Fish scales: types and features. Why do fish need scales? Fish without scales

Anastasia. Items of power, luck and prosperity Ignatova Maria

Dried Fish Scales. To make any money good

– Much ancient knowledge is lost over time and is lost without a trace. Previously, in every house there was always a linen bag with dried fish scales hanging. Such scales were recognized as an Object of Power. In this way people protected themselves from ruin. They knew that as long as there was Scales in the house, the money that came into the house would bring joy and happiness and would not turn out to be a source of troubles and strife. In this way, money was cleansed of evil and became good. Such a bag was always hung near a container with clean water, from where it was taken for various household needs.

– Why did they have to hang him near the water? – I asked.

– People in those days understood that water, as an element, has a very powerful Force, and that it was necessary to come to an agreement with it. So that, for example, it rains on time, the crops are watered. This was also very important for the fishermen, so they also used this Item of Power at sea. When they went fishing, they always hung such a bag around their necks, thereby protecting themselves from the dangers associated with the water element. Nowadays, it is also sometimes important to be able to “come to an agreement” with water in everyday matters, so that, for example, water pipes do not unexpectedly burst or the roof does not leak, but who knows what else can happen due to the fault of this element.

– It turns out that this Scale needs water?

– Yes, this Object of Power definitely needs water, otherwise its Power will remain undiscovered. This is also stated in the “Book of the Hidden Tree of Life”:

“The fish was born in the water, it is for the fish both a home and protection. To become part of the water element, to wash the money in it clean, to use it for good, take with you the scales of a large fish. This way you will become related to all the inhabitants of the sea and will avoid any harm.”

How to create an Item of Power and ask for help from it

To create this Item of Power you will need fish scales, and when choosing a fish, it is important to follow the following mandatory rules:

It must be a big fish;

The fish should preferably be caught near the place where you live, or at least in your region, and not brought from somewhere far away;

The fish must have large scales;

Fish should not be frozen.

To ensure that the fish was caught locally, you can purchase fish that have been raised at a local fish farm.

There is a special ritual that must be performed before removing scales from a fish to make this Item of Power.

Fish cleansing ritual

This ritual is performed only on the full moon; it is best to do this when there is no one else in the house except you. The fish must first be thoroughly washed under running water, but not just like that, but with the words:

Water-Voditsa, Free Sister!

Clean and save!

Give joy, give happiness,

Give me luck

Water-Voditsa, Pure Sister,

Then the fish must be thoroughly blotted with a clean napkin, always white, and then placed on a wooden cutting board. Then you need to ask the fish for forgiveness for being caught. And only after that you need to carefully remove the scales from it. All removed scales you won't need it. For this amulet you need to count the number of scales equal to full years on at the moment the eldest family member, and add to them the number of scales corresponding to the number of full years lived by the youngest family member. If you live alone, then the number of scales should correspond to your age. The selected scales need to be washed thoroughly, and then placed in the sun to “clean”, preferably on a well-lit windowsill. In this case, you should read the appeal to the Sun:

The sun, our father,

You are kind and affectionate,

But strict and fair!

Help us and protect us.

Give us strength and give us wisdom,

Bright Sun,

Warming us with its rays,

Embracing us with its rays,

Protecting us with its rays,

Help and cleanse.

After three days, the scales should be placed in a linen bag and tied properly. After this, you need to find the right place to place the Scales. Since such Scales have cleansing and healing properties, and at the same time they need to be placed near a source of water, the best place for it is the bathroom. The bag of Scales can be placed in a cabinet or on a shelf. Don't forget to say:

From the big world to our home - nothing bad,

Clean water flows,

Joy is given to us.

Correct appeal. Tips and prohibitions

Fish from which the scales have been removed to make an Item of Power must be eaten during a joint family meal. It will be good if all members of your family take part in it. It is important to remember that the Power remains in this Object of Power for exactly a year, and then it should be replaced, and the old one must be removed from the apartment. But don’t just throw it away, but throw it into the body of water closest to your house, preferably a flowing one, with the words:

What came to us from the water went into the water without a trace.

