Poems for children about sports and physical education. Young athletes

The clock is running backwards - the hands are racing,
The wind blows from days gone by,
And marks from the past flash,
Returning from my life.

Some things happened, and some things were for the first time,
Apparently my memory failed me -
And the years are like mileposts,
Still, it somehow blew it wrong.

Our first meeting with you
From yesterday - carried away for centuries,
And obedient to the words of the sorceress
Became a song to the sounds of the blade.

The fairy tale lured me with happiness
And now he doesn’t want to let go -
Oh, how you loved me in the past!
How I knew how to worry myself...

Run, my dear, run away!
Run and hide - it won't help!
Mad passion - a gentle paradise,
Our night will not be able to forgive us!

Save yourself! But you just can't escape
From eternal thirst - thirst for a kiss!
How amazingly the paths intertwined...
I'm going crazy again, just yearning for you!

Run, but only so that I don't see your pain
Fly and don't come back, because I want to be with you
I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused
I know it’s not easy and there’s a lot you didn’t understand seriously...
You thought that a breakup would make it easier for us...
The only thing to blame is the understatement of words...
But I just want to see happiness in your eyes...
Is it a sin to see your loved one in your dreams?
Yes, I’m not an angel, I don’t argue...
Forgive me now for my tears...
I’m like that guy, standing over a cliff, wondering if my beloved remembers me?

Run from laughter and from tears,
You're running away forever
Run from fear and from the stars,
You're running away into nowhere.

But I'm with you and I'm nowhere
Cause I'm nobody and I'm nothing
I'm not here and I'm everywhere
I am your idol, I am everything.

In my madness you disappear
My sadness awaits you there,
Unnoticed you are losing yourself,
Goodbye, I feel sorry for you.

The flight of time and perpetual motion,
The meaning of earthly existence
I'm desperately trying to figure it out.
Disheveled thoughts and doubts
I send upward to YOU!

Who am I? Why me? And from where?
What is the meaning of Life? What is its essence?
How to touch divine strings?
And why is the Path not easy?

And, not knowing the blows of Fate,
Is it possible to strengthen your spirit?
Is it possible in our mortal life
Is the incorruptible soul free to be?

Running in place
Through dreams of distances,
Tearing tapes
Dance at the finish line
Joy from thoughts
Ecstasy from miracles
Fireworks of lives
At the right moment.
It's all nearby
Occurs frequently -
Thinks so
Empire of Passion,
Arose somehow
In our consciousness.
Bottom line - we all know!
And we will show everyone!

I really want to run away...
despite the emptiness of the soul...
run away from problems...
barefoot on the hot sand...
catching the warm wind with your hands...
It’s easy and serene to forget about life not being the way it should be
everyone is running in the bustle, not looking us in the eyes
life will soon put a trigger on our heads
everyone found their stupid nonsense in the sun
They won’t understand me....who needs enthusiasm?
the dark night will come quietly...
don't call me...you can't help...
tears, thoughts: “enough”, “enough”, “go away”....
I'm leaving for that fairy-tale world...



I - track and field athlete,
I turned seven years old
I go to training
To become strong and agile.

I pump up my abs, do push-ups,
I squat, I bend,
I train my leg muscles
So that I can run faster,

I run and jump
I move the simulators...
Sport hard work:
The shirt is wet with sweat.

I learn easily at school
Russian with arithmetic,
But it doesn't come easy

Now, answer me,
Easy or not
Everyone physical education hello!

(V. Pakhomov)

running Man

I enjoy running
I run, I run, I run!
I barely touch the ground
It's like I'm flying!

Free movements
I can breathe easily!
In a great mood
I'm running far away.

The horizon looms for me
And the sun from above,
Wishing me good luck,
Warm rays are pouring down!

And fills with strength
I have a magical run.
How happy I am -
Running Man!

(A. Maltsev)

A song about athletics

I rarely went to the gym,
I moved little, and now
My friends told me:
“Your belly is growing!
To develop muscles,
And not just intellect -
Sign up for physical education
You will become skinny as a skeleton!

Jogging, jumping in place and jumping over a horse,
Two hundred push-ups are not for me.
Try these exercises again in the gym!
And why was it called “athletics”?

I'm resting on a bench
I consume oxygen:
I inhale carefully through my nose,
I exhale through my mouth.
Whether you argue or not,
The soul requires sport,
But most importantly in sports -
It's the right way to breathe!

I threw a spear and a hammer, squatted like a clockwork.
Although I am young in body, I am not steely in soul.
I don’t even look like a hero from a distance yet,
And the second breath will not open in any way!

I'm resting on the grass
I don’t sway, I don’t rustle.
I exhale and inhale
According to the Wushu method.
My knees are shaking
There is almost no consciousness -
Wait, comrade coach,
Don't whistle too loud!

