Ratchet wrench: principle of operation and advantages. Ratchet wrench test Ratchet 1 2 how many teeth is better to choose


Many cyclists of multi-speed bicycles sooner or later are faced with replacing the rear (driven) sprocket unit. Then the questions arise:

I will try to answer each of the questions in more detail.

How can you tell if your bike has a freewheel or a cassette?

To determine what type of rear sprocket block is used on your bicycle, you need to look at it carefully and use any of two methods of determination:

The first method is the “Star Counting Method”. Ratchets are usually found with the number of stars on it no more than 7, i.e. 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7-speed ratchets can be found.

If you see the number of stars up to 6 inclusive, then in this case you can say with 100% probability that this is a ratchet. With 7 speeds it’s not always clear, sometimes there are also ratchets and cassettes, in this case see the second method 2. (One of my bicycles, for example, has a 7-speed ratchet)

The second method is “Visual Determination”. This method is one of the most reliable. Here the appearance will help us, for this we need to look at the center of the block of stars, see the photo below.

What is the difference between a cassette and a ratchet?

  • On the ratchet we will see two small round recesses (with the help of these recesses the cover that hides the bearings is unscrewed).
  • On cassette we will see a flat nut with slots - this nut presses the sprockets to the drum.

If the star block has already been removed from the bicycle wheel, then look at the reverse side:

This is what the ratchet and cassette look like from the side attached to the bushing
  • On the ratchet we will see the thread with which we screw it to the bushing.
  • On cassette we will see the slots into which the bushing drum is inserted.

How to understand the bushing for a cassette or ratchet?

It often happens that there is a bushing or wheel on hand without driven sprockets. And you need to decide whether to buy a cassette or a ratchet for it?

Let's look at what you need to look for to quickly determine. Fortunately, this can be done very simply, just enough to understand the principle of operation of these spare parts.

1. In bushings that are designed for ratchets you can see the thread on which the ratchet is screwed, and the “ratchet” mechanism itself is located in the star block itself.

In the photo we can see the threads on the bushing itself and on the ratchet. The presence of such a thread tells us 100% that this is a ratchet.

2. Bushings that go under the cassettes They have a drum on which the cassette is placed.

Here we see splines (small protrusions) on the bushing drum; there are similar protrusions on the cassette.

What tools are needed to unscrew the cassette and ratchet?

The cassette and ratchet require different tools; unfortunately, they are not interchangeable.


To remove the cassette you will need 2 tools. You will need a special puller for the cassette and a key-whip (I wrote an article about that). My tools look like this:

Read more about how to remove a cassette.

Which is better, cassette or ratchet?

Many novice cyclists ask the question: “What is better to use a ratchet or a cassette on a bicycle?” I’ll write right away that better cassette, and why read below.

If we consider these two standards of driven stars, then the ratchet was invented earlier, and only then the cassette appeared. As a result, all the shortcomings that ratchet owners encounter were corrected in the cassette.

One of the most important problems with ratchets- this is a burst axle or its curvature, due to which the sprocket block begins to “wobble” when the wheel spins, which entails problems in shifting gears.

The axles break and bend due to the fact that the bearing, which is located on the side of the freewheel stars, affects almost the center of the axle, when, as in a cassette, all the bearings are located at the edges of the hub.

To imagine this, you can take a ruler and try to press it in the center and it will immediately “bend”, whereas if you press the ruler with the same force from the edge it will practically not change its shape. This disadvantage of ratchets allows them to be used only on bicycles subject to light loads.

Look at a small schematic drawing where I showed the location of the bearings in the ratchet and cassette:

On the left is a ratchet, on the right is a cassette. I marked in blue on the ratchet axle the approximate location where the axle breaks.

Looking at the sections of the bushings, you can immediately see that the bearings in the cassette are best located - they are equidistant from the center of the bushing, when, like in a ratchet, there is asymmetry.

From all this we can draw the following conclusions:

If you ride aggressively and your routes run over rough terrain, then best choice you will use a cassette sleeve.

Well, if you are a city resident and you are not going to jump on a bicycle, and your roads run on asphalt, there is definitely no need to change the ratchet. My main bike, which I ride on asphalt, uses a ratchet and I’m not going to change it yet; in about 7-8 thousand kilometers around the city, my axle has only burst once. I bought a new one for pennies and continued to use the bike.

