Precarious position. why is it time for Shatov to leave

Norilsk Nickel of Vladimir Potanin and Russian Platinum of Musa Bazhaev announced the creation of a joint venture. According to source, a parity joint venture was created on the basis of Taimyr assets. Norilsk Nickel will contribute the Maslovskoye deposit to the joint venture, and Russian Platinum will contribute Chernogorskoye and the southern part of Norilsk-1, which it had previously seized from Potanin’s company. The approximate volume of investments is estimated at 250 billion rubles. It seems that the old enemies have reconciled: Potanin and Bazhaev spent several years dragging each other through the courts and government authorities precisely because of Norilsk-1. The competition for the deposit was won by the Amur prospecting team, which is part of Russian Platinum, with which Norilsk Nickel categorically disagreed. The dispute reached the presidential administration, which sided with Bazhaev, while the government wanted to support Potanin and was going to “reset” the trading results. Why did Potanin “forgive” the businessman who stole such a tidbit from under his nose? It seems that things are very bad for him, since he extends his hand to his enemies: without their help, he is apparently no longer capable of anything. How to decide to forgive? In fact, the conditions for creating a joint venture are interesting. Firstly, on what terms will VTB, which owns 3% of Chernigov, enter it? Apparently, it is Kostin’s bank that will sponsor further work - both Bazhaev and Potanin are talking in unison about attracting bank financing. But will they really get the money without collateral? And what should Potanin pawn - Norilsk Nickel? But Norilsk Nickel is not doing very well. It’s not that no one took the company’s assets as collateral, but how is Potanin going to repay his debts? According to the production report for 2017, nickel production is a core business! – . This means that the financial results may not be the most rosy. Potanin was also hit by the launch of the Bystrinsky Mining and Processing Plant, from which 400 million rubles would be transferred to the budget of Transbaikalia alone in the form of taxes. Plus, the general protest against mining and processing plants in Russia had a significant impact on his reputation, and therefore future income. In addition, Potanin was included in the “Kremlin report” of the United States. And although he boasts, claiming that this will not affect foreign investment in any way, his assertions raise a lot of doubts. As well as the fact that following the publication of the new sanctions list, Norilsk Nickel, together with Alrosa, rushed to beg for access to deposits without licenses and complain about the lack of budget funding for geological exploration! Since everything is fine and they are not afraid of American sanctions, then why did they run to complain?!

Does Potanin put on a good face when he plays poorly?

It is not surprising that Potanin and Bazhaev came to an agreement on the creation of a joint venture after the publication of “”: earlier Musa Bazhaev called the negotiations on this matter “sluggish,” but here, apparently, the reins have fallen by the wayside. So Potanin agreed to be friends with anyone, just to get out of a huge financial hole: after all, by $27.3 million to $16.6 billion - the blow is not very significant, but still noticeable! In general, all this created excellent ground for intensifying joint projects. Because otherwise you simply cannot survive.
Good friend schemes? Potanin realized this, apparently, even a little earlier - after all, before the “reconciliation” with Bazhaev, he took on the same project with Grigory Berezkin. Together they announced the creation of the CIS Natural Resources Fund, through which they intended to acquire 40% of the Bystrinskoye deposit... From Norilsk Nickel! In which Potanin already owns 30%. It would seem, why? By the way, they, of course, did not create any new fund. It existed back in 2013 and dealt specifically with natural resources. It is managed by Curzon Alternative Investments, an offshore company from Bermuda, which... It turns out that he provided funds for the deal and carried it out with the help of Potanin in his own interests? Why did Potanin fall for this? The answer is simple - money.

Is Berezkin playing with Potanin, not for him?

Because the scheme, which was not invented by them, with the participation of an offshore company as a non-resident makes it easy to evade paying taxes and even paying dividends, especially if the shares are eventually “cashed out” and transferred to cash. In general, Potanin knows how to make friends. And in every possible way he attracts people who are eager for withdrawal schemes into his activities. So maybe the situation with Bazhaev is similar? Or did he simply decide to “teach Bazhaev a lesson”? After all, there is another interesting condition for creating a joint venture with Russian Platinum: Bazhaev must be the first to launch Norilsk-1, which Potanin had so counted on at one time, and only then the Maslovskoye deposit will be put into operation . Maybe he’s not going to “share” it at all, but is just putting a good face on a bad game? And in the end, they will divide Norilsk-1 in half - the infrastructure has already been laid for it, which, by the way, belongs to Norilsk Nickel. But then, as they say, we’ll see.

