Scenario of the sports program “Well done fun” material on the topic. Games, good fun horse and rider Well done fun competitions

Basketball" href="/text/category/basketbol/" rel="bookmark">basketball, volleyball, football, tennis), balloons, jump ropes, hoops, bags, rope.

Non-standard equipment:

Wooden bricks, wooden pole walkers (height 15 cm; diameter 13-15 cm, a hole is drilled in the upper part and a rope is stretched (rope length 2 meters), wooden gymnastic sticks.

Design: slogans-posters: “If you want to be strong - run!”, “If you want to be beautiful - run!”, “If you want to be smart - run!”, “Sport is health”, “Sport is success”, “Sport is friendship” ”, “Sport is the strongest of all”, “There is no greater victory than victory over yourself.”

Musical accompaniment: sports march.


Participating teams consist of three people – 10th grade, 8th grade, 4th grade boys - team captain.


1. The winner is awarded a medal, certificate and prize.

2. Winners are awarded with certificates and sweet prizes.

3. Families can be awarded in the following categories:

· “The most united team”;

· “The most strong-willed team”;

· “The fastest, most agile, skillful team.”

The progress of the holiday

To the sounds of a sports march, the teams enter the gym and line up in front of the jury.

Presenter I

Welcome, dear guests, welcome!
Have fun and joy!
We've been waiting for you for a long time,
We don’t start the holiday without you.
We have something for everyone: a word and a place!

(the teams take their places)

Presenter II

Hello! Hello! Hello!
Today here in the gym
We are sports, skills are compatible.
We celebrate this glorious holiday with you
We will dedicate it to wonderful games.

Presenter I

We see friendly faces here
We feel the sports spirit all around us
Everyone here has the heart of an Olympian
Here everyone is a friend of sports and art.

Presenter II

He will win the competition
Who is accurate, dexterous and strong
Shows all his skills
Whoever is tempered in spirit and body.

Presenter I

Oh sport, dear!
Through life with you
We will always be friends
God willing, for many years to come!
The joy of movement fills us.
The heart beats more cheerfully in the chest!
And moments of sporting victory
Complemented by the smiles of friends.

Presenter II

And sport helps us learn
After all, health is the basis of everything
Who walks through life with sports?
He can go far.
Oh sport, dear!
Through life with you
We will always be friends
God willing, for many years to come!

Presenter I

It's nice to say words like that
Greeting your guests at the door
We are so glad to see you, dear guests.
So glad...

Presenter II

Let us open our all-around championship "!" And introduce the teams participating in our competitions.

Presenter I

Boys-10th grade(take a step forward)

Here they are in front of us - slightly cheerful, in some places fit and even invincible in some ways, and in what exactly - we will find out later ( fall into place).

Presenter II

Boys 5th grade(take a step forward)

They are always in shape. Constant training makes itself felt. And we are sure that today they will set the tone for their teams (take a step back).

Presenter I

And finally captains teams! (4th grade take a step forward)

It was they who, from the cradle, had been tempered for many years with constant training and united into a friendly team, setting themselves new challenges: hard in training, easy in battle.

Presenter II

1 team ( Name)
10th grade 8th grade
Team captain - 4th grade

2nd team ( Name)
10th grade 8th grade
Team captain - 4th grade

3rd team ( Name)
10th grade 8th grade

Team captain - 4th grade


Presenter I

Victory is within the reach of the brave, great success awaits him
Who, without flinching, if necessary, will enter the battle one for all.
Let the jury follow the entire course of the battle without a mistake
Whoever turns out to be more friendly will win the battle.
Time for business, time for fun. Teams, the floor is yours

(wishes to the opponents, the teams say)

Presenter II

We present to you the panel of judges ( organizer of extracurricular activities, physical education teachers, representatives of the parent committee, school council).

Sports part of the holiday

Presenter I

1 competition

Warm-up is very important for athletes, as you can see both the strengths and weaknesses of the opponent. Everyone knows that sports develop dexterity and accuracy. The next competition which we called “Newspaper” Take a newspaper in your right hand. left hand behind your back, crumple the newspaper, then throw it at the target. The team that finishes throwing faster, plus hitting the center of the target, wins.

And our competition “Merry crossing”

The first to perform are 10th grade. Pillar walkers cover the distance. Are returning ( also on pillar walkers). And they pass the baton to 8th grade. 4th grade: they move on 2 wooden bricks, alternately moving them, but at the same time stand on them ( don't go to the floor). They reach the flags, pick up 2 bricks and run back. The team captain moves next. The child uses two hoops to cross - he jumps from one hoop to the other.

Presenter II

2 competition

It's good that there are games in the world,
In which the joy of moving with the ball.
The ball on the planet unites us
And lights our hearts with fire.
After the first task
Listen carefully
Second test.

(teams location behind the common starting line)

The 10th grade starts first: they circle the goalposts with a soccer ball to the flag and return in the same way. The 8th grade starts second: they perform straight tapping ( volleyball) ball to the post and back. Children start third: dribbling a basketball ( It is necessary, just like 10th grade, to circle the pins or racks). And back to finish.

Presenter I

In the second competition, all teams demonstrated excellent ball control and good physical preparation. And now we will hold the third competition.

3 competition

Here's a more difficult task,
Wiser and more complex.
So that you can go forward,
You need to fly the balloon.

10th grade, moving forward to the counter, hit the balloon with a gymnastic stick and back in the same way ( the result is determined by the first person to reach the finish line). 8th grade a balloon is tied to the leg, the other leg is free. Standing in a circle and blowing a whistle, they begin to step on each other’s ball ( Whoever keeps the ball intact wins).

