Pegasus is a winged horse. Pegasus - LiveJournal by Svetlana Golshanskaya - LiveJournal What is the name of the winged horse

Thestrals- Skeletal horses of enormous size. They can only be seen by those who have seen death. Thestrals are attracted to the smell of meat and blood. They are flying creatures. They are perfectly oriented in space. Thestrals build a nest somewhere on the cliffs, closer to the forest, two eggs are laid in the nest, but more often than not one foal survives, since when it hatches, the second egg serves as its first food (thestrals have cannibalism) at first, only the father brings prey to the nest, while the mother guards the baby; when the foal grows a little, both parents begin to hunt, leaving the foal alone in the nest.

These are sea Tersans or sea horses! No one knows for sure about their origin, but there is a legend that may well be true. One day Neptune fell in love with a beautiful mermaid. There was nothing more beautiful than her in the world. They saw each other every day, but one day the mermaid did not appear. Neptune became worried. His servant sailed and notified Neptune that his beloved had been caught by evil people and wanted to show her around the world, but they had taken her to another world. Then Neptune called upon the powers of the oceans and seas and created a hundred Tersans. Faster than the speed of the wind, he rushed to the mermaid, but found that she was dead. The mermaid resisted, and the people killed her. Neptune grieved for a long time and ordered the Tersans to go ashore every night and leave bloody footprints in memory of the mermaid.
They live exclusively in water, but at night they come ashore for just a couple of minutes and beat blood out of the sand or stones with their hooves. Nobody knows where they get the scarlet blood from. And why they come ashore at all also remains a mystery, because their environment is water and they feed, live and reproduce in water.
Their bodies are made of their water. They are strong like a tsunami, fast like a hurricane and beautiful like the ocean. Their bodies are seething like boiling water. Their eyes are pearls of extraordinary beauty. Their blood is water from the purest waters on earth. When they come ashore, their bodies transform at the speed of the wave, and they become snow-white horses. But this lasts for several minutes.

Pegasus is a winged horse. It flies over the highest mountains at speeds faster than the wind. In appearance, Pegasus looks like an ordinary snow-white horse, the only difference is that it has large beautiful white wings and is slightly larger than ordinary horses in size. In terms of body structure, Pegasus is very similar to a unicorn; he is even sometimes depicted with a horn on his head. Also, the pegasus, like the unicorn, is very freedom-loving, and you can also catch it only with a Golden Bridle.
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Winged Unicorn:
This is a hybrid of the British Unicorn with Pegasus. Appearance: In appearance it is very similar to the Unicorn, but its legs are more massive and shorter, which makes it easier to take off and land. The color of Winged Unicorns ranges from silver-white to dark gray, from fiery red to bay. Almost all of them are very careful.

In early spring, both the Unicorn with the Unicorn and Pegasus with the Unicorn enter into battle for the female Unicorn. These fights can be very fierce, but it almost never leads to death. The winner, who drives the enemy away, gets the attention and favor of the female. Usually, according to observations , in such multi-species unions, the father is Pegasus, and the mother is the female Unicorn. Such unions are most often short-lived.

Nightmare (nightmare):
This unicorn's fur is usually black with a bluish tint. The eyes are bright yellow or orange, without a pupil. The mane is a blazing fire. They were bred a long time ago, but later they began to spread naturally, which is why they became the most common after the British and Indian. They are more often found in forests and near mountain meadows, but only at night; during the day they can sometimes be seen in dark places, away from sunlight, since it is very unpleasant for them. Knightmare's hooves are charged with great negative energy; as soon as a small part of this hoof gets into the blood of any living creature, it ceases to control itself. The blood of this unicorn is used in black magic, for example, to prepare powerful poisons. If a Knightmare dies, a plant with dark poisonous berries grows at the site of its death.