Did Bazhaev contact Norilsk Nickel in vain?

Where should Potanin go? The situation with Norilsk Nickel, however, generally complicates Potanin’s life. His Interros owns 30.4% of the shares, 27.8% of the shares belong to Deripaska and another 5.5% to Abramovich. There have long been rumors that Abramovich is not interested in Norilsk Nickel and intends to leave with the right offer. And this could come in the near future... from Deripaska. The agreement between the shareholders has expired, and if Deripaska, whose UC Rusal also has serious problems, decides to buy out Abramovich’s stake, Potanin will have a very hard time. After all, this is, in fact, his main asset, control over which he can literally lose with a snap of his fingers! So here he is getting out of the current precarious situation with all possible ways- I am ready to attract VTB, and Bazhaev, and Berezkin - in fact, anyone, just to return the former prosperity. Which continues to float out of your hands, not even drop by drop, but in streams. And Potanin risks being left empty-handed, and at the same time his wallet.

Oleg Shatov, in the recent past one of the most promising Russian players, is today close to leaving Zenit and is far from joining the national team for home championship peace. understands the reasons for the football player’s regression and looks for possible solutions to the situation.

Oleg Shatov / Photo: Vasily Ponomarev /

At the beginning of the second half of the match in Grozny with the score 0:0 head coach He threw into battle only the one who had recovered from injury instead of the young Kirill Kaplenko. A logical decision from the outside - the St. Petersburgers needed to increase the pressure, look for approaches to the Akhmat penalty area. However, Shatov, who missed 2.5 weeks, was unable to immediately catch the rhythm of the game on the heavy lawn and did not make the guests’ attacking game sharper and more inventive.

Trying to snatch victory, Mancini made another restructuring: instead of central defender Miha Mevli, striker Sebastian Driussi came on, and Shatov was shifted to the completely alien position of right back. As a result, half an hour after Shatov entered the field, Mancini made a reverse substitution, replacing Oleg with Dmitry Poloz. Shatov did not shake hands with the coach, going straight to the locker room; Zenit did not put the finishing touches on Akhmat, which increased the gap from the leading Lokomotiv to 8 points. The first part of the season ended on such a bleak note for the St. Petersburg club

“Shatov didn’t run well after he entered the field,” Mancini commented on the reverse substitution. – I didn’t like the way he moved, so I replaced him with Poloz. It seemed to me more suitable for the game that was on the field.

Akhmat – Zenit – 0:0. Best moments

Instead of smoothing out the corners, the Italian specialist threw another log into the already blazing fire of criticism. Mancini's attempts to find the optimal combination on the field are increasingly reminiscent of throwing. The depth of Zenit's roster is such that even with the loss of three right-backs (Smolnikov, Anyukov, Terentyev), there are at least options with Branislav Ivanovich and Dmitry Bogaev, and not with transferring Zhirkov to an unusual flank or assigning dribbler Shatov in defense.

The latter, however, would be wrong to portray as a victim of circumstances. In a specific match in Grozny - yes, but not in general. Until recently, Shatov was one of the main hopes Russian football. An excellent performance in the 2015/16 season was highest point the rise of a graduate of Ekaterinburg football. Together with Dziuba and Hulk, he then scored 10 goals and 9 assists in the RFPL and the Champions League.

From September 2010 to January 2016, the value of a football player (according to estimates) increased from 500 thousand euros to 14 million. Euro 2016 promised a move to the top championship of the Old World. But in reality everything turned out differently. As of June 1, 2017, the authoritative portal valued the football player at 10 million, and with the next recalculation the amount will be even less. This season, Shatov has only 3 assists and no goals in 641 minutes of playing time in the Premier League. What can you expect with this?

The former Zenit coach in November called Shatov “ best player, with whom I have ever worked." But the Portuguese's successors in St. Petersburg have a different opinion. Previously, experts associated the decline in Shatov’s career with the player’s incompatibility with, who gave the following comment in April:

– Shatov alienated himself from the team with injuries. Sometimes they actually exist, and sometimes it’s hard for me to say how serious it is... I believe in this player, he has great potential. The main thing is that he trains. He trains for three days, then doesn’t train for one day. In the middle of the week I went to Finland to check myself after the operation... I can’t trust a player who doesn’t train constantly and doesn’t get maximum loads like the rest.