Presenter II

I see from the outside
The teams are equal in technology.
I want to take a quick look
Whose captains are smarter?

Balls are laid out on the floor (the number is not limited). Team captains must sit on the balloons so that they burst. Whoever pops the most balls wins. After the competition, all burst balloons are given to the jury for counting.

Presenter I

4 competition

Basketball Excitement
I love to worry.
Joys and sorrows
It's like grace for me.
I'm captivated by the beauty of the game
I will support the fighting spirit.
I admire the craftsmanship.
Oh! I love basketball!

Presenter II

4th type - send into the ring
You need a basketball.
Only precision of hands and accuracy of eyes
Will allow you to hit more than once.

Presenter I

10th grade they put the child on their shoulders. 8th grade serves a basketball. The child must throw into the basketball hoop. The game is given 90 seconds ( the number of hits is counted).
(this competition can be performed simultaneously by two or more teams, depending on the availability of basketball hoops).

Presenter II

You hit it well
They handled the ball deftly.
You didn't waste your time.
We trained hard.

Presenter I

While the panel of judges sums up the results of the four competitions, there is a commercial break.
(Anna Chuchenko candidate and master of sports performs with elements of rhythmic gymnastics)

Presenter II

The results for four competitions have been summed up. The floor is given to the panel of judges.

Presenter I

We continue our all-around competitions.

Presenter II

5 competition

What a miracle - hop and skip!
Look, the bag has moved!
Hey, grab him, catch him,
Hurry up and grab the bag!

Presenter I

The teams line up at the starting line in a column and, when the whistle blows, each race team member jumps in a bag to the stand and returns in the same way, passing the baton to the next participant.

Presenter II

The sack competition has ended.

6 competition

Choose the jumps you like -
In height or in length,
And push left, right
Tear the silence of space.
If you swung too much
Pushed off quickly
So consider the jump a success
You fly boldly

Presenter I

Now you ( teams) must demonstrate their jumping abilities, such physical qualities as agility, speed, flexibility. The success of your teams will depend on your personal results.

“Standing long jump.”

All teams line up in a column one at a time in random order at a common starting line. The first numbers perform a standing long jump, pushing off with both legs at the same time. The measurement is taken at the heels of the first contact with the floor. The second numbers jump from the landing place of the first, etc. The places of the teams are determined by the distance of the last marks ( 3) participants.

Presenter II

The teams jumped excellently, setting a high tone for our competition. Today everyone deserves the highest praise, all teams showed unity and the will to win. But in all competitions there is someone better. Now we will ask the panel of judges to sum up the results of the six past competitions.
(one member of the panel of judges announces the results)

Presenter I

7 competition

Teams are invited to the relay race.

1. Running with a relay baton ( performed by the whole team.

2. Running with a gymnastic stick ( running starts 10th grade. on top of a stick, run up to the counter, run around, come back, take the 5kl then the child).

3. “Cuttlefish” ( support with arms and legs, back parallel to the floor, move arms forward).

4. Dribbling a “big” tennis ball to the mark and throwing the ball at the target.

5. “All at once” relay race - teams run simultaneously in full numbers. Participants join hands ( or stand in a column, take hold of the belt) run to the counter, run around it and return to the finish line.

The winner is the team whose members, without releasing their arms, are the first to take the starting position. Team placings are determined by finishing order.

Presenter II

Well done! Well done!
Running fast is common to everyone,
They did a great job with the relay race.
You have won us all over here
You showed fortitude.

While the panel of judges sums up the results of the competition, while our teams take a breath, rest, and we watch how the fans cheer for their team.

Presenter I

Now the fans have a task. Support your team. One fan from each team.

8 competition

And for the girls through the jump rope,
You need to jump for half a minute.
So that they can jump more fun,
Let's support them by clapping together.

Presenter II

Jump rope, who doesn’t know it,
She helps us grow.
I invite you to jump,
And I turn on my stopwatch.

(One girl from the team jumps rope at a time. The number of jumps in 30 seconds is counted. The participant with the most jumps wins)

Presenter I

You jumped so gracefully
It was like butterflies were fluttering.

Thank you very much to the fans.
(the best jumper receives a sweet prize or certificate)

Presenter II

9 competition

Sports competition –
It's the same drawing.
After all, an athlete is like an artist,
His world of emotions is complex.
Sports wonderful moments,
They are looking for embodiment in colors.
And my friends, now!
It's time to draw for you!

Presenter II

I invite “teams” to take part in another “Guess what is drawn” competition.
(Participants in the competition receive two sheets of drawings depicting a piece of sports equipment. It is necessary to finish drawing it)

Presenter I

What wonderful artists you are.

10 competition

Yes, they did a very nice job,
And apparently they were pretty tired.
However, what else can we come up with?
So that without falls and without noise.
Yeah! There's some nice fun
You will like her.

Presenter II

We have one game
You'll like her
Come out to the site
Line up together in order.
youths, boys, 1st grade
We call you to the rope.

Presenter I

I ask you to go to the start
Test the rope for strength.

(teams compete in tug of war).

Presenter II

The last type of competition
We have completed and now
The result of all our competitions,
Let the judges bring it to us.

Presenter I

(teams to sum up the results of the holiday are lined up in the center of the gym)

And here we sum it up
Whatever they were,
Let the sports roads
Your days are filled with health.

Presenter II

May youth, friendship, sports and peace
They always walk next to us.
Whom the world of sports has made you dizzy,
He looks with a friendly look.
Today we have become stronger.
Today we have become friendlier.

Presenter I

There are no losers today
There are simply the best of the best.
May there be light of friendship in every heart,
Will light a ray of good deeds.

