Pump up your chest quickly. How to quickly pump up your pectoral muscles

The pectoral muscles are one of the largest muscle groups in the body. For their proper training and uniform development, it is critical to use not only basic, but also isolating exercises that load the muscles from different angles. In addition, to pump up the pectoral muscles, constant progress in working weights is necessary, since the chest responds best to.

It is also necessary to take into account that when performing most chest exercises, not only the pectoral muscles themselves are involved in the work, but also the muscles of the abs, arms (in particular, biceps and triceps), back and deltoid muscles of the shoulders. Essentially, training your chest involves working your entire upper body—and it's extremely important to keep this in mind when designing your workout program.

Chest training program

To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to combine working out the pectoral muscles with pumping the triceps, shoulder and abdominal muscles. The chest strength training itself must be carried out (in fact, twice a week) - otherwise the muscles will not have enough time for full recovery and subsequent growth.

As for choosing the best chest exercises, for beginners it is enough to perform one or two basic exercises (for example,) with heavy weight and 5-7 repetitions, as well as one or two isolation exercises (for example, information on blocks) with lighter weight and in 12-15 repetitions. The key emphasis should be on maintaining perfect technique.

Pectoral muscles: brief anatomy

From an anatomical point of view, the main muscles of the chest are the pectoralis major and minor muscles. The pectoralis major muscle has a triangular shape, intertwining one of its bases directly into the shoulder - it is thanks to this that the muscles of the chest and shoulders are closely connected. The pectoralis minor muscle is located under the major muscle and plays a stabilizing rather than working role.

In addition, the pectoral muscle group also includes the serratus anterior muscle, which lies closer to the side of the body and to the shoulder. This muscle has nine characteristic “teeth” attached to the upper ribs. Its main function is to abduct and approximate the shoulder blades - in fact, it is the serratus anterior muscle that works in such chest exercises as all kinds of information.

The best exercises for chest muscles

Note that most exercises for the pectoral muscles can be performed with a barbell, dumbbells or on blocks. Dumbbells and blocks allow you to use stabilizer muscles in the exercise and specifically pump individual sections of the chest, while the barbell is the preferred choice when working with heavy weights, since its range of motion is usually reduced.

In a simplified form, an exercise program for developing chest muscles may look like this:

  • Dips - 2 sets and max. number of repetitions.
  • Bench press – 4 sets of 10 reps.
  • Incline dumbbell press - 4 sets of 10 reps.
  • Lying dumbbell raises - 4 sets of 12 reps.

Why should the back and chest be trained together and how to learn to feel?

Working out the shape of the pectoral muscles

The shape of the pectoral muscles largely depends on genetics, however, the inclination of the body during exercises and the width of the arms directly affect how exactly the muscles will grow and develop. For example, the most massive outer part of the chest is best worked with horizontal bench presses, performed either with a barbell or with dumbbells or on blocks.

The upper part of the chest is included in the work in exercises such as (both 45 and 30 degrees), the lower part - with push-ups on uneven bars or a barbell press with a reverse slope (head down). The center of the pectoral muscles - with the help of all kinds of extensions on blocks and simulators, as well as when bench pressing a barbell with a narrow grip.

Pumping the pectoral muscles: why is there no result?

If you are training your chest intensively, but the muscles stubbornly do not grow and the chest does not acquire the desired shape, most likely you are making one of three typical mistakes - either chasing excessively large working weights to the detriment of technique, or training the same bundles of the pectoral muscle, or pump your chest too often.

The secret to successfully training the pectoral muscles is constant variability of exercises and a reasonable amount of strength training. Change the equipment periodically so that you can perform two or three new chest exercises every month. Always start training your pectoral muscles with a barbell, and finish with exercises with dumbbells, on machines or on blocks.


Training the pectoral muscles is one of the keys to creating a sporty and athletic body, since these are the muscles that form a strong and massive body. The main rules for successful breast pumping are constant progress of working weights, a variety of exercises, ideal execution technique, as well as sufficient time for rest and recovery.