We must under no circumstances forget that the purifying Power in this Object of Power dries up very quickly if the money that comes into the house is used entirely for one’s own family without a trace. It is imperative that this money, even the smallest part of it, be used for a good cause. You can, for example, donate them to a temple or take them to an orphanage. Even if you just buy candy with it and give it to a child from a poor family, that’s already good.

How can this Item of Power be replaced?

To normalize and cleanse the money element inside your home, you can also use well-dried dried fish. Whole, uneviscerated river fish are suitable for such purposes. They should be hung somewhere in the kitchen, not far from the sink. Be sure to hang only an odd number of fish – it’s better if there are three.

Dried fish should also first be kept in sunlight for three days, without forgetting the verbal formula. This amulet is valid for four weeks, and then it must be removed from the house, just as in the case of Scales.

What else can this Item of Power do?

So that the property you inherited is deprived of harm

It turns out that not only money can carry unhealthy, destructive energy, but also things or other property. And if you inherited such property, then, unlike something purchased for which money was given, negative energy passes along with such an inheritance to you and can often greatly harm you or your family. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to carry out an appropriate ritual using Fish Scales.

The ritual should be performed only at a time when the moon is in detriment.

To perform this ritual, you should temporarily take the bag of Fish Scales from the place where it is located. You will also need one white candle. If you inherited some small thing, for example, jewelry, then you should put it in the middle of an empty table and put a candle on the right.

Then you should light this candle, and carry the bag with Scales three times around the table clockwise, saying the following words out loud:

From the big world here - nothing bad,

Everything is for good, everything is for joy,

Clean water flows,

Joy is given to us.

Then you definitely need to wait for the candle to burn out completely, while it is better to sit next to it, without leaving the room. After that, you need to thank the Object of Power and take it to old place. Throw the candle into running water no later than a day later.

If you inherited something larger, for example, a car, then the ritual should be carried out in a similar way, except that the candle should be placed on the thing itself, in the center. If this is a house or apartment, then the candle should be installed, if possible, in the center of the room. You should also walk around the house or apartment clockwise, starting from the entrance.

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Fish without scales is prohibited by the Jews. The holy scripture “Torah” states that only species with fins and plate-like coverings can be eaten. Fish without scales are compared to dirty reptiles like snakes and mollusks.

There are several explanations for this. The first has to do with the impure nature of the species. without scales, as a rule, they bury themselves in silt and feed on carrion. The second explanation is the toxicity of many “naked” inhabitants of water bodies. There is also an ethical interpretation.

Fish without scales repulsive in appearance. It is not appropriate for those who serve the Creator to eat such things. The combination of these factors became the reason for the “recording” of naked fish in non-kosher products along with pork, shrimp, and blood sausage. So, full list fish without scales:


From a scientific point of view, it is erroneously included in non-kosher fish. The animal has scales, but they are small, sparse, thin and tightly pressed to the body. This is invisible at first glance. But it’s hard to miss the fish itself.

They reach a length of 5 meters, and gain weight of 300-450 kilograms. An animal of this size goes to a depth where it can freely turn around and hunt.

Being predators, catfish draw in past swimming victims, sharply opening their large mouths. Also, giants of freshwater reservoirs love to feast on carrion.

Catfish often feed on carrion


This sea ​​fish without scales. The entire spindle-shaped body of the animal is devoid of plates. Mackerel also does not have a swim bladder. At the same time, schools of fish stay in the upper layers of water.

– commercial fish with fatty, nutritious meat. Jews avoid it due to religious beliefs. Adherents of other faiths offer hundreds of recipes with mackerel meat. These include salads, soups, and first courses.


Included in fish without scales only conditionally. There are plates on the body, but they are placoid. These have spikes. They are directed in the direction of movement of the fish. In , for example, the same scales have been transformed into tail spikes.

Most fish have cycloid scales, that is, smooth. Due to the placoid plates, the body looks rough, like that of elephants or hippopotamuses. Common people perceive this as the absence of scales, rather than as a special type of scale.

The shark has scales, but they don’t look like the ones we’re used to


Refers more to catfish than to snake-like fish. Most of them without scales. On photo of fish looks like a big leech. The mouthparts are similar, however, the fish hunts using electrical impulse.

Strange in appearance, living near the bottom, eels confused the ancients. Aristotle, for example, believed that serpentine fish arise spontaneously from algae. The exact nature of the origin of eels was determined only in the 1920s.

