Ski triathlon. Triathlon: history, distances and types

Hello, dear readers! Winter is not a reason to go into hibernation, winter is a reason to awaken the beast within you and direct it to the sports path. Winter is intensive training to ramp up volumes for the upcoming summer races.

Winter triathlon is the best reason not to “forget” about summer starts. With you is the school of running and triathlon and our article about winter triathlon, what is useful to know to diversify the sports process and what can be useful to you as an athlete.

When going to the start of a winter triathlon, pay attention to the format of the start. Classic Italian or Russian. The choice of sports paraphernalia depends on the choice of format, since these competitions have significant differences from each other.

Applied triathlon in Italian

Classic winter triathlons include running, MTB mountain biking and cross-country skiing. Everything takes place in the snow. Russian winter triathlon has a unique feature: one of the stages of the competition takes place on ice. The format of the event is as follows: speed skating start, cross-country skiing and race.

The Italian version of the competition is adopted as the basis for the World and European Championships. Initially, the length of the race stages was calculated based on the total time for completing all distances, and was equal to 80-90 minutes.

The choice of distances was set on the start day and was determined by weather conditions and the state of the snow cover.

Since 2013 ITU International Union triathlon approved the distances of the all-around stages. The distance of the running stage is 5 km, cycling – 12 km, cross-country skiing – 8 km. This competition was called S3 by the name of the disciplines included in it - three S (snowshoes - running in the snow, skate - bicycle, ski - skis).

In February 2015, the city of Quebec hosted the first championship under the auspices of the ITU in the approved format.

This sport has every chance of being included in the winter sports program. Olympic Games in the future, since in terms of entertainment it is in no way inferior to summer triathlon. However, during the 2014 games in Sochi, this type of competition was denied.

Russian version of winter start

The winter version of the all-around appeared in our country when the word “triathlon” did not yet exist in the vocabulary of athletes. Old-timers of this sport at the turn of the 70s and 80s of the last century began to conduct the first training sessions in the format skating– cross-country skiing – running.

On February 23, 1997, St. Petersburg saw the first official start of the winter triathlon, which brought together 6 athletes. Athletes overcame stages of 8, 16 and 8 km in length, respectively, “skating”, “skiing”, running. Since then, the popularity of this type of competition has slowly but surely grown.

Such triathlon starts are also held in winter period, where, along with cross-country skiing and cross-country, the last stage is swimming in the pool. In 2015, the organizers of this start in St. Petersburg, due to weather conditions, replaced “skating” with swimming.


Quintathlon is a pentathlon, a competition of five sports disciplines, combining summer and winter triathlons.

The format of the event is such that initially the participant is asked to overcome sequential distances of winter triathlon, then ride a bicycle, and finally swim a stage in the pool.

The time spent swimming in the pool is added to the total.

In this context, it is appropriate to mention the youngest of the “all-rounders” - winter duathlon. Winter duathlon is skiing plus running. Distance ski race for amateur starts varies from 2 to 8 km, running distance from 1 to 5 km.

Winter history of eventing

Winter triathlon originated in the early 80s in the wake of the popularity of the classic Ironman start. The race in Hawaii, where athletes swim 3.8 km, bike 180 km and run a marathon 42 km, became the ancestor of many combined events.

Historically, it was expected that, against the backdrop of summer starts, winter events in the triathlon format would appear, as a tribute to sports fashion, excitement and the spirit of competition. Countries comfortably located in northern geographical latitudes, this type I really liked the sport.

1995 The city of Mals, Alps, on the border with Austria. This is where winter triathlon began its cultivation. Here the first start in the new format of triathlon saw the light.

The athletes ran, cycled and skied, alternately covering distances of 8.5 km, 12.5 and 10 km.

Since 1999, the International Triathlon Union has been holding this type of competition under its flag. The winter type of all-around is becoming popular, World and European championships are being held.

Winter starts and categories

Overview of the annual calendar of winter starts - winter triathlon 2017. You can take part in the winter triathlon and spend cultural leisure time in Veliky Novgorod, in Yaroslavl for the Opening winter season", in Kazan at the Kazan Winter Triathlon competition, in Kamensk-Uralsk, Ibresi, Novocheborkask, Zheleznogorsk, Zelenodolsk, Berezniki, Kirov and Petrozavodsk.

