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Each civilization has its own symbols, which are considered integral parts of the people, their culture and history. The Sphinx of Ancient Egypt is an immortal proof of the power, strength and greatness of the country, a silent reminder of the divine origin of its rulers, who have sunk into the centuries, but left on earth the image of eternal life. The national symbol of Egypt is considered one of the greatest architectural monuments of the past, which still inspires involuntary fear with its impressiveness, an aura of secrets, mystical legends and centuries-old history.

Monument in numbers

The Egyptian Sphinx is known to each and every inhabitant on earth. The monument is carved from a monolithic rock, has the body of a lion and the head of a man (according to some sources - a pharaoh). The length of the statue is 73 m, height - 20 m. The symbol of the power of royal power is located on the Giza plateau on the western coast of the Nile River and is surrounded by a wide and fairly deep ditch. The Sphinx's thoughtful gaze is directed to the east, towards the point in the heavens where the Sun rises. The monument was covered by sand many times and was restored more than once. The statue was completely cleared of sand only in 1925, striking the imagination of the inhabitants of the planet with its scale and size.

History of the statue: facts versus legends

In Egypt, the Sphinx is considered the most mysterious and mystical monument. Its history has attracted great interest and special attention from historians, writers, directors and researchers for many years. Everyone who has had the chance to touch eternity, which the statue represents, offers their own version of its origin. Local residents call the stone landmark the “father of horror” due to the fact that the Sphinx is the keeper of many mysterious legends and a favorite place for tourists - lovers of mysteries and fantasy. According to researchers, the history of the Sphinx goes back more than 13 centuries. Presumably, it was built in order to record an astronomical phenomenon - the reunion of three planets.

Origin myth

There is still no reliable information about what this statue symbolizes, why it was built and when. The lack of history is replaced by legends that are passed down orally and told to tourists. The fact that the Sphinx is the oldest and largest monument in Egypt gives rise to mysterious and absurd stories about it. There is an assumption that the statue guards the tombstones of the greatest pharaohs - the pyramids of Cheops, Mikerin and Khafre. Another legend says that the stone statue symbolizes the personality of Pharaoh Khafre, the third - that it is a statue of the god Horus (god of the sky, half-man, half-falcon), watching the ascent of his father, the Sun God Ra.


IN ancient greek mythology The Sphinx is mentioned as an ugly monster. According to the Greeks, the legends of Ancient Egypt about this monster sound like this: a creature with the body of a lion and the head of a man was born by Echidna and Typhon (a half-snake woman and a giant with a hundred dragon heads). It had the face and breasts of a woman, the body of a lion and the wings of a bird. The monster lived near Thebes, lay in wait for people and asked them a strange question: “Which living creature moves on four legs in the morning, on two in the afternoon, and on three in the evening?” None of the wanderers trembling with fear could give the Sphinx an intelligible answer. After which the monster sentenced them to death. However, the day came when the wise Oedipus was able to solve his riddle. “This is a person in childhood, maturity and old age,” he answered. After this, the crushed monster rushed from the top of the mountain and crashed against the rocks.

According to the second version of the legend, in Egypt the Sphinx was once a God. One day, the heavenly ruler fell into an insidious trap of the sands, called the “cage of oblivion,” and fell asleep in an eternal sleep.

Real facts

Despite the mysterious overtones of the legends, true story no less mystical and mysterious. According to the initial opinion of scientists, the Sphinx was built at the same time as the pyramids. However, in the ancient papyri, from which information about the construction of the pyramids was gleaned, there is not a single mention of a stone statue. The names of the architects and builders who created the grandiose tombs for the pharaohs are known, but the name of the person who gave the world the Sphinx of Egypt still remains unknown.

True, several centuries after the creation of the pyramids, the first facts about the statue appeared. The Egyptians call her “shepes ankh” - “living image”. Scientists were unable to give the world any more information or scientific explanation of these words.

But at the same time, the cult image of the mysterious Sphinx - a winged maiden-monster - is mentioned in Greek mythology, numerous fairy tales and legends. The hero of these tales, depending on the author, periodically changes his appearance, appearing in some versions as a half-man, half-lion, and in others as a winged lioness.

