Quests for kalu ak in the roaring fjord. Now Bykov is in Ak Bars

Good-natured walruses of the Kalu'ak faction inhabit the southern coast of Northrend and are friendly to all guests of the ice islands. To increase your reputation in this faction, you should complete all available tasks. Where to start your journey - in the Howling Fjord or in the Borean Tundra - is up to you. In principle, , there is no difference.
You can find faction quartermasters in the Dragonblight (Sairuk) and in the Howling Fjord (Tanaika). Here you can look at the goods offered by this faction.

Quests for Kalu'ak in Howling Fjord

You begin your journey with the task “ Living Dead", which you will receive from Orfus of Camaguan near the Ancient Lift in Howling Fjord. Complete his quest to go to Elder Atuik in Camagua. Also here, complete all the tasks until you are sent to talk with Grezzix Needlecrunch. Attention: a series of tasks from Orfus must be completed, otherwise the pirates led by Needlecrunch will be hostile against you.
After you have completed the above tasks, turn in the quests " Ancient Armor of Kvaldir », « Stormfury Staff", "Shield of Esiritsa" and " Isuldofa's icy heart", which you will receive from Harry "Silvermoonlight", Orfus of Camagua. He will send you on a journey again with the task " Return to Atuik"in Camagua.

Dragonblight Support

Anuniak from Kamagua will now send you to Moa'ki Harbor, which is located in the Dragonblight. If you do not know how to get there, board a ship coming directly from Kamagua. Elder Ko'nani will send you north with the task of taking away the stolen goods from wolfers. After this, complete the task “Kill Logun,” the leader of the Wolchers. Now talk to Toallu the Mystic and complete his quests. As a result, the path will lead you to the Elder Mana Loa in the village of Indu Le. In addition, in the waters near the Harbor, you will find a broken crab trap, which starts the next chain of quests. Then complete the tasks that Tua "kea" offers you and this will complete the series of quests of Kalu "ak in the Dragonblight.

Kalu'ak's quests in the Borean Tundra

Alliance supporters start with the task “ Diplomatic assignment", which they receive from Councilor Talbot. Head along the coast to Karuk the Walrus. The Horde first go to Valtor from Pal'ia, who will provide you with four quests. And only after you complete everything, he will send you to Karuk. The “Messenger” task is the last quest of this NPC, after completing which you go to Kaskala.
Right at the entrance to the destroyed village you will encounter Ataika, who will ask you to destroy several “Raiders from the Kvaldir tribe”. The next quest will lead you to Elder Muahit, who is located on a small island near Kaskala. Look for the Issliruk totem, which is in the water. To do this, you will have to search the body of the dead walrus. Well, in the last task in this series you will have to kill the leader of the tribe - Heigarr the Murderer. Next you go west, to Elder Atkanok. At his request, you will have to first identify three statues. Etaruk also has tasks for you. After all the tasks here are completed, you should move on to the daily tasks of Kalu'ak, because all the possible potential of tasks for this faction has already been exhausted.

Daily quests Kalu'ak

The final leap in maximizing your reputation will be through daily quests. Start in Camagua, in the Howling Fjord. Anuniak will provide you with the task " The way to her heart..." Here you should lead the reef buffalo to the reef cow, which are located at different sides rivers Catch about ten Reef Mackerel using the net you received from Anuniak. Throw these mackerels directly in front of the reef buffalo so that they follow you. Throw him a new fish immediately after he stops, otherwise you risk starting the whole task over again.
Next, with the help of a griffin or by ship, go to Moaki Harbor, where awaits you

My activity boils down to the fact that, if necessary, I will come every month and do the work that is offered,” Bykov said. - The topics are different, in many respects we are engaged in advisory work with coaches of the academy and those clubs that are part of the expanded composition of Ak Bars. In Almetyevsk, for example.

- So, the work covers the entire system with all the pharmacies?

Yes. Plus working on the ice with promising guys from the Ak Bars system. In general, it is always interesting and pleasant to work with gifted hockey players. You can tell them about some nuances, show them something, and they quickly grasp it and progress faster. We also talk with them to prepare young players for the transition to adult hockey, this also requires certain moral and psychological efforts.

- It’s no secret that the style of your teams was usually different from the one that preaches.

I’ll say right away that we don’t get into the team and don’t deal with team tactics. Only individual tactics and technique. Everything is based on skating, working with the stick, making decisions in short game episodes. It is important that a young hockey player feels good on the ice and is fully equipped. Then the players will be ready to adapt to any system, be it defensive or attacking, be it vertical hockey or something else.

- You said that Finnish rinks make hockey straightforward. There are more of them in our league. Has your opinion changed?

We have very talented players, they are characterized by unconventionality in their actions, I think this needs to be developed with childhood. It is necessary that we educate creative individuals, both in sports and in life, so that this component prevails over the desire to achieve results at any cost. Then non-standard thinking will manifest itself even in such more stringent conditions as shortened sites.

