Denise Austin's "quick weight loss" program is easy, affordable, effective. Denise Austin “Rapid weight loss”: reviews and description Pros and cons of classes

For those who want to successfully lose weight and get their body in order, but have no experience in sports or fitness, there are many programs, for example, from Denise Austin. Effective reduction weight is achieved due to the fact that you will perform all the exercises according to the requirements of the trainer in the video.

Aerobics with Denise Austin " Quick loss weight” has gained popularity all over the world due to its effectiveness and accessibility.

Who is Denise Austin

Denise Austin is famous in America personal trainer in fitness, as well as the host of television programs devoted to this topic, author of thematic techniques.

The original video courses of this fitness instructor are extremely popular both in the USA, Europe and other countries. Their high efficiency is achieved due to the fact that each exercise is selected by the author in strict accordance with the needs of the body. Austin is the author large quantity fitness programs dedicated not only to weight loss, but also to strength training and cardio, Pilates, yoga and much more. Almost all programs have been translated into Russian.

Among them are the following:

  • “Work on problem areas”;
  • “Lose 5 kilograms”;
  • “Yoga for those who want to lose weight”;
  • "Fitness for pregnant women";
  • “Just what you need”;
  • "Training camp" and others.

Below we will talk about Denise Austin’s “Rapid Weight Loss” program. Reviews about it are mostly positive, and you can also read some of them.

Description of the program

This author's program is the most famous; it was these video lessons that brought Austin worldwide popularity. Thanks to such exercises, you can successfully get rid of fat on your arms, buttocks, stomach and thighs. The body will also become more toned and elastic.

The classes are simple and accessible to every girl: even without special training physical training, you can successfully get rid of extra pounds.

This program includes two 25-minute workouts. To speed up metabolism, burn fat and increase cardiac endurance, you will need to perform rhythmic movements from dancing or aerobics, and to strengthen your muscles and body as a whole, do exercises with dumbbells. Excellent results achieved through a combination of strength and aerobic exercise. When you lose fat and tone your muscles, your figure will be closer to ideal.

To practice this program, you need to have a mat and two dumbbells at home. It is better to start training with dumbbells of 0.5-1 kg each, and then you can increase their weight to 2 kilograms. Almost all strength exercises involve several muscle groups at the same time. For example, you can simultaneously work inner part thighs and biceps. Thanks to this, calorie consumption will increase during one session.

The two types of workouts can be alternated with each other, and it will take you less than half an hour to complete the workouts during the day. If you have endurance, then you can do both types of training in a row, so you will achieve what you want faster. It is recommended to exercise at least 3-4 times a week and only on a regular basis. There should be no breaks in training for more than two days. Only systematically can you achieve noticeable success.

The program includes the following types of exercises:

Mostly the reviews about the Denise Austin program are good, but everyone has their own preferences and capabilities. Some people prefer dance classes, while others prefer strength exercises, against which the muscles of different zones are pumped. The purpose of the lesson is also taken into account. Some people need to get in shape after pregnancy, while others just want to stay toned.

Pros and cons of classes

The complex of classes under consideration has both many positive and negative aspects.

If we talk about the advantages of the program, it is worth noting the following:

The program has significantly fewer disadvantages, but they are still there:

  • if you have been doing fitness for some time, then the load on this program will be too light for you and is unlikely to suit you;
  • In the first part of the course you will need to perform sweeping and wide movements, choose spacious rooms for training.

With the onset of spring, you want to change your warm clothes for a lighter wardrobe. But we are often disappointed. Following physiological laws, during the autumn-winter period the body acquires extra pounds. Zipping your favorite jeans turns out to be an impossible task.

The famous American TV presenter and fitness trainer Denise Austin will help you get rid of excess weight. By performing the set of exercises she developed every day, you can lose up to five kilograms in just one month.

The exercise system was created with the goal of achieving results as quickly as possible. It consists of two complexes lasting 20 minutes each. The first complex is an activity with elements of kickboxing, the second is a combination strength exercises and aerobics.

The presence of strength exercises in the complex should not be confusing. It is thanks to these exercises that adipose tissue changes to muscle tissue, the body strengthens and decreases in volume.

The effectiveness of the program has been proven repeatedly. It is used by many world athletes. Turn on the video every day, do the exercises with Denise Austin, and the results will not take long to arrive.

Denise Austin - Lose 5 Kilos - video course.

Fitness expert and instructor Denise Austin's program has gained popularity due to its accessibility and simple exercises. This course is ideal for those who want to get rid of extra pounds and tone up the stomach, but has no experience in fitness. The workouts are also suitable for those who don’t have time to go to the gym.

