Scheme and description of the Vasilyev generator. Generator circuits for treatment with Mishin coils

1. K174GF2 (XR2206) + TDA7056A (TDA7056B)

Sine wave generator on a microcircuit K174GF2 (XR2206) and amplifier onTDA7056A(B)- minimum wiring, 12 volt power supply. TDA7056A(B) is placed on the radiator. You can supply up to 18 volts. During implosion, the distortion is small. (TDA7056A(B) 4.5-18 V, 3.5 W, up to 300 kHz). There is no need to install capacitors on the 5th leg of the TDA7056A(B) chip if there is no interference on this leg. TDA7056A(B) must be placed on the radiator.

Disadvantages: The TDA7056A amplifier is not designed to amplify such high frequencies. Therefore, in this circuit it will get very hot. Therefore, a large cooling radiator is required. And the circuit will have low efficiency. The amplitude of the voltage supplied to the coil will not exceed half the supply voltage, i.e. 6 volts. A serious disadvantage is the frequency regulation with a variable resistor. There should be a wirewound multi-turn resistor here. Otherwise, precise tuning to the frequency is problematic. In addition, after a short period of use, the resistor will wear out, which will lead to uncontrolled frequency jumps.
2.K174GF2 (XR2206) + transistor amplifier, class A

Disadvantages: same as above. In addition to reduced efficiency. In this case, the amplifier works much better, although it may be more difficult to configure.

Simplified diagram by Denis Gorelochkin.

3. SG3525A- power regulation is regulated by the supply voltage (author Denis Gorelochkin)

4. K 561LN2 - sine wave generator, R6, C3 - frequency adjustment

For more than a century, humanity has been widely using electricity. Countless devices of all kinds have been produced. At the same time, no one thinks about their safety.

Over the past decades, the number of pathologies of the human body, the treatment of which cannot be treated by medicine, has increased. The reason is often not so much a poor environmental situation as a lack of understanding of the processes in all devices that operate on the basis of the phenomenon of electromagnetism.

If we touch on physical processes, then in nature they proceed in accordance with Speaking in simple language, performing an action is impossible without a support point, and during its execution, the object and the support receive equal mechanical impact. If you look at this problem through the prism of vortex processes, it turns out that when creating electromagnetic radiation, the electrostatic plane is taken as a basis.

The Mishin healing coil, reviews of which indicate that it has a high degree of functionality, provides vortex processes. They have a healing effect.

What does electricity radiation destroy?

Our life is full of continuous pulsations emanating from electrical devices. They have a destructive effect at the molecular level. As a result, increased energy saturation of molecules is caused, which leads to the formation of large clusters. Many looped structures of molecules in the human body cannot be treated with medications due to their high level of strength. Such formations in the body lead to the appearance of cancer or block any functions in the body.

The most unified method is to create a zone with a reduced density of the medium using electrostatic implosive resonance. This effect is provided by the Mishin healing coil.

The essence of her work is actually built on gravity. True, the range of the device is small. It is only 2-3 meters. The level of transmitted power of such equipment depends on the degree of voltage. The amplifier for the Mishin coil has an output voltage frequency of 12-24 volts. The current indicator should not exceed 100-200mA.

Principles of Flat Coil Manufacturing (DMA)

How to make such a device as a Mishin coil with your own hands? A preliminary preparation of a base is required, on which double-sided tape should be glued. A round protrusion is installed in the center. Its diameter is 25 mm. Around it, the laying of two wires begins, which should lie parallel to the plane of the base.

The generator for the Mishin treatment coil can be of a standard configuration. Its power is quite enough for health purposes. The generator circuit for the Mishin coil is presented below.

After manufacturing such a device, a container is obtained based on a pair of spiral-shaped plates that are nested inside each other. It is possible to use any copper wire, the diameter of which, together with the insulation, will be no more than 1.5 mm. The diameter of the coil should not be more than 23-25 ​​cm. The wire is fixed at the top. You can secure it with tape.

The Mishin coil, the circuit of which is not so complicated, can easily be assembled independently. The materials for its manufacture are easy to obtain at any electrical appliance store.

