10 extreme sports. Ten most dangerous sports

See a play, climb a mountain. Entertainment services are provided for people with all kinds of interests, but for some this is not enough. For those who need something a little more edgy, no matter how weird, cool or extreme, there are companies that provide the services of your dreams or your perfect nightmare...

The weird, unusual and extreme entertainment presented below completely redefines entertainment and provides new options for people who are tired of the same old and boring entertainment.

10. Attending your own funeral

For just $3,000, a funeral with music and sad decorations is organized for those who wish. The Celebration of Life will be attended by mourners selected to suit the client's lifestyle, and will be supervised by the client. The client will sit among the funeral visitors and listen to a speech about his death, told by the priest, after which he will see how a closed coffin is buried in which he supposedly lies. The package includes a carefully crafted obituary and a remembrance ceremony during which mourners will talk about the “deceased”’s contributions to the world. Clients may experience deep depression from this, or see their life from a different perspective, or even gain a new purpose in life. After all, you can only die twice.

9. Spend the night in the morgue

If a funeral isn't enough for someone, you can add another $2,000 and "stay" at the morgue after a fake accidental death. The client is taken to the establishment in a body bag to which a special badge is attached. The most expensive plan includes an examination by a pathologist with comments. The client is provided with a certificate of cause of death, medical records and a death certificate for relatives. The client also has the opportunity to overhear company employees calling family and friends to report his death.

8. Kidnapping Experience

The French company Ultime Realite provides a full simulated kidnapping service for clients who can pay between $1,000 and $3,000. The adventurers are observed by company employees for 5-7 days (after the client signs an agreement that he agrees to this, of course). They are then rounded up by several men in black, thrown into a car and kept locked in an undisclosed location. Clients are interrogated, robbed, threatened or asked for bail, depending on what they choose. Sometimes a negotiator is involved in the presentation. Captivity can last up to 11 hours before the victim is finally released.

7. Manhunt

If kidnapping seems too passive, for $2,000 you can book a human hunt and participate either as the hunter or the hunted. You will be chased or chased in an action-packed, dangerous race through rough terrain, on boats, through city streets and wildlife, struggling to save his life or catch a known drug dealer or gang member for a reward.

6. Piloting a Russian fighter

The most unusual experience on Earth is provided by FlyFighterJet.com. For $16,000, they provide the opportunity to fly on the Russian MiG-29 fighter, on which you can take off to an altitude of 22 kilometers! You will be given the opportunity to pilot an excellent fighter aircraft capable of reaching a speed of 680 m/s and perform maneuvers aerobatics at that speed. The flight involves flying at an eerily low altitude over the Russian countryside. The offer includes a full medical examination and the opportunity to shake hands with one of Russia's best fighter pilots.

5. Night dive with stingrays

Do you want to tickle your nerves? Face your fear of huge fish head-on by diving with 6m manta rays, also known as sea devils. These huge creatures “fly” in the water using their wings and weigh hundreds of kilograms. During scuba diving, you will be able to see the natural habitat of these sea monsters, which will swim past you in search of food, attracted by the light of a flashlight. These close relatives of sharks will circle you and push you around. Manta rays don't hunt people, but they do have teeth and can swallow large objects...

4. Rent a Formula 1 car

If standard sports and performance cars don't cut it anymore, why not get the best possible motorsport experience? For a relatively small sum of $600, you can sit in the driver's seat of a Formula 1 car with an engine power of 900 horsepower, capable of reaching speeds of more than 300 km/h. You can drive around the track in a car yourself, just like Michael Schumacher, taking turns at higher speeds than any other computer game. Before leaving, of course, safety precautions will be explained to you, but you are responsible for keeping the car on the track, just as you will have to withstand wild loads on your own.

3. Extreme ironing

If the majority extreme species sports aren't extreme enough, why not combine them with well-ironed clothes? Extreme ironers improve their ability to iron a shirt in a situation that would cause most people to break out in a cold sweat. International organization Extreme Ironing was opened in 1999 in New Zealand to promote the weird and cool sport around the world. For a small fee, those interested can take part in ironing competitions in a variety of strange conditions, including ironing while standing in a kayak, hanging from a hill, while skydiving or while surfing. El often performs various tricks while ironing and can iron things even next to deadly crocodiles.

