How to make a man's fingers thicker. How to lengthen your fingers: special exercises, visual effect

According to statistics, 98% of the inhabitants of the Earth would like to change something in their appearance. There are people who are unhappy with the length of their fingers. Is it possible to lengthen your fingers and how to do this? We will tell you below.

What to do to make your fingers long

How to make your fingers longer and thinner

Many people would like to have long, elegant fingers. Musicians are the lucky owners of beautiful hands. It is precisely people who play the piano or piano whose fingers are always long and thin. But not all of them were born with perfect hands, which means it is still possible to correct their deficiency. How to lengthen your fingers at home?

You can replace playing instruments with any fine motor skills. This could be embroidery, knitting. Even working on the keyboard can help.

Massage has a great influence on the length of the fingers. The procedure is not complicated and will not require much effort from you. Massage each finger separately, starting from the tips and ending with the base. We perform twisting movements. From the side of the palm we press on the joints.

How to lengthen your fingers at home: exercises

You can lengthen your fingers with simple exercises. What should you do to make your fingers long? A whole set of exercises for the fingers has been developed. It is divided into three blocks: stretching, flexibility and strengthening.

Stretching complex:

1. Take each finger in turn by the base and stretch for 15 seconds, doing twenty approaches per finger.

2. Using rotating movements, massage the fingers 10 times in one direction, 10 times in the other.

3. Lightly twitch each finger, repeat 20 times.

4. Bend your fingers 30 times.

5. Bend exercises – 40 approaches.

6. The next exercise is as follows.

Place the book on the center of the table. Hands on the table. The thumb should go over the edge, and with the rest we try to reach the book. We perform 5 repetitions.

A set of exercises for flexibility.

1. Place both hands on the table and begin to raise your fingers one by one. The main thing is that only one finger should rise, the rest remain tightly pressed to the table.

2. We connect both palms and press one on the other in turn. This way we knead the entire palm.

3. Roll a small ball between your fingers. Please note that helping with the other hand is strictly prohibited.

The last set of exercises is aimed at strengthening the fingers and hands:

Clench your fist 40 times;

We fall onto a vertical surface and support ourselves with our hands;

We do push-ups, focusing on our fingers.

By regularly performing the entire set of exercises, you can significantly lengthen and give an elegant shape to your fingers.

Almost all people on the planet would like to change something about themselves (98% of the population) and this is statistical data. The desire to lengthen your fingers and make them thinner only at first glance seems absurd, but in fact for some people it is a real mania.

Why do this?

In most cases, this is not an extreme necessity, but a desire to make the fingers more aesthetically attractive. One has only to look at the hands of musicians, especially pianists, their fingers are thin and long. But you shouldn’t think that all musicians are born with just such fingers - this is the result of their professional activity. This means that anyone can adjust the length and thickness of their fingers.

There are a lot of tips on this matter, among the most popular and effective:

  1. Playing musical instruments.
  2. Embroidery and knitting.
  3. Massage. It is the simplest of all methods, as it does not require too much time and material costs.

Visual lengthening

If the length and thickness of the fingers is not so critical, then you can give them the desired look using certain techniques, for example:

Exercises to lengthen your fingers

A whole set of exercises is designed to stretch, improve flexibility and strengthen the fingers. The first thing you need to do is warm up your fingers, to do this you should stroke each finger from tip to base, make movements as if you were washing your hands.


This next stage gymnastics, it is carried out in the following steps:

  1. Take your finger by the base and extend it as far as possible. Hold in the extended position for about 15 seconds, then release. Do 20 repetitions for each finger.
  2. Grab your finger lengthwise and twist it. Also hold in this position for 15 seconds. Thus, twist all fingers 10 times clockwise and counterclockwise.
  3. Grab your finger by the nail phalanx and pull 20 times. Repeat with all fingers in turn.
  4. Make finger tilts left and right, 30 repetitions for each.
  5. Bend and straighten each finger 40 times.
  6. For the last stretching exercise, you will need a book; it should be placed in the center of a table or other flat surface. Place your hands on the table as well, while thumb goes over the edge, and the rest need to reach for the book for 10-15 seconds. After this, relax your hands by shaking them and repeat 4 more times.


This complex consists of the following stages:

  • Place both hands on the table and alternately lift each finger. In this case, an important condition is that each finger is raised one at a time, all the others must be pressed to the table.
  • Next is an exercise for the entire hand. One palm needs to be relaxed, the other should press on it, pulling it back. So stretch each palm in turn. Between approaches, relax your hands, as if shaking water from your hands.
  • Another exercise is to roll a small ball between the fingers of each hand in turn. At the same time, do not help yourself with your other hand. You can do this exercise without any limit on the number of approaches and anywhere.


