Fairy tale "At the command of the pike." Scenario of the play for children of senior preschool age

Elena Chernetskaya
Fairy tale "Po- pike command" Performance script for older children preschool age

Fairy tale« By pike order...»

Scenery: on the right is a village hut, with a table, bench, stove, etc.; on the left is a well, trees, etc. Behind the scenes is the royal chambers (throne, table, chair, chest, etc.), later replaced by a forest clearing.

It turns out Storyteller.

Storyteller: Hello, dear, long-awaited guests - ours old friends!Although why old?After all, you are young and handsome. And even more so young at heart will you stay: After all, you love little children with all your heart and warm them with your warmth and kindness. Today, as before, I am with a new came to you like a fairy tale. It was a long time ago in the direction of our bright and dear one. I lived...but perhaps I won’t tell me - you will see everything yourself(bow)

Buffoons run in and dance to the music.

Dance of buffoons.

Buffoon:Look, miracles! The public has come to us again!

So the holiday is coming, the fairy tale calls everyone to visit!

Buffoon: Well, it’s time for us to start and you too show a fairy tale!

Buffoon:IN ancient centuries, in the kingdom of King Pea

Well done Emelyan lived, in general, not bad.

Buffoon:Brothers the elders worked, well, he didn’t know any worries -

I lay on the stove all day, sang songs and counted flies.

(To the music the buffoons run away and dance; in the hut the brothers approach Emelya lying on the stove)

Big brother: Eh, Emelya, are you still lying down? You’ll sleep through your happiness. (Emelya

(yawns).Ivan and I are going to the city, you clean up the house and

Bring some water.

Emelya (sitting down): What are you saying, brother, I can’t handle it, I won’t have time, that’s the cross.

Middle brother: At least bring some water and prepare lunch.

Big brother:And for this, Ivan and I will bring you some sweets.

Emelya (joyfully): Well, then... I’ll bring two buckets!

(Skomorokh runs out)

Buffoon: The brothers harnessed the horse and went to the market (brothers "sit down" on horseback and

"leaving" out the door, the buffoon follows them with his gaze,

hand to his forehead, and Emelya set off on his way, carrying buckets, in no hurry.

(To the music, Emelya goes to the well, puts one bucket behind the well, where the children sit - buckets, and with the second he draws water, sees a pike in the bucket, takes it out, and puts the bucket behind the well)

Emelya:What a miracle! Pike! There will be a great fish!

Emelya (looking around):Who is this talking to me?

Emelya: Wow! This is the first time I’ve heard a pike talk.

Emelya:OK. (puts her into the well, at the bottom of which is a basin of water).Just don't get caught next time. There's nothing you can do about it (sighs) I'll have to sip empty cheeks instead of fish soup.

Pike (voice): Eh, Emelya, happiness is not in the ear. (Emelya looks into the well).And for the fact that you let me go, I will do for you whatever you want. When you want something, say something only: « At the pike's command, in my opinion, I want..." and everything will be fulfilled.

Emelya (scratching the back of his head): Hmm, ha. Pike style by command, in my opinion... go home yourself. (the bucket children waddle home, Emelya dances after them and sings; everyone enters the house, Emelya lies down on the stove, the bucket children go behind the stove, and while the birches are dancing they go backstage)

Emelya:What beauty outside the window - birch trees, flowers (daydreaming).Eh, according to the pike's command, in my opinion, I would like to let the birch trees and flowers spin in a round dance and make me happy. (birch trees and flowers come in from the door to the music, dance, Emelya, lying on the stove, looks out the window at them, admiring them)

Round dance of birches and flowers. (to the song "At the End of the Earth" from m-fa "Prince Vladimir", go out the door, the hut closes)

(The curtain opens: the royal palace, Princess Marya sits at the table, begins to sing, at the chorus she gets up and sings, dancing)

Song of the Princess.

What unfortunate princesses we are,

We are forbidden by law to love,

In royal families this is the ancient order -

According to calculations, you have to get married.

But I don’t want to, I don’t want to, out of calculation,

And I want it for love, for love.

Freedom, freedom, give me freedom,

I'll fly high like a bird.

We princesses have to live in captivity,

Young years are wasted.

We need to think about the throne all the time,

Fulfilling the will of the father-king.

But I don’t want, I don’t want about the throne,

And I’m talking about love, I want about love.

To freedom, to freedom, I want to freedom,

I'll fly high like a bird.

(Starts crying, mother-nanny enters)

Nurse: Why, baby, are you in tears again? Look, the Tsar-Father is coming, he will be angry again.

(The King enters)

Tsar: Again, you’re on your own, well, what do you want? Why are you crying like a beluga?

Princess: I'm bored (crying).

Tsar: Call the buffoons to cheer Maryushka up.

(Buffoons run in)

Skomorokh 1: What do you want, Father Tsar?

Tsar: Cheer the princess.

Skomorokh 2:We can do this. (take a pose)

Skomorokh 1: Foma, come here!

Skomorokh 2:I can’t, I caught a bear.

Skomorokh 1: So bring him here.

Skomorokh 2: Yes, he won’t let me in.

(The king and the nanny laugh, the princess cries)

Princess: I don’t want, I don’t want (stomps his feet, they’re tired, let them leave.

(The buffoons bow and run away, the princess cries even louder)

Tsar: Mother-nanny, please calm her down at last.

Mother-nanny (leading the princess away): Let's go, baby.

Tsar (shouting): Voivode!

Voivode (running in):What, Father Tsar?

Tsar:Convene a council urgently, I can’t listen to this roar anymore (the princess is heard crying, the king covers his ears)

(Advisers enter and stand around the king, "deaf" sits down on a bench next to you)

Tsar: Well, what are we going to do?

Advisor: My advice, Father Tsar, is to call the overseas doctor to the princess.

Tsar: Is there such a thing?

Advisor: Yes, there is one named Mix, and one named Turka.

"Deaf"(speaks in a singsong voice):What kind of Turk is this?

