual can reach 3 kg, but more often it is caught after reaching a weight of 0.5 kg. The value of golden crucian carp is also that it can be grown in any reservoir and crossed with other species (for example, with carp or silver crucian carp). Hybrids are highly resilient and undemanding in terms of nutrition and maintenance.

  • Goldfish

Unlike the round-bodied goldfish, this species has angular shapes and the body is covered with large silvery scales (Figure 2). Like the species described above, silver crucian carp is undemanding in terms of housing conditions, and can feed on both animal and plant foods, but reaches the desired weight much faster.

Note: The goldfish has an unusual biological feature. In cold and temperate climates, the number of males and females in spawning is approximately the same, but in other areas the offspring are only females, which reproduce by crossing with other species (carp, tench, golden carp).

Silver crucian carp is excellent for growing in reservoirs with unfavorable water chemistry.

  • Grass carp

This is a large breed that grows quickly. The homeland of grass carp is the rivers of the Far East and China, and in the European part of Russia it began to be grown only in the middle of the twentieth century.

The body of grass carp can reach 1 meter and is covered with large scales. Weight is 40-50 kg. It feeds mainly on plant foods, preferring young plants, but adults can also eat hard reeds or cattails. In addition, they can feed on terrestrial vegetation that has entered the reservoir (clover, cereals, alfalfa).

The rate of growth and sexual maturation depends on water temperature. In southern regions with consistently high temperatures, grass carp grow all year round, but if the temperature drops below 10 degrees, the individual stops feeding and growing.

Note: Grass carp's ability to eat large number plant food allows it to be used as a purifier for overgrown ponds.

Sexual maturity occurs at seven to eight years (for males) and at eight to nine (for females). The timing of its onset depends not only on temperature, but also on the food supply. Spawning under natural conditions takes place in riverbeds big rivers with a fast flow, and in artificial growing conditions - directly into the water column. The larvae hatch after about a day, but in artificial reservoirs this process can be controlled by changing the water temperature.

  • Black cupid

In terms of distribution region and body shape, black carp is similar to white carp, but its body is covered with large black scales. Under favorable growing conditions, the weight of an adult can reach 55 kg. Unlike grass carp, black carp feed on mollusks, and the larvae feed on zooplankton.

Figure 3. Types of carp: 1 - white, 2 - juvenile white carp, 3 - black
  • White and bighead carp

A characteristic feature is a large head with low-set eyes. Silver carps grow quickly, and the weight of an adult can reach 50 kg.

Figure 4. Silver carp: 1 - white, 2 - motley, 3 - whitebait

White and bighead carp differ in some external characteristics (Figure 4). The pied has a larger head and silvery scales with brown spots on the sides. The bighead carp also has silvery scales, but has no spots. In addition, they differ in the structure of the filtration apparatus: in the motley one, the gill rakers are long and frequent, while in the white one they grow together, forming a network for filtering algae and small plankton. These differences can only be determined at the age of 3-5 years, when the individual reaches a fairly large size.

Silver carp feeds on various types of algae and does not accept artificial food. The exception is the bighead carp, which can also feed on artificial food.

Note: Bighead carp also eat plankton animals, so it cannot be grown together with carp, so that there is no food competition in the reservoir.

Sexual maturity occurs earlier in silver carp (at three to seven years), and bighead carp becomes mature at four to eight years (depending on the growing region). Modern breeders have bred a hybrid of these two species, which is characterized by rapid growth and can feed on both plant and animal foods.

  • Buffalo

Found naturally in America. This is a large breed that looks like a carp and grows quickly. There are several types of buffalo, which differ in size and weight of adults: largemouth (up to 45 kg), smallmouth (15-18 kg) and black (up to 7 kg). In addition, they differ in the structure of the filtration apparatus and the type of nutrition, but they mainly eat plankton, although feed can also be used for cultivation.

Figure 5. Appearance buffalo breed
  • Channel catfish

A large individual whose weight can reach 30 kg. Channel catfish were originally raised in the United States, but later they spread throughout the world. The catfish is heat-loving, and the optimal temperature for growth is 25-30 degrees, but the channel catfish successfully survives the winter even in reservoirs covered with a layer of ice. However, it is demanding on the oxygen content in water.

Channel catfish are omnivores and can feed on plankton, small mollusks and small fish. Sexual maturity occurs at 5-8 years, and spawning occurs in the summer, when the water temperature reaches 20-22 degrees, but for the larvae to hatch, the temperature must be higher (up to 30 degrees).