Contrary to the hopes of Zenit fans, Shatov’s position in the club has not changed in better side with the arrival of Mancini. In addition to the gaming problems that Oleg is not helping to solve, the Italian needs to improve the atmosphere in the team. And an offended football player will at least not have a positive influence on her.

Precarious position

Chapter 8

Title: Precarious Position
Fanfic author: Fang's Fawn
Original language: English
Fanfiction title in original language: Tightrope
Link to the original fanfic:
Translation permission: received
Translator: Shiyato
Beta: no worries
Size: midi
Type: Jen
Characters: Severus S., Harry P.
Rating: PG-13
Genre: angst, drama
Disclaimer: all characters and the world do not belong to me.
Summary: This is a continuation of Fang's Fawn's story “Under Care.” You will have to read it first to understand how the characters came to what happens in this part.

Jeans... T-shirts... socks... "Quidditch from ancient times to the present day." ... "Lightning" ... wand...

Harry was moving things from the chest into a travel backpack on the bed. It was new for the boy to gather in this way. Usually, when moving, he didn’t have to choose what to take, what to leave, he simply took all his things. Of course, I wanted to stay with the Weasleys longer, but it was great to get together like this. It was as if he was leaving things at home, only to return there soon. It gave a feeling... of security, of permanence.

Harry thoughtfully sorted through his textbooks, then smiled, turned to his backpack and fastened the lock, leaving the books in the chest. Hermione would have a reason to grumble, but he deserved a break, he had already finished his summer homework, there was only a week left until he returned to school and continued his studies with Snape.

Plus, it's Harry's birthday next week.

The boy looked at the invisibility cloak. He frowned thoughtfully, stroking the silken material with his hand.

He promised to respect the boundaries set by Dumbledore, not to go beyond the protective spells placed on Nora, so as not to disturb his family, so he would not need the cloak in Ottery St. Catchpole. And in Crooked Lane... there he will be protected whether he wants it or not. Harry snorted in displeasure, remembering Ron's last letter, in which his friend had mentioned some sort of escort for his trip next Friday.

He sighed, he wished he could take the cloak with him, but... after the incident at the Dursleys, and after the blackmail attempt, he also wanted to make sure that the cloak was safe. There is no place safer than Hogwarts.

Harry put the cloak in the chest, locked it, and carried the backpack to the door.

Later that night, in the broom shed, he would remain silent when Dumbledore advised him to keep the cloak to himself. A slight pang of guilt for his lack of foresight will reassure him that he cannot predict the principal's wishes, and he will decide to follow his advice later when he returns to school.

Harry looked at his watch. There was about half an hour left before lunch. He thought about getting Quidditch from Antiquity to the Present, but instead he stretched out on the bed with his hands behind his head and his feet dangling so as not to stain the bedspread with his worn trainers. The boy looked blankly at the high window in the stone wall. Remembering how he almost lost the invisibility cloak, he thought about Snape. Involuntarily his thoughts returned to the events of the morning.

He probably had every right to be angry with Snape for the unexpected intrusion into his thoughts, and even to be angry. To be honest, at first Harry was going to tell Snape everything, but then he didn't think it was worth it. Harry is used to rough treatment from adults, and he has more important issues, namely: the prophecy, and what he plans to tell Ron and Hermione about what happened this summer (it's one thing to blab to Hagrid, it's another to come up with something convincing for Hermione to explain why he spent the rest of the summer at Hogwarts).

Besides, it turned out that Harry was returning the favor to Snape for spying on his memories last year.

No, actually, what stopped him was the look on Snape's face when Harry told him about that day with Uncle Vernon... that, and the way the Potions Master started to say something and then changed his mind.

What did Snape almost blab about?

Harry remembered that Occlumency session last year, when he had prevented an invasion of his consciousness by finding himself in Snape's mind. The teenager recalled a scene that he had deliberately avoided: a small boy crying in the corner while a large man with a hooked nose screamed at a woman cowering in fear.