Tsar (shouts in his ear): Yes, not a Turk, but a doctor, what’s his name? ah, Mikturka.

"Deaf":It's clear.

(The king is guessing)

Tsar: It will work out, it won’t work out, it will work out, it won’t work out. Oh no (everyone sighs loudly).

Voivode: Father Tsar, you can issue a decree.

Tsar:And this is a thought. Write. “Royal decree. I, the king of the reserved kingdom, the thirtieth state, to anyone who will amuse the princess, pity half the kingdom, the princess as a wife and... what would I welcome for good measure? Ah, a fur coat from the king’s shoulder.” Here. Soooo (starts to guess) It will come out, it won’t come out, it will come out, it won’t come out. (claps his hands) Will come out (everyone is happy).Everyone is free, let me go take a little nap (yawns).

(The curtain closes, the Voivode remains near the curtains)

Voivode: I don’t like that some rogue will get everything. (takes out the decree and begins to cross out) So half the kingdom is for me, the princess as a wife is for me. Well, let them take the fur coat, I don’t mind (laughs).Now all that remains is to find someone to put this fur coat on (thinks)

(A servant runs up to the Voivode from the door)

Servant:Your Grace, women they say, that one eccentric has appeared among us, they call Emelei, his buckets go home on their own, with their feet. What to do with it?

Voivode (rubbing hands).What to do?What to do?We need to take care of such people, invite them to the palace, but first I’ll find out everything myself, you never know what the women will tell. And for now, keep quiet!

Servant (bows):As you order, Your Grace (backing out the door)

(the governor goes to Emelya’s house, approaches, knocks)

Emelya (screams while lying on the stove): Come in, it's not locked.

Voivode:Is it true that your buckets move on their own?

Emelya:Is it true.

Voivode:Then, by order of the king, Emelya, ordered to the royal palace


Emelya:Why is this suddenly?

Voivode:You must make the king’s daughter laugh, and as a reward you will receive a fur coat from the king’s shoulder.

Emelya:What is she wearing? It’s warm on the stove even without a fur coat.

Voivode:So the fur coat is from the royal shoulder.

Emelya:Does this make her warmer?

Voivode: Yes, for such seditious speeches you will now taste my baton.

Emelya:Don’t you want to try it yourself? At the pike's command, in my opinion, I want the baton to hit the commander’s sides.

(The governor hits himself on the sides)

Voivode: Have mercy, Emelyushka, let’s talk.

Emelya: Club, that's enough (the baton falls to the floor).Say what you wanted.

Voivode: Emelya, go to the palace! Life No: Tears in the morning, tears in the afternoon, tears in the evening. Help, I have no more strength, and the king will not only grant you a fur coat, but also half your kingdom and a princess as your wife.

Emelya:What do I need half a kingdom and a princess? She can’t do anything can:neither clean nor cook. Okay, I'll help as best I can.

Voivode: That’s great, get off the stove and get ready.

Emelya: No, I’m nowhere without a stove. You go, and I'll follow you. At the pike's command, in my opinion, go bake the royal palace. (Brownie comes out from behind the stove)

Brownie:What else?Where are you going?

Emelya:Who are you?

Brownie: I am a Brownie, I live behind the stove.

Emelya:And I need to go to the palace.

Brownie:Whose is this for? command?

Emelya:In a pike way...

Brownie:And, if like a pike, then go. And I will wait for your brothers. Have a nice trip!

Emelya:Thank you. Well, let's go, darling. Eeeeeeh!

(The curtains open, the princess is sitting at the table, sad when she sees the stove

hiding behind the throne)

Emelya (getting up from the stove, looks around): Honest mother, what a beauty! Why are you hiding there? Are you scared?

Princess: Yes, her!


Princess (points to the stove):Her!

Emelya: Why be afraid of it, it’s just a stove.

Princess:But she drives.

Emelya: Eka, incredible. At the pike's command, in my opinion, if you want, go home and bake (the stove goes to the hut) What's your name, beauty?


Emelya: Get to work! The name is like the princess herself. And I am Emelya, they called me her

cheer up. Where did she go?

Princess:Or maybe I am the princess?

Emelya: Oh well. They say all she does is cry, but you haven’t shed a single tear yet. Is it really a princess?

Princess:Yes (smiles).When I saw your stove, I immediately cried

got tired of it.

Emelya:And why were the tears shed before?

Princess: Boredom here, everyone is alone.

Emelya:You should go for a walk in the forest, there’s this

beauty: trees, flowers, birds, butterflies, streams ringing.

Princess:They don’t let me go anywhere, because I’m a princess (wants to cry)

Emelya: Just no tears... Let's run away from here.

Princess:How? There are guards all around. And I really wanted to see the world.

Emelya:What do we need guards for? Hold on to me. At the pike's command, in my opinion, let us now find ourselves in the forest. (magical music sounds, the scenes close, the scenery changes to a forest, out the door "fly out" butterflies dancing)

Butterfly dance.

(The curtains open, on the last chords there are butterflies "fly around"

Emelya and Tsarevna fly backstage)

Princess:Oh, what is this?

Emelya: These are butterflies.

Princess: Butterflies! How beautiful they are, and these flowers, and grass, and trees. How

I would like to stay here forever.

Emelya:But there is nowhere to put the palace here.

Princess:We don’t need a palace.

Emelya: Well, Maryushka, you surprised me. I imagined you completely different. A

I’ll build a house for us in no time.

Princess:At the behest of a pike?

Emelya: No! I’ll build the house myself!

Princess:Can you?

Emelya: I can, and good people will help (addressing the audience).Can you help?

(Everyone goes out to stage,sing)

Choir: The hour of farewell has come, ours is over story,

All is well our fairy tale ends.

Emelya became smarter, stopped being lazy,

Without a pike, everything works out for him.

The princess does not shed tears from sadness,

Her soul sings like a harp.

And now with Emelya in a new home

He lives joyfully and cheerfully.