These exercises are the final ones in the complex for lengthening the fingers, consisting of the following actions:

  1. Clench your fist 40 times for each hand.
  2. Fall onto the wall using your fingers.

Efficiency and features of the complex

The proposed complex relates to the qigong technique and helps to clearly lengthen the fingers. The result can be seen after just a month of regular exercise. Since there is a mechanical effect on the fingers, all stages of the warm-up and any actions should not cause pain or discomfort. If you try too hard, you may damage your fingers rather than lengthen them.

How to make your fingers thinner?

In other words, how to lose weight in your fingers. Of course it is local weight loss impossible, in order for your fingers not to look like sausages you need to lose excess weight. If everything is fine with your weight, but your fingers are still far from graceful, especially swollen, then you should visit a doctor; there may be pathologies internal organs, in particular, the kidneys and excretory system.

Often fingers become plump if a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, that is, fat accumulates in the fingers. Often the visual effect of thick fingers is created by wrinkled skin; in this case, exercise alone will not correct the situation; you need to take special baths and moisturize the skin of your hands. A daily massage from the tip of the finger to the base will help.


It can also make your fingers thinner and also help you lose weight. To do this, you need to follow the following recommendations:

Conclusion. Fingers simply must be beautiful and well-groomed, especially for women. There is such a designation as “musical fingers”, which confirms that thin and long fingers are beautiful and therefore many strive to lengthen them using the above exercise technique.

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Nature created us as we are, with our advantages and disadvantages, which is why some people do not like certain parts of the body. It is precisely in order to change such shortcomings that plastic surgery was invented. These methods are inappropriate if the issue concerns the beauty and delicacy of the fingers.

This topic has become quite relevant in our time, as many women want to have thin and beautiful fingers.

From the very beginning, nature gives us the thickness of our fingers at the genetic level, but thanks to many exercises and appropriate care, our fingers will be given the necessary flexibility, visual thinness and mobility. The expression “musical fingers” comes to mind, so the question may arise, how to make fingers thinner using music?

First of all, puffy fingers can mean fat accumulation or lack of movement. Accordingly, the simplest and most effective way would be to let a person play the flute or piano.

Start your exercises with music lessons, teachers of which will be fairly easy to find. This practice should be done constantly and only then the fingers will become more elegant and thinner. If for some reason playing musical instruments is not suitable for you, then try to replace them by typing on a computer keyboard, just do not forget that your fingers must be correctly positioned on the keys; knitting and sewing are also an excellent alternative.

Sometimes the main reason for the visual thickness of the fingers is wrinkled skin, so to prevent this, it is recommended to do appropriate exercises and use nourishing and moisturizing creams. You can resort to hand massage; for this you need to massage each finger, individually, starting from the tip of the finger (pad) to the base. Gymnastics is very useful not only for the condition of the fingers, but also for the general condition of the phalanges.

There is another quite easy and effective exercise, to do this, spread your arms, preferably shoulder-width apart, then relax your limbs and try to make movements as if you were shaking off the remaining water. Similar movements can be carried out every day for 10-20 minutes. The simplest and most accessible finger exerciser is health balls or so-called Feng Shui balls. Such exercises improve coordination, appearance will also noticeably improve, palm massage affects the nerve endings of other parts of the body.

The balls should roll across your palm and use all your fingers to do this. Remember, the more complex the exercises used, the better the fingers; for this you can use not one ball, but two or even three.

Inexorable statistics tell us that 98% of the inhabitants of the Earth have a desire to change something in their appearance. And of course, among them there are many who would like to see their fingers longer. This is not due to any serious need, it's just a matter of aesthetics. One cannot help but admire the long, thin and graceful fingers of musicians, artists, and beauties from ancient portraits. For some people this is given from birth. If nature has not given you such a feature, then there are a number of effective recommendations on how to lengthen your fingers. We will present them to the reader further.


Ways to “lengthen your arms” are offered by the world-famous qigong technique. In the extensive set of exercises that she offers, there are also special ones aimed at increasing the length of the fingers.