Somersaults, jumping somewhere and shot put -
In general, guys, I feel like it’s time for me to get away.
I flew home faster than a comet, and behind -
Athletes with numbers on their chests were hot on their heels!

I'm standing on a pedestal
Angry and red like a peony:
When they handed me the medal, they said:
“Congratulations, champion!”
I'll hurt myself, I swear, into a cake,
But I will overcome myself...
I’ll catch my breath a little more -

(A. Eroshin )

Sports corner

Rings, ladders, horizontal bar.
I'm used to working out.
I'll pull myself up, do push-ups,
I'll climb the rope.

My hands are tenacious!
My legs are fast!
I train every day.
I'm not too lazy to climb and jump.

Come for an hour
To our sports corner.
Exercise with friends
Do it with us!
(E. Melnikova)

At the gym

Athletic goat
I never got around to it
I jumped - and again
He ended up on the floor.

- Oh, you're a goat, you're a goat! –
I was angry.
And he quietly told me:
- You yourself are a goat!

You're a goat -
He said,
– You need to walk more often, guy,
To the gym!
(O. Bundur )

Cheerleader Mom

I do boxing
I'm into boxing
And my mother assures me
That I got carried away by the fight.

Trouble! - Mom sighs. -
I'm so depressed
That I raised my son
Such a fighter!

I called my mother
To the boxing gym
She refused me.
“No,” he says, “I can’t.”
I'll run away from the hall! -

And she stated directly:
- Boxing is disgusting to watch!
I tell her: - Mom!
You are not thinking sportily!

This is my first fight,
I really need a win
My enemy brought with him
Two grandmothers and grandfather.

All his relatives appeared,
Everything is for him, against me.

He sees his whole family
Feels support in battle,
And I'm upset! I'm renting!

And I need to defend my honor
Schoolchildren of Ryazan.

Suddenly I see - mom,
Mom is here!
Sits quietly in the hall
Sits in the twelfth row
And I said - I won’t come!

I instantly felt a lift -
Now we'll beat the enemy!
Here he is in front of all the guys
Got caught in the ropes.

Well, how did I fight? Boldly?-
I run up to my mother.
“I don’t know,” she sat
With my eyes closed.
(A. Barto)

My swimming style

There are many styles in swimming,
As we know, maybe.
Everything needs to be decided
How to swim a distance.

Hurry up everyone, of course. free
(In other words, this is crawl).
You swim quickly with it, satisfied,
Like some king!

How beautiful it looks
Swim in style butterfly!
Like a butterfly, playfully
Float easily over the wave!

Of course you need to sweat
To swim in style breaststroke.
You will swim with them like a frog,
The feeling is just great!

Also, guys, you can
Just swim on your back.
If you're careful
You won't end up at the bottom!

But for now, as I dream,
I haven’t mastered the crawl and breaststroke,
I prefer all styles
Inflatable tight mattress!
(A. Monvizh-Montvid )

Jump into the water

Jump into the water today towers
I want it, it’s just glitter!
Jump, fly and be heard
There is a loud splash when entering the water.

But I only look down from the tower,
So right away I’m not in the mood for depth.
And I don’t risk jumping down
I'd better go to springboard!

But the springboard is too big
Today it seemed to me
It makes me kind of scared
Go towards the depth.

I'll jump off the side of the pool
I'll make it easy!
Jump, flight... I'm sure
That it won't be high here!

Does it matter where I jump from?
And so it’s not far to fly.
After all, it’s all the same – flight and splashes,
Everyone will look at me...

Or maybe I shouldn't jump
And just go into the water?
But nothing bothers me,
After all, there is no more convenient way!
(A. Monvizh-Montvid )

About champions

To jump two meters,
You need to accelerate powerfully,
Push off with all your strength
And fly over the bar,
You land beautifully -
The audience will roar!

There will be bouquets for you then,
Kisses and greetings
Your mother is at the screen
Will wipe a tear from your cheek.

What, do you agree? So, straight
Now let's go to the gym!

So that before this twenty years
Train every day
Instead of a computer and a movie.
Dumb? That's it...
(O. Bundur )

My workout

Let the rains, let the winds,
Let the frost tease
I'm still going in the morning
Going to school is like a holiday.
The stopwatch is waiting for me,
I'll run along the edge,
I will show my willpower
I'm at training.

My friend goes to judo,
And my friend swims.
We know one thing for sure -
We don't go for glory.
We will become faster, stronger,
The body will become agile.
Let's strengthen willpower
We're at training.

Knows and can do everything
My favorite coach
We communicate easily
No offense or friction.
I'm grateful to him
For your skill.
I go with a joyful heart
I'm going to training.

