Lyashki. How to remove excess and reduce in volume

Overweight among teenagers is no longer a rare phenomenon. A sedentary lifestyle, represented by daily sitting at the computer, combined with poor nutrition lead to fat deposition in the area of ​​the hips and thighs.

Children of this age react very sharply to any negative changes in their body, which gives rise to a bunch of complexes.

How to remove a teenager's thighs in a week? The first thing you need to do is improve your diet and exercise. A young body actively breaks down unnecessary fats, so with regular training and changing an unhealthy lifestyle results will appear in 7-10 days.

Top 3 exercises for losing weight on thighs and thighs

Must be present in children's lives movement and sports. If it is not possible to go to the gym or the child categorically refuses to go there, it is necessary to select special exercises to perform at home.

You can train in a day or two, but if you are looking for an answer to the question of how to remove a teenager’s thighs in 3 days, then you can achieve results even faster It is advisable to practice every day and connect other methods of fighting fat described below. The following set of simple exercises, when performed daily, will allow you to remove fat from your hips and legs in just a week.

1. Swing your legs back

A simple and effective exercise that involves working the back and front of the thighs, as well as the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus muscles.

  1. Take the starting position: kneel and rest your forearms on the floor;
  2. Straighten your back and slightly arch your lower back, gaze directed ahead;
  3. Inhaling, take one leg back, holding the position for a couple of seconds at the highest point;
  4. Exhaling, return to the starting position.

But swinging to the side will help.

For detailed techniques, watch the video:

Attention! Leg swings are a great option for teenagers who have knee problems and are unable to do lunges or squats. In this case, it is better to neglect the pose on all fours and perform the exercises standing or lying down.

2. Forward lunges

With such lunges, the load is distributed on the front of the thigh, buttocks, and also the femoral surface. It may seem like an easy exercise, but incorrect technique execution will have no effect and may cause injury.

  1. Stand straight, legs joined or spread at a level of 5-8 cm;
  2. Shoulders turned the back is slightly arched in the lower back, chest raised, stomach tucked, knees slightly bent, gaze looking forward;
  3. Inhaling, a long step is taken forward, and while holding the body in a vertical position, a squat is performed, transferring the center of gravity to the front leg;
  4. As you exhale, push off with your front leg and return to the starting position.

The position of the hands does not play a role in performing this exercise; they serve to maintain balance. Do 10 times in 3-4 approaches on each leg.

Watch the video for more details:

Carefully! It is necessary to lower yourself until the thigh of the involved leg is parallel to the floor. Touching the floor with your knee poses a threat to the knee joint.

3. Running in place with your knees high

The exercise works well on all leg muscles: quadriceps, anterior and posterior thighs, as well as internal and external. In addition, it is an alternative to regular running and is active. The exercise is not difficult, but if you are overweight it can cause some difficulties.

  1. Take the starting position: legs at shoulder level, back straight;
  2. Raise one hand to your chest, lower the other along your leg;
  3. Push off with the toe of one leg, bending it at the knee joint, and lift it to the waist line;
  4. At the same time, change the positions of the hands: raise the opposite one, lower the raised one;
  5. When the leg drops below knee level, push off with the other leg and change hands.

You can replace this kind of running no less effective.

Learn more from the video:

Repeat the exercise for one minute. For beginners, it is better to run without using your hands.

Other proven lower body exercises

And, of course, we must not forget that there are many other movements that have shown high efficiency:

  1. And are considered especially effective for the butt muscles;
  2. - required for inclusion in your complex;
  3. You can build up your muscles with static exercises by completing ours, which includes such an effective exercise as.
  4. At the end of your workout, do some stretching, such as asanas and;
  5. not only burns cellulite, but also has benefits for the pelvic area;
  6. Well, of course, you can’t do without and.

Other effective weight loss methods

It is very important for a growing body to adhere to the correct diet and get the necessary proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

You should not allow your child to be on a strict diet., it is important to teach him to eat healthy food. And only in combination with a properly adjusted diet will exercises bring the desired results in losing weight on thighs and thighs and developing muscle systems.