Eel - at the same time river fish without scales and sea. Serpentine creatures are born in the Sargasso Sea in the Bermuda Triangle area. The young animals, caught by the current, rush to the shores of Europe, entering the mouths of rivers and ascending them. Eels mature in fresh water.


Fish is considered noble and delicious. However, eel meat with shark is also used in the best restaurants. Taking this into account, experts in Judaism offer another explanation for fish without scales being included in the list of non-kosher fish.

There is a connection with gluttony. Excessive consumption of food for pleasure rather than satiety is a sin. Dishes made from salmon and similar “naked” fish are so delicious that it’s hard to stop. The Jews protect themselves from temptation.

Sturgeons can be gigantic. In 1909, an individual weighing more than 300 kilograms was caught in the North Sea. The length of the fish was close to 3.5 meters. There was no caviar in the trophy. Meanwhile, 80 kilograms of the delicacy were extracted from a 200-kilogram sturgeon caught in the Neva in the 19th century. The caviar was sent to the royal table.

Due to its prevalence in Russian waters, sturgeon is often called Russian. There are especially many fish in the Black, Azov and Caspian seas. Sturgeons also live in rivers. In addition to the Neva, scaleless ones are found in the Dnieper, Samur, Dniester, and Don.


This is the only representative of cod in fresh waters. Why are fish without scales? scientists argue. The main argument is the habitat. It stays closer to the muddy bottom. It's dark there. The scales of most fish are designed to reflect light. This makes animals less noticeable to enemies.

The plates also prevent the formation of folds on the skin when fast movement. Bottom fish, including burbot, are leisurely. The protective function of the scales remains. Burbots “sacrifice” it for the sake of ease of movement in the slimy silt.

Burbot are found in rivers and lakes of all continents. Preference is given to clean and cool rivers, lakes, ponds and reservoirs. Burbot does not tolerate high temperatures. In summer it seems that the fish have died out. In search of coolness, a representative of the cod family goes to the depths.

In front, the body of the burbot is cylindrical, and towards the tail it narrows, becoming like that of an eel. The skin can be removed like a bag. In the old days, the material was tanned like animal skins and used to make boots. Some modern designers also make products from burbot leather.


These are also snake-like fish. grow up to 3 meters in length. Weight at this size is approximately 50 kilograms. However, moray eels are difficult to spot. Most species have camouflage colors and reliable shelters. Waiting for prey to pass by, moray eels huddle in bottom caves, cracks between stones, and depressions in the sand.

Facts of moray eels attacking divers have been recorded. Most of the incidents occurred during night dives. During the day, moray eels are inactive. If it is not the fish that catches the man, but the man who catches the fish, the scaleless creature is sent to the table.

Moray eel meat is considered a delicacy. The title was earned in ancient times. Dishes made from moray eels were especially appreciated in the Roman Empire. Modern restaurants also delight with a variety of fish menus.


This is an endemic fish, found in only one body of water on the planet. We are talking about Lake Baikal. In its waters, the golomyanka looks like a fluttering bloodworm. White fish without scales and with large pectoral fins spreading out to the sides like butterfly wings. The size of the endemic is comparable to that of an insect. The standard length of the fish is 15 centimeters. Males of some species reach 25.

Golomyanka is not only naked, but also transparent. The skeleton and blood vessels are visible through the skin of the fish. Sometimes, fry are visible. In fresh and cold waters, golomyanka is the only viviparous fish. Offspring cost mothers their lives. Having given birth to about 1000 fry, the golomyanka dies.

pearl fish

This fish is rarely seen because it lives inside shellfish, starfish and cucumbers. The pearl oyster prefers the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The fish's modest size helps them climb into the houses of invertebrates. The animal also has a thin, flexible, nimble body. It is translucent, like a golomyanka

Living in oysters pearl fish without scales absorbs their mother of pearl. Hence the name of the species. It was opened by finding one of the fish in the caught oyster.


This is a fish of the deep sea, rarely rises above 200 meters from the surface. Many compare Alepisaurus to a lizard. There is an external resemblance. On the back of the fish there is a large fin, reminiscent of the protrusion on the back of a monitor lizard.