What kind of rear sprockets are on your bicycle wheel: ratchet or cassette? Write in the comments.

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Quite often, people encounter problems with unscrewing a deep-seated bolt or nut. The wrench here becomes almost helpless and then he rushes to his aid ratchet socket set. They all have different size for ease of use in the field.

Ratchet dimensions

The primary task of every potential buyer is to correctly calculate the size of a future purchase. In fairness, it is worth noting that the most popular size was recognized ratchet ½. Quite often, on the very square of such equipment there is an additional head ejector. It allows you to change attachments almost instantly without interrupting your immediate mission. Besides this ratchet 1(inch) almost always boasts the presence of a locking ball.

The dimensional grid of tools is an important component the right choice, however, there is another primary format for classifying such devices. It's about the type of switch. Ratchet wrench divided into:

  • flag (suitable for working with oily hands after oil, grease);
  • circular (there is a smaller turning step than the first version).

In addition, any ¼ ratchet is also further classified according to its ratcheting mechanism with the presence of:

  • a gear ring of an internal sample, which is marked by a relatively small pitch (achieved due to the toothed part of the dog);
  • toothed roller (here the pawl has a spring-loaded appearance).

Practical use

Quite often on the World Wide Web you can find test results for ¾ ratchet and other tool sizes, which tell in detail about the advantages of a particular tool product. Similar summaries are available for many horn ratchets. Thanks to the advice of experienced craftsmen, the consultants have compiled a small list of tips for choosing the correct hand-held equipment:

  1. Pay attention to the size. The properties of the tool will not differ, but a 3/8 ratchet is unlikely to be able to unscrew the wrong bolt.
  2. Consider breaking load. Exceeding it threatens to damage the special tool.
  3. Study the ergonomic characteristics (anti-slip surface, switching mechanisms, etc.).
  4. Material. The best solution is considered to be chrome-plated steel, which can withstand high humidity and temperature fluctuations.

Nowadays it would be difficult to find a car enthusiast who has never held a wrench in his hands, and many of you probably know how inconvenient it is to use a regular wrench in a narrow space where you have to frequently rearrange it. This problem is successfully solved by ratchet wrenches: there is no need to rearrange the tool, a special mechanism ensures reliable fixation of the head when rotating in one direction and turning it when the handle is pulled back, as a rule, the direction of rotation is changed by a switch (flag or ring type) or simply by rearranging the connecting square from one side of the key to the other.

In previous issues, you were presented with tests of combined wrenches(Avtodela No. 5, No. 15 for 2004, test 1, test 2), based on which everyone could choose a tool to their liking and budget. Continuing the topic of tools, we decided to test ratchet wrenches, such an indispensable tool for any auto mechanic and just an amateur.


We selected 11 manufacturers for the test, most of whom are known to you from past publications. These are Apelas, Force, Gedore, Jonnesway, Kabo, KamasaTools, King Tony, Tona, Usag, Arsenal, a domestic key made in Novosibirsk, as well as a new product on Russian market: a key produced under the well-known brand “Techcom” (a large chain of auto parts stores).

All presented wrenches have the most common connecting square size of 1/2”, but a different minimum pitch of the ratchet mechanism (from 5 to 15 degrees). The latter must be taken into account when evaluating keys, since this affects the design of the mechanism and its power properties. Looking ahead, we note that, contrary to expectations, keys with a minimum pitch turned out to be the most durable.

Based on the type of ratchet mechanism, the presented samples can be divided into two groups. The first includes keys with a small ratchet pitch; their mechanism has an internal toothed ring made in the key body, and a response pawl, which has a toothed notch on one side and a plane slightly rounded at the edges on the other. The toothed part of the pawl engages with the ring in the ratchet body, and the flat part is adjacent to the counter wall of the half-cylinder, which is made as a single unit with the connecting square. Due to the roundings, the pawl can rotate relative to the plane of the half-cylinder, ensuring that the key operates in one direction or the other. The teeth of such a mechanism have a fine pitch, which ensures a minimum angle of rotation of the key. Since the working ring is made in the key body and is integral with the handle, higher hardness requirements can be put forward to the latter. The following examples have this type of mechanism: Tona, Jonnesway, King Tony. "Arsenal".