A diet for thighs and belly fat for teenagers should be based on consuming the right amount squirrel, since it is the building material of a young developing organism.

A storehouse of natural protein are:

  • Fish;
  • Meat;
  • Dairy products.

You need to get carbohydrates not from sweets and buns, but from healthy cereals and dried fruits. The key to success in acquiring slender thighs and thighs is a complete rejection of all kinds of fast food, fatty and sweet foods, as well as carbonated drinks.

The teenager should eat about 5 times a day small portions and don’t skip breakfast. It is recommended to snack not on sausage sandwiches, but on nuts, prunes or fruit.

An unusual method of combating fat on the thighs and thighs is massage. You can ask for help from qualified specialist, or carry out the procedure yourself, using available means in the form of vacuum cans or an anti-cellulite massager.

However, in the absence of physical activity, these manipulations will bring little benefit.

If a child refuses to attend a sports club, dance classes may be an alternative. Help find meaningful arguments To ensure that a teenager maintains an active lifestyle is the primary task of parents.

Mom and dad should be an example for the child, because if they sit in front of the TV all day long, then their child will not have the desire to play sports. Parents of overweight children should take into account some useful tips:

  1. Visit the pool or tennis court more often with the whole family;
  2. Use rental bicycles (or buy them) and ride around the park several times a week;
  3. Take the habit of roller skating, and in winter, ice skating and skiing;
  4. Organize long-distance hiking trips, armed with tents and a thermos.

The exercise system for teenagers helps not only to lose weight in the hips and thighs, but also normalizes internal mechanisms body. The result is harmonious and complete work of organs and their systems, as well as a powerful charge of energy for the coming day.

Adolescence is a rather difficult period of life, both for the child himself and for the people around him. Just recently, the little baby was laughing happily in her mother’s arms, but now the grown-up daughter is spinning in front of the mirror, critically assessing her figure and appearance.

Teenagers are very self-critical, they tend to attribute non-existent shortcomings to themselves and get seriously upset about this. For teenage girls, often all failures and imaginary problems of “global scale” revolve around excess weight. “I’m too fat, I have a very big belly (legs, arms, hips),” a thirteen-year-old girl says to herself and begins to actively search for the answer to the question: “How to lose weight at 13?”

Therefore, before looking for all sorts of ways to lose weight at 13 years old, you should first really assess the situation and think about whether it’s worth losing weight at all? After all, at this age, problems with appearance are often simply far-fetched, and there are actually no grounds for emergency measures.

For any teenager, the question of his appearance is a painful topic. An extra pimple on the nose or the appearance of freckles are perceived as a universal disaster and a terrible shame (“What will classmates say!”). If such little things can lead to depression, let alone a slightly bulging belly or slightly plump legs - in the understanding of a teenager, this can take on the proportions of a catastrophe.

Girls are especially susceptible to such experiences, since appearance plays a vital role for a future woman. At the age of thirteen, the topic of excess weight can be very acute and, as a rule, unreasonable. An extra two or three kilograms is not yet a reason to wonder how a girl can lose weight at 13 years old, because this can easily be corrected by physical exercise, gymnastics or dancing.

But what should a child do, whose obesity is not at all the result of his wild imagination, but a sad fact? With the development of civilization, such benefits as an abundance of nourishing refined food (various fast foods, sweets with an excessive amount of refractory trans fats, liquid sugar with flavors in the form of lemonades), information technologies that have firmly planted teenagers have come into our lives and the lives of our children. into cozy armchairs and sofas, mass propaganda that has led to the fact that football is perceived as an addition to a can of Coca-Cola and a pack of chips or nuts.

All this was the sad result of the fact that the question of how to lose weight for a 13-year-old child no longer seems absurd. It’s worth walking along the streets of our cities, and the problem of excess weight among teenagers becomes obvious. How can a 13-year-old girl lose weight if she spent the whole day sitting at the computer, eating sandwiches and washing them down with fizzy lemonade? Even when walking in the fresh air, teenagers do not part with high-calorie foods: salted nuts, fried crackers or chips.

