Daria cabbage. Fernando Alonso was caught in Mallorca with a Russian top model

23-year-old model Daria Kapustina from Vladivostok conquered the catwalks of Asia, and now, not without success, she is storming Europe and attracting the attention of the paparazzi because of the Spanish racing driver Fernando Alonso.

About the beginning of a career

I never aspired to be a model. But it so happened that I was noticed by the Vladivostok modeling agency Red Star-Maxi-m and was first offered to collaborate with them, and subsequently sent to the casting of the Miss Primorye competition. I didn’t particularly want to participate - there wasn’t much interest, but my mother’s enthusiasm played a role here, and she offered to try herself in a new role. I agreed, which I am now very happy about, because it was with this competition that my journey into the big modeling business began.

About working in Asia

I started my modeling career in Asia. At the final Miss Primorye show, I was offered a contract for a Japanese modeling agency. I agreed without hesitation - I have loved travel and adventures since childhood, and at first I perceived this trip as an adventure. But everything turned out to be much more serious - my first trip to Tokyo was so successful that I stayed there for four years, only occasionally coming to Vladivostok to take exams.

It was interesting to work with the Japanese - they are very creative and created the most unexpected images and styles for me. I remember my first shoot was for the cover of a Japanese electronics magazine. They dressed me up in a kimono, which was, of course, exotic. Subsequently, in Tokyo, I worked with the famous brands Canon, Nikon, Sony and starred for regional versions of Vogue and Cosmopolitan magazines. It was an interesting time, and Tokyo is still one of my favorite places on the planet.

About difficulties and pleasure

At work, no one cares what your mood is, what hurts or what problems you have - you should always be fresh, smiling, positive and ready to work at any time of the day. This, perhaps, distinguishes a professional model from a beginner. And believe me, it’s not so easy to realize this - everything comes with experience. It is also difficult to be away from family and friends, especially when you leave home for the first time at a young age. Thank God, now there are many technologies that allow you to stay connected anywhere in the world.

The most enjoyable thing for me about working as a model is constant communication and meeting interesting people, traveling. To be a model, you need to love the camera and transformation, otherwise the work will not be fun. I don’t need to get ready to shoot - my work itself inspires me. Every day is different, because designers, photographers and stylists always come up with something new.

In order to become a successful model, you need to work on yourself. This applies to both appearance and internal qualities. You need to develop discipline, determination, learn languages ​​- and this is not easy. Without diligence you will not achieve anything, success will not come easily, or it will be short-lived. For example, it was easy for me to get a job in Asia: immediately after my arrival there were many offers and filming. But I constantly worked on myself, so my success lasted a long time. To this day I am welcome in Asian agencies, but I take risks and try myself in Europe. I am sure that to achieve great success and fame, you need to work a lot. And for a model, the look, the ability to convey different emotions, and this can be trained.

I really like Kate Moss. She inspires, I like her image and clothing style. I also follow Gisele Bunchen - an amazing woman and model, very diligent and professional.

About new achievements

In Vladivostok, I graduated from Far Eastern Federal University with a degree in Human Resources Management. Of course, it was difficult to combine work abroad and university studies. Now I devote most of my time to work, but I don’t forget about my hobbies - I paint and dance, and study Spanish. I try to develop all the time, learn something new.

2013 started successfully in career terms. My first cover of Yo Dona magazine was published in Spain, and two major projects are planned soon. I’m just starting my modeling career in Europe, so there’s a lot of work ahead, but I’m just happy about it and aim to conquer the Old World. I have already outgrown Asia, so to speak. We need to move on, and next is Europe. Now working with the ZARA brand comes to the fore for me.

If you look far into the future, say, 20 years in advance, then I see myself as a business woman, it’s not for nothing that I studied at the university (laughs). I will definitely have a loving husband, children, a big house and a dog. The last one may sound trivial, but now I can’t afford these joys due to frequent flights.

About Vladivostok

Strictly speaking, I stopped being a resident of Vladivostok at the age of 18, when I left for Tokyo. Unfortunately, I manage to visit my hometown less and less. Now I live in the Spanish city of Oviedo, but I try to come to Vladivostok, even if only for a short time. I spend all my time here with family and friends. Although, of course, I already feel like a resident of Europe.

About personal

The last two times I came to Vladivostok with my boyfriend, Formula 1 racing driver Fernando Alonso. In the summer I showed him the bridge over the Golden Horn. By the way, the bridge was also a new thing for me. We went to local beaches, walked along the promenade, and went to see the sights and museums. But most of the time, of course, was spent with my family.