The second type of mechanism is based on a toothed roller with a connecting square and a spring-loaded response pawl with teeth on two protrusions. With the help of a switch, the pawl is turned to the roller by one of the protrusions, providing engagement when rotating in one direction and scrolling when rotating in the other. On some keys, instead of one pawl, two narrow prisms are installed; the switch has an eccentric, which brings one prism with its end to the roller, and the other with its plane, ensuring the operation of the mechanism. The second type of mechanism is available in the keys Apelas, Force, Gedore, Kabo, KamasaTools, Usag, Tekhkom, Novosibirsk key.


The Russian requirements for the manufacture of ratchet wrenches were taken as the basis from which we started in this test. Thus, GOST 22402-77 (reissued in 1983) establishes geometric parameters, and GOST 25605-83 establishes the material from which the key is made, its strength and hardness.

The strength of ratchet wrenches is determined by the test torque, which corresponds to the standard size of the connecting square. In our case, for a 1/2" square, the test moment is 390 N?m (39 kgf?m).


In many ways, the test methodology is similar to that used in our previous tests, where we evaluated combination keys. Therefore, we present only the fundamental aspects of the tests.

Two keys from each company were tested for strength, except for the keys “Arsenal” and “Tekhkom”, which, due to objective reasons, we had in a single copy.

Strength tests were carried out in two stages. At the first stage, in accordance with GOST 25605-83, each specimen was loaded with a maximum test moment of 390 N?m. After loading, the condition of the surfaces of the connecting square was assessed for the presence of traces. During the test, the key was installed in a special high-hard mandrel with a square hole having the appropriate nominal dimensions. A mandrel made of HVG steel and having a hardness of 58 HRC is installed in the grip of the testing machine. The gripper is connected to a torque measuring device.

When loaded with a moment of 390 N?m, all the keys, without exception, passed the tests without noticeable deformations of the working edges; only minor abrasions and marks were noted on some samples.

At the second stage, the magnitude of the destructive moment was determined, which was compared with the maximum test moment according to GOST, and the causes and consequences of destruction were assessed.

After destruction, the hardness of the working elements of the keys was measured: handle, mechanism pawl, connecting square. Note that hardness is the primary determining parameter on which the strength and durability of ratchet wrenches depends.

After all of the above, we tested the key handles for gasoline and oil resistance. For this, we took regular motor oil and A-92 gasoline; we kept one sample from each manufacturer in gasoline and oil for 24 hours, after which we washed and assessed the condition of the working surfaces. It is not difficult to assume that the keys have a much greater chance of constantly being in contact with oil than with gasoline, so we kept the samples that we have in a single copy only in oil. The test results are noted in the further description of the keys.

The material was prepared by Anton CHMIL.




SQUARE: 1/2”.



GEOMETRY AND APPEARANCE: Externally, the key is pleasing to the eye of a professional, as it is made with high quality and in a strict design, without frills, which attracts with its functionality and simplicity. The key has a fairly rigid handle with a round section along the entire length, a convenient flag switch, and a head ejector. The main geometric dimensions correspond to those specified in GOST 22402-77. Performed excellently in strength testing.

STRENGTH TESTS: The wrench was loaded with a test torque of 390 Nm without noticeable marks on the working edges of the square. The breaking moment was reached at a load of 706.3 Nm, when the ratchet gear tooth collapsed and the response pawl was partially destroyed, as predicted by the technical characteristics of the cars and spare parts.

Hardness indicators confidently occupy the “golden mean” and comply with GOST. The key is made of chrome vanadium steel grade CR-V 6150, the performance of which in many respects exceeds the requirements of GOST.


A high-quality wrench with good strength characteristics, stable sample hardness and a convenient switch. This key has a convenient 7-degree pitch, which together makes it easy to use for both professionals and car enthusiasts. Also, the advantages of this key include an affordable price and a lifetime warranty from the manufacturer.

JONNESWAY R3404 curved ratchet 72 teeth, test


BRAND: Jonnesway.

SQUARE: 1/2”.