In temperate climates, channel catfish are raised primarily in cages placed in temperature-controlled reservoirs. Catfish grows quickly, and its meat has a high gastronomic value, but for this it is necessary to feed it with high-quality protein and fortified feed (slaughterhouse waste or minced fish mixed with animal feed).

  • Trout perch

This is a predator that lives in fresh water bodies North America. The diet depends on the age of the individual. The fry feed on algae or zooplankton, while the adults eat mollusks, tadpoles, small fish and insects. If there is a lack of food, cannibalism can begin, so when growing trout perch, you need to make sure that the individuals have enough food, and the fry must be separated from the adults. From Figure 6 you can determine what trout perch looks like.

Figure 6. Species for breeding in the pond: 1 - channel catfish, 2 and 3 - trout perch

Puberty occurs in the first or third year of life (depending on temperature conditions). Spawning begins when the water temperature reaches 18 degrees. To lay eggs, the male digs a small nest in dense soil, and after the female lays eggs, the male guards the nest for several weeks.

Trout perch grows quickly, and if it is fed intensively and kept in the right conditions, in the second year of life the weight of an individual can reach two kilograms. The taste of trout perch meat is similar to trout meat.

  • Sturgeon

Sturgeon breeding is one of the most profitable in fish farming. The most common types of sturgeon are (Figure 7):

  1. Bester is a hybrid of beluga and sterlet. Adapts perfectly to different conditions content and can be bred in both fresh and salt water bodies. The bester reaches puberty early, and the individual quickly gains weight.
  2. The Lena sturgeon looks like a sterlet, but it is much larger. It feeds on insects, mollusks and small fish. Sexual maturity occurs at 10-12 years, and tolerates high water temperatures (more than 30 degrees), but the best temperature for breeding is considered to be within 15-25 degrees.
  3. Paddlefish began to be bred in the USA, but now they are common in Russia. This is the only insect that feeds on plant matter and zooplankton. This is a large individual, which, subject to the right conditions When grown, it can reach a weight of 80 kg and a length of 2 meters. When kept in reservoirs with a water temperature of 20-25 degrees, the paddlefish grows quickly, and already in the second year of life its weight reaches 4 kg.

Figure 7. Sturgeon species: 1 - bester, 2 - Lena sturgeon, 3 - paddlefish

Paddlefish tolerate winter well and can remain under the ice for several months. Paddlefish meat resembles beluga meat, and caviar is similar to sturgeon.

  • Acne

There are 15 species of eels, but mainly European and Japanese ones are bred (Figure 8). The eel has a long body with short fins. The eel is an anadromous species and breeds in the ocean. For example, the European eel goes to spawn in the Bermuda and Bahamas islands in the Atlantic Ocean, and the current carries the eggs to European rivers, where they develop further.

Figure 8. Types of eel: 1 - European, 2 - Japanese

It is better to use long and narrow containers for growing eels. Eels are predators, so small frogs, crustaceans, insects and fry are used to feed them.

  • Tilapia

In the wild it is found in Africa and the Middle East. Tilapia reproduces easily, grows quickly and is undemanding when it comes to feed. Meat has a high gastronomic value (Figure 9).

There are about 70 species of tilapia, but the most common is the genus Oreochromis. The development of eggs occurs in the oral cavity of an adult, which has a positive effect on the replenishment of the population. Under favorable breeding conditions and kept in warm water, tilapia spawns several times a year, but is not highly fertile.

Figure 9. Adult tilapia and its fry

Tilapia is undemanding in terms of keeping conditions: it can be bred in fresh and brackish waters, as well as in ponds and pools with low oxygen content. However, for full growth, the water temperature should not be lower than 13 degrees. It feeds on plant matter, but some varieties also eat plankton.

Belongs to a species that feels better in cool water. It is quite easy to breed, and the meat has high taste. The color of the trout is silver with black dots, and a bright rainbow stripe runs along the side (Figure 10).

Figure 10. Adults and juveniles of rainbow trout

The optimal temperature for breeding is considered to be 16-18 degrees, but there must be enough oxygen in the water. If its content is 3 mg/l or lower, the trout will die.

It feeds mainly on insects, tadpoles and crustaceans, but adults can also eat small fish. When artificially breeding trout, it is better to feed them with protein feed.

