Tibetan secret of non-contact combat. Non-contact combat: principles, fundamentals and counteraction

Why, despite its relative simplicity, not everyone is able to master energy combat.

Have you ever wondered why masters of karate or jiu-jitsu never talk much about the secrets of their martial arts, while adepts of non-contact combat are ready to talk about their technique literally at the slightest opportunity? Do the latter really consider their skill to be much less lethal, and therefore are not afraid that anyone will master it?

Or are we talking about the most common propaganda of yet another non-working non-contact combat system?

Neither the second nor the first.

  • Firstly, non-contact fighting techniques really work, and sometimes where better techniques many other combat schools.
  • And, secondly, the masters of this martial art understand perfectly well that not everyone can master energy combat.

And this is not about any prohibitive complexity of this technique and not about the personal predisposition of future masters to work with energies. The point is that we should probably switch to . It’s just that we won’t be able to explain further information otherwise.

And it is this: before you begin to master non-contact combat, each of you must understand that just like healing, the ability to levitate, the gift of clairvoyance and predicting the future, energy combat is nothing more than a gift to man from the Higher Powers. And the Higher Powers are the highest, so that they can decide for themselves who to initiate into their Great Secrets, and who to leave forever behind the doors of True Knowledge. And no one can influence their choice or speed it up.

How to master non-contact fighting techniques

Moreover, having revealed to some person the secrets of non-contact combat, and even giving him the opportunity to restructure himself internally in order to apply them in practice, the Higher Powers can change at any moment, almost instantly depriving him of the opportunity to apply the knowledge received from them.

Why? Yes, because just like the already mentioned healing, divination and any other conditionally mystical gift, energy combat requires the most careful, thoughtful use. Indeed, among any other martial art, non-contact combat is not only one of the most deadly. In skillful hands, it can not only injure an enemy, but also make him sick, drive him crazy, and in some cases change his fate and even become a weapon of mass destruction.

In addition, non-contact combat at an energy level like no other martial art, is capable of causing irreparable damage to random people. Thus, some masters are capable of sending energy blows at a distance of up to 30 - 45 meters, which leads to the risk that any person could be, especially since the same walls are not an obstacle to such attacks.

So it turns out that the masters of non-contact combat can talk about it for as long as they want, devoting us to any of its secrets, and at the same time not be afraid that non-contact combat will become a weapon of those who can cause any harm with it.

How does non-contact energy combat work?

But this is not even about that. Having decided to engage in energy non-contact combat, you must first of all understand that it will open to you only if you initially begin to treat it not even as a weapon of defense or an adequate response to any type of aggression, but as an opportunity to know yourself. Learn in order to change and become better. This is the main condition for obtaining the right to master non-contact combat.

But we are not talking about a simple intention as such - I will be good. It's about completely transforming yourself.

  • about bringing your life to the level of light energies,
  • about not doing evil,
  • about decency,
  • tolerance,
  • understanding,
  • the ability to forgive.

Without this, even if for a while you master 2-3 techniques from the more than extensive arsenal of energy combat in order to use them in violation of the main laws that dictate the Higher Powers (yes, we will conventionally call them that), you will very quickly be blocked at the level energy channels and chakras. And perhaps they will also be punished, so much so that you will have to atone for your guilt for more than one year.

Non-contact combat is a special form of interaction between 2 or more opponents, in which the attacker or several attackers, without making physical contact with the defender, begin to lose balance, while seeming to obey the actions of the defender. There is no physical interaction between them at all.

Non-contact combat is based on the principles and laws of removing physical balance - creating and shifting the enemy’s center of gravity along the vector of his movement using methods of forming the so-called “ density" And " emptiness».

The phenomenon of non-contact combat has not been fully studied to date. The explanation of the processes is often confusing and unclear. The effectiveness of the techniques has not been officially confirmed in practice. There are several researchers who have described the technique of non-contact combat in their works.