How to lose weight for a 13-year-old teenager – sports or diet?

Losing weight at the age of 13 using conventional diets is dangerous for a growing body - hormonal changes occur most rapidly during this period, and insufficient intake of vitamins and microelements (which always happens with a diet) can lead to pathologies of physical development and some diseases.

So is it possible to lose weight at the age of 13 without harm to your health, and how to do it?

  1. Firstly, first you need to visit an endocrinologist. If a child has signs of incipient obesity, then the question of how to lose weight for a 13-year-old teenager will be decided only by a doctor. A specially selected low-calorie diet and some medications prescribed if necessary will help a 13-year-old child lose weight as safely as possible for the developing body.
  2. Secondly, if the problem of excess weight is not so acute (within 4-6 extra kilograms), then active sports will help you lose weight at the age of 13: running, swimming, football, volleyball, etc.

For 13-year-old girls, losing weight as quickly as possible becomes goal No. 1, and they go towards it with enviable stubbornness. Little women, ignoring the recommendations of nutritionists, try all sorts of diets from glossy magazines, often harming themselves and their health. They don’t even think about how to lose weight at the age of 13 correctly, so that both their figure and well-being remain in perfect order.

For most teenagers, just losing a few kilograms is enough to achieve normal parameters for their age, and this is not that difficult. To do this, you just need to follow some recommendations that will allow teenagers 13 years old to lose weight as effectively and with health benefits as possible.

Rules for losing weight for teenagers

Nutritional features that must be followed:

  1. Avoid white bread, pastries and confectionery.
  2. Effective weight loss at 13 years old requires completely forgetting about hamburgers and other fast food products, crackers, chips, salted nuts, etc.
  3. Lemonades and store-bought juices contain a lot of sugar, so you should not consume them.
  4. You can’t overeat, it’s better to eat less, but more often (it’s better to eat 5-6 times a day).
  5. Vegetables, fruits, dairy products and cereals should be on the teenager's table every day.
  6. Meat and fish should be consumed 3 times a week. It is advisable to avoid smoked meats, deep-fried dishes, and popular chicken fries.
  7. Dough products are too heavy for the stomach and have a high calorie content, so we blacklist dumplings, dumplings, pies and pizza, allowing them only occasionally.
  8. Losing weight at the age of 13 is difficult if you do not give up ice cream and condensed milk - these products do not bring any benefit, but only harm your health and figure.
  9. A sedentary, sedentary lifestyle is the enemy of slimness and beauty, especially in adolescence. How can a 13-year-old child lose weight without active movement, walking or cycling? This is simply impossible, so you need to move a lot, instilling in yourself the habit of physical activity.

Example of a teenage diet

A diet that allows a teenager to lose weight at the age of 13 without health consequences must be balanced, low in calories and, at the same time, saturate the body with all the vitamins and microelements it needs.

An example menu for losing weight at 13 years old:

  1. Breakfast: cottage cheese with fruits or berries, apple, tea.
  2. Second breakfast: two soft-boiled eggs, tomato.
  3. Lunch: oatmeal soup with meat broth, veal steak, fresh vegetable salad.
  4. Afternoon snack: two apples.
  5. Dinner: vegetable stew, kefir.

It must be remembered that puberty occurs in adolescence, and, therefore, the psyche is too vulnerable; it is still difficult for a teenager to cope with the changes that are happening to him. Therefore, the task of adults and, first of all, parents is to help grown-up children adapt to their beginning youth as painlessly as possible and gain self-confidence, helping both in deed and in word. Then the problem of excess weight will be solved.

There are only three or four days left until some important event for you, and your legs don’t look as perfect as you would like. A familiar situation, isn't it? You shouldn’t despair, because it’s quite possible to put them in order in three days; the main thing that’s required of you is willpower and good mood!

As annoying as it may be, the hips are such a vulnerable place where the deposition of extra pounds first begins, so cellulite and fat on the hips have become the nightmares of many women. And all because nature cares about women’s health and tries to better insulate the most important parts of the body. That’s why a cake eaten late or a portion of your favorite dessert is so expensive for our figure. Therefore, taking care of your body is very important.