Storyteller:That's all ours legend about the past with fables and about

well done with the girl. Fairy tale a lie and a hint of good in it

well done lesson (general bow)

A fairy tale Honored artists of ours showed for you

The following people take part in the fairy tale: Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, Emelya, Pike, Hut on Chicken Legs, Serpent Gorynych, Marya Krasa. For Emelya you need a fishing rod, you can take a long stick with a rope and a hook. A hut on chicken legs, in a large box, cut holes for the arms, legs, head, draw windows and put a hat on top, made in a bun. The snake Gorynych needs a tail, you can sew it from green material and two heads on sticks, hold it in your hands. Marya Krasova is dressed in all black, tight-fitting, with black lipstick, Goth-type, all ultra-modern.

While the children are gathering in the hall, cheerful New Year's music is playing. The ringing of a bell is heard from afar, the music changes to Russian folk music and Emelya enters the hall. He walks around the tree and stops in the center.

- Well, this is necessary, now winter has come, there is snow, apparently and invisibly! But you won’t take me, Emelya, with this! I will benefit from any situation! Here you guys are, what are you doing? Are you studying at school?

Children :
- Yes!

- But I’m not studying! I lie on the stove day and night! I’m too lazy to study, but I’m fine as is! And this is how I have fun!

Cheerful music sounds, children dance around the Christmas tree. You can use any dance song, for example, “Let’s stamp our feet, clap our hands.”

- Well, well done, well, cool guys have gathered here, with such people you can go anywhere, even on a hike, even on a fishing trip. Do you know how to fish?

Children :
- Yes!

- Now we’ll check, now we’ll check!

Conducted "Fun Fishing" competition. There are small soft toys in cardboard boxes; if desired, you can put apples, chocolates, and other sweets there, but then they will need to be wrapped in napkins and tied with ribbons, leaving small loops. This is necessary so that children can hook toys or sweets with a fishing rod with a plastic hook. Each player is given three attempts to catch something.

- Well, who catches fish like that? Is this a catch? Eh, you don’t know how to fish! Here I will show you a master class. Look it right!

Emelya takes out her fishing rod with a thick rope and begins to cast it, first in one direction. I didn’t catch anything, then in the other direction, the same without results. Then he swings the rope over his head and throws it away. The pike grabs the hook, and Emelya joyfully pulls it into the center of the hall.

- Wow! What a success! I almost bent the fishing rod. Who are you?

Pike :
- I'm a pike! I am not an ordinary fish, I am a magical one. Let me go back to the river, Emelya, I will thank you for this.

- Yeah, I found a simpleton, I’ll let you go now, you wag your tail, and that’s how it was. This is where your gratitude ends.

Pike :
- Let Emelya go, you won’t regret it, I will fulfill any three wishes.

- Are you saying three wishes? You have to think, you’re singing songs here with the kids, and now I’ll go lie down on the stove and think, but thinking is such a hard job that you can’t do it right away.

Emelya leaves, and Pike sings New Year's songs with the guys: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest,” “Snowflakes are falling,” “Grandfather Frost,” etc. After a while, Emelya appears.

- All! Thought! Grant three wishes!

Pike :
- Okay, what is your first wish!

- I want an apartment in Moscow or a house on Rublyovka.

Pike shakes his head:
- Eh, Emelya, Emelya, well, have it your way.

Mysterious magic music sounds, Pike takes out a magic wand.

Pike :
- At the behest of the pike, according to my desire, a hut appeared, with registration in Moscow!

Music sounds with clucking, a hut on chicken legs runs into the hall, she quickly rushes towards Emelya, who runs away from her around the tree in fear.

Emelya hides behind a pike:
- Pike, what have you done, who did you send to me?

Pike :
“I did what I asked.”

- This is not an apartment, this is some kind of monster.

Hut on chicken legs:
- I'm not a monster, I'm a design creation. You retarded Emelya! Better learn some wisdom from the guys!

The hut asks the children riddles, and they guess them. Then she performs the “Little Ducklings” dance with the children.

Hut on chicken legs:
- Well, so, Emelyan, will you go to Moscow with me? Will you live with me?

- No, thank you, I’d rather be on my stove, and you go, let’s go home.

Hut on chicken legs:
- Well, as you know, it’s my business to offer, and yours to refuse, ciao!

The hut is leaving.

- Something with my first wish didn’t work out. Apparently the second wish will definitely be successful, I want a personal plane! Come on Pike, do it!

Pike :
- Oh, Emelya, why are you like a small child?

- Do it, I say, and that’s all!

Pike again took out his wand, the music sounded generally alarming and menacing, then the roar of an approaching plane and a powerful roar were heard. From this roar, Emelya fell to the floor and covered his head with his hands. Meanwhile, Serpent Gorynych entered the hall, he stepped over Emelya and poked him in the side with one head, which was in his hand. Emelya looked at him and crawled to hide behind the pike.

Zmey Gorynych:
- Well, who ordered me here?

Emelya quietly:
- I! I just wanted to ride a little.

Zmey Gorynych:
- You can ride it! Now let's arrange everything!

Conducted competition "Roll the egg". You need to roll two soccer balls around a chair with your hands; whose team can handle it the fastest wins.

Zmey Gorynych:
- They amused me, made me laugh, but to be honest, I wanted to eat this Emelya, but oh well. It’s time for me to fly, the little snakes are waiting for me, I’ll tell them about you, let them rejoice.

- Wow, I almost lost my life, maybe there’s no need to make a third wish at all.

Pike :
- Well, no, let’s make a wish, there’s no point in changing your mind, I want to go home, to the river.

Emelya whispers something in Pike’s ear.

Pike :
- Whaaat?

Emelya whispers again.

Pike :
- Marya is beautiful!

The pike covers its mouth with its palm. Emelya nods her head. Pike waves her magic wand and Marya Krasa enters the hall to the sounds of modern music.

Marya beauty:
- Hello! Hello people! Some guy here seemed to want to take me as his wife. Have you seen who it is?

The children point at Emelya, who meanwhile makes various negative signs. Marya comes closer to him.

