Hanging leg raises technique. Hanging leg raises are the perfect exercise to combat belly fat.

Hanging leg raises are basic exercise for working out the abs. It combines simplicity and versatility with great efficiency.

To perform it, a simple bar will be enough, while hanging raises will not only help to create a powerful press, affecting primarily its lower part, but will also allow you to strengthen your legs, arms and core muscles.

Exercise can be part of a training program whose main goal is weight loss.

This article will give you all the information you need about hanging leg raises.

What muscles work

The belly is the most problem area both in women and men. As you know, in order to burn fat in the body, it is necessary to normalize your diet and perform regular cardio training.

But abdominal exercises also help eliminate overweight on the stomach. Their regular implementation allows you to improve blood circulation in this area, as a result, fat will burn faster.

When lifting legs while hanging, the following are involved:

  • rectus abdominis muscle;
  • oblique muscles;
  • muscles of the anterior thighs;
  • wrist flexor muscles;
  • latissimus muscles.

Exercise options

There are three main options:

  • standard: leg lifting is performed on the crossbar, in this case it is necessary to make an effort to keep the body motionless during the approach, avoiding swinging;
  • wall bars leg raise: in this case, the back rests against the wall, which makes it possible to fully concentrate on working out target muscles without being distracted by stabilizing the body, this option is especially good for beginners.
  • another option is to use instead Swedish wall bars, which also provide reliable support for the lower back.

The legs can be bent or kept straight during the exercise. The first option is simpler and is good for beginners.

It assumes that the knees are positioned higher than the pelvis when the legs are raised up with the shins hanging vertically. Straight leg raise is more difficult, it is great exercise for advanced athletes.

Can also be added to vertical movement side twist. This method of performing the exercise will allow you to properly load the oblique abdominal muscles to make your torso powerful and strong.

Grip options

The exercise can be performed both straight and with reverse grip. These options differ in the nature of the load on the arms, shoulders and back muscles. Which one to choose is mostly a matter of taste.

Execution technique

At first glance, the technique of this exercise is very simple:

  • grab the bar, stretching your legs down freely;
  • as you exhale, quickly, but without jerking, pull your knees to your chest, bending your legs at an angle of more than 90 degrees;
  • while inhaling, gently lower your legs;
  • Do the required number of repetitions, then rest and move on to the next set.

In fact, doing the required number of repetitions of leg raises is quite difficult. The body must be motionless when performing it. The legs must be lifted smoothly, without jerking, through a powerful exhalation, while you should feel how the abs work.

Common Mistakes

Common mistakes include:

  • swinging the body during the exercise;
  • performing leg lifts with jerks;
  • improper breathing.

As noted above, when performing exercises on the crossbar, it is necessary to prevent the body from swaying. The legs need to be raised quickly, but without jerking, through a powerful exhalation, while mentally concentrating on the work of the abs.

Don’t be afraid to breathe loudly, even if you are working out in the gym - it is a powerful exhalation while lifting your legs that will allow you to fully load your abdominal muscles.

If you perform the exercise with the wrong technique, the effect will be minimal.

Those who cannot do leg raises on the bar should perform this exercise on the wall bars. Another option is to replace it with lying leg raises or other abdominal exercises.

American scientists from San Diego conducted research to determine the most effective exercises for working out the abs.

They used an electromyograph to evaluate the stress placed on the abdomen by the most popular abdominal exercises.

IN Top 7 exercises they compiled based on testing results, the hanging leg raise took second place. The first one was the “bicycle” exercise. According to scientific results, hanging leg raises 112% more efficient reverse twist, which is in seventh place in this efficiency ranking.

However, even before the study of American scientists, hanging leg raises were always included in various ratings best exercises for the press.

They have traditionally been considered the most in an efficient way pumping of the lower part of the rectus abdominis muscle, which was confirmed by electromyography.

Hanging leg raises are the most energy-consuming and difficult exercise for the abs. For this reason, it is not suitable for everyone - women and beginners may either postpone its inclusion in their training program, or don't do it.

There are many other abdominal exercises that can be used instead. Also, hanging raises have contraindications - injuries to the shoulder joints and problems with the lower back.

Women also need to note that this exercise targets the oblique muscles, so including it in a training program may cause the waist to disappear, resulting in a masculine torso.