The story of the Sphinx

Another puzzle for scientists was the chronicle of Herodotus, who in 445 BC. described in great detail the process of building the pyramids. He told the world interesting stories about how the structures were erected, over what time and how many slaves were involved in their construction. The narrative of the “father of history” even touched upon such nuances as the feeding of slaves. But, oddly enough, Herodotus never mentioned the stone Sphinx in his work. The fact of the construction of the monument was also not discovered in any of the subsequent records.

He helped shed light on the work of the Roman writer Pliny the Elder, “Natural History,” for scientists. In his notes, he talks about the next cleansing of sand from the monument. Based on this, it becomes clear why Herodotus did not leave a description of the Sphinx to the world - the monument at that time was buried under a layer of sand. So how many times has he found himself trapped in the sand?

First "restoration"

Judging by the inscription left on the stone stele between the monster’s paws, Pharaoh Thutmose I spent a year liberating the monument. Ancient writings say that, as a prince, Thutmose fell asleep at the foot of the Sphinx and had a dream in which the god Harmakis appeared to him. He predicted the prince's ascension to the throne of Egypt and ordered the release of the statue from the sand trap. After some time, Thutmose successfully became pharaoh and remembered his promise to the deity. He ordered not only to dig up the giant, but also to restore it. Thus, the first revival of the Egyptian legend occurred in the 15th century. BC It was then that the world learned about the grandiose structure and unique cult monument of Egypt.

It is known for certain that after the revival of the Sphinx by Pharaoh Thutmose, it was once again dug up during the reign of the Ptolemaic dynasty, under the Roman emperors who captured Ancient Egypt, and the Arab rulers. In our time, it was again liberated from the sands in 1925. To this day, the statue has to be cleaned after sandstorms, as it is an important tourist site.

Why is the monument missing a nose?

Despite the antiquity of the sculpture, it has practically been preserved in its original form, embodying the Sphinx. Egypt (photo of the monument is presented above) managed to preserve its architectural masterpiece, but failed to protect it from the barbarity of people. The statue has no at the moment nose Scientists suggest that one of the pharaohs, for a reason unknown to science, ordered the nose of the statue to be knocked off. According to other sources, the monument was damaged by Napoleon's army by firing a cannon at its face. The British chopped off the monster’s beard and transported it to their museum.

However, the later discovered notes of the historian Al-Makrizi dated 1378 say that the stone statue no longer had a nose. According to him, one of the Arabs, wanting to atone for religious sins (the Koran prohibited the depiction of human faces), broke off the giant’s nose. In response to such an atrocity and desecration of the Sphinx, the sands began to take revenge on the people, advancing on the lands of Giza.

As a result, scientists came to the conclusion that in Egypt the Sphinx lost its nose as a result of strong winds and floods. Although this assumption has not yet found real confirmation.

The Stunning Secrets of the Sphinx

In 1988, as a result of exposure to acrid factory smoke, a significant part of the stone block (350 kg) broke off from the monument. UNESCO, concerned about the appearance and condition of the tourist and cultural site, resumed repairs, thereby opening the way for new research. As a result of a careful study of the stone blocks of the pyramid of Cheops and the Sphinx by Japanese archaeologists, a hypothesis was put forward that the monument was built much earlier than the great tomb of the pharaoh. The finding was a stunning discovery for historians, who had assumed that the pyramid, Sphinx and other funerary structures were contemporary. The second, no less surprising discovery was a long narrow tunnel discovered under the left paw of the predator, connected to the Cheops pyramid.

After Japanese archaeologists, hydrologists took up the most ancient monument. They found traces of erosion on his body from a large water flow that moved from north to south. After a series of studies, hydrologists came to the conclusion that the stone lion was a silent witness to the Nile flood - a biblical catastrophe that occurred about 8-12 thousand years ago. American researcher John Anthony West explained the signs of water erosion on the lion's body and their absence on the head as evidence that the Sphinx existed back in the days ice age and dates back to any period before 15 thousand BC. e. According to French archaeologists, the history of Ancient Egypt can boast of the oldest monument that existed even at the time of the destruction of Atlantis.