The Laurel Trefoil event is taking place in Moscow, the Snow Storm in the village of Kresttsy, and the Winter Cross-Country HEPO Triathlon in the village of Toksovo.

Below is a table of categories according to the Russian Triathlon Federation, which will allow you to evaluate your strength among equal athletes!

Leaders of winter triathlon. Russia and Pavel Andreev five-time champion

Russia is a strong leader in European eventing championships. Once again confirmation of this last championship Europe, which took place on January 28 in the city of Otepää.

Our guys had no equal, our guys took home a scattering of gold, silver and bronze medals, 10, 7 and 6, respectively. We take pride in our guys!

Pavel Andreev became a five-time European champion in this discipline, taking first place in the “elite” category. Bregeda Dmitry climbed to second place on the podium. Yulia Surikova became a bronze medalist in the sports competition.

Russian juniors (under 23 years old) did their best! The entire podium among men and women was ours! I don’t even remember in which sport our athletes performed so successfully.

Who among us will remember where our athletes occupied the entire podium?! Juniors under the age of 18 also performed strongly, winning first and second places among men and women, but they lost third places.

Yalchik Alexander and Plotnikova Anna – our paratriathletes, became the best athletes in the race.

The level of training of our triathletes is impressive. Undoubtedly, if this type of competition were included in the program of the Winter Olympic Games, it would be a good help for our country in the final medal table. It's a shame, but that's not true.

In conclusion, we note that winter all-around sports, which combine speed skating, cross-country racing, skiing, cross-country and swimming significantly add variety to the choice of off-season starts for speed skaters, cyclists, skiers, track and field athletes and swimmers!

See you at new starts. Winter is ahead. Let's hope we have a great opportunity to ski!

If you want to train for a half marathon, marathon or IRONMAN, then come to school. With us you will train with experienced trainer, whose student occupies a leading position in the world triathlon rankings.

You will receive training in running, swimming and cycling, cardio strength training and a set of general physical fitness exercises.

You can also win valuable prizes in our competitions and even a whole slot (ticket to IRONMAN).

Winter triathlon- a combination of running, cross-country cycling and cross-country skiing, completed in a continuous sequence. This relatively new discipline, cultivated by the ITU, was planned to be presented at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. The ITU standard distance consists of 7-9km running, 12-14km cycling and 10-12km cross-country skiing. And all this is on snow-covered roads.

Winter triathlon - historical background.

First experiments.
Winter triathlon, like all multi-sport events of our time, was brought to life by the real triathlon boom that was happening in the West in the 1980s. It was then that the first competitions called winter triathlons were held.
“I first became acquainted with this discipline as an innocent 16-year-old girl.” - remembers two-time Champion Mira Marianne Vlasfeld from the Netherlands. “It was back in 1989 - we went to Inzell, Germany for a competition that consisted of 20km running, 30km cross-country skiing and 40km skating.”

Similar competitions are held annually in our northern capital. We are talking about the “traditional St. Petersburg winter triathlon,” where athletes successively overcome 8 km on skates, 16 km on skis and 8 km running. This winter "triathlon" is integral part winter "marathon-quintathlon". On the same day, everyone who wants to establish themselves as “universal triathletes” can, in addition to the three above-mentioned disciplines, overcome two more: 9 km 445 m cycling and 750 m swimming (already in the pool). The total length of the distance is 42 km 195 m - that is why this start is called a “marathon-quintathlon”.
These competitions were first organized in 1995 by St. Petersburg sports fan Mikhail Antonovich Stazhkov, a navy veteran. On February 23, 2005, his brainchild, already included in the official sports calendar of the city, gathered more than a hundred participants near the 50th Anniversary of October Revolution park. And as is customary at triathlon competitions, the prize classification was carried out for all age groups- in increments of 5 years - and in absolute championship.

The first "real" winter triathlon!
The first winter triathlon in the modern sense - the "South Tyrol Winter Triathlon" - was held in 1995 in the Italian town of Mals, which is located in the Alps on the border with Austria. The athletes consistently completed 8.5 km of running, 12.5 km of cycling and 10 km of cross-country skiing.

In the same place and at the same distance in 1997, the first official Championship ITU World.
Today, leading positions in winter triathlon are occupied by European countries: Germany, Switzerland and Italy. Norway, the Netherlands and France are also very prominent. All these powers are traditionally strong in winter species sports - especially cross-country skiing.