Hi all. This issue is dedicated to girls/women, in which I wanted to talk about women’s breasts. Because girls with beautifully shaped breasts evoke in men, no matter what they say, first an ERECTION, and only then only admiration, respect and everything like that :)

In general, as you probably guessed, today we will talk about how to pump up a girl’s breasts (changing shape, size, visual effects, etc.).

I have already said many times (in issues mainly for guys) in order to achieve success in something, you must first understand how it works. In our case, we need to understand the anatomy of the female breast, how it is located, etc.

The breasts are located on top of the pectoral muscles, they are made up of SKIN and Glandular TISSUE, which is attached to the underlying muscle membrane.

FAT lies around the mammary gland and between its lobules. By the way, the amount of fat and glands in a woman’s breast varies in large quantities, which is why one girl’s breast size depends on the amount of FAT IN THE BODY (this is the case when a girl loses weight, goes on a diet, etc. - her breasts decrease), and another girl, who has many times more glandular tissue THAN FAT, her breast size is less dependent on body weight.

That is why the APPEARANCE OF A WOMAN'S BREAST depends on GENETICS (physiology), namely on:

  1. FORMS

Therefore, if you are pursuing the goal of influencing the size and shape of your breasts, then you have 3 ways available, because There are only TWO TISSUE in a woman's breast that can be somehow influenced!

First tissue (adipose)- not a very good way, because fat deposits will grow not only on the boobs, but also on other parts of the body. This doesn't interest us.

Second fabric (second method) is to make your mammary glands grow. The growth of these glands is controlled in parts by HORMONES. This, by the way, explains why breast size changes during the menstrual cycle or menopause.

By this I want to say that in order for growth to begin, it is necessary to take hormonal drugs. This is also not a very good method, because it is not safe. Serious health problems may arise.

Third way- it is the most popular in our time. This is plastic surgery (implantation of an inorganic substance). With this product you can increase the volume of your breasts QUICKLY and TO ANY SIZE 🙂

The most unpleasant paragraph of this article

As you may have already guessed, there are NO MUSCLES in WOMEN'S BREASTS! And this means that:


Well, what is the point of this article then? – many will say. But don’t be so scared and upset. Physical exercises for the development of chest muscles have many advantages, because well-developed, trained chest muscles give aesthetic and visual effects to your chest.

Yes. WITH the help of physical exercises YOU CAN REALLY STRENGTHEN YOUR CHEST MUSCLES AND MAKE THEM ELASTIC. And moreover, improve BLOOD CIRCULATION in this place (in the boobs). In turn, blood circulation will improve metabolism in the mammary gland tissue.

Moreover, developed pectoral muscles create a good “FRAMEWORK” for your BREASTS, which slows down the appearance of flabbiness (i.e. improves SKIN ELASTICITY) and slows down the prolapse of the mammary glands (i.e. raises the BREASTS, visually improving the shape of the mammary glands).

Well, it's not all that bad? Read on?

Everyone likes everything beautiful. And breasts are no exception. All girls (including their boyfriends) want to have big beautiful boobs: D. What is beauty? A TO THE GROWTH OF A WOMAN'S BREAST depends on its SHAPE and SKIN ELASTICITY. Therefore, away with debate, it’s time to practice.

Effective physical exercises for the development of the FEMALE BREAST

Before we begin the debriefing, you must understand that the muscles of the chest are quite STRONG and BIG, which means that 1-2 exercises and some other elementary ones, such as flyes and butterflies in the simulator (in general, isolating ones) will not be enough. Often girls do just this, do fly-ups on the bench, then go to the butterfly exercise machine and hope that in a couple of months, VOILA, THE BREASTS WILL GROW (by themselves). – of course this doesn’t happen. By this I want to say that without hard work (basic movements) it is impossible to get beautifully developed boobs. You will have to work your butt really hard to get the desired result :)

Exercise 1 – Incline bench press (inclination angle 30-45 degrees)

(3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions, rest between sets no more than 1 minute).