2. Marathon through the Sahara Desert

For true extreme sports enthusiasts and perhaps masochists, there is nothing better than a marathon across the Sahara Desert. Entrants pay $4,000 for the opportunity to participate in the competition, during which they must travel 250 kilometers through the hottest and darkest sand dunes and rocky desert terrain. This rugged terrain in southern Morocco is one of the 5 most extreme desert areas on Earth. The sand drags people down, and temperatures on clear days can reach 38 degrees Celsius. The race is considered the most difficult in the world and some people prepare for it 3 years in advance. Unfortunately, two race participants could not stand the heat and thirst in 2007 and died during the marathon.

1. Kayaking in the Southern Ocean

For $16,000 you can go kayaking in the icy waters off Antarctica! Adventurers come to the southernmost point South America- Tierra del Fuego, from where they kayak to the glaciers of Antarctica. They begin their journey at -56 degrees Celsius and overcome icy water and large waves. Afterwards, they maneuver their vulnerable kayaks through dangerous sheets of moving ice, navigating through frozen passages. In addition to this, the danger can be added to the possibility of meeting leopard seals, which can capsize the kayak.

The mechanism is very simple: a momentary stressful situation provokes the production of adrenaline. The brain receives a signal of danger, which triggers the production of painkillers such as dopamine and endorphin. It is these two components that successfully fight depression and create a feeling of happiness. But is it worth delving into the jungle of medical science if everyone already knows that attractions- it's fun, joy and an unforgettable experience. There are amusement parks all over the world, even in small towns, but some are more impressive than others. That is why the 10 most extreme attractions in the world are collected here.

In 2000, the longest attraction in the world was opened in the Japanese city of Nagashima. It stretches for almost 2.5 km. And this structure reaches 100 meters in height, which is comparable to a 30-story building. The route is replete with ups and downs, the passage of which at a speed of 150 km/h will not leave any lover of extreme entertainment indifferent. Since these roller coaster were opened in the Year of the Dragon, the eastern passion for symbols is reflected in the shape and name of the attraction. The curves of this route are very reminiscent of the silhouette of a steel dragon, which justifies its name. The cost of building the attraction amounted to more than $52 million. This staggering amount is largely due to unprecedented security measures, in particular, a system of protection against.

9. Kingda Ka

Since 2005, Kingda Ka has held the title of the tallest metal slide. This grandiose structure, 139 meters high, is located in New Jersey (USA). New Jersey is included in And if all over the world such structures are called roller coasters, then in America they are known as Russian ones. In less than 4 seconds, the trailers accelerate to 205 km/h, which allows you to fully appreciate roller coaster American style. This attraction is much loved by visitors, but in 2009 it was closed for lengthy renovations. The fact is that lightning struck the structure, seriously damaging it. But after the renovation, Kingda Ka, as before, pleases daredevils from all over the world.

8. Son of the Beast

A slide with a scary name is also located. She began her work in 2000 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Son of beast's place among record holders is explained by the fact that it is the highest wooden slide. The height of this wooden structure is 66 meters. In addition, this is one of the few wooden slides with loop. These roller coaster visitors pass at a speed of 125 km/h.

7.Sochi Park

Since June 2014, Russia has had its own record holders for extreme rides. Located in Olympic Village. Now fans of extreme entertainment can enjoy them to the fullest in Sochi Park. This amusement park prepared entertainment for every taste. Thus, the already famous “Quantum Leap” is an exciting ride with a height of 58 m. On this roller coaster you can accelerate to 105 km/h. And the Firebird is the highest free-fall attraction in Russia. The car soars up to quickly fly 65 meters down. In total, Sochi Park has a dozen different attractions. In addition to extreme entertainment, you can visit the dolphinarium and experimentanium. Thanks to the latter, little visitors can learn through visual experiments what optics, acoustics, and mechanics are.

6. Colossus

The status of the most twisted metal roller coaster belongs to the Colossus attraction. This unusual building is located in Great Britain, ( The UK is also famous for its bizarre taxes and is one of the) or rather, in the city of Chertsey. The length of this attraction is 850 meters, and the height is only 30. But these slides are famous for another reason. They are designed in such a way that the trailers with people during the journey manage to turn upside down ten times. And even overcoming this intricate spiral at a relatively low speed - 65 km/h - allows extreme sports enthusiasts to fully get their dose of adrenaline.