Triathlon vs. winter triathlon.
In professional triathlon, cross-country triathlon, duathlon and aquathlon, the same athletes usually compete - and win prizes. Winter triathlon stands apart.
The first World Champions were the Italian Maria Canins-Bonaldi, a former successful professional cyclist; and her compatriot, skier Paolo Riva.
The winners of the first US Championships, which took place in 2001, were cross-country cyclist Gretchen Reeves and 46-year-old mountain bike veteran Ned Overend. This athlete is a true legend of American cycling, a six-time US Champion in cross-country cycling. Having completed his professional career, he tried his hand at triathlon... and won the XTerra "World Championship" in cross-country triathlon twice (1998, 1999). Thus, winter triathlon is already his third specialty in professional sports.

As for the amateurs, winter triathlon - like triathlon - has a lot of "species diversity." Any sports enthusiast - runner, skater, skier, mountain biker or swimmer - will undoubtedly enjoy participating in such competitions.

Winter triathlon in Russia.
In Russia, interest in winter triathlon became noticeably more active when the Olympic prospects for this discipline became more clearly visible. First All-Russian competitions in modern winter triathlon took place on March 19, 2005 in Moscow. In these competitions that were held on the territory Izmailovsky Park, 104 people took part.

The first official Russian Winter Triathlon Championship took place a year later - in 2006 - in Yaroslavl. The first Russian Champions were cyclist orienteer Ksenia Chernykh from Moscow and skier Andrei Mishanin, a native of the Perm region.

Trinity Winter Triathlon 2007 - join us!
No one is stopping you from trying yourself in this new discipline!
Compete for the title of Russian Champion! It will probably be interesting for amateur athletes to know that in 2006, the current Champion of Russia entered the popular amateur competition and finished only 21st in the veteran overall. And for you, in order to achieve the honorary title of Master of Sports of Russia (according to the new EVSK, in force since November 27, 2006), you only need to finish in the top eight at the winter triathlon in Troitsk near Moscow on February 3, 2007. For this competition in 2007 has the status of the official Russian Championship !

The match will take place in any weather!
Unstable climatic conditions raise skepticism regarding the possibility of holding such competitions this snowless year. But don’t worry - such incidents have happened many times in the history of sports.
Some snowless starts in Europe were carried out in strict accordance with the letter of the rules. Namely: since skiing is precisely cross-country skiing, athletes were allowed to run on skis on the ground, or run with ski equipment in their hands. It was even allowed to get rid of poles and skis - but only one. Despite the apparent absurdity, such spectacles were received with great approval by the audience.
There were natural incidents and at the starts there were very high level. At the venue of one of the largest North American triathlons, literally on the eve of the start, a hydraulic accident occurred. As a result, large number organic waste. The organizers decided to replace swimming with running, turning the triathlon into a duathlon. However, all the results of this start - including the rating points of the ITU World Cup Stage - were taken into account as the results of the triathlon.

As for the Trinity Winter Triathlon, in case of snowless weather its organizers plan to resort to the second option. However, if the majority of those gathered especially insist, then cross-country skiing will be present even in the complete absence of snow cover!


Trinity Winter Triathlon 2007 - details

Everyone is allowed to start, regardless of qualifications, subject to the following conditions:
-- Year of birth of the athlete: 1989 and earlier.
-- Availability of proper equipment: a bicycle with tires no narrower than 40mm, a bicycle helmet and ski equipment.
-- Payment of the entry fee in the amount of 250 rubles.
-- Knowledge of competition rules.

An athlete has the right to register as an amateur and compete in age groups: 18-19, 20-24, 25-29 and beyond - in increments of five years.
To compete for the title of Russian Champion, points towards the Russian Cup and discharge standards The EVSK athlete must enter the Elite category. In this case, you need to purchase an FTR license, the cost of which is 150 rubles. You must also present valid accident insurance and a medical certificate.

Pre-registration of non-resident participants is required:
phone 8-926-185-48-37 (Maxim),
Email: [email protected]
On the day of the competition, applications for participation are accepted until 10.30.
For additional questions, please contact

Winter triathlon is a combination of running, cross-country cycling and cross-country skiing, completed in a continuous sequence. This relatively new discipline, cultivated by the ITU, was planned to be presented at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. The ITU standard distance consists of 7-9km running, 12-14km cycling and 10-12km cross-country skiing. And all this is on snow-covered roads.