How to set up a coil using an oscilloscope?

Mishin's vortex coil needs to determine the frequency. For this purpose, a pair of taps is made from the device. You should take the end of one wire from the inside of the coil, and the other end from the outside. In this case, the circuit remains open, and the two terminals of the unused plates should be cut off.

When using a standard type generator with a power of 2 W, it is possible to determine the operating frequency of the device by connecting an oscilloscope probe in parallel with the generator terminals. while gradually increasing. The first frequency at which the generator output voltage is lower is determined. This will be an indicator of the operating frequency of this device.

Second voltage measurement option

The device can also be measured using a 10 m resistor, which is connected in series. The highest amplitude value should be determined. This method makes it possible to evaluate the quality level of the supplied sine wave in load mode in the tank.

How to configure using the LED indicator?

The operating frequency of the capacitance can be determined using an indicator coil. It is an induction device that includes two counter LEDs.

With this method, you can find the frequency by the maximum luminosity of the LEDs. In this case, the generator voltage decreases. This ensures a reduction in the frequency range at which the glow is observed.

Effective coil frequency indicator

If you ensure that the wire is firmly fastened and the device is not subjected to severe mechanical deformation, then after setting the optimal power supply frequency to the container, its frequency indicator will not change during use. For the capacitance design presented above, the average frequency is 310 kHz. In this case, the effective frequency range of the supply signal lies within ±10 kHz relative to the operating frequency.

Such a device has a wide electrostatic spectrum and a low gradient of plane change towards the center of the device during operation. This will allow you to effectively influence the central nervous system, eliminate circulatory disorders and many other vortex problems in the body.

Design features of a flat coil with a diameter of 12 cm

Mishin treatment coils with a reduced distance between the plates have a higher level of impact on pathogenic formations. For example, you can use a wire with a cross-section of 0.5 mm in varnish insulation. The length of each wire will be 10-12 meters.

The internal diameter will also be approximately 25 mm, and the external one - 130 mm. This capacity has a high level of efficiency. It can affect the smallest viruses, fungi, eliminate scars and accelerate the process of tissue regeneration.

Features of the torus configuration (TMA, donut)

A subsequent reduction in the cross-section of the wire and the overall size of the coil will lead to the creation of an even more effective version of the vortex capacitance. With an outer diameter of 51 mm and an inner diameter of 25 mm, a wire thickness of about 0.1 mm is created.

Such a device is difficult to make by hand. Therefore, it is recommended to use a simplified version of manufacturing the device in the form of a torus.

Making a torus

To make a torus, you will need about 15 meters of twisted pair cable (UTP 5E). The wire includes four or eight cores, which are twisted in pairs. You should remove the outer insulation of the cable and separate one pair from the rest.

To create such a container, you can use almost all types of wires. The only condition is that the distance between the wires along the entire length must be the same. Therefore, twisted pair is ideal.

Next, a piece of electric corrugation is used. It will become the basis for creating equipment for bobbin winding. The diameter of the corrugation should be 25 mm. It should be bent into a torus of the required size. By outside a slot is made. It is secured with a couple of turns of insulating tape.

This winding will ensure the correct formation of vortices. In this case, a whole spectrum of frequencies is formed, where inner part winding is responsible for high performance, and external - for low performance.

Before you start winding, the internal lead of the wire should be threaded into a pre-prepared hole in the corrugation, and after winding, fix the outer leads. To secure the winding, it is necessary to remove the corrugation in parts. Twisted pair leads unwind, and unused ones are bitten off

Determining the device power frequency

Next, you should determine the frequency of the torus power supply. The generator terminal must be connected with different sides on the wires of the device. To determine the output voltage, the oscilloscope probes are connected directly to the generator terminals.

Then the first indicator of the frequency of the maximum voltage drop relative to the input is determined. In other words, the frequency of maximum conductivity of the capacitance should be indicated. Further nutrition will take place precisely at this indicator.

