Welcome back! Black Crows skiing is back in the AlpIndustry.

Thanks to Sergei Garibov! To whom and for what? To our alpine skiing brand manager for introducing the freeride skis of the fanatical French Black Crows to the AlpIndustry again in the 2017/18 season.

People started asking us about the “Black Crows” long before the start of the season, and here they are - the already familiar Black Crows Nocta, Black Crows Atris and Black Crows Anima models, which changed colors for the 2017/18 season, two new sets of Black Crows skis + skins Pack Anima Freebird Hybrid Skins (182) and Black Crows Pack Corvus Freebird Hybrid Skins (183).

A lightweight double-rocker ski (the first double-rocker model in the Black Crows collection), unsinkable in the deepest powder, stable and efficient in all conditions. Designed for backcountry freestyle and switch riding. Nocta Air skis were created by the author of the best-selling JJ Armada book, Julien Regnier, so they have some common features.

Analogues: Atomic Bent Chetler, Armada Magic J, Fischer Big Stix 122, Salomon Rocker 2 122, Movement Fly Swatter.

  • Geometry: 139-122-132 (177 size)
  • Radius: 26 m
  • Sizes: 177 cm, 185 cm

A multi-award winning, double rocker backcountry freestyle model that follows the success of the Nocta and is a narrower, more versatile variation of the Nocta. They are easy to control in any snow condition and provide good speed stability on the edges. According to the model's creator, Julien Regnier, it was the Atris that truly embodied the long-standing desire to achieve harmony between the rocker profile and the sidecut.

Analogues: Movement Fly Catcher, Salomon Rocker 108.

  • Geometry: 137-107-127 (178 sizes), 138-108-128 (184 sizes)
  • Radius: 18 m
  • Sizes: 178 cm, 184 cm

A backcountry freestyle model, the third from the Black Crows with a double rocker, also designed by Julien Regnier. With a sought-after 115mm waist, it sits between Nocta and Atris. Waist 115 mm, double rocker, weight deflection in the middle, moderate sidecut radius - the skis behave well on hard slopes and are docile in any snow condition, and skiing in virgin snow on the Anima turns into pure pleasure.

Analogs: Armada JJ, Rossignol S7, Atomic Automatic 117, Dynastar Cham 117.

  • Geometry: 145-115-126 (182 sizes)
  • Radius: 21 m
  • Sizes: 182 cm, 188 cm, 194 cm
  • For advanced, experts and professionals

Ski + skin set Black Crows Pack Anima Freebird Hybrid Skins

  • Geometry: 142-115-126 mm (182 sizes)
  • Radius: 21 m
  • Sizes: 182 cm, 188 cm, 194 cm
  • For experts and professionals

Ski + skin set Black Crows Pack Corvus Freebird Hybrid Skins

Bruno Compagnet's pro model and the company's flagship, the freeride Corvus has been around since the founding of the Black Crows. Corvus Freebird is a lightweight version of the flagship, but retaining all its power, tailored for free touring.

  • Geometry: 136-109-120 (175 size)
  • Radius: 21 m
  • Size 183 cm
  • Camus: glueless MIX Pellis hybrid (70% mohair, 30% nylon)
  • Included: camus, mesh, casing storage case
  • For experts and professionals

Photo by Natalia Lapina

I continue online publishing of articles published in a competing journal. The paper edition, alas, quickly disappears into the depths of unnecessary waste paper. And articles on the Internet live longer. It seems so to me. Since a year has passed since its publication in the magazine "Vertical World" (No. 77, 2008), we can already repeat it... on a friendly resource.

Note The Black Crows ski range can be seen live at the Ertsog Ski Salon at the Krasnaya Polyana stand.

I was introduced to Bruno Companet in Courmayeur, a small Italian town where freeriders from Chamonix come to ride when they run out of snow. There is always one in Courmayeur. And most importantly, there are no trails there. And there is a lift.

When buying a ski pass at the ticket office, you will definitely hear that you can only ski here with a guide, with an avalanche transceiver and with the necessary climbing equipment in case you fall into a glacial crevasse.