GEOMETRY AND APPEARANCE: The first vivid impression on us was made by the very original design of this key; the handle has a bright color, soft rubber inserts, and also a hole for hanging the key during storage. The metal part between the handle and the head is curved, as a result of which the latter are offset relative to each other, this allows to compensate to some extent for the extension of the nozzle. The parts have a pleasant-to-touch coating. The dial-type switch is very convenient, rotates easily, and is clearly fixed.

The main geometric dimensions correspond to those specified in GOST 22402-77. Moreover, samples of this brand also correspond to the length specified in GOST, namely 250 mm.

The key passed the test for resistance to oil without any deformation; when exposed to gasoline, the rubber inserts peeled off and partially dissolved.

STRENGTH TEST: When the samples were loaded with a test torque of 390 Nm, all keys left noticeable marks on the working edges of the connecting squares.

The breaking moment for the first and second samples was 778 and 785 Nm, respectively. In both samples, the connecting square was cut off after minor deformations.

The hardness of these keys is quite high and stable.


This wrench has demonstrated very high results in terms of strength and hardness; in addition, it has a comfortable handle, a pleasant-to-touch coating on the metal parts, is equipped with a head ejector, and its original appearance will not leave neighbors in the garage indifferent. Excellent result.

This key, as well as other car accessories, can be purchased here: Marketplace of Russia.CIS. Bulletin board of Russia.CIS.



BRAND: Apelas.

SQUARE: 1/2”.



GEOMETRY AND APPEARANCE: outwardly, the key is simple and functional, it is not striking, like some examples, but perhaps for some this will seem an advantage, because its main task is to constantly be at work, unscrewing and tightening countless numbers of nuts and bolts, and not to be decoration of a tool box. The key has a fairly rigid handle with a round section along the entire length, a convenient flag switch, and a head ejector.

The main geometric dimensions correspond to those specified in GOST 22402-77. The length indicator is exceeded by 25 mm, but this can hardly be called a disadvantage, since working with such a key is still a little easier than with a shorter one, since you can apply less force to the handle.

When tested for gasoline and oil resistance it was shown excellent result. The material of the handle turned out to be resistant to both oil and gasoline, no deformations occurred.

STRENGTH TEST: Both samples passed loading with a test moment of 390 Nm without noticeable marks on the working edges of the connecting squares.

This key can do other tricks too. This is what quality materials mean! With this key you can perform excellent magic tricks for schoolchildren and adults.

Further loading to the point of failure showed: in the first sample, at a moment of 767 Nm, the square was sheared, in the second, at a moment of 733.8 Nm, one tooth of the ratcheting mechanism was crushed and the response pawl was partially destroyed.

The hardness is stable and quite high, but the connecting square is still a little softer than other samples.


Good strength indicators, stable high hardness of samples, convenient switch. A good key for the rude strength work, while it is distinguished by its low price. It will become an indispensable assistant both in auto repair shops and for ordinary drivers.



BRAND: Tona.


SQUARE: 1/2”.



GEOMETRY AND APPEARANCE: This key has a fairly rough rough coating on the metal part, a comfortable rubberized handle on a harder base. The key's ratcheting mechanism, consisting of 72 teeth, has a small pitch, which determines the main ease of operation of this sample in limited space. The dial switch has a notch for fingers, but still requires quite a lot of effort when switching, and it will not be very convenient to use it often. In general, the key is made quite neatly and efficiently.

A test for gasoline and oil resistance showed that after exposure to oil, no external damage to the handle occurred. The handle underwent exposure to gasoline, which is more aggressive for rubber, with significant deformations: the rubberized part swelled and partially peeled off from the denser base.

STRENGTH TEST: When the samples were loaded with a test torque of 390 Nm, no traces were found on the working faces of the 1st sample; on the contrary, noticeable marks remained on the faces of the 2nd sample after loading.

When loaded to failure, the samples showed best result by the magnitude of the breaking moment. The first key sheared the connecting square at a load of 839 Nm; the second key also sheared the square, but at a slightly lower load - 827 Nm. In this case, the destruction of the 2nd sample was preceded by significant plastic deformations, while the 1st failed without deformations. In this regard, we can conclude that the hardness of the presented keys is unstable, which was confirmed by further tests.