Other authors

Hanging leg raises are one of the most exhausting exercises for the abdominal muscles. However, such exercises are extremely effective in working out the abs. They have a particularly powerful effect on bottom cubes. If performed correctly, you can also “polish” the upper ones. This exercise can benefit athletes involved in football, gymnastics, karate, acrobatics, in general, those sports where it is necessary simultaneous flexion spine and hip joint.


1. Lifting the legs while hanging on the crossbar is performed as follows: you should grab it with a medium grip. The legs hang freely without touching the floor. If the grip is weak, then you need to use special support straps.
2. Bend your back slightly at the waist, arms and legs should be straight.
3. After inhaling, take your legs back a little and lift them higher with a strong jerk. It is advisable to keep them straight. However, if you do not have enough strength to do this, you can slightly bend your knees. It is important that the angle at which they are bent remains unchanged until the end of the set.
4. Legs must be raised above the waist. At the highest point, you need to try to hold on for several seconds, strongly straining your abs. After this, you can slowly and smoothly lower your legs down.
5. After a second pause, repeat the exercise again.

Tips and tricks

1. Light “cheating” at the beginning of the “Hanging Leg Raise” exercise does not affect the work of the abs. In the first phase, the thigh muscles take part in the work. In the middle and final muscles, the abdominal muscles work.
2. The higher the legs are raised, the greater the load on the abs. It is advisable to perform the hanging leg raises themselves so that the angle between the torso and hips is minimal. Correct execution of the exercise increases the effect of training significantly.
3. It is important to lift the pelvis correctly. To achieve maximum results, hanging leg raises must be performed while strongly tensing your abs. After your legs reach waist level, you need to strongly push your pelvis up.
4. You should not use additional weights when performing this exercise. The weight of the legs, as well as the weight of the athlete’s shoes, is quite a sufficient load. However, trained athletes sometimes use weights in the form of a dumbbell held between their feet or special bracelets. You shouldn't abuse excess weight - you can get a hernia.
5. You should breathe correctly during the exercise: raising your legs up, you need to exhale the air, lowering them down - inhale forcefully.
6. For those who cannot keep their weight hanging for a long time, you can use specially sewn straps.

7. You can perform hanging leg raises on specially equipped machines that are available in gyms. An option for a lighter exercise would be a machine that performs elbow raises.

Regular training correct execution exercise and, of course, perseverance, working on yourself will certainly give stunning results!

There is nothing as effective for the abs as hanging leg raises on the bar. This exercise requires some physical training, and so that it gives desired result and does not cause harm, you must follow the instructions exactly. We share the technique of performing leg raises on the crossbar.

Basic information

Types of exercises

There are several variations of this exercise:

  • Raising straight legs on the crossbar.
  • Raising bent legs on the crossbar.
  • Raising bent legs on uneven bars.
  • Raising legs while hanging with a clamped ball or dumbbells - on a horizontal bar, uneven bars or crossbar.

All of these exercises are designed for the abdominal muscles, while using different additional groups muscles. The most serious level of training requires lifting straight legs while hanging on the bar and lifting with a clamped ball; for the rest, an average level is sufficient. Let's take a closer look at each exercise.

What muscles work

When lifting your legs to the bar, the following muscles work:

  • Oblique and straight bellies.
  • Iliopsoas.
  • Tensioner fascia lata hips.
  • Tailor, comb, long and short adductors.
  • Rectus femoris muscle.

The exercise begins with the work of the hip flexor muscles, then the rectus abdominis and oblique abdominal muscles are involved. When bending your legs while hanging, the main load goes to the abdominal muscles.


  • Immediately activated large number muscles.
  • Developing muscle corset, which is needed for correct posture.
  • When hanging, a beneficial stretch of the spinal column occurs.
  • Can be used for pain or problems in the lower back.
  • Variability of execution.

Straight leg raise on the bar

Step by step instructions

Step 1. Hang on the horizontal bar so that your feet do not reach the floor. To do this, you can jump, and if you are not tall enough, use a bench or the support of a trainer. Grip: straight: medium or wide.

Step 2. Straighten your arms and legs completely, and bend your back slightly at the lumbar region.

Step 3: Take a deep breath and walk your legs back slightly.

Step 4. With a jerk, lift your legs to the bar to the maximum possible height - if done well, they should be slightly above the horizontal position. Professionals can touch the bar with their toes.