also called hydropuss - in Greek mythology, a sea horse with a fish tail. The hippocampuses were harnessed to the chariot of the Greek god of the seas, Poseidon. The hippocampus is considered the king of fish. Sea deities in Ancient Greece and Rome were often depicted on chariots drawn by hippocampi.
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Sleipnir (lit. “sliding”), in Scandinavian mythology, the eight-legged horse of the god Odin. Born from Svadilfari (the horse of the builder of the dwelling of the gods - Asgard) and the god Loki (who turned into a mare) (see Art. Loki). Odin on Sleipnir participates in an equestrian competition with the giant Hrungnir. Odin's son Hermod rides Sleipnir to the kingdom of the dead Hel to return his brother Balder from there. Chthonic features associated with shamanism are evident in Sleipnir.
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Unicorns are fairy-tale creatures. Beautiful and graceful. Unicorns come in different types. Usually, if you say “unicorn,” this is the species that immediately comes to mind. This is a British unicorn.
The British unicorn is larger than all its relatives. In short, this is a horse with a horn on its forehead. The body of the British unicorn is quite powerful, the tail is like that of a horse.
But another type of unicorn is Indian. It is smaller than the British one; an adult of this species reaches about 1-1.3 meters at the withers. The tail of these unicorns resembles a lion's tail, it is thin with a tassel at the end. The horn of the Indian unicorn is longer and thinner than the horn of the British one, and is no longer white, but silver. The fur of the Indian unicorn is not so thick.
Another species is the Western or, as it is sometimes called, the American Unicorn. There are relatively few of these unicorns; they are wild horses - free and wayward.
One of the most beautiful unicorns is the Mirror ones, also called Mirror Angs. The fur of these unicorns fits so tightly to the body that it creates a continuous layer, and each mirror hair becomes an integral part of the entire coat.
And finally, the last species is the black unicorn. The fur of this unicorn is usually black with a bluish tint, and the horn is golden. The eyes are bright yellow or orange, without a pupil. The horn of a black unicorn is charged with great negative energy; as soon as a small particle of this horn gets into the blood of any living creature, it ceases to control itself.

Hippogriffs are flying monsters that have an equal chance of being a predator, prey, or mount.
The hippogriff is a monstrous hybrid of an eagle and a horse. It has the ears, neck, mane, body and hind legs of a horse. Wings, forelimbs and head like an eagle. This creature is about the size of a light riding horse. Hippogriffs are excellent horses.
The hippogriff attacks with eagle claws and beak. These animals are omnivores. They feed on everything that is available: vegetation, fruits or living flesh. Hippogriffs are capable of attacking fairly large prey, such as bison, but they are not carnivorous hunters.

In ancient Greek mythology, Pegasus is a winged horse. According to one version, he was born by the gorgon Medusa from Poseidon. According to another, he jumped out of Medusa’s body along with his warrior brother Chrysaor after Perseus cut off her head. According to the third version, he was born from the blood of Medusa that fell on earth. There is also the possibility that he was born from the waters of the ocean like Aphrodite. Immediately after his birth, Pegasus rushed to the place where thunder and lightning are born. According to some versions of the myth, Athena tamed him and gave him to Perseus, who flew on him to Ethiopia to help Andromeda. Pegasus is a later addition to the Perseus myth, as he originally used the winged sandals he received from Hermes.

With the help of his powerful wings, Pegasus is able to fly faster than the wind and travel considerable distances. According to legend, he had a stable in Corinth; lived in the mountains, spending most of his time on Parnassus in Phocis and Helicon in Boeotia.

Hesiod connects the name of Pegasus with the Greek pegai - source, well. However, it can also be correlated with the Luwian pihassas - lightning. Perhaps that is why he became the bearer of lightning for the thunderer Zeus. In addition to the personal name, the word "Pegasus" was also used as a common noun for all winged horses.

Everywhere where Pegasus beat the ground with his hooves, springs appeared. So Mount Helicon, delighted by the singing of the Muses, began to grow to the sky, until, by the will of Poseidon, Pegasus hit its top with his hoof, thereby stopping the growth and opening the source to Hippocrene.