First experiments.

Winter triathlon, like all multi-sport events of our time, was brought to life by the real triathlon boom that was happening in the West in the 1980s. It was then that the first competitions called winter triathlons were held.

“I first became acquainted with this discipline as an innocent 16-year-old girl.” - recalls two-time World Champion Marianne Vlasfeld from the Netherlands. “It was back in 1989 - we went to Inzell, Germany for a competition that consisted of 20km running, 30km cross-country skiing and 40km skating.”

Similar competitions are held annually in our northern capital. We are talking about the “traditional St. Petersburg winter triathlon,” where athletes successively overcome 8 km on skates, 16 km on skis and 8 km running. This winter "triathlon" is a component of the winter "marathon-quintathlon". On the same day, everyone who wants to establish themselves as “universal triathletes” can, in addition to the three above-mentioned disciplines, overcome two more: 9 km 445 m cycling and 750 m swimming (already in the pool). The total length of the distance is 42 km 195 m - that is why this start is called a “marathon-quintathlon”.

These competitions were first organized in 1995 by St. Petersburg sports fan Mikhail Antonovich Stazhkov, a navy veteran. On February 23, 2005, his brainchild, already included in the official sports calendar of the city, gathered more than a hundred participants near the 50th Anniversary of October Revolution park. And as is customary at triathlon competitions, the prize classification was carried out in all age groups - in increments of 5 years - and in the absolute championship.

The first "real" winter triathlon!

The first winter triathlon in the modern sense - the "South Tyrol Winter Triathlon" - was held in 1995 in the Italian town of Mals, which is located in the Alps on the border with Austria. The athletes consistently completed 8.5 km of running, 12.5 km of cycling and 10 km of cross-country skiing.

The first official ITU World Championships were held there in 1997 at the same distance.

Today, leading positions in winter triathlon are occupied by European countries: Germany, Switzerland and Italy. Norway, the Netherlands and France are also very prominent. All these powers are traditionally strong in winter sports - especially cross-country skiing.

Winter triathlon in Russia.

In Russia, interest in winter triathlon noticeably intensified when the Olympic prospects for this discipline became more clearly visible. The first all-Russian competitions in modern winter triathlon took place on March 19, 2005 in Moscow. 104 people took part in these competitions, which were held on the territory of Izmailovsky Park. The first official Russian Winter Triathlon Championship took place a year later - in 2006 - in Yaroslavl. The first Russian Champions were cyclist orienteer Ksenia Chernykh from Moscow and skier Andrei Mishanin, a native of the Perm region.

There are quite a lot of sports that people don't even know about. For example, if you ask any passerby on the street, he will definitely know about football or hockey. However, not everyone knows about triathlon. Today we will talk about this unusual form sports

This sport is quite new. His story begins in the twenties twentieth century. In those days, this sport was not considered official. The athletes simply organized triathlon competitions, but the distances were completely different. Not like they are now.

Triathlon was recognized as an official sport in 1974. And it was included in the program of the Olympic Games in 2000. This sport consists of three stages:

  1. Swimming.
  2. Cycling race.
  3. Race.

There are distances for each of these stages. For example, a beginner level in triathlon is a 100-meter swim, a 10-kilometer bike race, and a 1-kilometer run.

The professional level in triathlon is called “Iron Man”. To become deserved " Iron Man"The following must be overcome:

  1. Swimming 3 kilometers and 860 meters.
  2. A 120-kilometer bike race.
  3. Race for marathon distance- 42195 meters.

Surely these numbers seem simply unimaginable to you. That's how it is. To pass such a test, you need to train for at least 3 years. We'll talk about this a little later.

Everything is not as simple as it may seem. Triathlon has certain rules. The competition begins with a swim. If the distance is short, then the participants swim in the pool . You must swim in a special wetsuit. Any attempt by a participant to shorten the distance is unacceptable. If this is noticed, the participant is removed from the competition. If the swim distance is long, then the participants have to swim in some body of water. For example, in a river or lake. The competition organizers prepare the reservoir in advance.