Step 5: Pause for a second at the highest level. For maximum benefit of the exercise, additionally tighten your abdominal muscles.

Step 6: Inhale and slowly lower your legs, focusing on the muscles being worked.

Step 7. Complete the required number of repetitions.

  • Avoid inertia and swinging when performing the exercise.
  • For a clean execution, move slowly.
  • At the end, hold for 1-2 seconds and further tighten your abdominal muscles.
  • If you have heavy weight, then instead of a horizontal bar you should use bars with a back.
  • To prevent your hands from splitting on the bar, you can use straps or wrist straps.
  • You can start with the Swedish wall and raise your bent legs - this way you will significantly reduce the load.
  • An advanced option is weighted leg raises.
  • You can change the height of the legs, depending on the desired load.
  • It is best to perform the exercises in 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Raising bent legs while hanging on the bar

Working muscles

As in the previous exercise, when lifting from legs bent The main load falls on the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles. Additionally, the rectus femoris and iliopsoas muscles are involved. The blades act as stabilizers, shoulder joints and abdominal muscles.

Step by step instructions

Step 1. Grab the bar with your hands using a wide or medium grip.

Step 2. Fix in a position with straight arms and legs, a slightly bent back at the waist.

Step 3. First, inhale deeply, and then as you exhale, pull your legs towards your chest as high as possible.

Step 4. Hold this position for a second and tighten your abdominal muscles.

Step 5. Slowly lower your legs and return to the starting position.

Step 6. Do the required number of repetitions.

Source: BodyBuilding.ua Sports Channel

During the exercise it is very important not to sway. If you have trouble maintaining your balance on the bar, have someone hold their hand on your lower back. The easiest way to avoid swinging is to do the exercise on the top bar of a wall bars.

If pain occurs in lumbar region, try to spread your toes apart and bring your heels as close as possible.

Raising bent legs while hanging on parallel bars

Working muscles

The main ones are the abdominal muscles (obliques and rectus). The iliopsoas and thigh muscles are additionally loaded. The abdominal muscles, as well as the neck, shoulder blades, shoulder joints and arms serve as stabilizers during the exercise.

Step by step instructions

Step 1. Take a free hanging position on the parallel bars: arms bent at the elbows, chest straightened, back and abdominal muscles relaxed.

Step 2. Inhale and tighten your abs.

Step 3. As you exhale, bend your knees and slowly lift them towards your chest.

Step 4: Stop lifting when your hips are horizontal to the floor. Stay in this position for 2-3 seconds, increase the tension in the abdominal area.

Step 5: Slowly return to the starting position.

Step 6. Do the required number of repetitions.

    Raising legs while hanging on a bar (Toes to Bar) is one of the most effective exercises on the press, due to the fact that when performing it the body is in a stretched position, so our muscles also receive a colossal load in the negative phase of the movement (when lowering the legs).

    There are several variations of this exercise: hanging straight leg raises, bent leg raises, alternating leg raises, toe raises to the bar, and “angle” (statically maintaining a right angle between the legs and body). We will talk about all of them in more detail below.

    Also in our article today we will examine the following aspects:

  1. What are the benefits of doing this exercise;
  2. Types of leg lifts while hanging on the horizontal bar and also the technique of performing the exercise;
  3. CrossFit complexes containing this exercise.

What are the benefits of performing hanging leg raises?

By performing hanging leg raises, the athlete works the abdominal muscles with an emphasis on their lower part - a segment whose development is often lacking even in experienced athletes. Add to the hanging leg raises one exercise each for the upper abs and obliques, and you've got a great workout. full workout.

© Makatserchyk - stock.adobe.com

By focusing on your lower abdominal muscles every workout, you can kill several birds with one stone by making your core stronger and improving your six-pack definition. With the “cubes” everything is clear - here the only important thing for us is the visual component, but strong abs are a completely different story. Fine developed muscles abdomen help us perform exercises such as deadlift and squats with a barbell, due to improved coordination and more complete control over the position of the pelvis and lower back; improve our performance in exercises where we use our explosive force(sprinting, jumping on a box, squats on a bench, etc.); and also significantly increase the overall strength potential of the body - it becomes much easier for us to adapt to the huge volume of training load.

Types and techniques of exercises

Raising straight legs while hanging on the bar

The most common and, perhaps, the most effective variation of this exercise. The technique is as follows:

Raising legs bent at the knees while hanging

This option is more suitable for beginner athletes who are not yet comfortable raising straight legs while hanging.