According to one story, Poseidon gave Pegasus to his son Bellerophon. According to another version, Bellerophon caught him at a watering place at the source of Pirene after Athena promised him a horse in a dream, giving him a golden bridle, and he erected an altar to Athena the Horseman, Athena Khalinitis. Thanks to Pegasus, Bellerophon was able to hit the Chimera with a bow from the air (other myths attribute this feat to Perseus). Pegasus helped the hero in other exploits until he set out to reach Olympus on his winged horse. Angered by Bellerophon's sacrilege, Zeus sent a gadfly that stung Pegasus. The horse went mad with pain and threw Bellerophon down. Zeus gave Pegasus to Eos. According to another story, Bellerophon tried to fly up into the sky, but looked down and fell out of fear, while Pegasus continued his flight, leaving Bellerophon to wander in sadness, hated by the gods. Pegasus found refuge in the stables of Olympus, and Zeus entrusted him with bringing lightning from the blacksmith god Hephaestus, who made them.

In literature it is customary to describe Pegasus as follows: “ His fur is white as snow, his magical flowing mane is as light as feathers. Eyes... even more beautiful and sad than those of a horse. The body is slender, the gait is graceful and light. The hooves, which are usually not cloven, may be golden in color. This is such a dear and familiar creature, like a horse, only with the ability to fly! A pegasus may have a horn, like a unicorn. Pegasi and unicorns are creatures similar to each other. It's just that some have wings, others have a horn.».

And although Pegasus is most often attributed a white color, in fiction they do not come in any color.

Pegasus is one of the most famous magical animals, a symbol of inspired poetic creativity. Although this understanding of this animal became widespread only in modern times after becoming acquainted with the ancient myth, according to which a wonderful horse, with the blow of its hoof, opened the source of Hippocrene on the mountain of the muses Helikon. Symbolically, it combines the vitality and strength of the horse with a bird-like liberation from earthly heaviness, which suggests an association with the frantic spirit of the poet, overcoming earthly obstacles. Hence the expression “to ride a Pegasus” - “to become a poet.”

There were statues of Pegasus in Corinth. The Templars placed it on their coat of arms; Pegasus symbolized eloquence, glory and contemplation. According to scientists of the 19th century, Pegasus, born from a deadly monster at the end of the world and ascended to the sparkling peaks of Olympus, is a symbol of the connection of all living things. The winged horse is the symbol of Chrysostom; it is present on the coat of arms and flag of the city. During the Second World War, the Pegasus, with Bellerophon on its back, was adopted as the insignia of the British airborne forces; nowadays used to refer to air transport and speed.

1. Pegasus statue in Corinth.
2. Coat of arms of Chrysostom.
3. Monument to the coat of arms of Chrysostom.
4. Sculpture "Pegasus" in Monte Carlo
5. Pegasus statue on Tverskoy Boulevard

The ancient Roman astrologer Manilius points out that people born at the rising of the constellation Pegasus are endowed with speed of movement and the ability to perform any work. “Some will make the horse turn quickly when, sitting on its back, they will strike from a height, fighting - commanders and warriors, at the same time. Others, shortening the stages, will rush so fast that their legs will not be visible, and the ground will seem to disappear. Who will it rush across the world faster with the news, and will it be easier to reach the ends of the earth?” In addition, those born under this constellation “will use healing juice to heal the wounds of animals, know herbs useful to animals and humans.” According to Ptolemy, the bright stars in the constellation Pegasus are similar in astrological influence to Mars and Mercury.

Winged magical horses appear in many tales of the ancient world. In Asia Minor, the winged horse was revered as the embodiment of the deity of the sky and weather. The image of a heavenly horse exists in many cultures of the world and is associated with the cult of the sun: heavenly horses carry a solar chariot across the sky (similar ideas existed in the Middle East, Ancient Greece, and Scandinavia). However, these horses did not have wings; Obviously, this element of the image was added later (the wings act as a universal image of belonging to the heavenly space and, in accordance with the symbolism of the top, to the spiritual sphere). In medieval legends, the image of a winged hippogriff horse, which symbolizes the uplifting power of the spirit, is widespread. The image of Pegasus illustrates the positive aspect of the horse, whose image, on the other hand, could also take on sinister features.

NAME: black pegasus.
CLASS: magical.
HABITAT: unknown.
APPEARANCE: a black horse with webbed wings, tusks and red eyes.