Large pectoral fins stick out to the sides like paws. The body of Alepisaurus is narrow and long. The head is pointed.

The body of the Alepisaurus is completely devoid of scales. This adds originality to the appearance. Catch fish to view. Alepisaurus meat is rarely used for food. The fish does not differ in taste. But it is interesting to study the contents of animal stomachs.

Representatives of the species are indiscriminate in food. In Alepisaurus it is digested only in the intestines. That's why plastic bags remain in stomachs, tennis balls, decorations.

Alepisaurus grows up to 2 meters in length, weighing 8-9 kilograms. You can meet representatives of the species in tropical seas.

As you can see, the appearance of many fish without scales is truly repulsive. Questions arise about diet and lifestyle. But among the scaleless species there are also noble species. Religious issues aside, they deserve attention. And from the point of view of science, each of the fish deserves it.

Fish scales are always a derivative of the skin itself (corium), and only sometimes, in addition to the corium, the epidermis also takes a secondary part in its formation.

There are four main types of fish scales: placoid, cosmoid, ganoid and bony.

Placoid scale the most primitive and is of exceptional comparative anatomical interest, since it gives rise not only to ganoid and bone scales, but also to teeth. In a shark, as already indicated, the teeth are real placoid scales. These teeth are completely homologous to the teeth of all higher classes, up to mammals, whose teeth also consist of dentin, are covered with a substance of ectodermic origin - enamel and contain an internal cavity filled with pulp

Cosmoid scale- a special type of scale that is found in some fossil bony fishes and is found in modern coelacanths.

It is devoid of ganoine and its surface layer consists of cosmin, which in its structure consists of many individual dentin teeth fused with each other.

Ganoid scale is characteristic of only a very few modern fish (finned and caimans), but among fossil fish it was very widespread. In a typical case, ganoid scales have the form of flat rhombic plates, which are arranged in oblique rows and connected to each other using special joints, so that a continuous shell is formed that covers the entire body of the animal.

The outer layer of ganoid scales consists of a special very hard substance - ganoin, the lower layer is made of bone tissue. Ganoid scales are formed in the connective tissue and, therefore, are never covered with enamel. The lower, bony layer of the ganoid scale appears to be formed from dentin, into which bone cells penetrate. In contrast to placoid scales, ganoid scales are not replaced and are formed for life. The evolution of scales in fossil fish undoubtedly proves that ganoid scales arose through the fusion of the main plates of individual placoid scales with underlying bone plates. The top of these scales is covered with ganoin.

Bone scale characteristic of all modern bony fish(Osteichthyes), excluding polyfins, coelacanths and caiman fish. In their typical form, bone scales are bone plates of various sizes, overlapping each other with their edges in a tiled manner. They constantly grow, forming annual rings along the periphery of the plate. Ichthyologists use these growth rings to determine the age of fish. Perchs are characterized by ctenoid scales with spines along the posterior edge of the scales, while cyprinids and salmonids are characterized by smooth cycloid scales without denticles. In many bottom fish (catfish, eels), the scales are completely reduced. Sturgeons have special bony scales that form five longitudinal rows of bugs with small star-shaped scales between them. In many fish, bony scales form bony spines on their fins.

(according to Goodrich):

1 - outer surface, 2 - layers of ganoine, 3 - tubules in the layer of cosmin, 4 - layers of isapedine

The color of fish depends on a number of reasons. For example, a silvery sheen, characteristic not only of scales, but also of many internal organs fish (swim bladder, peritoneum), is determined by the presence of guanine. Guanine from the scales of some fish (bleak) is used for technical purposes (for example, to make artificial pearls). In addition, the color of fish, like other animals, is due to the presence in the skin of special densely colored pigment cells - chromatophores. Under the influence of nervous stimulation, chromatophores can contract and expand, which determines the ability of many fish to change their color to match the color of the surrounding background.

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The story I want to tell took place in the mid-80s. I, a young master, worked in the Construction Department (construction department). There were avid fishermen there and, having learned that I loved fishing, they offered me. I won’t hide that among the fishing enthusiasts were the chief engineer, experienced foremen, and the head of the technical department. I was very pleased that I, a young master, found myself in their company. It was decided to leave on Thursday at 4 am in order to return to the city on Sunday.