(A. Maltsev)


On creaky ice
I'll go ice skating...
I'll slip... I'll fall...
Nothing... I'll learn!
(L. Yakovlev)

Ice skating

Figure skating
It's like having your head in the clouds.
Looks like a fast flight
It’s as if there is sky everywhere, not ice.
And it’s hard on my legs after that
Get used to your own boots.
(G. Dyadina )

At the skating rink

The skates are shining, the skating rink is shining,
Fluffy snow sparkles,
Put on your skates, my friend,
Try it for a ride.

Let the frost pinch you
Look, don't be scared.
Let him freeze you to tears

Don't give in to him!

Don't back down, slide forward
Fly faster than a bird.
Frost is angry and lags behind
From those who are not afraid!

(V. Donnikova)

Figure skating

Sliding, spinning
And the fluttering of a swallow.
What fun -
Figure skating!

Just think - hallway,
And instead of ice there is parquet.
Looks like I've mastered it
Figured pirouette.

And passions run high
And the laurels are so close...
But they wear off quickly
Figured socks!

(Yu. Simbirskaya )


Standing opposite each other with clubs
Teams of guys in red and blue.
Wearing helmets like knights, but don’t be timid,
The fight here is for training - they are playing hockey!

Here there are power techniques -
Players get knocked down very often.
Who is on skates and agile and faster -
He wins by playing hockey.
(A. Veona)

Puck, stick and skates!

It's snowing. The ponds froze.
Frosty days again!
That year they gave me
Puck, stick and skates!

I remember how early in the morning
I rushed like a whirlwind to the skating rink!
Ate a casserole for breakfast
And I rode as much as I could!

Ice in silvery winter
He brought people together in the yard
Our hockey dads
Let's go out to hockey together!

We defended the gate!
And in the winter chill
They chased the puck until the night
Dads are with us at the skating rink!

The year flew by like a rocket!
I'm waiting for a holiday surprise.
The puck got lost somewhere
My puppy chewed the stick.

And the skates don't fit,
Even though they were great...
Dad promises again

(T. Varlamova )


Not in sight
Completely each other
Cheeks are freezing
On the run
Let's distill
We're in a blizzard!
Everything is faster
Skis are flashing
The goal is getting closer
Through the spruce forest,
Through the bushes
From the pass,
From above.
No for skiers
Who's going to get home?
Before everyone else?
On the way
We're rushing
Let it be dangerous
Let the paths
Very cool
Lifts, –
We don't give up!
Up and down
Rush like a whirlwind!
Spruce, pine,
Move aside!
Let it rage
Freezing -
Will take place
Cross-country skiing!
(Lev Kvitko)


He takes off from the start
On the rolled ski track,
Scorched by the fire of passion
And a rifle on my back.

Skis lick the snow, which means
The service got it right with the ointment.
This is a difficult task -
Be the first to stand on the podium.

Biathlon, biathlon -
Now the rise, now the slope,

Here are the mug targets,
Let the flags droop.

Don't let the rifle miss
And your legs will show your agility.
At a distance of mistakes
You can't hide it from your rivals.

Our hero is not a miss in shooting
And on skis - anywhere.
Biathlon crown
Worth the nerves and work.

Biathlon, biathlon -
Now the rise, now the slope,
Every moment in this race is not superfluous.
Here are the mug targets,
Let the flags droop.
Hey! Good luck, shooting skier!
(V. Banifatov )



Mastery of the body, trepidation of the soul,
And the beauty of the flowing gesture,
And elements of difficult turns!

Until you sigh, all movements are perfected.
She herself is sweet, transparent and light;
But how much perseverance and aspiration she has,
And liveliness, and strength, and sparkle!

An artist painting on a platform
Ornate pattern of marvelous poses,
She is a thin bridge
Between the real and the land of dreams.

Clubs, a hoop, a ball fly up,
And the wave of the ribbon captivates the monogram.
She's always afraid of failure
But behind a smile hides this fear.

A poem written by movement -
The window is open to a beautiful world.
Gymnastics – religion and faith,
And, it seems, Hermes is at the same time with her.
(N. Lubyanko)

Football stars

People go to stadiums
Where there is freedom for the soul!
Millions play football
And you can count the stars on your fingers!

When does a star overcome
The heavy burden of the past years,
It will do, but it will keep you warm.
Football friends are her light!
(Yu. Shiryaev)

Dedication to the coach

Athletes emerge as they grow
From a coach, like branches from a trunk.
The hour has come! Champion on the podium!
And quiet praise to the coach.

They come up to him and shake his hand until it cracks:
"And yours, yours!

And the coach nods his head sadly -
It’s as if I lost - I didn’t gain...