So D.V. Skogorev in the book “ Interaction with force"To understand the essence of non-contact combat, he conventionally divides work with the enemy into several components:

  • Forming in the enemy a sense of the boundary of the sensory field (creating a so-called “node” of forces in space). In this case, the border is determined by the beginning of the enemy’s reaction to any of your actions directed in his direction.
  • Creating “density” that D.V. can Skogorev compares it with a simple action: “Imagine that you lightly touch the surface of the water with your palm, trying to push the surface a little without immersing your palm completely in the water (feel the density of the surface). Now sharply lift your palm from the surface of the water. There will be a feeling of water sticking to the palm, which will rush upward as the palm moves. Exactly the same feeling of adhesion and organization of density must be achieved with the enemy, since the enemy’s energy drop is the same surface of water, only less dense. Therefore, it is necessary to find the boundary of the sensory field and create “density” (“stick”, “stick” to it).”
  • Breaking contact, due to which a “emptiness” is created by a directed movement of the arm (leg) at the moment when the opponent finds himself in an unstable position.
  • “Condensation” of adhesion is the creation of a “node” of forces (when attention is concentrated at one point in space) and is directed to the enemy’s center of gravity, throwing him off balance.

To perform Non-Contact Combat techniques D.V. Skogorev recommends performing several lead-up exercises. One of the exercises given in his book “Working with Power” is presented below.

Preparing for Non-Contact Combat

(Pushing and attracting the energy of another person)

A partner is required to perform the exercise.

  • Ask your partner to stand with his back to you.
  • Move 1–1.5 m away from him and, facing his back, raise your hands in front of you as if you are going to push him.
  • Slowly extend your arms as if you were pushing an invisible wall forward.
  • The arms remain extended. Now make pulling movements towards yourself with your hands, as if you are pulling this invisible wall towards you.
  • Repeat the movements. Push, pull. Forward, backward.
  • Movements are slow and careful.
  • When you make these movements, you cause the energy drop of your partner to be repelled and attracted to you. This in turn causes his body to sway back and forth. When you push, your partner's body will swing forward. When moving backwards, the body will swing back.
  • Sometimes it makes sense to put someone in front of the person you are rocking. This person will insure the fall when swinging. Another person can observe the work of the first one from the side, objectively assessing the result obtained.

It must be taken into account that any exercises that provoke the development or disclosure of a person’s paranormal abilities can have unpredictable consequences for a person and be dangerous for both his mental and physical health.

Non-contact combat is complex and requires long-term study and a serious approach, practice.

The information provided in this article serves for informational purposes only, is not complete and should not be used to create and practice combat techniques.

Thought is material. With a non-contact technique of influence (non-contact combat), only your imagination controls the enemy’s body. Your optional movements with your body or gaze perform only auxiliary functions - they facilitate the work of your imagination or insure you in case the non-contact influence does not work. That is, it is not necessary to move your hands or eyes at all.

You can imagine foreign objects affecting the opponent's body. For example, the wall separating him from you. You can imagine how your limbs lengthen and do something that affects the enemy. For example, they place blocks, strike, pull, push... And you can immediately imagine what the enemy’s body is doing, without using intermediate ideas. If someone comes across the fictional story “Full Access” (“Full root”), about cybertelepaths traveling between worlds as a disembodied consciousness, then their online behavior described there is very similar to non-contact. Perhaps this is a disguised description of the non-contact technique.

It follows from this that without studying other martial arts that have rich defense capabilities (not B O C S - boxing, but for example aikido or karate, and preferably not sports branches), the non-contact arsenal will be very meager. When an opponent falls from his attempt to strike, this is not a magic trick or a secret no-contact technique. This is either a karate block or an Aikido throw, performed through non-contact impact. In this case, the non-contact player may not imagine the block or throw itself. He can imagine an extraneous plane that prevented the enemy from turning his body and coming out as an attack vector on your body. Or how the enemy’s body suddenly performs all the actions that a regular contact throw would lead to.