In terms of hardness, the keys demonstrated low stability; the first sample has a hardness of the connecting square of 46.5 - this is one of the highest results, while the second one is only 36.5, which is one of the lowest values ​​among the keys submitted for testing. You won’t be able to use this key calmly and watch TV series online.


This sample has the highest strength among the keys we tested, this is its main advantage, however, it also has the most unstable hardness, which is certainly a disadvantage. In terms of ergonomics, the advantages include a soft, comfortable handle, and the disadvantages include a not very comfortable switch. This key will become a reliable assistant both for any car enthusiast and for a car service center. The minimum rotation angle of 5° with high strength puts the wrench at the forefront of our test.



BRAND: King Tony.

SQUARE: 1/2”.



GEOMETRY AND APPEARANCE: a very attractive chrome-plated key, made of high quality and sound quality, the handle is round in cross-section along the entire length and is made of dense rubber. The dial switch has notches and grooves for fingers, rotates easily and is clearly fixed, it is convenient and pleasant to use.

The main geometric dimensions correspond to those specified in GOST 22402-77. The key length is slightly exceeded.

The key passed the test for resistance to oil without deformation of the handle, but in gasoline it completely separated from the metal base, which, apparently, can happen during normal frequent use.

STRENGTH TEST: after loading the samples with a test moment of 390 Nm, noticeable abrasions remained on the edges of the connecting squares.

At the second stage of testing, the connecting square was sheared for both keys; for the first sample, the breaking moment was 762 Nm, for the second - 741.6 Nm.

The hardness of the samples was stable, on par with other keys.

This wrench has a minimum pitch of 5 degrees; the company’s line of tools also includes a wrench with a pitch of 15 degrees, and, according to the manufacturer, it can withstand significantly larger loads.


The famous brand demonstrated good results in terms of strength and hardness, as well as sufficient stability of performance.

The key has an excellent appearance, a very convenient switch, and it will be at least pleasant to use.

This key is used to repair and service Volvos. Although, it does not have any obvious competitive advantages.



BRAND: Force.

SQUARE: 1/2”.



GEOMETRY AND APPEARANCE: massive key with large pitch. The handle is made of dense and quite slippery rubber. There is a head ejector. The only drawback in the ergonomics of this key is the design of the flag switch: due to contact with a rough surface, it requires strong pressure, which, combined with a large switching force, is extremely inconvenient (perhaps this will pass with prolonged use).

The main geometric dimensions correspond to those specified in GOST 22402-77. The key length is slightly exceeded.

The key showed complete absence of damage to the handle in both oil and gasoline.

STRENGTH TEST: after loading with a test torque of 390 Nm, noticeable abrasions remained on the working edges of the connecting squares of both keys.

When tested to failure, the first sample sheared the ratchet tooth at a moment of 740.6 Nm, the second sample failed as a result of the shear of the connecting square at a load of 752.4 Nm.

The hardness is quite high and stable.


A high-quality key, pleasant in appearance and in operation, but at the same time average strength. The switch is extremely inconvenient - perhaps the only major drawback of this key.

From a conversation with service employees who use this key in their arsenal, it turned out that now the main emphasis has shifted from locksmith work to installation work. Surprisingly, recently there have been a lot of orders for the installation of DVRs.



BRAND: Usag.

SQUARE: 1/2”.



GEOMETRY AND APPEARANCE: The key is strict in appearance and of high quality in production. The handle has an insert of a different color, almost identical in softness to the main part, but still quite comfortable. The flag-type switch requires effort to operate and is not very convenient.

The main geometric dimensions correspond to those specified in GOST 22402-77. The key length is slightly exceeded.

The wrench passed the gasoline and oil resistance test without deformation of the handle, both in oil and gasoline.

STRENGTH TEST: loading with a test torque of 390 Nm left noticeable marks on the working edges of the connecting squares of both keys.

At the second stage of testing, the samples suffered destruction of the ratchet mechanism, namely, crushing and shearing of the ratchet teeth. The first key failed when loaded with a torque of 745.6 Nm, the second - at a torque of 750.5 Nm.

In terms of hardness, the key showed one of the highest results, in addition, these indicators are quite stable for both keys.


A high-quality key, has acceptable strength characteristics, high hardness power elements, strict appearance.

This key will come in handy if you have a heavy-duty commercial vehicle at your disposal. For simple work on ordinary cars, a simpler tool is sufficient.