Marya beauty:
- Are you some kind of my fiancé, a betrothed mummer?

Emelya, looking around:
- Madam, excuse me...

Marya beauty:
- I'm not madam, I'm miss! I'm Miss Scary Charm, I'm the winner of the Planet Terror 2013 competition. So, listen, these are your responsibilities. You will cook for me, wash the dishes, do laundry, walk my Little Tarzan, clean up, and so on.

Emelya, stammering:
- And you, you, dear, miss, s, s, what do you want to do?

Marya beauty:
- And I will judge competitions, so I’ll start right now.

Conducted competition for the best New Year's costume. Meanwhile, Emelya takes out the phone. The telephone beep sounds, Emelya calls Santa Claus and asks him to help in trouble, all this was recorded in advance. Soon Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear.

Father Frost :
- It's a mess! The Christmas tree is not lit, the children are not dancing, the music is not playing.

Snow Maiden :
- Yes, things have been neglected, we need to take urgent action, grandfather.

- Santa Claus, my dear, help me, I don’t want to get married, I can’t fly on a plane, I don’t need an apartment in Moscow.

Snow Maiden :
- Emelya, maybe you were making the wrong wishes.

Father Frost :
- First we had to wish that all the children would have a beautiful Christmas tree. Come on, light up the tree one, two, three!

The Christmas tree lights up with festive garlands.

Father Frost :
- The second wish is that all children have a joyful mood. What are we going to do now?

Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are holding a poetry competition. They give out gifts.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden together:
- Well, the third wish is that New Year came to us!

The chimes sound, music, the holiday ends.

Scene 1. On the street.

There are four buffoons on the front stage. Musical instruments: pots, pans, rolling pins for rolling out dough. One of the buffoons is the “conductor”, in his hands is a “conductor’s baton” - a stick with a palm. The conductor scratches himself, then conducts.

The buffoons dance a cheerful dance, then the buffoons perform an “overture.”

1st: Oh, my enamel pan! (hits the pan)

2nd(plays the rolling pin like a pipe): Tru-lyu-lyu! Play, my dude! Call the people here!

3rd: Dear viewers! Don't you want to have some fun?

Conductor: Today I am glad to present the old tale in a new way! (They leave while dancing, laughing and tumbling over each other)

Scene 2. Emelya's hut.

There is a stove on the stage with someone lying on it. Identically dressed children are sitting on a bench at a table - a junior studio. In front of each person is a small bowl. In the corner are two buckets and a broom on a long stick. Mother comes out and brings out a large bowl of pancakes and a bowl of honey. The view is overwhelming. He sits down on the edge of the bench. I'm tired.

1st child (stands up on the bench): Mommy, give me a pancake! ( sits down)

2nd child (also gets up): And me ( everyone else - standing up and sitting down): Me too! Me too!!

Emelya(bass from the stove): Me too!

Mother gives everyone pancakes. Emele passes the plate to the stove. The mother sits on the edge of the bench.

1st child: And the honey? (demanding)

2nd, 3rd, etc. (getting up): Me too!

Emelya (bass): Me too!

The mother pours a spoonful of honey on each pancake. Emelya holds out the bowl. The mother falls on the bench exhausted and wipes herself with a handkerchief.

Mother: Oh, my legs can't hold me up!

1st child(knocks with a bowl): Mommy, take the bowl!

2nd, 3rd, etc.: And mine! ( the rest do the same)

Emelya (in a deep voice, extending his hand with a bowl from the stove): And mine.

Mother (grunting, gets up, rubs his lower back, takes Emelya’s bowl): Oh, my grief! You're a slacker, son, just like a slacker!

Emelya: Well, yes, otherwise the brothers work a lot...

Mother: They are learning! They already read books! And they are small, where should they work! (goes to the buckets)

Mother: But there’s no water! Get off the stove, Emelya, you need to bring water!

Emelya: Reluctance!

Mother(pokes Emelya with a broom): Is blinking hunting? Berivedra, it is said, and run to the river!

Emelya (getting off the stove. It becomes clear that he is grimy): Well, then let’s run!

He takes the buckets and waddles towards the door. The mother tiredly sits down on the bench again and sighs.

Scene 3. On the river.

In the foreground is the river bank. Emelya “scoops up water.” He picks up the bucket.

Emelya: Somehow the bucket is painfully heavy. ( takes a pike out of a bucket): This ear will be sweet!

Emelya drops the pike into the bucket.

Emelya(looking back): Who's swearing here? ( gets into a warlike pose): Come out - I’ll punish you!

Pike: Emelya, look into the bucket.

Emelya (again taking out the pike, without any surprise): Oh, it was you who started scolding me. I miss Mama! Well, they’ll make fish soup out of you and we’ll see how you start swearing!

Pike: You don't like fish!

Emelya: And what about the little brothers? They'll eat your soul for a favor ( Throws a pike into a bucket)

Pike (from a bucket): Take your time, weirdo man. Do you come across a talking pike every day?

Emelya: What do I need your conversations for? Should I tell stories? Well, my mom is good at this, and your voice is disgusting! (reluctantly picks up the buckets, preparing to carry them).

Pike(scared): Hey, Emelya, wait, I’ll be useful to you! Whatever you want, I’ll do it!

Emelya (puts buckets): You're lying, I suppose?

Pike: Well, tell me, what do you want now?

Emelya (scratches his head): I want the buckets to go home on their own and the water not to spill!

Pike: Remember my words: when you want something, just say: By the command of the pike, by my desire...

Emelya: At the command of the pike, at my will, go home yourself, buckets...

The leitmotif is “Desire”, the lights go out, then come on. Buckets are walking across the stage.

Pike(screams): Where, where!

Emelya: Oh, I completely forgot! (buckets): Stand! ( takes out a pike, “throws” it into the river - behind the scenes. There is a splash. To the buckets): And now - home! (buckets go into the wings, Emelya follows them)

Scene 4. The Royal Palace.