Coil power supply

The coils are powered by a sine wave (signal from the generator). Power supply via pulses is unacceptable, since it does not have inertia in this mode. Frequency range s high efficiency for tori the same as for coils of flat configuration. It is 270-380 kHz.

During operation of the device, the supply voltage coming from the generator can drop up to ten times or more. In this case, the total power activity indicator can be no higher than 0.1 W. The maximum conducting current power should be limited to 200 mA, and the voltage to 22-24 V.

If these parameters are overestimated, this can lead to electrostatic breakdowns, which will be expressed in discharges from the center of the coil.

What generators should I use?

A frequently used generator for the Mishin coil is TGS-3. It has automated resonance tuning.

The ATTEN ATF20B+ model is considered a more professional analogue. Its advantages include the presence of a display, USB interface, frequency counter, and signal shape. Such a generator for the Mishin coil emits a signal that is not subject to distortion.

Mishina coil treatment

So, having prepared a device of the simplest configuration in the form of an inductive coil, it is possible to influence any problem areas living organisms. In most cases, knowledge of painful points in the body is not at all necessary, since electrostatics automatically affects painful volumetric structures and contributes to their separation.

What is vortex medicine based on? Mishin coils provide natural application of environmental energy to influence the problems arising in the carbon form of life. This method is equivalent to the effects of antibiotics, and also serves as a replacement for operations to remove cancerous tumors. The vortex flows created by the coil will easily restore the affected nerve cells.

What did the testing of the device show?

What potential does the Mishin coil have? Treatment with it gives good results. Tests that were carried out over a number of months revealed a high level of effectiveness in using electrostatic capacitance to restore lost body functions. The duration of one session, depending on the disease, ranged from 5 minutes to an hour.

Features of the treatment of certain diseases

Mishin coil causes discharge large quantity toxins that must be eliminated by the kidneys through urine. Dealing with so many harmful substances when using a coil is not an easy task. Therefore, treatment begins with the lumbar region.

For a normal body cleansing regime, sessions lasting 30-40 minutes will be sufficient. They should be carried out within the first five days. The coil is applied to the lumbar and chest area. The lower back is the most important area of ​​influence during treatment, as the kidneys are cleansed. These organs, as statistics show, are severely clogged in half of the people.

The first week of treatment contributes to significant cleansing of the body. The immune system works in enhanced mode, tissue regeneration begins.

The duration of sessions held in the second week can be increased to 60-90 minutes. This is the average. Much depends on the specific case and disease.

For example, kidney treatment should be carried out in sessions lasting half an hour. If after the procedure the patient complains of feeling unwell, weakness, chills, fever, pain, then the Mishin coil has begun its effect. If a person is able to bear the discomfort, then a similar session is carried out the next day. If you feel very bad, it is recommended to postpone treatment for two days.

Each person is able to determine what intensity of exposure he needs to be cured. The patient chooses the duration of the session individually.

At first, the coil may have little effect on obese people. Electrostatics have a certain charge that is consumed as waste products break down in the body. It promotes the destruction of looped formations. During the next session, without encountering any obstacles on its way, electrostatics penetrates even deeper and copes with the disease. Cell formation, as a rule, is located in the fat layer. This is why overweight people require a longer period of treatment. Typically, such patients do not feel any results from the sessions within the first five days.

Choosing the right mode

After the Mishin coil begins to act, you need to decide whether this mode is right for you, whether it is worth adding exposure time or whether it should be reduced. If you are on vacation, you can resort to daily long-term procedures. This way you can cleanse your body in no time. It can also be used in shorter sessions. This intensity is applicable to people who do not have any severe acute illnesses that require urgent treatment.

A local disease, for example, pain in the knees or migraine, can be treated with another device - a torus. This bagel has a targeted effect and is perfect for these purposes. The impact diameter of the device is approximately 10 cm.

Features of the coil

There are nuances in the operation of the coil that are difficult to explain.

For example, the coil continues to work even when turned off. Only the indicator of its functionality in this case is 20%. In addition, the impact extends not only to the person to whose body the coil is attached, but also to people who are at a distance of 3-7 meters from it.