My Italian friend is a local guide, incredibly handsome and charming. A flock of familiar girls of different nationalities immediately appeared around him. He squinted in the sun, drank coffee and looked at the snowy slopes without any enthusiasm.

Noticing my sad look, he asked with a laugh:
- Do you want to go for a ride with Bruno?
"Bruno? What kind of Bruno?" - I thought, forgetting the shaggy, bearded man in a monstrous lemon-colored jumpsuit to whom I was introduced a couple of minutes ago.
- No. I want to ride with you.
- Don't you want to ride with Bruno? - my friend did not let up. - He's one of the best skiers in Europe.
I shrugged.
- What are you doing? Don't you watch ski movies?
- What is his last name?
- Company.

My God! It's Bruno Companet! Do I want to ride with Bruno Compane?! This is a dream come true... for a freerider! But in films they always show such a tiny skier on a huge mountain, and then they sign: this, they say, is the rider so-and-so. He is one of those foreigners who came to Terskol for the first freeride, and I read about him in the Vertical World several years ago. But now he has cut off his dreadlocks. And grew a beard. You can recognize him only by his name.

Bruno turned out to be very friendly. Having heard that he was going to “an interesting sidewalk,” a couple of beauties left the company of my Italian friend and reached for their skis. These turned out to be female pro-riders from Sweden and Norway.

Why are we coming here? Can you ride here? Bruno climbs over a couple of rolling pins, throws his skis and calls me to see where he has to go down.

Owl? - asks, smiling slyly.
“Owl,” I answer in a cheerful voice and feel my back getting colder.

With Bruno I was able to ride where I could not even imagine myself in my wildest dreams.

A few days later, wind and frost left Chamonix without snow. Solid ice and tracks stripped down to stones. Just like in the worst times on Cheget. The tourists did not even leave their apartments.

Bruno's call was a miracle. I couldn’t believe that on a day like this someone wanted to ride with me. It was especially strange that this was not a tourist whose vacation ends in a week, but a local skier who can afford to wait for a good snowfall.

Hey! If you want to be a strong skier, you need to ski on days like today!

And absolutely not a bit of snobbery, sometimes characteristic of people who often visit or live in the mountains: “I’m tired of it. You’re leaving tomorrow. And I’ll go for a ride!”

Bruno wasn't tired of it. He retained some kind of childhood love for what he has been doing all his life. Even if a blizzard is howling outside, and all the slopes are icy and rocky, he sincerely enjoys every day spent in the mountains.

That was my first impression. A year later, Bruno told me about his life.

Bruno Compagnet
Age: 39
Sponsors: Black-crows, norrona, marker, spy, urge, dalbello,

Are you still a pro rider?
In a way. There are two types of pro riders.

Some take part in competitions, are photographed a lot, their photographs are published in ski magazines– they have a budget that allows them to travel and live on this money.

And there are people like me. They only receive equipment and sometimes travel expenses for filming. Now I’m like a Russian pro-rider (laughs).

When I was younger I had a good contract. But now I'm old. It's hard to find a sponsor these days unless you're on the Freeride World Tour.

It's good that you are not a Russian pro-rider. It’s hard to find a sponsor here, even if you participate. Why aren't you participating, by the way?
I'm not interested in this. It's not fun to ride in a place like Memos: a short wall and one jump. I want to compete on a mountain like Bec de Ross. Plus, I'm not as hungry for competition as I was when I was younger.

I started competing in 1994. Last start in 2007 (Verbier Extreme). Maybe that's enough? Verbier is the only competition I wanted to win. But it didn't work out.

Tell us about your childhood. Where did skier Bruno Compane come from?
Dad met mom. She came to the Pyrenees to look at the mountains. And dad was a ski instructor. And my mother became a ski instructor too.

When did you start skating?
At three... I don’t remember when I started walking, I guess.

I'm from a small mountain village. There are no places to play football, as the terrain does not allow it. What else was there to do?

I really loved riding. When I made two turns with my mother and she stopped, I screamed at the top of my lungs. But not because I was scared, but because she stopped, and I wanted to continue!

I did poorly at school. My only passion was skiing. I also liked to draw. But I didn't go to design school because I wouldn't be able to pass the other exams.