Presenter I

The jury is given the floor to sum up the results.
(the results in the team competition of the sports festival are announced, awards are given)

Presenter I

Thank you, and goodbye!
See you again in this gym.
Combine sport and knowledge
And warm your soul with good light.

Presenter II

Thank you all for your attention
For the enthusiasm and ringing laughter.
For the fire of competition
Ensure success.
Now the moment of farewell has come,
Our speech will be short.
We say goodbye to everyone,
See you again!

Outdoor games are games whose main content consists of various types of running, jumping, throwing and other movements.

It is important for the manager to monitor the psychological atmosphere of the outdoor game. Arguments and rudeness should not be allowed; assistants should be asked about noticed mistakes, discipline in teams. Cultivating self-control, fairness, mutual assistance, and perseverance in achieving goals is an important task for a leader.

It is equally important to monitor the implementation of the main technique of the game, which it is mainly aimed at consolidating. It is best to give a signal to end the game when the participants have enjoyed it, but are not overtired. You can warn about the end of the game. Ending a game unexpectedly for students can cause a negative reaction.

Summing up the results of the game, determining its results, identifying errors and incorrect actions have great educational significance. After the game it is useful to note...........

The governor appears. Children in pairs - a girl and a boy stand at the entrance to the hall. The girls have helmets, balls and scarves in their hands.

Voivode: Good afternoon, young and old!
I'm very glad to see you!
Where is my friend?
I don't see any heroes.

I'll go gather my squad.

The governor goes to the entrance to the hall and gathers his squad.

Presenter: The hero was assembled by the military leader
Yes, a good squad for yourself,
Daring and good fellows,
Good fellows and clear

Their mothers' relatives dressed them
Yes, the damask armor is strong,
And to the violent and to the head
Mothers laid it down with a golden shell.
Yes by right and mother's hand
They gave me a heavy club,
A heavy club and a lead one.
And there was that club and a lead one
Yes, just 300 poods.

As the poem progresses, the girls dress the boys in helmets and give them balls in their hands.
Presenter: As in pure and in poles
Good fellows, yes, they were going to,
Good fellows and heroes
Brave heroes and mighty.
The fair maidens saw them off,
Beautiful girls and young women
For protection and sidelines,
To the defense of Mother Rus'.

The girls hold the heroes by the arm, in the second hand of the girls there is a handkerchief. To the music, the governor and couples walk through the hall. The heroes seat the girls on chairs that stand along the wall of the hall, and they themselves continue the circle of honor around the hall, stopping in the center of the hall in 2 columns. They perform a dance to the melody of the song “Our Heroic Strength.”
Presenter: Pre-dawn meadows,
There is dew on the grass.
Two troops opposite
got up...
The sun shines on the sharp
There is such silence
Even birds can't fly!
Warriors save their strength,
Everyone is waiting for the fighters.

As of this day, in the glorious village of Krasnaya Zvezda, good fellows gathered and clear falcons flew in. They gathered to show off their daring in a wide courtyard, boast about their brave strength, show off their intelligence and ingenuity.

Sometime in the Middle Ages
Knights lived everywhere.
And their life was not easy
In heavy ammunition.
The knights were proud of themselves,
With swords and armor.
Knights played with fate
And they went to tournaments.
And our hall turns
Excellent in the lists.
The trumpet calls to the whole world:
We are starting our tournament!

The melody of the song “Mother Rus'” sounds.

Host: It's time for the competition. Are the knights ready for the competition?

Voivode: My heroes are always ready for competitions.

Host: Let's conduct a baptism of fire. In Rus', fabulous heroes bravely overcame fire, water, and copper labor. You, brave heroes, need to overcome the same thing. Are you ready?
Participants: Ready!

Voivode: You need to run with fire along the winding path between the posts, put it in a vase on a chair, crawl through the hoop, take buckets of water and return to the squad, pass the buckets of water to the second hero. The next participant runs with buckets to the hoop, places the buckets on the floor, climbs into the hoop, takes the fire and runs along the winding path to the team, passes the fire to the third hero.

Presenter: Show, governor, to all the heroes how to do it, so that they can understand.

The first competition is held, consisting of the following stages:
1.Running with the plumes along a winding path.
2. Getting into the hoop.
3. Return with two buckets of water.
The governor shows how to complete the task.

Presenter: Well, then, governor, take a broken bow, stretch the silk string and shoot a red-hot arrow. Where the arrow hits, you will be tested.

Voivode: Don’t be shy, good fellows, we’ll show you your intelligence and ingenuity.

The governor takes a bow and arrow and shoots at circles made of colored polished cardboard with tasks written on the back. The presenter takes the circle with the task, turns it over and reads the task.

Presenter: You, dear heroes, need to put on running boots (They are made of cardboard boxes), run to a basket of apples (fake apples, balls or balls), collect as many apples as possible and return to the team, put the apples in the basket, hand over the boots -Hurry up to the second participant.

A competition is being held “For rejuvenating apples in running boots.” The voivode shows how to do it.
Presenter: Well done, good fellows! Did a good job. Well, governor, take a broken bow, stretch the silk string and shoot a second red-hot arrow. Where the arrow hits, you will be tested.

The governor takes a bow and arrow and shoots at circles made of colored polished cardboard with tasks written on the back.

Voivode: Good! Fly, my red-hot arrow, forward, hit the target.

The presenter takes the circle with the task, turns it over and reads the task.

Presenter: In this competition, a more difficult task awaits you: you need to show both strength and dexterity. Try to squeeze this “barbell” as much as possible in 20 seconds. If the ball falls, you need to pick it up, put it on the “barbell” plate and continue squeezing again. Is everyone ready? Let's start!