Many people are interested in how long a device such as a Mishin coil can be used. Treatment should be stopped after the body has rid itself of all toxins, as the device no longer has any effect on the body. You can apply the coil to your body throughout the day, but it will not have any effect. This is what will indicate that you have improved your health.

The author is not a writer; the review necessarily contains errors and unnecessary punctuation marks. There are no necessary punctuation marks and there are a lot of extra letters. The author tried to fix everything))) and even removed the submarines around which the whole story was built.
Next we’ll talk about how to make an interesting and possibly useful device out of old and sometimes not very necessary things with your own hands, it’s not for nothing that it’s so popular...
Initially, this project was conceived by me as: Try to collect, and not just collect, but collect from what you have. with virtually no cash investment. What is the motivation?
Does anyone know what this is? Maybe it doesn’t work at all?.. And why invest money in it? But why then is it so popular and ready-made devices are sold and cost so much? Maybe there is still some benefit from it?
I'll try to understand these issues.

the first autogenerator.

I assembled it and turned it on, and... of course the generator did not want to work, despite the simplicity of the circuit, it does not start. What's the matter?
I started googling, what is the reason? After all, the schemes didn’t have much of a description.
I came across this in my search
As usually happens, there are more questions than answers on the forums, and by the time I appeared there were already more than 80 pages of discussion!!! Are you serious? Schemes of five - seven - ten parts and 80 pages of discussion? Apparently not everything is as simple as it seems?

I had to register on the forum, where I began to ask and ask questions: How to make from what? It's good that this forum gives answers!
It turned out that this generator does not work without load! which is the coil ((
The load (coil) in the diagrams is on the far right and is circled in brown. And this is not a simple coil, but a bifilar Tesla coil. Why bifilar? Because it is wound with 2 wires at the same time. And the name is borrowed from English. For the creation of this type of coil, we must say thanks to Nikola Tesla, a mysterious personality and revolutionary of his time. Details about Tesla bifilar coils
Such a coil is wound with two wires at once and the windings of such a coil are not connected to each other.
I found out that making such a coil is not difficult in principle; it requires 15 meters of twisted pair. And I had it!
Fortunately, the provider brought 20 m of this same twisted pair cable for the Internet into my apartment.
When there was another showdown with the provider, hello Beeline, in order to eliminate the possibility that the Internet speed was low due to losses in the cable, which also got in the way, I asked the installer to shorten it from 20 to 2 meters. I didn’t throw away the rest; you never know. And not in vain, so it came in handy for me.
To make a coil you need to get one twisted pair from the cable, and there are already 4 twisted pairs in the cable.
Getting twisted pair cable is still a quest, especially if there is not enough space. First you need to remove the insulation. The wires found under the insulation are twisted together into pairs, and these pairs are also twisted together. When you try to untwist them, they get tangled and twist even more))) In general, out of 4 whole pairs, I managed to get three whole pairs without loss with the help of some mother)) One of the most beautiful white-green pair of wires fell victim, and in the end I used homespuns, twists, and installation wires for homemade products.
Fortunately, a coil of obtained twisted pair winds easily; I wound it around three fingers in a couple of minutes.
Due to its shape, the coil bears the same name Tor.
Here is my first bifilar

coil torus

After connecting the coil as a load, the generator circuit also did not work.
The forum helped me out
Looking at the photo of my craft, someone on the forum said that I had gone overboard with ferrite))) and advised me to use ring ferrite from a faulty energy-saving light bulb as a core.
As it turned out, I took the wrong ferrite to make the PIC coil, and in the wrong place. Ferrite ring cores from a computer power supply are not suitable; they are designed to suppress high-frequency interference and convert it into heat.

The circuit of the self-oscillator is not so simple; it has one more coil, with only two windings of one turn each, it seemed to me that it could be simpler. But as I later found out, this coil
It is due to this that the amplifier is turned into a generator.
Due to the fact that the so-called positive feedback is organized between the input of the microcircuit 3 pin and the output 6-8 pin. The amplifier is excited and begins to work like a generator at the frequency of the load connected to it.
Everyone has probably encountered this effect when you mumble something into a microphone, turn up the volume, or bring the microphone to a speaker and instead of muttering you get a very loud whistle. This is the effect feedback microphone and speakers. Here, instead of a microphone and speakers, a PIC coil is used for feedback.