The swim is followed by a bike race. Competitors must change clothes after the swim. By the way, you need to change clothes quickly. After all, all three stages are overcome over time. And changing clothes between them is also included in this time. During the cycling race, the participant must wear a helmet. It is prohibited to remove it until the end of this stage.

After the bike ride, athletes also need to change clothes. During the race, you are allowed to walk the distance if you can no longer run or are injured. During the race, athletes are allowed to wear a special belt on which flasks with water can be attached, isotonics , and bags of energy gels.

Competitors at all stages are prohibited from interfering with their competitors. This also leads to disqualification, as do attempts to shorten the distance.

About the triathlon federation

In our country, triathlon championships are held quite annually. Athletes from our country have participated in world triathlon championships several times. In 2011 best result Alexander Bryukhanov showed. At the world championship he took fifth place.

The Russian Triathlon Federation was founded in 2005. You can find out the main triathlon news in our country on the official website of the triathlon federation: There you can find out about the upcoming amateur and professional championships that will be held in Russia. You can also find information about the regulations for planned events there. This information will be useful to you if you are interested in this sport.

Winter triathlon

This is a winter version of the sport. It consists of three stages:

  1. Race over a distance of 7-9 kilometers.
  2. A bicycle race with a length of 12-14 kilometers.
  3. Ski race 10-12 kilometers long.

All this happens in winter conditions. The distances here are quite small, but it only seems so. It is much more difficult to run and cycle in the cold. Therefore, this distance is comparable in difficulty to Tristar 111. If you are interested, look up the triathlon distances on the official website of the federation, or on Wikipedia.

This version of triathlon is not as popular as the summer one. Almost all people in the subject associate triathlon with a swim and a very long bike race.

Ski triathlon

Ski triathlon can be summer or winter. ABOUT winter version we talked to you above. And in the summer, everything is exactly the same, only instead of skis, the competition participants move on roller skates. At the same time, they push off from the ground with special sticks.

At each stage the distance is greater than in the winter version of the ski triathlon. After all, in the summer it is much easier to breathe while running and cycling.

A little about the book “There is an Iron Man in Everyone”

All people who are involved in triathlon or are just thinking about it will find this book very useful. Its author is John Callos, an ordinary American. In his youth he played football, but then due to injury he had to give up his favorite sport. He loved football very much, and it was hard for him to stop playing it, because he lived for it.

After this, John threw himself into his work. He built good career in the bank, having gone from an ordinary employee to a senior manager. Until the age of 45, he devoted almost all his time to making money, completely ignoring his physical form.

On his forty-fifth birthday, he was horrified to admit to himself that he had become terribly fat. This fact depressed him so much that he could not think about anything else other than losing weight.

John tried to lose weight with the help of diets, but it didn’t really help him, and then he decided to take up sports again. He learned about triathlon and started doing it. He set his sights on becoming an “Iron Man”, going a long way.

In this book he described how, during three years he trained daily. The most difficult thing he faced was psychological difficulties. Now every athlete will understand him, because from time to time a depressed state arises, and I don’t feel like training at all. It is at this moment that you need to overcome yourself and, gritting your teeth, move forward.

John paid special attention to nutrition during training and completing the distance. Not many athletes know that during such stress the body needs at least 500 milliliters of water per hour. It is also necessary to take energy gels so that you have the strength to complete the distance to the end. After all, triathletes are under load from 8 to 14 hours.

John described the feeling he felt after completing this distance. This feeling can only be understood by someone who has experienced the same thing. Just imagine, falling asleep and waking up with the same thought for almost four years. And also spend 20-25 hours a week on training every week, and, most importantly, a lot of nerves.

At the end of his book John said that the driving force in this matter is a burning desire to achieve your goal. You need a goal that will keep you awake at night and make you wake up easily in the morning. After the feeling of victory, there is a certain feeling of emptiness. To avoid it, you need a new goal that will ignite you. John's at the moment complete the Ultratriathlon distance. And this is 2 times more than what a well-deserved “Iron Man” must go through.

If you run constantly and you really like it. However, you want something more and varied. Try a triathlon. Even if you reach the amateur level, then the problem excess weight it will disappear on its own.

There is no limit to improvement, and triathlon is a very clear confirmation of this. If you can't imagine your life without long aerobic exercise , then triathlon is exactly what you need!