Participants lift a “barbell” consisting of a rack. At the edges of the rail there are plastic disposable plates, on which inflated balloons are placed.

Presenter: Clever heroes and daring!
All this happened in the Middle Ages:
They taught the boys to shoot,
Hit the target exactly.
Hunt, fight with swords,
Fight, run, swim,
It's good to stay in the saddle
Increasing knightly glory.

Maybe you will be able to saddle a “horse” and gallop around on it deftly?

Voivode: My squad can do everything.

Host: That's good! But there are no fast and hot horses. Remember how in fairy tales Ivanushka called his heroic horse with a brave whistle. It's time to find out if you can do it too. I am announcing a competition “Who can whistle who?”

Voivode: My fellows can do everything! Well, my friend, let's show what we are capable of.

The “Well done whistling” competition is being held.

Host: Well, well done! So the “horses” came running to the whistle. Take part in the races, good fellows. You need to ride these “horses” to the “window” (The window is made of fiberboard and suspended 0.5 m above the children’s eye level), take a lump (A round bag of sand or stuffed with cotton wool) and throw it into the window to the red maiden . As soon as you get through the window, mount your faithful horse and ride it to the stone. After going around the stone, go back. Show, governor, to all the heroes how to do it, so that they can understand.

Bows, arrows and balls are brought into the hall. The governor shows how to complete the task.

Host: Here comes the solemn moment of our tournament: the beautiful girls present flowers to the heroes.

The girls give the boys a flower.

Host: All this happened before, in distant, distant times. Now we do not have heroes, but we have defenders of the fatherland. These are the valiant warriors of our troops. Who can tell me what types of troops we have?
Children take turns naming the types of troops.

Host: On February 23, our country celebrates “Defender of the Fatherland Day.” So our boys became soldiers.

The boys put on their caps and sing the song “Good Soldiers.”

Host: Our soldiers always stand guard over the Motherland, protect our peace, and on holidays in Moscow they go to Red Square for a parade.

A march dance is performed to the melody of the song “A soldier is walking through the city.”

Presenter: We are guarded by soldiers, pilots, sailors,
They have machine guns and are not afraid of enemies.
The missiles are waiting for the order, and the border is locked.
With all this ready, we can sleep peacefully.
Today we are talking about our beloved army
And to her, the invincible, we say thank you.

Our holiday dedicated to our valiant defenders of the fatherland has ended.

Boys and girls in pairs take a lap of honor around the hall, wave: boys with flowers, girls with handkerchiefs, and leave the hall.

Scenario of the sports competition “Well done fun”

Decoration of the gym: slogans-posters: “There is no greater victory than victory over yourself”; “It doesn’t matter if you are better than someone else. What matters is whether you will be better than yesterday!”; “Sport is health”; “Sport is success”; “Sport is friendship!”; “We are for SPORT! Are you with us?"; “Movement is life!”; “The main desire is to go in for sports, but there is always a way!”; “Happy Victory Day in the Second World War!”; “Thank you grandfather for the Victory!”

Equipment and inventory: balloons, basketballs, A 4 paper, gas masks, first aid kit, pens, cards with questions, tape recorder, music recordings, stopwatch, whistle, tape measure, gymnastic mats, gymnastic benches, tables, pin racks, certificates, prizes.

1 presenter: Good afternoon, dear guests, teachers, fans! Have a good mood!

2 presenter: We dedicate the sports competition “Well done fun” to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Second World War.

Thank you for your feat and courage,

For ending the war,

For the fact that for the sake of us, children, they were able to

Win a free country!

Smiles shine, troubles go away,

The medals on the chest are burning with fire.

Happy another happy, peaceful day!

(The song “Victory Day” plays)

The teams enter the hall in formation and are located behind the common starting line.

3rd presenter:

Today here in the gym

We are a sport, we can do it together.

We celebrate this glorious holiday with you

We will dedicate it to wonderful games.

4th presenter:

He will win the competition

Who is accurate, dexterous and strong

Shows all his skills

Whoever is tempered in spirit and body.

5th presenter:

The joy of movement fills us,

The heart beats more cheerfully in the chest!

And moments of sporting victory

Complemented by the smiles of friends.

1 presenter:

And sport helps us learn

After all, health is the basis of everything

Who walks through life with sports?

He can go far!

2 presenter:

We present to you the participants of our competition: ________________________

3rd presenter:

Congratulations on your participation in the competition. We wish you creativity, mastery, excellent knowledge, skills, enthusiasm and Olympic calm!

4th presenter:

And now we present our judging panel: ___________________

5th presenter:

We give the floor to the chief judge of the competition ___________________

(Briefly covers the history of the Second World War. Asks to honor those who fell for their Motherland with a minute of silence).

1 presenter:

Our competition program:

    Review-competition “Business Card”.

    Relay race (running with a relay baton around the perimeter of the hall with the whole team).

    Relay “All at once” - teams run simultaneously in full numbers. Participants stand in a column, grab their belts, run to the counter, run around it and return to the finish line. The winner is the team whose members, without releasing their arms, are the first to take the starting position. Team placings are determined by finishing order.

    Competition “Far Track” (The first numbers jump long from a place, pushing off with both legs at the same time. Measurement is taken at the heels of the first touch of the floor. The second numbers jump from the landing place of the first, etc. The places of the teams are determined by the distance of the marks of 5 participants) .

    Quiz “Eternal glory to the heroes of the Second World War!”