Diet for weight loss

Do not be afraid of this scary, at first glance, word. Usually a diet is associated with some kind of global strict restrictions and fasting. This is a misunderstanding. Diet is a well-designed daily diet aimed at reducing the volume of your stomach in the shortest possible time. Of course, you will have to give up many familiar foods, but with a properly designed diet, you will not feel an urgent need for food.

The time has come to move directly from theory to practice. Our goal is to lose as much fat as possible in the thigh area during these three days, but at the same time we must eat healthy and not starve. This is important because if you put your body through this kind of stress, then when you return to your normal diet, your body will begin to store fats, and you will very quickly return to your previous levels.

During the diet you need refuse from fried, sweet, salty. Bakery products should be removed from the diet. It is better to give preference to steamed, and. As a side dish you can eat, and. Need to eat three times a day, in portions 300 grams each. You can have unlimited snacks. Stop eating three hours before bedtime. replace with .

In addition to diet, you should also remember to follow drinking regime. For each weight, a certain amount of water is needed. If your weight is from 53 to 63 kilograms, then drink 2 liters per day; from 65 to 80 kilograms – 3 liters; from 90 and above – 3.5 liters.

You need to drink one glass of water half an hour before meals. When you feel hungry but still have a long time before eating, drink a couple of glasses of water. Don't forget that you need to drink in small sips, not in one gulp!

Fat burning exercises for slimming thighs at home

Exercises for the hips and buttocks are the most important part of our weight loss complex. From the name itself it is clear that exercise burns fat. During exercise, our body uses fat as raw material for energy, as a result of which we begin to lose weight. The main goal of fat burning is to activate cell metabolism.

Warm-up exercises before training

Before starting any set of exercises, warm up. Her target– warm up the entire body, develop muscles, ligaments, joints and prepare your body for the upcoming loads. For warm-up you should allocate approximately 10-15 minutes.

  1. Stand up straight, toes pointing. Using your hands, lift the knee of your right leg towards your chest. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Feet together, arms at your sides. Bend sideways 15 times in each direction.
  3. Sit on the floor with your toes pointed together. Arms straight in front of you. Reach forward 10 times.
  4. Lie on your back. Raise your legs and move as if you were riding a bicycle for 1 minute.

Set of exercises

Well, now let's move on to the main exercises. This complex is aimed at burning fat in the thighs.

With regular performance of this complex, your buttocks will become appetizing, the hips will slim And fit, and the muscles will no longer be flabby and will become toned.

Swing your legs

Starting position – standing on all fours. Perform wide swings back first with your left leg, then with your right. Try to straighten your leg as much as possible with each swing. Do 25 times.

Take a big step forward. The toe of the front leg is pointed slightly inward. The back one is bent at the knee and stands on the toe. The body is vertical. Smoothly start moving down. The knee of the back leg should not touch the floor, and the front leg should not extend beyond the toe. Then, return to the starting position, pushing off with your back leg. Do 20 reps. If you want to increase the load on your muscles, you can pick up dumbbells. In this case, keep your hands straight throughout the exercise, along your body.

Kick leg lift

Stand perpendicular to the wall and rest your hand on it. Stretch the toe of one leg and tense it. Bring it to the side until it is parallel to the floor, bend it towards you and straighten it, as if you were doing a kick and drop. Do 15 exercises.

Plie squat

Legs are wider than shoulder-width apart. The toes are turned to the sides. The knees are pointing in the same direction as the toes. Keep your back straight with a slight arch in the lumbar region. Hands in front of you. We squat as deeply as possible. Make sure that your knees do not extend beyond your toes. We return to the starting position, but at the same time try to transfer the weight to the heels. We do not fully extend our knees. 20 times.

Climbing up the stairs

Place a chair in front of you. Climb it as if you were walking up a flight of stairs. Perform 30 repetitions.