If you follow a pragmatic path of development and force the guys into some kind of tactical framework and pay less attention to the creative component, problems will arise. We need to let the guys create on the ice, thanks to this they will be able to quickly adapt to such platforms and will have an advantage over others.

It is important to see the situation from the sports management side. If there is development and movement forward, it is worth being patient and letting the person work. If not, action must be taken. This happens in any team. Of course, you can gather strong performers, but everything is not built right away. It is necessary for mutual understanding to be established, and this requires patience.

- The first resignation of the season is from. At the end of last season the team went on a winning streak, but this season started with seven defeats in a row. You probably discussed the situation with someone you know from working at CSKA?

We communicate as much as possible; he has a lot of work to do in Siberia. Fastovsky is a professional, and I can imagine how difficult it is for him. But sports leaders must react, analyze the situation, take right decisions. I can imagine how hard it is for Vladimir Yurzinov, but this sports life. All coaches know that an incident can occur at any moment, followed by resignation.

- didn't start out in the best way. Despite the many great players and victory, the team does not show a spectacular game. This is unlikely to attract spectators to the new big arena.

Agree, spectacular hockey definitely necessary. But now it’s still the regular season, so everyone can have problems and injuries that lead to recessions. You just need to patiently prepare for the playoffs. In general, a spectacular game is a matter of taste for the fans and management.

- surprise, but Ak Bars are seasoned fighters

- The main surprise was the start of Avtomobilist, the team has not lost a single point yet, and is showing a beautiful, interesting game.

In a short period of time, they were able to create a good atmosphere around the team, and this success only cemented it. Confidence appears in yourself, in coaches, in players - in the team, and the audience supports it. I’m just happy for Andrei Martemyanov, who was able to create all this, and God grant that everything continues like this. I know the sports director Oleg Gross from Ufa, he is a specialist high level, an intelligent person who knows his business. I hope they will continue to perform consistently as well. Moreover, a new one will be built in Yekaterinburg ice palace, so the city needs a strong hockey team.

- Avangard has a new management and coach. How do you like the team from Omsk moving to the Moscow region?

Alexander Krylov is a person close to sports, he played hockey himself, achieved success with a racing team, he knows the taste of victories and how to build a system, and this is one of key points as a result of the command. We need to gather a team of like-minded people who strive for victory, select coaching staff. Bob Hartley is an interesting specialist; he has already achieved victories both in Europe and in America. He picked up good players, so the successful start of Avangard is quite logical.

- “Ak Bars” cannot be discounted?

No way! “Avangard” and “Ak Bars” are seasoned cup fighters, and “Avtomobilist” is truly a surprise. This is an indicator of good work and great example for other teams.

- After the Olympic season, the calendar was unloaded. Is there additional competition in the championship?

That’s right, there is more competition and fewer close matches. It's important that we now see more young players taking on major roles.

- Has the KHL benefited from the introduction of a two-point system?

On the one hand, it makes it possible to level out the difference in financial relationships and increase competition. Clubs that cannot afford strong performers can hope for a good league position. On the other hand, if in the future everyone follows the hard ceiling, then the KHL will come to an even distribution of good hockey players among clubs, due to which the level of teams will increase and hockey will become more interesting. Only competition creates evolution.

The Kalu'ak are a neutral faction of World of Warcraft walruses introduced in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. The Kaluak can be found along the southern coast of Northrend, with settlements located in the Howling Fjord, Dragonblight, and Borean Tundra. This guide will show you how to level up your reputation in Kaluak from Indifference to Exalted.

There are only two ways to improve relations with this faction: do the usual and daily tasks.

1. Tasks

In the locations listed above: Howling Fjord, Dragonblight and Borean Tundra, players have access to quests that increase their reputation with Kaluak. In total, there are about 50 different tasks available, which in total should boost your reputation with walruses to at least Exalted. This figure depends on the character's race and the guild bonus. At best, after completing all the tasks, the character should have about 7,000 reputation at the Exalted level. List of quests.

2. Daily tasks

Kalu'ak Quests:

  • The Path to His Heart (Howling Fjord). You need to use a net to catch fish (Tasty reef fish), and then feed the male with it so that he approaches the female.
  • Plans for the future (Dragonblight). You need to collect puppies that live in a nearby clearing in a bag.
  • Preparing for the worst (Borean Tundra). You are asked to collect supplies for the Kaluak refugees, this can be done at the coastal camp.

All daily quests are easy and players do not need to kill anyone. You can receive 1500-1650 reputation per day, depending on the character’s race and guild bonuses. On average, it will take you 8-15 days to get Exalted from Kaluak.

Achieving exalted status with Kalu'ak will grant you the "Tuskarrmageddon" achievement and the opportunity to purchase rare items: the Epic Mastercrafted Kalu'ak Fishing Rod and the companion: Hatched Penguin Egg (Penguy).

These and other items can be purchased from Quartermaster Kaluak, who can be found in