Who did your parents want you to be?
They wanted me to be an electrician. But I didn't want to be an electrician.

When I was 14-16 years old, I stopped competing in classical ski disciplines. Then moguls, monoskis, and freeride became fashionable. I was what is called a “difficult teenager” and could have ended badly. Skiing is probably what saved me.

How do you know Gogol if you didn't do well at school?
My mother gave me good books since childhood, and I read a lot.

What's your favorite book?
"Goodbye Harry Cooper!" This is a story about a guy living outside of society. He doesn't need money or a roof over his head. It's about passion for skiing! Read it - you'll like it.

Do you love Russia?
Yes and no.

Yes - people, country, mountains, vodka. I like the culture, but I know it a little, too superficially. I didn't dive deep into Russia. I only read a few books.

No - the Russian establishment, visas, administrations, the structure of society, bureaucracy.

Russians are more direct, more natural or something. Of course, there are bad people, just like everywhere else. But in Russia, for example, I feel better than in America.

Did you have a dream as a child?
I dreamed of becoming a world champion in skiing. Around the age of 15 I realized that this would not work. And everything went wrong in my life.

Have you found a new dream?

What happened?
One day, when I was 20 years old, I spent a great day skiing with friends. At the end of the descent, my ski idol said: “So cool! If only they paid money for this!” He said it like it was a witty joke. And he laughed. And after 5 years I became a professional skier.

What are you dreaming about now?
I'm looking for something to live in a natural environment. I want to live where there is both an ocean and mountains. I want a garden, a wife, children and a cool house. Not like rich people. And the house is hippie. So that you can draw on the walls, with a large library, a cozy place where you can cook, with large windows, with real stones inside and away from the city. I want ten children. Yacht. But in this life I won’t be able to do everything. Probably in the next one.

I had a wonderful girlfriend. But it was difficult to build something serious with another person because I travel a lot.

I'm not happy with myself. Sometimes I'm lazy. But I'm trying to change myself to make my dream come true.

Sometimes you have to focus on something. It brings results. Sometimes it's the other way around. If you focus on something, you become blind and cannot see anything around you.

I'm not good. I'm bad. But now I'm trying to become stronger. And build your life differently.

This is the reason I'm doing Black-crows. Sometimes life gives you a chance, you have to take it. A few years ago I was offered a large exclusive contract: everything - skis, boots, clothes, etc. But I refused. Because the clothes are rubbish. It was more interesting for me to work with Black-crows. I will never take equipment if I don't like it. I like everything I wear now, even though I don’t get paid for it.

Who came up with the idea to create Black-crows?
In 2004, in a bar, my friend Christophe asked me, if I didn’t have a sponsor, what kind of skis would I like to ski? I said I couldn't find anything on the market that I really wanted to ride. A few days later he called me and offered to create my own brand.

Just like that?
I met Christophe Wilme in the mountains. We became friends. We rode every weekend for the whole season. Christophe is a real big boss, a top manager in the aluminum business. But he wanted to create something else. And he really loves skiing. He wanted to touch this world. He has a huge collection of skis. Christophe is a perfectionist. Whatever he does, he wants to be the best. Brand black-crows exists for three years. But Ski mag recognized the Navis model as the ski of the year (targeted back country freestyle). This is a great success for us. Last season we didn’t create very many skis. This year they started selling more. Skis are made in Italy.

In the photo, Black Crows pro-rider, winner of Verbier Extreme 2007, Marya Person (3rd place Verbier Extreme 2008, 2nd place Verbier Extreme 2009)

Who created them?
Camille Jaccoux. My friend. Professional mogulist, freerider, starred in ski videos a lot. I met him while riding for salomon. We are very different. But we good friends. With Kami we can talk not only about skiing. We can talk about cinema, art, travel, girls. He has an open outlook on life. He notices other things, not just snow and mountains.

And you?
Skiing is what I am.

First we tested all the skis that were on the market. I've tried many, many skis. I returned home and compiled a table, roughly speaking: this is great in powder, this is great in hard; this is good in virgin snow, but on hard snow it’s crap.

We have created a profile of the skis we want. But we want skis that work on hard snow and on which you can have fun in the powder. We want skis that are easy to ski. So that you forget that you are riding.