Lying leg raises

Starting position – lying on your back. Hands along the body or under the buttocks. Raise your left leg so that the angle between your leg and the floor is 90 degrees. Then we take the starting position. We repeat all the steps, but with the right foot. Complete 20 reps. Over time, it will be possible to complicate the exercise - raise your legs not alternately, but together.

Starting position – lying on your back. Raise your legs straight and swing them crosswise. Perform 20 crosses without lowering your feet to the floor.

Lying leg raise

Lie on your side. Bend your arm at the elbow and place it under your head. Raise your top leg about 40 degrees. Perform 30 times on each leg.

Taking the leg to the side

Starting position – standing on all fours. Raise your left leg bent at the knee to the side so that it is parallel to the floor. In the same position, straighten it, hold for 3 seconds and lower it flat to the floor. Return to the starting position. 20 repetitions on each leg.

Raising the pelvis

Starting position – lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Raise your hips, stretch your pelvis up, resting on your toes, as high as possible without straining your back.

Cool down after training

When you have properly warmed up your body with training, it needs to “cool down” a little in order to start working at its usual rhythm again. Abruptly stopping the workout, without a smooth transition, can harm the body; to prevent this from happening at the end of the workout, it is recommended to do several exercises.

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and perform smooth side bends towards the floor 10 times.
  2. Lie on your stomach, place your arms under you and straighten them without lifting your lower torso from the floor. Arch your back and reach back. Do 5 reps.
  3. Lunge forward with one leg, stretch your arms up and freeze in this position for 10 seconds, then slowly lower and change legs. Perform 5 repetitions.
  4. Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, arms in front of you. We squat and tilt our body forward, then straighten our knees and stand up. Complete 10 reps.

Wrap for slimming thighs

After tiring workouts, you can pamper your body with pleasant treatments. But, you see, not every girl can afford to do expensive body wraps in beauty salons? This is not necessary. Anti-cellulite wraps can be done at home.

What is wrapping? This procedure consists of wrapping problem areas with cling film to create greenhouse effect. It activates blood circulation and the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands, due to which toxins are removed.

Let's move on to the most enjoyable stage of losing weight. Take 100 grams, 2 tablespoons of burdock oil and 3 drops of lemon essential oil, mix everything and apply to the skin. Wrap everything in cling film. We lie down under the blanket and wait an hour, then wash it off.

Another recipe. Take 2 tablespoons of black cosmetic clay, half a glass of water, 1 teaspoon of mustard powder and 1 teaspoon of honey. It should have the consistency of sour cream. Apply, wrap and wait 40 minutes. This procedure must be carried out once every two days.


Massage for slimming thighs helps eliminate cellulite, liquefy fat deposits, and also helps relax muscles after hard training. A massage will help restore your skin to its former tone and elasticity.

Apply honey to the skin of your thighs. Start with slow circular movements, gradually increasing the pace. Then proceed to rubbing the skin. Next, start patting the thighs, adding more honey if necessary. Then you can make circular movements with a hard washcloth; it may be a little painful, but this is normal for this type of massage, because this is not a relaxing massage, but a fat-burning one.

Exercises for losing weight on thighs - video

This video tutorial presents exercises for losing weight in the thighs. The exercises in the video are aimed at burning fat and strengthening muscles. To perform these exercises, you only need a mat, water, and of course, a good mood!

If you do all of the above, you can easily and quickly achieve good results. There is no need to doubt that your body will become the way you dreamed of. Perhaps, on the way to your dream - perfect legs, you will encounter difficulties or even a desire to give up everything, but you don’t need to give in to it, because at the end of this complex a slender figure awaits you!

Have you tried to reduce the volume of your thighs and hips? What helped you? Share your recipes and experiences in the comments!

Effective exercises for losing weight on thighs in 3 days and other recommendations for correcting problem areas of your body will make your legs slim and beautiful in such a short time. We immediately warn you that you will have to sweat a lot, as the load on the body will be quite intense. So, let's look at what you should do first, which foods you should avoid altogether and which ones you should include in your diet, as well as a list of effective exercises that will help you achieve ideal parameters.

What should you know and do to reduce the volume of your thighs?