BRAND: Kamasa-Tools.

SQUARE: 1/2”.



GEOMETRY AND APPEARANCE: After the first acquaintance with this key, I was left with a double impression: on the one hand, it was one of the most miniature and neat. The high-quality workmanship and convenience of the handle immediately made me want to not let go of it, and the quiet clicking of the mechanism and the absence of any backlash involuntarily aroused the desire to “play.” At the same time, doubts crept into us as to whether he would be able to withstand all the prepared tests. Looking ahead a little, we can safely say that the key withstood everything firmly, as befits a professional. But enough rhetoric, and let's get down to business, starting its description from the pen. Simple in shape, it has a soft rubber coating on a more rigid base, thanks to which the key lies very firmly in the hand. The switch, made in the form of a flat flag, did not seem entirely convenient; it requires quite a strong pressure to change position.

This wrench is often used to perform high precision auxiliary work. Those who have tuned Moskvich 412 or other cars know how important a quality tool is for performing such work.

The main geometric dimensions correspond to those specified in GOST 22402-77, including the length.

STRENGTH TEST: after loading the samples with a test moment of 390 Nm, subtle abrasions remained on the edges of the connecting squares.

The second stage showed stable quality of these keys. Both samples sheared the dog teeth at almost the same torque, namely 721 Nm for the first sample and 723 Nm for the second.

As for hardness, these keys are also stable and high.


This very convenient and pleasant to use wrench also showed good results in terms of strength and hardness; in addition, it has a very fine pitch of the ratchet mechanism, stable quality of workmanship and materials. An excellent key for any car enthusiast.




SQUARE: 1/2”.



GEOMETRY AND APPEARANCE: A well-made and pleasant-looking key. It has a plastic handle with wide rubberized inserts and indentations for fingers. The flag type switch is convenient and easy to operate. There is a head ejector.

The main geometric dimensions correspond to those specified in GOST 22402-77. The key length is slightly exceeded.

The key passed the oil resistance test without any deformation and completely retained its original appearance.

STRENGTH TEST: the first stage of the test, loading with a test torque of 390 Nm, the key passed without any marks on the working edges of the square.

At the second stage, at a load of 765 Nm, this sample suffered destruction of the ratchet mechanism, namely the shearing of three teeth of the ratchet.

The hardness of all parts is at a high level.


A very good key from a Russian manufacturer, good strength and hardness, high quality.

If you are a professional and do rigging work, this wrench should be in your tool kit. Otherwise, Gazelle won’t go.



BRAND: Kabo.

SQUARE: 1/2”.



GEOMETRY AND APPEARANCE: The key is completely metal with a profiled handle. It has a fairly pleasant coating and good appearance. The handle is a little slippery, which is compensated by the possibility of using extensions in the form of a pipe and resistance to aggressive media (gasoline, oil). The flag type switch operates easily and clearly.

The main geometric dimensions correspond to those specified in GOST 22402-77. The key length is slightly exceeded.

As expected, neither gasoline nor oil affected the condition of the coating on this sample. But website promotion influenced sales of this product.

STRENGTH TEST: loading with a test moment of 390 Nm did not leave visible marks on the working edges of the square.

Further loading at the second stage of testing revealed the relative softness of the key handle, so when loaded with a torque of 716 Nm, the first sample began to bend the handle in the area of ​​the head, further loading was interrupted. The handle of the second key was slightly bent, and at a torque of 748 Nm, the connecting square was cut off.

The hardness is high and stable.


The main advantage of this key is its original appearance; it is completely metal, which allows the use of an extension in the form of a pipe, but the bending of the handle under relatively low loads raises some concerns.



BRAND: Gedore.

SQUARE: 1/2”.



GEOMETRY AND APPEARANCE: simple and concise, strict appearance, rough finish. The handle is profiled, has indentations for fingers, the places of contact with the palm are softer, thanks to them the key is securely fixed in the hand. The handle also has a hole for storage. The flag-type switch operates easily and clearly, located in a recess, which will prevent accidental reset.

The main geometric dimensions correspond to those specified in GOST 22402-77.

Length exceeded by 20 mm.

Testing the resistance of the handle to oil and gasoline did not reveal any deformation of the working surfaces.