It was as if the Almighty was helping him...
It's like a dream didn't come true...
And it seems ordinary, familiar
This height is unprecedented...

His pet froze, gasping for breath.
In the radiance of a gilded crown...
Again to the coach - losing, cursing -
Leading a new young man through life.

Feel like you've returned to your youth again,
Whisper with an unsmiling mouth:
"You will win!
Just don't worry!"

And know
I have validol on hand...
(R. Rozhdestvensky)


I am an athlete,

I turned seven years old

I go to training

To become strong and agile.

I pump up my abs, do push-ups,

I squat, I bend,

I train my leg muscles

So that I can run faster,

I run and jump

I move the simulators...

Sport is hard work:

The shirt is wet with sweat.

I learn easily at school

Russian with arithmetic,

But it doesn't come easy


Now, answer me,

Easy or not


Hello everyone!

(V. Pakhomov)

Physical training

We run faster than the wind!

Who will answer why?

Vanya jumped two meters!

Who will answer why?

Olya swims like a fish!

Who will answer why? We have a smile on our lips!

Who will answer why?

Maybe Shura can make a “bridge”!

I'm climbing the rope.

Because with physical education

We are old friends!

running Man

I enjoy running

I run, I run, I run!

I barely touch the ground

It's like I'm flying!

Free movements

I can breathe easily!

In a great mood

I'm running far away.

The horizon looms for me

And the sun from above,

Wishing me good luck,

Warm rays are pouring down!

And fills with strength

I have a magical run.

How happy I am -

Running Man!

(A. Maltsev)

Sports corner

Rings, ladders, horizontal bar.

I'm used to working out.

I'll pull myself up, do push-ups,

I'll climb the rope.

My hands are tenacious!

My legs are fast!

I train every day.

I'm not too lazy to climb and jump.

Come for an hour

To our sports corner.

Exercise with friends

Do it with us!

(E. Melnikova)

About sports

Celebration of sporting pride

comes into its own

The sun of a kind smile

He is met by his children

Sports are always on the way

The guys are not afraid of training -

Let your heart beat in your chest.

We are brave, and strong, and dexterous

You must always be ahead.

Poems about sports fashion

Being sporty is now fashionable again!

With sports you will understand a lot:

Sport – and health without pills,

Sports and fun without worries.

Play sports with friends

Believe me, really all year round!

Frost - you put on your skates,

Then you get on your skis!

Try to do it every day

Exercise in the morning! I'll be lazy

At first, but you'll get used to it soon...

You'll become healthy - that's cool!

(Agniya Zhabrova)

Healthy image life

Healthy lifestyle!

It is useful for everyone.

Healthy lifestyle!

Luck and success.

Healthy lifestyle!

You are with me forever.

Healthy lifestyle!

This is my destiny.

healthy lifestyle,

Be in everyone's blood!

Healthy lifestyle!

In the morning you get up and run.

Healthy lifestyle!

Breathe some fresh air.

Healthy lifestyle!

You will be happy!

(Zheleznov Kirill)


You can buy a lot:

Toy, computer,

funny bulldog

Fast scooter,

Coral island

(Even though it's difficult)

But only health

Can't buy.

It's our life

Always useful.

Care must be taken

Treat him.

(A. Grishin)


In the morning you harden yourself,

Douse yourself with cold water.

You will always be healthy.

There is no need for unnecessary words here.

If you want to be healthy

Baby you want to be healthy

Don't take bad pills

Forget the doctors' injections,

And drops from pipettes?

So as not to sniffle,

And don't cough too much

Shower yourself every day

Lei very generously.

To succeed in studies,

And there was ingenuity

All kids need

Water hardening.

(T. Semisynova)

Sports don't like lazy people

Sports don't like lazy people

Those who give up quickly.

Unreliable, cowardly.

He laughs at them.

He is very supportive

To those who are strong in spirit.

And grants victory

He is only resilient.

You need to make friends with sports

You need to make friends with sports.

To all those who are not yet friends with him.

He will help you all cheer up.

It is very necessary for health.

There is no secret for anyone,

What can sport give to all people?

He will help everyone on the planet

Reach fabulous heights.

Sports people

Sports people are so beautiful.

They have so much energy, vigor, strength.

Do you want to be at least a little like them?

Only sport will help you with this!

It will improve your health and increase your success.

It will save you from boredom and idleness.

Believe in yourself and achieve heights.

Only sport will give you what you dreamed of.

About sports

Overcome yourself and achieve something,

This should be useful to anyone in life.

Sport will help anyone be resilient.

He is able to strengthen the strength of spirit in everyone.

Don't be lazy, spend the whole day moving.

Sports will help you all easily relieve stress.