Sexual maturity in rainbow trout occurs at two to three years, and fertility depends on the age and weight of the individual.

  • Peled

Found in rivers and lakes with cool water. It is characterized by rapid growth, undemanding conditions of keeping and feeding.

Figure 11. Peled (adults and fry)

It can feed on aquatic plants, small plankton and insects. Compared to trout, peled is less demanding on water quality and oxygen content.

  • Peipus whitefish

It is found in Lake Peipsi, but can also be grown in other artificially created lakes. The weight of an adult can exceed 3 kg. For rapid growth of the Chud whitefish, you need to provide it with clean water at a temperature of 15-20 degrees and high-quality animal feed (Figure 12).

In the wild it is found in reservoirs of the Arctic, where summer is very short. It grows very quickly and reaches sexual maturity at three to four years. Spawning begins in November, when the first ice begins to form (Figure 12).

Figure 12. Freshwater rocks: 1 - Chud whitefish, 2 - whitefish

Thanks to rapid growth and simple maintenance, whitefish can be bred in artificial reservoirs in the northern regions. Additionally, a hybrid was created - pelchir (based on peled and broad whitefish), which is less demanding on feed, has increased resistance to disease and accelerated growth.

Can be bred in standing, cool waters. The only requirement for breeding is the provision of high-quality food of animal origin (insect larvae, frogs, tadpoles or fry).

Pike should be raised separately from other species, and since it grows quite quickly, the reservoir for its maintenance must be large.

Figure 13. Adult pike and its fry

It got its name due to its biological feature: it changes color after being caught. After being pulled out of the water, it immediately becomes covered with black spots, which fall off and yellow skin is visible in their place. This happens because the tench's skin is covered with a thick layer of mucus, which hardens in the air (Figure 14).

Figure 14. Adult tench and its fry

To breed tench, it is better to use calm reservoirs with weak currents and a large number vegetation. Tench feed on small crustaceans, mollusks, insect larvae and the remains of food that has settled on the bottom. Thanks to this, tench are grown together with other species, mainly carp. The only drawback of tench is its slow growth.

Found in fresh water bodies with warm water. Catfish are carnivorous and feed on fry, frogs, crustaceans, and can sometimes eat small waterfowl.

Catfish can be bred in small reservoirs, canals or simply pits filled with water. In winter, catfish hibernate and are highly resilient. Review popular types fish intended for breeding in ponds on personal plots is shown in the video.

How to raise fish in a home pond

If there is free space on the site, it can be used for arranging a pond and breeding aquatic pets. In addition, such a pond can have not only practical, but also decorative value: if a mini-waterfall or alpine slide is installed on it, such a pond will become a real decoration of the site.

But most often, home ponds are used specifically for breeding and further catching fish for food. It is important to properly organize the conditions for reproduction and growth of the livestock, and to choose the right breeds that will easily take root in your pond.

You will learn more about breeding from the video.

What you need to know

To regularly get a rich catch, you need to know exactly how to breed fish in your home pond.

This process has some peculiarities. First of all, you need to properly build an artificial reservoir that is comfortable for fish not only in summer, but also in winter. The depth of the pond should be at least 120 cm, but if possible, it is advisable to make the pond deeper. This is necessary, since in severe frost the water will simply freeze and the individuals will die.

Note: In winter, holes must be made in the ice so that pets do not suffer from lack of oxygen. If you are planning large-scale breeding, it is better to immediately install a water pump or air compressor.

The size of the pond directly depends on the number of livestock that will be in it. For example, for small breeds (up to 10 cm in length) you need a pond with a water volume of 50 liters, and if the fish grows larger, then you will need a much larger pond.

Other important points for breeding include:

  • Adjusting the number of livestock is necessary, since if the pond is overpopulated, individuals will begin to get sick or fight for food, which will ultimately lead to the death of some individuals. To prevent this, part of the livestock will have to be caught for sale or consumption.
  • The correct selection of material for the walls and bottom of the reservoir also plays a role important role because it must be absolutely safe. For this purpose, it is better to choose high-quality film or special coatings for artificial reservoirs. The bottom must be covered with a layer of sand and gravel with underwater plants, which will not only create comfortable living conditions for the fish, but also provide it with additional food.
  • Feeding should be moderate, and active complementary feeding is recommended only in summer or spring, when underwater inhabitants grow and develop. After feeding (after about 10 minutes), the remaining food is caught from the surface of the water so that it does not spoil and cause the water to rot. In the fall, feeding is stopped, since when the temperature drops below 10 degrees, the fish completely stop feeding.