STRENGTH TEST: These samples demonstrated some of the lowest strength test results among the keys submitted for testing, but at the same time they have one of the best hardness indicators. Loading the keys with a test torque of 390 Nm left no noticeable marks.

At the second stage of testing, already at a torque of 553.2 Nm, the ratchet mechanism of the first sample was destroyed; the ratchet mechanism of the second sample was also destroyed, but at a torque of 642.5 Nm.

The hardness is quite high and has stable performance.


One of the lowest and at the same time the most unstable strength indicators.

A clear outsider. But still, the key is quite convenient, and it can be used at low loads.

This wrench is perfect for installing VW parts. If you don’t believe me, go to any specialized service for repairing VW Golf, Passat, Amarok cars.



BRAND: Novosibirsk Tool Plant.

SQUARE: 1/2”.

SWITCH DESIGN: adjustable square.


GEOMETRY AND APPEARANCE: the key is made of all metal, has a rough rough coating with numerous nicks, the mechanism is very difficult to turn. The handle is fairly flat, has an I-section, and has a hole at the end for storage. This design of the handle is very inconvenient, and it is also difficult to apply a lot of force to the key.

The design of the switch has a cylindrical pawl, which is pushed out by a spring, limited on the other side by a nylon plug on the thread.

STRENGTH TEST: Contrary to popular belief about the roughness and inferiority of domestic tools, the wrenches demonstrated the lowest strength indicators, not even reaching the torque of 390 Nm specified in GOST. In the first sample, at a torque of 340 Nm, the body deformed in the area of ​​the ratchet mechanism, and the mechanism itself jammed. In addition, the connecting square was significantly deformed; the corners of its working edges were literally cut off.

In the second sample, at a torque of 194 Nm, the stopper plug of the mechanism spring was knocked out. The working surfaces received noticeable plastic deformations even at such a low moment.

Hardness is also the lowest, so the hardness of the connecting square of the first sample is 29.4, the second is 34.3. In addition, the hardness in different places of one element varies greatly, which indicates a violation of the technological process of manufacturing the key, its thermal and chemical treatment.


The only thing that justifies this key is its low price. What is the price, so is the quality, this postulate is confirmed by this example. But still, we would recommend refraining from purchasing this tool, even if there is no alternative.

On store shelves you can find this key in an unattractive package made of laminating film. Unfortunately, it is still often bought due to its extremely low cost, although it is not worth that money.

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I think that every car enthusiast, car mechanic, electrician, plumber has his own favorite tool, which is made specifically for his hand and has been serving reliably for many years. When such a tool (wrench, screwdriver, pliers, hammer, etc.) breaks down and becomes unusable, the mood from such an event worsens sharply. Here you have the loss of a faithful comrade-in-arms, and additional financial expenses... Sound familiar? So, for example, it happened to me. One fine day favorite ratchet wrench from TOPTUL broke. At first, however, I thought it was nothing serious. Since the key is not in use for the first day and a similar problem has already happened to it a couple of times (while tightening it started to slip, running idle). And this problem was solved by disassembling, cleaning and washing the internal contents of the key, reassembling and then lubricating the mechanism. That's all. After such a simple procedure, the key began to work like new.

But this time washing and cleaning did not give any results. The ratchet continued to slip. A careful examination of the mechanism parts revealed signs of wear on the toothed roller and, especially, the locking pawls. In photo number 1 it may not be clear, but the worn teeth of the pawls are still visible.

I was upset, of course. I decided - the key worked. You'll have to write off your pet and buy a replacement. I went to the market. And, to my surprise, the seller, after listening to the sad story of how I lost faithful assistant, offered me not a new key, but a kit for repairing the old ratchet key. Oh how! In photos 2 and 3 you can see a branded package with a repair kit and a set of parts that are included in it. Given The repair kit is suitable for TOPTUL ratchet wrenches under numbers CHAG0813 and CJBG0815(the square under the head on these keys is 1/4).

After purchasing the repair kit, all that remains is to install it. There is nothing difficult in this activity. But I still decided to do it a small photo report on repairing a ratchet wrench. I hope you find it interesting. And if something similar happens to your ratchet, You can easily and quickly repair the key yourself.