Of course, I had such a light bulb at home, it was lying on a shelf in the hallway, but apparently not for long, by the time I looked for it, apparently it had already been thrown out by the female half... in general, I didn’t find it at home.
And you know, finding a faulty lamp is not so easy, I asked everyone! And all this trash is thrown away. But one colleague from work said that he seemed to have... two days of waiting and he brought me a light bulb!!!
Have you ever been happy about a broken light bulb? And I have already had such an experience in my life, twice. A few days later he brought me another one)))
If you carefully disassemble the lamp body along the seam, it is important not to damage the integrity of the glass bulb; there is mercury in the bulb, but it is not needed at all. So if you doubt that your hands are growing from the right place, then it is better not to risk it, but to buy a ferrite high-frequency ring at a local store.
The faulty lamp contained a board with a transformer, capacitors, diodes and a bunch of other spare parts.

Energy saving giblets

So I provided myself not only with a ferrite ring, but also with film capacitors! Why film?
Up to this point, my capacitors were divided into 2 classes: electrolytic, which have a polarity and cannot be confused when switched on, and permanent ones, which do not have a polarity and can be switched on in any way you like.
But on the forum they advised to use film capacitors for the generator, not just any, like mine???
I began to look at how film differs from regular and ceramic ones. It turned out that they work better when they are heated, or rather they can withstand the heat better during their work. I honestly never even thought about the fact that capacitors also heat up before this. But if they advise that film capacitors are better, then you need to follow the advice. Film capacitors, according to pictures found on the Internet, turned out to be more plump and rounded in their outlines than ceramic ones, which are thin and angular.
I pulled out the plumpest capacitors from the faulty energy-saving board, hoping that they were film))) I also took them for the circuit. And a ferrite ring, of course. And, believe it or not, I was very happy when I found a pair of stranded wires in the light bulb. How I missed them, the mounting wires for such homemade single-core twisted-pair cables that I was using were constantly breaking and it was always not clear whether I had assembled something wrong, or again there was a misconnection somewhere.
The value of the capacitors obtained from the energy saving system, of course, did not correspond to that indicated in the diagram, but when did this stop us?

Half a day of experiments and long-awaited success!
There will be no photo, after the experiments the generator began to look like a heap of extra wires, a bunch of extra spare parts. parts soldered to one terminal, etc. Horror in general. It doesn't matter.

The main generator circuit is working! Of course, this was no longer the same circuit that I tried to assemble at the beginning, but the simplest of 4 parts)). I didn't even put capacitors on the power filter.
We count the parts of the generator with which it finally started working:
1. The TDA7056A chip itself is from China
2. Ferrite coil, from a faulty energy-saving PIC
3. Film capacitor next to the PIC coil, from a faulty energy saver.
4. Bifilar Tesla coil in the shape of a torus, from scrap twisted pair cable from Beeline

How to understand that the scheme is working. For clarity, the easiest way is to twist the “Indicator coil”. Yes, again a coil, not a circuit, but solid coils.
This is how it is to get into the radio range, all the coils and nuances and so much needs to be taken into account.

Any wire is suitable for the indicator coil; I took the trimmings of that very beautiful white-green twisted pair wire.
You need to wind 30-50 turns, wind them as usual on three fingers to the ends of the wires and solder two LEDs in opposite directions. But I had a hard time finding just one LED, so I soldered it in.
There is an indicator. There is a generator.
Everyone who at work saw how the assembled circuit of the autogenerator worked said that I made wireless charging for the phone)) After all, this autogenerator really looks like wireless charging. You bring the indicator coil with the LED to the bifilar coil connected to the autogenerator and the LED lights up. It shines so brightly! We even tried to hold the phone close to the coil as an experiment, but the wireless charging on the phone did not turn on((.