The so-called black pegasi carry a completely different essence. They look like regular horses, but with large webbed wings, tusks and red eyes. The color is usually black with a dark purple tint. Singles. Black pegasuses have one incomprehensible oddity: they respect people and unicorns, but at the sight of ordinary pegasuses they fly into a rage, rush at them and tear them to shreds.

Source of information:
some magazine. I rewrote the article a long time ago, I can’t vouch for its accuracy, but the information seemed interesting to me.

A little more about pegasi.

1. In the cartoon "Hercules" the hero was accompanied by Pegasus. A magnificent horse with the brains of a bird, as Zeus put it.

2. In the film "Clash of the Titans" to defeat the monster Kraken, Perseus, the son of god, who grew up among people, receives Pegasus, a black winged horse, as a gift from the gods; a zealous beast that is feared by other winged horses distinguished by their white color. No man could ride Pegasus, but Perseus succeeded.

3. The sorcerer turns Princess Breta into a pegasus in the cartoon "Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus".

4. In the book and film "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" A delegation from the French Beauxbatons school of magic is in a huge carriage that moves across the sky with a string of mighty winged horses.

5. In the book by Milena Zavojchinskaya "Aleta" The favorite of the main character Aleta was the black stallion Hammer, half unicorn, half pegasus. He got wings from one of his parents, and a horn from the other.

6. In the anime "Sailor Moon" You can also meet a magical pegasus named Helios, who came to our world from the Land of Dreams. His horn is the focus of his power, the Golden Crystal. Capable of taking on a human form, although the horn remains in this form.


The first mention of Pegasus can be found in the myths of Ancient Greece. According to legend, Pegasus emerged from the body of the gorgon Medusa, who was killed by the ancient Greek hero Perseus. The word Pegasus in translation means “stormy current”, since according to legend it appeared at the source of the Ocean. The winged horse ascended to Olympus and brought lightning to Zeus.

It was also believed that Pegasus was associated with the goddess of dawn Eos and after the death of his only rider Bellerophon, he appeared in the sky in the form of the constellation of the same name. According to another version, the appearance of a flying horse is associated with the Luwian thunder god (Teshub). In this case, the name of the mystical horse means “shining one.”

The fairy-tale pegasus is considered the favorite animal of the muses, who helped poets and writers in their difficult work. One day, a winged horse saved the muses, who, with their singing, were able to make the mountain grow to the skies. But the pegasus was able to rise even higher and, with the blow of his hooves, returned the mountain to its previous state, and a source of water was formed, called the “Horse Spring”.

Where do pegasi live?

Pegasus from ancient Greek myths lived in the mountains in Corinth. In this place he had a stall, most likely made by Bellerefont. Other pegasi also live in high mountain meadows, where they can easily hide from the human eye. Although, according to another version, pegasi live in forests, this is unlikely, since huge wings would certainly prevent them from passing between the trees. They eat the same way as other horses - fresh grass, and sometimes berries and fruits.

Pegasus appearance

Most often, pegasi are depicted as white horses or ponies, with huge wings on their backs.

But sometimes there are also completely black pegasi. However, the color of the coat does not in any way affect the character of the winged horse.

Also sometimes you come across pegasi with brown fur and golden wings.

Pegasus character

These winged horses have a capricious character. They are distrustful, so they rarely allow people to get close to them. There is nothing to say about riding this beautiful animal and trying to fly on it. According to legend, you can only catch a pegasus with a golden bridle, but this is not at all easy. There is a legend that a person who has just seen a pegasus is already endowed with enormous power, with the help of which he can work miracles.

Winged horses are always the personification of good forces. They not only inspire poets, but also help other people. Only a good person can tame a mythical animal; pegasus will always run away from evil ones.

But, like any positive hero, Pegasus has enemies. They are hippogriffs (mythical animals that are a hybrid of a horse and a bird) and griffins (an animal with the body of a lion and the head of an eagle).

But pegasi are not the only horses that can fly. Many relatives of the winged horse can be found. For example, Merani - winged horse in Georgian legends. Or Burdo-Valy from Prikamsky legends. Outwardly, these are ordinary horses, but when no one sees them, they develop wings and can fly. Only no one else should see their wings, so when a person accidentally noticed the wings of these horses, they disappeared and never appeared again.