It is important to properly relocate purchased fish to a new body of water. To do this, it is placed on the surface of the water for a while directly in a transportation bag and only after that is released directly into the water. This is necessary so that the fish adapts to new temperature conditions and does not experience shock. Under no circumstances should individuals caught in the river be released into an artificial pond. They can be infected with dangerous diseases and become a source of infection for other individuals. It is recommended to buy fish for home breeding only in specialized farms or pet stores. If you find a sick individual (lying on its side, swimming strangely, rubbing against objects, and a white coating has appeared on its body), be sure to isolate it and carry out preventive measures with other individuals.


Many people think that raising fish in a pond on their property is difficult, but this task is quite simple and can be done by anyone who knows the basic features of cultivation.

Figure 15. Basic requirements for home ponds

It is best to stock fish in an existing, natural reservoir located on the site. If this is not the case, dig the pond yourself. The main feature that will help to equip an artificial pond in the country is correct selection varieties.

So, what kind of fish can be grown in a pond at the dacha? The best breed is considered to be carp, which feels good in small bodies of water and quickly gains weight, as it spends less energy searching for food.

Note: A small pond is also convenient for the owner, since such a pond is much easier to care for.

For breeding carp or crucian carp, a pond measuring 4*6 meters and up to one and a half meters deep will be sufficient. To determine the optimal number of individuals, you need to calculate the volume of the reservoir. Based on this indicator, no more than 20 individuals are populated per cubic meter of pond water.

Another advantage of a small reservoir is the fact that the water in it quickly warms up, which has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of carp. The optimal temperature is considered to be within 24-26 degrees. If this indicator is higher or lower, the pets’ basic life processes will slow down, they will stop eating and growing.


Breeding fish in a home pond is not a difficult task, but it still requires compliance with certain rules.

The main nuances that should be taken into account are:(Figure 15):

  • The bottom and walls of the pit must be well leveled and compacted, and it is advisable to additionally cover the bottom with cement;
  • The bottom of the reservoir can be covered with film or old tubes from truck wheels, and if you plan to grow not only fish, but also crayfish, you need to place old pots or pipes on the bottom in which the crayfish will hide during molting;
  • To fill the pond, you can use any water: well, spring or even tap water. But it is not recommended to stock fish immediately, since the liquid must warm up well in the sun, stagnate slightly and become colonized with microorganisms.

To speed up the process of preparing water in a pond for settlement, you can pour several buckets of water into it from another artificial reservoir in which fish are bred or place a bunch of grass at the bottom.

What conditions should there be for fish in a pond?

For normal life, fish need to create optimal conditions. First of all, this requirement concerns acidity: its value should not exceed 7-8 pH.

Note: If the acidity in the pond is too low, you can always increase it by adding a solution of soda or limestone.

Temperature also plays an important role. Before moving in, you need to equalize the temperature in the pond and in the containers in which the individuals were transported. This will help reduce the risk of developing temperature shock and prevent the death of young individuals in the first day after relocation.

Dry food is mixed with water to form a thick porridge, and mixed feed can be replaced with cereals or legumes. They are steamed and given out in a swollen form. It is advisable to feed the fish at the same time, and pour the food onto a certain area of ​​the pond. It is advisable to equip special feeding trays for this purpose. They are easy to remove from the water for cleaning, and the use of such devices will help control the amount of uneaten food and prevent acidification of the water.

How to breed fish in a pond: video

To more accurately determine how to prepare a reservoir for fish breeding and what conditions need to be provided for aquatic pets, we recommend that you watch the video. Its author will tell you in detail useful tips and recommendations for keeping and breeding fish in a pond at the dacha.

How to grow paddlefish in a pond

The paddlefish is an amazing creature, because this species can live in almost any climate, from subtropical to harsh continental.

Growing paddlefish is only possible in reservoirs with a good bottom and the ability to supply and pump out water (Figure 16). In fact, ponds in which carp were previously raised are suitable for this species, but it should be taken into account that paddlefish must be kept for several years to obtain enough meat.