Thus, the stone statue tells us about the existence of the greatest civilization, which managed to erect such a majestic structure, which became an immortal image of the Past.

Ancient Egyptians' worship of the Sphinx

The pharaohs of Egypt regularly made pilgrimages to the foot of the giant, which symbolized the great past of their country. They made sacrifices on the altar, which was located between his paws, burned incense, receiving from the giant a silent blessing for the kingdom and throne. The Sphinx was for them not only the embodiment of the Sun God, but also a sacred image that granted them hereditary and legitimate power from their ancestors. He personified powerful Egypt, the history of the country was reflected in his majestic appearance, embodying each image of the new pharaoh and turning modernity into a component of eternity. Ancient writings glorified the Sphinx as a great creator god. His image reunited the past, present and future.

Astronomical explanation of the stone sculpture

According to the official version, the Sphinx would have been built in 2500 BC. e. by order of Pharaoh Khafre during the reign of the Fourth Ruling Dynasty of Pharaohs. The huge lion is located among other majestic structures on the stone plateau of Giza - three pyramids.

Astronomical studies have shown that the location of the statue was chosen not by blind inspiration, but in accordance with the point of intersection of the path of the celestial bodies. It served as an equatorial point indicating the exact location on the horizon of the sunrise site on the day of the vernal equinox. According to astronomers, the Sphinx was built 10.5 thousand years ago.

It is noteworthy that the pyramids of Giza are located on the ground in exactly the same order as the three stars in the sky that year. According to legend, the Sphinx and the pyramids recorded the position of the stars, the astronomical time, which was called the first. Since the celestial personification of the ruler at that time was Orion, man-made structures were built to depict the stars of his belt in order to perpetuate and record the time of his power.

The Great Sphinx as a tourist attraction

Currently, a giant lion with a human head attracts millions of tourists eager to see with their own eyes the legendary stone sculpture, shrouded in the darkness of centuries-old history and many mystical legends. The interest of all mankind in it is due to the fact that the secret of the creation of the statue remained unsolved, buried under the sands. It's hard to imagine how many secrets the Sphinx holds. Egypt (photos of the monument and pyramids can be seen on any travel portal) can be proud of its great history, outstanding people, grandiose monuments, the truth about which their creators took with them to the kingdom of Anubis - the god of death.

The huge stone Sphinx is great and impressive, the history of which remains unsolved and full of secrets. The statue’s calm gaze is still directed into the distance and its appearance is still imperturbable. For how many centuries has he been a silent witness to human suffering, the vanity of rulers, the sorrows and troubles that befell the Egyptian land? How many secrets does the Great Sphinx keep? Unfortunately, no answers have been found to all these questions over the years.

Unusual and mysterious four-legged pets that have no fur, but possess truly royal arrogance and grace, are deservedly popular among cat lovers. There are several versions about the origin of this breed, and the reason for the loss of fur still remains a mystery. Many experts suggest that this fact was initially the result of an unusual mutation. And then such unique cats were crossed with various short-haired breeds until they achieved the appearance of the pets that they have today. In the modern world, there are several internationally recognized breeders of this breed. But each federation has its own requirements and standards for the purity of the breed and lines.

The offspring of the Canadian Sphynx are born completely without hair on the body, only the muzzle and tail have a small amount of short hair. In Canada, the history of the Sphynx breed began with a lonely kitten found on the streets of Toronto in 1978. The little prankster was severely crippled and had no hair at all. After surgical treatment, the kitten remained to live with the owner of a Siamese cattery, who subsequently, due to deteriorating health, gave the unique cat to his close friend. A little later in 1995 in Minnesota, a short-haired cat also gave birth to a hairless kitten, and a year later a second one of the same kind. These kittens were sold to a nursery, where the breeding program for this breed has already begun. It is from the pets of this nursery that the selection of hairless cats, called the “Canadian Sphynx,” began in 1981.