The route we chose was simple: drive about 200-300 kilometers north, find a small village site, leave the car with the locals and spend two nights on the shore.

No sooner said than done. About 8 hours later, in a UAZ (loaf), through roads that only showed the direction, we entered the village. We were very happy that the store was open, and the saleswoman was very friendly. She told us that they have a paramedic, a club where they play movies every evening, and food is delivered to them twice a week. Everything is fresh and they bake their bread in their own bakery. We asked her where we could leave the car, where local men fished and who could guide us (for half a liter). The seller advised me to contact my grandfather Micah. She explained how to find him, but warned that he fantasizes a lot when he drinks. We headed towards him. We quickly agreed that we would leave the car with him and that he would show us the fishing spots.

So many years have passed, but I still remember the appearance of grandfather Mikhei: he was small, his hair was gray and disheveled. The look is sharp, blue eyes, and above them gray eyebrows tufted. Gray beard, but well-groomed. A checkered shirt buttoned up with all the buttons, trousers with blisters at the knees and tarpaulin boots that have not seen cream for a long time. He was fussy, loved to talk in jokes, and had a smile on his lips. A very charming grandfather. His old woman, on the contrary, was very serious. She asked us who we are and what we do. Despite her old age, it was clear that she was a beauty in her youth. She was wearing a white speckled scarf, a blue blouse and a long skirt. On my feet are woolen socks in ears.

From the road, we decided to take a sip of the little white one, and in the late afternoon go to its shore to fish. At about 7 pm, grandfather Mikhei harnessed his “piebald” and we set off.

We arrived on its shore at 9 pm. Grandfather Micah began to give instructions to whom to buy firewood, to whom to light a fire, to whom to set up a place to sleep. We couldn’t wait to throw out our fishing rods and spinning rods, but he said to himself: “If you have time to catch a fish, you won’t leave without a fish.” If you don’t fish for sale, you will get a catch. Catch as much as you can eat, don’t take too much. He doesn't like greedy people, but he can punish them. He will give so much fish that a greedy person will find trouble through fish.”

I'm young, hot, laughing. Who is he? What trouble? What if I want to sell? In general, he was a fool, I’m sitting there picking on my grandfather. And he calmly explains to me with a half-smile like a foolish child. It only seems that a person becomes rich on the death of others when he trades with them. In general, it was some kind of nonsense for me. I am a person with a higher education, and my poorly educated grandfather is talking nonsense to me. I remembered the words of the saleswoman and realized that she was right when she warned that he was a balabol. I took a spinning rod and went ashore. He returned when it was already dark. It turned out that no one caught even a snotty ruff on the ear. The evening was ruined, they opened the stew, cut the potatoes and began to drink the white ones. And so our grandfather Micah was inspired to tell stories:

“I was about 10 years old,” the old man began to tell. “It was a hungry time, so the boys and I went to the river. We built fishing rods and sat and caught fish. We see the grandfather walking, his hair and beard scraggly, dressed in rags. He sat down next to us and asked: “What, you can’t catch it?”

We answer him: “No, grandfather, it’s not caught.”

And he asked us: “Why do you need fish?”

We answer him: “We’re hungry, we want to eat and feed our family.”

We didn’t believe grandfather, we sat until it was dark and didn’t catch anything. And in the morning we went and started fishing. We caught so many pikes that no one believed us that we were able to catch them with flimsy fishing rods and lines.

Early in the morning we went fishing. The bite was crazy. We laughed and rejoiced like children. All fish are huge. Each caught about 10-12 kilograms. And then how it was cut off. Happy we returned to the fire. Grandfather Micah slept like a baby, but surprisingly, all around him he himself was covered with fish scales. But since the evening we haven’t caught a single fish. Where do the scales come from?

Back then everyone was an atheist, so we couldn’t come up with anything to explain where scales came from. I still can't understand.

Who is the most famous aquatic creature? Of course, fish. But without scales, its life in water would be almost impossible. Why? Find out from our article.

Why do fish need scales?