The king sits on the throne, dozing. Nearby on the bench is Princess Marya. Reading a big book. The king snores and wakes up.

Tsar: Daughter, we need to talk.

Marya the Princess(absentmindedly, turning the page): A? Then, father, I came across an interesting book!

Tsar(resolutely takes the book from her, slams it shut): And who are you born like? Mother Queen never held a book in her hands! I don't even know any letters. (menacing) This is not a royal matter!

Marya the Princess: What is the king's business?

Tsar: It’s time for you to get married, for me to give birth to grandchildren, so that I have someone to leave the kingdom to.

IncludedVoivode: Hope is king! So the suitors have arrived again...

Tsar: Lead on. ( looks critically at her daughter): Marya! Comb your hair!

Marya the Princess: (she tries to take the book from the king, but it doesn’t work. Out of breath) And it will do!

The king sits on the throne. There is nowhere to put the book; he places it under himself. The governor stands at the throne. One after another, the suitors appear. Everyone brings a beautiful gift. The grooms come up one after another, bow, and put down gifts. The king nods graciously, happily rubs his hands and feels the gifts...

Russian fairy tale

"At the behest of the pike"

(IN processed by A.N. Tolstoy)



2. Marya the Princess

3. Pike


5. Nobleman

6. Colonel

7. Daughters-in-law

8. Ax

9. Buckets


11. People

Theater production script:

Emelya's house.

Once upon a time there lived an old man. He had three sons: two smart, the third - the fool Emelya.Those brothers work, but Emelya lies on the stove all day, doesn’t want to know anything.One day the brothers went to the market, and the women, daughters-in-law, let’s send him:

Daughters-in-law: Go, Emelya, for water.

Emelya: Reluctance...

Daughters-in-law: Go, Emelya, otherwise the brothers will return from the market and won’t bring you gifts.

Emelya: OK.

Emelya got down from the stove, put on his shoes, got dressed, took buckets and an ax and went to the river. He cut through the ice, scooped up buckets and set them down, and he looked into the hole. And Emelya saw a pike in the ice hole. He contrived and grabbed the pike in his hand:

Emelya: This will be a sweet soup!

Suddenly the pike says to him in a human voice:

Pike: Emelya, let me go into the water, I will be useful to you.

Emelya: What will you be useful to me for? No, I’ll take you home and tell my daughters-in-law to cook your fish soup. The ear will be sweet.

Pike: Emelya, Emelya, let me go into the water, I will do whatever you want.

Emelya: Okay, just show me first that you’re not deceiving me, then I’ll let you go.

Pike: Emelya, Emelya, tell me - what do you want now?

Emelya: I want the buckets to go home on their own and the water not to spill...

Pike: Remember my words: when you want something, just say:

At the pike's command,

According to my wishes.

Emelya: At the pike's command,

According to my wish -

go home yourself, buckets...

He just said - the buckets themselves and went up the hill. Emelya let the pike into the hole, and he himself went to get the buckets. The buckets are walking through the village, the people are amazed, and Emelya walks behind, chuckling... The buckets went into the hut and stood on the bench, and Emelya climbed onto the stove.

How much or how little time has passed - his daughters-in-law say to him:

Daughters-in-law: Emelya, why are you lying there? I would go and chop some wood.

Emelya: Reluctance...

Daughters-in-law: If you don’t chop wood, your brothers will come back from the market and they won’t bring you gifts. You are reluctant to get off the stove. He remembered about the pike and slowly said:

Emelya: According to the pike's command, according to my desire - go, take an ax, chop some firewood, and for the firewood - go into the hut yourself and put yourself in the oven...

The ax jumped out from under the bench - and into the yard, and let’s chop wood, and the firewood itself goes into the hut and into the stove.

How much or how much time has passed - the daughters-in-law say again:

Daughters-in-law: Emelya, we no longer have firewood. Go to the forest and chop it up.

Emelya: What are you up to?

Daughters-in-law: What are we doing?.. Is it our business to go to the forest for firewood?

Emelya: I don't feel like...

Daughters-in-law: Well, there won't be any gifts for you.

There is nothing to do. Emelya got down from the stove, put on his shoes, and got dressed. He took a rope and an ax, went out into the yard and sat in the sleigh:

Emelya: Women, open the gates!

Daughters-in-law: - Why did you, fool, get into the sleigh without harnessing the horse?

Emelya: I don't need a horse.

The daughters-in-law opened the gate, and Emelya said quietly:

Emelya: At the pike's command,

According to my wish -

go, sleigh, into the forest...

The sleigh drove through the gate on its own, but it was so fast that it was impossible to catch up with a horse.

But we had to go to the forest through the city, and here he crushed and crushed a lot of people. The people shout “Hold him! Catch him! And he, you know, is driving the sleigh. Arrived in the forest:

Emelya: At the pike's command,

According to my wish, an axe, chop some dry wood, and you, firewood, get into the sleigh yourself, tie yourself up...

The ax began to chop, split dry trees, and the firewood itself fell into the sleigh and was tied with a rope. Then Emelya ordered an ax to cut out a club for himself - one that could be lifted by force. Sat on the cart.

Emelya: At the pike's command,

According to my wish -

go, sleigh, home...

The sleigh rushed home. Again Emelya drives through the city where he crushed and crushed a lot of people just now, and there they are already waiting for him. They grabbed Emelya and dragged her off the cart, cursing and beating her.

He sees that things are bad, and little by little:

Emelya: At the pike's command,

According to my wish -

Come on, club, break off their sides...

The club jumped out - and let’s hit. The people rushed away, and Emelya came home and climbed onto the stove.

Whether long or short, the king heard about Emelin’s tricks and sent an officer after him: to find him and bring him to the palace.

An officer arrives in that village, enters the hut where Emelya lives, and asks:

Officer: Are you a fool Emelya?

Emelya: What do you care?

Officer: Get dressed quickly, I will take you to the king.

Emelya: And I don't feel like...

The officer got angry and hit him on the cheek.