Tulpar or crowd - a winged horse in Bashkir legends, it helps people, knows how to send wind and lightning, and is also able to communicate with people and all animals. But, just like the Burdo-Vals, they must not show their wings to anyone, otherwise they will no longer be able to fly. There was also a winged horse in China; according to legend, it was the pegasus that flew over 6,000 kilometers in a day, marking the place for the Great Wall of China with its hooves.

The Scandinavians also have a horse that can move in the air; its name is Sleipnir , which translated means “sliding”. He is the son of Loki, the Norse god of cunning and deception. Sleipnir is a gray horse with wings and eight legs. Warrior maidens Valkyries are also gifted by the gods with winged horses.

Pegasi in modern literature

Relatively recently, in 2010, Dmitry Yemets began an amazing and fascinating series of books related to pegasi, called “ShNyr: School of Divers.” This book describes how teenagers, chosen by the golden bees, fly on a pegasus, and after the flyby they “dive,” that is, they make the pegasus fall down from a great height. But, contrary to all the laws of physics, neither the pegasus nor the rider crashes, but ends up in another, suffocated world - a swamp. Flying through the swamp, they find themselves in a beautiful, not yet finished, uninhabited world - a two-room apartment. There they find so-called bookmarks, which, after certain actions, can help terminally ill patients. The problem is that not a single diver has the right to choose the person who needs the bookmark, otherwise he will never be able to dive on a two-room dive again. According to the history of the book, the pegasi themselves escaped into our world from this world, however, at the time described in the work, they had not yet met a single free pegasus on the kopeck piece; they were all bred in our world.

Pegasus is considered a symbol of eloquence, inspiration, glory, and spiritual growth. In European heraldry, it was reproduced on the coats of arms of philosophers and sages; during the Second World War, its image along with a horseman was a distinctive sign of the British Airborne Forces. Today his name is used to denote speed.

Who is Pegasus?

Pegasus is the son of Poseidon and the terror. This favorite of the muses is the patron of sciences and arts. He flew across the sky with the speed of the wind, knocked out mountain springs with a blow of his hoof, and was the object of desire for many hunters who wanted to own a winged horse. But as soon as you tracked down the animal and reached out to it with your hand, trying to saddle it, the incredulous horse ran away and soared into the sky. And to this day he lives in the sky, revealing himself on clear cloudless nights in the form of a constellation of the same name, albeit without huge wings.

How did Pegasus appear?

There are two versions of his birth:

  1. The first legend about Pegasus says that he left the body of his mother Medusa the Gorgon in the company of his warrior brother Chrysaor, when Perseus beheaded her and rid the world of a terrible and evil monster.
  2. According to another version, the horse was born from the blood of his mother, the Gorgon Medusa, which fell on the ground.

The father of the winged horse is Poseidon, the powerful and majestic god of the seas, and Pegasus was born on the shores of the ocean, which is why he received the name, which translated from Greek means “stormy stream.” This horse was Perseus’s faithful assistant in saving Andromeda and the Greek warrior Bellerophon, who took the life of the three-headed horse. Subsequently, Zeus gave Pegasus to the goddess of Dawn Eos, who found him a place in the sky, turning him into a constellation.

What does Pegasus look like?

Pegasus is a horse with wings, which was depicted with white, black, brown or golden fur. His enemies in mythology were considered to be hippogriffs, which looked like half-horses, half-birds, and griffins - animals that had the body of a lion and the head of an eagle. This freedom-loving animal soared higher than the highest peaks. There is a legend about Pegasus, according to which Mount Helikon, delighted by the singing of the muses, began to stretch to the very sky. Then, by will, the horse hit her peak with his hoof, and she froze in place.

Where does Pegasus live?

According to legend, he had a stable in Corinth, but those who are interested in where Pegasus is located should answer that he spent most of his time in the mountains - on Parnassus in Phocis and Helicon in Boeotia. On the last mountain near the grove of the Muses, after a blow with a hoof, the source of Hippocrene, which is also called the “Key of the Horse,” appeared. Poets drew inspiration from it in their work.