Fish without scales practically do not exist. In some species it covers the entire body from the head to the dorsal fin, in others it stretches parallel to the spine in separate stripes. If the scales are not visible at all, this means that they are reduced. It develops in the dermis, or corium of the skin, in the form of bone formations. In this case, a dense protective cover is formed. Examples of such fish are catfish, burbot, snake catcher, sterlet, sturgeon and lamprey.

Chemical composition

Fish scales are bony or cartilaginous. Half of its chemical elements are inorganic substances. These include mineral salts, namely phosphates and carbonates of alkaline earth metals. The remaining 50% consists of organic substances represented by connective tissue.

Types of fish scales

While performing the same functions, leather derivatives differ in their origin and chemical composition. Depending on this, several types of scales are distinguished. In representatives of the class Cartilaginous, it is placoid. This species is the most ancient in origin. The skin is covered with ganoid scales. In bones, it has the form of scales that overlap one another.

Placoid scale

This type of fish scale has been found in fossil species. Among modern species its owners are stingrays and sharks. These are diamond-shaped scales with a clearly visible spike that protrudes outward. Inside each such unit there is a cavity. It is filled with connective tissue, permeated with blood vessels and neurons.

Very durable. In stingrays, it even turns into spines. It's all about its chemical composition, the basis of which is dentin. This substance is the basis of the plate. On the outside, each scale is covered with a glassy layer - vitrodentin. This plate is similar to the teeth of fish.

Ganoid and bony scales

Lobe-finned fish are covered with ganoid scales. It is also located on the sturgeon's tail. These are thick, rhombic-shaped plates. These fish scales are connected to each other using special joints. Their totality can be a solid shell, scutes or bones on the skin. On the body it is located in the form of rings.

This type of scale got its name from its main component - ganoin. It is a shiny substance that is a shiny layer of enamel-like dentin. It has significant hardness. Below is the bone substance. Thanks to this structure, placoid scales not only perform a protective function, but also serve as the basis of muscles, giving the body elasticity.

Bone scales, which are monogenic in composition, come in two types. Cycloid covers the body of herring, carp and salmon. Its plates have a rounded posterior edge. They overlap each other like tiles, forming two layers: cap and fibrous. In the center of each scale there are nutrient tubules. They grow in a cap layer along the periphery, forming concentric stripes - sclerites. They can be used to determine the age of the fish.

On the plates of ctenoid scales, which is also a type of bone scale, small spines or ridges are located along the posterior edge. They provide the hydrodynamic abilities of fish.

How many years, how many winters...

Everyone knows that the age of a tree can be determined by the growth rings on the trunk. There is also a way to determine the age of a fish by its scales. How is this possible?

Fish grow throughout their lives. In summer, conditions are more favorable as there is enough light, oxygen and food. Therefore, growth is more intense during this period. And in winter it slows down significantly or stops altogether. Activation of the metabolic process also causes scale growth. Its summer layer forms a dark ring, and its winter layer forms a white ring. By counting them, you can determine the age of the fish.

The formation of new rings depends on a number of factors: temperature fluctuations, amount of food, age and type of fish. Scientists have found that in young and mature individuals, rings form at different times of the year. For the first, this happens in the spring. Adults at this time only accumulate substances for the summer period.

The period of formation of annual rings also depends on the species. For example, in young bream this occurs in the spring, and in mature bream in the fall. It is also a known fact that annual rings are also formed in fish of the tropical zone. And this despite the fact that there are no seasons, fluctuations in temperature and amount of food here. This proves that annual rings are the result of a combination of several factors: environmental conditions, metabolic processes and humoral regulation in the body of fish.

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It would seem that what could be unusual about scales? In fact, many fish have unique characteristics. For example, coelacanth scales on outside has large number bulges. This makes the fish look like a saw. No modern species has such a structure.

A goldfish so called due to its scales. In fact, this is a decorative form. The first goldfish were bred in the 6th century in China by Buddhist monks. Currently, more than 50 breeds of this species are known with red, golden and yellow colors.

At first glance, the eel is a fish without scales. In fact, it is so small that it is almost invisible. It is also difficult to feel because the eel's skin produces a large amount of mucus and is very slippery.

So, fish scales are a derivative of skin. It is one of the structural features that ensures adaptation to life in the aquatic environment. Depending on the chemical composition, placoid, ganoid and bone scales are distinguished.