    Captains competition - using a gas mask to perform

assignments. (At the command “Gases - put on gas masks!” - team captain

puts on a gas mask, takes a basketball, starts dribbling

through obstacles, makes three shots into the basketball hoop and

returns to its original position. Time and quantity are taken into account

and the number of hits in the ring)

    Competition "Knightly martial arts". (One participant per team competes in arm wrestling)

    Competition "Cuttlefish". (The first participant on the starting line takes

lying position, the second one takes him by the legs and on the whistle, all teams begin to move. The team whose pair comes first wins.)

9. Competition “Hey, let’s whoop!” (Tug of war).

10. Competition “Salute” (Participants blow up balloons using a whistle

until they burst).

2 presenter:

Before we start the competition, we will do a warm-up.

(one of the participants warms up to the accompaniment of music)

3rd presenter:

There are no boundaries or distances for sports!

It is understood by the peoples of the whole earth!

He is our treasure for the entire planet!

Sport gives happiness, friendship and love!

4th presenter:

Team captains are invited to draw lots.

Progress of the competition:

5th presenter:

All teams were given homework in advance, in which they had to prepare a team name, emblem, motto, and team introduction. The first competition of our competition:"The team's calling card."

1 presenter:

While the jury sums up the homework, we continue our competition.

2nd competition: Relay

2 presenter:

3rd competition: Relay “All at once”

3rd presenter: Competition "Far Path"

4th presenter:

The next stage of our competition is the quiz “Eternal glory to the heroes of the Second World War!”

The captains receive envelopes with questions; at the whistle, the judges open them and answer the quiz questions with the whole team.

5th presenter:

Students of our technical school prepared demonstration performances of amateur performances for the boys. And while the competition jury evaluates the quiz, let’s see the performance of our girls.

1 presenter:

Captains competition.

2 presenter:

Competition "Knightly martial arts"

3rd presenter:

Competition "Cuttlefish".

4th presenter:

Competition "HEY, let's whoop!"

5th presenter:

The final stage of the competition is “Salute”.

1 presenter:

So the fireworks sounded in honor of the VICTORY.

And now the solemn moment has come. The jury determined the winners and prize-winners of our “Well done Fun” competition.

It's time for the awards.

The floor is given to the chief judge of the competition ______________________

(announcement of results and awards)


1. The name and surname of a man who, during the war, with the rank of lieutenant general of the engineering troops, was seriously shell-shocked, was captured, refused to go into service with the Nazis and died a martyr’s death: the Nazis poured cold water on him in the freezing cold in the Mauthausen camp.

(Dmitry Mikhailovich Karbyshev.)

2. Adolf Hitler himself called this hero enemy of the Reich No. 1, and he really brought such a blow to the Nazis, after which the Nazis were no longer able to restore their strength. He was the commander of the submarine "S-30" and on January 30, 1945, he sank the superliner "Wilhelm Gustlon", which had 5 thousand German soldiers and officers on board, in the Danzig Bay area, and on February 10, the cruiser "General Steuben", on board which was over 3 thousand soldiers and officers. Who is he?

(Alexander Ivanovich Marinesko.)

3. This person managed to visit Germany, Russia, China, and Japan. He was arrested by Japanese police in October 1941 and executed in 1944. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to him only in 1964, when N.S. Khrushchev watched a film about this hero. A street in Moscow is named after him, and a sculptural composition is installed on it. What's his name?

(Richard Sorge.)

4.Name the name of the person who was a squadron commander during the war, participated in 156 air battles and shot down 59 fascist planes. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union three times.

What is the name of this aviation ace?

(Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin.)

5. The name of this person is familiar to us all from the movie and the famous book. He was a pilot. By the end of March 1942, he shot down 4 fascist planes, and in April his plane was shot down and fell into the forest behind enemy lines. The pilot jumped out with a parachute, but broke both legs in the fall. For 18 days he made his way to his people. After amputation of both legs, showing extraordinary willpower, he returned to duty in 1943, and on the Kursk Bulge he shot down 3 more enemy aircraft.

What kind of person are we talking about?

(Alexey Petrovich Maresyev.)

6. The name of this man is forever included in the history of our Motherland along with the names of Suvorov and Nakhimov. This peasant guy from the village of Strelkovka, Kaluga region, received two St. George Crosses for personal bravery during the First World War. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union four times! He was awarded many orders and medals. History determined him to play a leading role during the Great Patriotic War. “Strong will”, truly “iron tenacity”, “tough character” - this is how his friends and colleagues characterize him.

Who do you think we are talking about?

(Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov.)

7. Our glorious victory was forged in the rear by well-deserved and very famous people. Now you need to name the name of the twice Hero of Labor, the famous aircraft designer who created numerous types of aircraft: piston, jet, fighter, jet, sports, training. The aircraft created by this aircraft designer are still considered the most reliable. He is the author of interesting books, including the book “The Purpose of Life,” which went through 5 editions.

What famous aircraft designer do you think we are talking about?

(Alexander Sergeevich Yakovlev.)


Hello, guests, good guests!

Let me greet you,

Yes, with all my heart in our kindergarten,

In our kindergarten, and in “Luchik”.

Thank you for not passing by,

They came to visit us!

We welcome everyone, we warmly welcome you!

Musical beat: 1. "Epic"

As they said in Rus', our mother earth will feed us all with warm bread, give us spring water to drink, and surprise us with its beauty. And she just can’t defend herself.

It has been this way for a long time: as soon as an enemy came to our land, all Russian people, both old and young, rose up to fight. Russian warriors have always been famous for their courage and bravery. Everyone knew how to protect themselves and their land from the evil enemy. And we are confident that when our boys grow up, they will also become worthy defenders of the fatherland.