For feeding, they use natural food from reservoirs (zooplankton and phytoplankton). To ensure that paddlefish always have access to a natural food supply, mineral fertilizers must be added to the pond, often in fractional portions. It is important to thoroughly dissolve the fertilizer in the water so that paddlefish do not eat its particles and become poisoned. Superphosphate, lime, potassium permanganate or very high-quality rotted manure after preliminary laboratory testing for the chemical composition are suitable for fertilizing a reservoir.


There are some features that must be taken into account when raising paddlefish.

Firstly, you cannot keep fry and adult fish in the same reservoir. If the pond becomes overpopulated, the adults will begin to eat the young ones.

Figure 16. Breeding paddlefish in a home pond

Herbivorous fish are considered the best neighbors for paddlefish, with the exception of silver carp, which is very close to paddlefish in terms of food ration, therefore, mainly carp, black carp and channel catfish are introduced into ponds.

The profitability of paddlefish breeding is also explained by the fact that this fish is very easy to catch using a seine or any other simple fishing device.


In order for paddlefish breeding to be successful, it is necessary to provide the individuals with a good flow of oxygen, since paddlefish are more demanding when it comes to saturating the reservoir with air.

Note: The optimal level is considered to be 5 mg of oxygen per liter of water, but paddlefish will normally tolerate a slight decrease in this indicator (up to 2 mg/l) for a short time.

Larvae and fry are kept separately from adults, and from the age of one year they are bred together with other fish (silver carp, grass carp and black carp).

Grown-up individuals, starting from the age of seven, are kept in separate reservoirs, and for the winter they are placed in separate ponds. They must be deep enough, at least one and a half meters, so that fish can move freely in the water column even after the surface of the reservoir freezes.

The larvae are fed with small aquatic insects and zooplankton, and it is advisable to feed it in a suspended state. Adult individuals are necessarily weighed during the capture process and only the largest individuals are selected, while the rest are left for caviar production.


In homestead ponds, carp, tench, crucian carp, grass carp, silver carp, pike, and pike perch are well bred; In the northern regions, trout, whitefish, and peled are grown. Among the low-value, weedy fish that can live in reservoirs are perch, gudgeon, perch, roach and loaches.
According to the requirements for environmental conditions, fish are divided into two types: heat-loving and cold-loving.

Heat-loving (cyprinid) grow and develop well and prefer reservoirs with stagnant water, well warmed up, with moderately developed aquatic vegetation in them. They reproduce in the autumn-summer period. The eggs are spawned onto freshly drenched vegetation. Usually, after a few days, larvae emerge from the eggs, which then turn into fry.

Cold-loving fish are demanding of clean water with a high concentration of oxygen in it. Eggs are laid by cold-loving fish, as a rule, late autumn on rocky soil, where it develops over several months.
It is advisable to breed several species of fish in a garden pond, which increases general output fish products due to the different nutritional spectrum.

Carp- the most common fish in ponds. It is prolific, grows quickly, has good taste (proteins up to 16%, fats up to 15%). For carp, the optimal water temperature is 22-27°C, oxygen is sufficient at 5-7 mg/l. Under such conditions and abundant feeding, the increase is 5-7 g per day.
In winter, carp usually do not feed; during this period, 4-5 mg/l of oxygen is enough for them. With an oxygen concentration of only 0.3-0.5 mg/l in winter and 0.5 mg/l in summer, it dies.
The food of carp is varied - from small crustaceans (daphnia, cyclops) to worms, mosquito larvae and other insects. In addition, carp digest grain waste, cakes, and mixed feed well.
Sexual maturity occurs at 4-5 years of age. Carp lay their eggs on the grass in various small areas of the reservoir. Spawning usually takes place at a water temperature of at least 17-18°C, in calm, sunny and windless weather. Per 1 kg of mass, the female lays about 180 thousand eggs, which develop up to 5 days. The larva turns into a fry in 4-5 days.
Fry from spawning ponds are transplanted into nursery ponds, where they grow until autumn. Their standard weight should be at least 20-30 g by autumn. After wintering, they are transplanted into feeding ponds for growing commercial fish and kept for up to 2 years, at which point the production cycle usually ends.