Its fundamental difference is that by working at the same amplitude with a shorter lever, we perform less force and can perform more repetitions. At the same time, it is important not to lose the neuromuscular connection; many beginners try to touch their knees almost to the chin, and this is fundamentally wrong. The movement must be done to the level at which the load on our muscles will be maximum; going higher does not make sense.

Alternate hanging leg raises

An interesting option for those who want to add something new to their training process. It differs significantly from previous types of leg lifts in that in it we combine static and dynamic loads: lifting one leg up to a right angle, part of our press performs dynamic work, while the other part of the press performs static work, being responsible for the stable position of the body , otherwise the athlete will turn slightly to the side.

In this position, it is important to monitor the position of the lower back; you do not need to bring the sacral area forward too much, since the spine will “twist” a little when lifting one leg.

Raising toes to the bar

This exercise differs from ordinary leg raises in that here we work in the longest amplitude and load the entire array of abdominal muscles.

When trying to touch your toes to the horizontal bar, try to minimize inertia and not raise your pelvis too high - this way you will create an unwanted load on the lumbar region and will involve the spinal extensors and buttocks in the work. Our task is to work the abdominals as isolated as possible, while keeping the body motionless.

© milanmarkovic78 - stock.adobe.com

“Angle” (static holding of a right angle)

It's no secret that the combination of static and dynamic load is the key to constant progress. By doing this, you force your abdominal muscles to work in a completely different mode, contracting them in an isometric manner.

© undrey - stock.adobe.com

Our task here is to raise your straight legs to a level parallel to the floor and stay in this position for as long as possible, keeping your legs motionless. At the same time, it is important not to forget about breathing, it should be smooth, without delay.

Many athletes who have well-developed quadriceps often complain that, along with the abs, part of the work is done by the front surface of the thigh. To “turn off” the quadriceps from work, you need to bend your knees slightly (about 10-15 degrees). The biomechanics of the movement may change slightly, so try raising your legs a little higher to feel the peak contraction of the abdominal muscles.

Crossfit complexes

The table below shows several functional complexes containing this exercise. Be careful: the load is clearly not designed for beginners; be prepared for the fact that the next day the strength in the abdominal muscles will be such that it will hurt you even to laugh.

Christ is Risen, Dear Friends!

I’m in touch again, Vitaly Okhrimenko, and today we will study the second most important exercise from. Last time we looked at the exercise, I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn’t read it.

Today, hanging leg raises are on the agenda. Although you and I already know from that the so-called upper and lower press this is one muscle, and there are no exercises “for the lower” or “upper” abs, however, by raising your legs while hanging, you will be able to increase the load that falls on the lower part of the abs. And for the oblique muscles, hanging leg raises are an excellent exercise!

Benefits of hanging leg raises. What muscles work?

Undoubtedly, hanging leg raises take a lot of energy. After all, this is the most energy-consuming, and perhaps the hardest exercise for the press that I know.

But at the same time this is the most powerful exercise. By lifting our legs, we maximally utilize both the rectus abdominis muscle and the oblique abdominal muscles.

You can do the exercise with both straight and bent legs. By doing lifts with straight legs, you will engage the rectus femoris muscle to a greater extent. Well, of course, the load on the abs will be greater. However, you don’t need to worry too much about this. Lifting up with straight legs is awkward and difficult to do, and the abs don’t work much harder. Of course, those who have very well-developed abs should do it for their health. However, by slightly bending your knees and touching the bar with your toes, you can achieve better pumping press than doing straight-legged lifts to the horizon.

Technique for performing hanging leg raises.

First you need to hang on the bar. It is recommended to use a straight grip, although I periodically use a grip where the hands are turned towards each other, and do not suffer from this. It is not recommended to hold onto the bar with a reverse grip; with this approach, the load is removed from the abdominal muscles, and doing the exercise is not so convenient.

In the starting position, you need to hang with fully straightened arms and straightened legs, your back is slightly arched in the lumbar region, your legs do not reach the floor.

The actual lifting of the legs while hanging begins from the bottom point. The legs are raised with a strong concentrated movement, something like throwing the legs forward. When lifting, you can “cheat” a little - moving your legs back a little before the jerk. We raise our legs as much as possible; it would be ideal when you touch the bar with your toes or touch your nose with your knees. The difference is how bent your knees are when performing the exercise.