5. White Cyclone

In 1995, an incredible roller coaster called “White Cyclone” was created in Japan, which is stunning with its ornate shape. The length of the route is 1700 meters, the height is 42 meters, and maximum speed exceeds 100 km/h. It is worth noting that this attraction, outstanding in length, is made of wood. The amount of wood that went into the construction of this structure would be enough to build 1000 houses. But is it really possible to calculate the power of positive emotions that overwhelm visitors to the attraction? Adults no older than 54 years old, and children no less than 130 cm tall can experience the power of the “White Cyclone”.

4. Silver Star

The real European leader among roller coasters is the Silver Star. The attraction has a length of 1500 meters and a respectable height of 73 meters. The trailers in some areas accelerate to 100 km/h. These slides are located in the German amusement park Europa Park, which is larger in size only than the French Disneyland. The theme of Europa Park is very interesting: it is a smaller copy of Europe, namely 13 states. In addition, three fairy-tale countries have been recreated within the park. There is definitely a lot to see in the park, and more than 4 million visitors a year are clear proof of this.

3. Takabisha

The Japanese attraction Takabisha was awarded by the Book of Records. The uniqueness of these slides lies in the largest angle of descent. The trailer literally falls from a height of 43 meters at an angle of 121 degrees. They say that it is these conditions that allow you to experience a state of weightlessness for several minutes. In addition, the Takabisha track has seven loops, flying through which at a speed of 100 km/h, visitors find themselves upside down.

2. Top Thrill Dragster

In 2003, when it opened in Sandusky, Ohio, the Top Thrill Dragster became an absolute record holder. At that time there were attractions, which differed in height, length or speed. Top Thrill Dragster stood out with four record-breaking indicators: as the fastest ride in its class and the highest. It was also distinguished from the rest by the presence of a section where the angle of incidence was 90 degrees. In addition, there is a 120-meter section of the route where a steep drop occurs. The slide is 850 meters long and reaches a height of 130 meters. At the same time, in some sections the trailers accelerate to 190 km/h. And even though today some of the outstanding indicators of this attraction have been broken, it has gone down in history as a record holder.

1. Stratosphere

The observation tower in Las Vegas is 350 meters high. Las Vegas has . This building is part of a complex that includes the Stratosphere Las Vegas casino and hotel. But they use this observation deck not just to admire the surroundings. Now it's the tallest amusement park in the world. Yes, yes, in this small area there are as many as three exciting attractions that will amaze the imagination. This has been the case since 2005. Before this, in 1996, the Big Shot catapult was built on the tower, allowing you to enjoy a free fall from a height of 329 meters. And a roller coaster that was certainly the tallest in the world. But the main advantage of this entertainment was its extraordinary height, otherwise the attraction was very mediocre. Firstly, it was very short in length, which is explained by the limited space on the observation tower. Secondly, the speed of the trailers was artificially limited, which can also be considered a disadvantage. Therefore, in 2005 it was decided to dismantle roller coaster, and in their place 2 new attractions were installed. And now the carousel “Madness” spins people at an altitude of 300 meters. In this case, the seats are located in such a way that the person is in a face-down position, and this creates a feeling of flight. And the X Scream attraction allows you to understand what it’s like to fly downhill at an altitude of 350 meters. A carriage with visitors at speed on an inclined rail flies out of the site, stopping at the very last moment. "Stratosphere Las Vegas" – good way test your nerves to the limit.

There is no point in arguing about the place of attractions on this list. Each of them is the first in something. Having tested their nerves on all the listed attractions, any fan of extreme entertainment will be able to create their own unique top list.

Probably every person loves and wants to travel. There are many most different ways make your trip unforgettable, and, of course, one of them is amusement parks. Big cities can offer you carousels for every taste - for children and adults, scary and funny, calm and breathtaking! And, of course, if you dare to ride some dangerous attraction, you will probably not soon forget this fear, this adrenaline that was raging in your blood. Therefore, I present to your attention the top 10 most dangerous and scary attractions in the whole world. And if you are an extreme sports enthusiast, I highly recommend trying each one.

10. “Huge Canyon.”

It is located in America, in the state of Colorado. Its peculiarity is its location, namely that the “Canyon” is located literally on the edge of a cliff, four hundred meters high. Only four people at a time can go on a short journey for a dose of adrenaline. The swing can swing at a speed equal to eighty kilometers per hour, and the ride itself lasts only one minute. It is interesting that before facing the abyss, every daredevil is required to sign a document that states the consequences that love for extreme sports can lead to.