Fernando liked the city. He was pleasantly surprised by its scale - he thought Vladivostok was much smaller. And when we arrived during the New Year holidays, he was struck by the frozen sea and severe frosts. I myself managed to get used to the Vladivostok cold. Although we stocked up before the flight warm clothes, so the low temperature was tolerated quite easily.

Yes, they never tire of talking about our relationship with Fernando, especially in the European press and social networks. I also had to deal with paparazzi. At first, I received little pleasant things in my direction. Foreigners perceived all this quite positively, but for some reason our compatriots, Russians, did the opposite. But I quickly stopped paying attention to the negative. Why should I think about what strangers will say when the only opinion that matters to me is the opinion of my family and friends? Lately, people seem to have come to their senses and, it seems to me, have become more positive. But people love me abroad, which is very nice.

Photo: from the personal archive of Daria Kapustina. We thank Yulia Melnikova for her help in organizing the interview.

Fernando Alonso, the Formula 1 star was born on July 12, 1981 in the north of Spain in the city of Oviedo. He started driving a kart at the age of 3, and at the age of 12 he won the championship in this class of cars. He won his first victory at the Formula 1 stages last season. The driver's height and weight are 171 cm and 68 kg, respectively.

Like almost all famous racers, Fernando Alonso started with karting, and at the age of 12 he won the Spanish championship this species sports. His debut in Formula 1 came in 2001.

Fernando Alonso of the Renault team has won three victories in a row at Formula 1 stages this year. Having won the Grand Prix at the circuits of Malaysia and Bahren, Alonso celebrated success at the San Marino circuit. First of all this victory was important for Fernando Alonso psychologically, because in an open fight, the driver beat seven-time Formula 1 winner Mikael Schumacher. The race developed dramatically: Schumacher hung on Alonso's tail for 11 laps, but the Spaniard's nerves turned out to be stronger. At the finish line the rivals were separated by tenths of a second.

From November 2006 to December 2011 he lived in a civil marriage with singer Raquel del Rosario Macias.

In addition to his native Spanish, Fernando speaks 3 more languages: French, English and Italian.

Fernando Alonso and Dasha Kapustina

Famous Spanish racer two-time winner Formula 1, as well as a womanizer and a socialite Fernando Alonso announced his relationship with a charming Russian model Dasha Kapustina. As soon as this relationship became public, the paparazzi rushed to look for any information about this girl. Twitter @DashaKapustina was immediately discovered, which is mainly dedicated to her fiance.

Dasha Kapustina was born in Vladivostok, she is 22 years old, height - 172 cm, weight -52 kg, at the moment she works as a model in Shanghai, where she met Alonso.

Now young people do not hide their relationship, appearing everywhere together. Alonso first announced his relationship with Daria through photographs in social networks. All this was done to avoid repeating the story with another “Russian bride,” also a model, who used her connection with Alonso to build a personal career.

It is worth noting the fact that Alonso’s girlfriends (former and current) are not only similar in appearance, but are close in origin and field of activity, and besides, they are both completely taciturn.

And despite the general discussion of the personal lives of young people in society, the couple themselves refuses to make any comments. Were probably tired of excessive attention to ourselves.

Read about other beautiful and successful athletes in the section of the site "

Russian model Dasha Kapustina and Spanish pilot Fernando Alonso were perhaps the most beautiful couple of the “royal racing”. Now they are no less good, but each on their own. This happens, and it’s good when parting doesn’t erase the memories of what happened. While Alonso is recovering from an injury sustained during testing, we asked Daria to remember everything. And I managed to remember something.


- So you met...

– I’ve told you many times, but let’s say it again: we met in one of the Tokyo nightclubs, after the end of the race, at a party dedicated to Formula 1. I came there with a group of friends, not realizing that there would be a themed party. Fate played an important role here, since I had absolutely no plans to go there (I was very tired after filming for many hours during the day), and Fernando almost missed the last train from the Suzuka route to Tokyo. But he still got there and also didn’t plan to go to the club, but the stars aligned so that we ended up in the same place at the same time.

– By that time, did you know about Formula, that it was racing and that Michael Schumacher was there?

– Of course, I’ve heard a lot about Michael Schumacher, I think we all know our famous expression when driving fast: “Well, you’re just Schumacher.” But then I found out about Fernando. Honestly, I was never interested in this sport, so all the names of the racers were new to me.

– First impressions when Fernando invited you to the race?

– You immediately feel that this is a very expensive sport, very popular and very risky. After the first two races, Fernando noticed that I did not really understand the rules of the races during tests and practice. No matter how hard I tried to understand and read about it, some nuances were still incomprehensible to me. One day, after the regular Saturday qualifications (in my opinion, it was in Korea), he called me to the table, took paper, pen and very clearly explained to me all the rules and all the details. Since then, I know and understand all the rules, as an ardent Formula 1 fan. But when Fernando explained, almost everything was new to me, I then realized that I didn’t know anything!