Meet our good fellows!

Musical beat: 2. “Our heroic strength”

Musical beat: 3. “Alarm”, knock on the door

Voivode. Trouble, trouble!

Leading.What happened, who are you?

Voivode.Woe! Koschey kidnapped the Russian beauty, Vasilisa the Beautiful. And I am the Voivode, I am gathering a glorious squad, I want to go to battle with Koshchei, to free Vasilisa! Oh, yes, I see you have a lot of good fellows here - a lot. Would you like to join my squad? (Answers)

Leading.But, Voevoda, agreement alone is not enough. Let's first test everyone's strength, agility and ingenuity. Please sit down and judge for yourself whether our fellows are worthy of being in your squad.

Well, time for business, time for fun.

Team first - to the right, (kindergarten)

Become second here (first class)

The competition has begun!

First, it is necessary to conduct reconnaissance, but in order to do this unnoticed, the scouts need to disguise themselves.

Relay "Scouts"

( participants of both teams take turns putting on a skirt, a headscarf, taking a basket, running to a landmark, returning, passing the baton to the next one)

Now let’s test our youngsters’ dexterity

Who's the smartest among us?

We will now find out

Daring heroes

We invite you here!

And here's your first task:

Here is a log, and here are bags,

Come out, brave souls!

Who will hit whom with a sack,

The most dexterous one will be the one.

(2 boys)

Task: knock your opponent off the log (bench)

Second task:

“Cockfighting” (standing in a hoop on one leg, hands behind your back, try to push your opponent out of the hoop)

Third task “Pull - Push”

(opponents stand in a hoop, resting their hands on each other’s shoulders, and try to push each other out of the hoop)

Leading.The time has come to check whether our fellows are strong.

Good job, guys.

We call you to the rope.

Here are 6 on the right, here are 6 on the left -

Only the muscles are cracking!

Competition "Tug of War"

Leading.I suggest the fellows take a break before a new test, and the beautiful girls will now start a round dance for you.

Musical selection: 4. Round dance “On the Mount of Viburnum”

Leading.Now we can further test our fellows.

Everyone knows that Koshchei cannot be defeated alone. All the heroes in Rus' knew: “Alone in the field is not a warrior.” So let's see how friendly you are. Imagine that you need to go unnoticed and not leave any traces. For this purpose, such a device (bags) has long existed.

Well, the enemy, not suspecting anything, is only surprised:

“What a miracle, hop, hop, hop.

Look, the bag is jumping.”

Relay race "Sack Run"

Leading.I see immeasurable strength in our kids, and great courage! But how will you, heroes, fight Koschei without your zealous horses?

Can't hold back the heroes

They immediately jumped on their horses!

One, two, three - jump!

Relay "On horseback"

Leading.Well done, how deftly everyone stayed in the saddle!

Leading.It's time to stop. It used to be that good fellows and beautiful maidens would sit on the green grass and sing and sing a beautiful song about the Motherland (everyone sits freely on the carpet)


Sing a song together

And glorify Russia!

Musical beat: 5. “My Russia has long braids”

Leading.Whose soul is not narrow,

Everyone who loves Russian dance,

Come out without further ado -

Musical beat: 6. Competition of dancers!

Leading.Well, Voevoda, are our fellows good enough for your squad?

Voivode. Well done! Strong, dexterous, real heroes! And that’s what I decided: I’ll take both detachments into my squad. All together we will definitely defeat Koshchei and free Vasilisa the Beautiful.

(A lot of noise is heard - you might drop the hoops outside the door)

Vasilisa the Beautiful enters and bows to everyone.

Vasilisa the Beautiful. Thank you, good fellows, for saving me from Koshchei the Immortal. Koschey heard that a whole squad of Russian heroes was coming towards him, he was so frightened that he was struck by a blow, and so strong that Koschey fell dead, only his bones rattled! I know that now the enemy will not trample the earth - mother, there are still many heroes on the Russian land!


Yes, don’t let your enemies gallop across our Russian land,

They will not outshine our red sun,

The defenders of our land are growing up,

Russian heroes, good fellows!

Beautiful maidens bow to the good fellows

Because the sun shines on us, because there is no war

Thanks to everyone who protects the peace of their native country. ???



FUN OF WELL DONE, Merry Daredevils

Methodical manual

Printed supplement to a video film on traditional men's games and entertainment

The games on the cassette were presented by teachers from different regions of Russia,

who came to the seminar to exchange experiences, and therefore not all games are Cossack,

although similar games are also found among the Cossacks. The names of the games are given exactly this way,

as they were called by the teachers who arrived at the seminar. The invaluable role of the game

good fun, their goals, objectives, history you can find out,

after reading Igor Morozov’s books “Fun Around the Stove”, “Don’t Be Shy, Sparrow”,

"The Marriage of a Good Young Man" and others,

associated with traditional men's games and entertainment.

Couples fun

1. Fun with stones

a) Small stones, preferably flat, are placed on the head and

the outer side of the palm. The players' task is to force the opponent by any means

drop one of the stones, while your stones must remain in place.

The person who dropped the stone is punished (receives a fist in the chest).

It should be noted that if any of the players shows aggressiveness

in any game, he is immediately “punished” with a blow of the whip, to which he is obliged to respond

"thanks for the science" and the games continue. Compliance with the rules of the game is usually

monitored by the most experienced, respected players.

b) Stones on the head and on the shoulders near the neck. The rules remain the same (the game can be played

make it more difficult by using more stones, or on other areas of the hands).

2. "Kicks". Players holding hands on command begin to woo each other

kicks. The winner is the one who, within a certain period of time,

will inflict more kicks on the opponent.