Harry deliberately didn't think about what had happened because he didn't want to feel sorry for Seip... and he didn't want to believe that he shared similar memories with anyone other than Snape.

But for a moment, Harry imagined... recognition in the wizard's usually impenetrable eyes.

The teenager tried to drown out the spark of compassion in his heart, and began a mental argument with himself.

If he experienced something like that, then it’s understandable why he became such an asshole.

“But I also went through something similar, and I didn’t become an asshole... right?”

Isn't it? Sirius died because of you. You put your friends in danger. You deserve what you have. On top of that, the Dursleys aren't even your parents.

"Well, at least I'm not into the Dark Arts!"

No, but you have real friends... Snape doesn't seem to have any.

"How can he blame anyone when he treated my mom like that?"

Yes, but he was just confused. How would you react if a girl had to help you out of such a situation?

"I certainly wouldn't call her a Mudblood!"

Even if you were a half-breed yourself?

Harry sighed and changed his position. He didn't have an answer to this question.

He spent the rest of the time before dinner looking out the window.

- Legilimency, - the potion master hissed, pointing his wand at Potter.

Snape found himself at the lake in the "seed" of Potter's vision. He immediately began tapping the walls of the vision with all the power of his mind, looking for a weak spot so as not to give the teenager time to collect himself. The walls wobbled, blurred like a blurry watercolor, then strengthened as the boy strengthened them with willpower at an alarming rate.

Then, to his teacher's surprise, Potter launched an almost continuous stream of spells at Snape.

Being a highly experienced duelist, Snape quickly blocked every new spell aimed at him, but immediately realized what Potter was doing and was impressed. By forcing Snape to defend himself from curses, the boy distracted his opponent from attacking the walls of his "grain".

After a short, fierce duel, Snape emerged from the vision and woke up in the Defense Against the Dark Arts room.

He glanced at the teenager briefly. Harry was flushed, breathing rapidly, and trying unsuccessfully to hide his smugness.

This time the result... is acceptable, Potter,” Snape admitted restrainedly, and was a little taken aback to see how the student blossomed with pleasure, taking the teacher’s words as the highest praise.

Your Occlumency skills with the "grain" are enough to proceed to the next stage.

Occlumency without the "grain", sir? - Potter interrupted him, inspired by success, he forgot how Snape does not like being interrupted. However, this time, the wizard decided to overlook this oversight.

“Not really, Potter,” he muttered, amused by the bravado a little success could generate in a teenager. - You might think that you have mastered the art of Occlumency "with grain", but I doubt that the Dark Lord will show tact and attack openly. Next week, after returning... since vacation, I will increase the level of attacks first to non-verbal, and then to unexpected.

Unexpected, sir? - the boy asked anxiously.

Snape grinned. Well, Harry has something to worry about!

Of course,” he said more softly. - Instead of the planned lessons, we will move on to... unexpected attacks.

Potter's throat was dry.

In the meantime,” Snape quickly changed the subject, “I suggest you read about non-verbal spells.” There is information about them in almost all of your new books, and, for sure, Miss Grinder will be happy to give you a lecture on this topic.

The boy snorted when he heard the last phrase, and Snape could hardly contain his smile.

And of course, every night, before bed...

“I will clear my mind, sir,” the boy promised. “I’m already conjuring up my seed in my dreams, just like you said, and the nightmares have stopped.”

"Okay," Snape replied approvingly.

There was an awkward pause.

Well... it's already 9 o'clock. I guess that's all, Potter," Snape finally said.
Potter nodded.

Then... see you next week, sir. - He headed towards the door, but stopped and turned around. - Sir?

Snape raised his eyebrows, inviting him to continue.

The boy hesitated uncertainly.

Sir... um... I wanted to ask...

He was interrupted by a knock on the door, which then opened slightly. Dumbledore looked out from behind the door.

Ah, Harry! Severus? I hope I didn't interrupt the lesson? It's already nine...

“We’ve just finished,” Snape answered calmly, mentally cursing the intrusion. Snape thought Potter might have something interesting to say. - Potter... you can go. Don’t forget about your assignment for next week,” he finished.

Potter glanced at him, nodded, and turned to Dumbledore.

Sir! Don't we leave after eleven...