If you make friends with him, gratitude awaits you.

After all, sport will so easily lead you to victories.

I'm growing worthy change

I'm growing worthy change

To all famous athletes.

I'm resilient and healthy

My answer: always ready!

I'm ready to do push-ups

Squat and somersault.

I can pull myself up

Overtake everyone while running.

And play football and hockey.

And fly on the uneven bars.

Sport is my best friend

I surprise everyone around

I am with my energy.

There are no more cheerful people around me!

What is sport

Sport is life. This is ease of movement.

Sports command respect from everyone.

Sport moves everyone upward and forward.

It gives vivacity and health to everyone.

Everyone who is active and who is not lazy,

They can easily make friends with sports.

I love sports very much since childhood

I have loved sports very much since childhood.

He taught me order.

I don't sleep for a long time in the morning.

I go up to exercise.

Then jogging and jumping

And push-ups.

Yes, the exercises are not easy,

But I am cheerful and cheerful.

Relay race - 4 x 100 m run

Akimov Alexander Yurievich

A team of athletes is ready to run.
The sprinter took off like a bullet - he couldn’t catch up!
He deftly gave the wand to the “second” one,
And he ran further along the distance!
The hardy “third” gets excited
And quickly, with excitement, the turn passes!
The cheerful “fourth” is flying to the finish line,
Where the strict judge stands smiling!

Let's start!

Alexander Maltsev 4

The pads are back to the start!
Let us remember the fervor of youth.
Excitement flows into the soul,
A surge of strength fills the blood.

Let me not be the first to tear you apart
Finishing tapes.
I'll prove it in reality
That there is fire in the heart.

Build paths in rows
He flies towards me into battle.
I accept their call -
I'll make it to the end!

About running

Alexander Maltsev 4

What could be easier than running?
Well, what to study here?
A person has legs
They seem to be running on their own.

Yes, of course, if it's simple
Somehow, a little bit to run.
And beautiful, fast, long -
This needs to be studied.

Body straight, no bending
Just a little bit forward
Like the sun from the sky
It calls you into the distance with a ray.

Swing hip, foot elastically
Push the earth away from you.
Just put it in without knocking
Don't turn aside.

The run should flow smoothly,
Like the flow of a river.
We should only strive forward
All movements are yours.

Hands in rhythm, elbows bent,
Don't lift it too high
Along the route
Guide them freely.

Don't hold your breath
Breathe to the rhythm of your movements,
And in good condition
Your lungs will be there.

Try this technique
When running, you must follow
And of course try
Learn its subtleties.

Running, my friend, is inexhaustible.
By training, you will understand -
Running gives you spiritual inspiration,
With him you will find joy!


Alexander Reunov

I stand under the gaze of people,
But the heart beats evenly,
And flocks of doves hover
Above the stadium bowl.
My coach gives the order again:
Run, look and think,
I'm wearing Adidas sneakers
And a Puma T-shirt.
The prognosis is good, this is a plus
The doctor told me: “Everything is normal!”
And today I am
At the peak of her best form.
Any opponent is familiar to me,
We met in the arenas
Here, as usual, barefoot
Kenyan athletes.
Not a bad Pole - healthy forehead,
Slovakian in a blue bandana,
But the most dangerous of all is the Ethiopian -
Runs like a lion in the desert.
The copper of the orchestra is already shining,
Heels itch at the start
The judge's shot is like a whip
It hits my shoulder blades.
I'm walking confidently. Already
Almost on a pedestal
On the twenty-third turn
Everyone left me behind.
Easy to run, good
I didn't even notice -
I went around a whole circle
The one who will be third.
I was the first, but, my God,
There are circles and sparkles in the eyes -
Watermelon rind under your foot,
Now I'm in a cast for six months.

Marathon runner

Andrey Rumyantsev 3

On the verge of rupture, the tension is at its limit,
Every cell dreams of moisture and rest,
Insects hurry on a parallel slide,
Admiration shines through in the surprised-faceted eyes.

What distances have been covered, lived, squeezed out?
Salty streams of sweat, white crystals,
It’s all the same for a long time - in Magadan, in New York, in Paris, you
The pauses between runs are erased from memory.

In circles from the sphere, thrown into the surface of the black lake,
An endless route crawls, escaping
And the blue peas look at the stars enthusiastically
How he moves, torturing himself, disappearing...

Just run forward!

Elena Zautrennikova

You run as fast as you can, cutting through the wind,
On a frosty winter day, in a scorching summer.
Smile as you walk, noticing the warm ray.
He wishes you to be the first to meet the finish line.

It's hot inside, thoughts only whisper:
Just right now, running faster,
Speed ​​forward, dramatically increasing the chance
To victory, to reach victorious heights!