What's the fun in making homemade radio parts? The fact that you do something with your own hands that you have never done before and, depending on the result, you receive either satisfaction or disappointment from the process.
With this generator there is some third option, there is a feeling of satisfaction that the circuit is working and a feeling of dissatisfaction that it is not working as it should. When I asked for an oscilloscope and connected the generator output to it, I saw some kind of storm instead of a sine wave. In general, the assembled circuit is not suitable for use.
Now, if you wish, you can find a generator circuit called

it already has more details compared to the circuit that I assembled, there are 47 nanofarad capacitors and another coil, and again a 10 microhenry coil.
I eventually assembled this circuit after I waited for the necessary spare parts from China.
But it can also be modernized by adding an optocoupler and a tuning resistor to the circuit.
The optocoupler with pins 1 and 2 is soldered to the 10 microHenry inductor through a 50 kOhm resistor
The 3rd leg of the optocoupler is soldered to the 4th leg of the TDA. The 4th leg of the optocoupler is soldered to the 5th leg of the TDA.
This addition will allow you to smoothly regulate the current in the coil.
Something like this should happen after assembly

After assembly, the generator must be properly configured: resonance, phases, current, etc.
The voltage waveform must be in the form of a pure sine wave; for this, a 4-piece generator is added L-C circuit strapping. (Lepton1 circuit)
By selecting the elements of this chain, you can precisely adjust the resonant frequency, phases of the current and voltage of the output signal, and also achieve maximum current.
Probably ideally everything should look like this:
1. The generator operates exactly at the resonant frequency of the coil (at the same time, the voltage is minimal and the current is maximum.
2. The output voltage should be in the form of a beautiful sine wave, exactly the same shape as the current (the current in the coil at resonance always has the shape of a sine)
3. The phases of the voltage and current signals must match
4. The current must have a maximum value but is limited to a maximum value of 150 mA
Everything seems simple, but you most likely won’t be able to achieve such a result ((
Why? All of the listed parameters are interconnected, and you also need to add a third element to the coil-generator system - the subject of the application (plant, animal, person, whatever, we are experimenting)
And as soon as the third element appears, all settings need to be done again.
The system of a self-oscillator coil and the subject of study reacts very clearly to changes in any element or its parameter. For example, the frequency changes immediately if you bring your hand to the coil, the frequency changes, and then the other parameters change.
But it seems that such perfect accuracy is not needed, the effect will still be there.

Pros and cons of TDA7056A microcircuits as applied to a self-oscillator circuit?


1. The microcircuit operates in a very wide, in my opinion, range of input supply voltages.
It can be powered from 3 to 18 volts of supply voltage. This is a proven range!
2. The declared operating temperature range of the microcircuit is up to 105 degrees Celsius!!! And it feels like 60 is very hot and the hand can’t stand it for a long time, but here 105 what does it mean, that you don’t have to use a radiator or take one, but why is it small? Because it doesn’t get very hot even with a small radiator))
4. Stated good attitude signal noise, and low nonlinear distortion factor - 0.25
5. Declared protection against short circuits. I did a lot of short circuits when setting the current adjustment range, but I still couldn’t burn the circuit.
6. The output power increases with increasing supply voltage. We want more power, we need more voltage.


I actually know one, but it’s a big minus!
1. The microcircuit does not have reverse polarity protection.
What does it mean? If you supply power to it with the wrong polarity, you will send the microcircuit to electronic heaven. It will burn immediately. Well, what was the cost of installing a diode at the power input? To get complete protection from the Fool.

Why do we need this frequency and this self-oscillator?
Since this is a digression from the topic, I will be brief and hide the information under a spoiler