Currently, such cats are still in the process of selection, and no one knows what the Sphynx will look like in ten years. But one thing is already obvious: such animals are very different from other breeds and have a lot of specific features, including in the field of metabolism. Therefore, if your Canadian gets sick, you should consult only a veterinarian who specializes in this breed and is familiar with the structural features of such cats.

A particularly interesting feature is that the body temperature of animals of this breed is much higher than that of a person, so they always seem hot to the owner when touched, and in kittens sometimes the normal temperature can be within 42 ° C . It is also worth noting that given the complete absence of fur, excess or lack of weight in Canadians is clearly visible visually. By the way, this criterion is very strictly assessed at exhibitions, so the owner of such a pet, who plans to participate in exhibitions, must strictly monitor the daily nutritional diet of the ward.

The Sphynx has many distinct varieties within the breed, with some lines being particularly prone to obesity, which can result in an unsightly drooping belly. Depending on the purpose for which you are purchasing such a kitten, you need to take this fact into account. It is also worth noting that the size of this cat’s skin is so much larger than the size of its body that even if it stretches out to its full height, your kitten’s skin will lie in beautiful folds.

It is especially important that this breed is practically the only one of the cat fraternity that easily and happily endures toilet procedures, because Canadians are not at all afraid of water. Another unusual feature is that such cats sweat all over their bodies, giving your pet a light brownish tint, reminiscent of a tan. Moreover, the sweat of Canadians does not have a strong pungent odor, so it does not irritate the owners at all, although light brown stains may remain in the places where your pet is used to sleeping.

The skin of sphinxes is very strong and insensitive, due to this, various types of injections during treatment periods do not cause them much discomfort. Although it is quite difficult to pierce such a shell, therefore injections are mainly given in the withers area, where the skin is somewhat thinner than on all other parts of the body. By the way, due to the complete absence of hair, such cats are very popular as pets among people prone to allergic reactions. It is simply incredible that such cats have this feature that, despite the lack of a warm fur coat, they tolerate even severe cold quite well, although they still prefer to live in the warmth.

The Canadian Sphynx is truly a unique breed, both in appearance and in its physical characteristics. Perhaps that is why such pets have long been highly valued and were the prerogative of the reigning dynasties. Sometimes hairless cats were even credited with some magical skills and the ability to protect the family from evil looks and bad intentions.

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Name the most unusual cat breed you know. Surely most of those who answered said that it was a sphinx. These cats have been leading the exoticism rating for a long time, and they are not going to give up their position. Hairless cats are popular all over the world, they have millions of fans, and millions of anti-fans - yes, not everyone loves and understands sphinxes. Their appearance causes controversy; it is very unusual. If you are one of the exotic lovers and are attracted to the Sphynx cat breed, then this article will be useful for you. You will learn the history of the breed, interesting facts, get acquainted with a description of the character of hairless cats, find information on care and maintenance.

History of the breed

When you mention the Sphinx breed, Egypt immediately appears. But in fact direct relationship Hairless cats have no connection to this ancient country. There is only an assumption that cats without fur existed already in ancient times; scientists cite rock paintings as proof. As you know, in Egypt cats were in the role of a deity, so it is not surprising that there are a lot of images of these animals there.

The most plausible pictures were found in Mexico, among the Aztecs - this people definitely knew and loved hairless cats. In addition, we were able to see these ancient animals with our own eyes and capture them in photographs - these were Mexican hairless cats. Unfortunately, the breed disappeared at the beginning of the 20th century, but before that it created a real sensation at American exhibitions. These cats were somewhat different from modern sphinxes in body type, and most importantly, during the cold season, their fur partially grew back.

One of the ancestors of the modern Sphynx was born in Canada in 1966. An ordinary cat gave birth to a hairless kitten - this happens because the lack of hair is, in fact, a genetic mutation. Then, in Canada, it happened spontaneously. The owner kept the unusual cat for herself, and when he grew up, she brought him together with his mother to get another bald offspring. The experiment was a success and hairless kittens were born.