What is this program?

Denise Austin's “Quick Weight Loss” course will not only get rid of extra pounds on your hips and buttocks, but also make your stomach flat and your body toned and firm. A complex of simple but effective exercises will help you achieve the desired result. The program consists of two 25-minute complexes.

The first includes aerobic exercise(20 minutes), speeds up metabolism and increases cardiac endurance. These are exercises that include elements of aerobics and dance. The second complex is for strengthening muscles (25 minutes) - these are exercises with dumbbells. Finally - relaxation exercises (5 minutes). Denise Austin's course "Rapid weight loss" includes two blocks: aerobic and strength.

What is the effectiveness of the program?

Partial load sharing allows you to achieve results faster. It gets rid of fatty tissue well. The higher the load, the more it is aimed at losing weight. But the risk here is that along with the fat tissue, part of the muscle tissue is also lost. lead to fat loss, but do not improve your figure. To help - power load.

Such exercises, recommended in Denise Austin's Fast Weight Loss course, work the core muscles. The strength block using small weights increases muscle mass insignificantly and at the same time “builds” the body. Benefits of Denise Austin's Fast Weight Loss Workout:

  • Suitable for beginners; The training course is designed for an initial level of physical fitness.
  • Repeating with light weights increases your heart rate, thereby burning more calories.
  • Strength exercises work multiple muscle groups at the same time.
  • The training duration is optimal for beginners.
  • Workouts on entry level can be carried out separately. For example, an aerobic block in the morning, a strength block in the evening.

How to practice?

For the workout you will need a pair of dumbbells and enough space, since many of the exercises in the aerobic block are sweeping and wide. For beginners, you can divide the classes, then increase the load, as required by any fitness. Denise Austin "Rapid Weight Loss" is a course designed for beginners. Experienced fitness enthusiasts will find the program easy.

As you know, the body gets used to stress quite quickly. If endurance allows, perform the blocks one after another. Then gradually increase the weights. Initially, use kilogram dumbbells for training, then increase the weight to 2 kg. The main condition of the program is regular classes. Downtime should not be allowed for more than two days. A week - at least 3-4 workouts. And, of course, to lose weight as quickly as possible, you need to adjust your diet.

Do you want to quickly lose 5 kg? The “lose 5 kg” program with Denise Austin has gained immense popularity among those losing weight. According to its adherents, the weight begins to disappear right before our eyes. You will not only lose weight, but also get used to loading your muscles. The fact is that training allows you to effectively lose weight even for those who have never done any exercise. exercise. A carefully thought-out program allows you to quickly burn fat in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms, and will also strengthen the entire muscle corset.

Lose weight correctly

It is important not just to lose weight, the main thing is to lose weight correctly without harming your health. The “lose 5kg” program consists of two parts. The first part includes quite active exercises from kickboxing, which allow you to effectively break down fats. The second part is calmer, with fitness and aerobics exercises.

Your body will gradually get used to the stress and you will no longer be able to do without these amazing workouts, with the help of which thousands of women around the world have already lost weight.

To make training as effective as possible, many try to set a specific goal for themselves - for example, to lose weight by summer, for an important event, for an upcoming celebration, or simply to get rid of a certain number of kilograms.

The famous fitness instructor Denise Austin decided to base her work on the same principle.

“Lose 5 kg” is a video that helps women decide in the shortest possible time.

Why does Denise set this particular bar for her athletes?

First of all, because the first kilograms always come off easier than subsequent ones. Approximately 3-5 kg ​​are lost relatively unnoticed over several months of regular training. If you study seriously, losing 5 kg will not be difficult.

Secondly, after such weight loss, the figure begins to transform - the result of the exercise becomes visible. The first few kilograms are usually reflected only on the face (the cheeks fall off, the oval becomes clearer), and very little on the waist and hips. But after losing 5 kg, the silhouette begins to change shape.

Why exactly 5 kilograms? Because the result becomes more visible and the person begins to believe that he can really lose weight. Once there is a result, you want to move on!

Losing five kilograms may be the ultimate goal for some, but for others it may only be the first step towards their complete transformation. But the main thing is that by successfully mastering the course that is offered, you will win the most important victory in your history - a victory over yourself, and in the future you will easily be able to adhere to a healthy, active lifestyle!

Denise Austin “Lose 5 kg”: video

Denise Austin “Lose 5 kg” reviews:

I like kickboxing elements in training. Good way not only lose weight, but also relieve excess stress)