Like any other gymnastics, active physical activity, we will start the training with a warm-up. It is quite simple and does not take long:


How to lengthen your fingers at home? Let's move on to the next group of effective exercises:

Flexibility exercises

We continue to tell you how to lengthen your fingers. Our next block of exercises is for flexibility. Let's get started:

  1. Place both brushes on the table. Your task is to lift each finger up in turn. You need to make sure that only one moves, and all the others lie motionless on the tabletop.
  2. Place your palm against your palm. Relax one of them. With the other palm, press on the relaxed one, bending it back with this influence. Knead both hands in a similar manner. After each approach, relax your arms and shake your hands vigorously.
  3. Buy or find a small ball or balloon at home. Your task is to roll it between the fingers of one hand. Moreover, only one hand should be used - you cannot help the other. The good thing about this exercise is that it can be done anywhere and for as long as you like.

Strengthening exercises

And the last one in the block “How to lengthen your fingers.” Strengthening exercises are as follows:

  1. Clench and unclench each fist 40 times.
  2. “Fall” onto the wall, using only your fingers as support.
  3. Do push-ups on your fingers.

As the masters say, the effect will be noticeable after a month of conscientiously and periodically performed exercises.

Activities to lengthen fingers

Is it possible to lengthen your fingers without resorting to qigong techniques? Yes, to do this you just need to choose a hobby you like:

  • Playing musical instruments. Of course, it’s worth choosing creativity that will use your fingers well.
  • Drawing.
  • Embroidery, knitting.
  • Special massage. The most expensive, but at the same time the most enjoyable way that does not require any effort from you.

Long means thin!

Thin, thin fingers visually appear long. From here it’s worth starting with getting rid of obesity. If you don't suffer from excess weight, but your fingers are still chubby, you need to see a doctor. This may be one of the signs of pathologies of the kidneys and urinary system.

Plump fingers are evidence not only overweight, but also a sedentary lifestyle. Try to work with your hands as much as possible - cook, type texts on a computer, assemble jigsaw puzzles, Rubik's cubes, etc.

The effect of thick fingers can also be caused by wrinkled skin on the hands. Exercises alone are not enough here. You should periodically make special hand baths and use moisturizing creams.

Visual effect

How to visually lengthen your fingers? All you need to do is follow simple recommendations:

  • If you are a girl, a woman, then the solution is to grow long nails. Be sure to give the nail plate a rounded shape. But square, blunt nails, on the contrary, visually shorten your fingers.
  • When choosing a manicure, focus on light, pastel colors. Bright and dark ones visually shorten the nail, and along with it the fingers.
  • Turn to thin, elegant, “airy” rings and bracelets.
  • For the cold season, choose long, dark gloves. They make not only the fingers, but also the hand and arm thin and graceful.

Now you know that becoming the owner of long thin fingers really. At the same time, it is possible to lengthen them not only visually, but also actually with the help of a set of special exercises of the qigong technique, a certain hobby.

Exercises for training the muscles of the fingers are not always included in the general training programs. However, strengthening this muscle is very important and useful, including for people who are seriously involved in martial arts or other sports. This material is intended to deepen knowledge about in various ways training the hands, both to strengthen them and to maintain tone.

These simple exercises It is recommended to perform daily as a warm-up and to maintain muscle tone. Since they do not require any special equipment, they can be done anywhere, for example, at the workplace or at the institute. In case of compliance correct technique fulfillment, they are absolutely safe for health.

1) Simple and effective exercise, which everyone knows - fanning out the fingers to the sides. You need to try to make maximum effort and move your fingers as wide as possible. Fix the final position for 3 to 5 seconds. The exercise is performed 3 times; it can be done simultaneously with two joined palms.

2) Bend your fingers into a fist so that it is not completely closed, then tense the muscles as much as possible. Fix the final position for 3 to 5 seconds. The exercise is performed 3 times.

3) Starting position similar to the initial stage of the previous exercise. Tighten your finger muscles as much as possible, as if making an effort to unclench your fist. Hold this position for 3 to 5 seconds, repeat 3 times.

4) Press your palms against each other with as much force as possible. The number of approaches and time to complete the exercise are similar to the previous options.

5) Interlock the fingers of one hand with the fingers of the other one at a time into the lock, starting with the thumbs, and try to break this clutch. Perform 3 sets of 3 seconds.

6) Alternately press the fingers of one hand into the palm of the other. Perform 3 sets of 3 seconds on each finger.

7) Alternately squeeze each finger of your hand with your thumb, folding it into a position similar to the original one for the famous click. The execution time is 3 seconds per finger.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the fingers

General rules for performing exercises to strengthen finger muscles:

  • The rest time between approaches in one exercise should not exceed 1 minute.
  • The pause between approaches in one endurance exercise can be up to 2 minutes.
  • Before performing the exercises, you must do a thorough warm-up. Before each new repetition of the exercise, you also need to stretch and flex your fingers.
  • To avoid injury, you need to carefully monitor your sensations during exercises and avoid discomfort and pain.