The most important thing that I kept thinking about: we are a new brand, we have no history, and that is why we cannot enter the market with bad skis. I want everyone to say, “Wow! Works".

It is believed that pro-riders of large brands are involved in the development of equipment. But in reality this is not true. In reality, it is almost impossible to influence anything. (approx. Bruno was a salomon pro rider for 6 years)

Can I write about this?
(Thinking) Of course.

What makes your skis different from others? I understand: black-crows are the best! But still.
No! No! I didn't say that. But these are skis made by skiers. That's all.

Do you want to enter the Russian market with black-crows?
We are thinking about it. But you need to do this gradually. At the moment, Russia is not the first country on our list of priorities. We don't know anyone there. But, I hope, over time, contacts will appear. Of course I would like to. But for now our skis can only be bought in Europe.

Enough about skiing. Ask something else.

(note. Currently the situation has changed. Black crows skis can be purchased in Russia. And on Ski Salon At the Krasnaya Polyana stand you can touch them alive, bend them, “twist” them, etc., and also ask me all your questions. Since at the moment I have become the first Russian pro-rider of Black crows)

OK. Are you satisfied with your life?
Yes. Because I came from a small village in the south of France. I had nothing. And thanks to my passion for skiing, I built my life.

Skiing has given me everything: travel, friends, enjoyment of life. I'm about forty. I won’t say that my life has been like sugar. But I'm happy.

Skiing is like a long-term relationship with someone. The best and worst moments of my life are associated with them. I was losing friends.

Do you believe in God?
(thinks for a long time)
Yes. But not in the way it is commonly understood. I don't want to talk much about it now. Not that moment.

Fine. I will ask frivolous questions. Which girls do you like best? Blondes, brunettes?
No preference. I like new experiences. If I'm happy, I accept this moment in life and enjoy it. But I don’t try to keep it. And I never look for repetition. Because best moments lives are unique and inimitable. This applies to relationships with all people - whether with women or with friends.

Why are you hitting my helmet with a stick and putting garbage there when I take it off?
I don't like the helmet. I don't like this stereotype: if you're wearing a helmet, you're safe. You can ride with a helmet and still die. If you ride fast, if you dare to take on difficult descents, this option is possible. This is freeride. Are you ready to die in the mountains?

Then you don't have to freeride. I don't want to either. It's hard to explain. You can put on all your armor and fight for your life. Or you can fight without everything. Like a Japanese samurai. Only skill. Maybe someday I’ll smash my head on a rock and while dying I’ll think: “What a fool I am!” I don't know. But I don't like the helmet.

But are you using a beeper? A helmet is the same chance of salvation.
No. I don't like the feeling of having a helmet on my head. I don't wear a beeper on my head. I don’t like it that’s all. I think it's good for children. Besides, the helmet is good business. I don't like this question. Give me another one. Maybe I'm a little aggressive. But I think everyone can choose for themselves. It should not be polite to wear a helmet.

What if a person doesn’t have a beeper, a shovel, or a probe?
I don't like it. I can say it once. If this continues, I will not ride with this person. “Hey, buddy! If I get caught in an avalanche, will you dig me out with your hands?” I'm not very happy riding with people like that. Fuck! (pause)

Why are you laughing?

You swear very funny. You seem very friendly and when I hear fuck or sheet it sounds funny.
Do you think I'm gentle and considerate?


How do you overcome fear?
My relationship with fear is very simple. I've been working toward this for a long time. In fact, I don't feel it. I skate where my level allows. It doesn’t happen that I tremble with fear and think: “If I fall, I will die.” I understand this: “if I fall, I will die.” But I also understand what I do, I realize what I can and cannot do. I ride easily, without stress. Of course, sometimes I get scared if I fly into rocks, if I fall on ice or in an avalanche. But this fear appears suddenly. This is not the kind of fear that comes slowly. If climbers climb a difficult section with the help of a rope, they are not afraid, they concentrate on what they are doing. So I only think about what I'm doing in at the moment.

Are you jealous of anyone?
May be. I don't know. I think not. I live the life I chose for myself. I live my passion.