Emelya: At the pike's command,

According to my wish -

club, break his sides...

The baton jumped out - and let’s beat the officer, he forcibly carried off his legs.

The king was surprised that his officer could not cope with Emelya, and sent his greatest nobleman:

Tsar: Bring the fool Emelya to my palace, otherwise I’ll take his head off his shoulders.

The great nobleman bought raisins, prunes, and gingerbread, came to that village, entered that hut and began asking his daughters-in-law what Emelya loved.

Daughters-in-law: Our Emelya loves it when someone asks him kindly and promises him a red caftan - then he will do whatever you ask.

The great nobleman gave Emelya raisins, prunes, and gingerbread and said:

Nobleman: Emelya, Emelya, why are you lying on the stove? Let's go to the king.

Emelya: I'm warm here too...

Nobleman: Emelya, Emelya, the king will provide good food and water, please, let’s go.

Emelya: And I don't feel like...

Nobleman: Emelya, Emelya, the Tsar will give you a red caftan, a hat and boots.

Emelya: Well, okay, you go ahead, and I’ll follow behind you.

The nobleman left, and Emelya lay still and said:

Emelya: At the pike's command,

According to my wish -

come on, bake, go to the king...

Then the corners of the hut cracked, the roof shook, the wall flew out, and the stove itself went down the street, along the road, straight to the king.

The king looks out the window and wonders:

Tsar: What kind of miracle is this?

The greatest nobleman answers him:

Nobleman: And this is Emelya on the stove coming to you.

Tsar: Something, Emelya, there are a lot of complaints about you! You suppressed a lot of people.

Emelya: Why did they crawl under the sleigh?

At this time, the Tsar’s daughter, Marya the Princess, was looking at him through the window. Emelya saw her in the window and said quietly:

Emelya: At the pike's command,

According to my wish -

let the king's daughter love me...

And he also said:

Emelya: Go bake, go home...

The stove turned and went home, went into the hut and stood on old place. Emelya is lying down again.

And the king in the palace is screaming and crying. Princess Marya misses Emelya, cannot live without him, asks her father to marry her to Emelya. Here the king became upset, became upset and said again to the greatest nobleman:

Tsar: Go and bring Emelya to me, alive or dead, otherwise I’ll take his head off his shoulders.

The great nobleman bought sweet wines and various snacks, went to that village, entered that hut and began to treat Emelya.

Emelya got drunk, ate, got drunk and went to bed. And the nobleman put him in a cart and took him to the king.

The king immediately ordered a large barrel of iron hoops. They put Emelya and Princess Marya in it, tarred them and threw the barrel into the sea.

Whether long or short, Emelya woke up; sees - dark, cramped:

Emelya: Where am I?

Marya the Princess: Boring and sickening, Emelyushka! We were tarred in a barrel and thrown into the blue sea.

Emelya: Who are you?

Marya the Princess: I am Princess Marya.

Emelya: At the pike's command,

In my opinion, the winds are violent, roll the barrel onto the dry shore, onto the yellow sand...

The winds blew violently. The sea became agitated and the barrel was thrown onto the dry shore, onto the yellow sand. Emelya and Marya the Princess came out of it.

Marya the Princess: Emelyushka, where will we live? Build any kind of hut.

Emelya: And I don't feel like...

Then she began to ask him even more, and he said:

Emelya: At the pike's command,

According to my wish, a stone palace with a golden roof will be built...

As soon as he said, a stone palace with a golden roof appeared. There is a green garden all around: flowers are blooming and birds are singing.

Princess Marya and Emelya entered the palace and sat down by the window.

Marya the Princess: Emelyushka, can’t you become handsome?

Here Emelya thought for a while:

Emelya: At the pike's command,

According to my wish -

become a good fellow for me, a handsome man...

And Emelya became such that he could neither be told in a fairy tale nor described with a pen.

And at that time the king was going hunting and saw a palace standing where there was nothing before.

Tsar: What kind of ignoramus built a palace on my land without my permission?

And he sent to find out and ask: “Who are they?”

The ambassadors ran, stood under the window, asking.

Emelya answers them:

Emelya: Ask the king to visit me, I will tell him myself.

The king came to visit him. Emelya meets him, takes him to the palace, and seats him at the table. They begin to feast. The king eats, drinks and is not surprised:

Tsar: Who are you, good fellow?

Emelya: Do you remember the fool Emelya - how he came to you on the stove, and you ordered him and your daughter to be tarred in a barrel and thrown into the sea? I am the same Emelya. If I want, I will burn and destroy your entire kingdom.

The king was very frightened and began to ask for forgiveness:

Tsar: Marry my daughter, Emelyushka, take my kingdom, but don’t destroy me!

Here they had a feast for the whole world. Emelya married Princess Marya and began to rule the kingdom.

This is where the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened, well done.

Svetlana Barmina

Fairy tale “At the command of the pike”

Target: introducing preschool children to Russian national culture.

Tasks: To develop students’ sustainable interest in theatrical and play activities, to improve the comprehensive development of children’s creative abilities through the means of theatrical art, to develop creative independence in creating an artistic image, using play, song, and dance improvisations.

The scenario was developed for children aged 5-7 years.

Characters: Emelya, Buffoons, Bridesmaids, Buckets, Jester, Tsar, Princess Nesmeyana, Eastern guest, oriental beauties, gypsies, peddlers, the role of Pike is voiced by an adult sitting behind a screen.

To the song “Fair” (performed by Lyudmila Nikolaeva and the Russian Soul ensemble), buffoons run into the hall, play the rattles, and stand at the curtain.

1 Buffoon. Hello dear guests,

Small and big!

We welcome everyone warmly

On the original Russian land!

2 Buffoon. Fairy tale, fairy tale, joke

Telling it is not a joke,

So that by the end you are neither old nor small.

I didn't fall asleep because of it.

1 Buffoon. A fairy tale is interesting

She is a curiosity - we know.