For work you will need: screwdrivers or heads for Torx slots T7 and T8 (photo 4). And tweezers (it will be difficult to handle small springs with just your fingers, I personally checked this ;)).

Unscrew the fastening screw of the switch flag (photo 5).

Turn the key over and unscrew the two fastening screws of the key back cover (photo 6).

Remove the cover. We see the contents (photo 7).

We take out the insides of the key, remembering the location of the mechanism parts (photo 8).

Clean and/or wash the key body (photo 9).

And we begin to collect. We install the switch flag and pawls (photo 10).

Switching the flag, one by one, tuck the springs under the pawls and insert the toothed roller (photo 11). We place a pressure ring on top (photo 12).

Apply a little lubricant to the mechanism (photo 13). Close the lid and tighten the screws.

Ready. We check the operation of the key. We enjoy the familiar sound of the ratchet))). The old fighter is back in action!
Yes, I almost forgot, the cost of a repair kit is 50% of the cost of a new key. The conclusion from this is that the key was saved and saved! There are two reasons at once!

I'll add more. In online stores selling tools this repair kit for TOPTUL ratchet wrenches (CHAG0813 and CJBG0815) can be found by code - CLBG0808.

That's it now!)))

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To perform simple car maintenance operations, a screwdriver and a standard set of wrenches are usually sufficient. But this is until the need arises to unscrew tightened bolts in a hard-to-reach place, for example, to remove a seat or change the battery. Such a need, of course, does not arise often, but I believe that it is still better to have such a tool at hand than to go to a service station for a trivial reason. Actually, this set was ordered for this reason.

The 12-piece set includes a ratchet wrench, an extension and 10 sockets in sizes 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 22 and 24 mm.

The set arrived without any special packaging - in a regular plastic bag.

Instead of a box with molds for the tool, in this case (obviously for reasons of economy) the elements of the set were simply fixed with latches on a plastic frame.

The weight of the entire set is 1.5 kg (sorry for the photo quality).

The ratchet wrench is 25 cm long and has a convenient rubber handle with a hole so that the tool can be hung for storage. The inscription CHROME VANADIUM should in theory mean that the key is made of high-strength alloy steel. In practice, as in this case, for a presentable appearance and to protect against rust, the tool is chrome-plated, so it is impossible to determine visually whether the key is made of alloy or ordinary carbon steel, and even if there was no chrome plating, you need to be a metal expert.

The key is on the bottom. Connecting size - 1/2.

Close-up of the key's head. The direction of free play of the key depends on the position of the lever at the bottom.

Fixation of the extension is ensured by one metal ball.

The ratchet mechanism cover is screwed on with two star-head bolts and can be easily disassembled, if, of course, you have the appropriate screwdriver at hand. Rotation of the key in only one direction is ensured by the position of the spring-loaded clamps. Here you can also see the metal of the key without chrome plating.

Extension. The total length is 12.5 cm. Also the inscription CHROME VANADIUM. The inside of the mounting hole is not chromed, so you can see the original metal.

Wrench with extension and socket head assembly.

The extension cord is fixed on the key with a simple snap, but it can only be detached by releasing the fixing ball by pressing the button in the middle.

All 10 socket heads. The sizes are the most commonly used in cars: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 22 and 24 mm.

The actual size of the heads is slightly larger than stated. This is done both for the convenience of fixing the head of a bolt or nut, and for displacing them on the head to transfer force to the corners.

The profile of the socket heads is dynamic (rounded corners), which provides additional lateral contact to transfer force to the bolt head or nut. The photo also shows some chrome plating flaws.

The small size of the extension cord was a bit of a concern for me since the most common job I planned to use this tool for was removing and installing the battery clamp. Fortunately, its length was sufficient for this purpose (albeit at the limit). In any case, on Aliexpress there are quite a lot of offers of extension cords of various sizes, so if something happens, you can choose the right one.

Overall, I find this set quite acceptable for infrequent use. How will he behave when professional use It's hard to say. Looking at the quality of execution, I am rather skeptical, but in any case this can only be verified experimentally. The cost of the set, in my opinion, is also somewhat overpriced. I think you can find it cheaper on Aliexpress, and probably locally too.

The product was provided for writing a review by the store. The review was published in accordance with clause 18 of the Site Rules.

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