As you know, for many women the main problem is full hips, which, moreover, are also difficult to correct. In addition, they are the ones who are susceptible to the appearance of cellulite. You should get rid of thigh fat in a complex way, using fat-burning workouts and a proper diet.

You can use any set of exercises to lose weight. It happens that they do not bring the effect they expected. This happens because apart from training, nothing else was done. Below we will discuss the most important rules that should be followed while losing weight.

Before losing weight, you must understand that this process will affect your entire body. It is impossible to reduce centimeters in one place and leave them untouched in another. In addition, the female body is characterized by a “top-down” weight loss scheme, i.e. First, the chest, stomach, and then the thighs lose weight.

Now about the rules:

  • Adequate consumption of high-quality drinking water is very important when losing weight;
  • track your entire diet and remove from it foods that have a high glycemic index (a variety of potato dishes, flour products, fatty dairy products, beer, mayonnaise, sweet carbonated drinks and others);
  • do not rush to get rid of extra pounds too quickly, it is optimal to lose no more than one and a half kilograms per month, otherwise this may lead to you simply losing significant amounts of muscle mass;
  • include in your diet foods that speed up metabolism (green tea, coffee, black tea, cinnamon);
  • Before sitting down to eat, drink a glass of water.

In addition to diet, it is necessary to give the body a varied load. Combine dynamic and static exercises, and also include aerobic exercise in your training. Thanks to them, fats are broken down and adipose tissue is converted into muscle fibers.

What aerobic exercises can you use in your workouts:

  • race walking;
  • walking in single file;
  • skiing;
  • various squats without weights;
  • regular running or on a treadmill;
  • classes on the orbit track;
  • jumping in place.

Don't forget about anaerobic exercises. They will allow you to start losing weight if it has stagnated. By including them in your workout, you can build beautiful muscle mass in the right parts of your body. For example, these are exercises such as a squat with a load on the back (barbell or kettlebell), or a leg press with an increased load (press machine or expander).

Let's look at the main and most effective exercises for extra centimeters on the thighs. They will be aimed at correcting the outer and inner thigh line. Follow the recommendations below exactly, and the result will not be long in coming.

1. Swing from a standing position. This exercise should be done against a support (wall). Stand up straight, with your feet not too wide apart. You need to rest your hands against the wall, but don’t spread them too wide.

Now swing your leg backwards. Raise it not very quickly, with springy movements. Do not arch your back at the lower back. For each leg, perform twenty swings. Do three approaches (be sure to take short breaks between them).

2. Squeezing the ball. To perform this exercise, you will need a chair and a small sports ball. Sit straight on a chair and hold the ball between your knees.

Now squeeze the ball as hard as you can. Perform fifteen such knee squeezes, repeat the exercise in three sets.

3. Exercise “Lunges”. A very good exercise for gaining slender legs. From a standing position, you need to take a small step forward. Then rest your hand on your front leg.

Now perform lunges on your front leg, constantly returning it to the starting position. You should get more springy movements. Make twenty movements on your leg and change it, putting the other one forward. Perform three sets of this exercise.

4.Elevated squats. To perform this exercise, you will need a small elevation (a stable bench or chair). You also need to take dumbbells in both hands (one is possible).

Stand on a raised platform and start squatting. Keep your arms lowered so that during the squat they are below your equipment. Perform at least fifteen of these squats, three sets each.

5. Raising bent knees. This exercise should be performed standing with your back straight. Spread your legs no wider than three palms in length.

Now raise your bent knees to your chest one at a time. Take your time while performing this exercise, and also make sure that your back is straight. For each leg, do at least fifteen times and three approaches.

6. Swing your legs on the floor. This exercise should be done on the floor, on all fours. Arms and legs should be parallel to each other, shoulder-width apart.

Now swing your straight leg back, then move it to the side and also swing your straight leg. Perform fifteen movements on one leg, and then do the same on the other leg. Repeat the exercise cycle three times.

7.Running movements in place. This exercise does not require a specific starting position. You should run, raising your knees to your chest, and then throwing your legs back so that your toes touch your butt. Each type of running should be performed twenty times, three approaches.