A cheerful one awaits, without a doubt,

Tale - “At the command of the pike”

Buffoons together: We open the curtain,

Let's begin the fairy tale.

To the music, the buffoons open the curtain, the action begins on stage,

1 The daughter-in-law is rocking the baby to sleep, 2 The daughter-in-law is spinning yarn, Emelya is sleeping on the stove, and the adults behind the screen are singing “Oh, you canopy, my canopy” to Russian folk music.

1. An old man lived in a certain kingdom

And three sons with him.

Two are smart, but the third

Emeley was known as a fool.

2. Brothers are older at work

Always managed

But Emelyushka doesn’t want

Never leave the stove!

3. Here's one time to the market

We're going to take a trip

Well, two wives gathered

They started talking.

1 Daughter-in-law. Emelya!

2. Daughter-in-law. Emelya!

Emelya. (sighs) So?

1 Daughter-in-law. Are you sleeping?

Emelya. I'm sleeping.

2 Daughter-in-law. Get up.

Emelya. I won't.

1Daughter-in-law. How can you not? So you won't get up?

Emelya. (yawns) No.

2Daughter-in-law. Emelyushka, you should go get some water.

Emelya. Oh, no hunting.

1Daughter-in-law. Well, how is this not hunting?

Emelya. (yawns) Ah ha ha. (takes a balalaika, starts playing and sings)

Oh, you canopy, my canopy.

My new canopy.

2 Daughter-in-law. Yes, throw away your balalaika. Aren't you going?

Emelya. Nope (continues to play the balalaika)

New maple lattice canopy.

2 Daughter-in-law. Well, wait a minute, come back and take it from the market,

They won't bring you any gifts.

1Daughter-in-law. They won't bring it, they won't bring it.

Emelya. Won't they bring it?

1Daughter-in-law. We know they won't bring it

Emelya. Yes, you'll have to get up, but oh well. (gets off the stove)

Where's the fur coat?

1Daughter-in-law. We know where, in the hallway!

Emelya. Still in the canopy to go.

(leaves, sings) Oh, you canopy, my canopy,

My new canopy,

2Daughter-in-law. Oh, you, Emelya, have become completely lazy.

1Daughter-in-law. Oh, I got lazy, oh, I got lazy.

Emelya. Okay, I'll go now.

1Daughter-in-law. Don’t forget to take the bucket, Emelyushka.

2Daughter-in-law. Don't forget the crowbar, crowbar.

Emelya. I won’t forget, otherwise I’ll have to come again. Okay, I'm off.

(takes buckets)

Emelya. (sings): 1. Oh, you canopy, my canopy,

My new canopy.

The canopy is new, maple, lattice.

2. And she came out young,

Beyond the new gates

For new ones, maple ones, for lattice ones.

Emelya the doll: Well, here comes the river. Oh, how much work there is:

Cut through the ice and scoop up water with a bucket.

OK. There's nothing to do, let's get started.

Emelya the doll knocks on the water with a crowbar (blue fabric, and the adults behind the screen create an imitation of the splash of water.

Emelya doll. Well, I cut it open, well, I scooped it up (with one bucket, here’s another (with a second bucket, (the splashing of water continues behind the screen).

Well, it’s okay, the bridesmaids will wait a little,

And I’ll sit here, look at the water, and relax.

(there is another splash of water behind the screen).

Emelya-doll: Oh, oh, what is this, huh...

Pike in the ice hole, how big it is

Eh, come on, I’ll try my best to grab it,

Caught, caught! (the pike wriggles in his hands)

Where are you going, stop, the ear will be sweet.

Pike: Emelya, let me go into the water, I’ll be useful to you.

Emelya the doll: These are miracles, of course they will come in handy,

I’ll take it home and the bridesmaids will cook the fish soup.

Pike. Emelya, Emelya, let me go into the water,

I'll do whatever you want.

Emelya doll. Anything I want?

Pike. Yes. Tell me, what do you want most?

Emelya doll. What do I wish? I wish the buckets would go home on their own and the water would

They didn't spill.

Pike. Okay, mark my words. When you want something, tell me

only: at the behest of the pike, at my desire: step into the buckets yourself

(music sounds, bucket children come out from behind the screen)

Emelya doll. Oh, oh, look, the buckets themselves went, the pike didn’t deceive, well

(He lets go of the pike and comes out from behind the screen and goes home to the music to get the buckets. The “buckets” go one after another, enter the hut, and sit on the bench)

1 Daughter-in-law. (surprised) Ah, miracles, sister!

2 Daughter-in-law. We weren’t blind, we didn’t see anyone near the buckets, we walked on our own.

1Daughter-in-law. Yeah, yourself!

Emelya. Don't go blind, bridesmaids. This is how it will always be now.

(yawns) I'll rest.

(lays down on the stove and begins to snore)

1Daughter-in-law. He started snoring.

2 Daughter-in-law. He started snoring and couldn't sleep for long.

1 Daughter-in-law. Emelya.

2 Daughter-in-law. Emelya.

Emelya. Well! Emelya, yes Emelya!

2 Daughter-in-law. Well, Emelya, why are you still lying there, we don’t have any more firewood.

Go to the forest and chop some wood.

Emelya. Oh, what are you talking about, it seems like I don’t live alone in the house. Big brother's

wife, the middle brother has a wife, and everyone is Emelya, and Emelya.

1 Daughter-in-law. Is it really a woman’s business to go to the forest?

Emelya. Yes, I don't feel like it.

2 Daughter-in-law. Well, there won't be any gifts for you.

Emelya. Won't it?

Sings: Oh, you canopy, my canopy.

My new canopy.

He says: there’s nothing to be done.

Sings: I'll have to get off the stove,

Get dressed, get ready, oh!

Sits in the sleigh (sideways to the audience).

Emelya. Okay, that's it, sit down, let's get some rope.

(daughters-in-law give rope)

Well, woman, open the gate, I'm off.

(daughters-in-law laugh)

1 Daughter-in-law. Why are you, fool, sitting in the sleigh, and where is the horse?

Emelya. But I don't need a horse.