“You’re right,” the director answered cheerfully. “However, there is a guest leaving in a few hours, I daresay you will be happy to speak with him while Professor Snape and I discuss something.”

Until... next week, Professor,” the boy said embarrassedly.

Snape tilted his head.

Until next week, Potter.

But the next meeting with Potter will happen much later, and under different circumstances. However, Snape was not allowed to know this, otherwise he would have kept the boy. In ignorance, the potions master watched as Harry chatted animatedly with Lupine. A feeling was brewing in his soul, which was not jealousy, as he had hoped.

Dumbledore closed the door and Snape turned his attention to the leader.

Well, Severus... how are classes going?

“Okay,” Snape answered shortly. He regretted that he had nothing to do with his hands, such as checking essays. But in the summer, there were no essays. I had to be content with sitting at the table with my fingers folded in front of me.

Dumbledore cast a silencing charm on the door and walked to the window, looking out at the darkening lands. He stood for a while, turned to Snape, and from the expression on his face, the potion master realized that he would now receive a task that he would not be happy about.

The director spoke as if he was continuing the questions he had started earlier.

So Harry is good at Occlumency?

He has moved forward,” Snape agreed reluctantly (after all, there is a reputation to uphold). - When a boy gives his all, he is capable of achievements. For example, I will sleep better knowing that he sleeps better.

Well said,” Dumbledore smiled. “I'm glad to see, Severus, that you and Harry have found some kind of understanding.”

Our relationship can hardly be called mutual understanding, Headmaster,” Snape objected.

“This is just the beginning,” Dumbledore answered confidently.

Snape became wary.

Just the beginning?

Yes. - Dumbledore turned to face Snape. “And now we come to the new “project” that I hinted at ten days ago, Severus... I would like to appoint you as Harry's mentor.

Snape watched him carefully, expecting a mischievous twinkle in his eyes at any moment. But the director's gaze remained serious.

In the world of wizards, formal appointment as a mentor involves the casting of a spell similar to the Unbreakable Oath. This is customary among wizards, because the relationship between a mentor and a student is something more than the relationship of a coach or advisor. The mentor becomes a teacher, confidant, advisor, and unofficial godfather or uncle to his student, cementing a lifelong relationship akin to parent and child or older sibling and younger. A relationship that cannot be broken.

Few people knew that after the young wizard left the Death Eaters, Dumbledore became Snape's mentor. The spell was cast by Minerva McGonagall. Dumbledore personally offered him his mentorship, and Snape agreed, although before Lily's death he would have only laughed at such a proposal.

This decision was not made easily, because the student remains a subordinate of the mentor until death separates them. An attempt to break off a relationship ends with the breaking party losing magical power. The student is not obliged to unconditionally obey the mentor, but must always accept advice and instructions with complete seriousness, no matter how ridiculous they may seem. Such a relationship requires complete trust and goodwill take into account the opinion of an older, wiser, more authoritative person - this is why it is so important for a wizard or sorceress to choose the right mentor or student, almost as important as choosing a spouse.

Having Dumbledore as his mentor, Snape began to breathe easier. He had never felt a greater need for leadership than after Lily's death and Voldemort's disappearance. Dumbledore became a father to him in a way that Tobias never was. Snape shifted his burden onto the old man's shoulders with relief. Sometimes it wasn't easy (today was a good example), but it freed Snape from making decisions alone.

Taking on the role of a mentor, on the contrary, meant taking on greater responsibility. Almost like becoming an unofficial parent. Moreover, the mentor became the unofficial parent of a person who was already getting used to thinking and acting independently, since a wizard or sorceress must be at least fifteen to become his student.

Snape had so many objections to Dumbledore's proposal that he didn't know where to start. In addition to the enormous personal responsibility, for example, one must take into account that he is a Slytherin, and Potter is a Gryffindor, and the success of the relationship between mentor and student is often enhanced by the kinship of souls. Dumbledore's generosity and Snape's shock after the first wizard war smoothed out the differences, but Snape is not Dumbledore, and Potter, despite his injury, has not yet reached the end of his rope.

Not to mention the fact that the candidacy is being considered Potter! Is Snape the mentor to James Potter's son? This is funny.

Albus,” he finally said, “you’re probably out of your mind.”

He expected to hear laughter, but Dumbledore remained serious.