3. "Plywood". The players agree on who gets the even or

an odd number of fingers thrown out by one hand of the opponents. IN

depending on which number is rolled (even, odd), one is counted

losers. The punishment is a punch to the chest.

4. "Take off your hat." The players wear hats. To the music at the beginning

perform dance elements, then, colliding with each other’s chests,

diverge. This is the moment the competition begins. The winner is the one who

Who will be the first to remove the opponent's headdress?

5. “Push out of the circle” (with a stick). The players stand in the center of the circle,

pre-designated, grasp the stick in the center with one hand, and the edges with the other.

On command, everyone tries to push their opponent out of the circle.

The loser is the one who comes first

will be behind the circle.

6. “Pull out the turnip” (with a stick). The players sit opposite each other, leaning

kicking into the opponent's legs. Hands hold onto a stick. They start on command, not

getting up, pull each other towards you. The one who wins


7. “Put on your back” (with a stick). The players stand with their backs to each other.

A stick over the head in the hands of the players. On command, each player tries

lift your opponent off the ground and put him on your back. To the losers

The one who releases the stick or ends up on the opponent’s back is considered.

8. "Bulldozer". The players sit with their backs to each other on the ground. Game

is to push the opponent beyond a predetermined line, not

lifting off the ground, resting on the ground with your feet and hands. The one who loses

the first one is behind the line.

9. "Okay." At first, the players clap their hands at a slow pace, why?

alternately with the right, left hand, into both hands of the partner, then into the chest alternately.

The pace needs to be gradually increased. (The game also offers other options.)

10. "Lower smoothly." Two players, resting their palms on each other, begin

slowly disperse, trying to lie smoothly on the ground together in this position.

The pair that manages to descend more smoothly, without falling, wins.


11. “Push someone out of place” (with a stick). The players stand against each other

sideways, with your foot to the opponent’s foot, in your hands - a stick. The stick must be held alone

hand at the end, the other in the middle of the stick. On command, players try

push each other out of place. The one who moves first loses

at least one leg.

Group fun

12. "Falling from a height onto your hands." Players line up in two lines in front of

high springboard, structure, tree. One of the players stands on top

then falls flat into the hands of the players and crawls along the hands, somersaulting, and falls

to the ground and forms a line. At this time, the other player repeats the fall on

hands. Players first hold their hands, then extend them only in flight

One of the players lies down.

13. "Prepare your fists." The players choose a driver and line up in one

line. The driver shouts: “Prepare your fists!” The players answer: “On whose sides?”

The driver calls the name of one and the players. The player named is trying

run away, and the players catch and “punch the sides” of the runner. If the player succeeds

run away, the driver remains the same, if his sides are “bruised”, then the driver

he becomes.

14. “Catch the wheel” (with sticks). The players are divided into two teams, between

teams distance approximately about five meters. In the hands of the players -

sticks. The task of each team is to use sticks to catch a wooden object thrown at them.

a wheel measuring twenty centimeters in diameter, about five inches thick

centimeters, cut from round wood. If the team succeeds, then it

remains in place and throws the wheel at the other team, if not, then

the other team retreats exactly as many steps as the wheel flies,

accordingly, suitable. The team that is pushed back loses

opponent, will reach the limiting line outlined in advance by each of

commands The losing team is usually "punished" with a twig or whip.

15. "Run". The players draw a small circle with a radius of about one and a half meters.

Then the driver is selected using a canal or a counting rhyme.

The driver stands in the center of the circle with a hat in his hands (another is possible

item). The rest of the players, standing in a circle, hit the zipuns on command

(sweatshirt, padded jacket are possible, preferably without buttons) according to the leading player

so as not to give him the opportunity to throw his hat at the players, and they run away.

The driver's task is to hit the player with his hat without leaving the circle. If it's for him

succeeds, then the one he hit takes his place; if not, then he

stays in place. If one of the players drives three times, he is put in a "run"

("run" - two lines of players), punishing. The punished person is obliged two or three times

(by agreement) run, walk, crawl among the players. The players interfere with him

do this by hitting him with zipuns. Then the game repeats.

16. "In Mishuya" (with a stick). The driver is selected by channel or counting. To the driver

blindfolded. He is taken to the center of the circle. The players stand in a circle. Driver

starts, running in a circle, waving a stick, trying to hit (hit)

one of the players. Players, dodging, try to touch, hit

or dump the driver. Whoever succeeds in this will additionally have “one

life." If the driver slaps one of the players, the player becomes the driver.

If the driver insults a player who has “one life” left, then he again

continues to drive, and the player no longer has “life”.

17. "Beetle". The driver is selected by channel or counting. The driver becomes

with his back to the players (usually 34 players) and puts his palm under his ear. Players

touch or lightly hit the driver on the arm or shoulder so that he does not

noticed. The driver, turning, must guess which of the players touched

him, while he hits the player he guessed in the chest. If you guessed right

false, then all players beat the driver, if true, then the player becomes the driver,

which the driver guessed.

18. "Arable elephant." The players are divided into fours. One four -

driving The four are distributed as follows: one player is taken together by the arms from the side

and one player - by the legs from behind. All these four, depending on whether they drive

she either runs away - catches up or runs away if the driving four catches up

running away - then they change roles and at the same time that four. which we caught up with

shouts: “Ohyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, why is this being done!” Game space

limitedly arbitrary.

19. "Stand in pairs." The players stand with their backs facing each other, with their hands

taken under the elbow. The task of each couple is to stand on their feet, and, if possible,

knock down another pair without letting go of your hands. The number of pairs is not limited.