9. "Formula Rossa"

These trolleys accelerate to 240 kilometers per hour in 4.5 seconds; not every sports car has such characteristics! The shape of the slide repeats the famous race track from the Monza circuit. The speed on this attraction is so high that everyone who wants to ride is given special glasses for this.

8. "Takabisha"

This Japanese attraction has gained worldwide fame thanks to its descent angle, which is 120 degrees and is considered the largest. It is precisely because of its presence that all passengers have a feeling of complete weightlessness. The height of the peak of the attraction is forty-three meters.

7. "Zip World at Quarry"

The British skydiver managed to come up with and bring to life an incredible attraction, the essence of which is that a person “flies” over the mountains at a speed of 160 kilometers per hour. The daredevil glides along a cable more than 1.5 kilometers long and at an altitude of several hundred meters. Anyone who wishes for such entertainment will be able to admire the beautiful scenery of the mountainous area.

6. "Insanlo"

Yes, yes, the translation of the name of this attraction sounds exactly like that. And you can find it in Brazil, Fortaleza. You will see the tallest water slide in the whole world. Its height is forty-one meters, and the speed of your fall may well reach one hundred and five kilometers! This attraction is rightfully in the Guinness Book of Records.

5. "Dodonpa"

The speed of Japanese trolleys is four times the acceleration of their fall. Two seconds and the attraction reaches a speed of more than one hundred and seventy kilometers per hour! All those who dare to take such a trip are guaranteed about a minute of fear, horror and panic, although it lasts less than a minute. But we assure you that this trip will seem much longer to you!

4. "Sling Shot"

The famous Lunapark invites you to try yourself as a projectile. The height of this attraction is thirty-five meters! In just a couple of moments, passengers will be lifted above a fifteen-story building, and then dropped down at an incredible speed - and this will happen several times.

3. "Kingda Ka"

The carriages of this attraction can accelerate to two hundred kilometers per hour in just three seconds, which makes the roller coaster the most dynamic in the world. Its height is one hundred thirty-nine meters.

2. "Big Shot"

This highest attraction on the planet awaits you in Las Vegas. He lifts daring volunteers to a height of three hundred and thirty meters, seats you in chairs, offers you to admire the gorgeous panoramic view for a few minutes, and then, at a speed of more than seventy kilometers per hour, sends you down in free fall.

1. “Free fall zone”

The state of Ohio will perhaps give you the chance to experience indescribable emotions thanks to its unusual attraction. Its platform is at an altitude of about one hundred meters, which is equal to a house with approximately twenty-six floors. After extreme sports fans admire the beauty of the landscape, they will quickly go down at a speed of one hundred kilometers per hour. The life of a modern person is full of stress. How to deal with stressful situations? An excellent remedy in this difficult struggle is adrenaline. Here are ten of the most extreme attractions in the world. After all, a fall from a great height, a loop, and breakneck speed are unlikely to leave anyone indifferent! And if you need a good dose of adrenaline - welcome!

Once upon a time, bungee jumping or parachute jumping from a height of six thousand meters was considered the most dangerous. But today this is not much of a surprise, because extreme sports do not stand still.

We present to your attention a list of dozens of dangerous types of extreme sports, the existence of which you may not even have suspected.

(Total 10 photos)

1. Vulcanoboarding

Snowbrods are a thing of the past! We present to your attention new look sport - volcano riding. Vulcanoboarding is exactly as crazy as it seems at first glance. The only place in the world where you can ride along the slope of an active volcano is Nicaragua, Leon department. This is where it is located active volcano Cerro Negro. Anyone can race down from a height of 725 meters on a special wooden board at speeds of up to 80 km/h, knowing that the volcano is still active and its last eruption occurred just over 10 years ago. This is a truly powerful adrenaline rush! It will take a whole 45 minutes to climb to the top of Cerro Negro, and God willing, you can go down not only with the wind, but also completely, because the slope of the mountain is really steep: 41 degrees.

2. Trainsurfing

This type of activity is completely illegal. But this article is not about laws, but about absolute extreme sports, so we will tell you about train surfing. Its essence lies in riding on the roof or on the running board of trains moving at full speed. You've probably seen a lot of footage of similar “passengers” taken in Africa or India. Currently, an extensive campaign has been launched against this type of extreme sports. Its main danger is that “passengers” can be thrown off the train at full speed or injured while driving on an overhead contact line or when entering a tunnel. Although extreme is extreme, and it is unlikely that such difficulties will frighten truly desperate people.