2 Daughter-in-law. Oh, I made you laugh, oh, you made me laugh. Well, they opened it.

1 Daughter-in-law. Well, go, why aren’t you going?

Emelya. But now I’ll go.

Take the sleigh into the forest yourself.

(music sounds, the sleigh “rides” behind the screen).

Emelya. Eh, move aside. Brrrrr, we've arrived.

Emelya the doll appears on the screen.

Emelya doll. Oh, and there are many trees in the forest,

Well, okay, let's start.

At the behest of the pike, at my will,

Axe, chop some dry wood,

And you firewood, fall into the sleigh, and I’ll rest, eh.

(music sounds, behind the screen there is knocking on wood to the beat of the music)

Emelya doll. That's how it went

The ax cuts itself, stabs itself,

The firewood itself will lie in the sleigh.

Emelya the doll sings: She came out young, beyond the new gates,

For the new maple ones, for the lattice ones.

(knock on wood, logs of firewood fly into the sleigh from behind the screen)

Emelya (comes out from behind the screen and sits on the firewood)

Ready. Well, it's time to go back.

At the behest of the pike, at my will,

Drive the sleigh home yourself.

(Music sounds)

Emelya. Hey, hey, watch out!

(sleigh drives away, scenery changes)

Palace of the King, fanfare sounds. The Tsar and Princess are sitting on thrones. The Jester comes out.

Jester. Listen, people, an honest decree!

The king issued such an order!

Who makes the princess laugh better?

He will instantly receive half the kingdom!

Nesmeyana is crying.

Tsar. Well, well, Nesmeyanushka, don’t cry, well, do you want some ice cream?

Nesmeyana. Don't want! (crying)

Tsar. Well, do you want some cake?

Nesmeyana. Don't want! (crying)

Tsar. Well, tell me, what do you want?

Nesmeyana (sings). I don't want to talk!

I don't want to eat!

I'll whine all day long

Don't listen to anyone.

Tsar. Well, wait, wait, don't cry.

My crown has already slipped to one side from your roar.

Nesmeyana. I will roar!

(singing) Why do I keep screaming?

What do you care?

I don't want anything

I'm tired of everything!

Tsar. Who will make the princess laugh?

Someone appears to be running.

Oriental music sounds, an oriental guest with oriental beauties runs out. The beauties place pillows on the floor for the guest, and he sits down.

Eastern guest. O maiden, incomparable beauty!

We are flying to you from the east through the skies.

"Dance of Eastern Beauties"

Nesmeyana. You're tired, I'm still bored, go away.

(guests from the East leave)

The music sounds and the bag comes in.

Tsar. What kind of miracle? Jump, yes jump!

A bag is coming to visit us!

Hey, grab him, catch him,

Hurry up and grab the bag!

The jester “catches” the bag.

Tsar. Jester! Untie it quickly!

Let's take a look at what lies there,

Maybe he'll make the princess laugh?

The jester opens the bag, and gypsies “appear” from it.

"Dance of the Gypsies"

1 Gypsy. What kind of princess is this?

Does he look at all the guests angrily?

2 Gypsy. Will never smile

And he doesn’t laugh at all.

Give me a white pen soon,

We'll tell you your fortune soon!

Nesmeyana. I don’t want to, I won’t!

I always want to cry!

1 Gypsy. Then we'll lay out the cards,

And we’ll figure out what awaits you.

Oh, love is coming here

Country boy rushes.

Not on a black horse, as seeing

And sitting on the miracle stove!

2 Gypsy. Not rich, good looking

Handsome, dashing fellow.

You will see happiness

In general, live and live.

Nesmeyana. Go away, I don't believe it

I don't need a groom

I will always cry!

The gypsies leave.

Tsar. What to do? Oh, oh, oh!

Oh, I'm poor King Pea!

Music sounds, peddlers come out.

1 Peddler. Come on people, the peddler is coming!

2 Peddler. With different goods,

Red ribbons,

Funny toys

Wooden spoons.

1 Peddler. Well, take apart the musical goods!

Peddlers walk towards the audience, offering musical instruments.

1 Peddler. For Princess Nesmeyana

Let's play a funny song

A funny song.

The orchestra plays ditties.

1. Oh trouble, trouble, trouble

Quinoa in the garden.

I am Princess Nesmeyana,

I won't stop crying.

2. Oh trouble, trouble, trouble.

Quinoa in the garden.

I won't laugh for anything

I'll only get angrier.

The stove comes out to the music, with Emelya on it.

Tsar. Who are you?

So naughty?

Emelya. And I am your future son-in-law!

I came to receive half the kingdom!

Sings: 1. As if by order of a pike,

As I wish,

The stove is heated to perfection,

Have fun honest people.

Walks left, walks right,

The stove moves back and forth.

2. Look at the honest people,

The oven goes by itself,

And Emelya eats rolls on the stove.

3. The stove rides without wheels,

Yes, not as a joke, but seriously,

To the sovereign's palace,

And the king’s father is coming to meet.

4. (the Tsar sings) Help me out, Emelya, friend,

Look, look at the water all around,

From the princess's tears,

The flood has begun.

5. (Emelya sings) How I began to sing, dance,

Play the balalaika.

Instantly made the Princess laugh,

And he received half the kingdom.

Nesmeyana. Oh, like in Father’s kingdom

All the people went wild!

I was not laughing, but now it’s the other way around!

I'm going to dance with Emelyushka,

Yes, I’ll invite Father Tsar with me!

The music “Oh, you canopy” sounds

Performed by adults:

1. Here comes the glorious fun,

It unfolded in the palace.

Made the Princess laugh,

Our Emelyushka is at the end.

2. Received half the kingdom, glory,

And a beautiful wife.

The feast rightfully roared like a mountain,

We celebrated our wedding.

3. So the fairy tale is over,

And her end came.

And who listened and watched us,

He's certainly a great guy.

The curtain closes, the buffoon reads out the decree of the children executing