Pegasus - mythology

It will become more clear who Pegasus is in ancient mythology if we recall the story about his rider Bellerophon. There are two versions of how he became its owner:

  1. According to the first, Poseidon himself gave the horse to the hero.
  2. According to the second, he waylaid the animal near the Pyrene spring, which is on the top of Acrocorinth. But Bellerophon was not immediately able to saddle his horse. This became possible only after Zeus’s daughter Athena gave the hero a golden bridle. Throwing it around the horse’s neck, Bellerophon boldly jumped on it and subsequently killed the formidable monster Chimera with its help.

That's who saddled Pegasus, but when Bellerophon set out to reach the very top of the sky on his horse and fly to Olympus, Zeus was angry with him for this and sent a horsefly to sting Pegasus in the tail. The animal, distraught with pain, threw Bellerophon, and he died. According to other stories, he fell himself, looking down from a bird's eye view and being very frightened. And the horse remained to serve Zeus faithfully and for a long time brought him to Olympus the thunder and lightning that Hephaestus minted for him.

What does Pegasus symbolize?

The animal represents the vitality and power of a horse along with overcoming gravity, as birds do. This evokes associations with the unbridled inspiration of the poet, overcoming everything in its path. If we consider that the source of Hippocrene, which appeared after a blow with a hoof, was the source of the muses, then this gave rise to the popular expression: “Ride Pegasus.” Those wondering who a person becomes when he rides Pegasus should answer that he becomes a poet, a creator, a person who rises above the ordinary and creates works of genius.

mythical winged horse

Alternative descriptions

Inspirer of Poets

Star-Knocked Horse

Newsreel Khanzhonkova

Winged horse of Zeus (Greek mythology)

The horse from the name of the literary cafe, where Sergei Yesenin was a regular

Northern Hemisphere Constellation

Brand name of A. A. Khanzhonkov’s joint-stock company for film production

Equatorial constellation

Smokers horse

Which constellation includes stars whose Arabic names are “Algenib” - “wing”, “marnab” - “saddle” and “sheat” - “shoulder”?

The most famous representative of horse aviation

Spaceship from the cartoon “The Secret of the Third Planet”

It is in this constellation that the star “Sirah al-Faras” is located, whose name from Arabic translates as “the navel of a horse”

In what constellation is the star Sheat located?

In what constellation is the star Makrab located?

In what constellation is the star Algenib located?

From the blow of his hoof arose the source of Hippocrene, from which poets drew inspiration

Winged horse of the muses

Mutant horse with wings

Winged horse of Bellerophon

Poetic ungulate

American artificial satellite

The winged horse of Zeus in ancient Greek mythology

winged horse

winged constellation

Winged horse among the Greeks


The horse that inspires the poet

Winged horse to inspire a poet

A poetic example of mounted aviation

Winged horse (myth.)

Born from the torso of Medusa the Gorgon

Equator. constellation

Winged horse for the inspired poet

The poet's horse soaring in the clouds

Mythical flying horse

Winged horse of Zeus

Horse of Medusa Gorgon

Poetic Steed

Symbol of poetic inspiration

Winged poetic horse

The poet's winged steed

The poet's working nag

Winged horse of Zeus

Winged horse

. "dark" horse of poetry

Mythical horse

Flying horse (myth.)

. “fluttering” horse (myth.)

Mythical disabled horse

Representative of Mounted Aviation

Born from the body of Medusa the Gorgon

Horse lyrics

Northern Hemisphere Constellation

In ancient Greek mythology, the winged horse of Zeus

Equatorial constellation

In Greek mythology, a winged horse

Symbol of poetic inspiration


small fish

. "Floating" horse (myth.)

. The "dark" horse of poetry

Which constellation includes stars whose Arabic names are “Algenib” - “wing”, “marnab” - “saddle” and “sheat” - “shoulder”

It is in this constellation that the star “Sirah al-Faras” is located, whose name from Arabic translates as “the navel of a horse”

Horse of Zeus

Spaceship from the cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet"

The winged horse that inspires the poet

Mutant horse with wings

M. fabulous winged horse of the ancients. Pegasus fish. One of the northern constellations

In what constellation is the star Sheat located?

In what constellation is the star Makrab located?

In what constellation is the star Algenib located?