Around the same time, the same story happened somewhere, and so by the beginning of the 70s there were already two branches of hairless cats. Two are better than one, but still very, very little for selection. Due to the lack of “personnel”, breeding the breed was difficult, kittens died, cats got sick - fresh blood was needed. Several more times, by chance, as a result of a spontaneous mutation, hairless kittens appeared, and this saved the situation. Soon, several animals were sent to Europe to breed a separate branch, where they began to be crossed with the Devon Rex breed, which was closest in parameters.

The breed was recognized; moreover, today there are seven varieties of Sphynxes in the world.

The skin of Sphynx cats is covered with folds and wrinkles. If you look closely, you can see a strong resemblance to human skin. It is also interesting that cats sweat all over their bodies. Sweat has a specific smell and leaves dark spots on the animal’s body.
The body of hairless cats is very hot. It's all about the absence of wool - the body directly gives off heat. Therefore, despite their warm body, sphinxes must be protected from the cold. They love to bask on the radiator or under a table lamp - it is necessary to create conditions for them in which the cat could always find a warm and cozy place. Keep in mind that your pet can get sunburned in the sun! Control your sunbathing and get used to tanning gradually.
The less hair and fluff there is on a kitten, the more bald the adult cat will be.
Sphinxes are very difficult to tolerate any disease, they quickly develop dehydration, and quickly lose strength. At the first sign of a serious illness, it is recommended to take the animal to the veterinarian.
Sphynxes are devoid of hair, but in some places it is partially retained or grows back due to hormonal surges. There are hairs or fluff on the muzzle and head, paws, and at the tip of the tail.

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Sphinx character

Sphinxes have a versatile and rich character. These are smart, intelligent animals that show a complete understanding of the words and requests of the owner, and easily remember simple commands and their name. Hairless cats prefer to lead an active lifestyle; they like to follow their owner, overcome obstacles, and jump from one object to another. There is something doggy about them, they also love to play, fetch objects, they become very attached to their owner, miss him, and seek companionship.

The breed is considered decorative, so cats have almost no hunting instinct. They get along well with other animals and are not afraid of large dogs. They are kind and affectionate, but sometimes they can turn into a real fury, showing their teeth and claws to the enemy. Each individual has character traits; behavior is not always a character trait of the breed.

The owners of sphinxes say that the animals seem to understand that they are completely dependent on humans and are grateful to him for his care. This cat breed lacks not only fur, but also whiskers, the most important cat “device”. Find yourself on the street or in wildlife The sphinx will die almost immediately.

Varieties of the Sphynx breed

Today there are seven varieties of the Sphynx breed. Three of them are called pioneers - the main branches of the breed that arose as a result of spontaneous mutation, naturally. The rest are a product of selection; they were bred later.

As a result of spontaneous mutations, the following appeared:

  • Canadian Sphynx;
  • Don Sphinx;
  • Cohona (rubber, Hawaiian hairless)

As a result of breeding programs, the following were developed:

  • The Peterbald was obtained by crossing the Don Sphynx and an Oriental cat.
  • Minskin, the Canadian Sphynx, Munchkin, Devon Rex and Burmese were used for breeding.
  • Bambinle is a Canadian Sphynx and a Munchkin.
  • Ukrainian Levkoy was obtained by crossing the Don Sphynx, Peterbald, Oriental, Scottish Fold, Persian, and domestic cats.

Sphynx care

Sphynxes sweat all over their bodies, sweat appears on the skin and remains in the form of a dark coating. If your cat gets dirty very quickly, then perhaps you need to reconsider its diet. Clean the skin with a damp soft sponge. You can bathe your cat, but not more than twice a month. It is recommended to use low acidity shampoo. After bathing, the cat is thoroughly dried and taken to a warm, dry place.

Sphinxes must be protected from cold and drafts. Optimal temperature the content is considered to be 20-25 degrees; at lower thermometer readings, the cat must be insulated by putting a suit on it.

Dark secretion accumulates inside the ears; it is periodically cleaned with a cotton swab.
The cat's claws are trimmed regularly, right to the tip, since in an apartment it is impossible to sharpen them well. Long claws can damage the animal's delicate skin.