Exercise 2 – Dips

Here, perform 2-3 approaches to the maximum. The exercise is very difficult (especially for girls), so it is for advanced people. Rest between sets for 1-2 minutes (depending on how you feel). For more beginners, I recommend replacing this exercise with:

  • push-ups from the floor (with arms wide).

If you can’t do push-ups from the floor, then until your chest muscles get stronger, do push-ups from your knees 3-4 sets of 8-15 reps

Exercise 3 - Dumbbell flyes while lying on an incline bench

(3-4 sets of 15-20 times, rest between sets no more than 1 minute).

OK. We've sorted out the exercises. I don’t know whether to write about the execution technique or not, it will be a very long article. But what can you do, the exercises themselves are useless without the correct execution technique.

Technique for performing these exercises

Exercise No. 1. Bench press on an incline bench. Your actions are simple, firstly (if possible) ask the current coach to explain how to correctly perform this or that exercise + help in case of anything (for example, to provide support on the bench press, set up the technique, raise morale, and so on).

He should show or tell you something like this: Sit comfortably on an incline bench, with the bar above your head (possibly at eye level). So, after you’ve positioned yourself on the bench, grab the bar with a grip slightly wider than shoulder-width. After you take a grip wider than your shoulders, remove the bar from the racks (on which the barbell was located) and slowly, under control, lower the barbell down onto the upper part of the chest muscles, and then press it up. And repeat the required rep range. That's all. At first glance, everything may seem easy (in fact, it is), but extra help from the girl (and especially if this is your first time at a fitness club) won’t hurt.

Or the exercise is a little more complicated, with dumbbells: (dumbbell press on an incline bench)

Watch the video on these and not only these (and also about some of the following) exercises:

Exercise No. 2. Dips (emphasis on the pectoral muscles) - for advanced ones. It is not recommended for use by beginners, as implementation requires significant effort and reliable, safe movements. Again, the same actions (trainer, help) should be explained or shown as follows: (by the way, if there is a graviton simulator) then let him lead you there. If not, then ordinary bars.

Grasp the handrails with your hands (as wide as possible) and jump out (stand on your hands) while your body becomes perpendicular to the floor. Then bend your legs at an angle of 90 degrees at the knees, and constantly maintain this angle. Bend your head slightly down to slightly round your back and thereby focus on contracting the chest muscles. As you inhale, slowly lower yourself down, tilt your body forward, and move your pelvis back (to engage the chest muscles, not the arm muscles). As you exhale, push up and return to the starting position. I do not recommend this very difficult exercise (in terms of execution and technique) to beginners (only advanced ones) who know how to perform it.

Here, see the video about this exercise:

I think the above paragraph will be useless for most girls. Suitable for most girls push-up exercise (with arms wide). This is a very simple exercise in terms of technique, which is truly intended for beginners. It is very important that the arms are as wide as possible (this is on purpose so that the load shifts from the triceps to the chest muscles, because we are interested in boobs: D)

If possible (the same thing with a trainer, let him show you, help you, etc.) something like this: sit on the floor, your feet rest on the floor, your arms as wide as possible (to emphasize the pectoral muscles). After you start push-ups, work at full amplitude, i.e. lower yourself to the end and straighten up to the end. Different accents (I won’t give them now, it doesn’t matter to girls). Don't forget to breathe when you go down, inhale, when you go up, exhale.

By the way, if you can’t do push-ups on the floor, don’t worry. Start push-ups from your knees until your chest muscles become stronger. The technique is all the same.

Exercise No. 3. Dumbbell flyes while lying on an incline bench. If possible (as always, ask your coach for help, let him show you, help you, and back you up).

This is a horizontal layout (I couldn’t find an example on an inclined one), but I think the essence is clear.

You should say or show mainly the following: Take dumbbells in your hands and sit on an inclined bench (30-45 degrees). Straighten them (squeeze them up) this is the top point. This is where you will start. From this point, start very slowly, without losing your balance, lower the dumbbells with your arms slightly bent at the elbows down towards the pelvis until you reach a fully stretched position (as you feel), then return to the starting position. And repeat the required rep range. That's all.