I assure you, Severus, I have never been more sane. In the end, you have to admit that the boy needs a mentor.

"No, I can't," Snape replied. “I would have been last on the list of candidates if I or Potter had chosen.” The state of affairs... I suppose the question raised is so obvious that I don't need to voice it?

Why don't I personally become Harry's mentor? - asked Dumbledore. Snape nodded. - You know very well that it is not recommended for a mentor to have more than one student.

But this is possible and has been done before.

Yes, it was possible. But in this case... - the old man stopped mid-sentence, walked up to the bench and sat down on it with a tired sigh. Snape sat down silently across from him.

After a long silence, Dumbledore continued.

I don't trust myself, Severus. The fate of Harry and the wizarding world balances on a knife's edge. I do everything to save his life and happiness, but, as you can see, I, like everyone else, am capable of mistakes. In fact, being a wiser person than many, I am capable of even greater mistakes.

He smiled mischievously and Snape rolled his eyes. It's an old joke.

“In any case,” Dumbledore continued with complete seriousness. - I'm afraid that power over people is too great a temptation for me. As for trying to become Harry's mentor. He already loves me and respects me deeply. - The old man continued thoughtfully. - I'm afraid to make him my likeness. It must grow on its own.

Snape looked at his mentor.

"You judge yourself too harshly, Albus," he said softly.

Dumbledore smiled wearily, straightened up and spoke more animatedly.

It's hard to judge how strict I am with myself. However, I cannot afford the privilege of becoming Harry's mentor, no matter how much I would like it. In any case, it is not me who is tender to him, but you.

Snape's laugh was raspy from lack of practice.

I? You're kidding, Albus. Lupine...

"He's a good man," Dumbledore interrupted. - And he will always support Harry. But Lupine is not suitable for the role of mentor. Harry needs someone who is steady, serious, and has good self-control and ability; he needs someone who doesn't care about his status as a savior in the wizarding world, who will help him become what he needs to become.

“I’m still a spy,” Snape reminded. It was as if he was taking a test on the degree of closeness to Harry, and how soberly he assessed the situation. Doubledore's proposal no longer seemed so unimaginable.

Yes, I'll take that into account. - Dumbledore promised compliantly. “Nevertheless, your studies with Harry have been beneficial, and I see no reason to interrupt them.” But we don't have to make a decision right now, Severus... If you don't agree, I won't insist, if you decide otherwise, I don't plan to cast the spell before academic year. Please consider my proposal seriously and respond this week while Harry is away.

The Headmaster stood up and Snape followed suit.

Good afternoon, Severus. - Dumbledore walked to the door, stopped, and turned around with a smile.

Whether you admit it or not, Harry has begun to trust you, Severus. I believe that he will only gain from his connection with you... and this connection will also be useful to you.

After these words, he left the room.

Left alone, Snape sat down on the bench, sighed softly and rubbed his eyes with his knuckles.

Suddenly a quiet click was heard from the window.

Snape looked at the window. He could not see anything, which was not surprising, because it was dark outside the window, the light of oil lamps was reflected from the glass.

With his wand in his hand, Snape carefully approached the window, and in his other hand he took the candelabra from the table.

Knock-knock. Here, here, here.

Moving the candelabra near the window, Snape noticed a scarlet sparkle, like two rubies glistening in the darkness.

He opened the window. An owl as black as midnight with blood-red sparkling eyes flew in. She perched herself on one of the desks.

Snape froze and held his breath. He knew whose owl it was.

He reluctantly approached the threatening and impressive-looking bird, which extended its paw towards him. When Snape untied the small scroll, she shook her wings and hissed and flew out the window.

There was no address on the back of the paper. Snape carefully unrolled the scroll.

There was no greeting or signature on the small piece of parchment. Just one line in elegant handwriting.

"11pm next Thursday."



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Translation of "precarious situation" in Chinese

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" lang="en"> precarious situation

Other translations

Today's serious concern is precarious position Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, since the proliferation of these weapons significantly increases the risk of their acquisition by terrorists.

The fragile state of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons at this moment is very worrying, as proliferation of those weapons greatly increases the likelihood of terrorist acquisition.

State of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons at this moment is very worrying, as proliferation of those weapons greatly increases the likelihood of terrorist acquisition.">

In Yemen, the recent armed conflict has complicated already precarious position in the field of food supply.