20. "Blind Puppy." The players are divided into two teams. Some are "puppies", others

"mothers". They bet against each other. Each couple tries to remember their

partner. Then everyone is blindfolded. The "puppies" are placed on all fours, and

The “mothers”, having been led a little and confused, are released. The playing space is limited.

The players' task, without saying a word, is to find their partners by touch.

signs. Those couples who could not find each other within a certain period

time, “punish” with a whip or twig.

21. "Worm". The driver is selected from a group of up to five by caning or counting

Human. The driver lies on the ground, the players - on him. The driver must crawl out

from under the players with the words: “I want to go to the sun, I want to go to the light!” If the driver is not

crawled out - he is “punished” with a whip or a twig. Then the game repeats

alternately, or channeling, depending on the agreement.

22. "Wolves, hunters, wolfhounds." The players are divided into two teams. First -

"wolves", the second - "hunters" and "wolfhounds". The task of each player is

being on any team, touch the opponent first. At the same time, which of

The first one to touch the “wolves” or “wolfhounds”, the opponent turns into a “wolf”

or in "wolfhound". "Wolves", touching the "hunters", only after the third

times have the ability to turn “hunters” into “wolves” according to the rules of the game.

"Hunters", touching "wolves", turn them into "wolfhounds". Game

based on speed and attentiveness. By agreement of the parties, the "wolves" and

"wolfhounds", and who became such as a result of the game, scatter to

decide who is who, and who has how many players left, and then again

continue to play until one of the sides wins completely, that is, all the “wolves” will become

"wolfhounds" or vice versa, all "wolfhounds" and "hunters" will turn into

"wolves". To simplify identification, you can use hats (say,

"wolves" in headdresses, "hunters" and "wolfhounds" holding headdresses in

hands; in case of "transformation" the player either puts on or takes off the headdress).

23. "Ketovras". Game in pairs. A player lies on the ground on his hands, the other behind

takes him by the legs. The second couple does the same and stands opposite each other

friend. On command, the pairs come together, and the opponents try to put them on the ground

player standing on his hands. The pair that touches the ground first loses.

24. "Ketovrasy". A game similar to the game "Ketovras". Only in pairs already

teams participate. The winning team is the one that puts it on the ground

all players of the opposing team, and the team itself will have at least one pair in

starting position.

25. "Spring". The players are divided into two teams. Holding each other's hands,

teams try to win opponents over to their side. The winner is the one who

manages to win the opposing team over to your side.

26. "Vezha". The players stand in a circle holding hands.

One of the players begins to entangle the entire circle as he moves (you can

roll over, crawl under your feet). Get entangled until free

the movement will not stop. Another player begins a tangled "tangle" or "vezhu"

unravel. In this case, the hands do not disengage. Unraveling occurs before

starting position.

27. "Tell someone else." Players stand in a circle facing inward. One of the players

gives a slap on the head to another, who, trying to dodge, without leaving his place, passes

slap the next one. And so - all around the circle.

28. "Podzabornogo". The players stand in a circle. A player stands in the center of the circle,

who is in a relaxed state, as if drunk. Players move

him in a circle with his hands, rotating him, pushing him to the opposite side of the circle,

rolling. The player, without straining at all, succumbs to the movement, which

the players give it. The players' task, without dropping it, is to constantly give it

movement. Then another player steps into the circle.

29. “Running like a top.” The players join hands under the elbow with their backs to each other.

Together they begin to make rotational movements in one direction or the other. One

one of the players begins to insult them with a stick. The task of those running like a top - with their feet

beat back blows. Played by three or more people.

30. "Moles". A large circle is outlined. The driver is chosen by channel. For players

blindfolded and placed on all fours. The driver, moving in a circle,

kicks players in the ass. The drivers are prohibited from leaving the circle. If he

came out - he was whipped by those who follow the rules of the game. Players must

catch a blind driver. If they succeed, then they pinch, tickle,

31. "In zhuta." Zhut is a rope that does not have a hard end, approximately

forty centimeters. First, the driver is selected by channeling or counting.

The players sit in a circle on their knees close to each other, the driver -

in the center of the circle, knees covered with clothes.

They are watching behind the players. The driver does not see him. The players try to deceive the driver,

If possible, hit him on the back. The driver’s task is to pull out the harness without getting up.

The players' task is to hit and quickly pass the rope to another player or hide it

behind your back. If the driver manages to snatch the harness, the player who takes his place sits

whose harness was torn out.

32. "Grey little bunny." Two or three drivers are chosen by channel or counting.

The players form a circle. The drivers are in a circle. To the round dance "Grey Little Zainka"

the driver begins to demonstrate dance elements. At the end of the round dance

The drivers are trying to break out of the circle. The players don't give it to them. In the place where

the driver breaks through, the players become drivers, and the driver becomes a player. The one who

been a driver more than three times is “punished”, usually with a twig or

33. "Get it with your foot." The driver is selected using a canal or counting rhyme, and he is tied

eyes. The players sit on the ground. The driver, not seeing the players, tries to get them

foot. The players dodge without getting up. At the same time, they also strike from

sitting position with feet on the driver. If the driver got someone from

players, he takes his place. The area where the game is played

usually limited.

34. "Stand on the plank." The players stand in a circle. There is a tablet in the middle of the circle

or other flat object. At the signal, all players try to stand on the board and

hold it for more than three seconds. At the same time, other players are trying

push the player standing on the board off it and stand on the board yourself.

The one who stands for more than three seconds wins.

35. "Living wattle fence." The players, with their hands on each other's shoulders, stand shoulder to shoulder in one line.

On command, they lie down on the ground and begin to move forward, lying on their stomach.