Firstly, you cannot change the order of the exercises! This is in case you do chest training on a separate day of the week. For example, Monday. This order goes from basic (heavy work) to isolating (light, formative) movements. This is very important!

All exercises fully engage the pectoral muscles, but almost every exercise has its own emphasis on a specific area. For example, an incline bench press (in general, any inclined load of 30-45 degrees develops the UPPER PART OF THE CHEST), but, for example, push-ups on the parallel bars = develop the lower part of it.

Secondly, it is not necessary to perform all these 4 exercises in a row. This is if you are a beginner (it’s your first time in the gym, you’ve never been to a fitness club before, then start gradually, you can just start with a barbell press on an incline bench, after a while, depending on how you feel, add another dumbbell fly on an incline, then that’s already two exercises (basic + isolating). And so on gradually until we reach 3 exercises in a row.


I apologize in advance for my French, but there is no need to suffer through bullshit in the hall. If you are determined to improve your pectoral muscles through physical exercise, then get ready for the right activities, for the right loads. From the first days, the right exercises, the right technique. Everything is in the mind. The next day after training you should feel that your chest muscles are slightly sore, then THIS IS NORMAL :) You are doing everything right. Muscles enlarge and grow ONLY WHEN THE LOAD ON THEM IS SIGNIFICANTLY MORE THAN USUAL. And the slight pain that you feel the next day (or immediately after training) just tells us that you worked the muscle well enough. Those. There is no need to be afraid of this, this is normal.

Okay, we'll talk about material regarding the development of beautiful pectoral muscles for girls. You can end here (but don’t rush, read to the end) there are many useful surprises waiting for you.

If you don’t know how to practice correctly (where to start, what to do, etc.). Don’t be upset, I have a fitness club on my website.<= Переходите по ссылке и изучайте, на здоровье. Там все грамотно рассказано и показано, все в деталях с фотографиями. В общем, не потеряетесь. Желаю удачи.

Moreover, for those who do not have the opportunity for some reason (finances, romance, embarrassment, etc.) to go to a fitness club, I have written<= Переходите по ссылке и изучайте. Опять же таки все четко описано (уверен, многим пригодиться).

This is where I end this issue. I hope you found it interesting to see this writing. I promise there will be many useful lessons for you girls in the future. Be patient. Everything will happen, but not right away.

Best regards, administrator.

A man’s powerful pectoral muscles are a real sight for sore eyes for a woman; they look impressive regardless of whether they are covered with clothes or not. Of course, you need to work on beautiful, powerful breasts, then women will truly appreciate your work and you will feel more confident.

Modern men often do not have enough time to visit the gym, but this is not a reason to sit idly by. Pump up your pectoral muscles at home perhaps the main thing is the right approach. What should it be like? Let's take a closer look.

The pectoral muscles are involved in many movements of a man. This is the so-called muscular support of the arms, so the strength of the arms lies, among other things, in the effectiveness of the pectoral muscles. When extending your arms directly in front of you (in fact, when hitting straight), the pectoral muscles do exactly half the work, the triceps add 30 percent, and the deltoids add 20 percent. The pectoral muscles are also used during other strength exercises: pull-ups and flips on the bar, push-ups, push-ups. Those. The chest muscles are one of the most important muscles in a man. Therefore, you need to approach their development correctly.

First, a little theory about the pectoral muscles

The pectoral muscle in a man is quite wide, it is distributed over a large area, and, accordingly, it is necessary to work on strengthening it in various ways. There are several types of exercises for each area of ​​the pectoral muscles. Very often, a man who is just starting to exercise has unevenly developed chest muscles.

Many people have a “dip” in the center of the sternum, where the muscles are least developed, while on the sides, in the shoulder area, they are well developed. This can be explained by the fact that in everyday life men do not load the internal areas of the chest muscles, and for their development they need to do strength exercises with a special grip.

Let's take a closer look at a set of exercises to strengthen the pectoral muscles at home. By following these rules, you can significantly improve the beauty of your chest.

There are several basic rules for pumping up the pectoral muscles, which you should familiarize yourself with before starting the exercises.