Precarious food supply situation.">

Resettlement activities are often carried out in violation of the human rights of the communities concerned, exacerbating their already precarious position.

Displacements are often conducted in a manner that violates the human rights of the communities concerned, compounding them already precarious situation .

Precarious situation.">

This is very precarious position, and it could be great, or it could go wrong.

Vulnerable situation and it can be wonderful or things can go wrong.">

These include growing poverty, the marginalization of hundreds of millions of people, precarious position in the field of natural resources, degradation of biodiversity, destruction of forests, increasing pollution, rampant desertification and many other examples.

These include growing poverty, the marginalization of hundreds of millions of people, the precarious state of natural resources, the degradation of biological diversity, the destruction of forests, worsening pollution, rampant desertification, and so many other examples.

Precarious state of natural resources, the degradation of biological diversity, the destruction of forests, worsening pollution, rampant desertification, and so many other examples.">

This is of particular importance for our region, given precarious position communities in the South Pacific that are economically dependent on the environment.

This has particular significance to our region, given the fragility of communities in the South Pacific that are heavily dependent on the environment for their economic livelihoods.

Fragility of communities in the South Pacific that are heavily dependent on the environment for their economic livelihoods.">

Several serious incidents reflect precarious position with freedom of the press, even as independent newspapers continue to regularly criticize government institutions, including the army.

Some serious incidents demonstrate the precarious nature of the freedom of the press, even if independent newspapers still regularly criticize State institutions, including the army.

Precarious nature of the freedom of the press, even if independent newspapers still regularly criticize State institutions, including the army.">

In Gulf Cooperation Council countries, business and consumer confidence remained at high level, despite precarious position in some areas of the economy, especially in the real estate sector.

Resilient business and consumer confidence has been observed in the Gulf Cooperation Council economies despite pockets of weakness in certain sectors of the economy, in particular the real estate sector.

Pockets of weakness in certain sectors of the economy, in particular the real estate sector.">

He asked whether the current legislation was subject to criticism and also expressed his concern that dual citizenship was not recognized in Singapore and pointed out precarious position, in which, due to such a policy, children from marriages between Singaporean citizens and foreigners end up.

She asked whether the law had ever been challenged, adding that she was also concerned by Singapore"s non-recognition of dual nationality and the precarious position in which that policy placed the offspring of marriages between Singapore nationals and foreigners.

Precarious position in which that policy placed the offspring of marriages between Singapore nationals and foreigners.">

When we use the term "immediate needs" we are thinking about a set of delivery mechanisms designed to somehow improve precarious position in our core social sectors, as our structural adjustment programs require.

When we use the term "immediate needs," we are thinking of a set of relief mechanisms designed to deal with the precarious situation of our principal social sectors because of the demands of the structural adjustment program.

Precarious situation of our principal social sectors because of the demands of the structural adjustment program.">

But the current precarious position things may be reasonable as long as the parties involved take serious confidence-building measures in multilateral discussions, maintain an effective containment policy toward China, and respect the commitment not to use offensive force.

But the current uneasy status quo may be tenable, so long as the parties embrace serious confidence-building measures through multilateral forums while maintaining effective deterrence vis-à-vis China and a commitment not to use offensive force.

Uneasy status quo may be tenable, so long as the parties embrace serious confidence-building measures through multilateral forums while maintaining effective deterrence vis-à-vis China and a commitment not to use offensive force.">

The majority of Peruvian Indians and mestizos, who constitute more than three-quarters of the country's population, live in extreme poverty, and the Committee notes with concern precarious position of these populations in health care.

Most of the Indian and Mestizo populations of Peru, which amount to over three quarters of the country's total population, are extremely poor, and the Committee notes with concern the precariousness of the health situation of these people.

Precariousness of the health situation of these people.">

For the Chairman of the Bar Association, neither the lack of the right of lawyers to create independent professional associations nor their precarious position due to the need to renew the license every five years, nor even the limited rights of defense in criminal proceedings.

For the President of the Bar Association, neither the prohibition for lawyers to create independent bar associations, nor their delicate situation subject to the renewal of licenses every five years, nor even the limited rights of the defense in criminal proceedings were subjects of concern.