3. Human catapult

Airkick(R) - another type extreme sports, which is also called the “human catapult” (I think this name puts everything in its place). A special throwing device throws the extreme sportsman up along a pre-calculated trajectory using air pressure and water reverse technology. The extreme sportsman presses a button to lift himself 8 meters into the air and flies at high speed into a pool of water. It is very important to enter the water correctly: if you fall flat on your stomach, you can get seriously injured! This activity is clearly for those for whom the usual prefabricated pool for a summer residence is already too small.

4. Driving through the dunes in jeeps

Just imagine the steepest and highest sand dunes that are simply impossible to climb, and then imagine that you are overcoming these heights in a four-wheel drive vehicle and at the same time you are overcome by the fear of falling - this is the indescribable feeling of extreme jeep tours in the desert. This type of extreme sports is popular in the United Arab Emirates, and this is not surprising, because local cars are best adapted for this. If you decide to take such a trip, don’t forget to take a video camera with you: you’ll have something to show your friends, otherwise they won’t take your word for it!

5. BASE jumping

Those who have the urge to jump from a very tall building... clearly need the help of specialists! But for those extreme sports enthusiasts who are already tired of banal skydiving, base jumping will help them in search of thrills. It differs from regular parachuting in that base jumpers parachute from fixed objects, similar to paragliding. There are four types of fixed objects for BASE jumping: buildings, antennas, bridge spans and rocks. The danger is that there is very little time for the parachute to open, so you need to pull the ring at the very beginning of the jump, otherwise the consequences can be disastrous.

6. Speedriding

Speedriding is an amazing mixture of paragliding and skiing. Speedriders use a special type of parachute and skis to rush downhill while gaining speed. This type of extreme sport is very dangerous and involves such high speeds that it has already been banned on some ski slopes. Thanks to the use of a parachute, the gliding speed increases incredibly: it is impossible to accelerate so much just by skiing.

7. Slacklining

This extreme sport requires strong but not very tight ropes. If the rope is not tightly stretched, then if necessary it can stretch like an elastic band. But a taut rope makes it easier to move, which allows you to perform some tricks! By the way, very dangerous. The record for the highest height in slacklining belongs to Christian Schu, who walked on a tightrope over a gorge at an altitude of one kilometer, which is equal to the height of three Eiffel towers.

8. Running with the Bulls

- This perfect way to get a truly colossal dose of adrenaline. Not everyone is able to voluntarily run ahead of an angry animal that weighs a ton. Yet every July, crowds flock to the Spanish city of Pamplona to race bulls that are then used for bullfighting. The only criterion that a participant must meet is age over 18 years. Therefore, any interested adult can run a distance of 840 meters along with hundreds of other thrill-seekers. But you need to keep in mind that 14 people who took part in such races have already died.

9. Bird Man

Many of us fly in our dreams, but the Bird Man does it in reality. Flight was made a reality by a special wingsuit, with which you can control your movements when jumping from a cliff. Using this miracle suit, you can reach speeds from 225 to 240 km/h. The Romsdal Valley in Norway is the most popular location for such flights during the summer solstice. As the suit fills with air and the nylon wings carry Birdman forward, he can feel the incomparable feeling of free fall.

10. Street luge

And last but not least, this is street luge, which originated in southern California among skateboarders. These guys one day discovered that they could develop much more high speed, lying on a board and sliding down very steep slopes. Today, this type of extreme sports has gained great popularity in Europe. If you want to try, then prepare for possible injuries, namely fractures, which are very possible, because when sledding down a slope at a speed of 96 km/h, the brakes are often the legs.

Everyone struggles with stress in their own way, but not everyone knows that the scariest attractions in the world can be a good help in this matter. Top 10, which include a fall from a great height, breakneck speed, and a “dead loop.” This method, along with extreme sports, is one of the most effective in solving psychological problems. Therefore, adults are attracted to amusement parks like a magnet - there you can get a good dose of adrenaline, which will make you stronger, more energetic, and help you cope with any adversity in life.

10. Giant Canyon. Colorado (USA)

The list of the top 10 scariest entertainments in the world opens with an attraction located in Colorado. It is a swing for 4 people, swinging at a speed of 80 km over an abyss 400 meters deep. The duration of the session is only 1 minute, but the impressions received will last for the rest of your life. Before using the swing, each visitor signs a document stating that they have been warned of possible consequences - injury or even death, and the organizers decline responsibility for any incident.