Do you compare yourself to anyone?
No. I have my own experience. I never thought, “Oh! this guy did awesome! I want it too!”

I can look and say: "this is good technique, I want to learn."

What do you like to eat?
Rice, fish, fruits, vegetables, a bottle of wine. Russian soup that you cooked. It reminds me of what my grandmother used to make.

Do you like to cook?
Yes. It's like religion, it's a way of communicating with people. I like to cook for others. This is very important to me.

Remember when you said that you want to live where there are mountains and the sea?
No. I was probably drunk when I said that.

Have you found such a place?
Not yet. Maybe I will live in the mountains in winter and go to the sea in summer. I don't want to ski every day. I love the sea, I want to walk barefoot in the sun, feel the sand, stones...

I think I know such a place.

Krasnaya Polyana.
No. There are no waves to surf. I love waves.

What do you value in people?
Intelligence. But I don’t mean the intelligence of the occupation: artist, teacher, musician, etc. An intelligent person? He can do whatever he wants. But he is not stupid, not aggressive, he respects other people.

I also like sincerity and directness. Sense of humor. Sometimes this is very important.

Will your children be skiers?
I don't know. This is impossible to predict. What will happen to your children? Can you give some direction? But it is impossible to determine exactly. Maybe they will be skiers, maybe musicians. Maybe I will be an example, pass on my experience to them and they will follow in my footsteps. It's hard to say.
I want the mother of my children to be a Russian girl from Krasnaya Polyana. Maybe someday I'll visit them.

Black crows in Krasnaya Polyana.

Review of alpine skiing Black Diamond Carbon Convert Skis and Quadrant Ski Boots. Description, characteristics, design features of the model.

Alpine skiing appeared in my life since childhood. Since then, I have been through more than one pair of different manufacturers with different specializations. In this review I want to talk about one of the Black Diamond models.

Alpine skiing

Carbon Convert Skis- light and stylish skis for ski touring and backcountry. Moderate geometry allows you to ride in a variety of snow conditions. The white surface prevents the sun from heating the ski, which prevents snow from sticking to it. I mean exactly the outer white surface, which on a dark ski usually collects snow when ski touring on virgin soil in the sun. Heel construction very good for securely fastening the camus.

On ski touring, long treks on different snow, the ski is super. Very pleased light weight , when you need to secure your skis to your backpack when climbing (naturally, in combination with lightweight PIN bindings).

The flip side of lightness is "prowl" When driving flat, all obstacles must be overcome with your feet. But they cut well and respond well to loading on steep slopes. Serious skating requires good technique, experience and control. B pillar, especially in jumping.

Skiing in soft, deep, uniform snow is very comfortable. The steeper the slope, the faster the control. On firne And ice They work weakly, only the middle part holds the arc. Fresh corduroy tracks and dense, smooth snow cut well in arcs even at high speeds. On sastrugi and hard humps, skiing requires great effort to control the ski, which is generally typical for lightweight skis. Jumping weightless, but require a clear landing, “fighting back” is not an option.

Overall rating - skiing expert, not universal. However, I don’t believe in good all-rounders.)) An excellent choice for ski touring routes, where the transitions are significant and the descents are of average difficulty. Or for confident skiers, experienced skiers who understand the tasks for which they choose skis. I personally skiing I’m very pleased, I worked for them for a season as a guide in the Khibiny Mountains and the Caucasus.

Ski boots

Quadrant Ski Boots- comfortable and warm boots for those who ride and ski tour a lot. The clips, strap, lacing system and walking switch are designed so that everything can be adjusted without any problems while wearing gloves.

It seems to me that it is a little not thought out tail design from lacing and belt, although it does not affect functionality. The boot liners are easy to take out and put back in.

For orthodox skiers the significance rigidity clearly overpriced. In my opinion, boots with a walking/skating switch cannot be stiffer than 100, when compared with sports models. Therefore, the stiffness and height of the boot does not provide their sports use on the track or in competitive freeride.

This good boot For technical ski touring - comfortable to spend the whole day in, with a large flexion angle for long walking, with a rubber tread on the sole for confident traction on various terrain, compatible with lightweight PIN fastenings and rigid enough for comfortable riding.