Based on the information above, now you know what exercises are necessary to lose weight on your thighs in 3 days, and what else you need to do in addition to them. Don’t be lazy to train, because a beautiful body requires, albeit minimal, but still load. Combine all this with a balanced and proper diet, and the result will not be long in coming.

Video: exercises for losing weight on thighs in 3 days

Is it possible to tidy up the problem areas of your body in a matter of days? If there is an incentive and you are ready to make sacrifices, then nothing is impossible. Exercises for losing weight on thighs in 3 days will convince you of this.

Useful information

It’s hardly worth reminding that you won’t be able to achieve the ideal in a few days - you can only “tighten” the lines of your body, which will visually make you slimmer. If you can allocate only 3 days to correct your figure, get ready to take a set of measures:

  • in the first place is a diet that excludes simple carbohydrates and relies on protein;
  • second place rightfully belongs to exercises for the legs - perform them once a day, varying the load;
  • The next measures will be massage and wrapping.

Only by adhering to such a program will you be able to achieve positive changes. Unfortunately, exercise alone will not help you lose weight on your thighs in 3 days.

Training program

A set of exercises for losing weight on thighs in 3 days at home can be performed by anyone who is not prohibited from physical activity. At the first stage, always warm up your muscles by performing simple movements (walking in place, swings, squats).

Day No. 1

1. Squat shallowly, first placing your feet about 30 cm apart. After half a minute, place them side by side and continue.

2. Squat with your toes turned to the sides (legs wider than shoulders, pelvis slightly pushed forward).

3. Perform a squat similar to the previous one, but now do not just rise, but jump up.

4. Alternate your legs and lunge forward.

5. Step to the side with your right foot and sit down on it. As you rise, turn your body to the left side and stretch up (push with your hip). Work the left side.

Perform the complex three times, resting for only 30 seconds (the approximate time for performing each movement is half a minute, the pace is average).

Day No. 2

1. Raising your knees high, walk in place (pull your knee to your chest with your hands). Take your steps slowly.

2. Do a “jog” (use your palms to set the “top bar” and try to reach it with your knees).

3. Now run, trying to reach your buttocks with your heels.

4. Run, “throwing” your straight legs forward, and after half a minute, back.

5. Perform jumps in place, alternately moving your legs to the sides.

6. Take a step again, pulling your knees to your chest with your hands.

The duration of each exercise is 30 seconds (do not take a break between them). Then rest and repeat the complex again.

Day No. 3

1. Walk, using your hands to help pull your knees closer to your chest.

2. Swing backwards, sideways, forwards and backwards (at least 10 times each movement). You can hold on to a chair for balance.

3. To maintain balance, rest your hands on the back of the chair. Extend your right leg back, bend at the knee, bring it over the side over the floor (parallel to it) and lower your foot to the floor (as if you were carrying your leg over an obstacle). After doing a series of 10 repetitions, perform the movement in the opposite direction - bending your leg at the knee, move it to the side. Then straighten it back parallel to the floor and lower it down. Change your leg.

4. Stand with your side to the chair, grab the back with your right hand. Bringing your right leg forward, bend it at the knee. Almost touch the floor with the knee of your left leg. Then rise up on your right leg and swing forward with your left. Pull it back again and lower your knee to the floor. Change legs (the optimal number of repetitions is 7-10 times).

5. Raise the knee of your left leg to waist level, then lower your foot to the floor, turn your knee to the side, lift it again and lower it (alternate movements). Work the other leg as well.

Perform the complex three times. To complete the program, stretch your muscles. To do this, in a standing position, cross your ankles (your right foot will be on your left and vice versa) and gently bend towards the floor. Then change the position of your feet and bend over again.

Make a low lunge to the right, straighten your left leg completely, lift your toes up. Repeat on the other side.

In a standing position, pull your heels towards your buttocks, helping yourself with your hands (knees should be directed towards the floor).


Exercises to lose weight in thighs in 3 days will not work a miracle, but they will still provide certain changes. If you have not exercised before, be prepared for sore muscles.