How to pump up pectoral muscles at home - rules

Regarding the number of approaches and repetitions, in practice it has been found that for maximum results you need to do 4 sets of 7-12 repetitions with regular training.

Men's breasts are rarely as frequent a topic of heated debate and discussion as women's. However, this does not mean at all that the fairer sex does not pay any attention to her at all. They show no less admiration, furtively admiring the well-developed and well-developed pectoral muscles of men.

What exercises help pump up your chest?

There are 7 types of physical exercises that help develop the pectoral muscles. These are push-ups from the floor, on uneven bars, raises with dumbbells, lying on a horizontal bench, a similar exercise performed on an inclined bench, bench press, bench press.


Only accurate and correct technique of performing exercises will help to achieve the effect. In the absence of understanding it, you can not only earn yourself a sprain, but also completely cripple yourself.

Aspects of pumping chest muscles

Excessive zeal does not lead to good. Athletes between the ages of 20 and 30 are most at risk of injury and even rupture of the chest muscles. It's all about their excessive self-confidence and arrogance. “Tough” guys get the greatest number of injuries of this nature as a result of trying to squeeze too much weight, and even without help from the belayer. It is dangerous to train alone.

Too much pumped up muscles are not good

Hypertrophied development of strength indicators of the pectoral muscles leads to the appearance of stoop. The contracted pectoral muscles seem to pull the shoulders forward, simultaneously stretching the upper part of the back. To prevent this from happening, you should stretch your chest after completing each workout, also paying attention to pulling exercises. Simply put, you should not focus on any one muscle group at all, and even in such a way that it would be to the detriment of harmonious training, otherwise there is a risk of becoming a disproportionate mutant.

How does training the pectoral muscles affect other muscle groups?

The appearance of the abdominal muscles also noticeably improves as a result of chest training. When there are long breaks in physical training, the pectoral muscles are among the first to lose shape, because they are usually not particularly in demand. After all, no one in everyday life does anything even approximately similar to an inclined or horizontal dumbbell press. When any muscle group loses volume, this certainly has a very negative effect on the speed at which the basal metabolism occurs, as a result of which the much-desired “cubes” on the stomach become blurry.

Push-ups and their effect

An exercise such as push-ups, due to its accessibility, is perfectly familiar to any person. The good thing about it is that it can be performed in almost any conditions. You should place your feet together and spread your arms slightly wider than your shoulders. Next, you need to tense your body, simultaneously straightening it in line with your legs and, if possible, avoiding deflection. Then you need to bend your arms, lowering yourself down until your chest touches the floor, but not your knees or stomach.


Push-ups performed on parallel bars are great for targeting the triceps, as well as the lower and outer fibers of the pectoral muscles.

Lying on a bench on your back, you need to place your feet on the floor for greater stability. When removing the barbell from the rack, you need to hold it with your arms straight above you. And the distance between your palms must be such that in the lowest position, when the bar is at your chest, both forearms are vertically directed, that is, perpendicular to the floor. This is a medium grip. With full control of the movement process, you must slowly lower the barbell until it touches your body at a point just below your pectoral muscles. Next, fix this position by stopping the barbell for a minute. And then lift it up again until your arms are completely straight.


In principle, every person can pump up their pectoral muscles. Here it is important not to chase too fast a result, and also not to overdo it, since the positive effect will then come to naught. Too much pumped chest muscles turn your posture into a slouch.

How to pump up your pectoral muscles

The secret to powerful pectoral muscles

The question is one of the most frequently asked on our website. We offer you a detailed answer to this question, as well as an effective selection of exercises at home for the pectoral muscles with a ready-made exercise plan.

How to pump up a girl’s breasts: what’s important to know

An important physiological feature is that the female breast consists of fat and mammary glands. There are no muscles in the chest, so it is impossible to “pump up” a girl’s breasts with the help of exercises. The pectoral muscles are located under mammary glands - they separate them from the ribs. In this regard, breast volume depends on the volume of fatty tissue and mammary gland tissue, and not on the volume of muscle tissue. This is why it is impossible to increase breast size and change its shape through training. The pectoral muscles in girls have virtually no effect on the shape and size of the breasts.