Additional information about self-generating coils and their properties

How often do different discoveries happen? You need to add up the a and b that everyone knows and look at the result.
This was accidentally done by a certain Alexander Mishin, while researching Nikola Tesla’s patent on flat bifilar coils, he supplied the coils with a frequency in this range, around 300 kHz!!! Hello submarines))) And I noticed interesting property these coils at this frequency.
He noticed their effect on his body. As he noted, don’t ask me, this is not the main thing; through experimentation, he found out that the coils, when powered at a frequency of 250-350 kHz, create conditions in the body for its recovery.
Where did this frequency range of 250-350 kHz come from? Mishin says that he obtained it through experiments, comparing the effectiveness of different frequencies.
He also discovered that bifilar Tesla coils at a frequency of about 300 kHz have a detrimental effect on fungal formations. Mishin says that he conducted an experiment with Oyster mushroom and a bifilar Tesla coil,
The coil lay nearby for 15 minutes. The next day, in place of the healthy mycelium of Oyster mushroom and mycelium there was only mucus, the mycelium of the mushroom collapsed.
They say that plant seedlings that are periodically exposed to such coils grow faster and have better germination.
One person told me about his interesting experiment. He is from Rostov and, like everyone else in the area, his grapes began to hurt, some kind of infection attacked. He took a large 21 cm diameter bifilar coil and held it under each grape bush for about forty minutes, as a result, he collected his grapes, and his neighbor 70 meters away was left without grapes.
Further more..., but this is not a topic for discussion on this portal; whoever wants it will find it himself. Mishin coils, self-generators and others.
This accidental discovery is only three years old, so this topic is now actively discussed and developed.
This is how it happens, Nikola Tesla’s bifilar coils have been known to everyone for a hundred years!
The same frequency is used at 300 kHz.
But by combining these two well-known things, we get something interesting in its properties and effects on plants, animals and, of course, humans.

Epilogue and conclusions

Quite a lot of time has passed since my first homemade project, when I assembled my first autogenerator.
The scheme only looks simple, but not everything is so simple. There are a lot of nuances that are of great importance.
After all, this is already a radio range.
I didn't even go into detail about the questions:
How to configure this self-oscillator for voltage resonance? And what is it?
How to achieve the correct sine shape at the output?
What should be the phase shift of voltage and current?
How can all this be regulated?
At what frequency, current and voltage is greater efficiency achieved?

Why is there no photo of the finished device? I can’t say yet that I’ve finished and the device is completely ready.
You do something, change something and realize that you still need to finish it. If you are interested in photos, I added them in the comments below.
You can see a short and uninteresting look at how this thing works, or rather, how the glow of the indicator coil LED changes and what shape and amplitude the output voltage is.

In general, the topic of Nikola Tesla, his coils, and the energies associated with them is covered in some veil of secrecy and is no longer officially discussed. This is what lone enthusiasts like Mishin do.
Only a few of Nikola Tesla's discoveries are officially used; the most famous is, of course, the three-phase motor.
Mishin put together the well-known a and b and got something interesting, I think many will argue and discuss for a long time what exactly and why and how it works?

And the conclusions are:

The microcircuit under review has many advantages and only one disadvantage!
This microcircuit can be connected according to the “wrong” circuit, and it works!
It works great at a frequency 25 times higher than the audio range!!! And it can be used not only in audio frequency amplifier circuits, but also in circuits where a higher frequency is needed, up to 500 kHz, and possibly higher.
The cost of the described microcircuit, even in our times, is very low, less than $0.1
With this chip you can assemble a simple device yourself and explore Tesla bifilar coils.
And this is not a plowed field for research. These coils are not even shorted!!! There is no contact between the wires, but somehow they work!!! Isn't this interesting? Is the circuit open and working? How it works!!! For everyone who is interested in the topic of research and discoveries of Nikola Tesla.
Everyone is interested in what kind of beast bifilar, triphelar, capacitive, static, sector and other Tesla coils are and more.
Those who are simply interested in making a new and possibly very useful device are recommended for further study.


Many will say it started with Tesla coils and ended with Mishin coils.
Therefore, I cannot help but leave a warning for such wise men and armchair experts.
When the generator is operating, a very high voltage is induced at the free contacts of the bifilar coil, this is Tesla, in our case several kilovolts.
Be sure to hide or insulate the free ends of the bifilar coil windings. Otherwise, it may sting strongly and unpleasantly, and if you are lucky, it may even kill you to hell.

I wish everyone not to believe in the visible picture of the world, it is not what it seems.
Good luck and health to everyone!

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