9. Formula Rossa. Abu Dhabi (UAE)

The fastest slide, made like an American one, has a height of 52 m. It is located in Abu Dhabi. The trolley picks up speed of 240 km in less than 5 seconds, which not every sports car can do. One of the world's most dangerous attractions, ranked in the top 10, imitates the world famous Monza race track. Visitors will test their courage through various climbs and descents. Due to the enormous speed, “racers” are required to wear special glasses that protect against small particles floating in the air getting into their eyes. The duration of the trip is one and a half minutes.

8. Kingda Ka. New Jersey (USA)

Kingda Ka is another scary attraction, rightfully occupying eighth place in our top 10 ranking. The structure is almost 140 meters high and is located in New Jersey, USA. In 4 seconds the cabin accelerates to 200 km. After the trip, every visitor will forever have an unforgettable experience, because it’s not for nothing that the name “fear machine” is firmly attached to this attraction.


The most winding large-scale attraction, which took 7th position among the top 10 scariest entertainments, is located in the park of the English city of Cherpsi. The height of the structure is 30 meters, the speed of movement is 60 km. While moving along the track (850 meters long), visitors turn upside down ten times, after which some of them lose orientation in space.

6. Furius Baco. Salou (Spain)

One of the most extreme attractions in the world rightfully ranks 6th in the top 10 scariest, located in the Port Aventura park in Spain. In a few seconds, the capsule with passengers accelerates to a tremendous speed of 135 km. The original designed chairs located on the sides of the rail add acuity to the sensations. Such seats deprive the legs of any support, which creates the impression of free flight. Before the end of the journey, the trailers rush directly above the surface of the water. The length of the route is 850 meters.

5. Steel dragon. Nagashima (Japan)

The longest " roller coaster", almost 2.5 km long, located in Japan - this is a worthy contender for 5th place in the top 10 most terrible attractions in the world. The structure reaches a height of almost 100 meters, the duration of the trip is about 4 minutes at a speed of 150 km. The attraction, created at the beginning of this century, has long been considered the highest and fastest, but today it is inferior in these indicators to analogues in other countries. Thanks to the huge amount of steel used, the structure is resistant to earthquakes.

4. Catapult "Flying Dutchman". Ust-Kamenogorsk (Kazakhstan)

The structure, dynamically illuminated with multi-colored lamps, is 35 meters high, which corresponds to a 10-15-story building, allowing this attraction to take 4th place among the top 10 scariest entertainments around the world. The cabin with passengers flies up in just a few seconds, then flies down, and up again. The whole process can be filmed using a video camera and then demonstrated to friends.


The height of the catapult located on “Wonder Island” is more than 50 meters, which allowed it to take third position in the top 10 most extreme attractions in the world. The structure consists of 3 impressive columns with firmly fixed metal cables, when tensioned, the capsule with passengers instantly flies up and then descends. During the session, the booths constantly rotate around their axis, which adds spice to the experience.


The attraction, ranked 2nd among the scariest in the world, is located in the Australian city of Queensland. In a matter of seconds, passengers rise to a height of more than 100 meters, and after a sudden stop at the top, they fall sharply down, managing to feel a state of weightlessness. Ascent - descent is repeated 2 times. During the session, many adventurers are left speechless.

1. Unique “Stratosphere”. Las Vegas (USA)

The American observation tower, which ranks second in height in the world (350 meters), is distinguished by the fact that three of the scariest attractions are located on its roof, each of which is worthy of taking first position in our top 10:

The Big Shot catapult is the tallest structure that allows visitors to rise to a height of more than 300 meters (speed - 70 km), followed by a free fall. Some fans of extreme entertainment have time to admire the view.

Carousel Madness is the highest ride on the planet. During the ride, passengers are positioned face down over a 300-meter abyss. After visiting the carousel, everyone will have an unforgettable experience.

The “X Scream” trolley accelerates very quickly and moves along a short rail with a sharp slope, extending 8 meters beyond the edge of the roof. When braking, the front part of the capsule appears to be hovering over the abyss, which certainly causes indescribable sensations. Among all the entertainment located on the Stratosphere, it is X Scream that is visited only by the most courageous adventurers.

Despite the danger, thrill-seekers all over the world line up to get on scary, from the point of view of an ordinary person, attractions that increase the level of adrenaline in the blood. After all, this type of entertainment will certainly give you unique emotions associated with genuine fear - this is a real compromise between thrills and safety.