Somehow there is no strength left at all, nevertheless
Don’t give up, even if weakness gnaws at you.
And the second breath will help you
Share, without hesitation, a bed with fortune.

And the sneakers rustle on the “face” of the asphalt,
This sound is so far from the “ideas” of the contralto.
It turns out that running is life in motion:
Distances, landscapes, roads change.

And the minutes fly by, catching up with time.
My thoughts line by line are in this thread.
Clouds will run towards the cities.
Who's behind whom? Who's going where? And after the day there is only evening...


Zaitseva Elena Georgievna

The human tribe in an eternal marathon.
To the cheerful laughter, the crackling of firecrackers
strong legs flash in the background
green grass is the avant-garde.
In anticipation of unprecedented discoveries
having crossed the parental threshold,
sneakers crave joyful events
and new untrodden roads.

But behind them you can hear stomping
From many running feet,
Dense crowd, to the elbow - elbow,
From all sides - sometimes the back, sometimes the side.
All faces are focused
And the cheerful laughter has already died down,
Everyone strives for his own goal,
Don't slow down - they'll punch you in the gut.
Rolled asphalt lays down
under stiletto heels, shoes, boots,
they manage to study here
and eat, and get married,
and who - to leave the distance.

And thinning out, along a country road
wander, sometimes falling into a short sleep,
losing my slippers, suddenly remembering God,
extend the dream of a personal marathon.


Mitya Trofimov

Running - desired sport, I note, brothers,
since he was not born strong.
Who started jogging?
he doesn't need boxing at all.

Running! Running! Running!

Mikhailov Elisey Master

A man flies like a bird
only with your bare heels lighting up the snow!
Running! Running! Running!

Running is our healer!

Running will wake you up!
Running will warm you up!
Running! Running! Running!
The beast and the bird are glad to run!
And, of course, a person!

Snow - out of boredom!
Snow is for the flu!
Snow! Snow! Snow!
No to medications! No to hospitals!
Our healer is snow!

Running - from lethargy-illness!
Running! Running! Running!
Lengthen our age!
And the disease will recede
where Man is!

Snow - from colds and colds!
Snow! Snow! Snow!
Will save our century!
And the frost will recede
where Man is!


Nonna Rybalko

Great space has been given to us -
we can find happiness
if there are winds and storms
don't go astray.

But dreams are distorted
the soul does not accept!
If life is movement,
that means we have to run.

I managed to do them all so far
drive away from the screw,
running away from fate,
and she is on his heels!

But doubts gnaw:
where are you, happiness? Cuckoo!
From good, maybe
Am I running all the time?

Marathon race

Nonna Rybalko

Where and by whom you were born does not matter,
Don’t be afraid to aim for a record in your dreams.
Everyone can take part in a marathon
on a route with a short name - Life!

And, rushing from the start, we strive for the finale -
surprise awaits at the distance...
Life sends us many trials,
and the record cannot be repeated “for an encore!”

Through strength the fallen will rise again,
failing to realize in anticipation of the rewards,
that today will become yesterday tomorrow
on the endless scale of disappearing dates...


Sergey Ivashin

I imagine the distance
in circles, in steps.
I imagine I’ll get tired where,
where I'll give you my breath.

The third quarter is stringy,
muscle lead waste
And the team is prickly
naughty feet.

Volitional effort
on the last turn
and the dream of salvation,
oxygen in the throat.

And then my knees tremble
gradually subside
that seconds are measured,
surprised to understand.

Feel the pleasure
sweat from the T-shirt
and water pleasure
dry mouth.

Marathon runner...

Sergey Mozhaev

Keep it up, my distant comrade!
Marathon is not an easy path...
In the moment when your feet are filled with lead,
Only will moves you...
A tight vein beats at the temple,
The heart hits you in the ribs...
MARATHON is not for everyone,
And not EVERYONE will run it...
How many years, winding up miles,
You run, run, run, run...
There were blows and victories,
And you will win more than once again!
May God grant you health and perseverance,
To get on the pedestal more often...
MARATHON is not easy at all,
But you made this choice yourself!


Sergey Nikolaevich Karelin

How long does the performance last?
Create a range
Develop your skill -
Better to run a marathon.

The more work I did,
The longer the threshold of patience.
There is no limit to perfection
If there is recovery.

Here are the athletes running,
They are capable of being a coward all day long.
They eat cutlets on the go -
The training is long and aerobic.

From Marathon to Athens,
For the salvation of Hellas,
One messenger arrived -
In honor of the hero - sports, awards!


Sergey Nikolaevich Karelin


Sergey Nikolaevich Karelin

The stayer runs long distances -
Meters - at three thousand, the rhythm does not decrease.