1) Finger trainer. This exercise is very popular among rock climbers. This must be done very carefully to avoid damage. Requires preliminary warm-up. Perform large holds first. One approach should take 15 to 20 seconds. The pause between approaches is 1 minute. Unfortunately, a machine for performing this exercise cannot be found in every gym.

2) Performing a finger hang. It is better to place a piece of cloth under your fingers. Perform as many sets as possible for 15 seconds.

3) Performing an open-grip hang. The execution time is 1 minute; for convenience, it is better to use a thick crossbar. The exercise is effective and safe for your fingers. To increase the load, you can hang on one hand alternately.

4) Perform wrist rotation using weights, for example, a mace, a sledgehammer or even a heavy book. Performed on a flat horizontal surface. Pay attention to the quality of your grip. The number of repetitions in a set is 20 turns, the number of sets is 3.

5) Wrist flexion. Starting position - the forearm is located on a horizontal surface, the hand with a weight clamped with a direct grip hangs down. The amplitude of movement is until the brush reaches a horizontal surface. To reduce time, you can perform it with both hands at the same time using a barbell.

6) Exercise with an expander. The simulator, as well as the number of sets and repetitions, is selected individually.

7) Curling your fingers with a barbell, using an underhand grip. This exercise also effectively strengthens. Starting position - forearms lie on a horizontal surface, hands squeezing the barbell with an underhand grip hang freely over the edge. Raise and lower the barbell, fixing at the top and bottom points. Opening your palms in the lower position increases the effectiveness of the exercise.

8) Rotational movements with a stick with suspensions. A gymnastic or any other stick is used as a simulator, to which a rope is tied. A weight is suspended from the other end of the rope. Take the stick with a medium grip and twist the rope by rotating the bar. Having raised the load to the maximum point, begin to slowly unwind the rope. Make sure that all work is done only with brushes.

Finger exercises borrowed from sports games

1) Perform wall falls. Starting position: standing parallel to the wall at a distance of 1-1.5 meters. Fall towards the wall in a position similar to the emphasis lying on your fingers.

2) Squeezing the ball. Apply as much pressure as possible on the tennis ball with your fingertips, avoiding touching with your palm.

3) Rolling balls. 2-3 small balls to move in your fingers in a free manner. You can use sand-weighted ping pong balls.

Exercises for developing finger strength, borrowed from martial arts

1) Pull-ups. Performed on the fingers; as you master the exercise, you can use additional weights.

2) Perform push-ups on your fingertips. This exercise must be performed very carefully so as not to damage the joints. Be sure to warm up first. Fold your fingers so that they form a wide bowl. As you master the exercise, you can complicate it with several options: use one rather than two hands as support, reduce the number of supporting fingers, or raise your legs on a support.

3) Raising a container of water with an upper hand grip. Original position - hand omitted. Raise to navel level. Increase the amount of fluid as your training level increases.

4) Pulling a stick out of the ground, which is first driven there by 6 cm. Perform using the strength of your fingers.

5) Tossing the shot. Hold the core with an upper grip. The weight and size of the core are selected individually and gradually change upward.

6) Strikes with open fingers into loose or loose surfaces. You can use mounds of sand or cereals as a training device. As your training increases, you can move on to harder materials, such as cardboard, plywood and wood or tin sheets. This exercise is used in martial arts and an important part of it is creating a certain mood. When performing it, you should concentrate on thoughts about the penetration of your hand through the plane.

Special gripping techniques in power sports

The techniques below were well known to athletes of the old school, but are now needlessly forgotten.

1) Using special thickened barbells instead of the usual ones helps strengthen the muscles of the fingers. This type of neck is quite rare now, so you can try to make a thickening on the neck using improvised materials. For example, you can wrap it in several layers with adhesive tape or adhesive tape. A significant amount of consumables will more than pay for itself by increasing the strength of the finger muscles. This simple technique gives truly colossal results, because the muscles of the hands are worked as a side effect in all presses and rows.

2) As weighting agents, you can use various household items, the shape of which is not very convenient for gripping. For example, lifting bags with contents, barrels and other things is easier for a person than classic exercises bodybuilding. Meanwhile, they help to work out almost all muscle groups and especially the muscles of the fingers.

For more information on the old school training system, see the book Dinosaur Training by Kubik Brooks. This work details interesting and proven training methods. You can view the book on our website.

The methods for training the muscles of the fingers outlined in the material can be discussed on our forum. Here you can also get answers to your questions.

We wish you a wonderful mood and achievements in sports!

Exercises for wrists, fingers and elbows - Video