That is, non-contact is not a means of destruction, but only a way to convey this weapon to the enemy without coming into physical contact with him. The muscles of the opponent himself act against the enemy at the will of the non-contact person. I suspect that the mental disorder “alien hand syndrome” is a manifestation of non-contact influence, not necessarily conscious, on the part of another person.

How to learn. One partner stands with his back to you, a few meters in front of you. Two more can protect him from falling backwards. You imagine that there is a rope attached to it, by which you need to pull it out of place (to throw it off balance). It doesn’t matter where you “attach” it. But if a person’s center of mass is somewhere in the area solar plexus and the bottom of the chest, and the fulcrum is in the feet, then it is easier to drag (the point of application of force/work) by the collar or slightly lower. As if you were dragging it with your hand. It is difficult to hold the waist belt; you need to put in a lot of effort to overcome the inertia of rest. The head is uncomfortable because the neck is flexible. And for the clothes between the shoulder blades - just right. How you “attach” the rope doesn’t matter at all. You can imagine it sewn, glued, tied around the shoulders (like a backpack) or simply held in place in some unknown way (magically). This is an insignificant detail. In the imagination, and therefore in non-contact, everything is possible, including violation of the usual laws of logic and physics of the material world. Perhaps telekinesis, levitation and teleportation work the same, but require more developed abilities and powers of imagination.

Start doing slow movements with your hands, as if you were pulling an invisible rope. But you need to imagine it well. You can even imagine the feeling of it in your hands and the resistance that its mass and tension create. The rope shortens and begins to oscillate. The vibration frequency increases as the rope tension increases. The rope trembles stronger, even stronger... And now the partner’s body moves away and the partner begins to fall back. Immediately “let go of the rope” and stop imagining it to give your partner the opportunity to regain their balance and stay on their feet.

When this becomes good, complicate the exercise. Imagine that the rope is wound around the drum of a winch. The drum is spun by other imaginary people or an imaginary motor (that is, the drum spins itself), and you just stand and watch as an outside observer. The rope behaves the same as in the previous case. The interruption is the same.

Next stage- the rope goes nowhere. In some kind of fog or even floating in the air, as if in a solid body. Then, without any rope at all, instead stretch your arm forward, “stick” your palm to the back of your partner standing a few meters away, and pull. Then without everything. The back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades simply moves back. The more confident you are that it will happen, the more likely it will happen.

Practical application. One of my first practical uses was stopping an enemy’s fist in the air, which I saw in old Soviet films about “investigators and criminals.” When they want to punch you in the face, imagine that the enemy’s fist suddenly stops for some reason, freezes. If you imagine it flying into your face, it will fly to you. You can belay yourself with your hands.

A good alternative is to move the fist to the side. Imagine as if there is some kind of transparent plane running from the side of your head or your whole body, the end of which is located in the area of ​​the shoulder of the enemy’s attacking hand. That is, the enemy’s fist flying towards you is on one side of the plane, and you are on the other. Imagine how your fist hits the plane tangentially and slightly changes its direction so as to fly past your face.

After studying blocks (contact, for example karate) you can move on to “beating off” the enemy’s blows with your “invisible hand”. And visible ones can be insured. This way, the enemy's hand will fly to the side before you hit it with your contact block. There is no need to wait until you feel the opponent's hand with your block. Otherwise, the enemy's hand will not fly off to the side until you hit it with a contact block. You need to be sure that the enemy's arm will fly off to the side simply because you are performing a block (a blow to the attacking limb at an angle to the attack vector). More precisely, it will “simply fly off” regardless of your block, and you will “simply execute” the block as if parallel to the enemy’s flying hand, even if there are still two meters between you. That is, the opponent's hand flies off not because you imagine your block. But because you imagine how the enemy’s hand flies off. And the block knocked it off or a ninja turtle ran up - that’s the tenth thing. In reality, it is not the hand that will fly off to the side, but the opponent who will fall completely (this is not magic, this is ordinary karate and a little physics and psyche).

If in the previous paragraph, instead of a karatesh block, you imagine an aikido throw, then the enemy will fly somersaults. After practicing aikido and understanding its principles, you can slam your opponent onto the ground from the height of his height simply by mentally pulling and pushing him in the area of ​​the upper chest.