In an amicable way, we allow a slight bend in the knees, for those who abdominal muscle If you are weaker, you can bend your knees more strongly. The main condition here is that the angle of knee flexion throughout the exercise is approximately the same. I once saw how one young man began an exercise with his legs straightened, and ended with an angle of 30 degrees. knee joint. This is not the way to do it.

At the top point, you need to tighten your abs and fixate slightly. It is clear that it is impossible to require you to hold still for at least a second at the upper limit of the amplitude; gravity will not allow you. But it is simply necessary to try to get closer to this. That is, fixate at the top for at least a split second.

And after that the legs begin to lower down. And this moment is the most difficult in the exercise. After all, you just want to throw your legs down arbitrarily, let them fly, driven by the laws of physics. But this should not be allowed, because the negative stage in this exercise is no less important than the positive one. You need to smoothly lower your legs to the lowest point, keeping your abs tense all the time. This way you will do many fewer repetitions, but the overall effect of the exercise will be much greater.

Smoothly lowering your legs will help you avoid body sway, although you won't be able to completely prevent sway. At the bottom point you need to take a short pause, about one second, or even less. After the body stabilizes, proceed to the next repetition.

When to do hanging leg raises on the bar, how long to rest, how often, how many approaches and repetitions?

When? Since leg lifts are considered the most hard exercise for the press, it would be logical to start training the press with it.

How long to rest? The exercise is hard, so rest between sets for 30 seconds to 1.5 minutes.

How often? We start our abdominal training with this exercise two to three times a week. If you can do lighter exercises at least every day, then spend your high energy reserves there is no need for hanging lifts. After lifting your legs, you can do 2-3 more abdominal exercises.

How many sets and reps? 3-4 approaches, but you can’t tell the number of repetitions offhand. It all depends on your preparation. I can definitely say that no less than 6 and no more than 20. Optimal would be 8–12 for women and 10–15 for men. If you can’t do 6 clean repetitions in a set, at first allow yourself to bend your legs with a knee angle of less than 45 degrees - it’s easier to do this.

Breathing while doing the exercise.

Before the first repetition, after hanging on the bar, take a breath, and do the movement itself as you exhale. A strong exhalation will add energy when performing the positive phase, but the exhalation should not be done from the very beginning of lifting your legs, but approximately when your legs approach the horizontal line.

What are some mistakes when doing hanging leg raises?

The most common mistake of beginners (and not only beginners) is rocking while performing the exercise . To avoid it, you need to learn to smoothly lower your legs, pause at the bottom point, or slow down your body at the bottom point, touching your feet to the floor (well, this is an extreme option).

Help with your hands – your hands are two ropes on which your body hangs; they should not help you in any way when performing the exercise.

Leg throwing – I already wrote about this twice above, but this mistake is so common that I will write it a third time. Your legs should move down smoothly and should not be thrown as soon as you reach the top mark.

Uneven breathing - This is the key mistake of many beginners. In all bodybuilding exercises, your breathing should be clear and even. Lifting - exhale, lowering - inhale, and nothing else!

Raise your legs as high as possible. It is not enough to raise your legs to parallel level with the floor. You need to raise your legs higher. The abs are actively engaged in work only after completing ¾ of the movement, so if you raise your legs only to the level of the horizontal line, then you simply will not allow your abs to work normally.

At the top point you need to do a slight twist with your pelvis. That is, you lift your legs as much as you can due to the force of the press, and at the highest point you help slightly with your pelvis. Thus, the abdominal muscles receive a control load at the top point.

There is no need to be afraid of slightly bending your legs back before starting the exercise. This simple trick will give you a little inertia to go through those ¾ of the movement where the press has not yet engaged.

You don't have to lower your legs all the way down. This way the exercise will be much harder, but the result will be much better!

You can rotate your knees to the right and left as you move up. This option takes the load from the rectus abdominis muscle and gives it to the oblique muscles. In my opinion, this is already extreme, although not everyone thinks so.

Hanging leg raises video.

Well, that's all. Today I have looked at this exercise so deeply that you are unlikely to have any leading questions. Well, if you do find them, I will answer them with pleasure.

Well, okay, let's say goodbye, I wish you good luck and see you again, exciting meetings!