Having made a high start, without reducing the speed -
I reached the finish line without giving up.

Here comes endurance at high speed,
This kind of running was glorified in ancient Rome.

It is useful in the army: landing and infantry,
On the march with full equipment, the company is charging.

Cross-country is included in the methodology in almost every sport -
For a margin of safety, in the ring and on the court.

Running through the streets, in the park and in circles,
You can set the pace and help each other.

People, young and old, run for health
Feeling the surge of strength, everyone will be happy!


Sergey Pavlov 9

Sprint and relay races;
Cross five, ten kilometers;
Hammer, disc, spear are thrown
And they overtake each other.
Marathon, jumping, hurdles...
She is a sports queen.

We're running with daddy cross...

Serik Ustabekov

We run with daddy cross.
For what? Funny question!
Let's get up a little earlier
Rushing quickly further.

For every person
Knows how useful running is.
Therefore, in both heat and cold
Athletes really need cross country.

Cross Country Athletics

Cold Maria

The most important thing is, don’t lose your breath,
I still have a kilometer to run.
God, how I want to wear my name proudly
It's easy to call yourself an athlete!

The muscles in my legs throb with pain,
But the eyes look straight ahead.
Veins burn with accelerated blood,
I will not let the Russian people down.

I'll run until I lose consciousness
I won't stop halfway.
And the eyes are filled with the shadow of dreams
I'll be the first, no matter how you say it.

...Everything here is temporary.
Even misfortunes are temporary.
And it doesn’t matter what fate has in mind.
Our job is to shine, to glow in the darkness
L. Miller

Dear friends! Today's post is dedicated to time, which approaches slowly, but goes away so quickly) We offer you a small selection of quotes, aphorisms, sayings and poems from great and not so great people about time and life, about time and love, about time and eternity... Pictures - from Internet, unfortunately, I don’t know the authors.
And the post begins with a poetic sketch by Ali Kudryasheva.

Time flies unnoticed - modern poems.

Mom is at the dacha, the key is on the table, there is no need to make breakfast. The holidays are coming soon, eight years old, in August it will be nine. It’s nine o’clock in August, seven o’clock, the sky is light and flat, the sun has left faded streaks in my hair. Hold the sleepy scrap in your palm and let it slip through your fingers. Vitka from the tenth floor calls again for a swim. We have to hurry as fast as we can, in case they run away and leave us behind. Vitka graduated from the fourth grade - that is, he is almost old. Shorts with a T-shirt are a simple outfit, take an apple for an afternoon snack. Vitka will teach me to dive, he promised, I remember. The road to the river is well-trodden, burnt and familiar. Dusty feet look like mom's mittens. It's so hot these days - the leaves are like rags. Maybe we can play later, I’ll ask you to play hide and seek. Vitka is a kind man, a boy from Jules Verne. I'll ask if I can drive, and they'll probably allow me. The evening will begin, it should get dark. Day before the end of the week. I turn to the wall. One hundred, ninety nine.

Mom is at the dacha. Bike. Tomorrow I have to take the exam. The sun licks the notes with gentle eyes. Greet the morning and sit all night, waiting for the onset of summer. In August I will already be a student, today it’s neither this nor that. The bread is half-stale and the cheese is off the knife; breakfast is tasteless. Vitka from the tenth floor is now in his third year. Knows all the smart professors, writes programs at the company. Hood, ironic and black-browed, straight out of a movie. He writes notes to my sister, gives flowers from my paycheck, but I swim faster and write better. It’s just that my sister is bright-faced, I’m heavier and angrier, we climb onto the porch and fly the kite. It seems they are leaving into the night, I am taking them to the train. The river rustles and rustles at your feet, now it’s waist-deep. Seventy-eight, seventy-seven, I’m crying with my back to the train. Let them hide, well, all of them, I won’t look for them.

Mom is at the dacha. The head is buzzing. Sleepy inaction. The cat settled on the chest, the sun on the blanket. Cups, palms and sweaters, coffee, please, brew. Did anyone see me yesterday? It's better not to say. Let it be big secret a little debauchery, each was drunk, weightless, warmed by the warm breath of his brother, his throat was hoarse from chatter, ashes were flying from the balcony, everyone was with each other - and everyone was alone, alive and rebellious. If we chip in a ruble, breakfast will come to our house, Lord, how I love you all, rainbows in the palms of our hands. Street in sunny lace, Vitka, wash the plates. You can lie around and come to life. You can go to the river. I will catch you and conquer you, I will force you to cut your hair and shave. Nose into the broken bark. Thirty-four, thirty...