Adult Sphynx cats rarely get sick; kittens are vaccinated, preferably with live vaccines. Lactating cats often produce too much milk and this leads to the development of mastitis.

Kittens stay with their mother for a long time; they need to grow up and get stronger. Kittens selected early may die.

Sphynx cats are perhaps the most unusual representatives of the domestic cat kingdom. They seem to be some kind of alien creatures. There are many misconceptions about them that need to be addressed.

Sphynxes - Egyptian cats

In mythology, the sphinx is a monster with the body of a lion and the face and breasts of a woman. The most famous statue is the Great Sphinx. According to the definition of Titus Flavius, a Roman scientist and writer, the Egyptian sphinx is a symbol of strength and intelligence: the lion's body denotes strength, the human face - intelligence. The sphinx needs both strength and intelligence to guard pyramids and temples full of treasures. Contrary to the associative opinion that sphinx cats came from Egypt, the first mention of them appeared among the Aztecs. They were called Mexican hairless cats.

An interesting fact: for most of the year they were indeed bald, but with the onset of cold weather they grew overgrown with fur, which they then “shed” during the warming period. There were also references to hairless cats - participants in cat shows of the 20s, but the last pair of animals, unfortunately, did not leave offspring. In the 1930s, hairless cats were reported from France, Morocco and the United States. French professor-biologist E. Letard registered hairless kittens born from a pair of Siamese cats and described a mutation caused by the h gene.

All sphinxes are equally hairless

The first modern hairless kitten was born to a Canadian cat in 1966. The breeders became interested in the original cat and did everything possible to continue the breed. And in the late 80s, the first hairless cat was born in Rostov-on-Don, becoming the founder of the Don Sphynx family.

At the same time, St. Petersburg felinologists developed the Peterbald breed, independently of their Rostov colleagues. All three varieties have not only external, but also emotional differences. The Canadian Sphynxes are considered the calmest and friendliest, distinguished by their rounded ears and smooth lines. The Don Sphynx has a more elongated and sharply defined muzzle, while Peterbalds are distinguished by the greatest sophistication, huge ears and elongated proportions.

In addition, each breed has acceptable coat options - from completely bald “rubber” cats without mustaches and eyebrows to those covered with hair. different lengths in whole or in part. It’s funny that at first they tried to treat the first-born Sphynx cubs for lichen, until they realized that the lack of fur was a normal feature of their body.

The Sphynx differs from a fluffy cat only in appearance

The body temperature of adult Sphynx cats can reach 39 degrees. They love to sleep under a blanket next to their owner - they warm themselves. This same feature is responsible for the rapid progression of colds and excellent appetite - the Sphynx's metabolism is much faster than that of cats of other breeds. If the room in which the sphinx lives is too well heated, and the temperature in it exceeds 20-25 degrees, brown, waxy sweat appears on the animal’s body. However, the latter can be easily wiped off with a damp cloth.

The skin of sphinxes is quite dense, which simplifies the injection procedure during treatment. It will be quite easy to give an injection to a “naked” animal. Due to the specific characteristics of the skin, short-term sunbathing is recommended for sphinxes, but in no case leave your pet for a long time under the scorching midday rays - the skin of these cats burns faster than that of a person. Most Sphynx cats love to bathe, but you should choose detergents from the gentle children's category.

Sphinxes are exotic, which means they have character

Despite their frightening appearance for most, sphinxes are distinguished by their friendly nature and high degree of socialization. This is an animal that is directly contraindicated from being alone for a long time. Many breeders notice “canine” character traits in their pets - incredible loyalty, sociability and trainability.

The Sphinx is one of the few cats that will respond and come running when they hear their name, not because you are holding a piece of sausage in your hands, but simply because you called. In addition, these cats are similar to humans - they have natural toes on their paws, and sphinxes prefer to sleep under a blanket, with their heads on a pillow. The Sphinx puts itself on the same level as its owner, preferring equal relationships rather than the royal behavior inherent in cats.