As you can see in the picture, a significant amount of the breast is fat. Accordingly, the higher the percentage of body fat, the larger your breasts. When you start to lose weight, the fat melts away from your entire body. (local weight loss is impossible), so it goes away not only on problem areas (belly, arms and legs), but also in the chest area. Therefore, workouts that promote weight loss will only speed up the process of breast reduction. The algorithm is like this:

  • As your body fat increases, your breasts will grow.
  • When you reduce the amount of fat in your body, your breasts will shrink.

It is impossible to change this process! No training, ointments, wraps or other magical means you can't force your body to retain breast fat while losing weight.. Of course, there are cases when even excess weight does not contribute to breast growth. Or vice versa, the girl loses weight, but her breast volume remains the same. This is influenced by the ratio of glandular and adipose tissue, which depends on individual genetic characteristics.

Then why do girls need chest exercises at all, you ask? Even though breast exercises will not help girls increase breast size, they are still necessary. It is the pectoral muscles that are responsible for the degree of sagging or lifting of the breasts. More developed pectoral muscles create an excellent frame, which will help lift the breasts, visually improve the shape of the mammary glands, slow down the sagging of the breasts and the appearance of sagging. Therefore, it is possible to pump up your breasts at home, if by this you mean the pectoral muscles, and not the female breasts themselves

Finally, let us emphasize once again that With the help of training, it is impossible to increase the size and fundamentally change the shape of a woman’s breasts, but you can improve its appearance and protect it from early flabbiness and sagging. Therefore, if you care about the beauty of your bust, then chest exercises must be regular. But even regardless of training, the shape and size of breasts varies greatly among different girls. What does this depend on?

What affects breast size and shape?

1. Body fat percentage. The higher the percentage of body fat, the larger the breasts. Of course, there are exceptional cases, but more often than not, it is the total amount of fat in the body that affects breast size. Therefore, when you lose weight and, accordingly, when the percentage of fat in the body decreases, the breasts “go away”.

2.Heredity and anatomical features . This is the most important factor influencing the size and shape of the breast. It is almost impossible to seriously change with exercise what is given to us by nature.

3.Pregnancy . Changes in hormonal levels and preparation of the body for lactation affect the enlargement of the mammary glands and, accordingly, the size of the breasts. Therefore, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, a woman’s bust is usually especially attractive.

4.Age. As we age, the skin loses its elasticity and the connective tissue that supports the breasts loses its strength. These factors affect the shape of the breast and its sagging. This process usually begins after 40 years.

5.Plastic surgery . Implantation of implants will significantly change your bust and help you create the desired breast shape. However, surgical breast enhancement is not suitable for everyone.

Key Findings

Let's once again note the main aspects of how to pump up a girl's breasts at home:

  • Women's breasts are mostly made up of fat, so when you lose weight, they almost always shrink.
  • The body loses weight as a whole, and not locally, so lose weight in separate places (hips, stomach) without affecting the chest - impossible.
  • The shape and size of the breast is largely determined by genetic factors, which are very difficult to seriously influence without surgical intervention.
  • Exercises for the pectoral muscles will not help you enlarge your breasts or significantly change their shape.
  • But exercises for the pectoral muscles will help lift the breasts, slow down the sagging of the breasts and the appearance of sagging.
  • Breast firmness also depends on age, elasticity and firmness of the skin.
  • You can pump up your breasts at home, if by this you mean the pectoral muscles.

Chest exercises for girls at home

We offer you a selection the most effective chest exercises at home. Try not to perform them mechanically; your movements should be of high quality and meaningful. Don't rush, each repetition should give maximum load to your muscles. If you want to pump up your chest at home, your goal should always be quality, not quantity, of repetitions.

Push-ups are one of the most effective chest exercises and should definitely be included in your fitness plan if you want to pump up your chest at home. This exercise does not require any special equipment or weights from you, but it is great for strengthening the pectoral muscles, and for the entire upper part in general.