crucian carp- typical pond fish. There are golden crucian carp (in ponds) and silver crucian carp (in flowing water bodies). They differ only in external coloring and some morphological characteristics.
Sedentary and lazy crucian carp feel best in thickets of aquatic vegetation, where they find food (lower crustaceans, mosquito larvae, oligochaena, mollusks, detritus, algae, insect larvae, worms). If it is sufficient, golden crucian carp at 8-10 years old weighs 1-1.5 kg, silver crucian carp at 5-6 years old weighs up to 1 kg.
Sexual maturity of crucian carp occurs at two or three years of age. The fertility of a female weighing 200-300 g is up to 300 thousand eggs. Spawning occurs at water temperatures above 18-20°C, usually in the second half of May-June.
Crucian carp spawn 2-3 times at intervals of up to 7 days. It “sticks” to vegetation and develops over several days.
It should be noted that crucian carp are one of the most valuable fish breeds when bred by amateur fish farmers in small reservoirs, since they are not very demanding on the oxygen regime. However, it is necessary to constantly regulate their reproduction in order to prevent overpopulation of the reservoir and reduction of the mass.
Golden crucian carp is a strong competitor to carp in nutrition, so it is not recommended to grow them in the same pond. For joint cultivation, it is better to take silver crucian carp.

Tench lives in ponds, lakes and rivers overgrown with aquatic vegetation. Its meat has a good taste and high protein content (18%). It is not very demanding on the oxygen regime. Tench fry feed on small crustaceans and rotifers, while adults feed on chironomid larvae and mollusks.
Tench grows slowly in ponds; in natural conditions, individuals weighing 6-8 kg are found and live 10-12 years.
Sexual maturity occurs at the age of 2-3 years. Eggs are laid on aquatic vegetation at intervals of 14 days throughout most of the summer. It develops in 5-7 days. Fertility depends on the size of the female (from 50 to 300 thousand pieces). Spawning usually takes place in warm water at temperatures above 22°C.
Tench breed well in non-drainable and overgrown ponds. This fish is very shy, afraid of noise, quickly buries itself in the mud and scatters throughout the pond. Therefore, it is better to catch it with a venter, a top or a fishing rod.

Grass carp- a typical herbivorous fish. An adult eats various aquatic vegetation of ponds - 30-70 kg per 1 kg of growth. The fry feed on crustaceans and rotifers. If there is little vegetation, it can compete with carp in nutrition, even eating mixed feed. Therefore, they are planted in overgrown ponds at the rate of 100-300 pieces per hectare of water surface.
The growth of grass carp is 500-700 g per summer (in cooling ponds of thermal power plants, the average growth per season is 2-3 kg).
Sexual maturity occurs at 6-8 years. Spawning in natural conditions has not been observed - this is an artificially propagated fish. To produce offspring, broodstock are kept in special ponds or pools with warm water; to mature the reproductive products, the pituitary glands of carp or carp are injected into the body muscles. Females are subjected to a fractional injection, males - a single injection, after which maturation occurs after 9-10 hours. In mature females, eggs, 400-800 thousand pieces, are filtered and fertilized with the milk of males using a dry method. After fertilization, the eggs are washed with clean pond water and placed in incubation apparatus for 18-32 hours. The embryos that hatch from the eggs fall by gravity into special catch cages. They are kept in the apparatus until the transition to mixed feeding. Later they go to ponds for growing or sale.

Silver carp. There are two types - white and motley, differing in color, growth, and feeding method.
Silver carp feeds exclusively on microscopic algae, while bighead carp also feed on zooplankton. The growth of silver carp is somewhat less than its counterpart.
There are bighead carp weighing up to 28, and white carp weighing up to 16 kg.
Bighead carp forms hybrid forms with silver carp. The production rate per 1 hectare of feeding pond is 500-1000 yearlings, depending on the food supply.

Pike brings great benefits in water bodies overpopulated with small weed fish, destroys sick fish, which prevents the spread of certain diseases. It is also one of the factors better growth fish: by dispersing it, it increases their appetite, they eat and grow better.
The nutritional value of pike is high: at two or three years of age, the meat contains 18-19% proteins.

Perch- inhabitant of lakes and rivers. In its predatory greed it is not inferior to the pike, it is very voracious. He eats any fish, as long as it is the right size, sometimes he eats his own offspring, he loves caviar of different breeds of fish, and fry in winter.
Perch is undesirable in carp ponds, especially where young fish are being reared. They fight it by installing nets and filters on waterfall canals, bowls, as well as by draining ponds and disinfecting them with lime. Perch is demanding on the oxygen regime, so it can be transferred in winter by artificially creating an oxygen deficiency, reducing strength, and introducing organic fertilizers into the ice holes.