The Sphynx is difficult to care for

Thanks to their enviable metabolism, Sphynx cats have an excellent appetite and a complete lack of pickiness. But there are also pitfalls here - unlike the usual breeds of cats, the Sphynx rarely leaves the bowl half empty, so you need to feed it in portions and very carefully to prevent overeating.

Particular attention should be paid to the animal’s ears - increased secretion provokes plaque accumulation faster than in an ordinary cat. Some veterinarians, not knowing the specifics of the breed, begin to treat a cat for ear mites, so be careful and warn the doctor about the characteristics of your pet that you know. Otherwise, the Sphynx is much easier to care for and maintain than long-haired cats. It does not leave wool on clothes and is highly clean.

Weak immunity and health

Elongated proportions, curved front legs and lack of hair create the impression of a gentle and defenseless creature, including against viruses and infections. Add to this the stereotype about the good health of outbred cats and the weakness of purebred cats, and you get the myth that with a Sphynx you will not leave the veterinarian’s office. In fact, the immunity of the sphinx is in no way inferior to the immunity of the yard Vaska, and even vice versa. Elevated body temperature helps to quickly cope with viruses and infections. Even if the Sphynx has a cold, he will recover fairly quickly. Don't be afraid to give your pet physical activity– games with a fishing rod, balls and in cat complexes will strengthen the body and help maintain the health of the Sphynx.

Sphynx is a hypoallergenic cat

Many allergy sufferers who dream of having a pet at home opt for Sphynx cats, arguing that they have no fur. In fact, the main cause of cat allergies is not fur, but an allergenic protein found in saliva, sebaceous gland secretions and particles of the animal's epidermis. Symptoms may be reduced because the Sphynx grooms herself less often and does not leave allergens along with her fur throughout the apartment, but this does not mean that the reaction will be completely absent.

If you decide to get a hairless pet and are convinced that the reaction to it is not as intense as to fluffy cats, remember a few simple rules. First, intact males produce more allergen than castrated males. Secondly, dark cats produce significantly more allergens than light cats. And thirdly, cats produce more allergens than cats. In fact, no breed of cat is confirmed to be hypoallergenic, so you need to select a pet individually.

The Sphinx of Giza is one of the oldest, largest and most mysterious monuments ever created by man. Disputes about its origin are still ongoing. We've collected 10 little-known facts about the majestic monument in the Sahara Desert.

1. The Great Sphinx of Giza is not a sphinx

Experts say that the Egyptian Sphinx cannot be called a traditional image of the Sphinx. In classical Greek mythology, the sphinx was described as a creature that had the body of a lion, the head of a woman, and the wings of a bird. There is actually a sculpture of an androsphinx at Giza, as it has no wings.

2. Initially, the sculpture had several other names

The ancient Egyptians did not originally call this giant creature the "Great Sphinx". In the text on the "Dream Stele", dating from around 1400 BC, the Sphinx is referred to as the "Statue of the Great Khepri". When the future pharaoh Thutmose IV slept next to her, he had a dream in which the god Khepri-Ra-Atum came to him and asked him to free the statue from the sand, and in return promised that Thutmose would become the ruler of all Egypt. Thutmose IV unearthed the statue, which had been covered with sand over centuries, which then became known as Horem-Akhet, which translates as “Horus on the horizon.” Medieval Egyptians called the Sphinx "balkhib" and "bilhou".

3. Nobody knows who built the Sphinx

Even today, people do not know the exact age of this statue, and modern archaeologists argue about who could have created it. The most popular theory is that the Sphinx arose during the reign of Khafre (the fourth dynasty of the Old Kingdom), i.e. The age of the statue dates back to approximately 2500 BC.

This pharaoh is credited with creating the Pyramid of Khafre, as well as the necropolis of Giza and a number of ritual temples. The proximity of these structures to the Sphinx has prompted a number of archaeologists to believe that it was Khafre who ordered the construction of the majestic monument with his face.