– Your first race as a spectator?

– It was a very memorable moment: Fernando gave a tour of the Ferrari pits and paddock in Shanghai in 2013.

– Where did you like it most geographically?

– I liked it in Asia (especially Tokyo, Shanghai and Singapore).

– Did “Formula” immediately hook you or did you not understand the spectacle?

– Of course, I liked it: everything was very spectacular and impressive. But then I didn’t yet understand all the risks and dangers of this sport, so I reacted easily to all the overtaking and derailments. Then Fernando took 9th place very positively. It seemed to me that this was a very good result: not the last - and that’s good.

– Did you take driving lessons from him?

– Yes, Fernando was my first driving teacher, I gained excellent experience and skills, without a doubt. In fact, he is very patient and calm. In everyday life, Fer follows all the rules traffic and he doesn’t strive to show his fast driving skills on ordinary roads (I think this is enough for him on the Formula 1 track). But I was always amazed by his ability to park: even in the most inconvenient and cramped parking space, he could drive very quickly and accurately, turning the steering wheel just a couple of times.

– He also came to Vladivostok, your hometown?

– Yes, I showed him all the sights of Vladivostok: fortifications, the central square, the submarine, many of our beaches. We walked along the frozen sea, from which he was amazed and delighted, visited a real Russian bathhouse in real Russian frost, with immersion in the snow. As it should be according to Russian traditions.

- Food?

– As for food... there weren’t any special experiments. I cooked borscht and Olivier salad for him before the trip to Vladivostok, but I enjoyed trying dumplings and homemade pies.

– How did he learn Russian?

– He knows several words and phrases. He has a very good memory, and he was always interested, often asking for translations of many words during my conversations with my family on the phone. He mastered the simplest and most relevant phrases almost immediately, but what is important is that his accent is barely discernible. This always surprised and pleased me.

– It is believed that the “Formula” audience is exclusively bohemian – did the modeling school give you the opportunity to get used to it faster?

– I am a very sociable person, but, on the other hand, cautious. At first I felt awkward, but I got used to it pretty quickly. Fernando certainly helped me, the atmosphere and team at Ferrari are simply amazing. This is one big family, and I fit in quickly and easily. When I didn’t attend several races in a row, I started to miss the paddock.

– Did you communicate with other famous girlfriends of the racers: Nicole Scherzinger, Jessica Michibata, Vivian Siebold?

– Yes, of course, we sometimes met in the elevator, then in the gym, then in the paddock. We often saw and talked with Raffaella and little Felipino (wife and child of Felipe Massa - editor's note), and sometimes we could exchange greetings with Jessica Michibata and Jennifer Bex. But I didn’t really walk there - I don’t like unnecessary attention.

– What is your most memorable racing weekend?

– Everything when Fernando was on the podium. True, this is indescribable joy, pride and happiness; a feeling of calm and satisfaction immediately sets in. I'm always very proud of him. By the way, I was also doused with champagne several times. I won't lie, it's nice.

– What gift do you especially remember?

– In fact, I am always grateful to all gifts, and each one is valuable to me, but those that touched and were remembered for a long time... Dinner on the Eiffel Tower, a helicopter flight over the Alps and a big, simply gigantic teddy bear - twice the size of me. I can't even lift it.

– You said that there were also unpleasant moments associated with the press. In general, did you expect that there would be so much attention, or, on the contrary, there was less of it than you thought?

– There really was much more attention than I could have imagined. Before, I never thought that Formula 1 was so popular look sport, that there is so much excitement and hype around the personal lives of racers. It’s tiring and sometimes annoying, but it’s okay, you just need to learn to pay less attention to it.

– The question that bothered you the most during the relationship?

– What language do Fernando and I communicate with each other? It seems to me that this is such a stupid and ridiculous question that I have the least desire to answer it!

– What is the most unusual person you met in the Ferrari team?

– The entire Ferrari team consists of very positive and talented guys! I communicated very well with everyone, but especially with the kitchen staff, as I spent a lot of time in the dining area. Sometimes chefs revealed to me recipes for their national Italian dishes, which I now successfully delight my family and friends with. But meetings with famous people who visit Formula are also always memorable. I remember meeting people like Gordon Ramsay, I follow his cooking show, and one of my favorite actors, Gerard Butler, with whom we talked for quite a long time on various topics.

- Let's have a final story.

