New Olympic League skating rink reviews. Ice skating rink in Sochi Olympic Park: schedule, prices

Every year, the Olimpiyskiy Sports Complex delights Muscovites and guests of the capital with an open-air skating rink. And absolutely free, within walking distance from the Prospekt Mira metro station (5 min walk). The skating rink is located next to the Olimpiysky Sports Complex, the entrance is from Olimpiysky Avenue. If you come from the metro, when approaching the SK, keep to the left. Landmark - Moscow Cathedral Mosque.

The skating rink is free.

Operating mode:


There is a warm locker room, hot coffee and snacks, and a free toilet. There are no storage compartments, but you can hand over a bag of shoes to the administrator for free (they give you a number).

Skate rental 200 rub/hour. You also need to pay a deposit for skates - 1500 rubles or leave your driver's license. Passports are not accepted as collateral.

We arrived on Sunday around 15-00. There were few visitors. Ice quality is normal. It was snowing and the ice covered up quite quickly. There is no technical break at the skating rink - the ice is cleaned as needed (about 20 minutes). Naturally, at this time everyone is kicked out

By evening there were more people, but there was enough room for everyone.

good musical accompaniment, bright spotlights and cute colored lanterns around the perimeter - what else is needed to enjoy a ride on your day off!

HOW TO GET THERE: Art. metro station "Prospekt Mira"

ADDRESS: Moscow, Olympic Ave., 16

PRICES: ticket price for adults for 45 min. skiing costs 203 rubles, for 60 minutes. – 270 rub., for 90 minutes. – 405 rub. For children under 14 years old, a ticket will cost 150 rubles, 200 rubles. and 300 rub. respectively. Tickets can be purchased at the central ticket office of the Olympic Sports Complex.

Among the many indoor skating rinks in Moscow, I would like to highlight the skating rink at the Olympic Sports Complex. Our group really enjoyed the hike. Before that we went to Russian ice V Gorky Park. The skating rink in Olimpiyskiy simply cannot be compared with it.

The ice on it is even and smooth, it is clear that they are seriously working on it. Also, mostly professional skaters skate at this stadium, so here you can always find yourself good coach. The entrance price is, of course, high, but it is completely worth it.

There is a wardrobe and a toilet, they can be used for free. For public skating, the skating rink is open several times a week: Wednesday - from 15.00 to 16.00, Saturday - from 11.00 to 12.30, from 12.45 to 13.45, from 14.00 to 15.00 and on Sunday - from 15.45 to 16.45, from 17.00 to 18.00, from 18.15 until 19.00. However, it is better to check the working hours further.

There is no skate rental. Not long ago the ice center sports complex Olimpiyskiy reopened its doors to visitors after a technical break. Hockey players, figure skaters, and curling fans will find a place there.

Now a new hockey rink has been installed there, new ice has been poured in and the design of the hall has been changed. Classes for subscription groups are held at the Olimpiyskiy skating rink. Figure skating classes are held for children 4-14 years old. Purpose of the lesson: to give the children initial training figure skating. Your child will be taught how to slide correctly and perform simple elements such as spinning and jumping.

The hockey group recruits boys 7-14 years old. During the lessons, the children will definitely learn the technique of wielding a stick and puck, as well as hockey team game, then they will develop a sense of composure, attentiveness, and responsibility for the team.

The synchronized skating group is for those who have already mastered the figure skating technique well. Admission to the group is carried out based on the results of viewing throughout academic year. Synchronized skating is a more democratic sport, although it is based figure skating. We were more interested in public skating.

We really got positive emotions from him. High-quality ice, a large area for skating, musical accompaniment - all this left a pleasant impression and a desire to definitely return to the Olimpiysky again. Don't forget to drop by Catherine Park after the rides.