Other scientists believe that the statue is much older than the pyramid. They argue that the face and head of the statue show signs of obvious water damage and theorize that the Great Sphinx already existed during an era when the region faced extensive flooding (6th millennium BC).

4. Whoever built the Sphinx ran away from it headlong after the construction was completed

American archaeologist Mark Lehner and Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Hawass discovered large stone blocks, tool sets and even fossilized dinners under a layer of sand. This clearly indicates that the workers were in such a hurry to get away that they did not even take their tools with them.

5. The laborers who built the statue were well fed

Most scholars think that the people who built the Sphinx were slaves. However, their diet suggests something completely different. Excavations led by Mark Lehner revealed that workers regularly dined on beef, lamb and goat.

6. The Sphinx was once covered in paint

Although the Sphinx is now a sandy gray color, it was once completely covered in bright paint. Remnants of red paint can still be found on the face of the statue, and there are traces of blue and yellow paint on the Sphinx's body.

7. The sculpture was buried under sand for a long time

The Great Sphinx of Giza fell victim to the quicksand of the Egyptian desert several times during its long existence. The first known restoration of the Sphinx, which was almost completely buried under sand, occurred shortly before the 14th century BC, thanks to Thutmose IV, who soon after became an Egyptian pharaoh. Three millennia later, the statue was again buried under the sands. Until the 19th century, the statue's front paws were deep below the desert surface. The Sphinx was completely excavated in the 1920s.

8. The Sphinx lost her headdress in the 1920s

During the last restoration, part of the Great Sphinx's famous headdress fell off and its head and neck were seriously damaged. The Egyptian government hired a team of engineers to restore the statue in 1931. But that restoration used soft limestone, and in 1988, a 320-kilogram piece of the shoulder fell off, nearly killing a German reporter. After this, the Egyptian government again began restoration work.

9. After the construction of the Sphinx, there was a cult that worshiped it for a long time

Thanks to the mystical vision of Thutmose IV, who became pharaoh after unearthing a giant statue, a whole cult of Sphinx worship arose in the 14th century BC. The pharaohs who ruled during the New Kingdom even built new temples from which the Great Sphinx could be seen and worshiped.

10. The Egyptian sphinx is much kinder than the Greek one

The Sphinx's modern reputation as a cruel creature comes from Greek mythology, not Egyptian mythology. In Greek myths, the Sphinx is mentioned in connection with a meeting with Oedipus, to whom he asked a supposedly unsolvable riddle. In ancient Egyptian culture, the Sphinx was considered more benevolent.

11. It’s not Napoleon’s fault that the Sphinx doesn’t have a nose

The mystery of the Great Sphinx's missing nose has given rise to all sorts of myths and theories. One of the most common legends says that Napoleon Bonaparte ordered the nose of the statue to be broken off in a fit of pride. However, early sketches of the Sphinx show that the statue lost its nose before the birth of the French emperor.

12. The Sphinx was once bearded

Today, the remains of the Great Sphinx's beard, which was removed from the statue due to severe erosion, are kept in the British Museum and in the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, established in Cairo in 1858. However, French archaeologist Vasil Dobrev claims that the statue was not bearded from the very beginning, and the beard was added later. Dobrev argues that removing the beard, if it had been a component of the statue to begin with, would have damaged the statue's chin.

13. The Great Sphinx is the most ancient statue, but not the most ancient sphinx

The Great Sphinx of Giza is considered the oldest monumental sculpture in human history. If the statue is considered to date from Khafre's reign, the smaller sphinxes depicting his half-brother Djedefre and sister Netefere II are older.

14. Sphinx - the largest statue

The Sphinx, which is 72 meters long and 20 meters high, is considered the largest monolithic statue on the planet.

15. Several astronomical theories are associated with the Sphinx

The mystery of the Great Sphinx of Giza has led to a number of theories about the ancient Egyptians' supernatural understanding of the cosmos. Some scientists, such as Lehner, believe that the Sphinx with the pyramids of Giza is a giant machine for capturing and processing solar energy. Another theory notes the coincidence of the Sphinx, the pyramids and the Nile River with the stars of the constellations Leo and Orion.