– There are a lot of funny fan-related incidents when traveling to races! One of our first trips was to Germany. And then I didn’t yet know how intrusive fans can be, often even showing disrespect. Usually, after the end of qualifying, many fans gather at the hotels where the pilots stay. So: we got out of the car, and, of course, a huge number of people immediately rushed in our direction; to be honest, I was even scared. We had no security, just the manager Fernando and the physiotherapist. We briskly headed towards the hotel, and at this time the fans asked for Fernando's autograph, shouting and pushing each other. He signed some of the cards, but someone, naturally, was left without them. And I felt so sorry for them and offended for them. We went into the hotel, and I jokingly, of course, but at the same time quite seriously, said that “Fer, you have no heart.”

Manager Fernando smiled, the physiotherapist laughed, and Fernando hugged me and said: “Do you want us to come back and sign autographs until the morning?” I said with a smile: “No, no, I’m afraid of these people, there are a lot of them, and we are very tired.”

Then, over time, I realized that there is even a special time allocated for signing autographs - on Thursday - and almost everyone can get them. Fans waiting outside hotels create a lot of stress, but Fernando always made time for everyone, and I know not many riders do that. We later remembered this for a long time: “Fer, you just don’t have a heart.”

The Formula 1 star stopped hiding his relationship with Dasha Kapustina

Soon after breaking up with his wife, Ferrari team driver Fernando ALONSO set his sights on the Russian model Ksenia CHUMICHEV. However, the couple's relationship did not last long - the lovers soon broke up. And now - a new twist in the personal life of the famous Formula 1 participant: Spanish paparazzi caught the handsome man in Mallorca with a new model. And again - with Russian. This time, the heart of the star was won by 22-year-old native of Vladivostok Daria KAPUSTINA.

Contrary to the statements that the world press heard from the Ferrari team driver - that after breaking up with his wife, in order not to fall into depression, he would devote himself entirely to work, Fernando began dating a Russian top model in the spring of this year Daria Kapustina. In the fashion world, Dasha is known for her close collaboration with Karl Lagerfeld and the fashion house Chanel. Until today, Alonso hid his relationship with Kapustina, but now the secret has finally become clear. Well, in the company of a charming Russian beauty, the Spanish racer is far from depressed. Riding on the athlete's yacht in Spanish coastal waters, the lovers smiled and looked very happy. Dasha, dressed in a stylish black swimsuit, boldly jumped into the water from the deck of the yacht after her boyfriend.

According to the Spanish press, the relationship between Daria and Fernando is developing rapidly: the driver not only invited the girl to spend a vacation with him, but also brought her to his parents’ house in Spain to introduce his beloved to the family. Let us remember that nine months ago Fernando Alonso broke up with his wife, the Spanish singer. Raquel Del Rosario, with whom he was married for five years. Contrary to rumors, the separated couple stated that they remained friends and continue to communicate.

Daria Kapustina in 2008 participated in the finals of the Miss Primorye beauty contest and was recognized as Miss Charm. As reported on the website of the international modeling agency Figaro, Kapustina took part in the show of the fashion house Gucci, the brands Dior and Yves Saint Laurent, as well as Chanel and Chloe. She starred in a Daks swimsuit catalog and an Escada cosmetics commercial in Korea. “We can say with confidence that our Daria is the standard of beauty,” the agency added.

The couple was first seen together back in April of this year in one of the restaurants in Barcelona (photo by Splash)

0 November 29, 2012, 16:15

Dasha Kapustina and Fernando Alonso

The modeling and sports couple now have serious competitors: for several months now, the romance between Formula 1 racer Fernando Alonso and the young woman has been gaining momentum. Russian model Dasha Kapustina.

Dasha is only 22 years old, and her portfolio already includes fashion shows for Chanel, Gucci, Christian Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, Chloe and good reviews from Karl Lagerfeld himself.

For the first time, Dasha and Fernando began appearing in public last spring - the couple flirted and went on dates in Barcelona restaurants. And in the summer, the lovers stopped being afraid of publicity and spent all the time they had free from fashion shows and racing stages together.

Rumor has it that Fernando is so serious that he has even introduced his chosen one to his parents - however, he has not yet made any mention of marriage. In addition, the athlete was already married and does not want to rush to get a stamp in his passport.

The day before yesterday, the couple was once again ambushed by paparazzi - this time at the Madrid airport. It is unknown whether the lovers decided to relax together or whether professional interest brought them on the road - but one thing is certain: the romance continues.

To be fair, we note that Dasha is not the first Russian girl to win the heart of a charming Spaniard. Before meeting her, Fernando briefly dated another of our compatriots, model Ksenia Chumicheva. And it seems that he does not intend to change his tastes!