Many girls avoid push-ups because they are difficult to do without preparation. If you are a beginner, you can do push-ups from your knees: this option is much easier in terms of load. Start with 4-5 repetitions, gradually increasing their number:

If you can’t even do push-ups from your knees, then try doing push-ups from your knees with support not on the floor, but on the bench. We also recommend reading the article on how to learn to do push-ups. There you will also find various push-up variations if you want to complicate your workout and pump up your chest at home.

Lie down on a bench, step platform, or floor. Take dumbbells in your hands, raise your arms in front of you so that your palms face to the sides. Bend your elbows, your shoulder and forearm should form a right angle. Then, while inhaling, lift the dumbbells up and lower them as you exhale. Please note that the dumbbells must be raised twice as fast as they are lowered. Do not make sudden movements to avoid damaging your shoulder rotators.

Dumbbell chest press option on the floor if you don’t have a bench:

3. Dumbbell chest flyes

This is another key exercise that will help you pump up your chest at home. Remaining on the bench, raise your arms with dumbbells vertically up, palms facing each other. As you inhale, lower your arms down through your sides, stretching your chest. As you exhale, raise your arms up again. If you have a sports bench at home, you can perform this exercise by changing the angle of inclination. Dumbbell chest flyes are typically performed with lighter dumbbell weights than the dumbbell chest press (previous exercise).

Option for dumbbell chest raises on the floor if you don’t have a bench:

This chest exercise cannot be performed on the floor, but you can use a bed or other furniture for support. Take a dumbbell or kettlebell in both hands and place them above your head, bending them slightly at the elbows. As you inhale, lower the dumbbell back and behind your head until you feel a stretch in your latissimus dorsi muscles. As you exhale, return your hands with the dumbbell to the starting position.

Thanks to the YouTube channel for the gifs: Linda Wooldridge.

Chest exercise plan for girls

First of all, let's define how many repetitions What to do to pump up your breasts at home:

  • 8-12 reps if you want to work on muscle growth
  • 14-18 reps if you want to work on fat loss and mild muscle toning.

Perform each exercise in 3-4 sets (push-ups can be performed in 1-2 sets). Choose the weight of dumbbells based on your capabilities so that the last repetitions are performed with maximum effort. Gradually increase the weight of the dumbbells. For push-ups, increase the number of repetitions and difficulty of modifications.

  • If 8-12 repetitions, then the dumbbell weight is 3-5 kg.
  • If 14-18 repetitions, then the weight of the dumbbells is 2-3 kg.
  • If 8-12 repetitions, then the dumbbell weight is 7-10 kg.
  • If 14-18 repetitions, then the dumbbell weight is 5-8 kg.

You can also choose a workout plan based on the equipment you have at home. If you only have light dumbbells, then choose a workout plan with a high number of repetitions. If you have heavy dumbbells and have room to increase them, then choose workouts for 8-12 repetitions. For the development of the pectoral muscles, the second option will be more effective.

What else is important to know?

1. Don’t think that girls with chest exercises at home can seriously pump up their muscles. It's practically impossible due to a lack of the hormone testosterone. In addition, if you eat in a calorie deficit, then there can be no talk of any muscle growth. Therefore, you can safely increase the weights of dumbbells without fear of swinging your body.

2. If you don’t have a bench or step platform, you can do dumbbell chest presses on the floor, on a fitball, or, for example, connect several stools together.

3. What to do if no dumbbells? It's okay if you don't have dumbbells to do chest exercises at home. You can use regular plastic bottles filled with water or sand. Or make dumbbells yourself.

4. How often do you do chest exercises at home? In order to pump up the breasts of girls at home, it is enough to perform the suggested exercises 1 time per week . If you want to enhance the results, you can train 2 times a week, but remember that balance is also very important. That is, you must work on the entire upper part: back, arms, shoulders, muscle corset.

5. If in one day you train several muscle groups at once, then training the pectoral muscles can be combined with training the triceps. Moreover, it is better to start the lesson with the pectoral muscles. The second option, which will also be quite effective, is to train the pectoral muscles with the back muscles (antagonist muscles).