Mom is in the photo. The keys are in the lock. Eight hours until summer. The sun is on the walls, on a backpack, in old sandals. Sleepy paws through the square, and there’s no escape. Vitka in America. I'm in Moscow. A river in distant childhood. The apple is eaten, the train has left, somewhere it is going to Nice, I start counting from one hundred, my life from one. We fight, cry with her in unison, clowns in the arena. “Twenty-one,” I mutter in my sleep. “Forty,” time laughs. Forty - and the first gray hair, forty-one - to the hospital. Twenty-one - I live alone, twenty: eyes are loopholes, legs are scratched, a demon is in the rib, thoughts are racing, someone is waiting for me in the yard, someone is on the tenth. Ten - I finish fourth grade, I don’t have to do breakfast. We must hurry as fast as we can. It will be nine in August. Eight - carry keys around your neck, melt in the sunny hymn...

Three. Two. One. I'm going to look. Lord help me.

poems by Ali Kudryasheva (2007)

Quotes about time and love.

“Death and time reign on earth.
Don't call them rulers.
Everything, spinning, disappears into the darkness.
Only the Sun of love remains."
Vladimir Soloviev
If you judge people, you won't have time to love them.
Mother Teresa
True love is not the kind that can withstand long periods of separation,
and the one that can withstand many years of intimacy
Helen Rowland

About time - with a smile in quotes and aphorisms

Eternity? Unit of time
S.E. Lec
We would have plenty of time if it didn't exist.
It is impossible to stop time: the watch industry will not allow this
S E Lec
Life takes up too much of people's time.
S. E. Lec
While he was working, he had no time to die, since it also takes time to die
V. Kaverin
Some, not knowing what to do with their time, encroach on someone else's.
Valery Krasovsky

Quotes and poems about time and life.

Life is very short time between two eternities.
Carlyle T.
Time is the best teacher, but, unfortunately, it kills its students...
Berlioz G
You can't change your life overnight. But overnight you can change thoughts that will change your life forever. (With)
You only understand the meaning of life later, but you have to live first
Kierkegaard S.
It is worth spending your life to get closer to infinity.
Jonathan Vidgop
All we have to do is decide what to do with the time we are given.
J. Tolkien

What, tell me, is not life - delving into memory,
Not in its ashes, - in the gold of the sand, -
So you’ll be lucky to get to the thought:
Memory is the soul, time is the shell
I. Lisnyanskaya
There are dead seasons in fate -
stagnation and silence, melancholy and drearyness,
and then we rush like a thief from the zone,
and we were given time to rest.
Igor Guberman

Quotes, poems and aphorisms about time and clocks

Seconds die in flocks of sixty, forming minutes
Begbeder F
Time flies like an arrow, although the minutes creep by
Nothing distorts the idea of ​​time more than a watch.
S. Fedin
The bones crunch for minutes
Under the boots of a crazy day.
They crackle. It's like brushwood is being crushed
In the oven, behind the door, there are tentacles of fire.

They jingle. Past. Like the rains.
They whistle. Like sand from your hands.
Tingling. Small. Like in the chest...
But the day is great. And there is a main sound in it.

And if you live, you must live like Croesus.
Not measured. Backhand. Not enough.

This is how we live... But suddenly it burns like a whip:
The bones crunch for minutes.
Irina Snegova
I spend time stroking my face -
According to the dial on your hand,
And time is moving towards the end,
And death is not far away.

But I'm not embarrassed by death
The sea view worries me:
In the square hole of the window
Blue freedom is trembling.
I. Lisnyanskaya

Poems about time.

To try on eternal times,
To infinite distances -
This is all immensely difficult for us,
Despite my best efforts.

It's easier if the distance is an inch,
If the measure of time is a minute.
It's easier to live. It's harder to die
For some reason.

D. Samoilov

The wind blows and the light blows out,
My heart is also suffocating.
But don't believe me, it doesn't happen!
It fills us like tobacco
Time to pick up a pipe and smoke it.

And smokes out of customs
In the blue air of family and friends.
Every hour my heart becomes more anxious,
Every time it becomes more and more impossible for me
Wait for your moment.

The wind blows and the speech blows...
But don't believe me, it doesn't happen like that
I'm spouting utter nonsense!
This time, smoking, starts
World migration of souls.

I. Lisnyanskaya

Time coordinates are arbitrary.
We usually say - long before.
Before us. Until now. B.C.
To Rome. Before Pilate. Until Golgotha.
Until Noah. To the ark. Before the flood.
History - all of it - long before.
Living between the past and the future,
We are all trying to look as far as possible.
There is darkness behind us, and darkness before us.
So we live between that darkness and this one,
in the tiny space between them -
We live as if waiting for Godot.
And it’s a pity, oh my friend, but it seems
that you and I live in the world too
long before, my friend, long before.

You say time goes by. Madmen - this is what you are going through.