How to defend yourself. Also imagination. If you feel that your body is not obeying you, then most likely they are using non-contact on you. The contactless person does not always do this consciously. For example, when you are under pressure, and you cannot raise your hands to the aggressor hanging over you, he may not understand that he is using non-contact. He is simply confident, as a consequence of previous experience, that you will stand in a daze, like a rabbit in front of a boa constrictor, so that’s what happens. Your field (psifield, biofield) is compressed into a small lump in the area of ​​the solar plexus and lower chest. And you also want to shrink into the same ball in order to fit into your safe field. This is clamping and numbness.

You need to seize control of your body in the same way as above we controlled the bodies of our opponents. Mentally, through an effort of will, begin to increase your field to a size slightly larger than the size of your body. Prevent the enemy from trying to shrink your field back. Now try to free your hands. If the enemy does not calm down and you feel continued attempts to crush you, you can additionally crush him with your field, “chaining his hands” or squeezing something intangible (the source of his biofield/psifield) in his chest or solar plexus.

Egor writes:

it’s hard to say... there are videos where specialists work miracles, showing supernatural abilities, but I don’t rule out that it’s all a sham, in a word, crap.

I found an article by Dmitry Protasov on this topic. He writes interestingly. Here are the excerpts:
"...In fact, many adepts can hit an opponent without touching a finger various types martial arts have always been believed. The reasons for this were all kinds of internal oriental styles, as well as magical rituals... In Russia, a surge of interest in non-contact hand-to-hand combat occurred after the showing of footage from the documentary film “Special Forces” on the REN-TV channel in the program “Military Secret”. Two people, dressed in Soviet-style reconnaissance uniforms, scattered mock opponents without the slightest touch.
This was enough to give birth to versions that since Soviet times, fighters of secret military units have been studying non-contact combat. Later, witnesses appeared who observed with their own eyes how the founder of the Russian style, Alexey Kadochnikov, acted in a similar way. This is how the myth of non-contact combat acquired a Russian accent.... The theoretical justification for non-contact combat has Western and Eastern variants. The Western one is based on the fact that a person can be influenced remotely as a result of the concentration of mental and physical energy, that various voids and curvatures in space, torsion fields, ultra-high frequency waves and similar things that are still incomprehensible to science are created. Hypnosis and a number of other psychotechniques are cited in favor of the Western theory. They explain, they explain, but no one can demonstrate, and most importantly, show the methodology for teaching such things. After all, the scientific approach lies in the fact that any experiment based on proven laws can be repeated.
The eastern version, oddly enough, is more plausible. It is based on the fact that vital energy circulates in a person in different forms and, knowing its laws, one can influence the state of the body. All oriental reflexology is built on this principle.
The combat application of knowledge about internal energy is embodied in numerous internal styles. The energy, along with the blood, comes close to the surface of the body at different times of the day in different ways, and the fighter only needs to know the course of its circulation in order to strike that part of the body where the blood is close to the surface. In this case, severe injury is likely to occur, possibly even resulting in death. The blow is also delivered with the direction of one’s own energy and not necessarily with the fist. The masters only need a light touch to send you to your forefathers.
But if very light contact is possible, then why not do without contact in battle at all? After all, masters who practice qigong therapy to treat patients, in many cases do not even touch them with a finger...Despite my almost completed religious education in regard to martial arts, I always refrain from mysticism and therefore I am guided by the principle “I will not see “I won’t believe it.” And even better - until I spar, I won’t believe it. I was lucky that in the period from 1988 to 1998 I had the opportunity to see a lot of fighters, train in various sections and schools of hand-to-hand combat, incl. and in the section of Tadeusz Kasyanov, who played the role of boatswain in the famous film “Pirates of the 20th Century”. I saw different fighters and heard different tales, but real application I never saw a non-contact fight. Neither in civilian life, nor during military service."

All people are different.
Treat people the way you would like them to treat you.